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9/11 2001 terrorist attacks

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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This could be a touchy memory for some, so of course don't join the discussion if you don't feel comfortable, but I'm just curious what some of you remember of the day. It's especially interesting for me because I don't remember anything. My parents kept it hidden from me, and I must not have gone to school, because 9/11/2001 came and went and I was none the wiser.

What about you?


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Well, although I'm not from NY, when that happened, I got really upset because my aunt was at NY at the time for some business and we got really worried becuase she didn't answered the phone calls, and we thought something might have happened.
I was at a resturant at the time, suddendly that came on the news, I was 8(not 11, my mistake) at the time, a LOT of people from the outside gathered there to see what was happening.
I was really shocked with what had just happened, it was at that time that I first started to deslike some religions, no offense to anyone.

I heard today that they are building a memorial to the 9/11/ 2001, and that it should be finished on 2011, I support the idea.

Poor people :(


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I remember seeing it on the news. Of course I was only 7 years old(gees... I really thought it was only 5 years ago or something), but I did realize something bad had happened in America and a lot of people died. It didn't hurt myself so much personally.

Cancerian Tiger

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I was fifteen years old (I feel so old now :p), and I had just gotten out of Biology.  My next class was about to start, and the TV was on in the classroom I went into.  I looked up just in time to see a plane smash into one of the Twin Towers, and I thought it was just an action movie playing (the Trade Center is attacked in "Die Hard", I believe).  But then, I saw it was CNN, and the headline "Terrorist Attack on America" showed up on the screen.  I was like, "Holy s***!" and told a friend of mine to look at the TV when she entered the classroom.  That's what was goin' on in my life when 9/11 happened.


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One of the things I remember is this thread started in 2004 (shortly after the founding of the GOF) about 9/11, but it was more political than commemorative. I am absolutely positive there must be at least one other thread which is more about our memories rather than the political discussion, but I did not find it. I have some very clear memories to the day. I was sitting at the computer typing an email to the first other land before time fan I ever got to know describing cut scenes from the bonus materials of a DvD of Disney's Dinosaur to her (obviously it was afternoon over here when the planes hit the towers) when the phone rang and my Dad told me to switch on the TV because a plane had hit the World Trade Center. I am positive he spoke of "a" plane, not plural but I cannot say for sure if I saw the second plane life or if I switched on the TV shortly after the second plane hit.
I remember I was thinking of Pearl Harbor at that time especially after the news of the Pentagon arrived. Another thing I vividly recall was that they were talking about another passenger plane circling about Washington (they showed that too). What was it with that plane actually? I do not recall it was ever mentioned afterwards (presumably told to land at the closest airport around).
There is a lot more to tell about the day but I got to go right now. Here is a link to the very short message I posted in the N54 land before time forum on September 12th 2001.


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I was in fifth grade at the time.
I didn't know how to feel about it then, and I don't know how to feel about it now.

It's hard for me to accept that there is a hatred prevalent enough in this world that it may drive people to abusing eachother based on group affiliaton, yet that hatred has proven itself time and time again, in so many different guises. To refuse to accept it would be a disrespect to everyone who has suffered at its hands.

But things like this happen. People die. You can't always anticipate everything, that's part of what makes life so spectacular and precious. And I don't think it's fair that we play this event up so adamantly when other countries have endured so much worse.

That's just my thought! I really don't mean any harm or disrespect and I am extremely sorry if I offend anyone.

Cancerian Tiger

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It's always terrible when folks use their hatred for others as a reason for doing such terrible things to them.  There's never an excuse for such barbaric behavior :anger!


  • Ducky
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i remember i was 7. i just came back from school and the tv was on, with the screens of the attack.
terrorists are just way to crazy. :crazy


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I was in high schol pyschology that morning, and we had the tv turned on, it was after the second plane had hit, and we watched the towers collapse. it was a surreal moment , which i didn't fully gerasp until later. looking back, the attacks united america and most of world. It was a tremendous missed opportinity to show leadership and unity, to try to reduce terrorism as a threat. instead Bush used the attacks as a political bludgeon, using it as a basis for  questionable policies and greatly expand executive power. the push to war in iraq fdestroyed the goodwill the US gained after the attacks, and greatly undercurt the struggle in afghanistan, which should have been our sole focus after 9-11. We kicked out the Taliban, and nearly caught Bin Laden then forgot  about both him and Afghanistan after the war in iRaq began. we have lost tremndous ground in Afghanistan because of this nreglect, and we might not be able to regain that. the afghan people don't trust Karzai, and are losing faith in our ability to help them reconstruct thier country and thier lives.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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That's the story most of my friends have. They were at school, and saw it all over the televisions. Apparently not much work was accomplished that day.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Dude, the TV was on in my house and I was home sick. I watched it all, even though I had no idea what the hell was going on.

The Chronicler

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I didn't find out until I came home from school (I think I was in 5th grade at the time). When I did hear what had happened, I thought the event was so insignificant, I actually wanted to mark it on my calendar so that I wouldn't forget it (I often had a hard time remembering things). These days, I now know that event was much more significant that I had once thought. In fact, I currently see it as the day that marked a turning point where America has since gone nowhere but downhill. (now that we have a new president, I'm hoping that things will improve)

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I was in my 8th grade classroom waiting for my first class to start. Absentminded as always, it took me a while to notice that the TV had been turned on and everyone else was fixated on an image of a pair of smoking skyscrapers on the screen. I honestly didn't understand what was going on at the time; it wasn't until later in the day that I learned more about it, and became aware of the true magnitude of the incident. While my memories of that day are dim, I rememberóand regretóthat I was effectively unable to participate in the mourning nearly everyone else around me was engaged in, due to my frustrating inability to express empathy. In other words, while I was cognitively aware of the tragedy surrounding the incident, I didn't know how to indicate that I felt that way, and as a result I must have looked terribly apathetic. :bang (I apologize in advance if I sound self-centered or insensitive for talking about myself as having had those feelings in the wake of such a serious and tragic event.)

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I was in NYC when it happened... in Latin Class. I remember parents pulling their children out of school, and then thinking, if my father comes to get me, this is serious... if he does not come to get me, it isn't a big deal. Well, sure enough, he came to get me... and I remember walking home, and seeing the NYPD had mobilized EVERYTHING they had, including a police car disguised as a taxi cab... it wasn't a very good disguise.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Noname,Sep 11 2009 on  06:13 PM
I was in NYC when it happened... in Latin Class. I remember parents pulling their children out of school, and then thinking, if my father comes to get me, this is serious... if he does not come to get me, it isn't a big deal. Well, sure enough, he came to get me... and I remember walking home, and seeing the NYPD had mobilized EVERYTHING they had, including a police car disguised as a taxi cab... it wasn't a very good disguise.
Wow, I couldn't imagine being in New York City during all that. It must have been hard. Were you out of school and whatnot for a long time?


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I was back in school in two days. Not long at all.


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I don't remember much...I was in AP English when the planes hit (no TV on in that class) but heard a bit more after lunch.  Didn't mean much at the time, and it didn't make a lot of sense either.  People striking buildings for what benefit and purpose?  Terrorism in America wasn't a new thing, but it also wasn't so commonplace that people knew what to think or how to react to such an event.


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It is still not commonplace... we haven't been attacked since 9/11... it is one of those things that we can go many decades before it happens again... like Pearl Harbor...


  • Petrie
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I was in the fifth grade, and my math says I was 9. I don't remember much, I just remember the TV being on. I don't even remember watching it. I do remember, though, one of the next day's papers front page. It had a huuuge American flag on it.

It's good that Amercan's all came together after the attack, it's good that we know to do that.

What's NOT good is my generation, in regards to the attack. We were disscussing it in one of my classes today, and a kid actually said "Well I Bush wanted to like..go there and attack and everything..and Obama wanted to get out of there..". If I had been any closer to that kid, I would've been swinging.

I'm already sick and tired of all these weirdos running around saying "oh Bush was in on it, it's a conspiriacy." But, to say something like what that kid said..It's stupid, and even more ignorant to say something about it, when obviously he doesn't have a fudging clue what he's talking about. The kid has a reputation for being an idiot already, though, so I should've seen it coming.

Overall, I think the attack worked more than al-Qaeda planned it to. They got their 2000+ lives, and as an added bonus, they got a large number of people to turn against their president because they can't understand they difference between the war in Iraq and the war on terror.

So I'm just kind of disappointed that I can't remember anything about such a large event, an event that I've read, and watched, and listened about, that actually went down when I was alive..wish I had watched the TV..I might have..might just have a bad memory..