The Gang of Five
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Quest for the Energy Stones


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Jala's got a thing for Hahli? Interesting. Can't wait for the finale!

The Chronicler

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The fanale is still a long way off. Also, the Jala/Hahli thing has been an actual part of the Bionicle storyline since the end of 2002, but seems to be less noticeable these days.
Anyway, I can't believe that it's been over two months since I last updated! :o  I guess I just lack the encouragement. I've even started to consider canceling the series of sequels I've been planing for this story (don't worry, I'll wait until I'm done this story before making a final decision). What am I waiting for? Here's the next chapter (finally).

Chapter 41
The Burning Mountains

Takua and the gang gathered at Kini-Nui earlier than they had previous times. This was because Jala would be waiting for them to uncover the clue to the next Energy Stone and they didn't want him to wait for a long time again.

“I'm glad we only have one more Energy Stone left to find,” commented Cera. “I'd much rather accidentally walk into danger instead of having to do it on purpose.”

“Yeah, but Makuta has been trying to stop us from finding the Energy Stones,” said Littlefoot. “Since there's only one more left, he'll try everything he can to stop us.”

“But we still need the clue because we'll never find the Energy Stone if we don't know where to look,” said Ruby.

“Ruby's right, we still need to uncover the clue,” said Takua. “Littlefoot and Cera are the only ones who have not yet touched the tablet, so one of them needs to do it so we can find out what the clue is.”

“Fine, I'll do it,” grumbled Cera. She then walked up to the tablet, raised one of her feet, and touched the tablet. As soon as she did so, another single row of letters appeared below the other revealed clues. “I don't find anything special about that anymore.”

Takua then began to read the clue. The symbol on the left resembled a flame, proving that the last Energy Stone to find was indeed the Energy Stone of Fire. “To find the Energy Stone of Fire, we will need to seek 'deep within the burning mountains',” said Takua.

“The Burning Mountains?” said Chomper. “That sounds like a dangerous place.”

“Yes it is,” said Littlefoot. “Back when we were trying to get to the Great Valley for the first time, we had to pass through those mountains. We almost died there.”

“I'm guessing it's a volcanically active region,” said Takua. “Good thing Jala is volunteering to come with us. Not only is he a good fighter, but he is also a Ta-Matoran, so he is capable of handling the dangers of such a place.”

“Jala said we have to meet up with him at the Eastern Pass, so I think we need to go there first before we start trying to find the Energy Stone,” said Littlefoot. Everyone agreed and headed for the Eastern Pass, which actually happened to be on the way to the Burning Mountains.

Takua and the gang soon arrived at the Eastern Pass at the edge of the Great Valley. Jala, who now had his own backpack to carry the things he would need, was waiting for them, but he wasn't alone. Waiting nearby was another Ta-Matoran, Kapura. “Why is Kapura here?” asked Cera. “I thought Jala was the only one who would be waiting for us.”

“I assure you it was not my idea,” replied Jala. “Turaga Vakama insisted that we take Kapura with us.”

“Why should we? He'll only slow us down.”

“He may be slow, but there must be something about him that made Vakama want him to come with us. I don't know what it is, but perhaps it is best that we just let him come.”

Kapura was among the few Matoran Cera didn't like at all. He walked unusually slow, and the things he said often didn't make any sense to her. However, they still needed to find the Energy Stone of Fire, so she was willing to tolerate him for today.

Now joined by Jala and Kapura, the group headed through the pass out of the valley to begin their search for the Energy Stone of Fire.

It was obvious when the group arrived at the Burning Mountains. These mountains were actually active volcanoes. The air felt very hot and lava flows were a common sight in the area. Although most of the gang had been here before, this place seemed unfamiliar to them.

“This place looks very different from the last time I remember it,” commented Cera.

“I wouldn't be surprised,” said Jala. “This is a very active region. The landscape itself is constantly changing.”

Suddenly, they all felt the ground shake a little. Most of them were quite startled, but the shaking soon stopped, followed by the sound of a rock falling into a nearby lava flow. “Try to stay away from the edge of the lava flows,” suggested Jala. “We wouldn't want anyone to accidentally fall into one.” The gang heeded this warning and decided to walk close to the Ta-Matoran, just to be safe.

After a few minutes, the group felt the ground shake again. This time, however, the shaking didn't stop and a large crack in the ground began to form. Takua was the first to notice the crack forming. “Look out!” shouted Takua, who knew that such a crack would quickly widen enough for someone to fall through.

Everyone quickly got away from the crack. However, Littlefoot, Ducky, Spike, and Ruby realized they were on the other side of the crack from the others. Not wanting to possibly be stranded, they tried to go to the other side. Unfortunately, the ground split apart at the crack just as they were over it. Ruby managed to safely reach the other side, Spike barely managed to hold onto the edge, and Littlefoot fell into the expanding crack, but quickly managed to grab onto the rocky wall. Ducky lost her balance and fell off of Spike's back. Littlefoot, who could already see lava rising through the crack, smacked Ducky with his tail, causing her to land on a rocky outcrop on the other side instead of in the lava.

The shaking soon stopped and the lava in the crack stopped rising. Takua helped Spike climb over the edge, but Littlefoot and Ducky were now trapped. “Help us!” shouted Littlefoot.

“Don't worry! We'll think of something!” called Takua.

Ducky looked down at the lava that was not far below. She was terrified. Suddenly, she felt a large hand grab her and pick her up, which caused her to scream. The stranger's hand raised her to his face and she realized that it was Kapura! “Do not worry. You are safe with me,” said Kapura, calmly.

The rest of the group was baffled by how this was possible. “Is that Kapura? How did he get down there?” asked Cera as she faced the others.

“You wish to ask me something?” asked someone who was right behind Cera.

Cera quickly turned around to see Kapura standing right there with Ducky still in his hands! Cera quickly looked back at the outcrop and saw no one was there anymore. She quickly looked back and forth between where Kapura was a minute ago and he was now. She was now very confused. “But- How- How did you-?” She could even finish asking her question.

Fortunately, Kapura knew what she was trying to ask. He gently put Ducky on the ground and said, “It is as Vakama said. I practiced and became skilled. I now know the secret art of traveling great distances very quickly by moving slowly. It is a small matter for me to be wherever I am not. It is a useful skill, as you have just seen.”

Everyone looked back at the outcrop just in time to see it break off and fall into the lava. “That was really impressive, Kapura,” said Littlefoot, who was still holding onto the rocky wall. “Unfortunately, I don't see how your new skill can save me from where I'm trapped.”

“Don't worry, Littlefoot. We'll think of some way to save you,” called Chomper. Chomper then looked back at the rest of the group and quickly realized one of them was missing. “Where's Takua?” he asked.

The others quickly noticed this. “Don't tell me he decided to wander off again!” exclaimed Cera. “This is hardly the time to do such a thing.”

“Actually, he's doing something much worse right now,” said Jala, as he pointed at a large rock along the crack, not far away. Climbing that rock was Takua, who held his lavaboard in one of his hands. Once he reached the top of that rock, he looked down at the lava that filled the crack as he held his lavaboard in front of him.

“Takua?” asked Chomper. “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going to rescue Littlefoot!” replied Takua. He then jumped off the rock and held his lavaboard underneath him as he splashed onto the lava. Fortunately, the currents in the lava were now flowing in such a direction that it allowed him to ride directly towards Littlefoot. He stopped himself by grabbing onto the rocky wall right below Littlefoot. “Littlefoot, jump on!” shouted Takua

Littlefoot wasn't sure about it, at first. What Takua seemed to be planing seemed very dangerous, but he quickly realized that this might be his only chance. He took a deep breath and let go of the rocky wall. He landed right on top of Takua, who, as a result of the impact, let go of the rocky wall and caused them to be carried further down the crack by the lava.

They soon ended up at the end of the crack and were now riding down a larger rapidly-moving lava flow. There was not much room on the lavaboard, so Littlefoot had to position himself over Takua in such a way that he would allow Takua to be able to guide them to safety.

As they rode the lava flow, Takua asked Littlefoot to help lean the lavaboard with him to make it easier to steer them away from rocks and other hazards. Takua then saw rapids up ahead and there seemed to be no way to avoid them. He quickly scanned the rapids and saw one part of it that might actually help them rather than harm them. He steered towards a specific part of the rapids, which caused them to be flung high into the air and land on the solid rocky ground nearby. The rest of the group soon arrived and were relieved to see that they were both okay.

“Are you sure that idea you came up with was a good idea?” asked Ruby to Takua.

“Not really, but I couldn't think of any other way to save Littlefoot,” replied Takua.

Suddenly, everyone felt the ground shake again. This time, they were dangerously close to the edge of a lava flow. Cera happened to be standing so close to the edge that the rock she was standing on broke off of the edge and ended up floating down the lava flow. She screamed as the rock carried her further down the lava flow, which soon came to a stop as it got stuck against the rocky wall on the other side of the lava flow.

The rest of the group quickly got as close as they could to Cera. Kapura used his new skill to suddenly appear right behind Cera. “Do not worry. This rock is stuck in a stable location. We will have much time to be able to get you to safety,” said Kapura.

Cera was startled by Kapura's sudden appearance behind her. “You really need to stop doing that!” exclaimed Cera, annoyed. Cera then looked at the lava that was quickly rushing past the rock she was stranded on. She then got an idea. “Takua! Throw me your lavaboard!” shouted Cera.

“Do not do it, Takua,” said Kapura. “I know what she is planning. It is not a good plan.”

Takua wasn't sure about who he should listen to. Cera was one of his close friends and he needed to save her, but he had to admit that she didn't always come up with a smart plan. On the other hand, Kapura was one of the wisest Matoran in Ta-Koro, according to Turaga Vakama, but Takua was so sure if that was true or not. Finally, he decided to toss the lavaboard to Cera. Cera then grabbed the lavaboard with her mouth and took a few steps back from the lava.

“You are making a big mistake,” said Kapura. “Do not try it.”

Cera then let go of the lavaboard and said, “Please, you Ta-Matoran make it look so easy. How hard can it be?” She picked up the lavaboard, then ran towards the lava and jumped. She grabbed the lavaboard with her four feet and held it underneath her as she landed on the lava. At first, everything seemed to be going great, but then things went terribly wrong. She then found herself being carried away by the lava, and worse, she didn't know how to control the lavaboard.

“Don't worry, I'll save her,” said Takua as he reached into his backpack to get his lavaboard, but quickly remembered that it was his lavaboard that Cera was using.

Jala sighed in frustration. He then quickly took a lavaboard out of his backpack and jumped onto the rapidly-moving lava. He wasn't as skilled as Takua at lava surfing, but he did know enough to allow him to save Cera.

Cera continued to scream as she was carried further by the lava. Jala moved as best as he could to reach Cera as quickly as possible. He was almost right behind Cera when he noticed rapids up ahead, and just beyond that was a large rocky ledge on the other side of the lava from where he had jumped. Like Takua, he used the rapids to his advantage. The rapids launched Cera into the air, but Jala was launched even higher because of the way he hit the rapids. He was then able to grab Cera and they both landed on the rocky ledge.

By the time Cera managed to stand up, she looked up and saw Jala looking at her with an angry look on his face. “I don't blame Takua for this,” said Jala. “You should have listened to Kapura. Now do you see why he was right?”

“I didn't see anybody else coming up with any plans,” replied Cera, starting to get a little angry as well.

“Kapura said that rock was stuck in a stable place. You should have waited for one of us to come up with a better plan.” Jala then looked at the lavaboard he had just used. He was borrowing this one, so he was quite frustrated when he noticed that it was now broken almost in half. “Great, now I can't return this lavaboard.” He tossed it aside, then picked up Takua's lavaboard and put it in his backpack.

The others soon arrived to see that they were now separated from Jala and Cera. “Jala! Cera! Are you alright?” asked Littlefoot.

“Were fine,” replied Jala. He then looked back and noticed that he was actually standing in front of a cave entrance. “I have a better plan. Forget about crossing the lava. Cera and I will head down this cave and, hopefully, we'll meet up with the rest of you somewhere.”

“I think that's a good idea, Jala,” said Takua. “After all, I think we're all tired of dealing with this lava flow, right?” Everyone quickly agreed with him. “Alright, we'll head further along this lava flow and try to find another cave entrance.”

The group then continued to walk along the edge of the lava flow. Cera was reluctant at first, but quickly realized she didn't have a choice, so she followed Jala into the cave. It had been a rough day already, but things were about to get worse.

Read and review, as always. The main reason I haven't been able to update for a while was because school and homework had been getting in the way. Hopefully, I'll have more time to write now so that I can update more often.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


  • Jedi Knight
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Great action sequence! I look forward to more!

The Chronicler

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More action coming up!

Chapter 42
Fiery Arguments

It wasn't long until the group found another cave entrance near the lava flow. “Us really have to go down there?” asked Petrie, who was already feeling very nervous.

“If we want to find Cera and Jala, I don't think we have any other choices,” replied Littlefoot.

Reluctantly, they all headed into the cave. The heat was quickly noticeable. The nearby lava flows provided enough light that a lightstone wasn't needed. It wasn't long until they reached a point where the cave split in two directions.

“Which way do we go?” asked Chomper. The last time the gang was faced with this kind of decision, a cave-in caused by an earthquake had forced them to separate. This time, none of them wanted to be separated from anyone.

No one said anything for a few minutes. Finally, Kapura decided on what to do. “Let me look down both directions,” said Kapura. “My skill will allow me to move quickly.” Then it seemed that Kapura had instantly disappeared, but the gang knew that he actually had quickly traveled down one of the caves. Kapura then instantly reappeared a few seconds later. “We must not go left. That path leads directly into a lava pit.”

“I guess that means we go right,” said Takua. The others agreed and began heading down the path on the right.

Jala and Cera continued to walk further into the cave. Neither of them spoke because they were still angry at each other. Jala was angry because Cera had recently done something very stupid, and Cera was angry because Jala had sounded so demanding that he seemed to be treating her worse than her father.

They soon reached a point where the cave split in two directions. “This way, we're going left,” said Jala.

“No, I say we go right,” argued Cera. A massive argument now seemed inevitable.

“Why do you want to go right?”

“We're trying to get out of these caves, right? If the other side of the lava flow is to the right, that means we have to go right to get out of here.”

“True, but did you notice that there's enough light in here that we don't need a lightstone? It's coming from the lava, and from what I can see there might be a lot of it in the cave to the right. I say we should take the safer path and go left.”

“But what if it turns out to be the wrong way and we end up lost!?”

“I don't know, but I do know we need to avoid the lava. We are going left!”

“Why should I go that way!?”

“Trust me, I know what I'm doing.”

“And why should I listen to you!? Is it because you are 'Captain of the Guard'? I don't see what's so special about that! In fact, I bet a Threehorn like myself can do better than you at such a thing!”

Jala then stomped his foot on the ground as he turned to directly face Cera. Cera looked up at him and saw that his arms were crossed and he had a very serious look on his face. Clearly, she had now made him very furious. Jala had had enough and decided that it was time to give her a lecture that he now felt was very necessary. “Cera, you are a dinosaur and a child. You haven't even been in existence for more than ten years! I, along with the rest of the Matoran, have been around since the time before time, which I know for a fact to be no less than a thousand years. Turaga Vakama made a tough decision and believed he made the right choice when he chose me to be Captain of the Guard. Yet, you say you can do better than me as Captain of the Guard, just because you are a Threehorn!?” Jala then leaned in so close to Cera that their faces almost touched. “You don't know anything about the real world!” Surprisingly, he had spoken in a calm voice for most of the lecture.

“Don't tell me I don't know anything!” shouted Cera. She then ran off down the path to the right.

“Cera, get back here!” shouted Jala. Cera clearly wasn't listening anymore. Frustrated, he knew he had no choice but to run after her. As he ran further into the cave, he thought, She's even worse than Takua.

No matter how fast Cera ran, Jala continued to chase her. She continued to run until she saw the cave come to an abrupt end. She managed to stop just in time to avoid going over the edge. She looked down and saw a lava flow not far below. Cera now saw why Jala was right. This path was the wrong way to go. However, she still didn't want to listen to him. The things he had said to her made her maintain her anger at him.

Jala soon arrived and also saw the lava flow. “Now do see why this was the wrong way to go!?” exclaimed Jala. “You're lucky you didn't just kill yourself! Now come on! We're getting out of here!”

Cera had now had enough. “Why should I listen to you!? You're not my dad!” exclaimed Cera.

“No, but I am more responsible and trusted than he is. Ask anybody in Ta-Koro and they'll say that I always know what I'm doing. Now follow me!”

“Make me!”

Jala then grabbed Cera by her front legs and began to drag her back in the direction they had come from. “I didn't want to do this, but you're giving me no choice. I'm taking you to safety, even if I have to drag you all the way!”

Cera then ripped herself free from Jala's grip and shouted, “Don't ever do that again!” Before Jala could say anything, she charged at him and knocked him off his feet.

Jala stood back up and saw Cera looking at him with a furious expression on her face. He was now just as furious. “That's it!” He then took a small object out of his backpack. “You want to fight me?” A medium-sized metallic blade quickly extended from the object. “Then fight me!”

The two of them just stood there for a few seconds. Cera wanted to see what Jala would do with that blade in his hand. It definitely looked like quite a powerful weapon, and she wasn't sure what kind of damage it could do to her. Any fear she had of that weapon was covered up by her intense anger at him. Jala decided to stand there and let Cera make the first move. He knew that his blade could easily kill her, so he was hoping that he could use it to intimidate her without having to swing it at her even once. At the moment, that plan didn't seem to be working. He really didn't want to have to use his blade, but if he had to, he would only give her a small cut in order to teach her a painful lesson about messing with the Captain of the Guard.

Finally, Cera made the first move. She charged straight at Jala, but he quickly stepped aside to avoid getting hit. Cera stopped and turned to face Jala again. Again, she charged at him and he quickly stepped aside. This time, Cera was stopped when she slammed her head against the rocky wall of the cave, causing that part of the wall to crack and crumble. Being a Threehorn, Cera was able to shrug off what little pain she felt from the impact. She faced Jala and prepared to charge again.

Jala quickly glanced at the recently created pile of rocks. He noticed a strange red glow coming from within the pile. Somehow, it didn't seem to be coming from the lava. This made him stare at the pile for about a second. “Cera, wait!” exclaimed Jala, holding up his hand.

Cera was confused, but still angry. “Why should I listen to you!?” she exclaimed.

“Because I'm the one holding a weapon that can kill you, that's why!” If this wasn't enough to intimidate her, Jala knew that he would have to actually use his blade, and he really didn't want things to go that far.

Reluctantly, Cera slowly stepped away from Jala as he slowly approached the pile of rocks. Jala shoved aside most of the rocks to reveal what was causing the red glow. As he did all this, he kept his blade pointed at her.

Cera also looked at the source of the strange red glow. Once the rocks were cleared, she was surprised by what she saw. It looked like the other Energy Stones, only this one glowed a bright red color.

“Is that the Energy Stone of Fire?” asked Jala.

“I guess so,” replied Cera. She was so surprised that she found the Energy Stone like that, she quickly lost most of her anger at Jala.

Jala wanted to grab the Energy Stone himself, but for some reason, he felt that Cera should be the first one to grab it. Besides, she was now showing signs that she wasn't so furious anymore. Taking a big risk, he retracted his blade and put it back into his backpack. “Take it,” said Jala, gesturing towards the Energy Stone.

Keeping and eye on Jala, Cera approached the Energy Stone. Seeing that it was stuck vertically in the ground, she put her foot on it and tried to push it over. She struggled for a second, but it quickly came loose. Having no way to easily carry it, she decided to let Jala to have the Energy Stone.

Jala picked up the Energy Stone and stared at it for a few seconds. “I guess you were right,” said Jala. “This was the right way to go.” He then noticed Cera starting to walk away. “Where are you going?”

“You did say we should go left, so that's where I'm going,” replied Cera.

Jala was pleased to hear that he and Cera were finally agreeing with each other. He then put the Energy Stone in his backpack. “Then let's get going,” said Jala. The two of them then walked back to where the paths split so that they could find the others. Jala had to admit, this had just been perhaps one of the most unusual moments of his entire life.

The rest of the group was still walking down their part of the cave. Ever since Kapura told them to go right, they had not seen anything. “How much further do we have to go?” asked Ducky.

“I don't know, but we need to keep going,” replied Takua.

“There's just one that's bothering me right now,” said Ruby. “You call this place 'volcanically active'. That means earthquakes and lava flows are very common here. But ever since we went into these caves, we haven't felt a single earthquake.”

Suddenly, they all felt the ground begin to shake. “You had to say that,” grumbled Petrie.

They then heard a cracking noise. They looked to their left just in time to see part of the cave wall collapse, revealing another cave on the other side. The minor earthquake then stopped. “That wasn't so bad,” commented Chomper.

“Hey, I think I heard someone over here,” said a voice in the recently revealed cave. The group then saw Cera and Jala step through the hole in the wall.

“Cera! Jala! We found you!” exclaimed Littlefoot.

“Nice to see you, too,” said Jala. “Great news, we found the Energy Stone of Fire. That means all we have to do now is find a way out of here and get back to the Great Valley.”

“Great! Let's get going,” said Takua.

Suddenly, most of them heard the noise of hundreds of tiny legs scampering across the ground. “What was that?” asked Ducky.

The next thing they saw were dozens of small eyes, and they were coming right towards them. “That's not good,” said Chomper, starting to feel very scared.

“What are you talking about?” asked Cera. She wasn't the only one who noticed that Chomper, Littlefoot, and Takua were the only ones who seemed scared.

“Kofo-Jaga, painful sting, thousands of them, let's start running!” said Takua as quickly as he could. As soon as they saw just how many of the Kofo-Jaga there were, they immediately began to run. Kapura was too slow to run, so he simply used his skill to go directly to where the others were headed. He arrived at a point where the cave split in two directions, so he waited until everyone passed by to see which way they were going.

Unfortunately, they didn't realize that they were going in the direction Jala and Cera had just recently come from. They soon reached the dead end just over a lava flow.

“We're trapped!” exclaimed Littlefoot as he looked down at the lava flow.

“Do you think we should have told everyone to go the other way?” asked Cera to Jala.

“Too late for that,” replied Jala as he looked back into the cave.

Everyone else looked back and saw the Kofo-Jaga were quickly approaching them. It seemed there was no way for them to escape.

Read and review, as always.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Good cliffhanger! I can;t wait to find out how they escape the Kofo-jaga


  • Jedi Knight
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Nice chapter! How're they going to get out of this one?

I loved the near-physical fight between Jala and Cera. For a second there I actually thought he'd hack her up!

The Chronicler

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Next chapter.

Chapter 43
Lava Flows and Other Dangers

The group saw the Kofo-Jaga quickly approaching them. There was no way to get around them, and the only other direction they could go was directly into a lava flow below. If the group thought this was bad enough, they thought wrong.

They suddenly felt the ground start to shake again. As the lava flow began to noticeably speed up, the rocky ledge they were trapped on began to crack. Before anyone could react, the whole ledge broke off, taking them down to the lava with it.

Fortunately, it remained intact and actually floated on the lava. As the lava carried the ledge away, the group looked back and saw the Kofo-Jaga had just reached where the ledge was and they were actually starting to climb down the rock towards the lava. It seemed that the Kofo-Jaga didn't care about walking right into lava.

“I think we're safe now,” said Chomper.

“We may be safe from the Kofo-Jaga, but I don't think we're safe from that!” exclaimed Ruby as she pointed in the direction the lava was carrying them.

They could see minor rapids up ahead, which were already causing the rock they stood on to sway uncontrollably. Everyone tried their best to stay on the rock and not fall into the lava, but this was quickly proving to be difficult.

They soon came to a small lava pool in a cavern. The lava flowed into the pool from one side of the cavern, and flowed out of the pool on the side to the left from where it had entered. They could have passed though the cavern and continued being carried away by the lava flow, but their momentum caused them to slam into the rocky wall of the far left corner of the cavern, where the rock they stood on got stuck. Jala knew it wouldn't last long, so he looked at the rocky wall and realized that it wasn't too steep to climb. There also seemed to be a pathway at the top, not far away. “Quickly, everyone up the cliff!” ordered Jala.

Not wanting to be near the lava again, everyone quickly did as they were told and began to climb up the rocky slope. Although some of them had some difficulty, they all managed to at least get off of the remains of the ledge before it broke apart and was carried away by the lava. Within a minute, they all managed to reach the top of the slope, which happened to be relatively level. They now had time to notice a rocky bridge that crossed over the lava flow that led away from the cavern. There were also two underground pathways out of the cavern, one on each end of the bridge.

“I don't know about you, but I think I've had enough action for one day,” commented Cera.

Suddenly, a loud roar was heard and it sounded like it came from the pathway on the group's side of the bridge. Everyone looked back and saw Redclaw, Screech, and Thud were approaching.

“Looks like us got more quick-action to do today!” exclaimed Petrie.

“It's Redclaw again!” exclaimed Littlefoot. “We have to run!”

“No!” shouted Jala.

“What?!” exclaimed Cera, who couldn't possibly see why he didn't want to run from someone like Redclaw.

Jala took his blade out of his backpack. “The Captain of the Guard never runs away,” stated Jala.

“That's nice to hear, Jala, but Littlefoot said run!” exclaimed Takua. He then ran away from the Sharpteeth by running across the rocky bridge over the lava. The gang quickly followed him.

Jala looked at Redclaw and could see why the young dinosaurs would be terrified of him. Reluctantly, Jala put away his blade and ran across the bridge, knowing that even he had little chance against such a large Sharptooth.

Kapura, for some odd reason, chose not to use his skill to get across the bridge. Instead, he walked, which was clearly at quite a slow pace. The Sharpteeth were quick to catch up to him. Kapura simply turned around and faced them. They stopped very close to him with confused looks on their faces. He apparently showed no fear, or any other emotion for that matter. “You might think that by being slow I am at a disadvantage,” said Kapura. “You are mistaken. By being slow, I am at an advantage.”

The Sharpteeth had no idea what Kapura had just said, so they decided to just take him out while they had the chance. Screech and Thud charged at him, but before they could pin him down on the ground, he had suddenly and strangely disappeared. They looked around to find out where he went. They were quite surprised when they saw him standing on a small ledge on the wall of the cavern, high enough that only Redclaw could reach him.

Kapura had been carrying a throwing disk with him all day and now was the time to use it. He grabbed his throwing disk and aimed for the stalactites that hung directly above the bridge. Once he made sure exactly where to hit, he threw the disk. Since he was always slow-moving, his disk flew more slowly than a disk would normally fly, but it was still fast enough to hit its target and do the intended damage. It hit one of the larger stalactites and deflected towards the other side of the bridge. The impact was just enough to cause the ceiling to crack, which caused the stalactites to fall onto the bridge. The numerous impacts of these stalactites caused the bridge to shatter and fall into the lava below.

The group had been watching the whole thing and most of them were unable to believe what had just happened. “Nice shot,” commented Petrie. Nobody else said anything.

The Sharpteeth were now unable to reach any of the group on the other side, except for Kapura. Redclaw immediately tried to grab Kapura in his powerful jaws, but ended up getting a mouthful of rocks. He spat out the rocks and looked towards the group. Once again, the Sharpteeth were surprise to see Kapura where he wasn't only a second earlier, only this time he was on the other side of the lava with the rest of the group.

Kapura picked up his throwing disk and looked at the confused and frustrated Sharpteeth stranded on the other side. “I am not one who makes fun of others,” said Kapura. “However, I must admit that I find your misfortune rather amusing.”

The Sharpteeth roared in frustration, then turned around and headed back the way they came.

Kapura turned around and saw most of the group still looked very confused. “Shall we continue our journey home?” suggested Kapura, who seemed to ignore their confused faces.

Everyone agreed and they began heading up the only pathway they could take. Jala was impressed by how useful Kapura's skill was. In fact, he couldn't help but point out that Cera had been wrong. “I told you it was a good idea to bring him with us,” said Jala.

Cera said nothing.

The walk back to the surface was surprisingly short. Now that the group was no longer underground, the journey back to the Great Valley would be much easier. Everyone felt much more comfortable once they were no longer in the area of the Burning Mountains.

It was already sunset by the time the group came back into the Great Valley through the Eastern Pass. By now, Jala had given Takua back his lavaboard. Jala told everyone that he would give the Energy Stone to Turaga Vakama, once he got back to Ta-Koro. After, of course, he had a little talk with a certain Threehorn about smart decision-making. Cera knew that he was referring to her father.

Kapura said his unusual way of saying goodbye, then used his skill to quickly travel back to Ta-Koro. Although his skill was impressive, Cera still didn't like him.

By nightfall, everyone was heading home, except for Jala, who first had to have a talk with Cera's father. Takua still slept at Littlefoot's nest, so both of them were heading there.

As they were walking, Littlefoot couldn't help but think about the dream he had that had started off the whole quest. It had represented events that had happened and were going to happen. But there was something about that dream that made it different from the real events. He decided to tell Takua about it.

“Takua?” asked Littlefoot. “Do you remember that sleep-story I had that eventually started our search for the Energy Stones?”

“Yeah,” replied Takua. “What about it?”

“Well, I think that the different colored rocks in that sleep-story actually represented the Energy Stones. But there's something about it that doesn't make sense. I've heard that we only need to find six Energy Stones, but there were seven colored rocks in my sleep-story.”

“Are you saying there might be a seventh Energy Stone?”

“I don't know. I can't even think of what element that Energy Stone could be. We only know of six elements.”

“I'm actually surprised that Makuta has allowed us to take the Energy Stones so easily. Too easily. If he didn't want us to find those Energy Stones, he would have tried harder to stop us, perhaps even succeeding. I have a feeling that if there is a seventh Energy Stone, it may be very difficult to find it and keep it safe.”

Takua and Littlefoot then walked over to their usual sleeping spots, Littlefoot in his nest and Takua at the base of a nearby tree.

“I guess we will have to wait until morning to find out,” said Takua. “Goodnight, Littlefoot.”

“Goodnight, Takua,” said Littlefoot. They both soon fell asleep.

Read and review, as always.
Note: after briefly looking through some of the earlier chapters of this story, I've noticed that my writing style has changed a bit over the past year. Therefore, I'm going to be rereading and editing the entire story before I get back to writing a new chapter. It may take a while, so be patient.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Great chapter! I empathize with the editing thing. I've been editing my story, and it's taking forever.

The Chronicler

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Finally! After nearly eight months, I'm finally adding a new chapter to this story!

Chapter 44
A Seventh Energy Stone?

After eating their breakfast, the gang gathered near the tablet at the Kini-Nui temple. Takua told them that, according to the dream Littlefoot had that had started the search for the Energy Stones, there might be a seventh Energy Stone. Of course, some of them wouldn't want to believe it.

“Come on!” exclaimed Cera. “I thought we were done with this!”

“I may not want to believe it myself, but Takua may be right, right he may be,” said Ruby. “We have already revealed six clues on that tablet, but there are seven of us. That means one of us has not yet revealed a clue.”

Everyone immediately turned to look at Littlefoot. Littlefoot quickly realized why they were looking at him like this, so he walked up to the tablet and touched it with his right front foot. Another single row of letters appeared below the other clues.

Takua walked up to the tablet to read what had just been revealed. Immediately, he knew this was a clue to finding another Energy Stone. The symbol that represented the element of this Energy Stone, which appeared to be a circle with eight lines pointed away from the center of it in equal directions, was a symbol he had never seen before. Regardless, he decided to read the clue.

“It looks like we do have a seventh Energy Stone to find,” said Takua. “To find it, we need to 'rescue a good friend, for only she knows where it will be found'.”

Everyone was a little surprised at what that clue said. After getting over the shock of it, they thought about that clue for a moment. Chomper said, “If we need to rescue one of our friends, maybe that friend lives in the Mysterious Beyond.”

“You're right, Chomper,” said Littlefoot. “With people like the Ta-Koro Guard around, I doubt there's anyone in the Great Valley that we can save. The question is, which of our friends do we need to save?”

“I don't know,” said Takua. “You've told me about so many friends you've made that I actually can't remember how many you have.”

“The clue did say 'for only she knows', so that means the friend we will need to save is a girl,” said Ruby.

“Good thinking, Ruby. That helps to narrow down the list a bit. So which of your friends are female?”

“There's Ali, the Longneck,” said Littlefoot.

“Anybody else?”

After thinking for a few seconds, Littlefoot said, “You know, I actually can't think of anyone else.”

“In that case, it looks like we will need to find and rescue Ali if we want to find the last Energy Stone.”

“What do we need to save her from?” asked Ducky.

“I don't know. I guess we won't know until we find her. But before we do anything, I suggest we try to get as much help as we can from the villages. Since this is the last Energy Stone left to find, Makuta will certainly do everything he can to stop us.”

“That's a good idea, Takua. A good idea that is,” commented Ruby.

“I suggest we split up so we can so we can ask for help from all the villages at once,” suggested Littlefoot. “It'll save us a lot of time.”

“Good idea, Littlefoot,” said Takua. “Cera, you go to Ta-Koro. Ruby, you-”

“Wait a minute! Why do I have to go to Ta-Koro?” asked Cera. “Why don't you go there?”

“I'm not allowed in that village anymore. Remember?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Ruby, you go to Ko-Koro. Petrie, you go to Le-Koro. Ducky, you and Spike go to Ga-Koro. Littlefoot, you and Chomper go to Po-Koro. And I'll go to Onu-Koro. Try to get as much help as you can and bring them here before we leave.”

Everyone agreed and soon left to get any help they could from the six villages.

When the gang later regrouped, everyone had the same bad news: none of the villages could spare any help. It was the same story in all of the villages. Rahi attacks had become more frequent and more powerful recently, and as a result, nobody could offer any help to find a seventh Energy Stone.

However, Petrie did get some good news from Le-Koro. “Gukko Force way-finders seek-found herd of Longnecks not far from Great Valley. They say go southwest.”

“How can we be so sure that's Ali's herd and not some other Longneck herd?” asked Cera.

“We won't know until we go there and see if it is Ali's herd,” replied Ruby.

“Ruby's right. It is the only Longneck herd we know where to find, so we better get going now,” said Takua.

“But we can't get any help from any of the villages,” said Littlefoot.

“Then I guess that means we're on our own.”

Nobody bothered to say anything. They knew that what Takua had just said was true. Regardless, they knew they had to find the Energy Stone, so they immediately left and headed to where the Longneck herd had been sighted.

The gang had been walking through the Mysterious Beyond for over an hour now, and they had not yet seen any sign of a Longneck herd.

“Find anything yet, Chomper?” asked Littlefoot.

Chomper was sniffing the air, trying to catch the scent of any Longneck. After a few seconds, he shook his head and replied, “No.”

“Come on!” exclaimed Cera. “How hard can it be to find even one Longneck?”

Suddenly, everyone heard a scream. Then they heard a roar. “Sounds like someone's in trouble!” exclaimed Littlefoot. He and his friends then ran towards the source of the sound.

They soon reached the side of a small canyon. Down in the canyon, they could see a Fast-Biter that had just cornered its prey: a familiar young Longneck. “It's Ali!” exclaimed Littlefoot. The gang couldn't believe what they were seeing. The worst part of it was that there seemed to be no way to save her from where they were.

However, Takua was simply not going to do nothing about this. He took off his backpack and, before anyone could question him, he jumped off of the canyon wall. He landed right on the Fast-Biter with enough force to knock it down and out. After quickly recovering from the impact, Takua turned to Ali and said, “Hi there. Just thought I'd drop in and help you out.” He then stood up and readjusted his mask.

Ali could not believe what had just happened in front of her. She was about to be killed by a Fast-Biter, but was saved at the last minute by the strangest creature she had ever seen. She was speechless.

“Ali? Hey, Ali!” Ali looked up and saw Littlefoot and his friends we standing at the top of the canyon wall. “Are you alright, Ali?” asked Littlefoot.

“Uh, I think so,” replied Ali.

“Takua, you rock-head!” exclaimed Cera. “That was the stupidest thing I've ever seen you do!”

“Hey, I saved Ali, didn't I?” said Takua. “Anyway, I think we should get out of here before that Fast-Biter wakes up.”

Ruby picked up Takua's backpack and said, “If we are going to go somewhere, we should stay near this canyon. We're up here and you're down there, and I don't see any way for you to get up here or us to get down there.”

“Good idea, Ruby,” said Takua. “Come on, Ali, let's get out of here.”

“Uh, I'm not sure if I should follow you.” said Ali. She was still very hesitant about being near this stranger. After all, she had just met him and knew his name only because Cera had mentioned it.

“There's nothing you need to worry about. You can trust me. Your friends have always had a lot of trust in me.” Littlefoot and the others nodded in agreement to this statement. “Besides, I did save your life.” He gestured towards the unconscious Fast-Biter.

“I'm not sure.” Ali sighed. “I guess I could try to trust you for now.”

“Good enough for me. How about you show us which way you came from? Hopefully, we'll be able to find a part of this canyon that we can climb up and rejoin the others.”

“Okay, this way.” Ali then started heading down the canyon with Takua following her and the gang following them along the edge of the canyon.

Read and review, as always. I wonder if any of the newer members will be interested in reading this fanfic.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Awesome chapter! I've gotta rest (I've got a strain of the flu), but I'll write a more comprehensive review later. Great work!


  • Jedi Knight
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Ok, here's a bit more descriptive review.

Awesome new chapter! You've really managed to pull this crossover off. It's exciting, dramatic, occasionally humorous, and very in-depth. Of course, adding Ali is always a huge plus, too. I hope you are able to acquire more readers, because this story really deserves more.

Have you considered posting this on I'm sure there are more readers who would enjoy it.

The Chronicler

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I'm planning to put this story on starting sometime in January. Anyway, sorry it took me so long to post the next chapter. The physics class I'm taking hasn't given me as much free time as I would like.

Chapter 45
Impossible Odds

Eventually, the gang reached the end of the canyon. To rejoin Takua and Ali, all they had to do was climb down a steep hill. Once they made it all the way down, they ran up to Ali, saying how relieved they were that she was alright.

Now that she was truly safe, Ali asked, “So what are you guys doing here anyway?”

After Ruby gave him back his backpack, Takua briefly explained to Ali what had been happening over the past few days. Ali had heard the rumors about the sudden arrival to the Great Valley of strange creatures called Matoran, but she was quite surprised to hear that these rumors were all true. Takua then went on to explain how he and the gang found all but one of the Energy Stones.

When Takua finished by saying they were here to find the last Energy Stone, Ali asked, “So you think I know where the last Energy Stone is?”

“Well, the clue did say we had to save one of our friends,” said Cera.

“And it did say 'she' would help us find the stone,” added Ducky.

“And after all that has happened today, it would make perfect sense if you knew where we could find the Energy Stone,” finished Littlefoot.

Ali thought for a moment. “You know, come to think of it, I remember seeing a rather odd rock a few days ago,” she said.

“Did it look something similar to this?” asked Takua, as he pulled his lightstone out of his backpack.

“Yes, it did look similar to that.”

Takua put away his lightstone and said, “That's great! Could you show us where it is?”

Ali hesitated at first, but she eventually said, “Sure. Follow me.”

Ali led the way, while everyone else followed.

A few minutes later, the gang was now walking through a forest. Littlefoot walked up to Ali and quietly asked, “Are you alright, Ali?”

“What do you mean?” asked Ali.

“You seem very nervous about something.”

Ali sighed. “It's just that I can't see a reason why I should trust your new friend. I mean, it was hard enough getting used to your other friends, especially Cera and Chomper, but I'm not sure about Takua. He's not even a dinosaur.”

Littlefoot looked back at Takua, who was busy talking with the rest of his friends. He turned back to Ali and said, “Look, I know he may seem strange to you, but he's a great friend. If you could just give him a chance, I'm sure he'll be able to prove it to you.”

Suddenly, everyone stopped when they heard something in the bushes nearby. “W-What was that?” asked Ducky, who was starting to get scared.

Takua decided to take the throwing disk out of his backpack, preparing for the worst. Just as he had feared, a Nui-Jaga jumped out from behind the bushes and prepared to strike Ali with its powerful stinger. Fortunately, Takua acted quickly and managed to shove her out of the way. He then threw his throwing disk at the Nui-Jaga, knocking off one of its infected masks. The disk deflected back to Takua, who caught it and threw it back at the Nui-Jaga, knocking off its other infected mask. No longer under the influence of Makuta, the Nui-Jaga backed off into the bushes. Takua caught his disk again and said, “Looks like my aim has improved.”

Takua was then struck in the back, sending him flying forward into a tree trunk. The impact left him temporarily dazed. Everyone looked back and saw a Tarakava standing behind them, ready to strike again with its powerful forearms. It attempted to hit Cera, but she managed to jump out of the way. Before the Tarakava brought its arm back, Cera decided to grab onto the arm, causing her to be flung towards the Tarakava's head. This allowed her to knock off the infected mask with one good kick. After Cera hit the ground, she looked back and saw the freed Tarakava backing off. “And that's how Threehorns fight Rahi,” she proudly said.

Before anyone could relax, a Nui-Rama swooped down and snatched Ruby. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and managed to rip off the infected masks, which unfortunately caused the Nui-Rama to drop her. She ended up falling through a tree, which helped to soften her landing. Takua tried to catch her, but fell over when she landed on his head.

Chomper turned around just in time to avoid being snatched in the jaws of a Muaka that had suddenly burst through the trees. Petrie screamed in terror and flew behind Spike, who decided to bury his head in the ground. Takua used his throwing disk and quickly knocked off both of the infected masks.

Takua looked back on the path they had come from and saw a few more Rahi in the distance. “It's no use,” said Takua. “There's too many of them coming. If we're going to find the Energy Stone, some of us are going to have to stay here and hold off the Rahi while the rest of us find the Energy Stone.” Takua held his throwing disk at the ready. “I'm choosing to stay here.”

“I'm staying too,” declared Cera, standing next to Takua.

“Me too,” declared Chomper.

“I will also stay,” stated Ruby. “It's better that those Rahi fight those of us who won't have the Energy Stone instead of those of us who will have the Energy Stone.”

“I will feel much safer staying with Takua. I will, I will,” said Ducky.

“Me too,” added Petrie.

Spike nodded in agreement.

“I can't stay because I'm the only one who knows where the Energy Stone is,” said Ali.

“We can't let her go alone!” exclaimed Littlefoot. “Somebody needs to go with her to make sure she'll be alright. I guess I'll go.”

“Good luck, Littlefoot,” said Takua.

While Takua and the rest of the gang turned to face the oncoming Rahi, Littlefoot and Ali quickly headed deeper into the forest, hoping that they would find the Energy Stone soon.

As they headed deeper into the forest, Littlefoot and Ali talked about various subjects.

“So, Ali, how did you end up getting chased by that Fast-Biter?” asked Littlefoot.

“Well, Rhett insisted on playing another game of rescue, but we were only halfway done when that Fast-Biter attacked us by surprise,” replied Ali. “Rhett panicked and ran back to the heard, but I went a different direction and that Fast-Biter decided to chase me. I'm just glad Takua saved me when he did.”

“Yeah, I'm glad he saved you, too. I also noticed that he saved you again today by pushing you away from that Nui-Jaga.”

“Yes, it sure was nice of Takua to save me from that... Rahi thing, but... I just can't see him as a friend. At least, not yet.”

“I really hope you do see him as a friend soon. He's a good guy, and I know he can prove it.”

A few minutes later, Ali said, “I think we're getting close. I recognized some of these trees.”

“Really?” asked Littlefoot. “Where's the Energy Stone?”

“I think it's this way.” Ali then led Littlefoot off the path and through a dense part of the forest. They soon reached a small clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a large rock, and stuck vertically in the top of the rock was the Energy Stone, which glowed a bright yellow color. “Is this what you're looking for?”

“I think it is.” Littlefoot then approached the rock and climbed to the top of it. He then wrapped his tail around the Energy Stone and tried to pull it loose. He struggled at first, but eventually succeeded. After looking over the Energy Stone for a minute, Littlefoot said, “Okay, we've got what we came here for. Now let's find the others and get out of here.”

“Are you crazy!? They're still fighting off Rahi! If those things see that we have that stone, they're going to come after us!”

“I don't think we have a better choice. What if we stumble across a few other Rahi? I don't think we could take them on by ourselves. We will all need to stay together if we want to survive these Rahi attacks.”

Ali sighed. “I guess you're right.”

“Come on, let's go!” Littlefoot then ran back into the forest. Ali quickly followed.

Takua threw his throwing disk and managed to knock off the infected mask from yet another Rahi. As he retrieved his disk again, he was noticeably getting exhausted.

“This is hopeless!” exclaimed Cera. “We just can't keep this up!”

“Me agree. Us run now?” asked Petrie.

“No! We have to stay here!” declared Takua. “If we let those Rahi through, Littlefoot and Ali won't be able to find the Energy Stone!”

“Here come the Rahi!” shouted Chomper.

A large swarm of Nui-Rama were flying directly towards them. Takua was too exhausted to throw his disk again. One Nui-Rama swooped down and tried to snatch Takua. Suddenly, a massive tail swatted away the giant wasp. Everyone looked back and saw the tail belonged to an adult Longneck. In fact, a whole herd of Longnecks now stood behind them.

“Run, children! We'll deal with these creatures!” exclaimed one of the Longnecks, who sounded like an elderly female.

None of them needed to be told twice. They had had enough of these Rahi, so they were more than willing to get away from here. Besides, this Longneck herd was determined to fight off these Rahi, even if they had never seen such dangerous creatures.

Takua and the gang ran down the path they had seen Littlefoot and Ali go. After running some distance, they saw Littlefoot and Ali heading towards them. They all came to a stop when they came to the same location on the path.

“Look! We found the Energy Stone!” exclaimed Littlefoot, holding up the stone he still held with his tail.

“That's great!” said Takua, as he put away his throwing disk. He then grabbed the Energy Stone and put it in his backpack. “Now let's get out of here. There's a herd of Longnecks that decided to fight off the Rahi so we could escape.”

Ali suddenly looked very terrified. “That's my herd!” exclaimed Ali. “We have to help them!”

“It's not worth it, Ali,” said Cera. “We're too tired to keep fighting. They're fighting those Rahi so we can escape, and I say we try to get as far away as we can.”

“Cera's right,” said Takua. “If we can make it back to the Great Valley quickly enough, we shouldn't have to worry about anymore Rahi attacks. Besides, I'm sure your herd will know to find you there. Now let's go!”

Ali was uncertain about this decision, but realized she had no choice. Reluctantly, she went with Takua and the gang as they quickly headed back to the Great Valley.

Read and review, as always. At this point, I'm expecting seven or eight chapters left to go until I'm finally finished this fanfic.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Great chapter! I can't wait to see your reception on! :)

The Chronicler

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I wanted to post at least this chapter before I started putting this story on It looks like I managed to do it with little time to spare.

Chapter 46
More Attacks

The gang continued to run down the path through the forest. Eventually, the path had disappeared and they continued running through the forest. Petrie quickly pointed out a Nui-Rama he saw flying around. Takua immediately knew that this was a sign that some Rahi were breaking through the defending Longneck herd. They soon reached the entrance to a cave. Unfortunately, a few Rahi also arrived at the same time.

“Get in the cave!” exclaimed Takua to the others. “I'll deal with these guys.” He then took his throwing disk out of his backpack.

The others were reluctant, but knew they had no choice, so they quickly went into the cave. Although they couldn't tell how far the cave went, they decided to not go far so they could see what Takua was doing.

Takua threw his disk at a Nui-Jaga, but missed the masks. However, the disk did hit the Nui-Jaga in the head, which caused it to be enraged and charge at Takua. He managed to jump out of the way quickly enough to avoid getting hit by the powerful stinger. He then started backing up into the cave. What really surprised the gang was when they saw him put away his throwing disk.

“Are you crazy!?” exclaimed Cera.

Takua didn't seem to have listened. Unarmed, he stayed within striking distance of the Nui-Jaga. The Nui-Jaga, swung its stinger at him, but he quickly dodged it, which caused the stinger to instead hit the wall of the cave and leave a large crack in it. Takua ran to the other side of the cave. Again, he dodged the stinger, which instead hit the wall and left a large crack in it. This action repeated a few times before the gang realized what Takua was planning to do.

Unfortunately, it was too late for them to do anything. As soon as they felt the ground starting to shake, Takua started going further into the cave. The Nui-Jaga tried to go after him, but was stopped when a few rocks fell from the ceiling and landed on it.

“Look out!” shouted Littlefoot, as he and his friends ran further into the cave to avoid getting caught in the cave-in.

The rocks soon stopped falling. The gang looked back and saw nothing but dust in the air. As the dust began to settle, everyone was surprised to see Takua walking towards them as if nothing had happened.

“You're alive!” exclaimed Chomper in happiness.

Petrie flew in front of Takua and exclaimed, “Rock-head! You could've been Rahi-bones!”

“Could've been, but I'm not,” replied Takua with a smile on his face.

“Is he always like this?” whispered Ali to Cera.

“You have no idea,” replied Cera.

Takua looked back and saw the cave-in he had just caused. “That should slow down the Rahi for a while, but I suggest we leave now,” said Takua. “We need to make sure we put as much distance between them and us as we can, once they break through.”

“Good idea,” said Littlefoot. The gang then began heading further into the cave.

“Does anyone know how far this cave goes?” asked Ducky.

“We won't know how far it goes until we see how far it goes,” replied Ruby.

The gang eventually found another exit from the cave. However, it wasn't long until they encountered an all too familiar threat.

Little more than a minute after leaving the cave, they noticed Redclaw, Screech, and Thud nearby. The gang was halfway down a mountain and those Sharpteeth were waiting at the bottom of that mountain. The gang couldn't go anywhere except down the mountain, where the Sharpteeth would surely notice and chase them.

Takua decided that he would not let this happen to him and his friends. “I've had enough of those guys,” declared Takua. “I think it's time we scare them off for good.”

“How are we going to do that?” asked Chomper. “We all know that Redclaw is the biggest and meanest Sharptooth there is.”

“We're going to need a plan,” replied Littlefoot.

Everyone thought for a few minutes. Eventually, Cera spoke up. “Hey, I have an idea,” she said.

“Are you sure it'll work?” asked Takua.

“It worked on us on the day we first met you.”

Everyone else was confused, but also curious about what Cera had in mind.

Redclaw and the Fast-Biters continued to wait at the bottom of the mountain. They would have left a few minutes ago, but the scent of their intended prey up the mountain convinced them to stand guard where they were. They couldn't go up the mountain because the path was too narrow for Redclaw, and Screech and Thud didn't want to take their chances without Redclaw's assistance.

“Hey, Sharpteeth!”

The three of them looked up and saw Takua standing at the edge of the path at a height just out of reach from them.

Takua then reached up and quickly took off his mask. “Yaaaaaahhh!” he shouted. “That's right! I just ripped off my own face! Now get out of here or I'll rip yours' off too!”

Unlike the gang, the Sharpteeth had no idea that what he had just taken off wasn't actually his face. Because of this, all of them, including Redclaw, were actually very terrified at what they saw. To them, this creature had torn off its face, but was still able to talk to them. The three Sharpteeth panicked and quickly fled.

As the Sharpteeth ran off, Takua turned around and joined in his friends' laughter.

“That was a great plan, Cera,” said Littlefoot between laughs. “I would have never thought of that.”

“I actually can't believe that plan worked so well that there must have been no way it could have not worked,” commented Ruby.

“I'm glad you guys told me that it was just a mask and not his real face,” said Ali as the laughter died down. “Otherwise I probably would have freaked out more than they did.”

“Yeah, I certainly wouldn't want to scare off a good friend like you,” said Takua as he put his mask back on.

“I guess my friends were right. You really are a great friend.”

“I'm just trying to help wherever I can. Now I suggest we find a way back to the Great Valley before any Rahi find us.”

Everyone agreed with him and headed down the mountain.

Surprisingly, it didn't take long for the gang to find a way back to the Great Valley. Less than an hour after they left the mountain, they had already arrived at the Great Valley. As they entered the valley, the gang noticed Littlefoot's grandparents were waiting not far the entrance.

Littlefoot's grandfather noticed them and said, “There you are! Thank goodness you're all alright!”

“We were so worried about you!” added Littlefoot's grandmother.

“It's okay, grandma and grandpa, we're fine,” said Littlefoot.

“Not only that,” added Takua as he pulled the Energy Stone out of his backpack, “we also found the last Energy Stone.”

“This is wonderful news!” said Littlefoot's grandfather.

“Yes, everyone in the Great Valley will be very relieved to hear this,” added Littlefoot's grandmother.

Littlefoot's grandfather then noticed that Ali was with the gang. Curious, he asked, “Ali, what brings you here on such short notice?”

Ali briefly explained what had happened. “Well, I got separated from my herd by a Fast-Biter attack. Takua saved me, then he and my friends asked me to help them find that Energy Stone. When they told me what it looked like, I knew had seen it, so I took them to where it was. I wanted to go back to my herd, but they were fighting off those Rahi things so that my friends could get away and come back here safely. I had no choice but to come with them.”

“I feel sorry for you, having to make such a tough choice,” said Littlefoot's grandfather. “Regardless, I am certain that your herd will be looking for you and will choose to come here first.”

“In the meantime, you are more than welcome to stay with us,” added Littlefoot's grandmother.

“Thank you,” said Ali.

“As for the rest of you, you should probably head back to your nests right now.” said Littlefoot's grandmother to the gang. “It's getting late.”

Everyone agreed and headed back into the valley.

After the sun had set, everyone was in their sleeping places. Ali decided to sleep next to Littlefoot while Takua slept at his usual spot at the base of a tree.

Before going to sleep, Littlefoot asked, “Takua? Now that we have all the Energy Stones, what do we do now?”

“I'm not sure,” replied Takua.

“I think that whatever we need to do next, we're going to need all of the Energy Stones with us.”

“That does make sense, but I doubt that the Turaga will simply give us the Energy Stones. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Goodnight, Littlefoot”

“Goodnight, Takua.”

As everyone fell asleep, they hoped that the threat of Makuta would be over soon.

Read and review, as always. Hopefully, I'll try to get these last few chapters updated more frequently.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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I feel like I should have gotten this chapter done weeks ago. Just so you know Pangaea, yes, I just got those last reviews. A deal's a deal, so here's the next chapter.

Chapter 47
Into Makuta's Lair

The next morning, Littlefoot and his friends had a quick breakfast before they joined Takua near the tablet at Kini-Nui. “What are we supposed to do now?” asked Ducky.

“I'm not sure,” replied Takua. He looked at the tablet, then to his friends, then back to the tablet. “Hm, I wonder... Now that all of you have already touched the tablet, what would happen if I touched it?”

“You've touched that tablet many times before,” said Cera. “I don't think anything is going to happen.”

“That was before we revealed all the clues to finding the Energy Stones. I haven't touched it since we revealed the last one. Maybe we had to wait until after all the clues were revealed before I could reveal whatever else might be on this tablet. Besides, I don't think we have any other ideas.”

Takua then walked up to the tablet and touched it. To everyone's surprise, some new information did appear in the remaining blank part of the tablet. It was an image rather than writing. The image showed the seven Energy Stones, each identified by their elemental symbols, arranged in a circle in the middle of what appeared to be the Kini-Nui temple.

“I guess this means we do need all the Energy Stones here,” said Littlefoot.

“So what are we supposed to do?” asked Chomper.

“We will have to ask the Turaga to let us have the Energy Stones,” replied Takua. “I also think it would be a good idea to ask for any help we can get to protect us. With all the Energy Stones in one place, Makuta is sure to send many Rahi to attack us.”

“Good idea,” said Ruby. “We should also do the same thing we did yesterday and split up so we can get as much help as we can as soon as we can.”

“You'll have to do that a little differently today. I'm going to stay here and study the tablet more closely, just to make sure we're not missing anything important.”

“Alright, I think I know how we should do this,” said Littlefoot. “Cera, you go to Ta-Koro. Ruby, you go to Ko-Koro. Petrie, you go to Le-Koro. Chomper, you go to Onu-Koro. Ducky, Spike, you two go to Po-Koro. I'll go to Ga-Koro with Ali. Is everyone okay with that?”

The others agreed with him. They then headed for the villages to retrieve the Energy Stones and get whatever help they could.

Takua looked back at the tablet and began to study the image on it. He looked more closely at it and noticed that, along with their elemental symbol, each of the Energy Stones was identified by a type of dinosaur. As he looked closely at the shapes of these seven dinosaurs, he identified them as a Longneck, a Threehorn, a Swimmer, a Flyer, a Spiketail, a Sharptooth, and a Fast-Runner. As he also took note of which dinosaur type was with each elemental symbol, he began to see a pattern emerge.

One by one, the gang returned to Kini-Nui, bringing with each of them an Energy Stone and any Matoran that were able to leave their villages to help defend the temple. Those who wouldn't come with them either were too busy with their work or had to help defend their villages instead. Among the Matoran who would help defend Kini-Nui were Kapura, Maku, Tamaru, Kopeke, Hafu, and Taipu.

“Okay, now that we have all the Energy Stones here, what are we supposed to do?” asked Littlefoot.

“The first thing we have to do is place the Energy Stones in that sand pit over there,” said Takua, gesturing towards the circular sand pit at the center of the temple. “But we can't let just anyone place them there.”

“What do you mean?” asked Ducky.

“If you look closely at the image on this tablet, you will notice that each Energy Stone is identified not only by its elemental symbol, but also by a type of dinosaur. There has to be a reason for that, and I think I know what it is. Who was the first one to touch the Energy Stone of Fire?”

“That was me,” replied Cera, proudly.

“Who was the first one to touch the Energy Stone of Ice?”

“I was the first one to touch it, the first one to touch it was me,” replied Ruby.

“Who was the first one to touch this Energy Stone?” He took the seventh Energy Stone out of his backpack and held it up for everyone to see.

“It was me,” replied Littlefoot.

“Wait a minute, what's so significant about all this?” asked Hafu.

“Look carefully at the image on this tablet and you'll see the pattern that I see,” replied Takua. “There are seven types of dinosaurs represented on this image, and those happen to be the types that my friends are. Each Energy Stone on this image is identified by an elemental symbol and a type of dinosaur. The way those two symbols match up is the same as which of my friends was the first to touch each Energy Stone.”

Everyone looked at the image on the tablet and soon realized that Takua was right. However, some of them weren't so sure about his theory.

“That doesn't make sense,” said Cera. “Why do the Energy Stones have to be placed there by the right people?”

“There is more to the image than simply how to enter Makuta's lair,” replied Kapura. He then picked up the tablet and flipped it over, which revealed to everyone that more images had recently appeared on the back side.

Takua and the gang were quite surprised to see this. “How did you know there was more on the other side of this tablet?” asked Littlefoot.

“When one is given limited instructions, one must first find the missing pieces.”

The gang decided to take a look at the images on the back of the tablet. There were two images. The one at the top of the tablet showed Kini-Nui. The one at the bottom had a symbol that resembled the rock used to represent Makuta. Surrounding that symbol were the seven Energy Stones, each of them identified by their elemental symbol and a type of dinosaur.

Takua suddenly realized what this image meant. “I get it now,” he said. “We have to use the Energy Stones to defeat Makuta, but they can only be used by the ones who found them. In other words, the only one who can use this Energy Stone is Littlefoot because he was the first to touch it. The same goes for the other Energy Stones and the ones who first touched them.”

“Wait a minute, you mean we have to use the Energy Stones?” asked Cera. “How are we supposed to do that?”

“I honestly don't know. I guess we'll figure it out when we get there.”

“They must learn on their own,” said Kopeke.

“What are you talking about?”

“They must go. We must stay.” He pointed at the image at the top of the tablet. There was more than just Kini-Nui. To the left of the temple, there was what appeared to be a large Rahi moving towards the temple. Standing between the temple and the Rahi was a small group of Matoran.

“Does this mean we have to stay here while they fight Makuta?” asked Taipu, referring to the gang.

Kopeke nodded.

“Me not sure about that,” said Petrie, who was noticeably nervous.

“It actually makes sense if you think about it,” said Maku. “You'll be down in Makuta's lair, but what if he decides to send some Rahi to destroy this temple? Kini-Nui is the only way to get in or out of there and if there's nobody here to stop the Rahi, you'll be trapped down there forever.”

“I never really thought of that,” said Takua. “I guess that does make sense.”

“So it's settled then,” said Tamaru, “us Matoran will safe-guard the temple while the little dinosaurs stop the evil-spread of Makuta.”

“But Makuta is way more powerful than any Rahi, and we won't have you to help us!” exclaimed Chomper. “How can we possibly do this!?”

“I guess we'll have to rely on the Energy Stones,” replied Littlefoot. Using his tail, he grabbed the seventh Energy Stone from Takua and approached the sand pit. He then placed the stone upright in the sand. He turned back to his friends, hoping they were willing to follow him.

They were all hesitant at first. Eventually, Chomper was the first one to decide to follow Littlefoot. He grabbed the Energy Stone of Earth and did exactly what Littlefoot did.

Soon, Ducky followed with the Energy Stone of Water. Then Petrie with the Energy Stone of Air. Next was Spike with the Energy Stone of Stone. After some thought, Ruby decided to do the same with the Energy Stone of Ice.

Last was Cera, but just before grabbing the Energy Stone of Fire, she mumbled to herself, “I'll be a believer if this works.”

As Cera approached the sand pit, Ali, who had been present but silent, said, “Please be careful, Littlefoot.”

“Don't worry, Ali, we'll be fine,” said Littlefoot, even though he was thinking otherwise as a real possibility.

Cera placed her Energy Stone in the sand pit. The gang now stood in a circle around the sand pit, each of them facing their Energy Stone. Suddenly, all seven Energy Stones sank beneath the sands. At first, everyone was confused.

“Where they go?” asked Petrie.

Suddenly, the stony floor beneath them broke away from the rest of the temple and began to quickly carry them down beneath the temple. After a few seconds, other stones slid out from just beneath the floor and blocked the holes left by the descending platforms.

Ali was speechless at what she just saw.

“Now what?” asked Taipu.

Takua took his throwing disk out of his backpack. “Now we must defend this temple against any Rahi that try to attack,” he replied.

“What about Littlefoot and the others?” asked Ali.

“There's nothing we can do for them. From now on, they're on their own.”

Ali looked back at the empty sand pit and couldn't help but feel worried about her friends.

Read and review, as always. Hopefully, I should be able to get the last few chapters done more quickly. I think I've only got about six left to go.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Don't rush to complete the remaining chapters. Write them at whatever pace suits you for getting them done well. :)

Quote from: The Chronicler,Feb 26 2010 on  08:30 PM
Takua decided that perhaps it was his turn to touch the tablet to reveal something on it.
The gang agreed with him. Once they agreed on who would go where, they headed for the villages to retrieve the Energy Stones and get whatever help they could.
It's kind of disappointing that we don't get to see the actual conversations involved in these events (for example, who went to each village)

Something I didn't think of before I sent you my last review :bang is that it was never actually established what element the seventh Energy Stone represented. Given that it glows brightly, I suppose Light is the obvious designation, but seeing as the Stone is rather significant in that it represents an element previously unknown to the Matoran, wouldn't it make sense for there to have been a scene where the characters (especially the Matoran) examined it and "officially" decided on its title? Also (again, here's where I was forgetful :slap), you never mentioned what Takua actually did with the stone after the characters returned to the valley at the end of the last chapter. (I'm guessing he kept it with him overnight, but perhaps this should be explicitly described at the end of the previous chapter.)

He looked more closely at it and noticed that, along with their elemental symbol, each of the Energy Stones were also identified by a type of dinosaur.
I'm pretty sure "were" should be "was", and "also" is not necessary.

The way those two symbols match up is the same as which of my friends were the first to touch each Energy Stone.
Again, I think that should be "was".

"So it's settled then," said Tamaru, "us Matoran will safe-guard the temple while the little dinosaurs stop the evil-spread of Makuta."
Unless Tamaru's entire statement is intended to be a single sentence, "us" should be capitalized.

"But Makuta is way more powerful than any Rahi, and we won't have you to helps us!" exclaimed Chomper.
Typo. Should be "help".

"Don't worry, Ali, we'll be fine," said Littlefoot, even though was thinking otherwise as a real possibility.
I assume you meant to write "he was".

I liked how you ended this chapter. Not quite a cliffhanger, but good for building suspense for the next chapter, and keeping readers interested. :yes

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Chronicler

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Looks like I'm starting to make good progress. This chapter was particularly long, but I'm proud of how quickly I got it done. (the less distractions, the better) And in case if you were wondering, no, this chapter was not rushed, I've thought of these ideas for well over a year now.

Chapter 48
Two Battles

Littlefoot and his friends were shocked at what was happening to them. They had no idea where they were going or what was going to happen to them. The platforms stopped descending. It was very dark, wherever they were. At first, nobody said anything because they were all very uncertain about what they had to do next.

Eventually, Chomper broke the silence. “Now what?” he asked.

“I think we will need to find Makuta,” replied Ruby. “But how can we find him if it's so hard to see anything down here?”

“One thing I would like to know is what happened to the Energy Stones,” commented Cera. “I don't see them anywhere.”

“You're right, Cera. We can't use the Energy Stones if we don't have them with us.”

“This place look very creepy,” said a very nervous Petrie.

“Do not worry, Petrie,” assured Ducky. “I do not think we will have to stay here for very long. No, no, no.”

While his friends were busy talking, Littlefoot walked forward, hoping to find anything that he and his friends would find useful. He soon came across something. It was hard for him to identify it at first, but as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he noticed there was more than one of these things.

“Guys, come here! I think I found something!” exclaimed Littlefoot.

Everyone quickly rushed to Littlefoot. Now that their eyes were also adjusting to the dark, they also saw what he saw.

“What is it?” asked Ducky, unsure of what she was seeing.

“I think it looks like some kind of armor,” replied Chomper.

“And there's more than one of them,” noted Cera.

Littlefoot counted the large suits of armor, which were laying face-up on the floor. “Seven,” he said. “There's seven of them.”

“Wait a minute, there's seven of them and there's seven of us,” noted Ruby. “Do you think...”

“Only one way to find out.” Littlefoot walked near the suits of armor to get a better look at them. To him, the armor appeared to be similar to the body of a Matoran, except that the legs were about as long as the arms, and that the head and torso parts were mostly hollow. The armor was also very big, about three time the height of a Matoran. Although they were all the same size, the size of the hollow parts showed that they seemed as if they were meant to be used by someone no more than a quarter of their size. Some seemed like they could be used only by someone even smaller than that. What made each of these different from each other was the shape of the hollow parts, which looked like it was where the user would control the armor. All seven of them were unique, but the shapes seemed strangely familiar to him.

Littlefoot approached one and noticed that, based on the shape of the hollow parts, it looked like it could be controlled only by a Longneck of his size. Curious, he stepped onto it, laid down on his back, and attempted to fit himself into the controlling area. It was a perfect fit. As soon as he got into a comfortable position, the armor suddenly activated and locked him into place.

Everyone was startled by this, but Littlefoot had actually expected something like that to happen. He tried to get used to this strange feeling. He moved his front right leg a little and noticed that it caused the right arm of his armor to move with it. He knew it was an arm because he saw what appeared to be a hand on the end of it. He moved his front left leg and saw the left arm of his armor move. He then decided to use his back legs to attempt to stand up. Having spent his life walking on four feet, it was a difficult thing to do at first. After a little struggling, he finally managed to get his armor to stand up straight. Seeing how high up he was from the floor, he was impressed with this armor and was convinced that it would be powerful enough to give him a better chance against anything he might have to face in Makuta's lair.

Inspired by Littlefoot's efforts, the others tried to find their suits of armor and activate them. Cera and Spike struggled as much as Littlefoot did, but the others had less difficulty, since they were already used to walking on two legs. Eventually, everyone stood up straight. They looked at each other, impressed by the armor they now wore and controlled.

“Now this is more like it,” said Cera. “There's no way Makuta can stop us now.”

“I wouldn't be so sure of that, Cera,” said Chomper. “We don't know how powerful Makuta really is.”

“At least we should be glad we found these,” commented Ruby. “Any advantage is better than no advantage.”

“What about the Energy Stones?” asked Ducky “Are we going to need those?”

“I think we will need to find them somewhere down here, and maybe this armor will help us do that,” replied Littlefoot. He then began to walk further into the dark cavern. His friends followed close behind.

Takua and the other Matoran stood guard at the Kini-Nui temple. They all stood at various parts of the temple in order to make sure they could see a Rahi coming from any direction. While everyone else stood guard, Ali sat near the sand pit, hoping that her friends would be alright.

Suddenly, Tamaru heard a faint buzzing noise. He looked back and saw a small group of Nui-Rama flying towards the temple. “Rama swarm!” he shouted. He then ran to the other side of the temple, where he saw the Nui-Rama coming from, and threw his throwing disk at the first of them.

Hafu noticed what Tamaru did and exclaimed, “Hey! Don't leave that part of the temple unguarded!” he then rushed to where Tamaru should have been staying. Just as he had feared, a Nui-Jaga tried to take this opportunity to charge at the temple. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and, thanks to his impressive accuracy, managed to knock off the infected masks with his throwing disk.

Tamaru had just knocked off the last of the infected masks from the Nui-Rama when he turned back and realized the mistake he made. He apologized for his blunder and suggested that he should keep watch at his new location. Hafu reluctantly agreed.

It wasn't long until the gang entered a large cavern. There were strange tower-like structures in scattered locations around the cavern, which were only as tall as the armor the gang was using. They had no idea what these structures were meant for, so they ignored them.

After about a minute of walking, Spike looked to his right and saw a pair of glowing eyes in the darkness. Worried, he nudged Ducky with the arm of his armor to get her attention.

“What is it, Spike?” asked Ducky.

Spike gestured with the other arm of his armor towards the eyes he saw. Everyone else looked in that direction and also saw those eyes.

Chomper looked back and saw another pair of those eyes appear.

Everyone looked around and, after a few seconds, there were dozens of pairs of eyes surrounding them. One of the pairs of eyes then moved forward just enough so the gang could see what creature they belonged to. It resembled a giant Sand Creeper, much bigger than any Ussal, and clearly more vicious-looking. More of these monster Sand Creepers approached the gang. The gang didn't know it at the time, but these creatures were called Manas, perhaps the most dangerous of all the kinds of Rahi Makuta had enslaved.

“What are these things?” asked Chomper.

“I think they might be guarding this place,” replied Ruby. “I'm pretty sure Makuta doesn't want anyone coming here, so he has these guards stop anyone from coming here. If we want to get to Makuta, we will have to get past these guards.”

“How we get past them?” asked a very nervous Petrie.

“Simple, we fight our way through,” replied Cera, getting into a fighting stance in preparation. “Come and get us you monster Sand Creepers!” she shouted.

Immediately, one of the Manas jumped into the air at Cera. Cera threw her arms forward and managed to knock the fierce Rahi away.

“Woah! I wasn't expecting that!” exclaimed Chomper, before having to defend himself against a similar attack from another Manas.

Soon enough, the whole cavern was in chaos. Ruby, Chomper, and Ducky didn't stand much of a chance against the Manas, so they kept getting pushed back. Petrie was so terrified that all he managed to do was dodge the Manas as they charged. Cera and Spike stood the best chance, but even they struggled against the constant charging of these fierce Rahi.

Littlefoot knocked away another Manas that had tried to attack him. Before he could react, another one slammed into him from the right. He staggered a little, allowing another one to slam into him from the left. He could see that his armor was slightly damaged, showing just how tough the claws on those Manas must have been.

Littlefoot was caught completely off-guard when another Manas slammed into him from behind, causing him to fall forward to the floor. He tried to get up, but the attack had weakened him, so he slumped back down.

The Matoran guarding Kini-Nui were hardly catching a break. The Rahi attacks were relentless.

Two Tarakavas charged towards the temple, but Maku took care of that. Kopeke quickly stopped yet another Nui-Jaga. Kapura may have thrown his throwing disk at a slow speed, but he still managed to knock off the infected mask from another Nui-Rama. Taipu threw his throwing disk with such strength that when it hit the infected mask of a Muaka, it split the mask in half.

“If this keeps up, I don't know what we're going to do,” said Takua. “Let's just hope there won't be a lot of Rahi that are still on the way here.”

Ali had recently realized just how dangerous it really was to be here right now. She also noticed some of the Matoran were starting to grow tired, and the Rahi kept on coming.

Littlefoot was unconscious for only a minute. As soon as he woke up, he stood up. He staggered a little, not only because he was a little weakened, but also because he was still not quite used to walking on two legs. He then noticed a few Manas in front of him, and they had their eyes on him. One of them leaped at him.

Spike intercepted the attack by shoulder-ramming into the Manas, sending it flying across the cavern. Littlefoot took the opportunity to check on his friends. They all seemed exhausted, and many of them had some damage to their armor.

“This is hopeless!” exclaimed Ducky as she dodged another Manas that jumped at her. “We will never get past them! No, no, no!”

“The strategy we're using isn't working!” exclaimed Ruby. “We need a new strategy that will work!”

“What do you have in mind?” asked Cera. Before she could get an answer, another Manas charged at her, hitting her with enough force to send her flying backwards into one of the tower-like structures. The impact effectively destroyed the tower and sent sparks flying from it.

Ruby then noticed one of the Manas suddenly stop and fall limp. She looked at the destroyed tower, then back at the apparently lifeless Manas. “That's it!” she exclaimed. “It's these weird towers! If we destroy them, we can stop these monster Sand Creepers!”

“Alright!” exclaimed a very excited Chomper. “Now we get to smash stuff!” He ran to the nearest tower and quickly smashed it to pieces. He then noticed a nearby Manas collapse.

Everyone else wasted no time. As Ruby destroyed another of the towers, Littlefoot had recovered enough to rejoin the battle and destroy one more of the towers. Ducky positioned herself between a Manas and one of the towers so that when the Manas leaped at her and she dodged, the Manas destroyed it. Spike ripped one of the towers out of the floor and threw it across the cavern, smashing into another one.

“Take that!” shouted Petrie as he destroyed another of the towers.

Eventually, there was only one tower left. Cera held her arm in front of her friends and said, “I got this.” She then charged at the tower. The last standing Manas attempted to intercept her, but wasn't fast enough. Cera smashed through the tower, sending sparks and pieces flying everywhere. The last standing Manas collapsed.

“Well, that's the last of them,” said Chomper as he kicked aside a piece of a smashed tower.

“That was too easy,” said Cera.

“It was easy only because we discovered how to stop them,” commented Ruby. “If we hadn't found a way to stop them, it wouldn't have been so easy.”

“Come on, everyone,” said Littlefoot. “It's time to stop Makuta.”

Everyone was reluctant, but they all knew they had no choice.

Takua retrieved his throwing disk after knocking off the infected mask from yet another Rahi. He returned to his position just in time to see a Muaka jump out from behind the nearby trees, which caught Tamaru by surprise and caused him to fall backwards. At the same time, many more Rahi suddenly appeared and headed straight for the temple. Everyone held their disks at the ready.

“It's horrible,” said Maku.

“There must be hundreds of Rahi out there,” added Hafu.

“We're doomed, doomed!” exclaimed Taipu.

“I will stand with you all, no matter what,” declared Kapura.

Ali turned to Takua and exclaimed, “There must be something we can do!”

“I'm sorry, Ali, but it's going to take a miracle to save us from this,” replied Takua.

“Here they come!” exclaimed Tamaru as he pointed at an approaching swarm of Nui-Rama. One of them swooped down, but was intercepted at the last minute. As the infected masks landed at his feet, Tamaru pointed towards the sky and exclaimed, “Look! It's Kongu!”

Takua looked up and, sure enough, he saw Kongu flying around on his Gukko bird. Takua then looked back down at the oncoming Rahi and saw the Ussalry, led by Onepu riding on Puku, charging onto the scene. Takua turned around and saw a Muaka running towards the temple.

Cera's father charged forward and tackled the Muaka before it could reach its destination. “That'll teach you to mess with us,” he said to the downed Muaka. He then noticed an infected mask on the ground nearby, so he smashed it to pieces with his foot.

Takua then looked in the direction of the Stone Circle and saw Jala, followed by what was possibly the entire Ta-Koro Guard, appear from behind the hill. “Jala, what are you doing here!?” asked Takua.

“I'll explain later,” replied Jala. He turned to the guardsmen behind him and raised his arm. “Disks ready!” Everyone took out their throwing disks and held them at the ready. Jala turned back to the Rahi that were charging towards the temple. He quickly lowered his arm. With that signal, everyone threw their disks. The massive barrage of disks was enough to down dozens of Rahi at once.

Ali, Takua, and the other Matoran on the temple cheered at the sight of the battle now turning in their favor.

After a few minutes, the last few Rahi, seeing that the battle was lost, chose to flee. Some guardsmen, including Cera's father, decided to chase after them to make sure they would never come back.

With the battle over, Ali turned back to the sand pit at the middle of the temple. It had remained unchanged during the battle. She was definitely concerned about her friends. “How much longer do we have to wait for them?” she asked.

“I honestly don't know,” replied Takua. He was just as concerned about his friends as Ali was.

“I just hope they will be okay.”

The gang finally reached the other side of the cavern. As they approached, they saw what had appeared to have been part of the cavern wall start to rise. It was actually a massive door that was opening. However, after rising a certain height, it stopped, but it was enough to reveal what was just on the other side of the door.

“Look! The Energy Stones!” exclaimed Ducky. “We found them! We did, we did!”

“But how do we get them?” asked Chomper. “We're too big to fit through there.”

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Littlefoot soon realized what had to be done. “The armor can't fit through there, but we can,” he said. He then laid down on his back and managed to free himself from his armor. He then climbed out and walked to the open doorway, which was just high enough that he didn't need to duck his head. He then grabbed his Energy Stone, the seventh Energy Stone, which they still did not know what its element was. He then looked back to his friends and said, “What are you waiting for? Come on.”

Cera obviously did not want to abandon her armor. “There has to be another way!” she exclaimed. She decided to try raising the door by force, but it wouldn't budge. “Come on, Spike! Help me!”

Spike walked up to the door and helped Cera try to raise it further. It still wouldn't move. After struggling for over a minute, they gave up.

Ducky was the first one who decided to abandon her armor and follow Littlefoot. She was followed by Petrie, then by Ruby, and then by Spike.

“I'm going to miss this thing,” said Chomper sadly before he too abandoned his armor and walked through the doorway.

Seeing all the empty armor around her, Cera sighed in defeat. She got out of her armor and left it behind.

After the gang had grabbed their Energy Stones, there was some obvious hesitation in everyone.

“Me not sure about this,” said Petrie.

“Yeah, I don't know if we can do this,” said Chomper. “Did you see all the damage those monster Sand Creepers did to the armor? Makuta is way more powerful than them, and we don't have that armor anymore. What hope do we have?”

“The tablet said we need to use the Energy Stones,” replied Ruby. “But I'm not sure if we know how to use the Energy Stones.”

“I'm sure we'll figure it out,” said Littlefoot.

Reluctantly, they all headed into the chamber in front of them. It was time to stop Makuta.

Read and review, as always. If you're wondering about the armor, try to imagine it being similar to the Exo-Toa.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I commend you for giving every member of the gang a more or less equal number of speaking parts in this chapter. And I’m REALLY glad that the adult dinosaurs and Matoran guardsmen are finally doing something to help the gang. (Mr. Threehorn’s appearance at the Kini-Nui battle was probably my favorite part of this chapter.)

It was very dark down here.
I could be mistaken, but I think there are two conflicting tenses in this sentence: “was” implying past tense, and “down here” implying present tense. If you wanted to make the whole sentence past tense, the simplest way to do so would be to delete the highlighted words. This, of course, makes the sentence very short, so you might want to add something to it.

Now that they're eyes were also adjusting to the dark, they also saw what he saw.
Should be “their”.

I would suggest giving a more detailed description of what the armor suits look like. (From what I gather, something like oversized Matoran bodies with no heads and hollow torsos.)

Everyone was startled by this, but Littlefoot actually expected something like that to happen.
Should be “had actually”.

Seeing how high up he was from the floor, he was impressed with this armor and was convinced that it would be powerful enough to give him a better chance against anything he might have to face down here in Makuta's lair.
This might count as another present-tense sentence. Again, deleting the highlighted words would make it past tense.

Cera and Spike struggled as much as Littlefoot did, but the others had less problems, since they were already used to walking on two legs.
Should be “fewer problems” or “less difficulty”.

After about a minute of walking, Spike looked to his right and saw a pair of glowing eyes in the darkness. Worried, he nudged Ducky to get her attention.
Not a mistake, but considering that the gang are wearing the armor suits, Spike couldn’t have nudged Ducky in the usual way. Perhaps you could describe more specifically how he did so; e.g., with the hand of his suit.

"If we hadn't found a way to stop them, it would have been so easy."
Should be “wouldn’t”.

After everyone had grabbed their Energy Stone, there was some obvious hesitation in everyone.
You use “everyone” twice in this sentence. To make it sound less repetitive, I would recommend either changing the first one to “the gang” or the second one to “all of them”. Also, “Energy Stone” should be “Energy Stones”.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Chronicler

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Thank you for your comments, Pangaea. In case if you didn't know, I won't be putting the corrected versions of any chapter on this topic until I'm finished the entire story (which I'm hoping will be no later than early June). I need to focus more of my spare time on writing these last few chapters. Anyway, here's the next chapter.

Chapter 49
The Master of Shadows

With the battle over, Jala headed to Kini-Nui and walked up the steps of the temple. Onepu and Kongu were also there, along with a few other Matoran who had just arrived.

“Hey, Jala, could you explain to me why you and the entire Guard decided to come here?” asked Takua.

“Originally, we had decided to protect the villages,” replied Jala. “But when every scout reported that the Rahi were all heading to Kini-Nui, I knew we had to go after them. Apparently, Ta-Koro wasn't the only village that made the right choice.”

Takua asked the same question to Kongu and Onepu, and they both gave him the same answer that Jala did.

While the Matoran talked to each other, Ali continued to stare at the sand pit at the middle of the temple, hoping that her friends would come back soon. If they succeeded, that is.

The gang entered the chamber, the heart of Makuta's lair itself. In the middle of the chamber, well above the floor, was a swirling vortex of parts and debris. They stared at it in complete shock and silence. Looking more closely at it, they also saw what appeared to be body parts of bio-mechanical creatures among the debris. They couldn't tell if any of these parts were from a Matoran, but just the thought of it was very horrifying to them. None of them could have possibly imagined that such a thing could even be real.

After a few minutes, Littlefoot stepped forward. Gathering all the courage he could, he shouted, “Makuta, we are here!” If Makuta was here, there was now no doubt that he would show himself.

They saw a figure walking towards the center of the chamber. They had expected Makuta to be rather big, but this strange figure was small. As the figure got closer, they realized that it was a Matoran! The gang stared at him in complete disbelief.

This Matoran wore an infected Hau. The rest of his body had the same rusted and pitted appearance of his mask. The red eyes that looked through that infected mask were just like the ones Littlefoot had remembered seeing during his encounter with Makuta in that tunnel. The Matoran came to a stop directly beneath the swirling vortex. “Well done, kids,” said the Matoran, who spoke in a rather dark voice. “I honestly did not expect you to make it this far. At least, not alive.”

Littlefoot recognized that voice. That Matoran was definitely Makuta. “But you... you are...” said Littlefoot, who was still in absolute disbelief.

“Yes, I am that of which you have sworn allegiance to,” replied Makuta.

Cera was not buying this at all. “Littlefoot, it has to be a trick,” said Cera. Holding her Energy Stone with her tail, she held it up and said, “Come on, let's destroy him!”

“Destroy me?” said Makuta. “You cannot destroy me, no more than you can destroy the land, the sea, the air, or... the void.” He gestured towards the swirling vortex above him.

“You are like the land, sea, and air?” asked Ruby. “But the land, sea, and air are full of life. We are a part of that life.”

“Then you are a part of me, for I am nothing. It is out of nothing that you came, and it is into nothing that you will go. I stand with Mata Nui, side by side. I am his brother. The people of both of our worlds are builders, but look into their hearts, and you will find that they also have the power to destroy. I am that power. I am destruction. And I will destroy you.”

After listening to Makuta's speech, most of the gang were quite terrified. If what he was saying was true, there was no telling what he could do to them.

Cera, however, was still not buying it. The physical evidence standing in front of her just wasn't enough to convince her. “But how are you going to do that?” asked Cera. “You're nothing more than a Matoran.”

“You expected something else?” asked Makuta. “Something like... THIS!?” Suddenly, large tentacle-like structures made up of the flying debris shot out from the swirling vortex. One of them hit Makuta, destroying his body and carrying his mask, through which his red eyes still glowed, far above the young dinosaurs.

“Look out!” shouted Littlefoot, as he and his friends quickly scattered to avoid the tentacles that were now coming at them.

Ruby tried to run as fast as she could to outrun the tentacle that was chasing her. However, she was quickly approaching the edge of the cavern, so she needed to turn. This caused her to slow down enough to allow the tentacle to reach her and slam her against the wall.

Chomper reacted quickly and jumped out of the way of a tentacle that had tried to slam into him. Unfortunately, he failed to notice another one before it slammed into him from behind.

Spike was so terrified, he couldn't do anything before he was hit by another tentacle, sending him flying across the chamber.

Petrie and Ducky were doing everything they could to dodge the tentacles flying around, but they were quickly becoming exhausted.

Cera tried to charge straight at one of the oncoming tentacles, but it proved to be far stronger, sending her flying across the chamber.

Littlefoot was desperately dodging the flying tentacles, left and right. Eventually, one of them managed to hit him and slammed him onto the floor. He slowly got up and looked around. Everyone else had also been thrown onto the floor around the swirling vortex and were now getting back up. Despite all the pounding, everyone still held onto their Energy Stones.

The debris that made up the tentacles returned to the swirling vortex.  The infected mask, which appeared to still be worn by Makuta, looked down at the gang. Makuta laughed evilly at the pathetic young dinosaurs that lay fallen before him.

Littlefoot decided that enough was enough. Something had to be done now. “Guys, the Energy Stones!” shouted Littlefoot. “We have to use them now!” Holding his Energy Stone with his tail, Littlefoot held it up at Makuta and focused on stopping him. Although he still had no idea what element his Energy stone possessed, he concentrated on using it to defeat Makuta. About a second later, a beam of light shot from the Energy Stone and hit the swirling vortex. Light! thought Littlefoot. So that must be the element of my Energy Stone! Although Littlefoot was amazed to see such a thing happen, he didn't let it distract him. However, Makuta seemed hardly affected by the Energy Stone.

“It's not enough!” exclaimed Littlefoot. “We have to do this together!”

“How do we use the Energy Stones?” asked Cera, who was clearly more desperate than the others for an answer to that question.

“Focus on using your element to stop Makuta!”

The others quickly understood what Littlefoot wanted them to do. Cera, who held the Energy Stone of Fire with her tail, held it up and envisioned Makuta being consumed by fire. The result was a stream of flame being shot from the Energy Stone towards Makuta. Surprisingly, the heat was not burning her at all.

Ruby followed Littlefoot and Cera with the Energy Stone of Ice. Soon after she began imagining Makuta being encased in a thick layer of ice, a stream of snow and ice was shot at Makuta from the Energy Stone. She was also surprised that she didn't feel any coldness in her hands from the snow and ice.

Next was Ducky with the Energy Stone of Water. She imagined Makuta struggling to stay afloat in a massive flood. The Energy Stone then shot a torrent of water at Makuta. Despite her small size, Ducky didn't feel any recoil from the water, as she had expected.

Petrie was next with the Energy Stone of Air. He envisioned Makuta being blown away by the strongest winds to ever exist. His Energy Stone unleashed a strong and continuous gust of wind at Makuta. Although he didn't feel any of the wind on himself, he was sure that it was working.

Chomper, who held the Energy Stone of Earth, imagined Makuta succumbing to the force of an earthquake. Unlike the other Energy Stones, his didn't seem to be working. He tried to focus harder, but he briefly lost his grip on the stone. Due to his small stature, he was still touching the Energy Stone when it touched the ground, which quickly caused a crack to form in the ground. When he noticed what had just happened, he fully understood the element he was about to use. Instead of holding up his Energy Stone, he stuck it in the ground and concentrated on stopping Makuta. The Energy Stone unleashed a blast of Earth energy, causing a series of cracks to form in the ground, which headed straight towards the location directly beneath the swirling vortex.

Spike, who held the Energy Stone of Stone in his mouth, was the only one who was not using his Energy Stone. When he saw Chomper quickly nod at him, he knew exactly what to do. He stuck his Energy Stone in the ground and envisioned Makuta being crushed by a massive pile of large rocks. This sent a shockwave through the ground directed at Makuta. Where the energies of Earth and Stone came together, they both shot straight upwards, hitting Makuta.

The combination of all seven elemental energies was too much for Makuta. The swirling vortex collapsed and the parts and debris that had been caught in it now fell to the floor. However, the infected mask that was Makuta still hovered in the middle of the chamber.

“Leave this universe now!” declared Littlefoot to Makuta. “Go back to where you came from!”

“Very well then,” said Makuta. “I will leave your pathetic universe, but not without telling you this: We will meet again one day. And when we do, victory won't be so easy for you. In fact, I will be the one who will stand victorious. And there is nothing you can do to stop me.” And with that, the red eyes that showed his presence vanished. The now lifeless mask fell to the floor of the chamber.

The gang was silent for about a minute. “Is he gone?” asked Chomper.

“Yes, Chomper,” replied Littlefoot after a few seconds. “We won't have to worry about him anymore.”

“So... how are we going to get out of here?” asked Cera.

“I guess we have to go back to where we started,” replied Littlefoot. He then turned around and headed out of the chamber. His friends decided to follow him.

Carrying their Energy Stones, the gang walked out of the chamber and through the partially opened doorway. They passed their abandoned armor. It was obvious that there was no way to bring the armor with them to the surface, so they just kept on walking. They passed the destroyed towers. Strangely, the fallen Manas were nowhere to be seen. Perhaps Makuta had taken them with him back to his universe.

Finally, they arrived at the cavern where they had arrived and first found their armor. They quickly spotted the platforms on the floor that were originally part of the Kini-Nui temple. They believed that if these platforms brought them down here, then perhaps they could bring them back to the surface. The gang stepped onto each of the platforms they had stood on when they had descended. Once everyone was in their correct place, the platforms began to ascend.

Ali was startled when the stones around the sand pit suddenly loosened themselves and slid back beneath the floor of the temple. She backed up a bit and saw, to her surprise and relief, Littlefoot and the others rise up from within the temple. “You're back! You made it!” she exclaimed excitedly.

The Matoran turned to Ali when they heard her say this. They were pleasantly surprised to see Littlefoot and his friends had just returned from their confrontation with Makuta.

“You're alive!” exclaimed Takua as he ran up to his friends. He then smiled and said, “Rock-heads, you could've been Makuta-bones.”

The gang obviously knew he was joking. “Could've been, but we're not,” said Littlefoot.

The gang began to laugh about that comment. Takua and Ali quickly joined in the laughter. Eventually, virtually every Matoran in the area was laughing in joy with them, and they definitely deserved to do so. After all, this was a day for them to celebrate.

Even though he had merely retreated, Makuta had just been defeated for the first time in a thousand years.

Read and review, as always. Only three more chapters (not counting the epilogue) left to go. Just so you know, I copied a few more quotes from the Mata Nui Online Game for this chapter.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Wow! So they did it! The gang of seven defeated Makuta in a single chapter! :p I’m glad that they didn’t have to transform into dinosaur-Toa or something in order to do so.

I thought it was interesting that you had five of the Energy Stones manifest their power in beams, but the Earth and Stone ones conduct their power through the ground.

You had mentioned before that you occasionally use quotes from a Bionicle game walkthrough in this story, but until now I hadn’t looked at the walkthrough to see which ones those were. I hate to say it, but I was rather disappointed that so little of the dialogue in the climactic battle scene was your own “script”. The way I see it, when you’re just recycling lines from another source (even one that is greatly inferior to your own writing), it heavily undermines the originality of your story, especially when the lines in question form the dialogue of a significant character during a significant point in the plot. I suppose it wouldn’t matter to anyone who wasn’t familiar with the online game or its walkthrough, but assuming you are intending this story to be enjoyable to Bionicle fans as well as LBT fans, then it is likely that some of your readers will be disappointed that the climactic scene is, from their perspective, merely a rehash of the one from the game/walkthrough with LBT characters in some of the roles.

Also, I think you should go into more detail in explaining how the gang figure out how to “use” the Energy Stones. From what you have right now, it appears that Littlefoot simply realizes that all he needs to do is hold up his Energy Stone and think about stopping Makuta. The others seem to telepathically understand what he is doing, and Chomper even figures out that he needs to use the stone differently, with nothing in the way of trial and error. I think the scene could be made much more interesting (and make more sense as well) if you went into more depth on this. One thought I had was that the Energy Stones passively “tell” their holders how to use them (i.e., each of the gang realizes what to do just by holding their respective Energy Stones). Alternatively, after Littlefoot decides that he’s had enough of Makuta, he could impulsively think about defeating him, feel that his Stone is “coming to life”, raise it up, concentrate harder, and produce the beam. He could then call to the others that all they need to do is think and focus on defeating Makuta, and they follow suit. Chomper could find that his stone isn’t working like the others’, and maybe taps it on the cave floor in an effort to get it started, discovering in the process that the ground reacts when he does so. Figuring it out, he sticks it in the ground and releases its power, and Spike follows his lead.

The descriptions of each of the members of the gang using their Energy Stones against Makuta felt a bit repetitive to me, namely in that you used the phrase “...and concentrated on stopping Makuta” three times (following one “...and concentrated on stopping him”). I think the scene would be more exciting if you used a different wording for each character (e.g. “[Chomper] imagined Makuta succumbing to the force of an earthshake”, “[Cera] envisioned Makuta being consumed by fire”, even “focused on defeating Makuta”).

In the middle of the chamber, well above the floor, was a swirling vortex of parts and debris.
Arguably not a mistake, per se; I’m just a little confused: parts of what? Debris as in rock debris? Metal? It might help if you were a little more specific. Also, if the parts are body parts of Matoran, then I would imagine the gang would be rather horrified by that.

Cera tried to charge straight at one of the oncoming tentacles, but it proved to be far stronger, which sent her flying across the chamber.
Should be either “sending” or “and sent”, depending on which you prefer. (I think the first choice sounds better myself.)

Everyone * had also been thrown onto the floor around the swirling vortex, and they were now getting back up.
*Insert “else”.
Also, either delete “they” or change it to “they too”.

Makuta laughed evilly at seeing the pathetic young dinosaurs fall before him.
Grammatical error. There’s also the issue that, at the point in the chapter in which the line appears, the gang have already been knocked down by Makuta, but “fall” implies present tense. You could change it to something like this:
Makuta laughed evilly at the pathetic young dinosaurs that lay fallen before him.

Cera, who held the Energy Stone of Fire with her tail, held up her Energy Stone and concentrated on stopping Makuta.
I’d suggest changing this to “held it up”, as you are otherwise somewhat redundantly using “Energy Stone” twice in the sentence.

Despite her small size, Ducky didn't feel any resistance against her from the water, as she had expected.
I think I understand what you’re trying to say here; Ducky had expected that the force of the water spraying out would push her back. However, I don’t think “resistance” is quite the right word. “Backlash” or “recoil”, maybe? In any case, the words “against her” are unneeded.

The Energy Stone unleashed a blast of Earth energy, causing a series of cracks * form in the ground ** which headed straight towards the location directly beneath the swirling vortex.
*Insert “to”.
**Insert comma.

Finally, they arrived at the cavern where they had arrived and found their armor.
I don’t know if anyone else thought this, but to me this sentence sounds a little like the gang are coming across their armor again in the cavern where they first arrived. If you wanted, you could change it to “first found”, or cut out the mention of the armor entirely.

They quickly noticed the platforms on the floor that were originally part of the Kini-Nui temple. They quickly realized that if these platforms brought them down here, then perhaps they could bring them back to the surface.
I might be getting a bit too perfectionistic here (well...really, I probably already HAVE gotten too perfectionistic :oops), but both of these sentences begin with the same two words. I would suggest at least removing one of the “quickly”’s. Also, the gang were already familiar with the platforms, but “noticed” sort of implies that they are seeing them for the first time. I think “spotted” or “found” would be a better word. Likewise, I think “concluded” would be a better choice of words than “realized”.

The gang soon began to laugh about that comment. Takua and Ali quickly joined in the laughter. Eventually, virtually every Matoran in the area had joined in the laughter, and they definitely deserved to do so.
Personally, I would remove “soon”. Also, another one of those instances in which the same phrase appears twice in rapid succession.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.