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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Yeah, little over a day late. Sorry about that, but kinda got writer's block on this episode. And no table reading this week. Hopefully the Pterano episode won't be like that.



Episode 24 - The Very Sharp Threehorn Girl

Now available in French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and Sharptooth!

Scene: The Great Valley.

Littlefoot, Cera, and Chomper are walking through a forest. Cera and Chomper are in an argument.

Chomper: "Sharpteeth aren't that bad. I mean, I'm a sharptooth, and I'm still nice."

Cera: "You all still gotta eat, though."

Chomper: "Well..."

Cera: "At least you're all easy to deal with."

Chomper: "What do you mean?"

Cera: "Well, it's just like when we dropped that big rock on your dad's head!"

Chomper: "Leave my daddy out of this!"

Cera: "Why? He's just as dumb as all the other sharpteeth we've ever run into!"

Chomper: "I keep telling you, sharpteeth aren't dumb!"

Cera: "Then how do we always get away from them!?"

Chomper: "That's something I'd LOVE to know!"

Cera: "It's because we're always smarter than them!"

Chomper: "You take that back!"

Cera: Laughs. "Why should I?"

Chomper brandishes one of his claws. Littlefoot steps back, looking worried.

Chomper: "I said take it back!"

Littlefoot: "Uh...Chomper?"

Cera: "It's true!"

Chomper starts to growl.

Chomper: "Can't you hear me? I said take it back,!"

Littlefoot looks back and forth between the arguing threehorn and sharptooth, then gulps.

Littlefoot: ""

Cera: "Humpth!"

Chomper starts to breathe heavily, looking like he's about to do something, but quickly turns around and runs off.

Littlefoot: "Whew!"

Littlefoot walks up to Cera.

Littlefoot: "Hey, Cera? What did you say that for?"

Cera: "Just trying to put some sense in that sharptooth."

Littlefoot: "Well, that was really mean."

Cera: "Well, LONGNECK, I'm just telling it like it is!"

Cera turns and walks off.

Littlefoot: "Wow, that was...strange. Hmm, maybe I should just think of something else right now, I'm sure they'll work it out. Hey, maybe I should go and talk to someone about it!"

The little longneck runs off.

Scene: The Great Valley, later in the day.

Spike stands next to a bush, eating his fill. Littlefoot walks up to him.

Littlefoot:"Hey, Spike. Um...I have something I want to talk about. You don't mind, right?"

Spike glances at Littlefoot, then takes a bite out of the bush.

Littlefoot: "Good. You's about Ali. I kinda think she likes me."

Spike takes another bite out of the bush.

Littlefoot: "I...kinda think I like her too, but I don't really know how to tell her. I mean, I have to make it sound convincing, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for it or not.

Spike burps.

Littlefoot: "Oh well, It's just something I need to think about some more. Hey, thanks Spike. It's nice to have someone to talk to about this stuff!"

Spike grunts lightly and takes yet another bite out of the bush.

Suddenly, some bushes next to the pair shake. Littlefoot and Spike turn to look at the bush worriedly, before Chomper steps out.

Chomper: "Hey guys."

Littlefoot: "Oh...hey Chomper."

Chomper: "...Hey, Littlefoot?"

Littlefoot: "What's the matter?"

Chomper: "Well, It's just that I'm still mad at Cera."

Littlefoot: "I can kinda understand how you would be. It's just, you had me kind of worried earlier.

Chomper: "Worried? How?"

Littlefoot: "Well, it's just that you...uh...never mind."

Chomper: "Oh. Anyway, I want to get back at her for that."

Littlefoot: " do?"

Chomper: "Yeah, of course! So, I've gotten together with the Professor, and we got a plan for something GREAT to play on Cera!"

Littlefoot: Looking worried. "What?"

Chomper: Laughs maniacally. "We're gonna show Cera what it's REALLY like being a sharptooth!"

Scene: The Great Valley, at night, at the threehorn nest.

Cera is asleep in her nest, along with Topsy, Tria, and Tricia. Cera is snoring loudly.

Littlefoot, Spike, and Chomper sneak up on Cera, and pick her up. They all work together to carry her. The little threehorn continues to snore.

Littlefoot: "Oof, Cera sure is heavy!"

Spike: "Uh-huh."

Chomper: "At least she's a heavy sleeper too!"

Scene: The Professor's Cave.

The camera shows a flat rock in the middle of the room. The Gang comes over, and lays Cera down on the rock.

Littlefoot: "Alright, we got her here. Now what?"

Chomper: Laughs. "Now we just wait for the Professor, of course!"

Professor: "Here I am!"

The Professor enters the cave, and walks up to the middle. His cloths are cut up, and he has a few cuts over his body.

Littlefoot: "What happened, Professor?"

Professor: "...Don't ask."

He comes up to the sleeping Cera, and pulls dozens of sharpteeth teeth out of his pocket, depositing them on the rocky table.

Professor: "Heh, the first thing I'll do is give her some sharpteeth."

The Professor starts working the sharpteeth into her mouth with some gooey substance. A time lapse happens, to where Cera's mouth is now full of sharpteeth. Littlefoot and Chomper just stare at him while he works.

Professor: "Oh, by the way, where's everyone else?"

Chomper: "Oh, they left when me and Cera started to argue."

Littlefoot: "Yeah, they don't like listening to it. They didn't want to be involved, actually."

Professor: "Hmm, and why did you want to be involved?"

Littlefoot: "That's...a very good question."

Chomper: "So, what's next, Professor?"

Professor: "Next, to make her TALK like a sharptooth!"

The human takes a second communication device, sets it to Sharptooth, and sticks it on Cera, on the back of her face plate. He then pulls out another strange device.

Professor: "Let's see now. This here is a smell amplifier. I'll just stick this up in there like so..."

The Professor forcibly shoves the device in Cera's left nostril. She STILL doesn't wake up.

Professor: "...and now Cera's ability to smell is increased a hundred fold. Now for the kicker!"

The Professor pulls a vial of black liquid out of his pocket.

Chomper: "Uh...what's that?"

Professor: "It's the Elixir-that-Makes-Everything-Taste-Horrible, of course! Just one drop of this, and she won't be able to keep down anything tomorrow!"

Littlefoot: "But...isn't that kind of mean?"

Chomper: "Well, what Cera did was mean too!"

Professor: "And besides, it'll wear off after a day or so. It's just to make Cera THINK she can't eat greenfood anymore!"

Chomper: "That's great! So, is that it?"

Professor: "Hmm, I suppose so.

Littlefoot: "I'm not so sure about this. Maybe we should stop."

Chomper: "Aw, come on Littlefoot! What could possibly go wrong?"

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Scene: The Watering Hole.

At the threehorn nest, Cera wakes up before any of the other threehorns.

Cera: Yawns. <So hungry right now. Let's see what we have this morning.>

Cera walks over to a bush.

Cera: <Looks like it'll do.>

Cera takes a bite out of the bush, chews on it for a bit, then spits it out in disgust.

Cera: <Bleh! What is this stuff!? It...takes horrible!>

Cera brings her tongue up to gently lick one of the leafs, then pulls it back.

Cera: <What's going on?>

Off in the distance, Littlefoot is in some greenery close to the Watering Hole, eating breakfast.

Cera: <Hmm, there's the longneck. Maybe he knows what's going on with me.>

She starts to walk up to the group.

Cera: <Hey, Littlefoot...>

The Gang turn their heads towards Cera, then act scared for their lives as they dart off in varying directions.

Cera: <...That's weird. Why was he so scared of me?>

Cera looks to the side of the pond, at the threehorn nest. Mr. Threehorn and Tria are now up and eating close by, with Tricia playing off to the side.

Cera: <Ah, my parents! They've gotta know whats up!>

Cera dashes off to her parents.

Cera: <Hey, Tria! Daddy! What's going on with me?>

Mr. Threehorn: "What was that noise?"

Cera: <Hey Daddy, listen to me! I don't know what's wrong with me!>

Tria: "'s Cera, but she's roaring at us."

Cera: <Hey, why is this greenfood tasting so bad? I don't understand what's going on.>

Mr. Threehorn: "Cera, what are you doing?"

Cera: <Daddy? Why are you mumbling at me? I don't know what you're saying!>

Mr. Threehorn: "Cera! Stop fooling around and talk to me!"

Cera rushes forward to the pond next to the threehorn nest. She looks at her own reflection in the water, shakes her head, takes a second look, then screams.

Cera: <What's happening to me!?>

She slowly backs away, then bolts off. Her parents look on at her, confused.

Mr. Threehorn: "What's wrong with our daughter, Tria?"

Tria: "Oh, I don't know. Must have lost another game to Littlefoot yesterday or something."

Scene: The edge of the Great Valley.

Chomper is up, eating some ground crawlers close to the Secret Caves.

Cera runs past him, looking freaked out.

Chomper: <Mmm, these are some good ground crawlers!>

Cera suddenly stops and turns around.

Cera: <Did...did you just say something, Chomper?>

Chomper: <Well yes, I did...but, how did you hear that?>

Cera: <What do you mean?>

Chomper: <I mean, I'm speaking in sharptooth right now. I'm roaring at you!>

Cera: <But...that doesn't make any sense!>

Chomper: <Wait, what happened to your teeth?>

Cera: <My teeth?>

Chomper: <Yeah, they're so pointy even! Wait, have you tried to eat anything today?>

Cera: <Well, yeah, but I couldn't keep it down!>

Chomper: <Of course! That would explain everything!>

Cera: <What would?>

Chomper: <You're a sharptooth now!>

Cera: <What?>

Chomper: <You must be!>

Cera: <>

Cera: <Then...what am I going to eat? Those ground crawlers?>

Chomper: Looking worried. <No, not these! Um, you're a lot bigger than me, so they wouldn't fill you up anyway.>

Cera: <Then what do I eat!?>

Chomper: <Heheh, I'm sure you'll find something.>

Cera: <Do you someone?>

Chomper: <What did you think I meant?>

Cera: <But...I don't want to eat anyone! That would just!>

Chomper: <Well, tough luck, Cera.>

Cera: <Just the idea of it and all. It's just so...ugh!>

Chomper: <No one ever said it's easy being a sharptooth.>

Cera: <I...need to go think for a bit.>

Cera starts to walk off, looking blank and horrified.

Chomper: <Oh, okay. Tell me if you need anything, though.>

Chomper eats some more ground crawlers, as the rest of the Gang walk up to him.

Littlefoot: "How's it going, Chomper?"

Chomper: "Great! Cera's really freaked out right now, especially after I gave her some...ideas."

Littlefoot: "I still think this is really mean, Chomper."

Chomper: "How so? I'm just putting her in my feet. Making her see what it's like to be me. Anyway, I think it's about time to tell her what's going on."

Littlefoot: "But where did Cera go?"

Chomper: "Hmm, I can still smell her."

Littlefoot: "Well, lead the way!

Chomper sticks his sniffer on the ground, and follows Cera's scent.

Scene: The Hidden Valley.

Chomper walks up to the Mysterious Beyond exit, and lifts his head up.

Chomper: "...oops."

Littlefoot: "What is Cera thinking!?"

Chomper: "Don't worry, we'll come and save you, C-"

Littlefoot: "...And what were YOU thinking!?"

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Scene: The Mysterious Beyond, in the afternoon.

In the woods of the Beyond, Cera prowls around, sniffing for something she could eat.

Cera: <Let's see here...gotta find SOMETHING to eat.>

She looks through one bush and sees a giant adult longneck.

Cera: <No, too big. He'd just smash me with his tail.>

She looks through a second bush to see a tiny ground crawler on a rock.

Cera: <No, too small. I'd never fill myself up eating those.>

Cera walks a bit more to look through yet another bush, seeing two very young threehorns snuggling each other lovingly, accompanied by heartwarming music.

Cera: <Oh, come on!>

She turns around, sighing angrily. She trots some more, before another smell reaches her new, improved sniffer.

Cera: <Hmm, now what's THAT smell?>

Cera slowly trudges forward, before sticking her head through a bush. On the other side, she sees two sort of young fast biters. It's Guaro and Bo!

Guaro: <Any idea where our brother went?>

Bo: <No idea. You're the one that's supposed to keep an eye on him!>

Guaro: <Not since I gave you that job yesterday! Remember?>

Bo: <How can I ever remember anything you say with your constant blabbing!?>

Guaro: <Why you little...!>

Cera gasps.

Cera: <!>

She turns to run, but stops in her escape to think.

Cera: < about sharpteeth? Yeah, I could eat sharpteeth. I don't see anything wrong with that. Not at all! Plus, if I get rid of some of them, I'll be a hero!>

Cera starts to growl, as she steps out of the foliage.

Bo: <Is that you, Cutter?>

Guaro: <It kinda sounds like it.>

They both turn to see the threehorn growling at them.

Guaro: <Well, won't you look at that!>

Bo: <Looks good!>

Cera: <Not as good as you look!>

Guaro: <Wait, did that flattooth just talk?>

Cera: <I'm not a flattooth, dummy!>

Guaro: <Well, you look like one.>

Bo: Licking his lips. <And I'm sure you'll taste like one!>

Cera: <I'm tired of talking; CHARGE!>

Cera takes off towards the two fast biters. She rams them both, knocking them to the side. She keeps running and stops at the other side. Littlefoot and Chomper step up from behind the woods to see the action ensuing.

Chomper: "Oh no! We have to stop her!"

Littlefoot: "But what are we going to do!?"

Chomper: <Cera! CERA!>

Cera stops and turns her head. Guaro and Bo get back up.

Cera: <Chomper? What are you doing here?>

Chomper: <Cera, listen to me! You're not a sharptooth!>

Bo and Guaro inch up to Cera.

Cera: <I'm...I'm not?>

Chomper: <No, you're still the same tasty threehorn you've always been!>

Cera: <Really? I am?>

Chomper: <...Yeah.>

Bo licks his lips again.

Cera: Blankly. <...Huh.>

Cera stands there for a second, then turns tail and runs away.

Cera: "Ahhh!"

She runs past Littlefoot, who also starts to run.

Littlefoot: "Run!"

Cera: <Run!>

Scene: The Great Valley, later that afternoon.

Cera is on the ground, with the Professor working on her. Littlefoot and Chomper are looking on. The Professor rips the communicator off Cera.

Cera: "Ow!"

Chomper: "It worked!"

Cera: "What are you talking about?"

Littlefoot: "Cera! I can hear you again!"

Professor: "And it looks like that's it! You're back to normal!"

Cera: "I am? You mean, I can eat greenfood again?"

Professor: " That's gonna wear off by tomorrow, though."

Cera: "And these teeth?"

Professor: "Oh...right. That'll be kind of hard to get out. You know, what with super glue and all. Didn't feel like getting to it today."

Cera: "And my nose?"

Professor: Laughs. "I completely forgot about that! But other than those three things, you're back to your old threehorn self!"

Cera: "Whatever."

Littlefoot: "Chomper! You should be ashamed of yourself! Playing a trick like that on Cera."

Chomper: "I'm...I'm sorry."

Cera: "Yeah, serves you..."

Littlefoot: "And shame on you Cera! You shouldn't have said all those bad things about Chomper's kind; you hurt his feelings!"

Cera: "I'm sorry...I guess."

Chomper: "You know Cera, sometimes I wonder why I haven't eaten you yet."

Chomper comes over and gives Cera a hug. Cera gets wide eyed.

Chomper: "Not often though!"

Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Episode 25 - From One Adventurer to Another

The most epic adventure of all time!

Scene: The Great Valley, at the threehorn nest, early in the morning.

Mr. Threehorn is sitting in the nest, with the Professor sitting on a nearby stone.

Mr. Threehorn: "...And kids these days are just so ungrateful!

Professor: "Oh, I know what you mean. Humpth! Little hooligans!

Mr. Threehorn: "They don't listen to their parents anymore. They just do whatever they want!

Professor: "They just get in so much mischief, don't they?"

Mr. Threehorn: "And do you know who REALLY gets my flowing fire flowing?"

Professor: "Who?"

Mr. Threehorn: "That old flyer, Pterano!"

Professor: "Really? He doesn't seem so bad to me."

Mr. Threehorn: "Then you don't know him!"

Professor: "Aw, fuf! what's so bad about him? What did he do?"

Mr. Threehorn lowers his head and looks away from the Professor.

Mr. Threehorn: "I...don't want to talk about it."

Professor: "Well, YOUR no fun!"

The Professor gets up and walks off.

Professor: "Hmm, I guess that just leaves the Gang then. Wonder what THEY'RE up to today?"

Scene: The Great Valley, near the flyer nest.

Petrie is by himself, eating a tree sweet. The rest of the Gang walks up to him, as well as Ali and Shorty.

Littlefoot: "Hey Petrie! We're going out on an adventure today! Wanna come?"

Petrie: "Oh, me can't!"

Ducky: "Why not, Petrie?"

Petrie: "Me do something else today, with me uncle!"

Chomper: "Really? With Pterano?"

Petrie: "Yeah!"

Littlefoot: "Oh, alright Petrie, but we'll miss you!"

Ali: "Me too! It just won't be as fun without you!"

The Gang walks off.

Petrie: "Hmm, me wonder what uncle want to do?"

A shadow appears over the ground. It's a flyer descending from the skies.

Petrie: "Oh, here he comes! Uncle!"

Pterano lands right next to Petrie.

Pterano: "Why good morning Petrie! And happy starday to you as well!"

Petrie: "What we get to do today!"

Pterano: "Heheh, I thought you would never ask!"

Pterano kneels down close to Petrie.

Pterano: "I thought that a special starday needed a special event!"

Pterano gets back up and motions towards the skies.

Pterano: "And what better activity for two fellow adventures than a grand adventure!"

Petrie: "Really!?"

Pterano: "Yes! We're taking a trip to the Mysterious Beyond! Just the two of us!"

Scene: The Mysterious Beyond, just outside of the Great Valley.

Petrie and his uncle are soaring high up in the air.

Pterano: "Ah, being an adventurer. Soaring wherever the wind takes you. Excitement! Action! Valor! Nary a care in the world! Isn't this the life, Petrie?"

Petrie: It sure is, Uncle!"

Pterano: "Why, I feel as if I could grasp the world below me in my very talons. I feel as if no obstacle is in my way. As if..."

Pterano rams into a tree at full speed, and starts plummeting to the earth below.

Petrie: "Uncle?"

Petrie starts descending to the earth, as Pterano lands in a bush. Petrie lands next to the bush.

Petrie: "Uncle? You okay?"

Pterano sticks his head up.

Pterano: Hmm, didn't seem to see that towering tree in front of my eyes."

Pterano works his way out of the bush, walking up right next to Petrie.

Pterano: "Hmm, nothing seems bruised. I believe I'm quite alright, Petrie, but many thanks for your concern."

Petrie: "Well, what we do now, Uncle?"

Pterano: "Well...while I was plummeting perilously to the cold ground, and while my mind was racing furiously, a peculiar thought crossed my mind. Petrie, why don't you lead the way for a while?"

Petrie: "Really, Pterano!?"

Pterano: "Why, of course, Petrie! You're an adventurer, and I'm sure you've led your little gang of friends many times before!"

Petrie: "Well, actually, Littlefoot do most of the..."

Pterano: "Nonsense! I'm sure you won't steer us wrong!"

Scene: Further out in the Mysterious Beyond, near a volcano, at night.

A storm has broken out. Torrential downpours of rain pelt the two flyers.

Petrie: "Oops."

Pterano: "Well, the weather is getting too inhospitable for soaring. Perhaps we should find a safe abode to spend the night?"

Petrie: "Yes, me wet and cold! Let's find a cave or something!"

Pterano scans the side of the volcano, eying a cave opening.

Pterano: "Ah, there's a location that looks rather inviting! Come on Petrie!"

Pterano and Petrie sail down.

Scene: Inside the volcano cave.

Pterano is laying down, with his back to a rocky wall. Petrie is in his wings.

Pterano: "Well, sorry that this little adventure as been more of a mis-advdenture thus far. I didn't mean for it to turn out this way."

Petrie: "Oh, it okay, uncle. Me sure tomorrow will be better!"

Pterano: Sighs. "Oh, I dearly hope so, my little Petrie."

Petrie snuggles in Pterano's wings, with the old flyer brings his head down to nuzzle Petrie, falling asleep in the process.

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Scene: Outside the cave, the next morning.

Pterano steps out of the cave, and outstretches his wings in a huge span.

Pterano: "Ah, the beginning of another glorious day!"

Petrie haggers out to stand beside him.

Petrie: "It sure is, Uncle!"

Pterano: Takes in a huge breath. "Ah, just smell that fresh air!

Petrie: "So, what we do now?"

Pterano: "Well, the weather is much more agreeable now. I'd imagine we could..."

Suddenly, the ground rumbles.

Petrie: "What that!?"

Pterano: "Ah, the mountains which burn with ferocity! It'd quite the sight, don't you think?"

The volcano starts blowing hot air out of it's top.

Petrie: "Oh no oh no oh nohoho! Smoky mountain angry at me again!

Pterano: "Petrie, I am quite sure that a mountain can't show any..."

Petrie: "Run...Me mean fly! Fly away!"

Petrie takes off.

Pterano: "Petrie! I don't wish for you to get lost out in this wilderness. Get your tail back here, now!"

Petrie: "AHHH!"

Pterano sighs, then takes off after his nephew.

Scene: The Mysterious Beyond, in the afternoon, over a lush forest.

The two flyers soar overhead.

Petrie: "Um, uncle? Me hungry!"

Pterano: "Yes, I'm a bit famished myself. Good thing we're over such a lush and green forest. We should be able to find something edible here!"

The two flyers swoop down.

Scene: A lake in the Mysterious Beyond.

Pterano swoops down into the waters to catch a fish, while Petrie sits on the banks, eating some sweet bubbles. Pterano lands on a tree close to Petrie with two fish in his talons. He swallows one of them.

Pterano: "You sure you don't want some fish, Petrie?"

Petrie: "No thanks, uncle."

Pterano: "Um...Petrie, I know you've never eaten something that wasn't...greenfood before, but why?"

Petrie: "Well, me just never wanted to, me guess."

Pterano: "Do you have a problem with being a meat-eater or something?"

Petrie: "...Uh, no, it not that."

Pterano: "Then what?"

Petrie: "Me...guess it just idea of eating something that alive."

Pterano: "Hmm, well...that doesn't make much sense, Petrie. plants are alive too."

Petrie: "But..."

Pterano: "Petrie, just come over here and try one, why won't you?"

Petrie: "No, me can't!"

Pterano: "Oh, come on! I know SOMEONE around here is hungry for some meat!"

Suddenly, a loud, deafening sharptooth roar rips though the air.

Petrie: "Uh, uncle?"

Pterano: "!?"

Petrie: "Uncle, do something!"

Pterano trembles in place, unable to even utter a word. Trees topple over, as Redclaw come bounding out to the banks. His goons aren't present this time.

Petrie: "Uncle?"

Pterano's jaw drops, as he gazes into Redclaw's eyes. The massive sharptooth stomps up to Petrie, who's trembling as well.

Petrie: "Uncle!"

Redclaw barrols down his head and slams his jaws shut over Petrie. Pterano shakes his head.

Pterano: Gasps. "Petrie!"

Pterano jumps off of the tree he was perched on, wings spread out, as he glides down towards Redclaw.

Pterano: "With my talons of truth, I slash thee!"

Pterano lands on Redclaws snout. He slashes and pokes at Redclaw several times, before stopping for a breath. Redclaw just stands there, looking annoyed.

Pterano: "Ye know I'm stabbing at thee, right?"

Redclaws swings his head around in a circular motion. Pterano tries to cling on, but gets thrown up into the air.

Pterano: "AHH!"

Pterano flails in the air over Redclaw, who has his head up and his jaws open wide. Pterano falls into Redclaw's mouth, and he clamps his jaws shut. The massive sharptooth turns around, and starts to walk off.

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Scene: Inside Redclaw's mouth.

Pterano is laying on Redclaw's tongue. He gets up, trying to wipe the saliva off himself.

Pterano: "Hmm, That is odd. Why hasn't the foul beast swallowed yet?"

Petrie: "Me no know."

Pterano: "Well, if he's giving us the chance, the benefit of the doubt, then I'll take it!"

Pterano pushes up on the top of Redclaw's mouth, trying to open it up. He struggles, grunting and breathing heavily, but nothing happens.

Pterano: "But...I remember doing something like this before!"

Pterano tries opening up the large sharptooth's mouth again, but fails.

Pterano: Talking to himself. "Now, let's see here. Was this one of the parts I made up? I...can't quite remember."

Petrie: "What you say, uncle?"

Pterano: "Oh, nothing, Petrie! Nothing at all."

Petrie: "Oh, what we do now?"

Pterano: "I...don't know. I honestly don't know."

Pterano bends down and picks up Petrie in his talons. He brings his nephew in for a hug."

Petrie: 'Uncle?"

Pterano: "Oh, it seems the end is near."

Petrie starts to tear up.

Pterano: "...Still, it IS odd that this...beast hasn't thought to swallow us yet. What is he doing, anyway?"

Petrie: " least we together, uncle."

Pterano: Tearing up as well. "You're...right on that one."

Pterano brings Petrie up to his beak for another hug.

Pterano: "I' sorry, little one. I've...failed again, haven't I?"

Both of the flyers continue to cry.

Pterano: "Oh, I...I..."

Suddenly, the mouth the two flyers are in shakes violently.

Petrie: "What...what that?"

A few loud stomps are heard, and Redclaw's whole body shakes again.

Pterano: "My word, what is all the commotion!?"

For the third time, Redclaw's body shakes, his mouth opens up in pain, as he shakes his head back and forth with force. The centrifugal force jets the two flyers out of the foul beasts mouth, into the light outside.

Petrie: "! We free!"

Pterano: "What is going on here?"

???: "That's right. Let them out you beast!"

As pterano regains his "footing" in the air, with Petrie beside him. He glances down to see a large Spiketail battling with Redclaw.

Spiketail: "I say we run!"

Pterano: "I'm with you on that one!"

Scene: A large lake in the Mysterious Beyond.

Petrie and Pterano are bathing in the water, while the adult spiketail takes a drink.

Petrie: "Is smell out yet?"

Spiketail: "Nope, you two STILL smell like sharptooth breath!"

Pterano: "Well, It will come out eventually, I can assure you of that. By the way, valiant Spiketail; what is your name, if I may be so bold to ask."

Spiketail: "Name's Joe."

Petrie: "Hello Joe."

Pterano and Petrie swim out of the water to the banks of the pond. They shake themselves, trying to dry off somewhat.

Pterano: "Well, I'd suggest we head back to the Great Valley soon, Petrie. It's been an...interesting adventure to say the least, but sometimes I just need to rest my wings."

Petrie: "But...where Great Valley? We lost!"

Joe: "Great Valley you say? Why, your not that far from there."

Pterano: "Really?"

Joe: "No, not at all! Just go off to the right there a ways, and you'll be back by sundown!"

Pterano: "Then let's be on our way then!"

Pterano spreads out his wings to lift off, but catches himself.

Pterano: "Oh, before we go. I would just like to say how grateful we are for your help earlier. We wouldn't be here without your bravery!"

Joe: "Aw, don't mention it!"

Pterano and Petrie take off.

Joe: "No, I mean it, my mate would kill me if she found out!"

Scene: A field in the Great Valley. The sun is setting.

Pterano and Petrie land in the field.

Petrie: "We finally home, uncle!"

Pterano: "Right you are, fearless flyer!"

Littlefoot: "Hey Petrie! Hey Pterano!"

Petrie: Turning his head. "Littlefoot? Friends? They back!"

Pterano: "Ah, the other little adventurers are back as well! What did you all get yourselves into this time? Explored a little cave, or found a nice tasty plant or something of the sort?" He chuckles.

Littlefoot: "Nope. This!"

Littlefoot walks up. He and Spike have vines strapped to them. Behind them they are dragging a large diamond.

Petrie: "Ooo!"

Pterano: "wh...what is that thing?

Professor: "A Diamond. Biggest I've ever seen! Might even rival the hope diamond! Hmm, unless it IS the hope diamond..."

Petrie: "What you talking about?"

Professor: "Oh nothing, nothing at all.

Pterano: "So, I suppose that means your adventure was good then?"

Ducky: "It was very good, yup yup yup!"

Professor: "Oh my yes!"

Littlefoot: "The last two days were full of Adventure!"

Ducky: "Fun!"

Cera: "Danger!"

Ruby: "Excitement!"


Professor: "And love!"

Camera pans to Littlefoot and Ali, who are looking at each other affectionately. The two longnecks nuzzle each other, while Shorty looks on at them annoyingly.

Chomper: "It was the most epic adventure of all time! So sorry you had to miss it, Petrie!"

Littlefoot: "Anyway, hope whatever you did with your uncle the past two days was fun! See you tomorrow!"

The Gang walks off. Pterano looks down at Petrie, who has his beak dropped.

Pterano: "Oh, Petrie...sorry I made you miss out on..."

Pterano is suddenly interrupted by a different flyer; his sister, who swoops down to the earth next to him.

Petrie's Mom: " So...THERE you are!"

Pterano: ", greetings, sis!"

Petrie's Mom: "Oh, don't play those games with me, Pterano! Where have you been!?"

Pterano: "Oh, well I've...been around."

Petrie's Mom: "...And UGH, what what is that smell!?"

Pterano just stands there shyly, not saying a word.

Petrie's Mom: "I TOLD you to keep Petrie safe! I know you took him out of the Great Valley!"

Pterano: "But sis, it was just a little adventure."

Petrie's Mom: "Oh, you and your little adventures! Come on home Petrie, it's getting late!"

Petrie: "Okay, mommy. In a minute."

Petrie's Mom: "And you love speeches, don't you, Pterano? Well, I've got a speech for you when you get your tail home to the nest tonight!"

Petrie's mom turns around and bolts off. Pterano now has his beak dropped. Petrie turns to him.

Petrie: "Oh, it okay Pterano! Me just glad me got to spend me starday with you! That all that matters in the end, right?"

Pterano: "Heheh. Yes, I suppose that IS all the matters in the end!"

Petrie: "Well, me head to nest now. Me hope you get through that speech!"

Pterano: Chuckles. "Oh yes, I hope I can as well!"

Petrie start to fly off.

Pterano: "Oh, Petrie?"

Petrie: "Yes, uncle?"

Pterano: "I'm...also sorry about letting you get in the shaprtooth's mouth in the first place."

Petrie: "Oh...that."

Pterano hangs his head low.

Petrie: "Well, me was scared too. Neither of us did anything."

Pterano: "I know that, but still. I'm the adult, I was supposed to do something!"

Petrie: "Well, uncle..."

Pterano: "I was supposed to try to save you, but I didn't. I mean, this could have turned out like...that time.

Petrie: "Uncle?

Pterano: "That incident was playing through the very front of my mind the whole time! I could have lost you and..."

Petrie: "Uncle!"

Pterano shuts up and stares at Petrie.

Petrie: "Um, uncle? Pterano? We all make mistakes. Me feel bad for things me done, but me just have to not think about them too much. We...just have to try to do better next time."

Pterano: Sighs. "I...suppose you're right, Petrie."

Petrie flies off, while Pterano stays behind to think for a bit.


(The spiketail OC, Joe, is a character from Trulyfantasticme's Pterano story, "Lost in a Forest". Thanks to tfm for letting me use him!)
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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:lol  :lol  :lol Now THIS was FUUUUNNY!!! Mmmm...flyer nuggets.

Yeah so anyway, I loved this episode. Dawww...don't feel bad, Pterano. I screw up all the time! :lol
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Sorry for taking like 2 weeks to reply, but thanks a lot Mama's Girl for reading this and telling me what you think of it. Hope you like the rest of it whenever you get around to it :)

Glad you liked this tfm! I really wrote this mostly for you and Pterano, though I don't think Pterano has gotten around to reading it yet. (Oh yeah, this particular episode wasn't proofread. Pterano is really busy with moving at the moment, so I completely understand.)

I decided to use another member's OC in this episode (With her permission of course ;) ). I"m open to bringing in other OC's as well, if someone would like me to maybe try to work theirs in.

Oh, and I'm in the planning stages for season 3 at the moment, so I'm open to any ideas for what readers would like to see. Is there some one-time characters you'd like to see come back, or maybe some situation you're itching to see. I've got some ideas for the next season, but I still need more. So, if anyone has some suggestions, I'd love to hear them :DD

Haven't really made one of these kinds of posts in this thread in awhile. Probably will make another soonish though.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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The episode for this Friday was actually finished two months ago, for your information. I also have the first part of the season finale done. :DD

I've got 3 episodes left that I need to finish. Only one of them is like half-finished. The other two I've barely started on.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

The Chronicler

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Quote from: vonboy,Sep 6 2011 on  05:28 PM
Oh, and I'm in the planning stages for season 3 at the moment, so I'm open to any ideas for what readers would like to see. Is there some one-time characters you'd like to see come back, or maybe some situation you're itching to see. I've got some ideas for the next season, but I still need more. So, if anyone has some suggestions, I'd love to hear them :DD
I don't think Ruby's family has appeared in this yet. I don't really have any ideas, but I think the suggestion on its own might be good enough to start on.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Yeah, just woke up. :lol No table treading, as both TFM and Pterano were too busy tonight. And also, I was too tired anyway to do it.

Anyway, here's the next episode.


Episode 26 - Great Valley: The Grand Tour

The stuff of sharpteeth's nightmares!

Scene: The Great Valley, late at night, near the Longneck nest.

Littlefoot, Shorty, Bron and Grandma Longneck are asleep in the nest. Close to the nest, a bush rustles. Littlefoot wakes up and scans the area.

Littlefoot: "Hmm, I could've sworn I heard something. Oh well, it was probably nothing."

Littlefoot lays his head down and goes back to sleep. The bush rustles again, and two shadowy figures walk out of it.

???: <Shh! You'll have to be more quiet!>

???: <Oh, sorry, Chomper.>

Chomper: <You have to be more careful, Cutter. They'll try to drive you out if they see you!>

Cutter: <What? But you said they were nice!>

Chomper: <They ARE nice. It's just that no one here knows you yet, so they'll think you've come here to hunt.>

Cutter: <But I can't even hunt!>

Chomper: <We both know that, but they don't!>

Cutter: Looking at Littlefoot's nest. <So, that is your longneck friend?>

Chomper: "Yeah, his name is Littlefoot. He's sort of the leader... and my brother.>

Cutter: <WHAT!?>

Littlefoot rustles in his nest. The two sharpteeth run back into the bushes.

Littlefoot: "Now who keeps making all of that racket? Is that you, Chomper?"

Littlefoot yawns, and goes back to sleep.

Chomper: <I told you to be more quiet!>

Cutter: <Sorry about that.>

Chomper: <Anyway, there's still more of the Great Valley for me to show you, so let's get going!>

Cutter: <Alright, then.>

Scene: The Great Valley, at the Thundering Falls.

Chomper: <This here is the Thundering Falls.>

Cutter: <Looks peaceful.>

Chomper: <It is nice, isn't it? Also, there's a lot of fish in the water here for us to eat.>

Cutter: <Hmm, never had fish before. Is it any good.>

Chomper: <Eh, it's okay.>

Cutter: <You have anything bigger to eat?>

Suddenly, the ground starts to shake.

Cutter: <Uh oh!>

Cutter steps back from Chomper and hides in a bush behind him, as Mr. Threehorn comes stomping up. He comes up right next to Chomper, lowers his head down to his level, and breaths heavily, almost knocking the little sharptooth down from the wind.

Mr. Threehorn: "What are you doing up so late, Chomper?"

Chomper: "...Um...well, I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd just walk around some."

Mr. Threehorn: "Well, you should be heading off to bed now, little one!"

Chomper: "Okay, I will."

Mr. Threehorn: "I just don't like it when you’re...prowling around at night."

Mr. Threehorn turns and walks off. Cutter comes out of the bush, and makes his way to Chomper's side.

Cutter: <Wow, who was that?>

Chomper: <Mr. Threehorn. He can be a little...pushy sometimes, just like Cera.>

Cutter: <Who's Cera?>

Chomper: <My Threehorn friend. I guess we can go look over around there next. Come on!>

Chomper and Cutter walk off, while the camera pans to a bush in the background. It rustles some, and Cera pokes her head out of it, staring suspiciously in the direction of the sharpteeth.

Cera: "Humpth!"

---------------------------------<Commercial break>-----------------------------

Scene: The Great Valley, at the Longneck Nest.

Littlefoot is fast asleep in his nest. Cera walks up to him, and nudges him to wake him up.

Littlefoot: "Eh..." He yawns. "...Oh what now!?"

Cera: "What do you mean?"

Littlefoot: "I mean SOMEBODY keeps trying to wake me up!"

Cera: "Oh, pipe down longneck! Anyway, I've woken you up so we can do some investigating!"

Littlefoot: "Investigating?"

Cera: "Yeah. I don't know what Chomper's up to, but he's walking around with another sharptooth!"

Littlefoot: Yawns. "He is?"

Cera: "Yeah! I think that little sharptooth's up to no good!"

Littlefoot: "Oh, I'm sure he's got some reason for it." He yawns yet again. "I mean, he's a friendly sharptooth, and I know he doesn't want to hurt anyone here or..."

Littlefoot drifts back off to sleep.

Cera: "Humpth! Lazy longneck!"

Cera tries to jostle him awake again.

Cera: "Come on! Get up already!"

Littlefoot waves his arm in Cera's face.

Littlefoot: "eeeeeehhhhhhh!" He rolls over, and starts snoring.

Cera: "Fine, I'll get to the bottom of this myself!" She walks off.

Scene: The Great Valley, at the Watering Hole.

Chomper and Cutter are walking around. Chomper is pointing out several nearby nests.

Chomper: <This over here is the Swimmer nest. That little one over there is Ducky, another of my friends.>

Cutter: <She looks nice.>

Chomper: <Over there in the distance is the Threehorn nest.>

Cutter: <NO one is there, though.>

Chomper: <Yeah, I know. They must still be up doing something.>

Cutter: <You said you have a flyer friend too?>

Chomper: <Oh yeah, Petrie! Let me show you his nest!>

Cutter: <But first...I'm getting kind of hungry.>

Chomper: <Oh, alright then. There's a hive of buzzing flyers over here. Let me go get them.>

Chomper walks off into the bushes, while Cutter stays behind.

Cutter: <Man, what’s taking him so long. You know? I could really go right now for a nice juicy...>

The ground shakes again, as Mr. Threehorn comes barging in on the scene. His eyes lock on the little fast biter, and he grunts. Cera walks out from behind her dad.

Cera: "There it is! There's the sharptooth!"

Mr. Threehorn: "A sharptooth heh? Thought you'd come in for a snack, but you’re going home hungry tonight!"

Mr. Threehorn charges forward, while Cutter takes off.

Cutter: <AHHH!>

Cutter comes up to an old tree. Mr. Threehorn keeps bolting forward, so Cutter dodges to the left. The old Threehorn can't stop in time, and spears the old tree with his middle horn.

Mr. Threehorn: "Not again!"

He struggles, and manages to pull the tree out of the ground. He shakes his head back and forth several times. The tree finally comes loose, and flies off. He looks around, looking discouraged.

Mr. Threehorn: "Humpth! That little sharptooth got away! I'll have to go tell Bron about this!"

He walks off.

Scene: The Great Valley, at the Longneck Nest.

Cera runs up to the Longneck Nest, and pushes on Littlefoot, trying to wake him again.

Cera: "Get up Littlefoot! Get up!"

Littlefoot: "Uh..." Raising his head, "...Cera! Stop waking me!" He lays his head down yet again and snores.

Mr. Threehorn charges in after Cera.

Mr. Threehorn: "Sharptooth!"

Littlefoot suddenly jumps out of bed.

Littlefoot: "Sharptooth!? I'm awake! I'm awake!"

Bron: Waking up. "Sharptooth? Here?"

Mr. Threehorn: "That's right! I just saw it!"

Bron: "We must warn the others!"

Mr. Threehorn: "That would be foolish! The Sharptooth is getting away!"

Bron: "Fine, then I'll go warn everyone. You stay here and look after the little ones!"

Mr. Threehorn: "I want to drive that sharptooth out right now! Why should I listen to you, longneck?"

Bron: "Well, I AM the head of the Council!"

Bron walks off, while Mr. Threehorn just stands there, looking disgruntled.

Mr. Threehorn: "Humpth! You heard the dinosaur! Just try to stay out of trouble kids!"

Mr. Threehorn looks around to see all the little ones have already apparently run off.

Mr. Threehorn: Rolling eyes. "...Here we go again..." He walks off.

Scene: The Great Valley.

In a different area of the Valley, where many different species of dinosaur are sleeping in close quarters, Bron comes running up to the large group.

Bron: "Everyone! Get up! There's a sharptooth in the Valley!"

Ducky's Mom: "Oh dear!"

Thornthumb mother: "We must keep the kids safe!"

Ducky: Walking up to Mr. Thicknose. "What is going on?"

Mr. Thicknose: "This is just like that story I told you kids yesterday. Everyone, run!"

Petrie's Mom: "What are we going to do!?"

All of the adults begin to freak out, running around in different directions, screaming.

Scene: The Professor's cave.

Inside the main room of the cave, the Professor is sitting down, watching a TV screen, which is suspended from the ceiling on the other side of the room. On the TV screen is a video of the chaos that is ensuing outside.

Professor: "Oh dear, I should do something!"

He looks down at himself.

Professor: "...Though I AM already in my pajamas..."

His head falls back, and he drifts off to sleep.

Scene: The edge of the Great Valley.

The freshly assembled Gang run up, looking around.

Ducky: "What is going on?"

Littlefoot: "Somebody keeps saying there's a sharptooth in the Great Valley, but I haven't seen it yet.

Cera: "Well I did!"

Littlefoot: "Cera, are you just trying to get some attention again or something?"

Cera: "No, I really did see that sharptooth! It was a fast biter!"

Littlefoot steps forward, pushing his head up against Cera's.

Littlefoot: "Or, you just wanted to keep me up! Is that it? You couldn't sleep, so you just thought you'd come along and ruin my sleep too?"

Cera: "...what are you even talking about?"

Littlefoot: "Well, if I had half a mind, I'd..."

Before Littlefoot can finish his rambling, the bushes next to the Gang rustle.

Petrie: "What that?"

Littlefoot: "Whoever it is, c...come out!"

Two dark figures quickly run out of the bushes, away from the Gang.

Cera: "After them!"

The gang chase the two shadowy figures into a nearby cave.

Cera: "Who is it?"

Ducky: "I do not know."

Petrie: "It look like a..."

Littlefoot: "...Sharptooth!"

------------------------------<Commercial break>--------------------------------

Everyone, minus Chomper, screams. Chomper walks up in between the spooked groups, and tries to address both sides quickly.

Chomper: "It's okay, he's nice!" Snapping his head around to Cutter. <It's okay, they're nice!>

Littlefoot: Sticking his head forward. "Hey, isn't he that little fast biter that walked out and talked to you a while back?

Chomper: "Why yes, he is!"

Chomper turns back to Cutter.

Chomper: <Okay, let’s get you introduced to my friends!>

Cutter: <...Alright.>

Chomper: "Everyone, meet Cutter, my friend from the Mysterious Beyond!"

Littlefoot: "So your name is cutter?"

Ruby: "Why hello Cutter! Long time no see!"

Ducky: "It is nice to meet you, yes it is!"

Petrie: "You nice, right?"

Cera: "Humpth!"

Littlefoot: "Cera!"

Chomper: "Cera! Why did you have to rat out on Cutter?"

Cera: "Well, I didn't know what you two were doing here. By the way, what ARE you doing?"

Chomper:" I was just showing Cutter around the Valley. Showing him how nice everyone here is. had to ruin everything!"

Cutter: <Um, Chomper? I kind of want to go home now.>

Littlefoot: "What did he say?"

Chomper: "He wants to go home. I need to get him out of here!"

Ruby: "Well, it isn't going be so easy anymore. We have the whole Valley looking for him now!"

Littlefoot: "We need a plan to get Cutter out of here safely!"

Cera: looking proud. "It won't be easy, ESPECIALLY with my dad around!"

Cutter starts shivering in fear again, which makes Cera burst out laughing.

Chomper: "What's so funny?"

Cera: "Just that a sharptooth would be afraid of the Great Valley like that. That's just hilarious!"

Chomper, annoyed, whispers something in Cutter's ear. Cutter sneaks up on the little threehorn, and gives the biggest roar he can. Cera jumps up, scared.

Cera: "Sharptooth!"

She bolts off screen, and the sound of her ramming into a rocky wall can be heard. Everyone stares in her direction.

Scene: The Great Valley, outside that very cave.

The Gang sneak out of the cave, with Cutter in the middle of the group as not to be seen.

Ducky: "Let us make our way to the Hidden Valley, yes?"

Everyone walks along some more. Just then, the ground starts to shake again.

Littlefoot: "Everyone! Hide!"

The gang and Cutter run into some dense greenery, just as Mr. Threehorn comes charging past.

Ruby: "This is not going to work, because it is not working."

Chomper: "We're going to have to get to the Secret Caves, and fast!

Littlefoot: "I have an idea!"

Cera: "I have a better idea!"

Scene: The Great Valley, at the Longneck Nest.

Grandma Longneck is lying down at the nest. The Gang, minus Ruby, and Cutter walk up to the nest. Cutter is nestled in the group of youngsters, so he's hard to see.

Littlefoot: "Grandma, where's Ruby?"

Grandma Longneck: "Oh, I do not know."

Chomper: "Well, I'm worried about her."

Ducky: "That sharptooth is in the Valley. "

Chomper: "Yeah, she could be in trouble!" He sheds a few tears. "We have to go help her, please!"

Grandma Longneck: "Oh dear! We have to find her!"

Littlefoot: "Let's go to the Secret Caverns! She MUST be there!"

Petrie: "We ride on Grandma's back?”

Grandma Longneck: "Oh, of course you can catch a ride!"

Grandma Longneck lays out her tail, and the Gang, with a sharptooth stowaway, make their way up it onto her back. The old longneck gets up, and takes off. The young dinosaurs whisper among themselves.

Cutter: <Ah, she's built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro!>

Chomper: <Shh!>

Ducky: "Looks like this plan is working, oh yes it does!"

Petrie: "Great plan, Littlefoot!"

Cera: "Humpth! Don't know why ya'll didn’t like my slingshot idea."

Chomper: "Great idea putting treesweet juice in my eyes, Littlefoot! I can't stop crying now, though."

Scene: The Secret Caves.

The gang has already departed off of Grandma Longneck, and are now a short ways in the caves.

Chomper: <Alright, Cutter. Do you remember the rest of the way now?>

Cutter: <Yeah, I can get out myself now.>

Chomper: <Don't tell anyone how you got in here, okay?>

Cutter: <Not even my brothers?>

Chomper: <ESPECIALLY not your brothers!>

Cutter: <Okay, I'll keep my jaws closed!>

Chomper: <Good. Now I'm sorry it had to go down like this.>

Cutter: <Aw, it's alright, Chomper. Your friends seem nice at least.>

Chomper: <Yeah, they're great friends! Well, goodbye for now.>

Cutter: <Bye Chomper! I'll try to meet up with you again sometime!>

Cutter walks off into the darkness of the Secret Caves, into the Mysterious Beyond. Chomper gets a little teary eyed as he starts talking to the Gang.

Chomper: "I'm getting teary eyed again. Though it might just be that treesweet juice., It's not that this time. You know what? You go your whole life thinking you’re the only friendly one of your kind out there. Thinking you’re unique, that you’re special. Then someone else like you comes along. You might think this makes you mad, because you’re not unique anymore, but I'm overjoyed! I always hoped there was someone like Cutter out there. Believed it in my heart, and..."

He pauses for a moment.

Chomper: "...Hey! Are you guys even listening?"

Chomper turns around to see that the Gang isn't there anymore. He looks to his left to see Littlefoot on the side of the cave, sleeping again.

Chomper: "Littlefoot! You're on my favorite sleeping spot!"

Chomper tries pushing on the longneck to get him up, but he's too big for the little sharptooth.

Chomper: "Oh come on! You have your own nest to sleep in!"

Chomper loses his breath from pushing so much, and stops.

Chomper: "Aw, just forget it!"

Chomper sits down with his back on Littlefoot and drifts off to sleep.

Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I've been so busy this week, I haven't been able to work on the episode that's supposed to be tonight at all. Whenever I get around to it, I'm always too tired, and I just want to sleep by then. Sorry about that, but I've decided to do this. Since I've had the first part of the season finale done for a couple months now, I'll just give you that one right now, and I can see about what, if anything, I'll be able to put up for next Friday.

I'll just say that I don't know if I'll be able to stick to my schedule anymore (Well, I'm not sticking to it right now, aren't I? "lol). Full time job and full time college sucks more life out of you than I thought it would. So, if nothing get's put up next week, you'll know why.

Anyway, let's get to the start of the spicy finale! :DD


Episode 27 - The Farwalker's World Part 1

The Land After Time!

Scene: The Great Valley, at night.

Camera is in the air, far above the Valley. In the distance, various members of the Gang slowly creep their way towards Petrie's nest. Behind them, a beam of blue light shines from the sky down to a field in the Valley. Camera zooms into the beam to reveal two rainbowfaces materializing in the beam of light. They step out of the beam, and walk off into the night.

Scene: The Professor's cave, the next morning.

Chomper walks into the cave, sniffing the air.

Chomper: "Hmm...Mmm...what's that smell?"

Chomper lifts his head to see a round glass bowl full of water. A fish is swimming around in it.

Chomper: "Ooh, a fish! But what is it doing here?"

The little sharptooth walks up to the fish bowl, licking his lips. He sticks his claw in the fishbowl and tries to catch the fish, spooking it.

Chomper: "Oh come on!"

Chomper finally grabs hold of the fish. He pulls it up to his mouth.

Chomper: "Finally! Come to Chomper!"

Chomper swallows the fish whole, just when the Professor steps into the cave to see.

Professor: "WHAT!?"

Chomper gets wide eyed. He snaps his head around, looking guilty.

Chomper: "...uh-oh."

Professor: "My god, this is an outrage! I was going to eat that fish!"

Camera switches to just outside the cave. The noises of the Professor yelling and various things falling and breaking can be heard. Chomper runs out of the cave into the woods, making scared sharptooth noises, while the Professor runs up to the entrance of the cave, holding a newspaper in his hands.

Professor: "...And stay out!"

Professor walks back into the cave, mumbling to himself.

Professor: "...that little sharptooth...My pills...annoying little dinosaurs...Medication...getting in my hair all the time..."

The Professor open his refrigerator, and pulls out a can that says "Prof. Pepper" on it. He sits down on a rock, and uses a small device to turn on the tv in his cave. The first image that comes up is of Bron and Mr. Threehorn by the Watering Hole, in another argument.

Bron: "we are going to congratulate him!"

Mr. Threehorn: "But he doesn't even deserve anything!"

Bron: "Look at what he's done for us!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Humpth!"

Professor: Laughs maniacally. "Ah, my favorite channel!"

He takes a sip of his soda.

Scene: The Great Valley, in the morning.

Mr. Thicknose: "Long long long long ago...further back than anyone can remember...great creatures first walked up from the murky ooz...and thus began the age of the dinos-"

Littlefoot: "Um, Mr. Thicknose.? You've told us that story already!"

Mr. Thicknose: "Hmm, really? Because I can't quite recall telling this tale before."

Ducky: "I am sure you already have, yup yup yup!"

Cera: "Humpth! How would YOU know? You slept through it the first time!"

Ducky: "I did?"

Mr. Thicknose: "Oh yes, now I remember. You WERE asleep Ducky!"

Littlefoot: "I think I'll go and see that meeting today. Who's with me?"

Cera: "Humpth! I've got something funner to do than that!"

Petrie: "Me no wanna go. Too much arguing all the time!"

Ruby: "Hmm, I might like to go."

Chomper: Looking worried. "I wouldn't. I always feel weird there. Everyone just stares at me."

Ruby: "then I guess I'll stay here with Chomper." She sighs.

Littlefoot lowers his head, looking disappointed.

Ducky: "Oh, do not look down Littlefoot, Me and Spike will go!"

The longneck raises his head back up in excitement.

Littlefoot: "Alright!"

Littlefoot, Ducky, and Spike walk off, while the camera pans over a dense forest next to the group of dinosaurs. The two rainbowfaces are hiding among the trees, looking on at the Gang and the old thicknose.

Female Rainbowface: "Ah, the old group of youngsters. Good to see they are still doing well."

Male Rainbowface: Sighs. "If only they knew."

Female Rainbowface: "What are you talking about?"

Male Rainbowface: "I mean that...creature, from before."

Female Rainbowface: "You remember what the council said. This is only another mission for information, like we always do."

Male Rainbowface: "I'm starting to get fed up with this. When will we actually be allowed to do something?"

Female Rainbowface: "Oh, I don't know. Maybe when you stop trying to do something all the time!?"

Male Rainbowface: "I'm going to go find some nourishment, I'm getting kind of hungry."

The male walks off.

Female Rainbowface: "Alright, but I would appreciate it if you didn't take a blue moon this time!"

Scene: Near the Great Valley Wall.

The male rainbowface is walking along, turning his head to look at everything around him.

Male Rainbowface: "It's so nice to get to do some exploring done on my own. quite nice. Why does she always have to be so dead-set on following the rules to a T all the time? Wait, what's this?"

The Male Rainbowface walks up to the wall. He sees a large hole in the wall.

Male Rainbowface: "Oh my, this could be disastrous! This peaceful little valley is in danger, predators could come in through there! I...I have to do something!"

Scene: The Professor's cave.

The Professor is still watching Bron and Mr. Threehorn arguing on his television.

Bron: "Topsy, look! we've been arguing all morning! Now, I'm giving that individual thanks, and that's final!

Mr. Threehorn: "But...but...he...Humpth! Fine then! Have it your way!"

Mr. Threehorn turns tail and stomps off.

Bron: "Glad you see it my way...I think."

Professor: "ugh, this is starting to get boring."

The Professor changes the channel on the TV. The set now shows the Great Valley Wall. A rock is floating in the air towards a hole in the wall.

Professor: "Wha?"

The male rainbowface walks into the camera, his arm raised. He motions, and the rock gently falls into the hole in the rocky wall. He dusts off his claws in accomplishment and walks off.

The Professor spews out his soda.

Professor: "What the...tail is going on here!?"

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Scene: The Great Meeting Circle, midday.

The grownups are gathered for a meeting. Bron comes up and speaks.

Bron: "Today, I would like to call to attention someone we haven't thanked yet.

Petrie's Mom: "Really? Who?"

Bron: "Pterano!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Humpth!"

Pterano: "Uh...wha...a...really? Me?"

Bron: "Pterano, we all would just like to say thank you. we have benefited from some of your ideas. You may be a bit...eccentric, but you do have the herd in mind, and that's important. You don't seem quite as...pompous as you used to be.

Pterano: "Why thank you, oh great and wise longneck! It takes a true leader to see the worth of people. Why, maybe this is a new beginning. Perhaps this means that someday I will be able to join the council and...

Mr. Threehorn stomps up to Pterano.

Mr. Threehorn: "Humpth! Don't push it, ya old flyer!"

Pterano: "Uh...that will be all then."

Bron: "Looks like next up we have..."

Professor: "I demand the floor!"

Bron: Confused. "Um, yes. It's your turn, Professor."

Professor: "Well nuts to me! I'm taking the stage!"

The Professor makes his way to the front of the Council.

Professor: "Today, I have come to warn you of something terrible in the Great Valley! A great danger!"

The Adults gasp.

Bron: "Dangerous? Terrible? What do you mean, Professor?"

Professor: "I'm talking about those two rainbowfaces. They've returned!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Dangerous? Ha!"

Grandma Longneck: "I don't really know what you're talking about, Professor."

Professor: "I mean they...just aren't normal!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Well...yes, I know that, Professor. The first time they came, I told them that I thought that they weren't from around here..."

Professor: "Exactly! They aren't from around here!"

Bron: "But, that doesn't make them dangerous. They might talk strange, and pass around strange ideas, but they haven't done anything wrong! They haven't hurt anyone!"

Professor: "But you don't understand!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Humpth! What don't we understand!?"

Professor: "'s just that...I believe that they are...oh, how do I put this?"

The Professor grows speechless.

Bron: "Look Professor, if that's all you have to bring up, then I don't see any problem with those two farwalkers."

Professor: "But...but..."

Ducky's Mom: "You heard what Bron said, Professor."

The Professor lowers his head and walks off, defeated. He leaves the group of adults, and walks up Littlefoot, Ducky, Spike, and a Redback hatchling, who are all sitting nearby, watching the meeting.

Littlefoot: "Um, hey Professor."

Professor: "...Hello everyone."

Littlefoot: "I just heard what happened over there at the meeting. Are you okay?"

Professor: "I suppose I'm alright. It's just...I really do think those rainbowfaces mean bad news."

Ducky: "What do you mean?"

Professor: "Well, they just aren't of this area, if you know what I mean."

Littlefoot: "Well, I know what you mean, but that doesn't change anything."

Professor: "What do you mean?"

Littlefoot: "I mean, so what if they are so different from any other dinosaurs? They are still kind, and helpful."

Professor: Sighs. "You DON'T know what I mean, Littlefoot, but...I don't know if I can explain why."

Littlefoot: "Why not?"

Professor: "Well, I don't know if I could explain that either!"

Littlefoot: Sighs. Fine then, If you don't want us to know! I have to ask though, if you think they're so dangerous, what are you going to do about them?"

Professor: "Well, I'm gonna have to find them and prove what I mean about them!"

Ducky: "Really?"

Professor: "Yes. Um, could you come with me and help me look for them?"

Littlefoot: "Well sure we will!"

Redback Hatchling: "Do we have to?"

Scene: The Great Valley.

Cera, Petrie, Ruby, and Chomper are sitting around a rock, looking bored.

Chomper: "I thought you said you had something fun for us to do today."

Cera: "That was just an excuse so I wouldn't have to go to that boring meeting!"

Ruby: "Thanks a lot!"

???: "Greetings!"

Petrie: "Ahh!

Petrie flies up and clings to Cera's horn.

Petrie: "Who that?"

The two rainbowfaces walk up to the group.

Female Rainbowface: "why, it is just us, little ones."

Petrie: "Ooh, it the weird ones!"

Male Rainbowface: "I'll choose to take that as a compliment!"

Ruby: "I find you two so fascinating!"

Female Rainbowface: "As I find you, young one!"

Cera: "Humpth!"

Female Rainbowface: "Anyway, little ones. We're looking for that...individual we saw last time we were here."

Chomper: "Who?"

Female Rainbowface: "You know, the one in white, with fur on his head."

Ruby: "Oh, you mean the Professor! Well, he's not here right now!"

Male Rainbowface: "Not here?"

Petrie: "Nope, he run off for the day. Me no know where he is!"

Female Rainbowface: "You haven't seen him either, little carnivorous one?"

Chomper: Looking guilty again. "Uh, no, can't say that I have! heheh..." He smiles shyly.

Female Rainbowface: "Well, this posses quite the conundrum, don't you think?"

Male Rainbowface: "Yes, quite."

Chomper: "Why do you want to find him?"

Male Rainbowface: "Well...let's just say that we want to learn more about him."

Female Rainbowface: "Say, how would you all like to help us find this... Professor?"

Chomper: "Sure, I'd love to help you hunt him down!"

Cera looks at Chomper disconcertingly.

Chomper: "Um...that came out wrong..."

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Scene: Woods in the Great Valley.

The Professor and his half of the Gang are walking through the forest, in search of the rainbowfaces.

Professor: "Hmm, now where could those two be?"

Littlefoot: "Maybe they're in your cave? I mean, they'd probably find that place pretty interesting!"

Professor: "I hope not!"

Redback Hatchling: "Can I go back to my nest now?"

Littlefoot: "Let's just look a little longer. I'm sure we'll find them!"

Ducky: "How are we supposed to find them?"

Professor: sighs. "I wish We had Chomper with us. He would have been a big help."

Scene: A different area of the same forest.

Chomper walks by, sniffing the ground. The two rainbowfaces and their half of the Gang are following him.

Chomper: "This way!"

Male Rainbowface: "You smell him?"

Chomper: "Of course. I wouldn't forget that smell anywhere!"

Ruby: "What smell?"

Chomper: "You know, the Professor's smell. It's just so..."

Cera: "So...what?"

Chomper: "...I don't know. Weird I guess."

Female Rainbowface: "Are we getting close?"

Chomper: "Almost there..."

Chomper closes his eyes, and continues following his sniffer. He walks up to the Professor, and sniffs up his leg. He starts to slowly lick his lips.

Professor: "Uh, Chomper? What are you doing?

Chomper snaps his eyes open.

Chomper: "Uh..."

Littlefoot: "Ah, the rainbowfaces! I haven't seen you two in a long time!"

Male Rainbowface: "Why hello th-"

Professor: "Oh, shud-up!"

Ruby: "Professor?"

Professor: "Step back from them, all of you!

Female Rainbowface: "What are you talking about?"

Professor: "I'm trying to save them from you two!"

Male Rainbowface: "Us? But why?"

Littlefoot: "I'm not sure. The Professor keeps saying your not really dinosaurs."

Male Rainbowface: "If that is what you're on about, then let me turn your attention to the strange creature standing before you today!"

Male Rainbowface: "Maybe you should stop. You know, it's usually a bad idea to anger the locals!"

Professor: "Don't you turn this on me, YOUR the the ones that are living lies, you pompous frauds!"

Male Rainbowface: "Coming from a true pompous fraud. My, how ironic!"

Female: "Please! stop this!"

Littlefoot: "What's going on here?"

Professor: "Littlefoot, please listen to me! These guys are dangerous!"

Male Rainbowface: "No, listen to us! This fellow is dangerous!"

Professor: "Am not!"

Male Rainbowface: "Are too!"

Professor: "Why I oughta...!"

The Professor charges towards the male rainbowface. The female comes up and stands between the two.

Female Rainbowface: "Please...please you two! We can't be arguing like this!"

Male Rainbowface: "But...but..."

Female Rainbowface: "There's more diplomatic ways to deal with this!"

The Male rainbowface pushes the female out of his way.

Male Rainbowface: "I've got a better way to deal with this!"

The male rainbowface grabs a device off of the Professor's pants.

Male Rainbowface: "Now, let's see what this does!"

The male rainbowface turns a dial on the device all the way up.

Professor: "Don't do that! It isn't supposed to be up that high!"

Female Rainbowface: "I really think you should listen to this creature."

Male Rainbowface: "Oh, what could possibly be the harm?"

The male rainbowface presses a button on the device. The female rainbowface slaps her own face and sighs.

Professor: "Wait! Stop!"

Male Rainbowface: "What are you still on about? Nothing has gone wro-"

Suddenly, a bright blue light appears above the entire group. It looks similar to the one the Professor walked out of originally, but this one is huge. Leafs and small rocks start floating up and flying into the light.

Female Rainbowface: "What's that?"

Chomper: "Uh oh, this doesn't look good!"

Littlefoot: "Everyone! Run!"

Everyone starts feeling the growing pull of the blue light, and run off to grab onto trees, rocks, or anything else weighted down. Petrie tries to fly off, but gets caught by the pull of the light. By a tree, Cera is struggling to hold on. Spike has bitten her tail to try to stay down.

The young redback flies past Littlefoot's head first.

Redback Hatchling: "Oh bugger!"

Cera: "I can't hold on any longer!"

Cera lets go, and both her and Spike fly into the light. The female rainbowface gets caught next. The Professor flies into the light after her, strangling the male rainbowface's neck.

Ducky: "Oh no no no no!"

Chomper lets go of a tree branch, and him and Ducky fly off into the light.

Littlefoot: "Chomper! Ducky!"

Ruby flies past.

Ruby: "Chomper! Come back!"

Littlefoot, the last of the group, struggles with all his might to hold on with his tail, but finally gives up. Littlefoot takes off towards the bright light.

Littlefoot: He gulps. "Well, here we go!"

Littlefoot closes his eyes, as he disappears into the light. The light finally subsides. It leaves behind an empty and silent valley.

Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Petra (He/They)
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Bron: "Today, I would like to call to attention someone we haven't thanked yet.

Petrie's Mom: "Really? Who?"

Bron: "Pterano!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Humpth!"

Pterano: "Uh...wha...a...really? Me?"

Bron: "Pterano, we all would just like to say thank you. we have benefited from some of your ideas. You may be a bit...eccentric, but you do have the herd in mind, and that's important. You don't seem quite as...pompous as you used to be.

Pterano: "Why thank you, oh great and wise longneck! It takes a true leader to see the worth of people. Why, maybe this is a new beginning. Perhaps this means that someday I will be able to join the council and...

Mr. Threehorn stomps up to Pterano.

Mr. Threehorn: "Humpth! Don't push it, ya old flyer!"

Pterano: "Uh...that will be all then."

All of a sudden Pterano reminds me of Sokka from Avatar the Last Pingas-I mean Airbender. Any way, EGGSELENT CHAPTER VONBOB!!!!! Maaaaan you've improved on your comedy I'm not kidding! You practically had me laughing my friggin butt off! Amazing job tonight!
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Ducky
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Even the most passionate projects get delayed over time, much the same way real TV Series fall out of style and replaced by new ones.  I can remember sometime after my first year writing Far Away Home I was hit by the same thing... I simply couldn't put out a chapter every two weeks with school so intrusive.

My best advice would be to keep to it, but try to stay consistant with the rate of updates as best you can.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Yeah. I did have a lot of my episodes already written up before hand in hopes that I'd be able to keep my schedule. The problem is I'm so busy, I haven't been able to write barely anything anything the past several weeks, so I've now burned through all of my shelved episodes. I have nothing left that's finished.

Anyway, I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the feedback tfm, and thank you for the encouragement Caustiser. Are you still reading this?
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Alright, so I'm going to be reviewing episode 24 and episode 25, now that I'm caught up on those. From what I can remember of episode 24, that was around the time of Hurricane Irene. This was where Cera became a sharptooth in every sense of the word through a trick played on her by Chomper and the Professor. It was a typical "I'm gonna put you in my shoes as punishment" plot, but the way it was conducted was rather good, as you knew it was a prank the whole time, rather than being left in the dark over what was going on.

I'd probably give it a 7 out of 10, as it was pretty well written, though felt a little formulaic in its approach too. I'm not necessarily saying formula is bad in writing, but if it feels like we've been here and done this before when reading it, it just kind of nags in the back of your mind. However, it was nice that the revenge plot was hatched on Cera, as it defintely sounded like she'd have the most conflicts with Chomper out of the Gang, and that Chomper might want to logically get back at her following this. All in all, the humor was good, as always, and I felt while not a stellar episode, it was still good all the same. :)

25 was one featuring Petrie and Pterano getting into a misadventure out in the Mysterious Beyond. This one garnered an 8 out of 10 from me, as I thought it was a really good blend of humor and story writing. The plot was woven together fairly well, and served as a bit of bonding time between uncle and nephew that we wouldn't otherwise have seen in the series. Pterano trying to pull off some of his fabricated feats was also pretty funny, as he rapidly realized they weren't entirely doable.

Although this episode easily could've gotten exaggerated or over the top, it didn't fall into this pit fall, and made off with itself rather well, or so I thought. The ending was kind of funny and random too, when Littlefoot managed to find the giant diamond. XD The dialogue was good, and felt perfectly in character, though some of it strayed to being a little silly at times, though as this is partly a comedy series, that's understandable. I guess the only downside that I found was that I wasn't quite sure if we were going for a serious story with some funny undertones, or a funny story with some serious undertones. It didn't commit strongly enough to one or the other, and I found myself saying "Well this is a good comedy... but was it supposed to be?" by the end of it. I guess it was, as I think the comedic vibes are just a little stronger here, but ultimately, I'm not sure.

Either way, it was a good episode, and I rather liked the focus on Pterano and Petrie, something the series refused to touch. XD

(runner up)
(runner up)

Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Thanks for the reviews Pterano :lol:

I have some announcements to make. I'm finding I can barely find the free time to work on this anymore. I've only written maybe a couple more scenes this week, and don't see when I'm going to get more time to work on it, so I'm putting the show on and indefinite hold.  :unsure:

I'm sorry about this, but I just don't have time to work on it right now.

also, a couple of other things. "Sweet Dreams" Isn't going to be this season, as I'm still having serious writer's block on it. Instead, the three-parter season finale is going to end up being a four-parter. :smile
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Ok, I've finished part 2, and I'm far enough along on part 3 that I feel I can tell the revised dates that the last 3 episodes this season are going to be posted up.

Episode 28 - The Farwalker's World Part 2 (October 21st)
Episode 29 - The Farwalker's World Part 3 (October 28th)
Episode 30 - The Farwalker's World Part 4 (November 4th)

After that, PAST-O-RAMA will be going on a LONG break until the third season. One reason for this is so I can take my time to develop it out and have a lot of it written out ahead of time.

Another is because of my secret writing project (It's not related to PAST-O-RAMA), which I will start to show off after I post the last episode of this season.

Also, here's a table reading me, LBTDiclonius, Trulyfantasticme, and Pterano did a couple weeks back. I was GOING to edit this, but never got around to it, so HERE it is if you want to just listen to the unedited version. It's of the Pterano episode "From One Adventurer to Another".
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Episode 28 - The Farwalker's World Part 2


Scene: The Great Valley, at night, 100 million years in the future.

Camera starts in the sky, where a huge blue light has been shining. The camera pans downward, to a pile of dinosaurs on a road below. They are in the street of a medium sized city that takes up most of the Valley. They're all unconscious from the recent fall.

Littlefoot opens his eyes and looks around, confused.

Littlefoot: "Am I having another sleep story or something?"

He gets up and nudges Cera.

Littlefoot: "Cera? Cera!"

Cera rustles around in her resting spot. She doesn't open her eyes, but only replies back in an agitated voice.

Cera: "Uhh...What is it?"

She sticks her head up to look around for a moment, then gets wide eyed.

Cera: "What the...where are we?"

Littlefoot: "I don't really know."

Ducky: "Uhhh...could you keep it quieted down please?"

Petrie: "Yeah, just give me a little bit more time with uncle..."

Both Petrie and Ducky get up, look around, get spooked, and grab onto each other.

Ducky: "Wha...what is this place!?"

Petrie: "It so sp...spooky here!"

Spike gets up, only looking annoyed.

Littlefoot: "Let's try to get everyone else up!"

The now alert Gang attempt to get everyone else in the pile awake. The Professor and the rainbowfaces won't wake up, but Chomper and Ruby do.

Chomper: "Wow...where are we?"

Ruby: "I don't know, because if I did know, I'd tell you!"

Petrie: "Oh no! Look up!"

The whole Gang look up into the sky, to see the huge blue light.

Chomper: "It's...that blue light, from earlier!"

Littlefoot: "Yeah, it must be the same one that...sucked us in somehow."

Ducky: "What do we do now? No one else will wake up."

Cera: "Yeah, and I don't see how we're gonna get back up there to that light...thing."

Petrie: "Well, me could fly up there, but it still leave you guys."

Ruby: "What else could we do?"

Littlefoot: "I think it'd be good to look around and investigate. Maybe we could find something or someone that could help us. And besides, it'll be fun!"

Petrie: "Me no wanna go out there!"

Cera: "Humpth! That's a crazy longneck plan if I ever heard one!"

Ruby: "I think we need to stay here for now. We don't know where we are. If we go out and explore, we'll be even more lost than we are now!"

Littlefoot: "We've got nothing better to do right now! You expect me to just sit around and do nothing? What kind of longneck do you think I am, anyway? Come on, let's go!"

Cera sighs, as Littlefoot bolts off, the rest of the Gang following him.

Several seconds pass by, and the female rainbowface starts to groan. She lifts up her head.

Female Rainbowface: "Oh... my aching head."

She holds her claw over her head, shaking it again, as she goes wide-eyed from the sights around her. She shakes her partner, waking him up.

Female Rainbowface: "Would you mind looking at this?"

Male Rainbowface: "My, this is a sight to behold! Just look at the architecture!"

Female Rainbowface: "Could this possible be that place this...creature down here is from?"

Male Rainbowface: "It could be, yes. Maybe we should try contacting the Council again."

Suddenly, the Professor starts to groan.

Male Rainbowface: Sighs. "Well, here he is again."

Female Rainbowface: "Could you please just cut this out?"

Professor: "Oh, my aching tuckus!"

The old mad looks around at the familiar landscape.

Professor: "Gah! Why'd it have to bring me back here!?"

Male Rainbowface: "Would you mind telling us where we are?"

Professor: "You're the one that sent us here. You should be telling me!"

The female rainbowface looks in shock at the redback lying on the ground, smothered to death from everyone else. She leans down, checking the creature with distress in her eyes.

Female Rainbowface: "Oh my!, it can't be!"

The Professor looks at the ground where the male rainbowface was.

Professor: "Hey, what is that?"

The human bends over and picks up the object. It's a small, smashed electronic.

Professor: "Why, this is that device you grabbed from me earlier. Why you little...You broke my marvelous device! You smashed it into nothingness, you idiot! How in the world are we supposed to go back now!?"

Camera pans over to the female rainbowface, still bent over the redback hatchling.

Female Rainbowface: "Oh, poor thing. It's...always a great tragedy when a young one is...lost. Maybe we should have some kind of ceremony or something for the poor little dinosaur. Pay our respects to him and..."

She hears rustling behind her, and turns around to see the Professor strangling the male rainbowface again.

Professor: "Why you! I'll kill you!"

Male Rainbowface: "Hehe, not before I go and tell the council ALL about little old you!"

Female Rainbowface: "Would you two please cut it out? We've got better things to do than argue right now!

Professor: "I'll kill you, you martian! Or...whatever you are!"

Male Rainbowface: "What's a martian?"

The female rainbowface stomps up to the two of them.

Female Rainbowface: "Listen, you two! I don't care if you two hate each others' guts so much. We've got to stop this fighting and bickering and figure out what's going on!"

Professor: "I know full well what's going on! This... son of a tar pit just screwed up everything! There's nothing I can do about it!"

Male Rainbowface: "This wouldn't have happened if you weren't somewhere you didn't belong! You ever think of that?"

Professor: "Oh, shud-up!"

???: "Ah ei oh uuu!"

The Professor and the male rainbowface both stop in their tracks.

Female Rainbowface: "What was that?"

Male Rainbowface: "I've never heard ANYTHING like that before!"

Professor: "Hmm, kind of sounds like a..."

A bright light shines over the two dinosaurs and the human. All three turn their eyes toward the light to see another human staring at them.

Professor: "Run!"

-------------------------------(Commercial break)-------------------------------

Scene: Another street in the Great Valley Town.

The Gang is walking along the street.

Petrie: "Ooh, so many bright lights."

Ruby: "And the ground is so hard! It's like rock everywhere!"

Cera: "And what's up with all of these...what would you call them? Caves?"

Ruby: "I don't know what I'm looking at right now, with all of these things around here, but whatever it all might be, it's interesting!"

Littlefoot: "You're right on that, Ruby! I've...never seen ANYTHING like all of this before!"

Ducky: "So, what are we going to do?"

Chomper: "Well, I'm getting hungry."

Cera: "Yeah, and I'm thirsty too."

Littlefoot: "Petrie, how about you fly up in the air, and see if you can see anything?"

Petrie: "Okay, Littlefoot. Me find us some food because me good flyer!"

Petrie takes off into the air. He flies straight up, until he's above most of the buildings around him.

Littlefoot: "See anything?"

Petrie looks to the right and sees a park with a pond.

Petrie: "Yes, me see something! Come on, this way!"

Scene: The park in the Great Valley Town.

The park is not looking well. Most of the trees are dead or dying, along with splotches of grass. The Gang walks up.

Cera: Sarcastically. "Wow, what a nice spot, flyer!"

Petrie: "Oops, this place look better from far away."

Littlefoot: "Well, it's better than nothing I guess. We can find something to eat here, right?"

Chomper walks off to look around in the trees for bugs. The rest of the gang try eating some shrubs and tall grass.

Ruby: "This greenfood tastes...funny."

Ducky: "It it like the greenfood on Chomper's island, it is, it is."

Cera: "No, it's nothing like that stuff. That stuff tasted weird; this stuff just tastes plain awful!"

Spike sighs, while Chomper walks back up to the group.

Chomper: "I can't really find anything either. And I'm getting REALLY hungry! Hmm, I need to find something to eat."

Chomper rubs his stomach, looking around. His eyes move to Cera.

Cera: "Humpth, don't look at me!"

Petrie: "At least me see pond over there!"

Littlefoot: Snaps his head up. "Water!"

Chomper: "Great!"

Ducky: "I was getting thirsty, I was, I was!"

The Gang walks up, and stick their heads in the water for a drink. They quickly recoil, spitting the water out.

Littlefoot: "Ew! This tastes horrible!"

Ducky: "What is in here!?"

Cera: "Bleh! Tastes like a dinosaur died in here!"

Chomper: "And then a sharptooth came along, tried to eat it, and died too! Pah!"

Ruby: "What kind of place is this!?"

Scene: A cave at the edge of the Great Valley Town, still at night.

The male rainbowface and the Professor are huddled up inside, while the female rainbowface is outside, looking up into the sky, worried. She closes her eyes, listening for something, before giving a long sigh.

Female Rainbowface: "I can't get a signal either? What in the world is up with this world!?"

The male rainbowface walks out of the cave, to stand beside the female.

Male Rainbowface: "What's wrong, dear?"

Female Rainbowface: "Everything's wrong!

Female Rainbowface: "So, how are things in there?"

Male Rainbowface: "Not well. Tried to get something out of the Professor, but the old creature decided to take a nap after the questioning."

Female Rainbowface: "Well, at least we found a nice little abode for tonight. Let's just be thankful for that."

Male Rainbowface: "Don't worry. I'm sure we'll find a way to get back. But at least while we're here, we can see if we can find out anything."

Female Rainbowface: "For once, it's not the time for that! We have to think about getting out of this!"

Male Rainbowface: "Well, I'm going off to sleep now."

Female Rainbowface: "Night."

The male rainbowface leaves, thinking, while the female stays behind, looking up at the sky again and also pondering.

Scene: A parking lot in the Great Valley Town.

The Gang walks along the hard pavement of the parking lot, towards a supermarket.

Littlefoot: "So, you said you smelled something around here, Chomper?"

Chomper: "Yup! And it smells really good!"

Littlefoot: "Well, let's go check it out then."

Cera: "Hey, Littlefoot? Sure you're interested in something that Chomper thinks smells good?"

Littlefoot: "Well, we've got nothing else to go on. Gotta try something, right?"

Chomper: "Yeah, it's right in this...cave...thing!"

Chomper points his claw at the front entrance to the grocery store. The Gang runs up, and glances inside. The leafeaters' gaze turn to all of the fruits, vegetables, and other green looking things to the right, while Chomper eyes a long aisle full of nothing but meat.

Everyone: "FOOD!"

Littlefoot: "Let's go in, everyone!"

Littlefoot shoots off towards the entrance. The camera follows him as he nears it. The longneck bumps up into the glass, getting knocked down. The camera keeps going, before returning to the dazed longneck.

Littlefoot: "What was that?"

Ducky walks up to the glass, touching it with her hand.

Ducky: "There is something here, oh yes."

Ruby comes up and touches it too.

Ruby: "But, what is is?"

Spike pushes himself into the glass, eying the greenfood again and sighing. Chomper comes up to the glass. He pushes up against the barrier, getting angry. He then tries to bite at the glass, but can't get his teeth to connect with the glass.

Chomper: "But I'm so hungry. Oh, am I ever going to find something to eat around here?"

The little sharptooth's stomach rumbles, as he glances over to Ducky.

Ducky: "I wish you would not look over at me when you say that, no no no!"

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Scene: The same city street everyone woke up at.

The Gang comes walking up to the same street where they began.

Littlefoot: "Well. Here we are."

Cera: "You sure, longneck? Because I don't see anyone here!"

Ruby: "This is odd. The rest should still be here, since this is where we left them, but they're not here!"

Littlefoot: "And I know this is the same place, because we're under that blue...light that we got sucked into before."

Ducky: "Where did everyone go?"

Petrie: "Me no know! Maybe they want to adventure like us?"

Cera: "I said we should have just stayed here, but NO! We had to go on another adventure, didn't we?"

Littlefoot: "Well, we're just going to have to head out again and look for them. They could be in trouble!"

Cera: "Could things possibly get any worse?"

Chomper's stomach growls again.

Cera: "Humpth! Thanks for reminding me!"

Scene: A cave in the Great Valley of the future.

The female rainbowface is outside yet again, staring into the sky.

Female Rainbowface: Sighs. "I...just don't know what to do anymore. I'm in a strange place. I don't know whether to be more angry at this... professor fellow, or my own partner. I just wish we could just settle our differences somehow and get something done here. How could things get any worse?"

She turns around to enter the cave for a second time.

Female Rainbowface: "Well, partner, got any more ideas?"

No one answers.

Female Rainbowface: "...Partner?"

She scans the room, but only sees the Professor, who's soundly asleep.

Female Rainbowface: "Now where did that dino face head off to!?"

She rushes to the Professor, shaking him, and trying to wake him up.

Female Rainbowface: "Professor? Professor! Wake up you lazy creature!"

The Professor's eyes shoot open in terror.

Professor: "AAIIIEEEE! Ah eh u!"

Female Rainbowface: "Professor? What's wrong with you!?"

The Professor calms down, then reaches in his backpack. He procures one of his communication devices, straps it on his arm, and sets it to flattooth.

Professor: "Ah, that's better."

Female Rainbowface: "What happened?"

Professor: "Hmm, I seem to have misplaced my usual communicator. That's odd, I never take the darn thing off. I even sleep with it!"

The old man takes a look around the cave.

Professor: "Hey, where's your other friend?"

Female Rainbowface: "I have no idea. You don't suppose that he took your communicator, do you?"

Professor: "That must be what happened!"

Female Rainbowface: Sighs. "Has he lost his mind? What does he hope to accomplish?"

Professor: "Must be obsessed with trying to find out who I truly am."

Female Rainbowface: "Oh, could things possibly get any worse!?"

Scene: A house in the town.

A door knocks, and an old man in a lab coat answers. It's Doctor Mabutu.

Mabutu: "My word, who could it possibly be at this hour of the night!"

Doctor Mabutu opens the door to reveal the professor's brother. He's carrying a body bag.

Professor's Brother: "It's me sir. One of you're fellow scientists down at the lab."

Mabutu: "Well, that still does not explain why you decided to wake me up at this time of night!

Professor's Brother: "Trust me, this is important!"

The professor's brother walks into the house and lays the body bag on a table.

Mabutu: "Now, what is this?"

Professor's Brother: "I believe my brother's been having a little too much fun lately."

He opens up the body bag. The dead redback hatchling is in it.

Mabutu: "Oh my science! Is it even possible!? A live Ankylosaurus!"

Professor's Brother: "Heh. Well, I wouldn't exactly call it live."

Mabutu: "It's in such good condition. It must have died just recently. Amazing!"

Professor's Brother: "I know, right? Can things possibly get any better?"

Mabutu: "So, what's going to happen now, young lad?"

Professor's Brother: "I suppose you're going to take this marvelous beast to the labs for your research, right?"

Mabutu: "Ah, you know me too well!"

Professor's Brother: "I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with that."

He turns to walk out the door.

Professor's Brother: "I, on the other hand, have a runaway man to find!"

Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Yeah, really sorry for being so late with this. :(

At least, here it is now. I'll really try to have the finale done for next Friday, but no promises.


Episode 29 - The Farwalker's World Part 3

It's Back to the Future all Over Again!

Scene: A street in the Great Valley Town.

The Gang walks up another street, tired and discouraged.

Ducky: "We have been walking around all night, and yet, we have not found anything, no."

Chomper: "Wait, there's something over there!"

Chomper runs up to a dead possum in the middle of the road, killed by a passing car.

Littlefoot takes a little closer looks then backs away.

Littlefoot: "Eh, not really something I enjoy looking at."

Ducky: "Oh, poor thing."

Ruby: "I wonder what happened."

Petrie: "Me hope whatever happen to him don't happen to us!"

Not able to look at the roadkill anymore, Littlefoot takes a good look around himself.

Littlefoot: "Hey guys...doesn't this place look a little...familiar?"

Ducky: "What do you mean, Littlefoot?"

Littlefoot: "I mean, just look around. Those big rocky walls all around us in the distance, and that pond over there. Oh, and look way over there. Is that Saurus Rock?"

Littlefoot points his tail off in the distance, to a rock that resembles a longneck. A jet takes off from the peak of the formation.

Chomper: "Wow, what was that?"

Petrie: "Look like a guess."

Chomper walks off a ways from the rest of the group.

Littelfoot:  "Is this...the Great Valley?"

Cera: "WHAT!? When we find the Professor again, we need to get him to check your eyes!"

Ruby: "No, wait, Littlefoot might be on to something! I mean, this place does look like the Great Valley in a way, even if there's also a lot of things that you'd never see in the Great Valley."

Ducky: "But...if this IS the great valley, where is everyone?"

Cera takes a look around, noticing the roadkill from before is gone.

Cera: "Hey, speaking of where is everyone, where'd that fuzzy go?"

Camera pans out to show Chomper, sucking up the tail of the pussum that's in his jaws. His back is turned to the rest of the Gang.

Littlefoot: "Hey, Chomper?"

Chomper's eyes shoot wide open.

Chomper: "Uh...yes?"

Littlefoot: "Do you know where that fuzzy went?"

Chomper: "What fuzzy?"

Ruby: "The one that was just here."

Chomper: "There wasn't a fuzzy there."

Petrie: "Yes there was."

Chomper: "I don't know what you're talking about."

Cera: "You wanna know what I think? I think Chomper just went and...

Littlefoot: "Let's just drop it, everyone. We've got more important things to worry about right now.

Cera: "Humpth!"

Most of the Gang starts to walk off, while Chomper stays behind for a bit.

Chomper: "Whew, that was close. At least I got nothing else to worry about right now.

The little sharptooth takes off after the rest of the group. The shadow of a human sticks his head out of the side of a nearby building. It's the Professor's brother. He walks out from behind the building, following the Gang.

Scene: A different street in the city.

Two shadows run along a building wall. one of the figures stops for breath, and the other comes back to tend to him.

Female Rainbowface: "Hey, what's the holdup?"

Professor: Breathing heavily. "Oh, it's just I'm not as spry as I used to be."

Female Rainbowface: "Happens to the best of us."

Professor: "I wonder... could I perhaps ride on your back?"

Female Rainbowface: "Why, the nerve! I'm not just some animal for you to saddle up on!"

Professor: Sighs. "Well, it was worth a try."

Female Rainbowface: "Hurry up, you! We have to find my partner before he does something rash!"

The female rainbowface starts to rush ahead, leaving the Professor in the dust.

Professor: "Wait! I can't keep up!"

The female stops in her tracks again.

Female Rainbowface: Sighs. "My, no wonder your kind needs this technology. Your all just some carnivore's chew toys without it!"

Professor: "Please, I need a ride. I just can't keep up with you!"

Female Rainbowface: "Fine. I suppose you can hop on."

The Professor climps up on the dinosaurs back before she rushes off.

Professor: "Oowehehe!"

Female Rainbowface: "Ugh, how demeaning!"

Scene: The labs.

A giant freezer door opens, and a body bag flies into it. The view switches to show doctor Mabutu closing the massive door.

Mabutu: beathing heavily. "Ah, now that takes care of that."

The old scientist walks out of the room into the hallway, when loud knocks come from the front doors of that laboratory.

Mabutu: "Again? Hmm, wonder who it could be at this time of night?"

Mabutu comes to the front doors.

Mabutu: "Yes? Who is it?"

There's no answer.

Mabutu: "If you want in, you'll have to tell me your reason for being here!"

Still no answer.

Mabutu: "My, that is odd."

He slowloy pushes the front door open and peeks outside, only to find no one.

Mabutu: "Hello? Anyone here?"

From the side, a dark figure rushes over and tackles the old doctor. The two faces meet, and Mabutu yells in terror. It's the male rainbowface that's on top of him!

------------------------------<Commercail break>--------------------------------

Scene: Outside the labs.

Outside the laboratory, Mabutu lays on the ground, with the male rainbowface over him.

Mabutu: "Someone! Help! Some beast's trying to eat me!"

The male rainbowface holds down MAbutu with one hand while he uses his otehr one to adjust the communicator on his arm. He speaks, and his voices starts to change from an ape voice, to a dolphin, then a bear, and then to a dog. He then suddenly lets out a loud sharptooth roar.

Mabutu: "Ahh!"

Finally, the dinosaur lets out a discerable voice.

Male Rainbowface: "you hear me now?"

Mabutu: gasps. "Did you just speak?"

Male Rainbowface: "So this thing DOES work. I was bigginning to doubt it."

the dinosaur clears his throat.

Male Rainbowface: "Anyway... who are you!?"

Mabutuo: "What are you talking about?"

Male Rainbowface: "Don't play dumb with me! I found one of your kind, and somehow, he led me here. I just want to know where here is!"

Mabutu: "I still have no idea what you're talking about. I should be the one asking what you're doing here!"

Male Rainbowface: "I'll ask again. Tell me about this place."

Mabutu: "Just leave me be!"

Male Rainbowface: "I came here to learn what I can, and I've worked too hard to just go home empty handed now! Tell me what you know!"

Mabutu: "I keep saying no!"

Scene: A street in the city.

The Gang walks along the street, growing discouraged.

Cera: "We're never gonna find anyone, are we."

Ducky: "Do not say that, Cera. Someone will show up. I am sure of it."

A few silent steps are heard.

Chomper: "Hey, you guys hear something?"

Petrie: "Ooh, sounds spooky!"

Littlefoot: "who's there?"


Littlefoot: "Hmm, weird."

Petrie: "Me wanna go home now!"

Cera: "Aw, you're all just a bunch of babies! It's probably just another fuzzy or something."

A shadow runs between an alleyway in front of the Gang.

Littelfoot: "Wh...who is it?"

Cera: "See those pricklies at the top? I'm telling you, it's jsut some little fuzzy."

The Professor's brother steps out into the light slowly.

Ruby: "It might be a fuzzy, but not the kind your thinking of!"

Littlefoot: "It's a human!"

Chomper: "What's a human?"

Littlefoot: "It's whatever the Professor is!"

The human speaks, but the dinosaurs only hear it as an monkey's voice.

Ducky: "What is he saying?"

Ruby: "No idea."

Littlefoot: "Do you think he's friendly?"

Cera: "I say we run!"

Cera turns tail and bolts, while the Professor's brother speaks up again. He's still approaching.

Littlefoot: "I think Cera has the right idea. Run!"

The Gang bolts off. The human slaps his forehead, and start chasing after them. The Gang runs down a dimly lit street. They come up to a fork in the road. Directly ahead of them is a brick building wall with anotehr strange figured shadow on it.

Petrie: "Not another one!"

Chomper: "Are they hungry?"

Littlefoot screeches to a halt. The rest of the group keeps going and crashes into him in a large pile. The figure ahead of the comes forward.

Littlefoot: "It's coming for us!"

Ducky: Looking behind. "The other one is coming for us too, no no no!"

Littlefoot squints his eyes to see the firgure hes looking at is acvtually two people. A human riding on top of a rainbowface.

Littlefoot: "Hey look, it's the Professor!"

Professor: "My oh my, you've all been here too?"

Female Rainbowface: "It's worse than I thought!"

Littlefoot: "What's going on Professor? Some human's after us!"

Professor: "Who?"

Suddenly, the dark figure runs up and stops in front of the group.

Professor: ""

Chomper: "Brother? This thing is your brother?"

Professor: "Yes, he's my brother, and he's not a thing! Excuse me a moment. I need to have a little talk, in private. Um, here. Take this, Ducky."

The Professor takes off his communicator and hands it off to Ducky. He steps foward and confronts his brother.

Professor's Brother: "Ah, so the looney has returned!"

Professor: "I keep telling you. I'm not a looney!"

Professor's Brother: "No, just a crazy old mad scientist! I still don't get why you had the gall to leave yesterday."

Professor: "I'm not mad! Wait, what about yesterday? I've been gone for months!"

Professor's Brother: "Heh, I guess time traveling does that sometimes, but you left this time only about 12 hours ago! No one knows what really happened yet. I just told them you ran away."

He glances behind the Professor.

Professor's Brother: "So, what about these creatures?"

Professor: "Oh, they just kind of came along for the ride, it seems."

Professor's Brother: "They seem kind of spooked."

Professor: "They're a little skittish, yes."

Professor's Brother: "How did you get them to be so calm around you?"

Professor: "I talk to em, of course. Remember that little old universal translater you put together a few years ago?"

Professor: "Really? Sorry, forgot about that thing, bro. You think I could talk to them?"

Professor: "I suppose. I've got a million of these things lying around."

The Professor turns around to face the gang, grabbing the communicator from Ducky for a moment. He takes his backpack off and digs around in it.

Professor: "Alrgiht, Gang. I think I'll jsut give everyone one of these so we can understand eachother better."

The Professor takes several communicators and starts putting them on the different dinosaurs. He puts one on Spike, who opens his mouth to speak.

Professor: "Whoopsie!"

He quickly pulls it off of Spike again. A short and sad violin tune plays while Spike sighs.

Professor: "There we go."

Professor's Brother: "Ah, and I see you have a rather young Apatosaurus with you!"

Littlefoot: "I'm not a Apatorsaurus. I'm a brontasaurus!"

Professor's Brother: "Hmm, where did you get THAT idea from?"

Littlefoot: "Well, the Professor here told me so!"

Professor's Brother: "Heheh. Don't you know that name's been abondoned for years, bro?"

Professor: "Well, no. I didn't."

Professor's Brother: "What else did he get wrong, little dinosaur?"

Littlefoot: "Well, he thought at the last cold times that we would all freeze to death!"

Professor's Brother: "So, he thought you were all cold-blooded?"

Littlefoot: "Oh yeah! That's the word he used!"

The Professor's Brother bursts out laughing.

Professor's Brother: "Don't you know ANYTHING about the dinosaurs, bro?"

Professor: "Oh come on! Those are two easy mistakes to make! Besides, what do I look like to you, a Paleo-nut!?"

Female Rainbowface: "So, what are we to do now?"

A scream is heard in the distance.

Petrie: "What that?"

Professor: Gasps. "It's the doctor!"

-------------------------------<Commercial break>-------------------------------

Scene: Outside the labs.

The Gang's group walks up to the large building.

Professor: "Ah, the good old HAL Labs!. This brings back memories!"

Professor's Brother: "No time for that. I think the docter is in trouble!"

Littlefoot: "Who's this...docter?"

Professor: "er, you mean Mabutu? He's just the one that runs this place."

Ruby: "He runs a cave? That doesn't make much sense."

Professor: "First off, this isn't a cave. And second off, th

Professor's Brother: "Would you all shut it? We've got to see what's going on in there!"

Petrie: "Even here, me have to go in spooky caves. Why me!?"

Scene: Inside the labs.

Camera pans along the dark hallway.

Mabutu: "I ain't about to tell you what that doohicky does!"

Camera pans through an open door into a testing room, where the rainbowface and docter are at. Mabutu is strapped up in a chair, while the dinosaur pases around the room, pointing at all of the machinery.

Male Rainbowface: "And what about this thing?"

Mabutu just stares at him.

Male Rainbowface: "This?"

The human remains silent.

Male Rainbowface: "Hmm, this doesn't seem to be working. What else can I try?"

Mabutu puts his feet to the ground, and starts to slowly waddle off. The rainbowface looks back and notices.

Male Rainbowface: "Hey, what are you doing? Don't try running off now!"

Mabutu: "Leave me alone, monster!"

Male Rainbowface: "The nerve! I just want to know what some of this marvelous garbage is!"

Mabutu: "Why should I tell you a blasted thing? All you've done is barge into this lab, hold me down, parade me around like a mad experiment, and demand everything I know! Also, you're just not a very friendly chap!"

Male Rainbowface: "I actually am a pretty friendly chap, as you put it, I've tried for a long time to do this the friendly and passive way. Tried playing by the rules. Sticking to procedure to a T, but that just doesn't work. I never got done what I wanted to get done. They sent me to this same planet 3 times now, and every time, it was always 'oh, don't touch a thing' or 'we have to keep this place natural' or some other petty excuse. I hungered for more knowledge!"

Mabutu: "Forbidden fruit?"

Male Rainbowface: "Hrm? Anyway, I hungered for knowledge, so I found I had to bend the rules.

Mabutu: "I hope this means your the only one like this then."

Male Rainbowface: "I'll admit, I might have gone a little far this time, but just look where it's gotten me; a marvelous little society, with a rich culture and history! I'm sure I'll enjoy learning about this place, even if it is primitive.

Mabutu: "Who you calling primitive?"

Scene: A hallway in the labs.

The two professors run down the hallway, followed by the female rainbowface and the Gang.

Female Rainbowface: "I think I hear them from over in this room."

The Professor's brother quickly unlocks the door, and everyone rushes in to find the male rainbowface and docter Mabutu.

Mabutu: "Now what in Hannah Valley is all this ruckus?"

Male Rainbowface: Gasps. "It's you!"

Female Rainbowface: "What has gotten into you?"

the male rainbowface takes a step back.

Male Rainbowface: "Uh, look. It's not as bad as it looks."

Female Rainbowface: "How could you?"

Male Rainbowface: "Please, let me explain..."

Mabutu: "My oh my, more monsters! P...Professor! What's going on!?"

Female Rainbowface: "Quiet you!"

The old docter shuts his mouth.

Female Rainbowface: "We've got a LONG talk ahead of us, but not now. We have to get out of here!"

Male Rainbowface: "But...but..."

The female gives a stern look.

Male Rainbowface: "Oh...alright."

Female Rainbowface: "Everyone, come forth! We must get out of this place!"

The whole group rushes out of the door, then down the hallway, then out of the entrane way of the laboratories.

Littlefoot: "At least everyone's okay now!"

Camera moves back into the labs, down the hallway, and into the testing room to show poor docter Mabutu still tied up. He works the knots in his rope and gets up. He rushes over to a phone on the wall and screams into it.


Scene: Another deserted city street.

Littlefoot: "Well, everything turned out all right in the end. We found everyone."

Professor: "Heheh, Got egg brain out of trouble!"

Male Rainbowface: "Hey!"

Ducky: "And Chomper did not eat anyone, nope!"

Female Rainbowface: "But, we have another problem."

Littlefoot: "What?"

Female Rainbowface: "theres still the same problem we started with! The matter of how to get back home."

Littlefoot: "Oh yeah."

Professor: "Hmm, thought we'd be done by now. Guess we're not done just yet."

Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Episode 30 - The Farwalker's World Part 4

That redback hatchling will make a very nice museum display!

Scene: Outside of the labs.

The front door opens, and Doctor Mabutu comes out, carried by two people dressed as police officers.

Mabutu: Wait, stop it! We have to stop him!"

Officer #1: Don't worry doctor, we'll make the bad dinosaur go away."

The two officers hurl Mabutu into the back of a van and close the door. As they drive off, the camera shows the back door, which has Hannah Valley Psychological Correction Facility" painted on it.

Scene: Outside of the cave the Professor and the two rainbowfaces were in before.

Littlefoot is sitting outside, looking up into the night sky. The female rainbowface walks out of the cave and up to the little longneck.

Female Rainbowface: "What are you doing out here, little one?"

Littlefoot: "Hmm? Oh, just thinking.

The longneck pauses for a moment, before turning to the rainbowface

Littlefoot: "So, what do you think of this place?"

Female Rainbowface: "A little strange, but quite familiar as well."

Littlefoot: "What do you mean?"

Female Rainbowface: "I might have just said too much."

Littlefoot: "Said too much?"

Female Rainbowface: "Well, you know, we've been mysterious...Wouldn't be fair if we spoiled too much of it, would it?"

Littlefoot: "Yeah, I guess that makes sense."

Female Rainbowface: "Would you like to go in and see what's up with the others?"

Littlefoot: "Sure."

Littlefoot and the female rainbowface walk into the cavernous room to see the Professor and the male rainbowface at each others' throats yet again.

Female Rainbowface: "Ugh. What is it this time?"

Professor: "You see what he was doing to that poor man? He had Mabutu all tied up!"

Male Rainbowface: "Well, he was just as stubborn as you!"

Professor: "Stop getting in my way and help us get back!"

Male Rainbowface: "No, you get out of my way and help us get back!"

Female Rainbowface: "Would you two just listen to yourselves!? You're both acting like a bunch of hatchlings!"

Professor: "Well, I'm just trying to help us!"

Male Rainbowface: "I am as well!"

Littlefoot: "I don't think it's that. Well, not anymore. Now it just seems like you're trying to get the better of each other. All you're doing is fighting for no reason."

Professor's Brother: "Yes, you're both acting like two brothers trying to one-up each other. Reminds me of the good old days."

Cera: "I remember Daddy acting like this once. Just arguing with some other loud-mouthed threehorn about whose horns were bigger."

Male Rainbowface: "Has it really come to that?"

Professor: "Are we just trying to show off now? Like some testosterone pumped alpha males or something?"

Ruby: "No idea what you're talking about Professor, but I'd say yes."

Professor's Brother: "Well, I see the portal still there from when you came here. Why didn't you turn it off afterwords, bro?"

Professor: "Heheh. Well, the device kind of got...crushed."

The Professor digs the broken time travel device out of his pockets.

Professor's Brother: "What the blast did you do to it?"

Professor: "Got it smothered under a dinosaur."

Male Rainbowface: "Yeah, my bad."

Professor's Brother "Then I guess you all know what that means."

Littlefoot: "I can guess. Well, no, I can't"

Professor's Brother: "Your only way home is right above us. Don't know why you all haven't been trying so hard to get back."

Female Rainbowface: "That's what I've been saying the whole time!"

Professor's Brother: "Of course, if you all want to stay here, that's fine by me. There's a lot we could learn from ya."

Professor: "Uh, I don't think you'd want to be his test subjects!"

Littlefoot: "This place is really interesting. Really, it is, but I'm really missing my folks back home."

Ducky: "Oh, me too, yup, yup, yup."

Petrie: "Me three."

Ruby: "Only problem is, how do we even get up there?"

Cera: "We've been over this before. There's no way to get up there."

Petrie: "Well, me could fly up there."

Cera: "What about us, flyer?"

Petrie: "It not me problem you never learn to fly."

Cera: "Then that's that. There's no way for us to fly up there."

Professor: "Hmm. Perhaps there is a way!"

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Scene: Outside a completely new building.

The Gang, Professor, and the aliens walk out from behind an alleyway to the entrance of this new building.

Professor: "Finally. Here we are!"

Ruby: "Well, now we're here, but where is here?"

Professor's Brother: "The Hannah Valley Airport main building of course."

Professor: "Oh yes. We have this, because it's so hard to get in here on foot or road.

Professor's Brother: "It's what you get for living in a nearly impenetrable valley, I guess."

Littlefoot: "What are you two talking about now?"

Professor: "It'd take too long to explain. Right now, we need to break into there somehow to catch a ride!"

The Professor runs off towards the building.

Professor: "Come on!"

The Gang and the rainbowfaces follow the Professor, while his brother stays behind.

Professor's Brother: "Break in?"

Scene: Inside the airport, in a hallway.

The Gang, the Professor, and the rainbowfaces are walking down the hall.

Littlefoot: "Where are we going?"

Professor: "We're going to where she is?"

Ducky: "A she?"

Ruby: "Who?"

Professor: "My ship."

Chomper: "What?"

The Professor suddenly stops in his tracks, holding his arm out to the side to keep the others behind him at bay.

Male Rainbowface: "What now?"

Professor: "There's a guard ahead."

Female Rainbowface: "What do you suggest we do now?"

Chomper: "I know! I'll just scare him away!"

Professor: "Uh, Chomper, I don't think that would be a good idea."

Chomper: "What are you talking about? It's a great idea!"

Professor: "But...he has a gun, and..."

Chomper: "Here I go!"

Chomper rushes out towards the guard.

Professor: "Chomper!"

Littlefoot: "Wait!"

Chomper looks menacing as he stomps up to the human guard. The guard gets shaky, then turns around and runs off, dropping his gun.

Guard: " em yourselves! I'm oughta here!"

Littlefoot: "Wow, what a coward."

Professor: ", didn't think that would work."

The Gang and the old man walk up to the double doors.

Professor: "Here we are then. Should be just beyond these doors.

Professor's Brother: "Ah, you're finaly here, my brother. What took you so long?"

Professor: "What do you mean? We had to break in. How'd you get here so fast?"

Professor's Brother: "Hmm, maybe you've forgotten that this is my airport."

The Professor's brother reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a set of keys. The Professor slaps his forehead.

Scene: Inside the ship hanger.

Professor: "Ah, she's still here!"

Littlefoot: "Who's still here?"

Professor: "Why, she is! Right here!"

The Professor stops in front of a spaceship (Resembling the Planet Express ship from Futurama). The Gang stand back, looking scared.

Littlefoot: "Wh...who is THAT!?"

Professor: "Why, this is my spaceship, of course! The good old series!"

Cera: "What?"

Petrie: "It a flyer?"

Professor: "Oh my no, but it can fly!"

Professor's Brother: "You'll need the key, of course."

Professor: "Gimme!"

The Professor grabs the keys out of his brother's hands, while The brother pulls out a small device, and pushes a button on it. The ship lowers a ramp, spooking the dinosaurs.

Ruby: "What is going on?"

Ducky: "Oh no, it is going to eat us!"

Professor: Laughs. "It's not going to eat you, hatchlings!"

Littlefoot: "It's not?"

Professor's Brother: "No, of course not. Now, so long."

Professor: "So long? You're not coming with us?"

Professor's Brother: "No, of course not. I've got too much here to live for. Kinda surprising you're going though; why?"

Professor: "Well, I guess I... hmm, I don't really know."

Professor's Brother: "Then stay here!"

Professor: "No, I can't do that. I... well, I have to at least make sure this little gang of dinosaurs gets back to their home."

Professor's Brother: "Suit yourself then."

The brother walks off, exiting the room, while the Professor looks on.

Littlefoot: "Something wrong, Professor? You seem kinda down."

Professor: "...No. I'll be okay."

Chomper: "So, what now?"

Professor: "Now we go back home. Everyone just walk up in there and we'll..."

Cera: "Oh no, I'm not walking into something's mouth!"

Professor: "Oh yes you are!"

Cera: "No I'm not!"

Professor: "It's the only way to get home!"

Cera: "No!"

The Professor walks over to the side, and picks up a pointy stick.

Professor: "Hmm, I could use this as a cattle prod I suppose."

Littlefoot: "What is that?"

Cera: "And how is that going to..."

The Professor pokes Cera with the stick.

Cera: "OW!!!"

Professor: "GET IN THERE!!!"

The dinosaurs and the Professor rush up the ramp into the ship. They make it into a large control room inside. The Professor runs over to a chair in the center of the room and sits down.

Professor: "Alright. Let's see if I can remember how to fly this darn thing! Ducky, push that big red button over there."

Ducky: "Okay, Professor!"

Ducky climbs up to a control panel on the left side of the room, and jumps on the red button. An alarm sounds, and water starts shooting out of the ceiling.

Professor: "No, the other big red button!"

Chomper, who's standing on the floor next to Ducky, mashes the other button down. The ship starts to shake.

Professor: "Ahh, listen to that purr!"

Petrie: "Oh no, she angry like smoky mountain!"

Professor: "Don't worry, little flyer; it'll be fine."

The roof of the hanger slips open, revealing the night sky. while the ship starts to shake harder.

Professor: "...might want to grab a chair though."

Littlefoot: "Grab a what?"

The ship takes off. The force pushes the Professor back in his seat. Everyone else gets pushed to the back wall of the ship, piling up on top of each other.

Ducky: "Oof. Get off of me, Spike."

Petrie: "After you get off of me."

The initial momentum wears off, and the dinosaurs slide off of the back wall onto the floor.

Professor: "She handles just like I remembered."

Littlefoot walks up to the side window and gazes out.

Littlefoot: "Hey everyone, look at this!"

The rest of the Gang run up to the window.

Petrie: "Wow, we up high!"

Cera groans worriedly as she looks out the window, then turns around.

Professor: "Here comes the hole!"

Littlefoot: "Let's do this. Let's get back home!"

The ship flies forward, straight into the time portal, which disappears after the ship vanishes inside of it.

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Scene: The Great Valley, at night.

Camera shows the entire valley. It then zooms in and pans over to the Professor's cave. The ship is parked, hidden rather badly behind a tiny fern. The Professor sits on a small rock, looking down. Littlefoot and the rest of the Gang walk up to him.

Littlefoot: "...Professor?"

Professor: "Oh, I'm horrible! Simply horrible!"

Ruby: "What do you mean?"

Professor: "I've...just been a real jerk this whole time, haven't I? Just doing whatever I wanted to do, when you were all in danger of never seeing your home again.

Ducky: "Do not be so hard on yourself, Professor."

Professor: "And on top of that, I've been living a huge lie. All of this time, I've been lying to all of you! That place that we were at was actually...

Littlefoot: "...The Great Valley?"

Professor: "Oh my yes, it a way."

Cera: "Really?"

Professor: "...I don't deserve this. I don't deserve any of this! Chomper, just end it. Just eat me already!"

Chomper: Laughs. "I'm not going to eat you, Professor!"

Professor: "You won't?

Chomper: "Nope! Besides, I'm not hungry anyway."

Cera: "I knew it!"

Professor: "But, I'm a disgrace! I'm worse than that old Pterano!"

Male Rainbowface: "That's not the way I see it."

Professor: "Eh...wha?"

Male Rainbowface: "I see a creature who's come from a very A culture that's not doing too well. You've tried to better yourself by coming here."

Littlefoot: "Yeah. YEAH! That's right. You've come from a kind that's done a lot of bad things...but, you've come here to try to be a better person! Since you've been here, I've seen a kind and helpful...human, that really cares about us!"

Chomper: "You're kind of like me, Professor! I came from a kind that's notorious for not being nice."

Cera: "Yeah, for being mean!"

Chomper: "Yeah!"

Cera: "And brutal!"

Chomper: "Yeah!"

Cera: "And uncaring!"

Chomper: "...uh..."

Cera: "And evil! And bloodthirsty! And..."

Chomper: "Cera! Knock it off already!"

Cera: "Humpth!"

Chomper: "Anyway, you've tried to be nice and live with kinds you're not suppose to live with, like I'm doing!"

The female rainbowfaces walk up to join the group.

Female Rainbowface: "Greetings, everyone!"

Littlefoot: "Oh, hello! Didn't think I'd see you again."

Cera: "What are you here for?"

Female Rainbowface: "Just saying goodbye, is all."

Ruby: "You mean you're both leaving?"

Female Rainbowface: "Well, I'm leaving."

Professor: Looking at the male rainbowface. "And what about you?"

Male Rainbowface: "Well, seeing as how I acted this past day, and how much the council didn't like..."

Female Rainbowface: "Uh-hum!"

Male Rainbowface: "Oh...right, right. Well, suffice it to say, I'm going to be staying behind. I'm not going back."

Professor: "I'm sorry to hear that."

A sky stone shoots across the sky as the female rainbowface steps back a bit from the group.

Female Rainbowface: "Welp, this is it. It's been nice getting to see all of you again."

A beam of light comes out of the sky, engulfing the rainbowface. She disappears with the light.

Male Rainbowface: "Goodbye...sis."

Cera: Dumbfounded. "Did you just see that?"

Littlefoot: "Hmm, just like the other times."

Chomper: "So, where are you gonna go, Mr. Rainbowface? What are you gonna do?"

Male Rainbowface: "I don't know. Probably stay in this valley here, since it's safe."

Littlefoot: "That's a great idea! You could even make your own nest here!"

Male Rainbowface: "Heheh, I don't think a nest would quite work out for me. Hmm, perhaps I could move in with the Professor?"

Professor: "WHAT!?"



I'll see you sometime in a few months with season 3! For now, I'm switching to a new writing project while writing season 3 and going over the first season again. Hope you guys like this new little project of mine. :DD
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Mama's Girl

  • Spike
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Not sure where or if I have a review for the first few episodes, but I've made my way thorough season 1 at least. Told you I was behind. For an  all encompassing review though, I won't bother with the grammar as it's been touched on and you said you were revamping anyway. Plot wise though I enjoyed it and the progression of Chomper and the professor "coming to terms".

Of course the finale has the big grand exit just befitting it, and I like that, but in the between episodes it was interesting with the professor trying to tell...well avoid really, but still showing certain things of his world to the kids, like iron ore and his comm thingy. And of course the rainbow faces are "onto him" :-)

Well I shall move onto season two as I can and probably do the same big review thingy for that too :-) Sorry again even this took so long

Oh, and of course, before I forget to mention, the tie in between the "sharptooth tale" here of what Chomper did and the mention in your other story! Very cool!