The Gang of Five
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"Unused" fanfiction ideas

The Chronicler

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Actually, I was thinking more like they're watching it in a movie theater. You could even see their silhouettes at the bottom of the screen. :lol  I'm not thinking of a typical commentary, but acting like they're just watching a movie; they'd laugh at the funny parts, they'd cry at the sad parts, someone would ask a question at a confusing part, etc. After that, then maybe they could even do the same with the sequels and TV episodes.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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Here's an idea I remember having a few months ago. It's basically a humorous short that features Ruby discovering a hand-held time traveling devise, sending her on a series of misadventures through time. Eventually, she makes it back to her own time. When her friends see the device and ask what it is, Ruby just says it's nothing special, then smashes it on the ground and stomps on it repeatedly, making sure she doesn't go through a day like that ever again.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I thought of mystery series for both Lion King and Land Before Time, but I had somewhat a hard time coming up with multiple chapters for.


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Quote from: The Chronicler,Feb 12 2012 on  12:45 PM
Actually, I was thinking more like they're watching it in a movie theater. You could even see their silhouettes at the bottom of the screen. :lol  I'm not thinking of a typical commentary, but acting like they're just watching a movie; they'd laugh at the funny parts, they'd cry at the sad parts, someone would ask a question at a confusing part, etc. After that, then maybe they could even do the same with the sequels and TV episodes.
You mean like the riffing in Mystery Science Theater 3000?

The Chronicler

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I've recently come up with another idea.

Has anyone here read that fanfic on where a Russian submarine from the 1980s ends up in the Land Before Time world? Well, I've been thinking recently what it might be like if the Titanic, just hours before it would have hit that iceberg, somehow ends up in the Land Before Time world. Imagine what the gang might think if they saw such a massive object floating in the big water, and imagine their reactions as they tour the entire ship.

If anyone is interested in turning this idea into a story, just let me know and I'll send you a message with all of the specific ideas I have in mind.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


  • Spike
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Just remembered; a few years back I toyed with the idea of writing an "end" to the Land Before Time. It would have taken place thousands of years after the events of the original film - Littlefoot and the others would be the subject of folk tales; hence explaining the number of films, episodes and songs; these were all tales passed down and told to younger generations.

The main characters would have been:
Kylo - a male Clubtail (Ankylosaurus); the main character.
Alta - a female Longneck (Saltasaurus); Kylo's best friend.
Parry - a male Hollowhorn (Parasaurolophus); too smart for his own good.
Bambo - a male Threehorn (Triceratops); pompous and bombastic (Bambo was Cera's name in an older draft for LBT).
Zal - a male Flyer (Quetzalcoatlus); confident in his flying skills.

Only problem was I had too many ideas for the story. I had been vaguely inspired by a paragraph I'd read on the WMG of TvTropes which was building on the debunked theory that the Great Valley was the afterlife; in their version; each character had died some time after the Great Earthshake; but was bound to the earth for some reason; with Sharptooth being a physical manifestation of what was holding them back. Only when they got rid of him - or faced their fears, or accepted what had happened, etc - did they reach "The Great Valley". Anyway, I thought a similar idea would be interesting, but I couldn't think of where to go with it (plus it was way too dark)!

Originally, it was going to have the main character's home - something like three valleys divided by ravines - destroyed when a meteorite hits, and the survivors would then attempt to make their way to safety. The adults would meet their fate not long afterwards - from shock or something - leaving the children, who would decide their best hope is to search for the Great Valley of their stories. One by one, their numbers would shrink; Zal's wings would freeze as he attempted to fly over a mountain range, Bambo would try to take a different route and cause a landslide, Parry would freak out and run off a cliff in panic, and then...well, I hadn't quite figured it out yet. The ending would have had something like either Kylo or Alta (by this point the last one left) arriving at their home again, and realising it was the Great Valley - years of earthshakes had changed its shape - only to pass away and find themselves - and everyone else who had fallen along the way - in an afterlife Great Valley.

So here's where it got confusing. I couldn't decide whether to go with this storyline, or whether to go with an idea that was based more off of the TvTropes one; each character died in the meteorite, but failed to cross over until they let go of something that was holding them back. Along the way, each one would be tested in some way; and each would fail - Zal, Bambo and Parry's fates would be such tests. At one point, a character - like Rooter, but actually one of the GOF - would appear and give cryptic advice to help them before vanishing.
   Only problem with this treatment is that I couldn't decide how Kylo or Alta overcoming their mistakes would save the others. So it changed again; with scenes where there were ghosts haunting them (their friends, trying to get them to make the right choices) or Kylo noticing his reflection gone when he went to drink water and realising he was a spectre, or the main characters dying, but rescuing a small mammal before they did - the future ancestor of the mammals of the Ice Age.

So, having come up with a tangled mess of ideas, I gave up on the whole thing. I would like to revisit it at some point - I think there's some good stuff in there!

Well,  I have an idea for a fanfiction. I've looked around and haven't seen anything like it. The plot would be how Chomper and Littlefoot turn into a dragon to fight a vicious sharptooth/sharptooth army commanded by another dragon(possibly a sequel) Joining forms heals any wounds short of death. However, joining doesn't come without side effects(for example, Littlefoot getting a craving for meat and Chomper for certain green foods.) Furthermore, joining isn't a pretty process,painful and extremely difficult for a friend or loved one to watch, but if interrupted, they will both die.  The first time they would be alone, so they could hide it.  Their dragon form would be that of a Chinese dragon, but with the ability to swim through the air. their dragon form would also be able to command water and of course, breathe  fire. I have two writing projects going already, so I don't think I'll be able to get to it anytime soon.


  • Spike
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Another concept from me...which I think I might have mentioned on another board or in one of my fic threads; I've got the story and scenes all planned out, but whenever I try to write it I get writer's block and give up.

Basically, it's a time-travel fic involving a character from the Dragonriders of Pern series; Lytol. For those who haven't read it, Lytol is a recurring character who's gone through just about every form of hell imaginable prior to his first appearance; first his dragon - who he shared a mental connection with - dies in a horrible accident, leaving him psychologically scarred. Next, after returning home and starting a family, his daughters grew up and were coveted by the local Lord (a conquest-mad lunatic), and his whole family fell apart after that. Only after this did things start to go well; he ended up the regent and adoptive father to a young lord of another area.

Anyway, I've already written a fic where Lytol and his lost dragon re-unite - it's in a different area of this forum; with the bulk of my fics - but I wanted to try something different, so here's the story I came up best as I can describe it without having to explain the backstory as well! Be aware that some parts may sound quite stupid as a result...

Lytol falls ill with a fever, and after some fevered dreams, wakes to find himself in his old bed at Benden Weyr - where he lived as a dragonrider. A healer treats him, and he learns that he's back at the day his dragon died...except he's alive; having only gotten severely injured. Lytol assumes he's dreaming, but soon comes to realise he's not. Ultimately, he decides to accept this change and take the second chance he's been given.

The story then jumps ahead a few years, by which point he's properly settled back into his old life (and possibly even met his former wife, by ensuring they met at the right time). Lytol and the rest of his old comrades attend a festival, and after some time, Lytol notices another dragonrider being attacked by another man with a knife. Without thinking, he rushes to his aid, and manages to prevent him from killing the man, but he gets attacked himself and is knocked out.

This attacked man is actually the "Weyrleader" of Benden Weyr, and in Lytol's original timeline, he died in this fight; causing some chaos, but ultimately setting the stage for his young son to eventually take his place and help lead the planet into a new age. When Lytol wakes, he learns that the Weyrleader has survived, but is seriously injured, and will have to step down from his position as a result. Lytol thinks things will work out at first, until the former Weyrleader seeks revenge against the man - a Lord - responsible for the fight, and ends up foiling his attempt to invade and massacre a rival hold...something that would ultimately lead to the sole survivor coming to the Weyr, where their actions would wind up preventing a planet-wide disaster.

With these two changes to the timeline, it's less likely that the events of Lytol's timeline will happen, thus dooming the planet. However, since he was privy to a majority of these events in his time as a result of being the "Regent" of a hold, he knows exactly who needs to meet at what time, and thus the rest of the story becomes him coming up with ways to ensure key events happen (over a span of roughly forty years!)...a task made difficult in that he's not a powerful figure in this timeline, and has little reason or excuse to visit the important figures who will shape the future.

Ultimately, history gets back on track - with a few minor alterations; a la "Night Watch" by Terry Pratchett - and Lytol eventually gains the assistance of the former Weyrleader and another prominent figure - the "Masterharper" - after they notice he's been present for a majority of important events.

The story would eventually end after about thirty years worth of events - at one point he'd have an awkward meeting with the kid who was his adopted son in the original time, but here doesn't know him at all and never will get to know him. At this point in Lytol's original time, an artificial intelligence was discovered, and it aided them for a good deal of time before ultimately shutting itself down. Lytol promptly seeks it out and reveals his full story to it; in the hopes of understanding how he got back to this point in time. After a good deal of thought about this (over several days) and also how the timeline has ultimately worked out in Lytol's favour with each change, the computer ultimately concludes that Lytol actually died of his fever , and this entire event has either been a fevered dream or perhaps a limbo for him to come to terms with everything before moving on.

Once Lytol accepts this, the computer shuts down - mirroring the original scene where it did so - and Lytol leaves with his dragon; with it ambiguous as to whether he's "crossed on" to the afterlife, or whether he's decided to stay in this world for now.

An epilogue would have Lytol being buried in the normal timeline, with those who knew him simply hoping he's at peace now. that's that. I do hope to write this one at some point; here's hoping I can get past the block at some point!


  • Chomper
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In my initial imagining of the crossover, Littlefoot and his friends would have access to the Dino Ranger’s powers along with some of their own. They might have combatted a very evil Sharptooth or something along those lines.

However, I have revised the idea a little as I have grown older and wiser. You can see it on the “crazy crossover” section.


  • Ducky
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I got an idea.  There would be these greedy Leaf Eaters who'd go around sowing poison plants in various Leaf Eaters places.   They'd be in league with Sharpteeth to help them out after the Leaf Eater leaders get weaker, the Sharpteeth would come in and wipe out the rest of the herd, and then the bad guys would help themselves to all the green food in the place.

Eventually, they'd come to the Great Valley, perhaps during a time of short food, and "find" the poison plants and the Council would eat the plants, and perhaps everyone else would too.

Littlefoot's friends, minus Chomper, would all fall ill.  Littlefoot would get ill, but somehow he ate less and so it will take longer to affect him.  Chomper is perfectly healthy.

They see that things are going wrong, and guess what the bad guys are up to, but know that they won't be able to fight them alone with just the two of them.

So the two would set out to the Land of Mists to get the Night Flower and cure the Great Valley.  In the meantime, the clock would be ticking as everyone in the Valley got sicker and the bad guys would be planning to get their Sharptooth allies to finish everyone off.

Littlefoot and Chomper would encounter Dil and Ichy and Chomper would try to make some kind of deal with them to get them to leave them alone and let them get the Night Flower  

In the end, the bad Sharpteeth would be defeated by Littlefoot and Chomper, along with Archie and Pterano, and maybe some others, and then Chomper, Dil, and Ichy would eat the bad guys.  (I think it's ok if Chomper eats BAD Leaf Eaters.)


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Here, I’m throwing out some (okay, a lot of) ideas for adoptions. Most I have no interest in writing but there are a few I plan to use at some point. Which is which? I’m not telling. ;)

Some of these are mere notions that I thought up while others I detailed more thoroughly in my mind. Buckle in folks, here the ideas are in no particular order.

- The gang somehow fall into an Alternate Universe where among Mama Longneck’s eggs, Littlefoot’s egg didn’t survive and a sister’s egg did and hatches. Some people live (like Mama Longneck), some die (like Cera), and this AU gang’s adventures either had a different outcome or never happened at all (Like the yellow bellies were never escorted to Berry Valley – though I do have the amusing mental image of the gang finding out they got there just fine anyway). The gang has to struggle with questions of fate and the fact some of their counterparts might have different paths – like Spike and Chomper, who might have different names and never become members of the gang. The gang comes to accept the experiences and lives in this AU are just as valid and in a reversal of these usual stories, no one in the AU dies during the gang’s visit.

I can see keeping track of the original gang and the AU gang might be a name nightmare (with the exception of Littlefoot-replacement, Spike, and Chomper), so that’ll be an issue if you try to take on the idea.

- Bron finds another love…and it’s a guy. Stunned, Littlefoot and the others struggle to accept this.

Bisexual/pansexual Bron, y/y? The sexuality element is added because queer representation and adding it to the stepparent plotline makes sure it isn’t a “Tria Redux.”  

- The gang encounters some dinosaurs who ignored/harassed/attempted to kill them on their journey to the valley. I’ve seen this plotline in one fanfic before but I thought it would be interesting if the offending party isn’t completely bad. Reconciliation between them and the gang might be possible. The gang might also struggle with whether to tell the rest of the valley about what they did or let bygones be bygones.
- The story of how the gang killed the first sharptooth get more explicitly broadcast to the wider valley, which leads to awkward, very much unwanted attention. Many are creeped out that children plotted to kill someone, even if it was in self-defense. Others are fascinated in a snuff film-like way and so harass the gang for more details or want them to do it again.

- Kind of related to the above, Littlefoot accidentally severely injures or kills someone in self-defense. The fact he first suggested and plotted killing the first sharptooth means people become afraid of him instead of Chomper.

- Good news: Chomper meets some people who won’t hurt or kill him on sight because he’s a sharptooth. Bad news: Because he’s a sharptooth, said people want to kidnap and train him to be a pet that can be shown off or a weapon to be used in inter- or intragroup conflicts. #BeingChomperIsSuffering

- The gang and several other named youths get kidnapped to either be child soldiers or slave workers. They manage to escape and/or tear down the whole operation.

- Maybe related to above, but the gang go missing and their parents are sick with worry. When they get back to the valley a month or so later, they have no memories of who their parents are. The gang bond with their parents, try to solve the mystery of what happened, and might or mightn’t get their memories back.

- Someone attempts to injure or kill the gang – and that ticks everyone off. The offender keeps bumping into people the gang know. As soon as the offender lets slip his attempted crime, he or she get treated coolly, shunned, or even get driven out of a herd or location. It becomes so ridiculous that he or she sardonically asks a bunch of rodents if they know the gang - and they do because Tickles is among their number and the offender has to keep silent in fear of getting murdered by enraged rats. The offender might or mightn’t have to crawl back to the gang and the valley for an apology, who might or mightn’t forgive him.

This is to humorously show that though the gang might exasperate many, their help has been valued and treasured.

- The gang somehow foresee the extinction event meteor centuries/millennia/millions of years from now and they must struggle with the concept of mortality and what to do about their descendants. They come to accept this by seeing intra-species youths of future eras also being adventurers, offering hope that life goes on.

- Might be connected to above, but a crossover with Doctor Who where the Doctor and his companions accidentally wind up in their universe. In their world, the Land Before Time exists as a movie and TV series, so there might be some joking groaning of landing in the sequel universe which bemuses the gang. I imagine Eleven in this role, since he does have that dynamic with kids. I can picture him and his companions attempting to try spontaneously singing like many people do in that universe, with the inevitable comic results.

I also have the amusing scene of the Doctor forbidding the gang from coming with him on an adventure, walking out, and walking back having changed his mind. He’s seen enough of the movies to know the gang’s going to follow him anyway, so they might as well have an adventure while under his adult(?) supervision.

- On the way to visiting Chomper’s parents, the gang get attacked by a few fast biters and their leaf eater ally. The fast biters and leaf eaters are sort of foils to the gang. The fast biters became friends with the leaf eater while young. The fast biters kept defending their leaf eater friend from being eaten, which led to them being kicked out of their community. Though personable and a bit goofy if they consider you a friend, they are a bit troubled by that experience. The leaf eater helps the fast biters hunt and doesn’t consider other leaf eaters his or her friend. The fast biters and leaf eater’s friendship is genuine. There won’t be any last minute betrayals and they’ll remain loyal to each other.

Only a third party threat causes the fast biters and the leaf eater to team up with the gang. The gang help fight that threat off, which causes the fast biters and the leaf eater to spare them and allow them to go, though warning if they come around again, they’ll be enemies. That experience shows what might happen if the gang’s friendship with Chomper and Ruby continues but there might also be some hope they can forge a different path.

- Not very substantive, but the family of one member of the gang decide they might go on a trip outside the valley because of a vision, ritual or whatever – and remembering how Cera and the others wandered off after Littlefoot during the 10th movie, they have the foresight to invite the whole gang along. Road trip shenanigans that might or mightn’t be dramatic ensue.

- The gang get tangled up in the Rainbow Face pair’s spaceship. Space travel might ensue.

- AU where the gang and other characters are gods who try to smooth over conflicts in the mortal and/or godly realm (Chomper would be the nicest death god ever and Spike would make a nice deity for plants).


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Call me crazy, but I'd actually love to read a "spoof-fic" in which Bron has 24 hours to dissolve some devious plot in the Great Valley. Those who are familiar with Kiefer Sutherland's (Bron's voice actor) other roles will know EXACTLY what I'm talking about...


  • *feels like Pterano*
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24 LBT edition  :lol:
Inactive, probably forever.


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Though instead of using, uh, “enhanced interrogation techniques” to get intel, Bron would have to do favors for information (like getting hard-to-reach food and doing the equivalent of walking old ladies across the street) and he slowly cracks from having to deal with the valley’s eccentric residents. I have a hard time picturing him doing anything worse than giving a friendly tickle to someone to make them talk.


  • Spike
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If i had an unused fanfic idea, it would be in different ways that writers could or not not imagined yet. Like a parody of "The Good Dinosaur", where Littlefoot losses his cater Bron in the earthquake and tries to get back home. Along the way he meets a Human.

Littlefoot fan 1990

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I am starting a Land Before Time/Sonic crossover on and thought that I could post it on this site. Since Sonic the Hedgehog and The Land Before Time are my two favorite fandoms, I have quite a few ideas for it.


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Quote from: Littlefoot fan 1990,Feb 21 2017 on  10:47 PM
I am starting a Land Before Time/Sonic crossover on and thought that I could post it on this site. Since Sonic the Hedgehog and The Land Before Time are my two favorite fandoms, I have quite a few ideas for it.
so what unused ideas of this? :)

Littlefoot fan 1990

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One idea I have for this crossover is that unbeknownst to Sonic and the gang, Dr. Eggman has found a way into the Land Before Time universe and is planning on taking over the Great Valley.

-Dr. Eggman turns some of the grown ups into children to make it easier for him to take over.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Hmm, I did pretty much have a "final season" of Past-o-rama planned out completely. I didn't know what season the final one would of ended up being, but when I felt I couldn't do anything else with the story, I'd go ahead with this big final season idea.

At this point, I don't think I'll ever get around to finishing that tv series fanfiction thing, so I'm wondering if you people would wanna hear my whole plan for the end of it or not.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Littlefoot fan 1990

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Here are some story ideas I've had in the back of my mind for a while. These stories are just begging to be written.

1. An origin story based on how I think Littlefoot's grandparents lived before they were married and how prejudice plays a big role. Instead of difference of species, it's age difference where the male is younger than the female and their fathers want them to marry dinosaurs their own ages, not each other.

2. A story where an epidemic gets into the Great Valley; however, only the grown ups are affected and it's up to the kids to nurse them back to health; however, only the elders are in danger of dying and need extra care.

3. Petrie and Ducky have hit adulthood and have fallen in love with each other. However, Ducky's mother doesn't support the union, while Petrie's mother does. The adult swimmer goes to the old longnecks for advice of what to do about Ducky and they give her these words: Don't let a thing like difference of species stop them from being together; if they were friends their whole lives, what's the problem with them being in love?

4. After the loss of his grandparents, and his father has gone missing and is presumably dead, Littlefoot has no next of kin living in the Great Valley. Who will take him in until he's old enough to take care of himself? The grown ups are faced with a difficult problem; losing their leaders and trying to figure out what to do about the orphan.