The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 164702


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((OOC: I wantz to get kickstart this RP again, who's with me!! :^.^: ))

Sparky grinned sheepishly, knowing both Pangaea and Nana was right. These claws needed to be handled with care; she was practically a walking accident waiting to happen!! It was best to be cautious....

"CANNONBALL!!!" And with that, she jumped into the deepest water she could find, inadvertantly splashing everyone near enough. Eyes opening slowly, Sparky looked about the water plants and fishies before trying to get the swimming feel in this body. Thrashing her tail and feetz (she was still too cautious to use her hands much), she managed to at least get her nose and eyes to the surface, probably resembling a strange crocodilian. Looking back to the others, she swam closer in Stalk-and-Stealth mode......While loudly humming the Jaws theme song to announce her approach.

Cancerian Tiger

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"Hey!  Who wants to go play now?" Cera finally piped up.

"You're feelin' better already?  That was fast," Anna said in a surprised manner.  "Anyhoo, I'm game."

"I am too, yep yep yep," Ducky agreed.

"Glad to see you're feeling better, Cera," Mrs. Swimmer said compassionately.

"Thanks for helping me out," Cera replied as she stood up.  Tricia simply stepped up to the right of her older sister.

"Okay, let's head out then," Cera said as she led the way.

"Have fun and be safe," Mrs. Swimmer said.

"We will Mama, oh yes yes yes," Ducky replied.


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Daniel shook himself as dry as he could and looked at his still wet wings, chuckling a little. "Not like I'm gonna use them anyway" he then heard Sparky humming, he couldn't help but laugh.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Chomper stopped for a moment as he caught a whiff in the air. "Hey guys, I can smell some sharpteeth nearby. Smells like fast biters."

Cutter smelled it too, though he couldn't quite put his claw on who it was yet. Was it Screech and Thud? No, they're smells were more pungent than this.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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On the riverbank, Guido spat out a piece of water green that had gotten stuck in his mouth. He and Pangaea had been utterly drenched by Sparky’s cannonball, having been close by when she jumped in.

“Warn us the next time you do that!” Guido sputtered.

“I dunno…I think it’s kinda refreshing,” Pangaea offered.

Guido rolled his eyes. He minded being wet more than Pangaea did. “And cut that out!” he squawked, referring to Sparky’s humming. “It’s freaking me out, for some reason! What kind of song is that, anyway?”

“It’s the Jaws theme tune,” Pangaea said. “Although, in her case, ëClaws’ might be more appropriate,” he cracked weakly.

Guido looked at him strangely, still perplexed.

“Um…It’s a movie,” Pangaea explained. “One of those ëstories in pictures’ I was telling you about before. Moving pictures with sound and music. ëJaws’ is the name of a movie about a sharkóa swimming sharptooth. That’s what Sparky’s pretending to be.”

“A sharptooth that swims?” Guido asked. “I’ve never seen one of those before. …Well, except Chomper when he plays that swimmer-splasher game with the gang, but that’s not the same thing, is it?”

A thought entered Pangaea’s head. “Have you ever been to the Big Water, Guido?”

“I…don’t…think so,” Guido responded uncertainly. “I’ve heard about it, but I don’t remember ever going there. Well, actually there’s lots of things I can’t remember, so I guess seeing the Big Water could be one of them.” Guido stopped his rambling for a moment, and a look of alarm came over him. “Wait…is that where swimming sharpteeth live? I don’t want to go there if it is!”

“I…wasn’t going to suggest that we go there,” Pangaea said. “I was just curious.” Yet suddenly Pangaea found himself thinking about going to see the prehistoric ocean. “Although…I guess it would be pretty cool to see it,” he added sheepishly.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix was proud. Prouder than he'd ever been seeing those around him rally and support Longtail through one of the oldest ordeals the young flyer ever had to face. Then he looked down to Longtail, his nephew knowing what this could possibly cost him. Despite the worry in his heart, Cyrix knew that as long as the others were here, supporting and helping both Longtail and himself, they would get through this.

Crusher suddenly sighed, and looked nervous. His intentions were  pure, there was no doubting that, but he was beginning to wonder if Longtail really could talk korr out of this fight... and more importantly if it came down to it, if the kid really could kill their herd leader. Not that he doubted Longtail, having seen the kid in action, but when it came to Korr... those two, seemed evenly matched despite their size and age difference. "Topsy..." he asked with a nervous chuckle. "... is what I've asked of your group... wrong? I mean sure to be able to change the way my leader sees things would be wondrous, but... I dunno... this seems so... final."

Longtail smiled as Rob and Zaine spoke to each other and felt the same feeling of warmth and acceptance form Rob. "Rob, I want to thank you. Until a few bright circles ago, I didn't know who you or Rick, or any of your hu... man friends were, but... you have my thanks. For standing by me and all dinosaurs and showing your willingness to help us."

As Rick listened to Longtail speak, he suddenly felt immensely proud, but then felt a sudden wave of DÈj‡ vu. Like he'd seen that same speech somewhere before. But he quikcly dismissed it and stepped over to the trio. "Longtail, your trust is the most important thing you can give us and I thank you for it." commented Rick as he placed a hand on Longtail's head.


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Nana frowned as she shook some of the water Sparky had splashed on her away. She then noticed that she was humming that of-so-familiar-yet-kinda-scary tune of the Jaws theme song. Oh man, did she hate that movie. Now, she was going to be paranoid, watching her back for Sharks that would randomly pop up out of any body of water at any period of time with no warning whatsoever and try to eat her. Now that she was a herbivore, in other words, prey, she was now even more scared that would happen.

Pangaea's remark about the Ocean caught her off gaurd somewhat.

"Hm...I'd kinda like to see the O-Big Water as well...I really wonder what it would be like seeing it, and seeing some huge Sharks, thank you, Sparky," she said, a bit annoyed that Sparky had now got her stuck on the topic of Sharks.

The Chronicler

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Chronicler heard Chomper's warning and said, "In that case, we'd better pick up the pace a little. If there's one thing I know about going through a canyon, it's that it's a great place for an ambush." That was yet another thing he knew about from Bionicle.

"That idea sounds like a good idea, Chronicler," said Ruby. "The less time we spend going this way, the less likely a Fast-Biter might find us."

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

Cancerian Tiger

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"Sooo...what shall we do?" Anna asked as Cera continued to lead the way.

"Well, we could always play Toss The Seed, yep yep yep," Ducky suggested.  She was catching a ride on Cera.

"Nah, we play that a lot.  I was thinking something more...adventurous," Cera said.

"Like swiping sweet bubbles from Mr. Clubtail?" Anna suggested.

"No!  I can't even stand the smell of clubtails on a hot day, and it is a hot day, so no way am I going anywhere near him!" Cera barked in protest.

"I know, I know!  How about playing Sharptooth Attack in the Sheltering Grass?" Ducky asked.

"No way!  Not after last time!" Cera said, shuddering from the memory of how they had nearly drowned in the sinking sand.

"Yes, but we will have a grown up with us this time, oh yes yes yes," Ducky argued.

"True, but it doesn't sound exciting," Cera replied.

"Well, there are the caves, yep yep yep," Ducky said, hoping Cera would budge soon.

"Hmm...that actually sounds fun.  It's up to you, Anna," Cera said.  Anna felt herself internally cringe in response, knowing she was claustrophobic.  However, if it meant having fun with her friends, she would deal with it.

"Sure, that sounds good to me," Anna replied.  

"Very well, then.  To the caves we go," Cera said as she changed course.  Tricia let out a giggle.


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"My bad." Sparky mutter sheepishly with a smile for annoying Guido and Nana, although Pangy and Daniel didn't seem to mind. She climbed out from the water a bit, letting the water drip off on its own without attempting to shake it off; that will probably annoy her friends more.

The topic of Big Water interested her too now. "Ya know, it's been years since I've been to the beach..." Then she shrugged. "But you see one beach, you've seen them all. It won't be a huge loss if we don't go. 'Sides, we have a swimming pool right here!" She beamed happily, resisting wagging her tail should that splash them more. Though what's the chances of seeing a Magical Liopleurodon swimmin' round here? Psh, I wish...


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"Well, you never know" John chimed in.

In his mind was still on the film Jaws after Sparky hummed the theme song.



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Daniel shook his wings dry. "I wouldn't mind going to the Big Water, it'd give me some thermals to help learn to fly" he said as he spread his wings and smiled. "I might as well be an extra tiny Veloc...I mean, Fast Biter at this rate"

Cancerian Tiger

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"Well, here we are," Cera announced as the group reached the base of one of the mountains that shielded to Great Valley from predators.  They looked up and saw a cave entrance accompanied by a ledge almost two-hundred feet above where they stood.

"Now, to figure a way up," Anna said as she glanced over the mountainside.

"Well, there is a path that takes us up, but it's been so long since we've gone adventuring in this area that I can't remember where it is," Cera replied.  Ducky looked up at Anna, and noticed she appeared to be following something with just her eyes.

"What do you see, Anna?  Is it dangerous?" Ducky asked.

"No, my dear.  I believe I see where we should be headin' up.  See, I simply looked at the ledge and then spotted what looks like a switchback comin' from the ledge, and then spotted the rest of the switchbacks all the way down.  It's right over here," Anna said as she began to lead the others through some thick trees and brush.

"What are switchbacks?" Cera aked curiously.

"It is used to describe the shape of paths that lead up mountains and cliffs back in my world.  It's easier than headin' straight up.  Ow!  Man, we're gonna be bushwhacked by the time we get to the path," Anna said as she rubbed her left eye, having swiped it against a tree branch.

"What's bushwhacked?" Cera asked.

"Basically, we're gonna look all roughed up from walkin' through all these trees and brush," Anna replied as she felt her right lower leg push a thick and low tree branch out of the way.

"Really?  I thought that was going to mean you get whacked by a bush, yep yep yep.  That sounds funny, yep yep..." Ducky was suddenly cut off when the tree branch Anna had pushed out of the way came flying and smacked her off Cera's back.

"Ducky!" Cera yelped as she quickly whipped around.  Ducky was a few feet behind them and had landed flat on her back.  She sat up, spitting out leaves, and rubbed her head as the others approached her.

"Ducky!  You okay?!" Anna asked as she bent over to get a better look at her friend.  "I'm so sorry."

"Nice one, klutz," Cera cracked.

"It is okay, Cera.  She did not do that on purpose.  I am okay, yep yep yep," Ducky said, and then giggled.  "What I thought she meant must be true, yep yep yep."

"Yeah, looks like ya got whacked by a bush indeed, and got free lunch at that too.  N'yuk n'yuk n'yuk," Anna joked.  This caused the others to laugh, and Tricia giggled as she came up to Ducky and gently nudged her.  Ducky simply hugged her in return before Cera gently helped her up and onto her back.

"Well then, now that we know she's okay, let's get goin'.  Oh yeah, guess I'm better off in human form for now, not only so I don't whack y'all with bushes anymore but also I'll be able to fit in the cave better," Anna said before she morphed into her human form.  It was still hard for her to believe Cera stood at midsection-level on her, and Ducky stood as tall as her knees.  The group then contiued their journey to the cave.


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Although she had succeeded in filling her stomach, Amy was not feeling particularly content; let alone social or cheerful. She didn’t have it in her to seek out any company at the moment; her fear that the valley dinosaurs blamed her for bringing Red Claw’s wrath down upon themóthat they would shun her, or oust her from the valley entirelyówas too great. Perhaps this was why she found herself feeling so tired; her own stress and concern over the matter was so overwhelming that it was exhausting her.

As she trudged through the woods, hoping to find a place where she would be out of view of any of the resident dinosaurs, Amy spied a large tree with a sizeable hollow at its base. It was easily large enough to accommodate her, and looked like a private and comfortable place to rest. Entering the hollow, Amy lay down, and gradually drifted off to sleep.


Having eaten his fill from the leafeater carcass, Red Claw lifted his head and stood back. While taking out his frustrations over the catastrophe of last night on the body of the dinosaur before him, the sharptooth had decided that he now had a new agenda; a new target on which to vent his anger over the loss of his eyesight, and the numerous additional ignominies he had suffered since.

Screech, Thud,” he rumbled.

The two fast biters looked up from their own meals, anxious as to what their leader was about to tell them.

Yes, Red Claw?” Thud inquired.

It is clear to me that our little endeavor last night did not go as planned.

Yeah, no kidding,” Screech muttered.

In light of this, I have decided on a new course of action for us to take,” Red Claw continued, either ignoring or not hearing Screech’s remark.

Screech tensed. “Red Claw, enough of your schemes to catch that rock-blasted flyer!” He looked out over the field of dead bodies. “We have enough food here to last us for weeks! We should take this opportunity to rest and get our strength back, not continue to risk our necks for the sake of a single scrawny morsel and a petty grudge!

I am over the flyer.

Screech blinked, his mind performing a double take. “What did you say?

I said, I am over the flyer,” Red Claw snarled. “I will obsess over catching her and making her suffer for what she did to my eyes no more.

Screech had just enough time to experience a glimmer of relief before Red Claw continued: “Those leafeatersóall of themóhumiliated me last night, and I will make them all pay!

The lower jaws of two fast biter jaws dropped open. An incredulous Screech was the first to pick his up. “Red Claw, have you lost youró? You can’t be serious! First the flyer, now all of those leafeaters? You want to hunt down every single one?

They have destroyed my reputation!” Red Claw bellowed. “I cannot allow them to remain witnesses to my…my failure!” He spat out the last word.

Forget your reputation! What about your life?! You’ve almost killed yourself twiceóno…thrice!ógoing after that one flyer! How do you expect to best an entire herd of leafeaters?!

You dare imply that I cannot handle a single mangy flyer?” Red Claw snarled. “Those leafeaters last night were prepared; they came knowing that they would have to fight me. This time, I will strike when they least expect it; I will stalk them in the valley where they think themselves so safe and protected. I will kill every one of them, one by one.

Screech and Thud found themselves at a loss to respond. They could think of a dozen flaws in Red Claw’s reasoning, but it was obvious to them that Red Claw had abandoned reason. It was clear that his sanity was in a downward spiral, and the fast biters feared what the powerful sharptooth would do next, now that he was pulling free of the constraints of rationality.


Okay…almost there, Strut thought to himself as he approached the edge of the clearing that contained the nest. I’ll get to the nest, grab one egg, and get out of there before the mother comes back. Hmm…maybe I’ll take two or three; Ozzy’ll be proud of me, and I bet the mother won’t even notice. I mean, leafeaters lay lots of eggs, right? Truthfully, Strut had never done much nest-raiding on his own. Ozzy was almost always there with him, or took care of the egg-snatching himself. Ozzy did this mainly because he didn’t trust Strut not to bungle the job on his own, but secretly Strut was thankful for it. While he admitted that eggs were tasty, unlike his brother, he didn’t feel that they were worth risking his life over. He was content to eat green food and tree sweets; at least, he would be, if Ozzy weren’t so vehemently opposed to it.

Strut had finally reached the clearing. He pushed aside one last swathe of tall grass stems…and a yelp of alarm caught in his throat.

A full-grown hollowhorn was curled up asleep on the edge of the clearing. Ozzy must not have noticed it when he spotted the nest; from afar, the tall grass concealed most of its body, and anything that rose above would have appeared to be just another one of the boulders that dotted the meadow. Strut almost bolted back the way he came, before he noticed that the leafeater was currently asleep.

I can still do this, he thought. I just need to get the eggs without waking her up.

Strut tiptoed to the edge of the nest, making sure to keep one eye on the dozing hollowhorn. Scanning the nest in his peripheral vision, he spied a choice-looking egg, and cautiously reached down with one hand, gently grasping the top of the egg in his claws and lifting it out of the nest. He executed the whole maneuver flawlessly, not making a single sound as he removed the egg.

Unfortunately, Strut possessed poor perception in the department of causality. As he removed the egg from the nest, he deprived an adjacent egg of the support that had been propping it up. The egg rolled over, knocking against two other eggs on either side of its path and causing them, in turn, to jostle their neighbors. As a whole, the clutch barely shifted, but the hollow clatter of eggshell against eggshell was enough to induce the hollowhorn’s eyes to open.

Strut stood frozen in place, the lead in what was surely this world’s closest possible literal enactment of one being caught with their hand in the cookie jar. He hastily set the egg back in the nest as the glaring hollowhorn began to rise to its feet.

“Uhh…Great Valley Nest Patrol,” Strut offered weakly. “Just counting your eggs to make sure they’re all safe.” He flicked out a single claw and hovered it over the nest, pointing to egg in turn as he pretended to count them. “Yep, looks like they’re all there!” He grinned as innocently as he could.

The hollowhorn’s response was to rear back slightly, taking in a deep breath of air. Then it lunged forward, its forefeet hitting the ground as it bellowed in Strut’s face. The deafening, trumpetlike call, amplified by the leafeater’s hollow crest, must have been heard for miles around. Leaves were shaken loose from nearby trees, and flocks of small flyers took flight en masse from the canopy and ground alike. Strut himself was practically blown backward by the force of the sonic hurricane the hollowhorn was unleashing less than a foot in front of him, and as it was he barely remained standing.

“EGG STEALERS!” the hollowhorn blared. “EGG STEALERS IN THE VALLEY!”

Strut, ironically, didn’t hear the hollowhorn’s words, on account of the intense ringing in his ears preventing him from hearing much at all, but he knew well enough that it would be wise on his part to get very far away very quickly.

“What have you done?!” Ozzy hollered at Strut as the latter egg stealer returned to the former’s hiding place behind the boulder.

“What?” Strut shouted, still deafened from the hollowhorn trumpeting in his face. “No, I didn’t get one!”

In the not-so-distant distance, the hollowhorn could be heard continuing to publicize the egg stealers’ presence through her trumpeting calls and ear-splitting shouts.

“Well, this is another fine mess you’ve gotten me into!” Ozzy snapped. “Now the whole valley knows we’re here!”

“Huh? I can’t hear you!” Strut yelled out, cupping a hand to his ear. “You say your nose is clear? That’s good to hear! I suppose getting hit there all the time might make it kind of stuffy, huh?”

Ozzy facepalmed. “Never mind! Let’s go, before those leaf-lunchers surround us!”

“I agree completely…with whatever it is you just said!” Strut said loudly. “And by the way, maybe we should get out of here in case someone in the valley hears that hollowhorn and finds out we’re here!”

“Arrrrrrrgh…Come on!” Ozzy growled as he hurriedly dragged his brother off.


Pangaea had been about to suggest to Daniel that he might be able to find a thermal to practice flying on in the Great Valley when a sound like a high-pitched foghorn (and just as loud) rang out across the valley. It startled him so much that he jumped, accidentally slapping Guido in the face with a wet wing as he clapped his hands to his ear holes.

“What in the Mesozoic was that?” he asked.

“I…I think it was a hollowhorn,” Guido said, shaking water from his face as he too covered his ears.

Ohhh… A Parasaurolophus; I thought so, Pangaea mused. I wonder why it’s calling like that… Is it really true that they use sound to shake down foliage?; is that what that one’s doing right now? If that’s the case, funny that I haven’t heard it before; there must be plenty of hollowhorns in the valley, and you’d think that at least one of them would have employed that feeding strategy in the time I’ve been here. Maybe the other dinosaurs don’t like them to do it because it disturbs the peace, and that one’s justó?

Pangaea’s train of thought came to a halt as the hollowhorn finished its trumpeting, and its distant voice could be heard calling out:

”Egg stealers! Egg stealers in the valley!”

Suddenly, the reason for the hadrosaur’s aerophonic outburst became clear.

“Oh, crap,” Pangaea muttered. “What have those two gotten themselves into now?”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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At the loud trumpeting, Sparky jumped but didn't bother covering her ears (she never did with loud noises even when she was human), only cringing heavily and closing her eyes tightly, attempting to endure the sound and ignore it as best she could. Luckily it didn't last long, and when the news of Egg Stealers came up, she practically gasped.

'Ozzy! Strut! They're screwed!' her mind went and her words poured out faster than her mind could think them up, not addressing anyone in particular in her panic. "Oh snippity snap snappers! They're so dead! What're we going to do?" The very thought of one of her favorite characters getting killed made her whimper. Especially if it's with the knowledge that something could've been done about it. But what could they do? Helping Egg Stealers probably isn't looked at in a positive light around here and no doubt will hold dangerous consequences...


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Since Nana couldn't really cover her ears from the loud noise, she recoiled and skrunched (no idea how to spell it) up her face to block the sound out as best she could. When she heard the word Egg Stealers, she immediately got into an upright position again.

"Oh great...what can we do?" she said worriedly, concerned for some of her favorite characters.


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"Jeez, who's throwing a party?" Daniel said as he covered his ears from the sound of the bellow. Luckily he uncovered them just in time to hear the calls of alarm. Egg Stealers? His mind immediately though up Ozzy and Strut, after all in all the movies there where the only one's to ever try stealing eggs from the Valley. "Didn't learn last time did they? They're in a load of trouble now"


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(OOC: Jasper: I think you're still with Von, and the two of you are witnessing the discussion between GVG's and LBTFan13's characters: Rob, Longtail, Mr. Threehorn, Crusher, Zaine, etc.)

“Um…uh…uh…we could…we should…” Pangaea stammered in response to Sparky and Nana’s mutual queries. He was terrible at making decisions when the stakes were so serious. He felt so helpless in this situation; what could they do to keep anything bad from happening to Ozzy and Strut? He hoped that the two egg stealers hadn’t yet brought any harm to anyone in the valley (egg, dinosaur, or otherwise); if they had, he would have a hard time convincing the valley dinosaurs not to hurt them.

Pangaea was also thinking the same thing as Sparky: would he be seen as some sort of traitor by the valley dinosaurs if he tried to help or protect the egg stealers? For that matter, how would he explain his familiarity with Ozzy and Strut and why he cared so much about them. Heck, he didn’t even know how he could explain to Ozzy and Strut why he cared!

Pangaea considered the bizarreness of the matter; that he was feeling so protective of two dinosaurs who, in this world, were probably seen as the equivalent of burglars, kidnappers, even murderers. Well, it’s not completely the same as human criminals, his mind argued. I mean, they’re egg stealers; they steal eggs because it’s in their nature; no different from a sharptooth, right? On the other hand, he considered, unlike sharpteeth, egg stealers did have a choice of whether to eat eggs or not; Strut was proof that they could live on a diet of green food if they wanted to. Unless they need the nutrients in eggs to stay healthy, he thought. In any event, they had no such excuse for attempting to hurt or kill leafeater children over directly or indirectly interfering with their efforts to steal eggs. If Ozzy was still interested in revenge and had tried to pull something stupid, or if the gang ran into the egg stealers again and recognized them, then things could turn out badly.

“I…I don’t know what to do!” Pangaea cried. “But I’m guessing the valleyers will be forming a posse or something to find the egg stealers, like what they did with the tinysauruses. We’ll have a better chance of finding that than we will of running into Ozzy and Strut. Let’s just follow the shouts and see if we can meet up with them. Maybe we can convince them not to hurt the egg stealers if and when they catch them.” He sighed; this would be a long shot at best. What were their chances of convincing a mob of angry leafeaters who had no real reason not to hurt a couple of nest thieves? Especially since one of their number was a scary-looking, long-clawed dinosaur whose kind had probably never been seen before by most of the valley residents?

“And if that doesn’t work,” he added, “maybe we can at least manage to be there when they find the egg stealers, and convince them to cooperate so that the valley dinosaurs will go easy on them.”

“Wait a minute,” Guido interjected. “Who are we talking about again? Those two egg stealers you told us about who ran into us earlier? Why are you so worried about them?”

“It’s…complicated,” Pangaea sighed. “I honestly don’t know how to explain it right now. I’ll try to think of something on the way. But if we’re gonna do anything, we’ve gotta get going now.” He turned to the others with a sheepish expression. “And, uh…I’m not very good at finding things by sound. Would someone else mind leading the way?”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Sparky definitely nodded in response to Pangaea's plan, although Guido's question did make her pause. Why did she like Ozzy so much? Heck, why did she love Sierra (whom in her mind was worse than Ozzy) even more? Why any villain for that matter? Besides the fact that they generally look, sound, and act way more bad@$$ than the good guys? Maybe because they remind you of what you were in the past and would've become in the future if things didn't turn around in your life...

Wow....a relatively deep thought in her brain. That's a miracle in itself. But like Pangaea, she couldn't find the words needed to explain her feelings, especially when more important things were at hand. The lives of two lovable (to her anyways) little dinosaurs hung in the balance.

At the general offer of leading, Sparky was about to jump on it when it occured to her that she generally sucked at leadership skills. And although she could certainly pass the frequent hearing tests she always had to take, she can also have trouble locating a ringing cellphone in a room... But, Ozzy and Strut.... "I can give it a try, unless someone here feels more confident in their locating skills."