The Gang of Five
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What was your first game?

Simba King Of Pride Rock

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The first games I truly played and owned were the Donkey Kong Country games for the SNES. I played those non-stop. My entire family and I are Donkey Kong fanatics.

The Chronicler

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I can't remember specifically what my first game was, but the earliest I definitely remember was Lego Island for PC back in 1997. I loved that game as a kid (back when we had only one computer in the whole house and I was never allowed more than one hour per day on it).

If I ever find the time and willingness to figure out how to instal it on a modern computer, I'd love to play it again someday.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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The first game I ever owned and played was Need For Speed IV: High Stakes on the PC. Many fond memories resulted from it.



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My first games (that I remember) were the first Sega games my dad rented for me as a kid. I also played Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland, in school, actually. My teacher gave it to me (as a loan), for...stress, I wanna say. The first games that really inspired me were Super Mario Bros. (courtesy of my BFF), then SNES games when I wanted an NES and my dad got me the upgraded version. This evolved and expanded and now I own a Wii, Nintendo DS, and PS2.


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I was 5 years old and my older brother by 8 years had a PS1. I always wanted to play it but I did't really like 'boy games',so he went and bought me my own game I can play on it-Barbie: Race & Ride. Ah memories,I played for hours. Ride my horsey Princess through the meadows,beach and whatever the others were.  The game was dull to everyone but me-but I was 5 it didn't hit me the game sucked..pardon me,I just wanted to ride Princess.

It basically a horse racing game for very very very young children,if you  lost nothing happened-just hit retry. The game had preset names you chose for your horse but man was there  a lot of them-but I always picked Princess,besides racing you explode the world and try and find the hidden ranch-and stop every 40 seconds to interact with NPC....

I have since moved on to real horse racing games (Gallop Racer) where one bad move will cost you the race (Start race to slow,spurt too late,get boxed in etc).

I recently bought Babrie Horse Adventures: Riding Camp for $3 for the Wii,just to relieve my childhood memories...when I can gain enough sainty I'll actually complete it I will and then pass it on my niece-she can deal with the games awfulness xD.

When I got my very first very own console-a PS2 at age....11? (They were sick of be bothering my brother to play his xD) they gave me Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue with it (and they surpised I fell in love with horses.....) it was just that-wild horse rescue (though the horses were all tames so I never got why it was WILD horse rescue...) I played that for a while before I found Gallop Racer at a garage sale-I had got quite the interest in horse  racing by then due to Makybe Diva who was top racehorse in Australia at the time-instant addiction,I loved it so much I bought the sequel to it-Gallop Racer 2 (dah). Then along came Okami-I love that game to death,still have my original ps2 copy with the closing song they got cut from the Wii,Xbox 360 and PS3 versions which were released some years after ps2 Okami.

I also bought quite a few 'Harvest Moon' games.

Race & Ride will be forever special to me as it was the first game I ever owned but the Gallop Racers will forever be my top games,the graphics aren't epic but they were from  2003 and 2004 so one is 11 years old and the other 10-and from what I hear in gaming that is considered very old. I don't judge by graphics anyway-gameplay that matters and GR is full of it.

Too many people today instantly judge a game by graphics without even playing it.

Well there is one game I did judge by graphics but actually did play-Minecraft and as I thought-it me..I'll stop now before the Minecraft fans come...

Thats my gaming story,peace out.


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First game I ever played (and first computer I ever got in contact with) was some 'match the shapes' game in kindergarten. I asked my mom and dad if we could get a computer that same day, amazed as I was by the technology. Relatively soon after we owned a computer, and the first games I played were all on a 'games' disc that my mom asked the computer store owner to create for us.

The disc included many, many DOS games, some notable ones were The Lion King, Aladdin, Creating stuff with 101 Dalmatians, Trollz, Bumpy, Heretic (AKA. the scary game!), Risk...

The first 'Stand alone' game that I got was an educational game. Robbie Konijn (see video here:

DemonStar was pre-installed on our PC, so I played that a hell of a lot as well.

Real first big games were The Sims, Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation and Age of Empires, all copied from the neighbours, haha.

And the first console game that I owned was Pokemon Gold. First that I played probably something on N64, Pokemon Stadium, Mario 64 or Mario Kart.


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First game I ever played was 'Disney's Tarzan' on the PS1. I loved it, but I remember I was always too scared to play the level where you fight Sabor  :p

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I taught myself how to read on this old computer with Reader Rabbit installed. It's why I was already reading books before I even started kindergarten.

This unfortunately meant I had a really awful kindergarten because they'd instituted new strict policies that required each student to finish a significant body of alphabet-tracing work that was tedious and far below my current English level...The term "letter box" still leaves a bad taste in my mouth because it meant "A big piece of paper where you had to trace a certain letter at least twenty times in several different sizes and provide examples of words that started with said letter". Failure to complete the letter box meant you couldn't go to recess, but I couldn't focus enough to do them since I was already reading full-length novels like Captain Underpants and Hank the Cowdog.


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The oldest game I can remember playing was a vertical shoot'em up called Tyrian 2000. Actually, it was a pretty awesome game. It had stellar ship designs, stimulating game play, lots of replayability, and music so incredibly awesome that not only do I still listen to it a good fifteen years after I first played the game, but I'm actually trying to learn some of them for electric guitar! It's made by the same company that made Jazz Jackrabbit, so if you ever had that on your computer when you were little, odds are you had this on there too.


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My first game ever was Harrier Attack, which I played on a TIM-011 computer in 1992 (or was it 1991?). My father decided to see how the 1.5 or 2-year old me would handle using a computer, and I managed to move the aircraft, but I didn't get far and after several failures I lost interest in the game. I didn't know how the game was called back then, I only found that out years later.

The next time I used anything with a CPU in it was in 1995 when I got my first and only game console, some sort of Nintendo clone. I played Galaxians, Super Mario, Bomberman, Load Runner, The Flintstones and Street Fighter.

In the meantime the old TIM was replaced with a 286, and the 286 was replaced with a 486. When I started using the 486 in 1997, I started playing games like Prince of Persia, Prehistoric, Wolfenstein 3-D and Doom, which scared the hell out of me.


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I am unsure what the first game I ever played was.  However, the first one that I remember was the "Superman" game for the Atari 2600.  "Super Mario Brothers" and the original "Legend of Zelda" were other early games of mine.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Spike
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The first game I ever played was Super Mario Land for Gameboy. Recently I beat the game for the first time in my life and boy, that felt good. xD

The first one I really had myself was Disney's Dinosaur for Gameboy as well, and I still have my copy around. I think this game is a gem with pretty cool levels. Also, some of them are pretty tough.


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What my first game was and at what age I played it, I unfortunately can't remember exactly. I know that I was very young. It was at the age that one can't remember anymore. One of my very first games was "Tony and Friends in Kellogg's Land". I played it on a Windows 98 (Incidentally, I still have this computer and it always helps me when I do a nostalgia trip sometime!).  :) It's a really challenging game, even if it's old. I wasn't able to beat it yet.

My first console game was "Super Mario 64". I was about 4 years old at that time. It took me more than ten years to beat it... How time flies...


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The very first game - it was one of console games on SEGA. I was 2, I don't remember. I had many of them at the same time.
But I remember my first PC game - Stronghold Crusader.
And first Flash game - Labyrinth.


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Ah, I'm so bad at remembering things like this, but I believe that Crash Bandicoot was one of the first console games that I ever played. My first PC game was probably Runescape.  :)


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Not sure if I've posted before or not, but the first game I remember playing was Super Mario World.


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The main reason I never answered this is because I can't remember what game.  However, I can tell you the system.  The Atari 2600.

It's my Dad's, and yes, it does still work!


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Mine was the original "Super Mario Bros." for the old Nintendo console, along with "Duck Hunt" and some track running game where you ran in place on a mat to make your characte run. It was a three-in-one deal.
Oh, I remember that! Including the track-running game. It wasn't my first game, however, as it was my cousin who owned that one.

As a kid, my family (but mainly my brother and I) owned a SNES, and I think it was Super Mario All-Stars that was my first game. It's the oldest game I can remember owning anyway. Many, many fun hours were dedicated to that.

Speaking of which...
The first game I ever played was Super Mario Land for Gameboy. Recently I beat the game for the first time in my life and boy, that felt good. xD
Ah yes, that's a classic. I'll always have a soft spot for that one. Even though there's other Mario platformers I like better, SML has a magical and charming quality to it all the same.


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This is not one of my first games ever, although I don't even remember that either. But when I was back in elementary school, I would play Pokemon Sapphire on my blue Game Boy Advance a lot. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had such fun memories battling trainers, catching Pokémon, and it felt so satisfying to beat the Elite Four and Champion so many times. Although, I do have the tendency to overlevel my Pokémon, therefore making the game much easier. Thinking about it now, I wouldn't want to do that as it takes away from the challenge of the game. It didn't stop me from feeling so superior defeating everyone with just one hit though. I had restarted the game many times because I liked it so much, and each time I had a varied team with different Pokémon, and yes I had that problem of overlevelling my Pokémon again. And yeah, I'm not forgetting about the music that game had. I loved the classic GBA sounds and the TRUMPETS that go along with it. Steven's Champion Theme was awesome, 'nuff said, and so is the Gym Leader Theme. The surfing theme was also nice. It was so tranquil and it had that pleasant, breezy like feeling you get from it. I stopped playing the game a long time ago, but I have tried to pick it up and play one time with little success. It seems like I lost the spark I had when I was little, or maybe the game isn't as appealing anymore?

But since then, I have gotten more Pokémon games, such as Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon Moon, and Pokémon Ultra Sun. Those games I haven't touch in quite a while as well, maybe like a year or less?

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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My earliest games were
Pokémon Snap (Nintendo64, german version)
Pokémon Stadium (Nintendo64, german version)- I was very obsessed with Pokémon in my kindergarten and first two elementary school years, and I very enjoyed these games, even if I did understand hardly anything other than Czech. 
Midnight Club PS2- I remember
, Tomb Raider PS1 (played on PS2),
I had a good time while playing both these games, but I was to get very far, because I did not understand many things, and in Tomb Raider, I had no PS1 memory card, so I did many times tutorial or first mission, then beginning of mission two, when I died, and this is the end.

My earliest PC games, which I remember good, were windows 98 games like
Minesweeper, Hearts etc.,
Commander Keen 4- Sometimes I was scared of some enemies from that game, so I did chicken out, and did not want to play it.
and some Czech freeware games, you probably do not know.