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Screen Time Experiment - Land Before Time characters

DiddyKT2 · 97 · 36710

The Chronicler

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I mentioned this on the Discord server, but I may consider a separate screen time project for the TV series, but given how I just wore myself out with this project for the movies, I need time to replenish so I can find more creative ways to stay active on the forum whilst the VO for the 7th movie remains trapped in obscurity.  I mean, not like I can just grab my microphone and do random Petrie stuff!  I will probably wait until late spring or early summer to do a screen time project for the TV series.  I'm not ruling out the possibility, but I can't make any promises right now.

Yeah, I get it, I've been struggling to maintain progress on some projects of my own, so I know what it's like. That you're open to the idea of doing a screen time project for the TV series and even mentioned when you would probably get around to it is good enough for me, so I'll be looking forward to it once you're eventually ready.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Okay, everyone.  After thoroughly analyzing the movie frame-by-frame multiple times and having to re-watch infamous, cringe-worthy scenes (some of them no less than five times), I have the results for each character's screen time for the original Land Before Time!

Fair warning: I ended up discovering a startling surprise that may make us all never look at this movie the same way again ...

No, your eyes are not deceiving you.  Even I thought for a moment that Vegas Pro had left me cross-eyed, but the editing system speaks nothing but the truth ...

Ducky has more screen time than Cera!  MORE THAN TWO MINUTES no less!  :littlefootscared

Even though Ducky was formally introduced to the audience much later than Cera, the Threehorn's absence from most of the final battle coupled with Ducky being the bait for Sharptooth essentially allowed the Swimmer to overtake the Threehorn for second place in screen time.

Rooter was on screen for only 73 seconds, but that was all he needed to deliver his powerful message about the great Circle of Life.

I was honestly expecting slightly bigger numbers for Sharptooth, but given that a big chunk of scenes ended up being cut from the movie, I guess it's no wonder his screen time was cut down to just over 4 minutes.

As for the siblings, those are credited as a combination of the siblings from each of the Gang's families.  The only reason I counted them was because they are related to the main characters, even though Cera's siblings will never be seen again (their shared combination of 14 seconds ALL during Cera's hatching scene, shockingly).  Ducky's siblings never really become supporting characters, either, but we know very well that Petrie's siblings eventually will.  :petrienotamused

Littlefoot's grandparents were just utterly confusing throughout the time I studied their scenes.  This is actually the only film in the series where they have the scientifically correct coloring (based on gender), as these were mysteriously swapped out from the second movie onward.  Their numbers were simply based on assumption after I decided to go with my gut.

Of course, though, Littlefoot is unsurprisingly far ahead of everyone, his screen time almost doubling that of the runner-up.  It should be noted, though, that most of the movie was essentially being seen through his perspective, so it should come as no surprise that Littlefoot the fearless Longneck leader of the Gang starts off the series seated on the throne as Screen Time King.  The question is, though, will he stay up there throughout the entire series given just how many sequels there are?

That's all for now, though.  I'll see you later with my next post, where we dissect the characters' screen time in The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure!  :)petrie

Wow, this is really cool! Great work!

Just a note about Cera’s siblings, it’s not impossible that they won’t be seen again. I think a few of them appeared in movie 3.


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fPetrie started off the series as a cowardly, flightless nobody who annoyed many film critics with his poor attempts at being the comic relief.  However, the sequels slowly improved his character over the years until he became a very likeable character by the time Stone of Cold Fire came out.

Whaaaattt….? :wow

I honestly thought Petrie started off good but got worse as the series progressed. I might have to make a topic about this to see what everyone thinks.


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They ended up bringing bad luck to the Great Valley as they were the ones who broke Saurus Rock,

Whaaaaattttt…??? There actually WAS a curse?  :GuidoAAAAAHHHHHH

From what I remember, it was left ambiguous whether there ever was a curse. And I’m almost 100% certain there wasn’t.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2023, 01:49:19 AM by GreyLizard226 »


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We begin the top 25 with another one of the nastier characters.  Ozzy, the worse of the two Egg Stealers from Great Valley Adventure, had 10 minutes and 38 seconds of screen time.  This villain, like Sierra, had no remorse, and he took pleasure in eating eggs containing unborn fetuses of baby dinosaurs, much like an unhealthy drug addiction.  We can all be very happy that we never saw any of that on screen

Honestly, I kind of felt sorry for Ozzie. Yes, I know he went too far in trying to murder the kids, but I think he gets a much worse reputation for his diet than he deserves. Saying “he took pleasure in eating eggs containing unborn fetuses” in too harsh. Animals in the wild will eat eggs that are unborn fetuses of other animals. I don’t see how Ozzie is any worse because of that, much less an addict.


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We begin the top 25 with another one of the nastier characters.  Ozzy, the worse of the two Egg Stealers from Great Valley Adventure, had 10 minutes and 38 seconds of screen time.  This villain, like Sierra, had no remorse, and he took pleasure in eating eggs containing unborn fetuses of baby dinosaurs, much like an unhealthy drug addiction.  We can all be very happy that we never saw any of that on screen, otherwise Great Valley Adventure would surely have ended up with a PG rating, even if kids were interested in dinosaurs, including ones who may have eaten other dinosaurs' eggs.  Also, like Sierra, he, too, wanted to kill Littlefoot in cold blood.  However, when Chomper tried to stop Strut from throwing Littlefoot off the Great Wall to his death, Ozzy made his fatal mistake by grabbing the baby Sharptooth and attempting to choke him.  This was witnessed by his parents, who proceeded to snap at him and Strut, and pursue them out of the Great Valley, unwittingly saving Littlefoot in the process.  Ozzy was definitely a psychopath, but not on the same level as Sierra was.  I still think the Flyer was a lot worse than this Egg Stealer.

I’m thinking that you and I have slightly different opinions on Ozzy. While I’m not going to deny that he’s a villain (trying to kill the kids as petty revenge puts him on the same level as the original sharptooth, depending on how you view him), but I don’t agree with your quote “he took pleasure in eating eggs containing unborn fetuses of baby dinosaurs, much like an unhealthy drug addiction”. His kind simply eat eggs to survive, I don’t see that as something resembling a drug addiction anymore. I mean, Chomper’s parents surely eat other dinosaurs, but they’re not evil. Also, the fact that Ozzy is constantly cheated out of his meal made him relatively sympathetic to me, sort of in the same way as Sylvester from Looney Tunes. I felt he only really shows signs of being a psychopath towards the end, when he tries to kill Littlefoot and Chomper in cold blood, and while that’s still is inexcusable, it only after he’s spent the rest of the movie being extremely unlucky.

For much of the movie, I felt what made Ozzie really qualify as a “villain” was how he treated Strutt, something you didn’t even mention. Strutt is worth mentioning, too. For most of the movie, he hardly qualifies as a villain at all. The only time he does comes at the end (being part of the murdering plan), and that felt too uncharacteristic to really be believable. I’m guessing that being constantly bullied by Ozzy (who’s presumably all he has)  made him a little too desperate to gain Ozzie’s respect. Coupled with the fact that Ozzie had apparently stopped thinking rationally by the end of the movie and had become truly evil, and Strutt himself suddenly turning evil is a little more believable. Again, I’m not going to say it justifies him being evil, but it at least makes it a little more sense to me, since unlike Ozzie, I don’t feel that there was really anything before the bit where Littlefoot is kidnapped to suggest Strutt was a bully, much less a full-on villain.

Anyways, Ozzie is one of my favorite villains in the series, so I’m probably a tad biased towards him. But at least we can agree that he wasn’t as bad as Sierra.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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  I'm sure many of you must be shocked to see this character this far down on the list, but here sits Rooter in 81st place.

I’m honestly not shocked. He appears in one scene in the entire film series that’s under two minutes long, I’m almost surprised he didn’t end up even lower.


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They ended up bringing bad luck to the Great Valley as they were the ones who broke Saurus Rock

That was NEVER confirmed…was it?  :GuidoAAAAAHHHHHH


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They ended up bringing bad luck to the Great Valley as they were the ones who broke Saurus Rock

That was NEVER confirmed! Stop treating it like it’s fact!   :anger

(Sorry, but I find it very annoying that people actually believe something that’s implied in-universe to be a made-up story.)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2024, 03:30:26 AM by GreyLizard226 »


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Wow, this is very spammy behavior, Greylizard. Please stop posting consecutively unless you have anything new to add to a topic.


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Wow, this is very spammy behavior, Greylizard. Please stop posting consecutively unless you have anything new to add to a topic.

I’m just sad that DiddyKF1 didn’t respond to my posts.


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That may be, but Diddy (or any other member) may not have time or interest to respond. Please consider this an official warning.