The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread


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^^I do want to state again that this is all speculation on my part.  It is a wonder to me why they are doing a mid-season hiatus.  You'd think they would avoid something like this, especially since other companies like Nickelodeon have been giving such a practice a bad name.  They could've just easily made their Halloween and Christmas episodes specials and run the rest of the season as normal.  According to my calculations, if they didn't miss a week, they'd air the two-part season finale just before the new Equestria Girls Movie would air. (Then again, that is a tall order.)

Anyways, I finally got around to watching the latest episode.  I really enjoyed it and felt it ended on more than a satisfying note.  However, I will admit that Rainbow Dash's nightmare kind of creeped me out.

The episode did make Luna a more sympathetic character.  I mean, how bad of a thing did she do back then?  Yeah, she wanted the night to last forever, but what other crimes did she commit that made her believe she did not deserve forgiveness?  To the point where she created something to punish herself when no one would?  This Tantabus creature brings up a lot of questions.  Ones I don't know if I want the answer to.

Well, time to wait for the new episodes.

See ya later! :wave


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Found this little gem on DeviantART.

Be warned!  The following image is meant to be scary!

Hope I didn't scare you too much! ;)


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It is? Maybe I've just become really desensitized to horror, maybe it's because I've seen some pretty messed up stuff (in movies, real life, internet, etc) but if this is supposed to be scary then it's a pretty darn tame kind of scary. I don't know, to me it looks more like cover art from a Gorillaz album (not dissing the Gorillaz either, I love their songs).


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I'm pretty sure I have seen above image as part of a comic parodying the last episode, "Do princesses dream of magic sheep". Let's see... yep here it is.


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The Chronicler

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A series of short videos ahead of the upcoming Equestria Girls movie is being released. The first one went up yesterday, and expect to see a new one every Saturday.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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We have an official date for Episode 14.  Nearly one month from now, new episodes shall return!

Depending on how my work schedule goes, it will determine my plans for when it comes back!  Will I get the Live Streams or will I have to continue watch YouTube versions?  We shall see. :)


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So, if any of you guys were a pony in Equestria, what kind of job, profession or business would you like to have?


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I am so much of a historian all through that I reckon I would be a historian in this fictional world as well :yes
The main difference might be that perhaps there would be some kind of regular employment for historians rather than the entirely comissionary lectures to which, for all my applicataions, I remain limited <_<

By now I have reached page 300 of my story Lessons in quirks and I expect to conclude the story in the foreseeable future. Posted a chapter today that is more ominous in its tone than any of the preceeding chapters. A kind of "showdown phase" of the story is on its way. If anyone else is reading it, I would appreciated your views, comments, oppinions, and constructive criticism a lot :yes


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Time to get back into this!  We start with a Rarity episode!

Summary: Rarity finally has her dream of owning a boutique in Canterlot come true.  However, it comes with a price.  One she may not be willing to pay.

Let's hope this is a good start out of the hiatus.

Check the link below for the Live Streams of Today's Episode.

Season 5 Episode 14 - Canterlot Boutique Live Stream

I'll have to catch to YouTube Version and give my review later.

See ya later! :wave


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My opinion on this episode (blackened to avoid spoilers):

I think this was a very solid episode. It didn't inspire me as much as some others from season five, but it also didn't have anything bad about it. After some minutes I had some expectations where it would be going and while some expectations turned true (I expected Sassy Sadles to end up in charge of the boutique in Canterlot and for Rarity to return to Ponyville), other expectations did not (I thought that the focus would be a choice between living your dream in Canterlot on the one and not moving away from your friends on the other end). I think that the problem they came up with was more original and better to solve. The mass production without creativity (one of Rarity's very likeable qualities) element is something I had not foreseen. There have been previous episodes (mostly about Rainbow Dash) in which the matter of moving away from friends to live ones life's dream might have been addressed, but I think that it may be a good thing they didn't focus on that. The risk with such a focus is that it might end up with either a "deus ex machina" solution (along the lines of bringing the previously not available means for the lifedream to ponyville) or else with a moral that would have a somewhat bitter "life's dreams OR friends, you can't have both!" kind of moral that would really not sit well with many I think.
On a sidenote, I found some of the other dresses from Raritie's collection much better looking than the one inspired by the stained glass window

The Chronicler

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I'm pretty sure a lot of people had expected the moral of this episode to be following dreams vs staying with friends, so I'm glad to see that it was actually about mass production vs individuality. To me, the most significant moment was when Rarity refused to go along with the idea of an assembly line and Sassy Saddles feared being "part of another failed boutique". That latter statement made me quickly realize two key factors that led to the (almost) closing of Canterlot Boutique: 1, Sassy's business model is clearly a rather poor one, and 2, Rarity had immediately hired her simply because she had been "involved with every boutique in Canterlot" without looking into how well her record really was. Regardless, both Rarity and Sassy understood what went wrong, and were able to keep the boutique open after learning from their mistakes.
(end spoilers)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I actually thought the same thing Malte.

Before I share my thoughts on this episode, I don't know how to blacken the spoilers so if you don't want to know what happens, then don't go any further. Also, if someone could show me what they did to blacken the spoilers then I'll be sure to do so.

I thought this was a pretty good episode. Like Malte, I was expecting Sassy to end up taking over the boutique. I was also expecting her to end up becoming the antagonist of the episode after she tries to show up Rarity a couple times in the beginning of the episode. I thought she would end up becoming this season's Suri Polomare (Probably spelled her first name wrong) and try to claim the boutique as hers.

I completely understood where Rarity was coming from in how Rarity didn't want to create if it meant making your creations part of an assembly line. And while the princess dress was nicely designed, I did like the other ones better.

Also, was I the only one who noticed that Cadence didn't get a dress made in her honor? What, Twilight, Celestia, and Luna get dresses but not Cadence? The heck, Rarity?


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I like the episode, while not a great episode it is a good one & one I do plan on watching again in the future.  I'll avoid going into detail to avoid spoilers.  But it was fun spotting certain ponies in the group and crowd scenes.


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First off I have to say this.  Despite the fact she redeemed herself, I STILL hate Sassy Saddles. (In fact, I hate her so much, a part of me is refusing to remember her name to the point where I had to copy & paste it from someone's post just to put it on here.  Don't be surprised if I don't say her name from here.) I'm sorry to the "fans" out there, but I really HATE individuals like this.

Okay, with that out of the way, it was a good episode.  It didn't go in the direction I was expecting from the summary and I liked it for that reason.  People would think "living your dreams vs. being with your friends" would end up being the lesson, but rather it was "assembly line business vs. individuality business".  Both have their strengths and weaknesses.  However, the idea of individuality has the advantage of always having something new and fresh.  It's one of the things that ensures customers keep coming back instead of going to the cheapest place when everyone has the same thing.  It's why the pony that worked with Rarity kept failing.  Because once someone else had it and put it up for a cheaper price, customers would go there instead. (Oh, what do you know?  I already forgot her name. :D ) However, it seems that this individual will be running the new boutique while Rarity continues showing off her newest creations.  We won't be seeing as much of her as we used to.

Okay, so what's the next one.  Rainbow Dash is framed for a crime and Rarity has to save her.

Just a note to everyone, the Halloween one was next in line, but it's been moved to October.

See ya all next week. :wave


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Well, another righteous reward for surviving this lesser pony drought. That was a pretty decent episode. It's nice to see Rarity getting quite some episodes for herself after being negated the first whole half of the season. And it was great to see achieving her dream of a boutique, even if it was just for a while. But the dresses she made are gorgeous nonetheless (even if the business didn't turn out as she had hoped). Yeah, the twist in Sassy Saddles' character feels a bit forced, but was an alright addition. Kinda adds more perspective to her, but it was truly sweet from Rares to not fire Sassy despite having full reason to (And Sassy sure deserved getting sent back to Trottingham) She truly is the element of generosity after all. She may not have a boutique in Canterlot anymore, but she's got an employee, so that's just alright.
Fatty pony FTW


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For today's episode, Rainbow Dash is in a lot of trouble.

Summary: Rarity must save Rainbow Dash from a crime she did not commit.

Yes, this is all I can find.  I guess they want to keep it a mystery of what Rainbow Dash is accused of until it airs.  I'm hoping for us to see more of the inner workings of how Ponyville's justice system works, but we'll see.

Here's the link to the Live Streams for today.

Season 5 Episode 15 - Rarity Investigates Live Stream

I'll be able to catch the episode on Live Stream today and give the YouTube link before I leave for work.

Until then, see ya later! :wave


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Got done watching it, now for my review of Rarity Investigates.  Highlight to read.  Be warned, it contains SPOILERS!

I will admit that the summary I got kind of exaggerated things.  While sending someone away (Spitfire being told her mom was sick in this case.) just so you can be in the show isn't a crime per-say, it was something punishable enough to end Rainbow Dash's dreams of being with the Wonderbolts someday.  It is obvious how much they recognize her skills if she was chosen as top replacement.  Anyways, thing is, I find it disappointing that Rainbow Dash was accused all on the assumption of a senior member. (Who was obviously the culprit from the start.) If there was some sort of evidence at the start that pointed to her, I would have let the accusation made on her slide.  Even an eye witness account would have helped.  That sadly all came during the investigation.  Let's talk about that now, shall we?

There is an obvious old time reference here with how it was done, but I can't put my finger on it.  Anyways, it wasn't looking good for Rainbow Dash with the evidence they found.  I mean, seriously, who else that was there has a rainbow mane?  I'm surprised Rainbow Dash didn't realize part of her hair was snipped like that.  It also didn't help that the guards saw her go into the same wing as Spitfire.  However, I will give credit where credit is due.  Rarity putting on the charm to make the guards tell her about something that's obviously meant to be kept a secret, was pretty well done.  I don't blame them for spilling the beans like that.  It probably would've worked on most men, myself included. :oops

Anyways, leads them to the cake shop that is the only one in town with the type of cake the guards were given. (It did sound good to be honest.  Don't blame them for taking an unscheduled break to eat it.) However, the one who bought it was in disguise, (and obviously trying to hide their voice) but Rarity is given a big clue.  One that but all points to... the guy who was introduced for this episode.  His reason?  Rainbow Dash was close to breaking his record.

You know, if you wanted to ruin her chances there were other ways to do it.  Heck, even framing her for theft would've been better.  All I'm saying is to have a little creativity here.

Anyways, Rainbow Dash goes and finds Spitfire and the two make it back in time.  Having been told everything, Spitfire strips the senior member who framed Rainbow of his Wonderbolts status. (Her position does allow her to do that.) With that guy out of the show, Rainbow Dash gets to take his place and fly with the Wonderbolts.

Oh, and Rarity, do your best to not think out loud like that.

Anyways, good episode and all, but it could've been better.  I'm sure for a number of fans, Sexy Rarity helped. (Not me, though. :P: )

Anyways, next week we have the premire of Equestria Girls: Friendship Games!  Also, Twilight is their opponent! (It is obvious it's the human one from the preview I saw.)

Also, an episode of Rarity and Applejack solving a friendship problem that involves Coco Pommel.

See ya later for my Online Episode Post! :wave