The Gang of Five
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Quest for the Energy Stones

The Chronicler

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Thanks for the comments. No questions this time, so I guess I don't have much to say.

By the way, just so you know, I'll most likely be ready to start writing my next fanfic by the beginning of next month. However, I would like to be finished with these comments before I start writing the next story, so if you can get the rest of those comments posted before the end of this month I would really appreciate it.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Okey-dokes. Here’s the next bunch:

Chapter 22:

What I liked about this chapter is that, even though the action hasn’t really started to pick up yet, I had the feeling while I was reading it that it was about to, and thus I found the chapter exciting. In addition, the manner in which the gang accidentally uncovers the clue to the first Energy Stone seemed very “LBT” to me. (I also liked the line where Onepu describes Taipu as “not the brightest lightstone in Onu-Koro”. That was funny. :lol)

Chapter 23:
This was an entertaining chapter. Makes sense to have Thud, Screech, and Red Claw involved with Makuta, to give them a reason to persistently attack the gang. This chapter also had yet another scene that made me laugh: :lol
Taipu, being so enthusiastic about being on an adventure, was practically running all over the place as he tried to find a cave for them to search. Obviously, his attempts were proving futile.

Cera was having a hard time trying to tolerate Taipu's behavior. She sighed and asked Takua, "Remind me again, why are we even bringing him with us anyway?"

I see a problem with the scene where Littlefoot falls down the cliff. Considering that Takua’s body is hard enough to break sharptooth teeth, wouldn’t it hurt Littlefoot to land on top of him?

Chapter 24:

I can’t help but be reminded of LBT IV by this latest turn of events (earthshake causes cave-in and separates characters, leaving one group to dig the others out), but I like how you differentiated it by splitting everyone into three groups, and further dividing one of those groups into two (and then having the members of one of those groups lose track of each other). I’m also glad that everyone was given the opportunity for some dialogue in this chapter.

Chapter 25:

This was a very good chapter. :yes You managed to give all four groups equal and significant roles. It was also good to see Makuta appear in person (sort of :p) for the first time. Not to mention another very funny moment when Taipu tries to “be a hero like Takua”. (I especially liked Cera’s reaction. :lol)

Chapter 26:

Another good chapter. I liked the parts where Chomper, Littlefoot, and Takua run into the wall and cause it to collapse (driving off the Kofo-Jaga in the process), and Takua finds out the hard way that there’s a cliff on the other side.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Chronicler

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Chapter 22: That's actually yet another quote I got from the Mata Nui Online Game, but it was said by Whenua instead of Onepu.

Chapter 23: Look back on chapter 3, Takua fell out of a tree and landed on Littlefoot. If I remember correctly, it hurt a little but it didn't leave any injuries, so we can assume the same happened here. Besides, that Fast-Biter had been expecting to bite through soft flesh, so of course he broke his teeth.

Chapter 24: I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it anyway. For writing a story, I find that it's much easier to give everyone dialogue when they're in separate groups rather than just one massive group.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
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Quote from: The Chronicler,Aug 4 2010 on  11:36 AM
Chapter 23: Look back on chapter 3, Takua fell out of a tree and landed on Littlefoot. If I remember correctly, it hurt a little but it didn't leave any injuries, so we can assume the same happened here. Besides, that Fast-Biter had been expecting to bite through soft flesh, so of course he broke his teeth.
This is different, though; Littlefoot's falling from a height that is described as being likely to kill him, and I'm presuming that Takua's body is at least as hard as the ground. I had the same problem with Tricia being dropped at the end of LBT XII and being caught by Cera, whose head has been shown to be hard enough to smash rocks. I suppose you could just attribute Littlefoot's survival to the same laws of LBT physics. :p

Anyway, here are more reviews (Comments in gray represent issues that you addressed when you re-edited the chapters, and therefore no longer apply to the story):

Chapter 27:
I thought was a good idea that you had Spike be the second member of the gang to touch the tablet (and moreover be the one to figure out that a different individual has to touch the tablet for each clue), so that he can contribute more to the story.

Chapter 28:

This was another well-written action sequence. I also liked the way you had Spike find the Energy Stone. Though when Huki is bragging about his accomplishments in the battle, among them, claiming that he found the Energy Stone, I would have liked to have seen Spike remind him (nonverbally, of course) to give credit where it was due.

Chapter 29:

To be brutally honest, I have a less-than-positive opinion of the appearance of Red Claw, Screech, and Thud. It would seem to me that you want Makuta to maintain a villainous presence in the story through his minions: the infected Rahi and Red Claw, Screech, and Thud. This is a good and perfectly sensible idea, and given that there are so many different varieties of Rahi, you can continually surprise the readers in each chapter by having the gang deal with a new kind of Rahi in a new way. However, too many failed attacks by the same three characters (especially those that fail before they even get close to the gang) makes it harder to take them seriously as a threat, as the story starts to become predictable. This is only the trio’s third appearance in the story, but after the dramatic encounter with the Nui-Jaga and the fast biter pack, their attempted attack feels anemic, only adding to the story in that it gives Hafu the chance to do something useful. I’m not suggesting that you remove them from the chapter; just giving my opinion.

Also, while the idea of the Po-Matoran carving Saurus Rock to look more “realistic” is interesting, wouldn’t they be breaking a lot of pieces off of it in the process?

On a purely observational note, it’s not surprising that Cera is annoyed by Hafu talking about stone-carving. He’s telling the gang about how to carve stone, when most of them don’t even have hands to hold a pickaxe. :lol

Chapter 30:

I really liked the avalanche scene in this chapter. I must say that I wasn’t expecting the outcome (that the avalanche would fill in the crevasse). Though I’ve noticed that Petrie seems to have given up using Tree-Speak.

Chapter 31:

This was another good chapter, though I have a comment about Takua setting the heatstone on the ground to warm everyone up: if the ground is made of snow, then shouldn’t the heatstone be continually melting a hole in it?

Chapter 32:

I have to say, I’m liking the chapters relating to the hunt for the Energy Stone of Ice a lot more than I remembered the first time I read them. The part where Chomper accidentally wanders off by himself may not do much to advance the plot, but it was very entertaining, and felt very appropriate for an LBT story. The one thing I had a problem with, I hate to say, is Ruby’s romantic attraction to Matoro. It seems very unlikely to me that she would have those feelings, seeing as she barely knows him, and the two of them are such radically different creatures. Just my opinion.

Chapter 33:

I’m a little confused by why, if the Ko-Matoran knew ahead of time that Ruby’s brother would try to steal the energy stone, they would refuse to let him hold it in front of everyone while they were all awake, but take virtually no precautions to keep him from getting it while they were sleeping.

I did find the role of the sharptooth trio in this chapter to be more satisfying and plot-contributive than in the hunt for the Energy Stone of Stone (in part because it alerted the characters to the possibility that they were working for Makuta). However, I thought that their defeatóespecially Red Claw'sóseemed very abrupt and anti-climactic.

I noticed that you did address the unlikelihood of Ruby having feelings for Matoro in this chapter, but I still think it’s strange that you used the idea in the first place.

Also, while I like that you mentioned the fact that Ruby’s family had been reluctant to enter the Great Valley because fast runners were not particularly welcome there, but I think you should have gone into more detail on their introduction to the valley (e.g., how they were received by the residents; were they really as unwelcome as they had expected?). Also, if they were allowed in, why would they want to leave after the threat of Makuta was over? It seemed like a missed opportunity to explain a lot of questions the TV series left unanswered, and opened up several new questions as well. If it’s not too late, it would be nice if you could expand on this a little more before you post the chapter on

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Chronicler

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Chapter 28: I'm pretty sure I fixed this when I edited this chapter. I'm not sure how much you wanted, but I think the way I ultimately wrote it seemed the most realistic.

Chapter 30: He did? I didn't want that to happen, so I hope that after editing this chapter it doesn't seem that way anymore.

Chapters 32 & 33: To be honest, the idea of Ruby having a romantic attraction to Matoro was an idea I came up with not long after I began to actually write this story, so it was a rather recent idea. I think the reason I came up with such an idea would be based on a certain event that will happen in the next story. (You'll have to wait and see.)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Whoops! I must have missed Chapter 28 when I was looking over the revised chapters. :slap Though it’s still a letdown for Spike that he never got the credit for finding the Energy Stone, because his attempt to remind Huki went unnoticed. Given that it’s so much harder to give Spike an active role in a story because of his muteness, it’s a bit disappointing that in this chapter, in which he makes his greatest contribution to the story, his part is downplayed by the fact that he doesn’t get credit for it.

Also, in Chapter 47, Takua observes that the symbols on the tablet correspond to which members of the gang found which Energy Stone. Although I suppose it’s not absolutely necessary, wouldn’t it make sense if he knew that Spike had been the first to touch one of the stones? I think it would slow that chapter down if someone were to ask, “What about the Energy Stone of Stone? Huki said that he found it,” followed by Spike telling them what really happened, as translated by Ducky. It would probably be better to make the whole gang aware of who really found the stone right after they get it.

Anyway, here are the next reviews. I know I’ve checked all of these chapters:

Chapter 34:

I thought it made for an interesting twist that this time, the Energy Stone is (or has been) found not by a member of the gang, but by a different individual. I was also amused by the way they encountered Pterano (accidentally knocking him out of a tree). Pterano’s introduction, however, seemed to lack something, in my opinion. Even slightly dazed, I would have expected him to be a bit more enthusiastic in greeting Petrie. (I think he should at least say Petrie’s name.) It also seems strange that he doesn’t pay any attention to Ruby or Chomper (even if he is distracted by seeing Matoran for the first time).

"We do know it can't be one in the Great Valley, but that still means there could be millions of trees to look through," said Littlefoot.
Perhaps I’m being conservative, but “millions” doesn’t strike me as a word that would be found in the LBT dinosaurs’ vocabulary, and as a prospective number of trees, it sounds a little excessive (“thousands” would probably be more realistic).

"We do know it can't be one in the Great Valley, but that still means there could be millions of trees to look through," said Littlefoot.
Perhaps I’m being conservative, but “millions” doesn’t strike me as a word that would be found in the LBT dinosaurs’ vocabulary, and as a prospective number of trees, it sounds a little excessive (“thousands” would probably be more realistic).

GAAAH! How did I miss this before? :bang I found a spelling error:
Petrie wasn't sure if it was a complement or a joke, so he simply replied, “Yeah, me guess that true.”
That should be “compliment”, with an ëi’.

If I find any more spelling errors, do you want me to bother pointing them out or not?

Chapter 35:

I can’t help but feel that Petrie gets just a little bit short-changed in his role on this particular Energy Stone hunt, as he doesn’t actually get to contribute anything besides revealing the clue.

"Follow me," said Kongu. "Thanks to info from way-finders, I know a quicker ground-path back to the valley from here. Most of the ground-path is bald-land, but that shouldn't be much of a worry-problem."
Not a critique, just a question: what is this “info from way-finders” Kongu is speaking of? Forgive me if I’m being clueless, but how exactly is he suddenly aware of a faster way home?

Chapter 36:

Excellent job giving the sharptooth trio a prominent but non-repetitive-feeling role in this chapter. I liked that, rather than all three striking together, Screech and Thud attack the gang separately from Red Claw. The dual chase scenes are also very good.

Chapter 37:

I personally didn’t find the sharptooth trio’s attack in this chapter to be very satisfying. It was (frankly) so predictable, and ended so quickly, that it didn’t add much to the chapter besides a small action scene before the gang enters the rapids. While water, admittedly, isn’t exactly their element, I find that whenever Red Claw, Screech, and Thud are foiled this easily, it causes them to come off as incompetent and unthreatening villains.

A few minutes later, the boat was ready for the search for the Energy Stone. Everyone soon got in the boat. They were about to leave when they saw Hahli running towards them. She said that she wanted to come with them and help find the Energy Stone. They accepted her and she got in the boat.
I would suggest expanding this paragraph, making it more descriptive, and having Hahli actually speak her lines.

Another problem I had with the fast biters’ scene is that they are described as looking like they are about to jump into the boat, Littlefoot says that he hopes they don’t try to jump into the boat, and immediately thereafter they jump into the boat (only to be knocked out again a moment later). To make it less repetitive and predictable. I’d suggest removing Littlefoot’s line.

Despite their best efforts, the boat still hit a few rocks. Almost everyone was greatly disturbed by the sudden impacts of the boat hitting each rock. One impact almost caused Ducky to fall overboard, but quick action from Takua prevented this. The water was now so rough that Cera started to feel queasy. The gang was now starting to worry if the boat would even stay afloat after all these impacts.
Personally, I think this is another part that could stand to be made more descriptive, particularly the underlined segment.

Chapter 38:

I found this chapter (particularly the Tarakava battle) to be much better than the previous one. One suggestion I do have is that you explain in greater detail Chomper’s history with the island (i.e., how and/or why he left it). I have to say I was expecting the gang to encounter Chomper’s parents on the island, as it was never mentioned that they weren’t there anymore.

 Chapter 39:

I kind of thought that, like Petrie before her, Ducky didn’t get enough to do during the hunt for “her” Energy Stone. (She gets to find the stone herself, at least, but not retrieve it.) In fact, as a result of going to Chomper’s island to find the Energy Stone, the chapter focuses more on Chomper than Ducky.

Chapter 40:

No offense, but the whole portion of this chapter where Takua wanders off, and later gets attacked by the swimming sharptooth didn’t make sense to me. Takua never gave a reason for why he left the group without telling them, which seems like an extremely irresponsible thing to do, considering that he had the Energy Stone with him, and would be more vulnerable to attacks from Makuta’s minions on his own.

By the way, it wasn’t clear whether the swimming sharptooth that attacked Takua was a shark or a Liopleurodon (though the fact that the gang is on the island near where they encountered one of the former would make that seem more likely). I don’t know how hard protodermis is, but large pliosaurs like Liopleurodon are known to have possessed a bite force far stronger than T. rex’s, so if Red Claw’s jaws are strong enough to pose a danger to a Matoran, then it is unlikely that Takua would have gotten off so easily from a Liopleurodon attack.

I did like how you provided a little reprieve from routine at the end of the chapter by having Jala meet them in Ga-Koro to make arrangements for the sixth Energy Stone hunt (as opposed to having the gang uncover the clue, then go to the Matoran village to recruit help, as usual).

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Chronicler

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Chapter 34: It is mentioned in the next chapter that Pterano hadn't noticed Chomper until he was asked to carry him across the ravine. As for spelling errors, I suppose you can still point them out, but I'm afraid it's too late for me to do any further editing. It's not that I can't do it, I just won't do it anymore because the whole story was finished both here and on a while ago.

Chapter 35: I'm not sure if I already explained this in the story, but Kongu is referring to that fact that the way-finders had mapped out the region a few days earlier and he had studied those maps. Finding the Energy Stone was the hard part, since the way-finders obviously couldn't see it. Once they got the Energy Stone, he quickly figured out where they were and realized there was a faster and easier way to get home than the way they came.

Chapter 37: I think you missed this chapter, too. I'm pretty sure I fixed all of these problems.

Chapter 38: Chomper's history with that island is another thing I left ambiguous (Why else would I have him try to explain it, but get interrupted before he could begin?), probably because I had assumed at the time that a future movie or TV episode would explain it for me. If I do end up having to come up with one on my own, don't expect to hear it for a while.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Oh, darn it! Something went wrong with the color tags and I was too absentminded to notice. :bang I did see how you addressed those issues for chapters 35 and 37; the relevant comments were supposed to be gray. It’s fixed now. Sorry about that. :oops

I guess I won’t bother pointing out any more errors I find, if all editing is final at this point.

Here are the last of the reviews I submitted by PM:

Chapter 41:

I don’t quite understand why Cera dislikes Kapura so much, just because he moves slowly and is confusing to her. :confused It is funny, however, when she is unnerved by his new “skill”.

Chapter 42:

I like that you ended this chapter on a cliffhanger. It’s been a while since there was last one of those.

While I like how the fight between Cera and Jala leads to the accidental discovery of the Energy Stone, it seems awfully irresponsible (not quite the right word, but I can’t come up with anything else :wacko) of Jala to take out a blade to use in the fight. As a Matoran, Cera probably couldn’t do much damage to him, but Jala could easily kill or severely injure Cera with that blade. And why would he want to fight an ally (if an at times annoying and reckless one) with a potentially lethal weapon anyway? He almost seems a little hypocritical, considering the statement he made just before about being responsible and always knowing what he’s doing.

The changes you made to the scene did make it much more believable, but I still think it was pretty poor judgment on Jala’s part to take out a weapon to use (even nonlethally and as a last resort) against Cera (who’s moreover just a kid, with a notoriously protective and temperamental father). There’s still the threat of an accident happening in which Cera could be hurt more than Jala intended. Just my opinion of that scene.

"There's just one that's bothering me right now," said Ruby. "You call this place 'volcanically active'. That means earthquakes and lava flows are very common here. But ever since we went into these caves, we haven't felt a single earthquake."
Even if the dinosaurs have adopted some of the Matoran’s language, shouldn’t Ruby be saying “earthshakes”?

Chapter 43:

I didn’t notice any mistakes in this chapter. I liked it, though, especially the scene where Kapura deals with Red Claw and his pack.

Also, the part where the group is cornered on the ledge by the Kofo-Jaga, which is broken off by an earthquake and falls into the lava with them still on it, reminds me of the opening sequence of the TV series. :lol

Chapter 44:

My favorite line in the chapter: :lol
"Takua, you rock-head!" exclaimed Cera. "That was the stupidest thing I've ever seen you do!"

Chapter 45:

I liked the scene where several different Rahi begin attacking the gang, and Cera and Ruby help Takua fight them off. I would have liked to have seen Spike participate as well, however, rather than simply burying his head (a rather unwise thing to do when being attacked); perhaps knock off a few infected masks with his tail.

Also, I think Ali should explain at some point how she ended up separated from her herd and attacked by the fast biter.

Chapter 46:

This was a great chapter. It was funny to hear Petrie insult Takua, and I LOVED Takua’s method (as suggested by Cera) of how to scare the sharpteeth off. :lol I liked it that you brought up a relatively minor event from earlier in the story, and reused it as a more significant plot device (a “Chekhov’s Gun”, I think they call it).

I do think the end of the chapter would be better if more detail was given as far as the gang’s return to the valley was concerned. For example, it would have been nice to see them be greeted by someone (perhaps Littlefoot’s grandparents) upon their return, have them explain why Ali is with them, and receive a response.

I was thinking of next restating the questions I posed in my reviews for Chapter 47 and onward, if that’s okay with you.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Chronicler

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Chapter 41: Did you mean to say Kapura instead of Jala?

Chapter 46: I'm not sure if you noticed this or not, but the part where Petrie insults Takua (which I intended to sound rather playful) is very similar to an earlier scene, back in chapter 20 right after the gang escaped from Redclaw. Just so you know, this was intentional, a similar trade of dialogue near the beginning and near the end of the story. If you had seen the first Bionicle movie, "Mask of Light", I'm sure you would notice where I got the idea from.

Seeing as there's still plenty of time before I start working on the next story, I'd say it's okay with me for you to restate the questions from the later chapters. It'll give me a chance to possibly answer them more directly.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Quote from: The Chronicler,Aug 9 2010 on  01:05 PM
Chapter 41: Did you mean to say Kapura instead of Jala?
Yeah. :oops I'll go back and fix that. (Sheesh, is it even possible for me to post a mistake-free review for this story?! :blink: :wacko :crazy)

At any rate, here are the questions and comments from my reviews of the last few chapters that I was interested in having answered and/or elaborated on:

Chapter 49:

Not a question; I just wanted to say that I thought you did a FANTASTIC job of revamping this chapter. :wow It's much, much better now. :yes

Chapter 50:

I liked how you did the scene with Ruby’s family leaving. I thought you gave good and plausible reasons for them wanting to go. (It’s still unclear why Ruby is remaining in the valley, but there’s not really any need to go into that.)

I can’t remember if the gang has been acquainted with Matoran written language before, but I liked how Takua explained the concept of recording stories in writing to them. (If they aren’t familiar with writing yet, wouldn’t they have asked about what it meant to record history when the Turaga announced it?)

I feel sorry for Takua at this point. Evidently the rest of the Matoran aren’t aware that he found the tablet that led them to all the Energy Stones in the first place. :rolleyes

Chapter 51:

So Po-Matoran aren’t negatively affected by water in any way; they’re just afraid of it because they can’t swim? That’s interesting to know.

Chapter 52:

I was half-expecting that Takua would remain in the dinosaur universe with the gang. (I sort of figured that his decision would be influenced by Vakama.) It hadn’t occurred to me that if Takua did leave, the gang would have to say their goodbyes to him the night before, because he would have to be in one of the villages when the Matoran left. I also felt like there was a strong sense of finality to Takua’s departure, such that you would think that he was never coming back.

Just out of curiosity, why did you decide to have Littlefoot be the only member of the gang to not keep or share a souvenir from Takua? (I suppose the throwing disk would have been his gift, but he turned it down because he didn't have any use for it.)


I imagine that the sequel, if you do make it, will refer to the events described here, which is one reason you mentioned them. Also, considering that if the epilogue had only described the Matoran returning to their own universe, the story would have ended with of Takua being kicked out of Ta-Koro again. So this was a pretty good choice for a conclusion. You showed that, despite being generally considered only a tagalong on the quest for the Energy Stones, Takua managed to become eminent in his own right. And despite the tragedy of Takua losing his memory (which I assume is based on a canon event), you managed to close the story on a nostalgic note.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Chronicler

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Chapter 52: I guess you can consider the Energy Stones as a parting gift for all of the gang. The other gifts, unlike the Energy Stones, will not be mentioned again in future stories.

Epilogue: Takua losing his memory was indeed a canon event. Originally, I had wanted no one in the Matoran Universe to remember the events of this story besides Takua, making it even more tragic when he loses his memory. However, when I decided to write a sequel, I changed it to what you see today. Yes, I am planning to write a sequel and it will take place in the Matoran Universe, but the events of the epilogue don't refer to it. I decided to end the story the same way it began, following the Matoran on Mata Nui.

Alright, I'll most likely start writing the sequel by the beginning of September, so expect to wait a while before you see the first chapter. I'll be creating a new topic for that story, just so you know when I've started it.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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One more thing I decided to add. For those of you who would like to actually see what the Bionicle characters featured in this story look like, here are some images:

Takua (movie version)
Jaller (movie version)
Macku (movie version)
Hahli (movie version)
Hewkii (movie version)
Hafu (movie version)

Vakama (movie version)
Nokama (movie version)
Matau (movie version)
Nuju (movie version)
Onewa (movie version)
Whenua (movie version)

Ussal (Pewku, movie version)
Gukko (movie version)
Nui Jaga
Nui Rama

Makuta (as a Matoran) (as part of the votex)

Edit: I forgot to mention that some of the character names are spelled slightly different than what you read in my fanfic. You see, these name changes were made in the middle of the 2003 storyline of Bionicle. Since this fanfic takes place before that event, I decided to use the old names, especially since they were used in the Mata Nui Online Game, despite not being available for download until 2006. The new names are pronounced just like the old ones are. I'll be using the new names in all future fanfics.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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This fanfiction has been nominated by its author to be rated for the fanfiction awards 2011. To all the readers and fans of this fanfiction, please rate and review it! :)


  • Chomper
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    • Posts: 62
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To The Chronicler:

Hello there. I am truly sorry if this post is “Necromancing” this thread, but I read your story a long time ago on, and I thought it was quite amusing. I’m sorry to hear how things have been going on your sequel, but I am glad that at least there is one story completed so far.

On the matter of this story, I think it was quite interesting for the gang to receive the elemental powers of the Toa, though I would have had Littlefoot wield earth, Chomper fire, Cera stone, and Spike ice. I didn’t include Ruby because I don’t know her well enough to include her, and I think that the element of light should be a secret power revealed with the Mask of Light to be wielded not by a special kind of creature, like maybe a prehistoric mouse or something like that.

My reasons for Littlefoot commanding earth and Chomper fire was mainly based on Power Rangers: Dino Thunder with the Red Ranger commanding the Tyranno Zord and the Black Ranger the Brachio Zord. Cera would have control over stone because I saw her running much like Pohatu with the Mask of Speed, and Spike would have ice due to The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze with the snow, but also him being isolated from his friends.

The funny thing is I had thought of the gang journeying to an island of mouse-like creatures and free them and the dinosaurs from a tyrannical evil much like the early story lines. I sent a note to you earlier, but it didn’t get through, looks like, so I had to resort to this. I hope that we might get together and work on storylines like you did. Hope to hear back from you soon!