The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 164879

The Chronicler

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Up in Vermont, life for a certain GoF member was dull. He had already read through every recent post, which left very little for him to do. He had stopped playing one of his favorite computer games some time ago because he was well aware that it took up too much of his time. Now, he found himself with too much free time on his hands.

Bored, he got up out of his chair and began pacing around his room, like he always did whenever he was busy with his thoughts. At one particular moment, he too busy looking at his Bionicle sets displayed on the shelves to notice something odd happening at his feet. As far as he was aware, he suddenly found himself stepping and falling into an endless pit.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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A gray Three Horn yawned as he tried to get himself up from him and his mate's nest. He looked lazily around to his mate, in which made him smile when he saw her asleep. She looked so sweet and innocent in sleep. Then he looked to where he thought his two daughters, Cera and Tricia would be, but to his surprise, they weren't there. He rolled his eyes.

Cera? Why? Why do you run off like this?

He got up, careful not wake Tria up and started to look and smell certain scents that might lead him to his two daughters. He went to the mud baths first, but no sign of Tricia or Cera was in sight. So he kept walking until he made out the scent to the kids.

He suddenly stopped at the Thundering Falls, then he heard some noises away from the falls. He knew it was Cera!

He then saw two patches of pink. He also saw a swimmer with a somewhat deformed tail.

"What's going on here?!"


Little Foot fluttered his eyes open, yawned, and streched.

That was some dream. He thought to himself. He slowly got himself up and noticed his grandmother.

"Morning Grandma..." He slepliy said. Then also saw a strange creature taller then him but hopelessly shorter then his grandmother.

"Hi..uh...who are you?" Little Foot asked the creature.

Slowly opening her eyes, the girl groaned as she tried to get herself up. She felt so sore all over.


A screech made her jump from where she was. She stood up instantly. Then she looked at her feet. They were very different then the feet she had before.

What the heck? She thought to herself. She also saw that she was standing a rock. No, a boulder that was very high, way up high. She looked down from where she stood and she felt as if she was going to fall. However she was able to catch herself and she was able to look around her. She reached to put her hand on her forehead, but then she realized that her "hand" was part of some flap. She looked down at her stomach and at the rest of her body. She suddenly realized that she was nude and she was NOT human.

This has to be a dream!

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" She screeched as she hit herself on her head.

Suddenly, she heard a roar that made her snap back into reality. She suddenly realized, it wasn't a dream. It was real. Everything was too vivid for her to be dreaming.

"I'm a dinosaur. And just went back millions of years!"


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In New York City, thirteen stories up (or was it six stories up?), someone made a terrible mistake... not knowing how he did it, or what in the world could be done to undo it, he found himself in the Great Valley...

He wasn't sure how he got there, or why that Petrodactyl was perched in that tree, looking at him... but, he decided to make the best of the situation.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Grandma Longneck looked over at her grandson and smiled. "Good morning Littlefoot. How are you dear?"

Rick looked down at the young dinosaur in front of him and smiled as he realized who he was staring at. He wanted to laugh, but keep his composure and spoke as clearly and gently as he could. "Hello. My name is Rick. And it is a pleasure to meet you both."

Before he could register what happened Rick once again felt different, but took a moment to see what had happened. He noticed three things right away, he had a tail, his neck was longer than it should be, and he had four feet instead of two. And for a moment he was completely speechless, as he came to a single conclusion.
"A-am I...a...longneck?" he asked sincerely.

Grandma longneck was still surprised to see this creature change his form so suddenly, but with everything in life, she regarded this as another learning moment. She then responded to Rick's question. "Yes would seem you are a longneck. How do you feel?"

Rick blinked for a moment and then yawned as he answered.
"Tired. But I think a walk will help me stay awake." He then noticed something else...he was now much taller than Littlefoot, but still much smaller than his grandmother, which made him a bit nervous.


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Pterano got down from his tree and approached the human...

"Greetings! My name is Pterano, pleased to meet you... mr...?"

"Just call me Thomas" the young man said, using his baptismal name. It was neither neither his first nor last real name.

"Thomas. So, what brings you to our valley?" Pterano said, continuing.

"Well, I'm not sure that I should be telling you this, but... weren't you supposed to be banned from the valley for five cold-"

"How did you know that?!" Pterano asked, very surprised.

"Well, I-" The voyager from the real world paused for a moment and reconsidered his words... what would be the implications of revealing that this world and all in it were somehow the figments of imagination and animation in his world?

"I've heard rumors of you, Pterano... very big rumors..."

"Oh? What rumors, pray tell?" Pterano queried.

"Very bad ones... tales of demagoguery... and kidnapping."

"Well, uh... those are... harsh claims to be sure, but... perfectly fair ones nonetheless." Pterano said.

"Oh don't worry about those tales" the human said. "There are many who support you where I come from... you are more popular than old Mr. Threehorn among some people..."


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Along the way back Grandpa Longneck plucked off some treestars figuring his grandson would be awake and perhaps hungry by now, pausing only a moment to do this before he continued along the way back to where his family slept.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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sam looked behind 'what,' he asked. "What is your name,' the old dinosaur asked. "my name is sam,' sam replied. "Are you new here cause I don't rember ever seeing you around,' the old dinosaur asked. "By the way what's your name,' sam asked. "I'm mr thicknose and it's nice to meet you sam,' mr thicknose said. "Where is here,' sam asked. "Why the great valley of course,' mr thicknose said. sam noticed that he was slowly turning back human "I uh I gotta be leaving now,' sam said before running off. "Wey wait up kid,' mr thicknose said. Sam kept running not looking where he was going when he turned around he ran right into a tree branch which knocked him out cold. Mr thicknose caught up just seconds after sam hit the tree branch. Mr thicknose gently picked sam up and carried him to where grandma longneck was.


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Grandpa Longneck continued back and reached the sleeping area he and his mate as well as grandson used.  


Kor went to sleep like normal.  When he awoke he found himself in what looked like a small forest of some sort.  He got up, brushing some grass and a leaf or 2 from himself.  Noticing then his change in appearance.

Looking himself over he saw he was orange and some sort of flyer type from the LBT series, much in appearance to Rinkus or his original character Rhyn.  He shrugged and looked around, assuming it was some sort of dream he was and and thought why not enjoy it for as long as it would last.  


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Little Foot heard foot steps coming in his, his grandmother's and Rick's way. He went wide eyed when he saw the dinosaur on top of Mr. Thicknose's back. He ran to Mr. Thicknose and asked worriedly, "Mr. Thicknose, what happened?!"

The girl who now was a flyer, looking much like a pteranodon, heard voices below her. She thought she recognized one of the voices, but she wasn't too sure if it was who she was thinking of.

"Pterano?" she whispered hopefully.

Knowing that she didn't know how to use her wings, she tried to climb down the cliff. It was difficult considering that she didn't have aposable thumbs like she did when she was human. She sighed.

Maybe being this type of species isn't all I would thought it would be.

Suddenly, a stone came loose and she fell, sliding down the cliff, she then tumbled down faster and faster until she had herself stop at someone's or something's feet.  Her mouth full of dirt spat it out and saw the two figures surrounding her, an orange flyer, and a human. She turned to the flyer and smiled shyly.

"Uh, it's an honor to meet you."


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Kor shrugged, thinking if it was a dream he was going to enjoy it.  And he could not go by his own name, that didn't sound very lbtish.  Now what name should he use, he thought to himself.  He looked at his wings and flapped them a bit.  Then thought, how about Flapper.  Not a name he liked much, but it wasn't a bad name, and why not use it.  He shrugged and thought he would use it till this dream was over.  

Then he thought about how to fly.  He closed his eyes tightly and saw in his memory how Petrie flapped.  He then opened his eyes and looked up in the sky.  He could see some flyers around, but not to close.


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Drinking some water right after a fresh kill was exactly Red Claw needed to begin his journey again to the Great Valley. He would get revenge on those kids, especially Little Foot, Ruby, and Chomper. He looked at his reflection for a moment to view his scar. He shook his head trying to get the water away from his face and at the sight of the scar. The memory of that scar was painful, but he knew that a sharptooth only backed down right from any fight only if necessary.

He sniffed the air, realizing that some new scents where in the area. He tried to follow the scent walking away from the watering whole. He wondered where his friends, Thud and Screech were, but he figured they would turn up whenever they needed to. So he roared to tell them to go to him. He hoped they would come and if they didn't they knew who was going to come after them. And depending on their explanations, Red Claw would lay down and plan their punishments.


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Pterano looked down at the female who had fallen and he politely helped her up.

"Thomas" stood by and waited to see what would happen...

"Are you alright, my dear lady?" said Pterano, sounding as formal as usual...

"Did that pterosaur fall from the tree?" the human thought.


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The flyer tried to hide her excitement seeing one of her favorite LBT characters standing right in front of her. She wanted to screech in delight seeing the handsome flyer in front of her. She hopelessly failed as she tried to compose herself and continue talking,

"Uh...yeah..I'm definitely okay. I slipped from that cliff." She pointed to the cliff in back of her that was incredibly high. She turned bright red as she saw Pterano's expressions.

She suddenly looked at the human and said, "You know, you look really familiar. Have we met?"


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Flapper as he now called himself put his arms out and started to flap them.  A bit amazed that he started to rise into the air.  He kept this going and rose higher into the air.  He then leveled off & began to soar a bit once he was above the tree tops, letting his body do what it likely knew how to do, though this being a dream, he thought, helped.


Grandpa Longneck arrived back at the sleeping area.  "I got you something I think you'll like." He said, then noticed there were others there besides his mate and his grandson.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"This young one ran into a tree branch I was just talking to him when he ran of and I found him on the ground with a broken tree branch beside him,' mr thicknose said putting sam on the ground. Sam groaned as he opened his eyes and saw multiple faces looking over him.


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Little Foot slowly walked toward the rainbow face and asked kindly, "Are you okay? You don't have to be afraid of us, or anyone here." He thought it was funny that anyone would run FROM Mr. Thicknose. He was the most gentle and oldest dinosaurs in the Great Valley. What was it that made him run away?

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Sam shook his head and stood up. "Yeah I'm ok,' he said rubbing the bump on his head. "Then why did you run when I was talking to you,' mr thicknose said. "I can get pretty nervous at meeting new people since I've been on my own for a while,' sam said. Sam then turned to littlefoot "and what is your name,' he asked.


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"I'm Little Foot." He smiled to reasure the rainbow face that he was welcomed.

"What's your name?" He asked returning the question.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Grandpa Longneck nods, "it is nice to meet you." He says, putting the treestars down on the ground he had gathered and putting his head down closer to Sam's eye level.  "But perhaps we need to put some special leaves on your head to help the pain and keep the swelling down." Grandpa longneck says.  

- -

Flapper was half flying and half soaring over the trees, not to skillfully but at an ok sort of ability.  

Petrie flew closer to the strange flyer, seeing he wasn't a sharptooth type, but a stranger to to the valley.

"You new here?" Petrie said.