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Member Awards 2009 - Voting open

Malte279 · 99 · 11718

The Friendly Sharptooth

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It is true that all of my votes go to people that I've met here, but at the same time I have done my best to remain impartial. It isn't because I know them that they receive votes me; it just ended up that way, as my decisions here would be unchanged be it that I did not know them. Then again, perhaps I met most of them for the very aspects of the rewards in which I give them recognition for.

Secondly, I do appreciate all of those that took notice of me and mentioned so here.

Category: Friendly Member
My vote goes to: Mumbling
Reasoning: Sometimes I wonder if she ever learned how to be unfriendly, because from what I've seen here, that is a valid thought. From constant replies of kindness to those who address issues here, to lengthy periods of comforting others here outside the forum, it seems being friendly is as natural to her as breathing. Whether she is familiar with the type of difficulty of another or not, she always has time to offer her condolences.

In an older thread, she mentioned believing to be most like Ducky. Ducky seems to have no limit to positive things she can add to a situation; her optimism is rivaled by very few. (Her comment in the ninth movie- "Journey to Big Water"- at the prospect of Mo getting squished verifies this nicely.) She is a good friend that the others truly enjoy being around, because her cheerfulness can be contagious. That being said, it seems Mumbling is also quite skilled in making accurate comparisons.

While the members of this forum certainly display friendliness, the degree to which I see Mumbling express it is why I vote for her here.

Category: Helpful Member
My vote goes to: Landbeforetimelover
Reasoning: I have spoken to Landbeforetimelover three times. Regretably, they were all requests for help, which he took his personal time to help resolve. It is regretable because, I realized that I never had a nice chat with him; I only contacted him for his help. I am truly sorry we only met up for my benefit, and I have no excuse to justify that. My hope is then, that I can rectify that somewhat by expressing just how grateful I am for all that he has done for me. I did give the typical "Thank you", but that doesn't compare to the vast amount of the assisstance he has given me. I am glad I archive messages.

Please note that I only vote for him here for the helpful criteria, and therefore the apology did not influence my choice; I just wanted to provide it on the side.

Here is what I have asked him, and the help he gave in return:

Okay, I see that you're still on the forum. Could you check out my most recent link attempt there? I think I got it now. Could you just let me know if it works this time?
Yup the link works now.

Hi there! Um, I was just looking around your forum, and I was wondering if members are allowed to edit their own posts. There is a member on your forum who will log in, yet the edit post option has never been an option. If only administrators can edit posts, that's fine and all, but a member there was wondering that if it is possible to edit your own posts, how do you do it? Thank you. Later!   
I just created a non-admin account to test it out and it works....but sometimes you're not really logged in when you go to make a post. Just look at the top of the screen to make sure it says your username and status at the top of the page (mine says "******* (member)" on my test account and "Austin (Admin)" on my real account). If it says "Anonymous (unregistered)" then you're not logged in.

The member in question needs to sign up for the forum. Being a member of the site and a member of the forum are two different things. He/She has to sign up at the top of the page (below the logo) near the top of the forum page. As of now they can only post anonymously because they're only a member of the website and not the forum:

(Insert very large picture that was personally edited by him to show me a visual of what to do, which I have no way of showing here since I don't have a link to it, just the image.)

You made a caption thread called "Littlefoot & Chomper." Would you still happen to have that picture before it was edited with words? If so, may I request a copy? I would appreciate it. If you'd rather not, or don't have time, that's perfectly fine as well.
Sure. Here ya go.

(Insert link to the image.)

I am fairly good at English, such as grammar and sentence structure. Perhaps I should teach Landbeforetimelover how to say, "I won't help you," because he apparently doesn't know about the existance of such a phrase.

Category: Role Play Gamer
My vote goes to: Nick22
Reasoning: Well, I have read RP posts from several members here, and a very large number of them greatly perk my interest as I read their contributions to the topic thereof. Detail, emotion, and action abound in the worlds I explore that are made here. Some write longer posts than others, but I enjoy quality over quantity when I read, so it is quiet often that smaller posts are better reads than the longer ones, but the reverse applies as well at times.

Everyone has their own writing style which aren't better than any other, and they actually tend to compliment each other. Therefore, I can't simply say that I enjoy the RP work of one better than another. Although, as you can see, I cast a vote for this regardless. Knowing that I couldn't make a decision based off face value, I sought another criteria to base my vote on.

I may be able to write RP posts that are enjoyable as well, but I lack greatly in the idea department. I can expand an idea, but I have difficulty creating them in certain areas. I informed Nick22 of this beforehand, and being an old RPer (as in he has RPed for a while, not that he is old) he came up with a system to help me.

He does not write my posts for me, nor does he tell me what to write, as that would defeat the purpose of me being in the Insane Cafe 3. Therefore, he often gave me a theme to write about, such as something romantic with certain characters, or perhaps an expansion of an older scene not yet fully established. If not for that, the frequency of my contributions there would be much less than they are now.

It is true that I could have asked any member for ideas, and I would most likely receive them in return. I did ask Nick22 for ideas, so this isn't just based off that. He would actually notice me online, then voluntarily PM me with various suggestions I could choose from, not just one of them so that I would feel limited. So while I asked on occasion, most of the time he would send me a detailed message with ideas all on his own, proving he didn't give them because he fealt obligated from me asking directly.

That is why I vote for him. He doesn't just RP very frequently with good ideas and detailed posts; he shares his experience to help me rise in that area too.

Category: Philosopher
My vote goes to: Saft
Reasoning: Malte279 is truly a veteran in philosophy. Even now, I find his wisdom unmatched. Therefore, my reasons for Saft's nomination here are a bit more complicated. Malte279 has been indelved in studies a good part of his life. Through much research and personal experiences, he has gathered no small amount knowledge, understanding, and logic. He has truly earned the high quality state of mind he now has. For any issue I have presented, he has always had a high ranking opinion, and he is still the one I seek for most matters.

As for Saft, well, she has had much less personal training and does not have the level of experience Malte279 has gained. Yet, that is what influenced this vote. She has many deep thoughts and much understanding on various issues. She has detailed yet understandable views that open up new possibilities on threads here and contributes so much to them. In all of these things, yes, I do not see Malte279's degree of expertise, but with so much less experience, she certainly has amazing insight on matters here that often trigger much more debate. For that reason, she has my vote.

Category: Proactive Member
My vote goes to: Brekclub85
Reasoning: Many things show just how devoted he is to this place. From moving up in rank at an amazing speed, to starting so many threads in little time, his dedication could not be proven more. How someone can work in so many RP's at once and still write in so many other kinds of sections still amazes me. He adds so much in so many places you'd think he was more than one person, ha ha.

He is so active in sharing his insights on sharpteeth. True, that is the majority of what he covers in writing, but that is why he does so much and so well too. While many are "jack of all trades" as the saying goes, with some things to say on many issues, he is certainly a specialist here, and that makes all of his writing on sharpteeth the high level it is, while being able to write of them so very often. Though his contributions are many, and continue to multiply, the quality never seems to lack. I could think of no one but him when this award was presented.

Category: Fanart
My vote goes to: DarkHououmon
Reasoning: There are many talented artists here, of that, there is no denying: Darkwolf91, Malte279, Lillefot, and the list just continues. Never the less, for a few reasons, one particularly artist caught my eye (literally on the singular form, heh heh).

DarkHououmon does so much more artistic work than just making projects. She made quite the lengthy explanation on how she drew to the extent she does. Tis a case of an expert sharing the personally-used secrets of succes. That certainly shows that she isn't trying to better than others, otherwise she wouldn't have explained how she does what she does. Secondly, she certainly isn't shy about finding out what others wish for her to draw. She'd rather draw what others would like to see as well than simply draw what pleases her most. She has great talent, willingness to reveal how to do it, and a desire to please those around her. Truly a marvelous combination.

Category: Projects
My vote goes to: Action9000
Reasoning: I watched an older video about Action9000's project for a The Land Before Time online role playing game. I must say, a role playing version of that franchise is certainly a very unique and interesting idea. Leading such a great undertaking is truly astounding.

Guiding viewers through his progress, we can see the time, thought, and energy put into it. Even with such skill, he is very modest with his work, frequently admitting early difficulties he had to work out as he progresses through developement. The ground, hills, water, etcetera, are vibrant and come to life as his current work is viewed.

I am not trying to belittle any other The Land Before Time projects, as so many are very good, but I can honestly say that is the most impressive one I've seen to date. The knowledge needed to make such a thing, I cannot comprehend. I give my vote to the leader behind a masterpiece in the making.

Category: Feedback
My vote goes to: Malte279
Reasoning: Considering the frequency of Malte279's renowned feedback on a large number of issues, my decision here was difficult by no means. Although, it can be a bit difficult differentiating between Philosopher and Feedback, because feedback is often judged by how philosophical it is. This award, as mentioned in the rules, focuses on fanart and projects, and not only is his constructive critisism praised there, but his feedback expands all over the forum to a great deal of things, even to members while being away from the forum via chatting.

To give feedback means to
respond to a query or outcome
(For those who don't know what "query" means, it is a question, or often said-aloud doubt on something.)

Well, there is no possible way to argue the fact that he gives such a thing to match that definition, nor do I believe there to be any doubt here that he gives it so well. Perhaps a little too well though. He gives such sought after feedback to poeple, that it might be best to schedule an appointment being contacting him through an online messenger, or his attention will most likely be divided between six other people at the same time. Yes, he is that popular in the feedback field. (His responses do not lack quality during such multitasking though, which makes him even more amazing when it comes to feedback. I lose significant concentration with only two different chat boxes.)

Based off a list of things,

(1. He gives feedback.

2. It is very insightful, detailed, and understandable.

3. He gives a lot of it.

4. He can give it to many people at one time and still do it well.

5. He is well-known for his feedback in the most positive manor.)

do I nominate Malte279 for this award.

Category: Appreciated Member
My vote goes to: I cannot say yet
Reasoning: That's the rules.


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All right! Time to vote!

Friendly Member Award: Mumbling. I have never met anyone so easy to get along with. She's just easy to like.

Helpful Member Award: Kor. He's always there with the facts, right when you need them. He's just awesome.

RPG Award: Pass due to the fact that I wasn't in any RPs.

Philospher Award: The Friendly Sharptooth. His posts are always very well thought out and great to read.

Proactive Member Award: Rat_Lady7. She's started a great deal of interesting topics, and she hasn't been here that long, either.

Fanart Award: Quick question. Does this encompass fanfics, too?

Projects Award: Action9000. Anyone who creates an LBT MMORPG deserves this.

Feedback Award: Serris. He's replied to pretty much every post I've made in my fanfiction thread, even when it wasn't an update.


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Quote from: jedi472,May 14 2009 on  04:18 PM
Fanart Award: Quick question. Does this encompass fanfics, too?
I don't think so, to be honest. But I could be wrong.

The Chronicler

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I think the fanart award is for fanart only. I remember Malte saying that an award for fanfics was too impractical, since a lot of time is required to read all of the many fanfics there are. Not everyone reads fanfics.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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The Fanart Award does not encompass fan fics. By the way, whose fan fic would you have been thinking of, Littlefoot1616's Battle of the Sacred Essences?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Actually, I was thinking of more recent fics, namely yours. In any case, my vote for the Fanart Award goes to Darkhououmon for some of the coolest LBT art I've ever seen.


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Hey guys!

Thought it was about time I pulled the lead out and actually contributed my penny's worth to the forum. So here goes:

Friendly Member - As most of you have realised, this is probably the toughest category to vote in. I mean, what active members who are on this forum can you say is NOT friendly! Still, after much debate with my own thoughts and experiences with folks on the forum, there is one member I think stands out a little more in my eyes. With her unwavering caring nature and overall optimism is a reputable quality that has only improved the neighbourly essence that this forum is reknown for. That and our random chats are stuff of legend (without them, I wouldn't know what a "stroopwafel" is)! My vote goes to Mumbling

Helpful Member - Again, another doosy of a category. With so many helpful members, it seems impossible to try and select just one. Still, this particular member has always been on the frontline if any a member required assistance with just about anything with a microchip in it. That and his outstanding site which has granted all of us access to the LBT TV series (despite how hit and miss they have been with us). I nominate for this award landbeforetimelover

Role-Play Gamer - It is with regret that I decide to skip this award purely on the basis that I do not engage in the role play stories that take place here. Therefore it would be an unfair judgement on my behalf. Sorry guys but keep on gaming!

Philosopher - With many a wise word been said on the forum regarding a range of topics (be they LBT or otherwise), we have come across a number of philosophers who have parted with pearls of wisdom for support or just general conversation. This one candidate, as lenghty as his posts are as standard, seems to have parted with a wiser word than most. A quality worthy of this award by my views. Congrats to The Friendly Sharptooth

Most Proactive - Being on the receiving end of a suggestion or reacting to post is one thing, but to constantly be up front and centre for every available opportunity and show one's worth an admirable quality to display. To this, I nominate this candidate for her unfaltering commitment to be on this frontline and get her penny's worth in. This award is to you Rat_Lady7

Best Fanart - With so many awesome artists out there on our forum, it again seems almost unthinkable to attempt to try and point out one above the rest. Still, as difficult as it appears, I have selected one who I think has produced some truly remarkable pieces alongside the other budding artists we have here on the GOF. My vote goes to Lillefot for wonderful artist talents he's displayed since his arrival here! Well done sir!

Projects - Plenty of great ideas are never sought to leave the ground they begin upon. It is only with the effort and sheer determination of a project leader who sees a creation through to its dawning moment. Having already done so much for the forum, it is impossible to ignore how much of his time he had dedicated to contributing to the forum in the way of projects. It is with great pleasure I nominate Action9000 for his outstanding efforts with the music projects and the LBT MRPG game. A project I am honoured to be a part of!

Feedback - They say, an artist is only as good as his critic says he is (who ever said that needs a good slap upside his head but anyway). To critique a piece of work and offer their thoughts and views is a great but to be able to offer constructive criticism is an optional quality that few seem to offer. In light of this, I present this award due to his willingness to offer his critique that is fair, with sound judgement and without prejudice. My vote for this award heads out to Malte279

There we go! Those are my contributions. All the best to everyone in the rest of the voting process!  ;)


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So, a year passed and it's time for the voting again. It won't be easy for me since I wasn't so active this year. But I'll try...

Friendly Member Award
This one was tricky. I mean, every member here are nice. Yet, I voted for Mumbling. She is always kind to everybody here in the GOF but also outside this forum (like on DeviantArt).

Helpful Member Award
I think I'll vote for landbeforetimelover on this one. If you need any help with computers and electronics, he knows what to do. ;)

Role Play Gamer Award
Skipped - Can't really vote on this one since I wasn't in the RP section that much.

Philosopher Award
This one was tough. I had to decide between Malte and The Friendly Sharptooth on this one. But I voted for The Friendly Sharptooth. He posts long comments, but are really well thought and wise (like Maltes) but I had to decide only for one...

Proactive Member Award
Skipped - Can't really vote on this one since I have absolutely no idea...

Fanart Award
Yes, the fanart award..... first, I want to apologize for my absence on this section. But I have somewhat turned from an LBT artist to an anthro artist. ...
Anyway, I would like to give this award to DarkWolf91. Her fanart looks almost like the original. Especially the Shorty drawings of her avatar and signature. Heh, looks like I found my follower. Ahahaha!

Projects Award
Definitely Action9000. The game makes alot of process. And it looks sweet too. ;)

Feedback Award
On my past experience in the GOF, I'd say Malte is the right person for this. He always gives constructive criticism whether it is fanart or other things.
And I'm sure he is still doing it today. =)


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Roleplay Gamer: Brekclub85. His Sharptooth Valley roleplay is rather unique, in my opinion, that offers a new perspective in the LBT universe. Placing carnivores as the good guys is a tricky thing to do, but I think he's managed to pull it off in the Sharptooth Valley roleplay.

Philosopher: Malte279. His understanding of the LBT universe makes him an ideal person to turn to when one wants to create a story that stays within the realm of LBT. He is also able to come up with theories an ideas to explain certain things in the LBT movies, even if they end up being negative (such as the idea that Bron purposely abandoned Littlefoot and his mother or the idea of Mr. Thicknose committing suicide).  

Fanart: NeoGenesis005. While I am not a fan of the gang having guardians (partly because I am not very religious), I have to admit I like artwork that Neo has displayed. The designs of his Dinodains are interesting, although I hope to see more variety in his artwork in the future.

Projects: Action9000. His LBT game is quite ambitious and has caught so much attention that many other people have offered their help into bringing the game to life. And the fact that he is still willing to program the game despite being the only programmer, as far as I know, shows how dedicated he is to getting the game ready.

Feedback: Malte279. He's always willing to give advice on how to improve one's artwork, offering tips to how the picture could be better. He also gives advice on fanfiction stories, explaining what he feels won't work or will work.


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So after some pondering, I managed to get my votes ready.

Friendly Member Award - Eheh, so many different opinions, but all on the same. GoF is one of the most friendly communities you can find. However, I'd like to award Mumbling for her particular kindness towards all of the members.

Helpful Member Award - I'll skip this one for now.

Philosopher Award - His opinions about much matter very much. Significant and interesting posts are the matter of order in a heated discussion. And I'd say Malte279 has managed to trigger such discussions and has made it in maintaining them interesting. My vote's one him.

Role Play Game Award - Many roleplayers in this list, it's curious. My vote balanced between two for quality and quantity. Despite so, the vote resumes to Nick22 for his active participation in many roleplays. I would call incredible to such disposal in helping out - and roleplaying as well, I've got to thank him quite some times too.

Proactive Member Award - As much as I'd like to follow popularity, I'll try to find motifs before posting this one out.

Fanart Award - My vote hanged on a cliff between two sides. However, I'll cast this vote for Lillefot and his great works on Photoshopping and impressive quality. Need I explain more other than the four word summary for "Congratulations on your fantastic work!"?

Projects Award - This one is the one I had the less time to think of. Action9000 earns this award for his great work on the game project, which turns out to be a great success and which everyone awaits. His continuous job on it made the project quite a solid structure.

Feedback Award - I wish I could skip three votes so I can get them more time to think. <.< BUT I'll vote anyway. Matle279 goes into my voting list once more for his will to help on improvement, giving out advices and such.

So, I'll try to get the two skipped changed if it's even possible.


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With the exception of the proactive member award I haven’t made up my mind about yet the Helpful Member Award is probably the most difficult one to decide about as far as I’m concerned. There is a a great abundance of helpfulness among the members of the GOF. I’m in trouble right away for one of the most recent great strikes of helpfulness in the GOF was conducted by three of our members. If it wasn’t for the immediate help of Kor, raga, and DarkWolf91 there just wouldn’t be this vote at this time, simple as that. They quickly provided many of the screenshots needed for the making of the awards. These are the cases where one can get really upset about the fact that one can give only one vote per award. Austin (lanbeforetimelover) also is another member who continues to offer and practice help whenever there is a chance for him to do so. However, there is another member who has been very helpful to me over a long time by sending me episodes of Dink the Dinosaur which would otherwise be totally unavailable unavailable for me. Therefore my vote for the Helpful Member Award goes to Kacie (DarkHououmon).

The Chronicler

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Now that I actually have enough free time, I'll cast my votes.

Friendly Member - Mumbling
I don't think I've ever had any conversations with her, but based on discussions she's had with other members, I think she is definitely one of the most friendly members here. I would also like to recognize other members that I think should also deserve this vote, but can't due to the voting rules: Kor, Malte279, brekclub85, and The Friendly Sharptooth.

Helpful Member - landbeforetimelover
As most of us know by now, he is an expert at dealing with computer problems. Although I've never had to ask him for computer advice, he has helped me in one way. Last summer, I asked him only to re-size an image I wanted for my avatar. He did that and even went further by removing the background and adding the faded effect at the bottom. Thanks for the awesome avatar! I don't think I'll ever want to change to a different one.

Role Play Gamer - brekclub85
When he offered the chance to participate in the RP Total Drama Valley, I chose to accept. Although it later became a fanfic instead, he asked me to join in TDV2, which I did. I'll admit this might have lead to a small problem (slightly falling behind in school work), but I'm glad I'm getting the chance to participate in an RP before starting my own (which I will, once school is over). I would also like to recognize other members that I think should also deserve this vote, but can't due to the voting rules: Nick22, The Great Valley Guardian, and Myrkin

Philosopher - The Friendly Sharptooth
Despite his currently limited activity, he already has been making an impact here. I'll admit, I never thought anyone would write posts as long and thoughtful as Malte until he came along. If you're willing to read his long posts, you can see that he really does think through about what he says (perhaps a little too much, some might say). Also, considering how well he thinks things through, I decided to ask him for comments on my fanfic. Perhaps he might be willing to help me in editing it.

Proactive Member - brekclub85
What can I say? He's written two very good fanfics and started a few RPs, one of which I'm currently participating in. Also, for someone who joined recently, he has quite a high post count. (I think the rate he posts is just as much as Kor, and I think the only reason Kor has ten thousand more posts is because he joined a full year earlier.) Thanks for giving me the opportunity to RP before I start my own RP.

Fanart - Lillefot
I don't think he has posted any fanart in the last few months, but based on fanart I've seen over the past year, I think Lillefot has quite some talent. I would also like to recognize Darkhououmon for her fanart for brekclub85's fanfic 'Sharptooth Valley'.

Projects - Action9000
This vote is pretty much unanimous. The LBT game he is currently working on is almost certainly a first for all LBT fans. I haven't tried the game, myself, but based on the comments I've read, it definitely seems to be making good progress.

Feedback - Malte279
Last year, I voted based on quantity, which was Kor. This year, I'm voting based on quality, which is Malte279. In many discussions, he often makes long and thoughtful posts, and his viewpoints are often easy to agree with, due to his willingness to look at both sides of the argument. I would also like to recognize The Friendly Sharptooth for his just as thoughtful posts. (Since he has not yet sent me any comments on my fanfic, I'm not sure how well his feedback is, so that's why I chose not to vote for him.)

After a week of thinking, I think I've made the best choices I could come up with.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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First off, I want to thank everyone who has voted for me. :)

I'll start off with these two awards, as I need more time on the other ones.
Here goes!

Roleplay gamer: This person is a highly talented roleplay gamer, with a head for ideas and mind blowing plots, which he not only uses in the RP section, but for his exelent fanfics aswell! He plays his characters extremly well. He has been sharing his talents to help others, including myself. A very good friend, and my closest companion in the RP section!
I give my vote for Roleplay gaming 2009 award to LBTfan13.

Projects award: We have many talented folks around here, each with his/her own speciality. We have singers with beautiful voices, such as Mumbling and LBTfan13.
However, there's one who've done something out of the ordinary, and I want to give him some credit by placing my vote on him. Therefor, I vote Tim (action9000) and his exelent work with the LBT roleplay game for the Projects award 2009.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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Is there a deadline for the votes? I really need to think about it because of the fact that I was inactive for so many days.


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Yeah, there is a deadline. I think in about a week or two, the voting's going to be complete.


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The appreciated member award votes cannot be cast now. Only after the closing of the other votes (on May 24th, one week from now) will we start with the votes for the appreciated member award. The reason is that only those who did not receive any other award may be nominated for the appreciated member award.


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Whoops! I see. ^^

Well, then I'll erase my post and wait till the day comes. ^^


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With regard to the Proactive award I should begin by pointing out that this award voting probably would not be held at this time, but rather with some more delay if it had not been for the approach of LBTFan13 who sent me a message offering his help and that of others he had been talking to in creating the award drafts. I’m still deep into university work, but there is almost always a way to get things done somehow and his message probably gave me (figuratively speaking) the kick I needed to get working on the awards even though the actual suggestion itself, to turn the award making into something of a more public project had been overruled. Compared to the last years there haven’t been too many large changes about the structure of the GOF as such. Some steps had been undertaken to make the AM section a less public place. There have been some new regulations with regard to the size of avatars and signatures. And subforums have been created on behalf of two GOF projects. Adam (Petrie) continues to do a great job when it comes to alteration of the GOF’s appearance for special holidays (e.g. Christmas and Easter) and it is due to his initiative that the coloring of the GOF was changed to a more green appearance. He is also often the one to put the proactive suggestions of others into effect. Gustav (Lillefot) was made a mod in the RPG section among other for his reccommendation for the post by other Role Play Gamers, which goes to show he has been proactive in this section. Of all the awards this one was one of the most difficult for me to decide about and I do admit that this time I was strongly influenced by the votes already cast. One of our members has done one simple thing that had a great positive effect on the atmosphere in the GOF. I’m talking of Rat_Lady7’s Member Appreciation thread for which I intended to give her my vote on the Appreciated member award. The way it looks she is very likely to get the Proactive Award which and the Appreciated Member Award can go only to those who did not receive another award. Considering the profound positive effect this thread (one of the most sensible ever posted in the GOF) had on the GOF I think it can be seen as proactive enough to be taken into account along with the general frequent contributions of her. Therefore my vote for the Proactive Member Award goes to Rat_Lady7.


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One week remains in voting.  Please check to make sure you have cast enough votes to qualify for an award (name must be in yellow or green):