The Gang of Five
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The 2014 Olympics!!


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The 2014 Winter Olympics begins tonight!  Post everything about them here!

You can find out when it starts at the link below.

See ya later! :wave


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Not to start the thread on a bad note, bit it appears that the first attempted terrorist action has occurred before the games have even began.  A passenger on a Turkish flight claimed that there was a bomb on board the plane and demanded to have the plane land in Sochi, Russia.  Initial indications are that the passenger was of Ukrainian nationality.  The plane landed in Turkey and the plan was foiled.

Hopefully any other attempts to disrupt the games are foiled in an equally satisfactory manner.  The Olympics are a celebration of athleticism and peace.  Terrorism has no place there.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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^ So I've heard. Glad that whatever would have happened is prevented.

I really enjoyed the opening. I do not know much about Russia, so most folk stories were a mystery to me. It was however still a beautiful show with wonderful effects. Loved the music, lots of great pieces! Also liked that they included the, by now internet famous, 'trololo' song, which is of course Russian.

Although I'm not a big fan of sports, it'll be exciting to see who can win the gold medals this year. I especially like sports that are eye candy, like figure skating :)


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I have been watching Olympic openings since Atlanta, and I can say each new opening outdoes the previous one. The Russians played their main strength, choreography, superbly. Until now I wouldn't have thought that dance can convey so much information (for example, the transition from the Empire to the Soviet Union was fantastic). Also, the show's selection of Russian tradition, art, science and history was well chosen. I would have put more emphasis on some things and less on others, but then again, I'm not Russian.

The Chronicler

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I heard that a total of 88 countries have sent athletes to the 2014 Sochi Olympics, a record number for a Winter Olympics. I actually counted them during the Parade of Nations at the Opening Ceremony, and counted exactly 88.

Interestingly, I was able to watch the opening ceremony on TV twice yesterday. I live close enough to Canada to get the live broadcast on CBC, and later at primetime watched the American broadcast on NBC. The Canadian broadcast may have been live, but the American broadcast didn't skip over anything, as far as I know. In other words, I consider myself lucky to get the Olympics on two different channels. :)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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A rather unfortunate event has happened in Sochi.  Footage has appeared of members of the band Pussy Riot, which became famous after performing protest songs against Putin, being beaten by Cossacks.  No one has been arrested in the attacks.  Somehow I don't think that this fits into the narrative Putin wanted for an "open and tolerant" Olympic games.

On a more hopeful note, I am pleased to see that both the United States and Canada are doing well in Ice Hockey.  Both have made it into the semifinals.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Cossacks are one of the most conservative Christian groups of Russian society. Like rednecks, if you will, just a little more extreme and better organized. I doubt they would need Putin's orders to beat up blasphemers (for what they did in the cathedral) and homosexuals.

However, I must say that deploying Cossack patrols in Sochi is a bit extreme. The intention was probably for Cossacks, with their reputation as efficient troops in the wars in the Caucasus, to serve as an additional deterrent against north Caucasian radical Muslims, who are far more extreme than even the Cossacks in their views. It's like the fire-fighting strategy where a small fire is used to control a big one, but the small fire burns as well.