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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread

The Chronicler

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Some news released just today...

Issue 97 was announced, continuing the group in Abyssinia.

Also in the comics, there will be a sequel to last year's Transformers crossover miniseries. Last time had the Tranformers in the pony world, so this time will have the ponies in the Transformers world. Expect to see this new miniseries released in April.

Finally, according to some new toy lines being revealed lately, there are rumors that Equestria Girls could soon be going the way of Pony Life. Nothing official has been announced yet, but definitely something to keep an eye out for.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
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Finally, according to some new toy lines being revealed lately, there are rumors that Equestria Girls could soon be going the way of Pony Life. Nothing official has been announced yet, but definitely something to keep an eye out for.

Hmm, I didn't know about that. Considering that very, very few people like Pony Life, I'm surprised Hasbro would think it's a good idea to take something else in that direction. Then again, the way these companies make the most random decisions sometimes has always been a mystery to me, so who knows? Either way, I'm still waiting for the official G5 to get here before I get involved in anything pony again. This Pony Life filler isn't doing anything for me.

The Chronicler

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It seems we've recently gotten our very first hint of what we can expect to see in the new My Little Pony movie coming out later this year:

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If this is accurate, then the way I see it, it seems the transition from G4 to G5 will be much like how Star Trek had transitioned from the Original Series to the Next Generation, specifically that it's still the same universe but in a later era with a completely different cast of characters (along with occasional references to the earlier series).

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
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The Chronicler

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It seems that on February 25, we will finally get some significant news regarding the upcoming movie. But for now, there is something else about the movie worth reporting. When it eventually releases (probably next September as originally planned), it will not be showing in theaters, but instead will be available to stream on Netflix.

Personally, I'm actually quite pleased by this news, because it'll make it far easier for me to possibly see this movie once it comes out. (I'm still reluctant about sharing my interest in MLP with almost anyone in my family, so it's much more preferable for me to watch it at home when no one is around rather than having to go out to the movies and can only hope for minimal disturbances. Not to mention, I hardly ever go to movie theaters anyway since I like having the ability to pause and rewind whatever I'm watching, which can be done with home streaming but not out in a public theater.)

Oh, and apparently last Saturday was the American airing of the Pony Life season 1 finale, so at least now that show is currently all caught up.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
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The Chronicler

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Today's the big day, and here's our very first official announcement of what to expect for the upcoming My Little Pony movie that will launch the G5 series:

For me, this first impression is something I'm just simply okay with. I'm not thrilled by it, but I also don't hate it. Pretty much, I'll just continue to suppress my expectations until I eventually get to actually watch the movie, once it finally releases. (Though I will admit the story concept does have my interest.)

In other news, among the comics, issue 95 released last week, and recently announced was issue 98 (some attention will be given to post-retirement Celestia and Luna), as well as Part 2 of the second MLP/Transformers crossover miniseries:

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Guess the Gen4 crew didn't succeed at uniting everyone, the 3 races ended up splitting into their own segregated colonies anyway.

I honestly prefer the clean 3D look to the ultra-stylized Pony Life look, and I'll probably watch the movie when it hits Netflix. These are interesting choices, setting it in a prejudiced future and treating the original characters as mythological figures. They definitely weren't required to go that hard, suggesting they have plans or intention to do more than a simple toy grab.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2021, 07:59:04 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »

The Chronicler

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"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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Just recently announced, Season 2 of Pony Life will premiere in Britain on April 2:

I've been hearing that the contract between Hasbro and Discovery Family is due to expire sometime later this year, so it's possible we might not see Season 2 of Pony Life premiere here in the US, so no point in calling this an early showing, as much as it might be the only showing (except perhaps for Canada, which was first to show Season 1 last year).

Anyway, even though I'll be watching each episode only once like I did with Season 1, the description seems to suggest Season 2 might be a little more interesting. My speculation:
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Considering all the Pony Life style Equestria Girls products I've seen lately in addition to the description suggesting the Pony Life main cast will be doing things like time travel and visiting an alternate dimension, it seems that my earlier assumption that we would have a Pony Life style Equestria Girls miniseries will probably actually be a story arc within Season 2 of Pony Life. Either way, I sure hope this means we'll finally get to see Sunset Shimmer make an appearance.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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Some more recent news, it seems my speculation regarding Season 2 of Pony Life might be incorrect, as we got a first look as some of the new characters:

In addition, the writer for Equestria Girls revealed what had been the original plan for a one-hour special that would have been the finale for Season 2 and led to a Season 3 (obviously, it was cancelled and replaced by those holiday shorts to serve as a more appropriate series finale). Really, all I have to say for this one is that it's something I'm sure everyone would consider to be very interesting to see:

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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Okay, quite a lot of news to catch up on...

For the comics, issue 99 (episode 11 of season 10) and part 3 of the transformers crossover were recently announced:

And for Pony Life, Season 2 will premiere in the US on April 10, and there will be only 14 episodes instead of 26 like Season 1 had (these links also had preview videos, but it looks like they've all been taken down):

As much as I'd rather watch these Pony Life episodes only once, I think I'll end up with no choice but to watch the British airing first (to avoid the risk of spoilers), and then later the American airing (when I will post my reviews here). And since EqD has done a rather poor job of following the American showing of Season 1, I'll honestly be upset if the British version (with its slightly higher audio pitch due to broadcasting differences) is the only one that anyone bothers to record.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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More news regarding Pony Life. Looks like Canada will be showing it just like they did with Season 1 last year (and from the message EqD seems to be implying, it looks like that'll end up being my preferred version to watch, also just like last year with Season 1).

We also got episode synopses for a total of nine pairs of episodes. If Season 2 will be anything like Season 1, each actual episode will be only five minutes long, and each of these pairs are listed as single 11-minute episodes, which means we now know about 9 out of the total 14 episodes already:

Finally, we also just recently got some screenshots from these upcoming episodes:

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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For the comics, some preview pages for issue 97 and the annual issue:

For the upcoming G5 movie, two more main characters have been confirmed:

Finally, even though the American premiere of first episode of Season 2 of Pony Life was today, it seems EqD has really dropped the ball on announcements, with stream topics of only the British showing of just the first (last Friday) and fourth (Wednesday earlier this week) episodes, along with the warning that the entire first half has leaked, but no mention at all of the Canadian or American showing of the first episode. As a result, I've been unable to find any videos of that episode I can watch, so I can't share my thoughts on it today as I had hope to. In my search efforts, I did see all 26 episodes of Season 1 of Pony Life are currently available on Dailymotion, so that at least gives me hope that, sooner or later (though preferably sooner), someone will eventually upload videos of these new episodes.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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For comics, issue 96 came out earlier this week (the following link has an extended preview):
There's also a preview of the first part of the upcoming second Transformers crossover series:

For the G5 movie, the main cast has officially been confirmed to consist of the five characters we already know by name by now:

And as for Pony Life, since it's obvious that I can't expect to find any videos of the recent episodes regardless of where they are shown, I've decided on two ways for me to actually watch these episodes. One is to watch the livestream on Saturday morning (thanks to a link I was able to find recently), where I had a chance to watch last week's episodes before this week's premiere. The other is to record them off Discovery Family (which I'm fortunate to have access to through Philo), so I can watch them later in case if I miss the stream. Of course, this still means there's no videos for me to provide links for, so if you're interested in watching these episodes, I'm afraid you'll just have to figure it out on your own.

Although it's been confirmed there will be a total of 14 "episodes", they each consist of two five-minute episodes, so I'll count them as a total of 28 episodes. Of course, since I missed last week's episodes, that leaves me with a total of eight episodes to share my thoughts on, and to be honest, I'll need to rewatch them one at a time to make sure I've got them all accounted for in the correct order, so please wait a few hours and I'll edit this post later tonight to include my summaries and comments on these episodes.

Last week's episodes...
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1: On the might of a new moon celebration, Twilight is doing astronomical observation when she notices a new pink object in the night sky that appears to be heading directly towards Ponyville. Worried about the possibility of impending doom, she completely ignores her friends and goes to the library to do as much research as possible. Her friends try to sneakily find out what she's up to, but their efforts are unsuccessful. Their attempts at eavesdropping eventually drive Twilight to confess her worries and apologizes for not telling them anything. She agrees to let them help her with the research, and they soon discover that the mysterious object is the return of the "Cosmic Cotton Candy Comet", which is expected to be a spectacular rare event to witness.

Despite the silly concept, astronomy observations always interest me. I guess the fact that Twilight's friends didn't join her offer to observe the night sky with her might have been what initially convinced her they wouldn't understand her research efforts, despite her paranoia.

2: Fluttershy has become interested in becoming a news reporter, and believes the incoming Cosmic Cotton Candy Comet would be an excellent opportunity to get some experience with giving interviews. Unfortunately, most of her friends seem practically indifferent to the event, ultimately going to Pinkie Pie, who is busy preparing a machine to collect the cosmic candy crystals that pass by ahead of the comet. The arrival of those crystals forces Pinkie to leave immediately for the top of a mountain, but is unable to retrieve those crystals. Realizing she can't do it alone, she returns to Fluttershy and they both apologize for ignoring each other. They quickly agree to work together, with Fluttershy using her ability to grow big to allow Pinkie to reach high enough to gather a huge quantity of those cosmic candy crystals.

I honestly don't understand why Fluttershy didn't just follow after Pinkie in the first place, as it would have given Fluttershy the opportunity for some amazing footage, and thus make it easier for her and Pinkie to decide to work together to gather those crystals.

3: Rarity is preparing a viewing party for the arrival of the Cosmic Cotton Candy Comet, but it all depends on being timed for the exact moment of that comet's arrival, so she asks Twilight to calculate it. The party is all set to begin at the anticipated moment, but the comet doesn't show up. Twilight realizes she miscalculated and sets a new time the following night, but again it doesn't show up, and several more attempts to calculate also end in failure, with fewer and fewer guests showing up each time. Rarity eventually apologizes for pressuring Twilight into trying to predict the comet's arrival, and unwittingly makes Twilight realize the comet obeys not the laws of physics but the laws of magic, allowing her to finally calculate the true arrival time of that comet.

I don't really have much to say about this one, though it was interesting to note that in these pony worlds, there are natural laws of magic in addition to physics.

4: With preparations underway for the arrival of the Cosmic Cotton Candy Comet, Rainbow Dash decides to sell some comet merchandise and use the money earned to buy Pinkie a new mixer. Rainbow doesn't have much success at first, but Twilight finds some special glasses online that would provide a full spectrum view of the comet as it passes by. Unfortunately, the entire inventory of those glasses suddenly gets sold out before Rainbow has a chance to acquire any. The following day, she and her friends discover her old nemesis Dishwater Slog had bought those glasses, and even worse, was proudly asking for ten time their original cost, making those glasses way too expensive for anyone to obtain them. Thankfully, Applejack is able to find similar glasses that her family had held onto since the last time that comet visited, allowing everyone to have a free view through those special glasses.

Once again, Dishwater Slog proves himself proud of being the worst by deliberately trying to ruin everyone's fun just because he can. That guy deserves no respect at all, I'll tell you that much. Good thing the Apple family are the kind of ponies who never throw away anything, as it provided quite the convenient solution to a once in a lifetime event.

This week's episodes...
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5: While Pinkie shares with her friends some cupcakes she had baked with the cosmic candy crystals she had gathered earlier, a strange giant balloon object suddenly appears over Ponyville, and the Main 6 are all terrified of what it could mean, especially with the evidence there's something inside it. They all share fantasies of what they each believe it could be, except for Fluttershy who convinces her friends to relax and not be afraid of the mystery. Soon, strange large bubbles begin floating all over town, leading Twilight to speculate the mysterious balloon is probably related to that comet that had passed by recently.

So now it seems this show is taking on the UFO theme for this set of episodes. This should be interesting to see how it will ultimately unfold.

6: Pinkie is experimenting with a new kind of cupcake, but it must be enjoyed at an exact moment, and with everyone else running late, Rarity is the only one around to try one. The super sugary cupcake overwhelms her, but she lies and claims it's excellent. The others soon arrive and they all apologize for being late, each with their own excuse. Applejack decides to give Pinkie one of the mysterious bubbles as an apology gift, which then bursts to reveal a tiara. That tiara gets passed around and they quickly realize that whoever wears it is forced to tell the truth, causing the late ponies to reveal the true reasons they were late (except Applejack who really did tell the truth), and Rarity ends up revealing how terrible those new cupcakes actually are, upsetting Pinkie. The others soon apologize to Pinkie, with Rarity admitting she lied to spare Pinkie's feelings. Pinkie accepts the apologies and tones down the sugar on her new cupcakes before serving them to her friends, which they all enjoy.

I definitely like the concept of a magical object that compels the holder to always tell the truth (kind of wish we could have seen something like it back in the FiM series). And of course, there was that visual gag of Gummy of tasting those super-sugar cupcakes and reacting as if it was a highly addictive drug.

7: Applejack finds another mysterious bubble which bursts to reveal a small potted plant with a cute face on it. She instantly finds it adorable, and despite concerns from her friends and Big Mac, she decides to care for it. When she accidentally feeds it apple jam, that plant quickly grows into a monster that devours every apple it can grab. Applejack apologizes to her friends for not heeding their advice and asks them to help her stop that plant monster. She suddenly remembers that giving water to that plant made it shrink, so the ponies work together to trick the plant monster into consuming a bunch of water balloons disguised as apples, causing the plant to shrink back down to its original cute size.

If I'm not mistaken, this episode had the first appearance of Big Mac in the Pony Life series, so it's nice to see some more familiar characters show up.

8: Another mysterious bubble lands outside Sugarcube Corner and bursts to reveal a bubble wand. After previous experiences, the ponies are cautions about what to with it, but Spike suddenly runs off with it and starts having endless fun with it. The bubbles produced by that bubble wand are incapable of bursting, so Rainbow Dash encourages Spike to try blowing the biggest bubble possible. Unfortunately, the six ponies end up trapped inside that bubble and soon begin floating away. All of their attempts to escape the bubble with their various magical abilities end in failure and they get increasingly worried. Soon, Spike (communicating via a tablet carried up to them by Tank the flying tortoise) suggests they should try simply calming down to make the bubble sink back down, using a video of baby chicks to successfully make them all relax. The bubble drifts back down and bursts, freeing them all, but with concerns over further trouble, they take the bubble wand away from Spike.

I have to admit, I'm starting to get impressed with the level of continuity between these episodes this season. Even though I'm still uninterested in watching episodes of this series more than once, I'm certainly looking forward to what will be coming up next.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 04:40:20 AM by The Chronicler »

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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Almost forgot to do this week's updates post. Anyway, for the comics, the synopsis was recently released for the fourth and final part of the second Transformers crossover miniseries, as well as for issue 100 of the main comic series (also known as episode 12 of season 10):

As for Pony Life, it seems once again EqD has virtually forgotten about it, which makes the link I found last week to the only stream site that actually works on my computer all the more fortunate (not to mention, maintaining my backup plan of recording from Discovery Family in case if I ever miss the livestream). Anyway, I saw this week's new episodes, so here are my summaries and comments:

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9: After sharing a happy moment together, the six ponies decide to make a time capsule, so they all return home to select an item. The next day, Applejack brings one of her hats, Rainbow Dash brings a trophy she got at the Sportacular Spectacular, Twilight brings her favorite calculator, Rarity brings a script from that popular TV show she had once made an appearance in, and Pinkie Pie brings a mixing bowl she had used during the Royal Jelly Juggernaut baking competition. Fluttershy, however, was unable to chose anything, but with some encouragement from her friends, she finally decides on the photo they had taken of that happy moment earlier in the episode. They place their items inside a trunk and bury it, but just as they start walking away, a magical glow leads to Pinkie admitting she got that trunk from one of the mysterious bubbles seen in the most recent episodes. That magical trunk ends up opening a vortex that sucks in the six ponies.

The concept of a time capsule is often an interesting way to share memories (which makes me realize it was never attempted in the FiM series, so that could've been a missed opportunity). And with this episode starting off another arc with that vortex through space and time, this series is started to get very interesting to me. Also, we got to briefly see where each of the six ponies live (and I believe it's a first for Rainbow Dash in particular).

10: Applejack and Rarity land in a frontier town, which Applejack immediately recognizes as the past. When one of the locals points out Applejack's hat is missing, the two friends realize that the key to returning to their time period is to recover that hat that had been placed inside the time capsule. They soon find out it ended up in the possession of a guy named Saddle Bags, who challenges Applejack to prove herself as a real cowpony. Applejack is thrilled to be in a town full of cowponies, but her talents are proven to be amateurish compared to all the locals. Rarity soon comes up with the idea to combine her acting talents with Applejack's cowpony attitude to convince Saddle Bags they are worthy of that glowing hat. He proudly gives them the hat, and the two friends are immediately pulled through another vortex.

So this episode confirms that these vortexes result in time travel, which I'm always fascinated with. I also found it rather amusing how Applejack always portrays herself as a cowpony, yet once she was placed in a town full of actual cowponies, she suddenly finds herself way out of her league. (Believe me, I can actually sympathize with that kind of feeling, thinking that I'm excellent at something, only to be swiftly overwhelmed by the true professionals.)

11: Twilight and Rainbow Dash land in a futuristic city, where they find Fluttershy wearing some headgear as she is taken away by some robotic ponies. The two friends try to go after her, but then try to flee from two other robot ponies, only for those robot ponies to follow them and then greet them as friends, introducing themselves as mecha-ponies named Natalie and Pulverizer. The mecha-ponies agree to help them find Fluttershy, but Rainbow Dash remains highly skeptical. They soon arrive at a large floating cube, which upon entering turns out to be a futuristic version of Sugar Cube Corner, where they find Fluttershy who has been busy playing a VR game all along. Rainbow Dash apologizes to the mecha-ponies for being unfairly judgemental, and they in return offer to let them play a different game, which turns out to be Twilight's calculator. Rainbow politely asks the mecha-ponies to let them have the calculator back and they accept, allowing the three friends to open another vortex that they then jump into.

I'm always interested in futuristic settings, and the robotic mecha-ponies were also something I found neat. I actually kind of wish we could have some more episodes based around this futuristic Ponyville.

12: Pinkie Pie is joined by the rest of her friends through the vortex and they soon land in what appears to be their proper time period. However, they soon discover the world around them has become very different from what they're familiar with. Sugar Cube Corner is replaced with a healthy food restaurant named Salad Bowl Junction, everyone talks on banana phones, there are statues of Discord everywhere, and there's even an alternate group of themselves (except with the colors swapped between Twilight and Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack, and Rarity and Fluttershy). They eventually enter the salad restaurant, where they meet Lightning Chill the tiger, Echo the bat, and Sugar Snap the peacock. The three "Wildsiders" (as Rarity decided to call them) encourage the six ponies to try their salads. They enjoy their salads, though Pinkie is reluctant to try hers until she realizes hers is within her mixing bowl, and it is upon finally trying that salad (and actually liking it) that another vortex opens up and pulls the six ponies through. The six ponies are then flung out back in their correct time and place and prepare to celebrate, only for another vortex to suddenly bring the three Wildsiders into their world.

So now after two time travel episodes, we next get to see an alternate universe. In have to say, this week's group of episodes have definitely become my favorite set of Pony Life episodes in the entire series thus far. Of course, only half of the items from the magical time capsule have been accounted for, which leaves me wondering about the other three (Rainbow Dash's trophy, Rarity's script, and Fluttershy's photo). Not to mention, with the three Wildsiders now in the regular universe, next week's episodes could be very interesting to see.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2021, 03:20:30 AM by The Chronicler »

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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In this week's updates, the annual comic (featuring the Season 10 arc of Rarity's group visiting the Diamond Dog lands) and the first part of the second Transformers crossover comic series have been released.

Also, a preview of issue 98 of the main comic series has been revealed, which seems to indicate there will be some interesting backstory for Celestia and Luna in this one:

Finally, my comments on this week's episodes of Pony Life:

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13: Now that the three "Wildsiders" (Lightning Chill, Echo, and Sugar Snap) have ended up in the regular pony world, they're interested in seeing what life in that world is like, so the six ponies offer to give them a tour of everywhere in Ponyville. However, in an effort to appeal to their "wild lifestyle", they end up rushing through the whole tour so much that the Wildsiders never get an opportunity to enjoy anything. It's only when they're completely exhausted that the ponies finally realize their error and apologize, so they instead agree to enjoy some regular life with a board game.

I found it kind of ridiculous that all six of the main ponies decided to do their tour on an extreme time crunch that I'd expect from someone like Twilight, especially how they were just always on the move and never giving the interdimensional visitors a chance to stop and appreciate literally anything. In spite of how quickly everything rushed by, it was nice to see a few callbacks to some Season 1 episodes (such as the Potion Ocean, the Royal Jelly Juggernaut studio, and the Sportacular Spectacular staduim).

14: Pinkie Pie is excited to let Lightning Chill join in on her baking in hopes they can both learn from each other. Lightning Chill, after using a magic spell to swiftly clean up the whole place, is instructed by Pinkie to observe her actions. However, Pinkie's struggles with working alone become quickly obvious, and despite several moments of Lightning offering to help and Pinkie apologizing for not letting her be involved, Pinkie continues to try everything herself, eventually resulting in the kitchen becoming flooded with chocolate. After one final apology from Pinkie and another quick clean spell from Lightning, the two of them finally start baking together for real, with much better results.

All I can really say for this one is just how ridiculous it is that Lightning Chill kept offering to help and Pinkie kept apologizing for leaving her out of the baking process, and yet Pinkie continued to keep up her solo actions. Old habits die hard, I suppose.

15: Rarity is preparing for the 100th episode of her livestream series, where she plans to perform a play. When she shares word of this with her friends, Sugar Snap reveals she's familiar with that play and accepts Rarity's offer to help her rehearse. At first, Rarity tries to perform the whole play by herself, but keeps forgetting her lines and needs reminders from Sugar Snap. When the time comes for the episode to begin and all of her friends are there to see it, she invites Sugar Snap to help perform the play alongside her.

I don't have much to say on this one. At least Rarity wasn't stubborn enough to reject Sugar Snap when she offered to help improve the performance. Not mention, Echo seems to take quite a beating when it comes to trying Pinkie's new recipes.

16: Rainbow Dash is practicing her breakdancing moves, but when Twilight encourages her to try the "dash-master", Rainbow flies around uncontrollably and ends up landing right next to a new vortex that suddenly opened up. That vortex immediately begins to pull Rainbow in, and Twilight with help from Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Echo are unable to do anything more than prevent her from being pulled in any further. Presented with a scientific dilemma, Twilight struggles to come up with a solution, and her guilt at practically causing the incident only stresses her out even more. When Applejack and Pinkie Pie try to calm her down by offering her an apple pie, Twilight is suddenly inspired with the solution. She quickly assembles a device that not only shrinks the vortex enough to stop pulling in Rainbow Dash, but also transports it to a doorway so that anyone can freely travel between the regular pony world and the wildsider world.

I'll admit it was a little amusing how the vortex gradually effected Rainbow Dash like a black hole by slowing down her voice and stretching out her body. Though I did find it a little ridiculous how Twilight spent a long time try to solve a scientific problem while the others were forced to perpetually keep yanking Rainbow Dash away from the vortex, it's good that the incident resulted in a stable portal that can now allow anyone to freely travel between the two dimensions (kind of like the portal used in Equestria Girls).

Just passed the halfway point in the season. Only three more weeks of episodes left to go.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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Nothing new regarding the official comics this week.

For Pony Life, the livestream apparently wasn't on this week. Thank goodness I'm still recording these new episodes, so I can watch them at any time I'm comfortable with.

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17: Everyone has gathered for the grand opening of the Crystal Empire Carnival, but Rarity is running late and misses out while her friends meet with Cadance and have their manes styled into spectacular styles. By the time Rarity finally arrives, she quickly feels left out and the stylist booth has closed, so in an effort to help her feel better, the others try to stylize her mane to fit in with them, but it results in a complete disaster. Applejack quickly comes up with the idea to help Rarity feel like she belongs by everyone messing up their own manes as well, and even Cadance decides to join in on the effort.

Okay, so it seems we're now starting off on a completely new story arc with no references to anything earlier this season. At least this one officially introduced Princess Cadance to the Pony Life series (which means the only alicorn princess yet to have any appearances in Pony Life thus far is Luna, surprisingly enough).

18: The six ponies all want to do a lot of different things at the carnival, but since they can't agree on what to do together, they decide to split up and keep in touch with a group text. They all enjoy their respective activities, but as soon as Pinkie decides to check with the others, it leads to misunderstandings of the messages behind each text and they all end up feeling depressed as they unknowingly ride the ferris wheel all at the same time. Once they realize they're actually all in the same place again, the misunderstandings are eventually cleared up and they agree to stick together for their next activities.

It's amazing how a simple vague text message (especially lacking any emojis) can lead to a lot of confusion and cause everyone to get all worked up over what was really just nothing bad all along. (And this is why I always take care to think about what I type or text before I ever send any messages.)

19: Flim and Flam are selling clown makeup kits, and Fluttershy is excited to finally have a chance to live out her childhood dream of being a clown, but when she shares it with her friends, Applejack suddenly runs off. While Fluttershy prepares for an upcoming show, the others confront Applejack, who reveals she is terrified of clowns. Their efforts to help her get over her fear end in failure, so she decides to simply not stay and watch, but when the others tell Fluttershy, she decides to not perform so she won't be concerned about scaring one of her friends. Applejack receives word of Fluttershy's decision and refuses to let her friend give up on a lifelong dream just because of her fears, and soon manages to overcome her fear by encouraging Fluttershy from the sidelines.

Sure wasn't expecting Flim and Flam to make an appearance in Pony Life, and especially that their latest scheme doesn't seem to result in any downfall for them for once. I also found it interesting that of all the ponies you might've expected to be afraid of clowns (let's face it, Fluttershy is well known for fearing lots of things), it turns out to be the one who is actually excited to be a clown, and it's actually one of the most grounded ponies who turns out to have that fear.

20: It's the final day of the Crystal Empire Carnival, and the main ponies have done everything except watch the circus performance, but on their way there, they come across an old fortune telling machine, and while most of them are amused by the fortune messages they receive, Rainbow Dash becomes terrified that the fun will end if she's not constantly doing something, so she decides to join the circus and perform acts for them. Despite her enthusiasm, Rainbow Dash struggles with every act she is offered and ultimately leads to a rather disappointing end to the show, but Rainbow eventually realizes that all she ever really needed for endless fun was to just spend time with her friends.

And now Shining Armor has also been thrown into Pony Life, though this case seems much more removed than the others (he runs a traveling circus and no mention is ever made of any relationships to either Cadance or Twilight). On top of that, many of the performances Rainbow Dash was asked to do were rather ridiculous.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2021, 05:05:15 AM by The Chronicler »

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Has Starlight Glimmer appeared in Pony Life yet? I’m not gonna watch the show until she appears

The Chronicler

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Quote from: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on May 09, 2021, 04:52:39 PM
Quote from: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on May 09, 2021, 04:52:39 PM
Has Starlight Glimmer appeared in Pony Life yet? I’m not gonna watch the show until she appears

The final episodes of the season (and perhaps the entire Pony Life series) will be on next week, so I'll get back to you on that after I've seen them. (I will at least say that some other FiM characters have made an appearance this season. But seriously, though, I think you're being a little ridiculous refusing to watch the entire series just because one very specific character might not make even the very briefest of cameos. Just watch the show (or read my reviews under the spoiler tags) and then you can decide for yourself if it's any good, regardless of whoever is featured.)

Nothing else to report on this week, so I'll just get right into this week's new Pony Life episodes:

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21: The holiday of Ponyville Play Day is approaching and the Main Six will be hosting the event this year, so they decide to put on a play to celebrate. They are unable to agree on what the play will be about, so they decide to audition their acts and let their new friends the Wildsiders help make the final decision. Their widely different acts soon causes tension between the group of friends and the Wildsiders end up having to break up the arguments and suggest that the play can involve all of their ideas in sequence, to which they all happily agree.

So it looks like this week's suddenly new story arc is performing a play for the town. At least it's nice to have a little continuity with the Wildsiders getting involved.

22: As the main ponies are beginning preparations for their play, Rarity's natural dramatics catches the attention of director Show Stopper who offers her a role in a big production play in the bigger theater just across the street. At first, Rarity tries to participate in both plays, but she struggles constantly and when it's revealed that the schedule conflict will force her to dedicate her time to only one play, she selfish decides to go for the big play, only to discover at the last minute that it's suddenly been cancelled due to unexpected circumstances. In the end, she apologizes to her friends for trying to ditch them and she agrees to share her original role with Sugar Snap.

Considering the role Rarity was given in the big production play was simply as a background tree, it's understandable that she initially believed it would be minor enough to allow her to perform both plays in the same night. But of course, the constantly changing schedule works further against Rarity's hopes, and it's only when the big play conveniently gets suddenly cancelled (by the big theater being converted into an aquarium of all things) that she finally makes the right choice to stick with her friends.

23: With rehearsal for the play underway, Applejack suddenly finds herself suffering from stage fright, so Rarity invites her friends to her house to de-stress, even going so far as to hire somepony to help them all relax. However, this "expert" turns out to be so inept that by the time she leaves, everyone ends up suffering stage fright as well. Surprisingly, Applejack has now suddenly lost her stage fright simply because she's now able to share the experience with her friends, and by agreeing to work together no matter what, everyone is soon relieved of their stage fright as well.

I'm honestly struggling to figure out how to properly identify the kind of work that expert in relaxation was supposed to do, but I can definitely say that Rarity most likely regrets that decision. Quite honestly, service that poor is certainly worthy of posting a bad review.

24: The night of the play has finally arrived and the Main Six ponies have everything all set to perform. However, at almost every act in the play, some weird magic causes just about all of the props and equipment to do unexpected things, forcing them all to roll with the changes by improvising their acts. Despite their struggles, the play is ultimately a success and they are able to celebrate, all while Discord watches backstage from the shadows...

I liked that brief call-back to an early Season 1 episode with those squishy cubes listed among the props. Of course, it was a little amusing how the main ponies were forced to improvise their various acts as a result of all the props doing all kinds of crazy things for seemingly no reason. And based on that last-second appearance of Discord, it seems next week's episodes will likely start off with something involving him.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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For the comics, issue 97 has finally been released, and the synopsis of issue 101 has been revealed.

And for Pony Life, this week's new episodes are the last ones of Season 2 (and perhaps the entire series as well, which means this could be the very last time we ever hear the official voices of the Main 6 ponies of G4). So, for one last time, here are my reviews of the new episodes:

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25: Immediately after the play from the previous episode, the Main Six ponies wonder about how all of their props mysteriously vanished, and Twilight soon discovers it was the result of chaos magic. Rarity decides to investigate, with Pinkie joining along, and after discovering a clue at the library, Rarity concludes that the recent unusual events were the result of everyone's wishes upon the Cosmic Cotton Candy Comet not coming true, and thus she accuses Discord of wrongdoing with those wishes, to which he proudly confirms before he runs off.

Interesting that this episode ended up bringing the entire season full circle by referencing the earliest story arc with that comet, and the revelation that many of the crazy things that had since happened were because of Discord.

26: Now that they know Discord was responsible for their comet wishes not coming true, the Main Six ponies decide to confront him to get answers. However, he refuses to speak, so they come up with the idea to use shrinking potions and get into Discord's head to find out what he's really up to. After navigating through the confusing maze of his mind, they eventually discover a book that reveals he used up all of those stolen wishes on all kinds of random things for himself. The ponies escape and confront Discord again, but he just ignores their furious accusations.

For those of you who liked Discord more when he was a villain, it seems this story arc just might be to your linking. Honestly, I have a hard time believing that a reformed Discord would deliberately steal and waste the wishes that everyone had made on that comet, just for the heck of it.

27: The Main Six ponies are upset that they haven't been able to undo all the chaos magic all over Ponyville, but Pinkie reveals that it's Discord's birthday, so they come up with a plan to throw a surprise party and use his birthday wish to undo the chaos (since wish magic is the only kind powerful enough to counter chaos magic). However, the party supply store is sold out and the DJ they wanted for music suddenly leaves for a vacation, so they improvise by using some leftover movie props from Rarity's house and borrowing the DJ's equipment. Just when the party seems to have been successfully salvaged, Pinkie discovers the sugar she had used in the cake was actually the explosive kind, causing the cake to splatter all over the room. Discord arrives, and although he reveals that he overheard their plan and sabotaged everything, the chaotic result pleases him so much that he agrees to use his birthday wish to restore everything back to normal.

Once again we saw another FiM character make a brief appearance, this time with Cheerilee as the eccentric owner of a party supply store (yes, that's just as weird as it sounds). And with how randomly Discord does dastardly things in the previous episode only to suddenly agree to return everything back to normal after seeing the chaotic party that he directly caused, I suppose I'm reminded of how ridiculous this show has been at times and thus why I don't really like it as much as FiM.

28: It turns out that Discord's birthday wish was not enough to turn things back to normal. In fact, things have become even more chaotic with Twilight and Spike swapping bodies, Fluttershy singing every time she speaks, Pinkie talking on a banana phone, the Wildsiders suddenly pulled in through the portal, and the return of those mysterious bubbles that seem to always cause trouble. Twilight realizes that the regular and Wildsider worlds are now merging, but Lightning Chill comes up with a way to prevent that and finally return everything to normal by using some of the magical items the ponies had obtained in earlier events (Pinkie's cosmic candy crystal collector machine, the time capsule trunk, and the bubble wand). With a musical montage, the ponies and Wildsiders work together to clean up all the chaos magic and bring everything back to normal. The final act before everything is finally restored for good is for the Wildsiders to return home possibly forever, and while everyone is sad to say goodbye, they remain optimistic for what lies ahead.

So apparently just like last season, the only song came in the final episode. And in that song, it was nice to see callbacks to almost everything that had occurred throughout the entire season. And in an apparent parallel to FiM, the final image of the Main Six ponies is a picture in a book (with an additional gag courtesy of Discord). Overall, a rather appropriate way to bring an end to the season (and perhaps series as well).

Considering the fact that this season was only half as long as the first season, (and with the G5 movie coming out in just a few months) I think it's reasonable to say that this might very well be the end of Pony Life.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Hey guys. I have a question.

Does anybody here draw MLP fanart in style of actual TV series? Something that looks the same as we can see on tv episodes? With any method of drawing. (I dunno, I'm not good in terms. Vector, flash, or how can it be drawn).
Or do you know anyone on GOF discord server?

Thank you.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2021, 04:01:52 PM by Sneak »