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The future of meat

The Chronicler

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I recently read this article:

Basically, a scientist in South Carolina is trying to grow meat, which would be a much more efficient way than how it's currently produced. Not only would this method of production require far less land, but it also means that no animals will need to be killed or harmed.

What are your thoughts on this?

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Okay.... :blink:

That is the wierdest thing I have ever heard. :blink: Growing vegabtables and fruits is one thing, but meat? :blink:


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I'm actually not sure what to make of this, but here's my initial reaction...What?????????? :blink:


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Quote from: LBTDiclonius,Jan 30 2011 on  07:50 PM
I'm actually not sure what to make of this, but here's my initial reaction...What?????????? :blink:
This was my reaction when I read this:
 :bang  :bang  :bang  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :crazy  :crazy  :crazy

Cancerian Tiger

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This makes me more glad I stopped eating meat except for seafood :x.  For health reasons and not animal rights reasons, might I add :confused.


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This is what comes to my mind:

In Digimon World, meat is literally grown out of the ground and cultivated. I'm serious.

Littlefoot Fan

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I don't really care just as long as it has the right texture and it tastes good :lol:


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What's the difference if the meat is grown in the body of an animal or in a factory?  They're already growing small organs such as heart valves to help those with heart conditions that can't wait for a donor.  I'm in full support of this.


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To be honest, I'm not sure how to feel on this one.  I think "shocked beyond belief" will do for now. :blink:


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I thought before when I heard about them attempting to grow parts to replace certain organs that growing meat to eat in a lab would eventually happen and many may be against this new odd sort of meat.  Not sure if it would be cheaper or not once the technology and price to manufacture comes down as happens with new tech over time.  It should be no different then meat taken from an animal, and may have less hormones and other stuff that may be in meat from an animal's body.  More info would be needed and nice when the time comes.


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I fully support this. There's no more slaughter, since there is no animal, only a bunch of cells. And you're feeding only muscles, not any other organs. And if you use fish or mollusc (or insect) cells instead of mammalian or bird cells, you will drastically lower the cell's energy intake, because less energy will be wasted on body heat. The only thing that could beat this is synthetising proteins from scratch, without any cells involved. There's still a long way to go to achieve this.

The world is in a food crisis. When meat prices reach a certain level this technology will explode. And let's hope it will bring the prices back down.


  • The Gang of Five
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That's quite literally unnatural. From a biological perspective, human beings are omnivores, and our demand for meat is a major factor in the population of literally billions of other animals. Something that would disrupt the balance, such as growing meat as if it were a plant, could have dire consequences. Also, there is a reason meat doesn't just grow in nature, as if it were grass. As for slaughtering animals... well... predation is as much a part of nature as eating grass is for herbivores. We just happen to be sentient, powerful, and able to literally herd our lambs to the slaughter.


  • Petrie
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In the beginning, Humans were herbivores. We ate veggies, fruit, and beans for protein. After the flood, we started eating meat as an alternative for food. Meat isn't a major factor. Its natural to grow meat because from what I read the cells of a pig skin can regenerate certain skin tissues on the human body. But it depends since certain peoples body might reject it. They even use skin from other animals for plastic surgery.
We are sentient, but not powerful unless most of us have a weapon in our arsenal. So I'm supporting this.


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I have a bit of a mixed view on this overall. The growth of meat may be beneficial in someways. It could be cheaper to make. It may be healthier since it may not be succumbed to disease as easily. It may make a lot of animal rights' activists happy since animals aren't being slaughtered.

And yet there's still a downside to this: what happens to the excess animals? A point of growing meat seems to be to keep the animals farmers raise from being killed. But it may actually make things worse for them.

To date, from my understanding, there's a lot more of these animals (chickens, pigs, cows, etc) than there are people. Even though they are being slaughtered every day to make meat for us, why are there so many more than us? That's easy. That's because we eat them, and the government needs to keep up with supply and demand. If meat demand increases, the number of animals increase to keep up. If we, oh say, decided that bears were a good profit, we could start raising bears and increase their numbers dramatically just so that the supply and demand could be met.

Farms today are a business and the profit farmers typically make comes from the food they have, both grown from the ground and raised in the barn or pasture. Farmers that have a lot of animals may get some profit from selling meat, which sells better than milk and eggs I think.

Now you could say that they'd still make a profit without meat. Well that is true, but they wouldn't get as much meat. While some farms may not be as well effected since they may not sell meat, but what about those that do? There are farms with a ton of animals that the farmers need to pay food and shelter for all the time. Without the selling of meat, they lose a large chunk of this profit. Suddenly they are stuck with a ton of animals they have no other use for, sucking up their income and space just so that they can be kept alive.

The farmers can just switch over to milk and eggs (wool if they have sheep), at least for cows and hens. They could keep a few males around to make sure they breed.  But they wouldn't need as large of numbers since they wouldn't be selling meat anymore. One option to get more money is to increase the price on eggs, milk, wool, whatever crop the farmer is selling, but that may not go over too well. To compensate for the profit lost, there'd have to be an increase in either price or the amount of milk, eggs, and wool that would need to be produced, and even that may not help.

So what happens to the extras? On top of that, what happens to the pigs? Their main cultivation is meat. I don't know of anything else pigs would be good for on a farm. What happens to all these animals that farmers would have no need for if their meat was no longer in demand?

Well there's a couple options. There's finding a home for all of them, which would not be that easy considering the sheer volume of all these animals. They could try to keep them and make the best of it. But without that extra money coming in so they could actually feed all these animals, the farmers would have a tougher time keeping everyone properly fed and some animals may end up starving to death. They could grab a gun and shoot all the excess animals, pretty much slaughtering them, which is what growing meat is supposed to prevent from happening.

The final option I can see is that they just release these animals in the wild, but that would not play out well. We are talking a ton of animals here, from many different parts of the country, being released into the wild. First off, because they've been in the care of humans, not only would their stomachs likely not be able to handle the stuff not grown by the humans for them, but they may not be fully prepared to fight against predators who'd want to kill them for food. On top of that, there's environmental damage from these animals eating. Herbivores cause more damage, typically, than carnivores, and with an increase of them in a very short amount of them, we're talking not only damage to forests, woods, etc, but also decreased numbers of native species such as deer, which will have less food if cattle were released.

I'm not saying growing meat is a bad idea. I'm just saying that it may bring about consequences that people may not see coming. I may try growing meat, but personally I hope that meat from real animals will continue to be profitable.

I hope I didn't offend anyone. That wasn't my intention.


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Very odd,the good thing is that no animals are slaughtered but still....  :huh:  :crazy


F-14 Ace

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And what about all the farmers who are gonna lose their livelihood because of this?  I'd prefer real meat, thanks.  I also get sick of people whining about how it is cruel to kill animals for food.  It happens in nature all the time.  And when we kill animals for food I can promise you they die more quickly and humanely than they would if a lion or bear was tearing them apart.


  • Cera
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 Well, we must not forget that this is only at a research status with minimal fundings (if any), so even if it is successful, I don't think farmers will lose their jobs and animals will grwo their numbers that radically... not in 50 or more years at least. Because this must be aproved, must past how many more stages before it can get mass-available.

 I think that the best use this growing meat can be used for will be to help fight the hunger in the world, like in african countries with people that die from starvation, this quicker method of producing meat can radically help improve their lives.... or at least, to save those lives.

 Also, if we are going to explore other worlds, like to make a base on the Moon or even on Mars and beyond, we cannot avoid thinking (like this guy said) that the growing meat can help provide food resources for explorers, specially for prolongued missions.

 Like everything in this world, there always be a good side and a bad side, this is no exception, but I don't think this will make half the bad stuff you people say can make, not in many years at least, and when that happens, solutions will be made... as usual.

 But we cannot forget that food supplies, same with water and new energy sources will become much needed as our population keeps growing and such a great rate.


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On earth It'll likely be divided up into a choice of if you want to get farm grown meat, ormaybe labeled as "natural" meat, and lab grown.  It may be done for if there is a moon base, and or a base on mars.  Deep space missions, maybe space stations, to save on having to haul so much food up to it, and certain other places and situations.