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Tell Your Story About LBT

Petrie. · 172 · 61338


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Quote from: Malte279,Aug 29 2007 on  05:19 AM
We are not the only ones. 14 seems to be an age of significance if it comes to rediscovering LBT. A lucky number :lol
yeah it happened right around there for me, too.


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Quote from: Kor,Jan 18 2008 on  04:00 PM
To bad more are not allowed the freedom to like what they like without comments, belittling and such.
yeah. I haven't actually told anyone I'm into this, for fear of shame. Typical, eh? <_<

The Chronicler

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Some of us are fans of something else, and I'd imagine that many of those some would rather talk to others about that something else instead of LBT. In my case, it's Bionicle.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Quote from: The Chronicler,Apr 27 2008 on  04:12 PM
Some of us are fans of something else, and I'd imagine that many of those some would rather talk to others about that something else instead of LBT. In my case, it's Bionicle.
Yeah, i like Star Wars at least as much as LBT, if not more. :blink:


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Hmm...  How I came to know about The Land Before Time...  It's rather a mystery.  I thought I knew back in the day, thought it was because of my now dearly-departed grandmother (on my mom's side), but, after talking about it with my aunt on a family reunion trip...  The mystery only deepens...  I know I was into the whole "dinosaur craze" when I was a kid; I still have all the books...  I think.  Not Land Before Time related specifically, though.  ...Anyway...  I don't remember the details...  I don't think I saw it in the theaters, because I asked my mom about it...  Perhaps I saw it at a friend's house, and told my grandma?  Whoever this friend was, I just don't remember...  ...Anyway, I eventually get III and IV, for XMas presents (which I no longer celebrate due to many changes in my beliefs, yet, gifts are gifts; if anyone wants to share a gift with me, that's nice.  It's more blessed to give than receive though.), but not on the same XMas; back to back.  And...  I grow up on them.  Kind of like someone else on here; I'm sorry, I didn't read the entire post up until now, I will later.  But some things did catch my eye...

Anyway, years pass, and mind you, I amassed a pretty decent collection of VHS movies - mostly Disney - and I grow out of most of them.  (Still have all of them to this day, too.  Well, except for The Lion King, more on that later...  It is INTEGRAL to my story!)  Not because of my own radical changes or anything like that; nowadays I'm pretty much the same little boy from Stanwood...  (Thanks to LBT, but I'm getting to that.)  Anyway, in 1995, my mom met this nut, got married to him eventually.  He cheats after three weeks, they get divorced, he leaves.  Some time later, after several months, they *gulp* reconcile.  (To this day, my mom still can't quite figure out why; sometimes, love is blind.)  They marry AGAIN, much to the disgust of my grandmother...  Although, she had a delicate way about her, about wording things.  Well anyway, he turned out to be a total psycho, busting up the house on drunken nights...  Every six months...  I had that guy pegged.  I knew so much more than him, but I never let it show.  I let him think that he was "top dog."  Anyway, years pass, I change into this cynical, yet-still-friendly person, all the while the only thing keeping me together was my faith...  (That never changed...)  I go on...  Oh, by the way, I almost lost my VHS collection (including The Land Before Time; the first one I almost lost TWICE!) - and some other things - because the freak was always hocking things for money, for weed and alcohol!  He'd spend 600 bucks a month on weed alone!!  (Nowadays, we're fortunate enough to have 300 bucks to get us through the month...)  It eventuallly got out of hand; he gets hepatitis (incurable type; he was into all kinds of drugs on occasion); it's affecting my schooling, I hang around him just to keep him balanced when he's drunk - figuratively and literally; I mean, I'm not that strong, but the guy's a pipsqueak...  I finally told my mom, it was like I was in a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from.  THAT got her going.  Eventually, it's planned that they would divorce, and he would leave soon.  He stays PAST the leave date, and, I go up to my OTHER grandma's - the one that's still alive, 83 and still a spring chicken - where I'd spent most of my life...  Things get really ugly.  He wasn't even that drunk when he...  Tried to kill my mom...  It was THIS DATE, SIX YEARS AGO!  Oh my god!  ...It just hit me.  This was IT.  ............

Anyway...  Some years before that, one of the last times I remember watching The Land Before Time all the way through, was back about eleven years ago.  However, before that occured, I found out that the weasel had loaned out two of my VHS tapes; The Lion King, and, lo and behold, The Land Before Time.  The original.  Which I wanted to watch.  I had to explain that to him; he wasn't thinking about the sequels I had...  Anyway, so it turns out that he'd loaned them out to his nieces...  And later on, when I got IT back, he tells me that they fought over them; The Lion King was destroyed, and The Land Before Time came back without a case.  Doesn't sound like something THEY would do.  I think he got jealous and started doing it himself.  But, that tape - The Land Before Time...  ...If that isn't a sign of providence from on High that I'm supposed to have it, and learn from it, and be made into more of a childlike state because of it...  To have it almost taken, not once but TWICE - well, that's rather significant, don't you think?

Anyway...  Eleven years pass...  I grow up, and change...  Not watching anything from my collection.  Until, last year, around the time that college fell totally apart for me.  (I did graduate high school, though.  But just barely.  I wrote poetry; a compromise was made because the teacher thought I had skill.)  I was just sitting around, on the computer...  What else is new, kinda day.  When, out of the blue, I remembered...  That song...  At least, the chorus to, "If We Hold On Together."  ...It felt strangely...  Nostalgic.  To make a long story short...  The first time I saw The Land Before Time, after not seeing it for TEN years...  You know, I didn't remember hardly a single LINE from the WHOLE MOVIE, just bits and pieces.  The other movies in my collection?  To this day I haven't seen any of them, and I could quote you paragraphs FROM MEMORY.  PARAGRAPHS.  But...  ...I couldn't remember anything from The Land Before Time.  Seeing it again after ten years, I cried.  I just absolutely cried.  It always hurt when I saw Littlefoot's mother die, but...  Knowing how close I came to losing MY mother back in April 2002, was, a stunning comparison.  (And, a few months after, I almost lost her AGAIN, on a more permanent basis; it was too close...  This only intensified that moment in The Land Before Time for me...)  At the end of the movie, I cried too; this is a perfect example of what friends can do, if THEY hold on, together.  Helping each other out, along the way...  Littlefoot lost his mother, Cera lost her mother, who knows whatever happened to Petrie's dad, and Spike...  Well...  We all know about that...  But, in the end, they MAKE it to the Great Valley, after avenging the deaths caused by Sharptooth - including Littlefoot's mother...  It is...  One of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen to THIS DAY; it runs rings around everything else, in my book.  I've caught up with all the sequels; I like the way that Grosvenor took the series.  I admit I had to watch "The Wisdom of Friends" TWICE to finally get it because of the new director (Jamie Mitchell), and then, I couldn't get enough of it...!  Watching 10 made me cry too...  In particular, the song "Bestest Friend."  It, and the situation Littlefoot was presented with, just...  Shook me.  Still does, every time I watch it.  Five shook me somewhat too, during the song "Always There."  ...Poor Littlefoot...  ...There isn't hardly anything else I'd rather watch anymore, hardly even The Simpsons, which I also grew up on.  I can hardly handle death, either, despite the fact that I believe it is only the beginning...  I've had to put on a tough exterior, but I'm a marshmallow inside...

EDIT: Hmm...  It may have been my cousins, that I saw it through first!  After talking some more with my aunt...  Hmm...  The mystery only deepens!
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


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A detailed and sad story, though it does sound as if things did turn out for the better. Good luck.


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Thank you...  ...  ...  ...
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...

Cancerian Tiger

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Dang!  And to think I thought my life was tough :bang.  I'm sorry about your background, NeptuneNavigator2001, but I'm also happy things are improving.  LBT will help get ya through the day, and I'm glad ya never lost your interest in it :yes  :wave.


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Thank you, Cancerian Tiger...  It hasn't been easy; I may lose my mother again yet.  Years ago, back when that moron was still around, he got real mad, and actually THREW my mother DOWN, on a hardwood floor!  I was hiding scared, two rooms over, in the kitchen, on the other side of the wall...  Ready to bolt out the back door, I might add...  That was always what I had to do to survive.  *Petrie: Me a BIG scaredy-egg!*  *Yeah, I can relate; guess I'm just a yellow-bellied coward...* I also took stuff over to my grandma's (the one that's still alive) to keep his destructive little mitts away from 'em.  (Took my computer over there too, once, after getting it out of hock.)  Her hips lately, may have advanced arthritis.  ...She's lost all her fight, and I'm starting to slip because of her groaning and screaming...  Day in, day out...  For the past four months...  ...Ah...  Don't worry about me...  I'll be fine...  Yeah, LBT is about all I've got going for me now...  Besides listening to Jazz, which is "my new thing," although I've liked it for oh, about a year and a half; I sit here, listening to Miles Davis, a lot of the time; kinda partial to him...  Hope to get a Trumpet soon too, though, as brokeback poor as we are, I only really see money like, twice a year.  (I'll probably do a rendition of "If We Hold On Together;" maybe I'll even share it..)  Those things are keeping me sane, and my eternal King, Yahweh-shua.  (Although, I've been a slackey lackey about prayer these days...  And I'm ashamed of my lack.  VERY ashamed, but if you've been looking for missing Scripture books for two years, without finding some of them, well...  Anyway...)  I can only accept pity if I'm not cast in the spotlight; this isn't just about me, it's about everybody here.  I'm just sharing my story...  That rat's brother was the really good artist that blew us away with his minute details...  I still have one or two of his drawings...  Both of those men almost drove me to suicide; I threatened it twice because of that bullhead - in school nonetheless, indirectly - and thought about it once because of the "con" artist - on my 21st birthday, nonetheless.  That's right, you read it right - on my 21st birthday, I was in hell on earth, thinking about suicide.  I was never one to go that far, though.  I just wanted to get away...  I've written a poem or several about some of this stuff...  Perhaps, soon...  I'll upload them somwhere...  She's also one of the reasons why I want to write that document on the parallels between LBT and my life, but that sure isn't the only reason...  It does take courage to live...  It kind of reminds me of that song "If Only" from LBT 11 - living does take courage.  (That may be the only bit that would actually apply here, though.)  Don't worry; this Nazarene Hebrew (by birth and faith) won't go down without a fight!  ;)  :wave  :yes
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


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On the subject of mothers, mine died when I was two years old of complications from diabetes, so I never really knew her. Any animated sequence that features a mother, either in life or death, stirs emotions in me. When I was young, I never thought about her much, but as I've gotten older, I've sensed a void deep inside. My dad ended up marrying my mother's sister, so at least I had someone related to raise me, and who is still around. But yes, I do feel something is missing, that will never be filled. I have depression, so things have more of an emotional impact on me(I first started showing signs of it in 1996, and I'd never been more emotional than I have since then).  However, I'm also emotional in happiness, so joyful things can make me cry as much as sad things. :)  I have a rough exterior though, so I hate for anyone to see me cry.

I worship Mother Nature, and now when I think about it, that might be because of the loss of my mother. Perhaps on a subconscious level, I see Nature as my mother. But I'm just rambling now...


In 1989, I was six years old. Loved dinosaurs. Was absolutely nuts about them(still am, heehee--I became obsessed with JP when I saw it in the summer of 1993).  My folks ended up renting LBT, and I fell in love with it. It just became my favorite movie ever. I must have watched it at least three times, all in one day.

In hindsight, I don't know why I never got the video. Some years later, I heard of a LBT II, and became excited. But nothing came of that. I must have had a short memory span back then too, because I never looked further into it.

Sometime in the 2000's, I watched the original on Cartoon Network, and it took me back to my childhood. I remember wanting the soundtrack, since I was just getting into film soundtracks back then. I still want that soundtrack...

Then I dropped the subject AGAIN. How it kept flying from my memory, I'll never know.

I joined this place in 2004, but never really came here for LBT discussion. Now that I've read a few threads, made a few posts, I want to change that. I want to find the sequels on DVD, and especially the original(if need be, I'll buy it again if ever a Special Edition is released). Something has been reawakened in my soul, a feeling I thought I'd lost, and this time I'm going to capture it, and hold onto it.


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Quote from: InlÈ-rah,May 31 2008 on  01:48 AM
On the subject of mothers, mine died when I was two years old of complications from diabetes, so I never really knew her. Any animated sequence that features a mother, either in life or death, stirs emotions in me. When I was young, I never thought about her much, but as I've gotten older, I've sensed a void deep inside. My dad ended up marrying my mother's sister, so at least I had someone related to raise me, and who is still around. But yes, I do feel something is missing, that will never be filled. I have depression, so things have more of an emotional impact on me(I first started showing signs of it in 1996, and I'd never been more emotional than I have since then).  However, I'm also emotional in happiness, so joyful things can make me cry as much as sad things. :)  I have a rough exterior though, so I hate for anyone to see me cry.

I worship Mother Nature, and now when I think about it, that might be because of the loss of my mother. Perhaps on a subconscious level, I see Nature as my mother. But I'm just rambling now...


In 1989, I was six years old. Loved dinosaurs. Was absolutely nuts about them(still am, heehee--I became obsessed with JP when I saw it in the summer of 1993).  My folks ended up renting LBT, and I fell in love with it. It just became my favorite movie ever. I must have watched it at least three times, all in one day.

In hindsight, I don't know why I never got the video. Some years later, I heard of a LBT II, and became excited. But nothing came of that. I must have had a short memory span back then too, because I never looked further into it.

Sometime in the 2000's, I watched the original on Cartoon Network, and it took me back to my childhood. I remember wanting the soundtrack, since I was just getting into film soundtracks back then. I still want that soundtrack...

Then I dropped the subject AGAIN. How it kept flying from my memory, I'll never know.

I joined this place in 2004, but never really came here for LBT discussion. Now that I've read a few threads, made a few posts, I want to change that. I want to find the sequels on DVD, and especially the original(if need be, I'll buy it again if ever a Special Edition is released). Something has been reawakened in my soul, a feeling I thought I'd lost, and this time I'm going to capture it, and hold onto it.
I can completely relate to you, Inle-rah.  (Well, except about the Mother Nature thing, anyway.  But, everything else, spot on, pretty much.)  You're not alone...  Get the sequels, and tune yourself into that passion!  I did, and it has done WONDERS for me!  ...Could I even begin to describe the good things that have come about in my heart, since February 15th, 2007?  No...  I cannot...  So, I can completely relate to ya, Inle-rah.  I hope to see you around more often!  Hey...  Maybe on MSN, too?  I'm on there more than the forum these days...
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


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Well, my story is a little bit bizarre.  Apparently, my primary school showed us all the original Land Before Time a few times when I was little, but I have no memory of this, so it's difficult to say whether that had any lasting impact.  I certainly knew of the film and its sequels, but that was it.  

At any rate, early this year I was looking through a rack of discounted DVDs at Target, and saw LBT 11 and 12.  If I recall correctly, my reaction was something the lines of "They're still making sequels to that?"  (Don't kill me yet, I'm going somewhere with this)

A couple of months later, I was looking through the kids' DVDs section at Kmart for some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DVDs (which I didn't find), when I saw the DVD of the original Land Before Time for $16 Australian, which is a decent price for a DVD over here.  I half-considered buying it then and there, but for some reason I can't quite remember, I didn't.  A few days later, I still couldn't get that spectacular cover out of my head, as well as the mention of Lucas and Spielberg on the back.  I decided to take a punt on the film, and bought it.  It actually wound up costing me only $9, which I still consider the best $9 I ever spent.  

It took me a few days to get around to watching it, as my parents' TV was broken so I was renting mine out to them.  When I finally watched it, it skipped to a ridiculous extent right near the end (still does occasionally, but a clean fixes it up), but I loved what I saw.  I was finally able to see the ending properly after I cleaned it with my proper CD/DVD cleaner, which took a bit of time.  Once I'd seen the whole thing I absolutely loved it.  The film simply has all the stuff I love in animated films - charming characters, great animation, great music, loads of emotion (I generally cry a few times whenever I watch it) and that undefinable "x-factor" that somehow raises things above the pack.  

I was hesitant to get into the sequels - I'd watched the sing-along sequences contained on the DVD of the original and been less than impressed.  When Target put the films on sale, however, I couldn't help myself.  I wound up buying all of them, and am pleasantly surprised.  None of them are as good as the original, of course, but they've got their own appeal.

Sharptooh #436

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Someone bought me the fifth movie, I watched, and I soon bought the other movies.


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Came to think that I haven't told my story yet.

Sit back, relax, enjoy the... fright?

NOTE: My whole life hasn't been LBT only. I've had and have tones of other hobbies/interessts. Just so that you know before reading. ;)

Where to begin?

My absolute first encounter with The Land Before Time was in June 1998, at Gotland, an island in the Baltic Sea where we used to spend some weeks during the summer holidays. I don't know the exact date. But hey, I was close! :^.^:

Anyway, me and my little sister, I was 7, made some friends there, a boy and a girl, same ages as both me and my sis.
They lived not to far from our cottage, so we became good friends.
Now, one day when we was playing in their garden, the girl came running out of their house and said to us that Littlefoot was on TV.
Once we got inside and placed us infront of the TV, we could see that it was a cartoon dinosaur movie of some sort.
That was, The Land Before Time V - The Mysterious Island. (1997) Yeah, that was the very first movie I saw.
We saw it, and I belive we enjoyed it alot. I did most of us, as I was dinosaur fanatic.
But, it was still just another movie in a long series of kid movies.
So, that was the first encounter with LBT, no big deal.

Moving forward, 1999.
At this time, I belive I was 8 years old.
One day at school, they showed LBT movies from time to time.
Why? I guess because we had "play breaks", and that some kid had the movies and decided to take it to school.
And saw them we did: LBT III, LBT IV and LBT V again.
Ofcourse, it was good kid's movies. So naturaly, everyone enjoyed them.
Still, no biggie.
But to me it was.
I really, really liked it. I mean, I loved it!
Why I didn't nag my parents to buy me the movies... I have no idea.
Maybe because I had other interessts aswell. Such as playing James Bond with finger pistols! :lol:

Ok, time for a break.
No further encounter with LBT untill 2000 - 2002. Here, I don't know the exact year.
But I know that we went to some friends to lend some movies.
Along with titles that I don't remember, we lended two LBT movies.
LBT I and II.
Of all those movies we had lend, those were the ones I watched the most.
My sis watched it to, but she was more interessted in another Bluth Movie acctually: Anastasia.
But for me, Littlefoot and the gang was everything!
I remember one particular event:
My sister and I, plus two friends were suppose to stay home alone because mum and dad were invited to some adult party.
We were bored and asked what we should do?
My mum said, watch a movie or something. You have "Littleman" to watch.
I stepped in and said: "No mum, that's Littlefoot!"  :^.^:

So we watch them that evening. (I and II)
But as for everything that you lend, you're supposed to give it back once in a while, right?
By that time, I guess I was dissapointed, but it was no biggie either. I don't know why. But I think that it was during this period that my real lobe for LBT started for real.

Now for the longest break.

No LBT for years!
Ofcourse, I saw pictures in town, new releases etc. I also saw it in some of my friend's homes. But I didn't mind.

Untill, I think it was 2005. Yes it must have been, because LBT XI was out.
I really can't remember where it exactly started.
But I thought more and more about LBT for some reason.
I got more and more back to it.
So I went onto the net and did some searching.
LBT XI out? Eleven!? Already?
I started to watch clips on Youtube and saved pictures on my PC.
The more I got, the more I wanted.

But... And this is where I'll tell the dark parts of my story. Listen closely, it's not often I speak about it.

You know kids? They can be pretty mean.
I had some years in school that was a real nightmare.
I was being bullied, treated bad by girls, acused for things I wasn't.
This really torned me down...
I became more and more shy infront of other kids.
But started to evolve a bigger interessts for adults.
I've always had easy to speak with adults, and  eversince daycare, I've shown more independence, more adult behaviour than any of my classmates/friends.
The backside of it? Didn't make much friends... And the only way of getting some atention, was to play a fool... I tell you, most of my childhood... I want to forget it. Badly. It haunts me...
So, with this, you can guess that I was very shy to tell anyone about my liking for LBT...
I belive that I was sure to be bullied again, for the reason of LBT would be considered childish when you're 13, 14.
So I kept it a secret. No one knew. Not even my own family. The ones that I should trust above anyone else!
That pain... A pure torture...

But, I did not give up LBT.
Everytime I saw anything related to it, or heard someone mention it, my heart made a jump!

So it continued with the Youtube clips etc.

But one day, I was with two friends in town. I was 15.
We went to Movieline. A place where they told me that one could find and buy any movie.
At Movieline, I discovered that they had the LBT movies in stock.
Took some huuuuuge deep breaths and meditating phrases before I took the courage to walk into the kid section, grabbed LBT I, before quick as a fox blend it together with "Eagles Nest", "Shrek 2", Pink Panther" and "Blazing Saddles"!
Outside, my friends demanded to see what I'd bought.
Ofcourse, they saw the LBT DVD.
I said it was for my sister. (I hate and regret that I did!).
They payed no mind. One of them said like: "Oh that one. I saw it as a kid."

When I got home, I waited until 14. 14:00 middle of night!! Before I got up and watched LBT I.
And that night, I was forever caught. Heat of the moment! Yes, I did all the usual LBT fan stuff, such as cry when Littlefoots mother died, and at the end credits with Diana Ross's "If we hold on togheter".  :(  :^.^:

I kept the DVD far in the back of my bookshelf. I feel so weak and pathetic when I think about it...

Moving on.
Still, no one knew about my passion. My sis knew that I had the first DVD, but payed it no mind.

Now, something, like a milstolpe, occured.
I found the GoF!  :yes  At the 28th of March 2008.
And you all know that story by now.  :nyah

And thank god for that. I don't have to tell you how much I love this place, so lets move on.

With GoF, my self encouragement raised.
I went and bought LBT II and III.
First time I had watched LBT II since those days in 1 grade.
I meet all these lovely people here!  :^.^:
Trough that, I grew even more.
I decided to buy two LBT DVD's per month.
Soon I had LBT IV and LBT V in my collection.
Loved it. Some of the best months of my life this spring!  :)

I think the next event (and the most recent) is when I meet Nimrod (Patrick).
He was the first one that I told this whole story for aswell.
When he was here, I also bought the rest of the LBT DVD's.
To be sure, as by that time, I feared they were about to go out of stock, as the LBT office had closed.  :bang
Patrick told me his story aswell, and listended to me.
And for the first time in my life...
I got to watch the LBT movies with a friend. A friend that loves LBT aswell...
I really grew...

Patrick left after a week, and yes, I cried. :o
But that week, is one the top three of the best weeks in my life.

End of story!

Here I stand now, writing this extremly long post. Sorry!  :wave
By now, my closest friends knows about my passion and love about LBT.
One of them, proved that he was a real friend when I told him. As we sat down and discussed it a whole night. Not about LBT (he doesn't exactly like it) but about why I liked it, and why it meant so much to me. He also had equal expericences with the anim'e Naruto. He accepeted me for who I am. A real friend, and I feel sorry that I was nervous to tell him...

By now, my room's crowded with LBT stuff. I've made most of it myself though!  :)
I've made my own fanvids, RPG, and have fanfiction ideas.
My family knows about it, so does my sis and my cousin.
Some other friends do aswell.
I still avoid to watch or talk about LBT in public. But I think that I really don't have to. And when I bring the laptop to school, it doesn't have an LBT desktop.

Well, this is my story.

I can't thank the people who've helped me trough this enough.
That is, the whole GoF.
But some have played a bigger part than others.
These people know who they are. And I'm not favorizing anyone.

But I take the chance to thank Patrick here.
Thank you for everything. I can't thank you enough.
And I really long for Silvretta in January!    :^.^:
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


  • Spike
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Oh, Gustav!
I'm sorry that you have been bullied!
I've gone through the same thing, and still going through it!
Of course not for the same reason...
I know it can be tough! I'm glad you made it through!!
After reading your story, you've proved to me that I will make it through...
I've always thought so, but now I'm positive! If you can do it, I know I can!!


  • Cera
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I'm glad that I could give you some encouragement Linda.  :)
Keep the spirit up!
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


  • Spike
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I will Gustav!

And to stay on topic!
I'll add my story tomorrow...Right now I feel like doing random posting!


  • Chomper
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mah lbt-story...
i can't remember very much from me past. it isn't special or anything, like NeptuneNavigator's...just one of the two most important stories of mah life, thou very short.

i was born in 1991, so i missed the theatrical release(don't think there was one in germany, anyway)
and i wasn't lucky enough to see it in school. it happened accidentally, like one could say, but there are no accidents: between the age of 6 and 10 i watched almost everything calling cartoon. eventually i saw the 1988 land before time movie. and i was like "...woah..." (i cannot describe the feeling, cuz i didn't know it back then, but i hope ya know what i mean...because i don't). during those years the sequels from 2 to 5 were shown on cable TV quite often, so i got them recorded on very old tapes (which i made useless by watching) German dub, of course. it was great and probably influenced me subconsciously. around the time the tapes turned into rubbish, i sadly forgot completely everything about lbt. until i read about movie 8 showing on cable (i been obviously missed 6 and 7). it was nice watching it. that might be...2 years ago...maybe 3. i didn't know about the following sequels.

we jump to the time around two months ago. somehow the thought appeared in me mind: land before time...there has been somethin...
so i got all of them and i was surprised by the number of movies they made. i went through a marathon, and here we reach the point, in which i explain the importance, that marathon pulled me out of a hell of a depression.
and here i am now, alive, 17 years old, and thanks to people like don bluth and judy freudberg and all of you of the gof (special thanks to Nimrod and Mumbling), i feel the happiest boy alive.


  • Timeless Wanderer
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  • Ducky
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I'm glad for you, Shinji-Lee..  And Gustav, wow, that was an amazing story of overcoming... :)

Yeah, Iris, she's...  Very special to me as well; she's helped me in so many ways, I can't describe it all...  I'd give up anything and everything for her... :^.^: No limits on that...  Even, well...  Yeah, my life...  ...She's become the sister I never had...

And I'm honored and humbled you made mention of me...  Heh...  But as far as being "special," hmm...  I dunno... :p Hmm, thanks...
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...