The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Award Voting 2019


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Don’t forget to elaborate on your choices for the awards @UnionRags123, because I don’t know if this would qualify.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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 Fanart: not active in this section, so I'll SKIP
 Roleplaying: This one is a tough one, since both brekclub and LettucebaconandTomato are active in the rps i'm in, in fact they basically are the only other active rpers in the random section.  What breaks the tie, in my view, is that fact that LBT votes in the awards and brekclub  doesnt. so my vote is LettuceBAconAndTomato.
 Feedback:. Frankly it's Rhombus ,  since hes been very active on both the forum and Discord.
 Friendly: while there are lots of friendly people on here, my vote has to go to Mumbling. she's always welcoming to to new members and that deserves recognition.
 Proactove: My vote goes to Sovereign for his acquiring the early draft of the LBT VI script, which was really cool.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:

The Chronicler

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Having struggled to set aside enough time this month for these votes, I'll just get them out of the way as quickly as possible right now while I have the chance.

Fanart Award: Flathead770
Seeing him display an art piece for each of the featured character months (be it newly made just for the event, or an old one that happens to fit the theme) helps remind me that he's still one of the best fanartists we have around here.

Feedback Award: Anagnos
Whenever I see feedback on fanart and fanfiction, the two big names I usually see in providing highly detailed reviews with helpful advice are Sovereign and Anagnos, and since the former has already gotten quite a few votes, I'll give my vote to the latter.

Friendly Member Award: StardustSoldier
This vote is mostly based on the amount of activity I've seen in the Ask Me section, where StardustSoldier and ImpracticalDino have been willing to speak with many members on a personal level. My decision to give my vote to the former is for what I perceive to be a slightly greater ability to ask the kinds of questions that start up friendly conversations, though the latter should definitely deserve some credit here as well.

Proactive Award: Mumbling
Arguably one of the most notable projects of this past year has been the creation of new LBT emotes, which Mumbling played a key role in organizing, so I have to give credit where it's due.

Role Play Gamer Award: skip
Not active in that section, so no vote here.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Lone Dragon

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Fanart Award: There been a lot of art that I really enjoy on the forum this year and for me it was all down to Darkwolf and Flathead. I think they have both done great pieces of art and both are constantly trying to improve however I can only vote for one and due to the fact that he has far more quantity of art while also keeping great quality I am voting for Flathead770.

Feedback Award: One thing that is constant for both artists and authors alike is the effective critic and feedback we get and this year there have been a few more people like Owls, Diddy and Anagos starting to review things along with the old hand like Ducky, Rhombus and Sovereign. So my vote is going to the one that I am believe that the one who has offered the most thoughtful reviews fill with constructive criticism and positive reinforcement and that would be Sovereign

Friendly Member Award: This is nearly always the hardest award to decide. How do you singe out the friendly member when everyone is friendly? I'd chose everyone on the forum if I could. Narrowing it down I am going to vote for Mumbling. She has been a great friend on both the discord server and forum as ever and is always willing to help out anyone who needs it.

Proactive Award: I think there is only one person that gets this award this year and that's Mumbling. She's been working on so many projects including the monopoly, managing the forum and discord server as well as hosting the LBT 6 screening. She's been very active this year so she gets my vote.

Role Play Gamer Award: This is also a tricky one as the LBT RPs have been moving but far ore slowly then last year. My vote is torn between Sovereign and Rhombus. Both have continued to post in their RPs and with thoughtful responses so it is incredibly tricky to decide who to give it to (I could go for Nick but he's nearly always getting this award and I don't really follow his RPs anymore). It's close but I'm going to give my vote to Sovereign.   
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Quick reminder to vote if you wanted to and didn't do so yet - there are 3 days left :)


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Fanart - Flathead770 gets this award with his latest picture of Brootie, the avenging Yellowbelly. The shading, pose and expressions all combine to make a new twist on the much maligned Yellowbellies and reinforce the fact that Brootie is a dangerous fellow. 

Roleplay - Nick gets this award for running the longest running RP on the forum and being one of the few consistently active people in the now substantially slowed down RP section.

Proactive - Mumbling gets this award with all her work in keeping the forum and Discord running smoothly.

Friendly - Rhombus is always one to mediate disputes, welcome new members and is all around a very pleasant person.
Feedback - Sovereign is always one to comment on fanfiction and fanart alike, offering his opinions and feedback in a straightforward but polite manner.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2019, 09:41:07 PM by Serris »

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Role Play Gamer: Nick22-I've rped with him a lot and he's been very friendly and creative with what we've worked on.

Proactive: Mumbling-She's been very active on the forums and has helped with a lot of the new concepts on it.

Fanart: Flathead770. I've enjoyed their LBT Yu-Gi-Oh cards project (as i am a big fan of that franchise as well), so they get my vote.

Friendly: Rhombus-He's managed to help out with issues here on GOF and always tries his best to be a peacekeeper.

Feedback: Rhombus-He's helped me work out some story ideas I have been planning.


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Hey all! Sorry these reasons are so brief, I completely forgot about this and have some other work due tonight x.x

Fanart award: It’s gotta be Flathead770! Flathead has deserved to win this award for a long time, and I’m constantly impressed by his improvement and the amount of art that he creates.

Feedback award: Unfortunately I have not been active enough to know who to vote for here, so SKIP

Friendly Member Award: Another SKIP for me for the same reason, I’ll be sure to vote for the appreciated member!

Proactive Award: Mumbling! She has started so many interesting projects this year, and is constantly following up to make sure they get completed!

Role Play Gamer: Rhombus! He has been very active in making sure people know whose turn to post it is, and in keeping old RPs alive in general.


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Given my recent return to this forum as an almost daily visitor as opposed to a lurker who would occasionally post his fanfictions but hardly do anything else, I have decided to vote in this year's awards after all after careful consideration. Having seen some of the recent activity now, I think I can make a decision on a few categories after all.


In terms of the fanart sub-forum, there has been little change in comparison to last year. Well, of course I have stopped doing art for the most part and we've got a few new artists but, relevant for the voting, there are only two people who I can consider voting for seriously and those are Flathead770 and Darkwolf91. Darkwolf never fails to stun us with her skills in the  field of digital art and Flathead has done a few really amazing pieces for the fanart prompt challenge in traditional pencils and contributed a few really amazing emotes which have made it into my arsenal quite easily  :bestsharptooth :bestsharptooth :bestsharptooth :bestsharptooth

I'm going to vote for Flathead770 due to the fact that he has been more consistent with his activity and submissions.


Arguably the hardest choice for me this year. We have so many writers lately that it's impossible for me to read everything that's uploaded but even more so we have quite a handful of amazing people who share their opinion (be it positive or not, praise or constructive feedback) on almost every piece of literature submitted to the forum with utmost dedication. Most arguably, rhombus and Sovereign have been very reliable reviewers for a very long time now (which goes not only for the many fanfics but for the fanart submitted as well!) and with Anagnos we have another very frequent and helpful reviewer join their ranks. It is for this reason and the fact that Anagnos' reviews are not only frequent but high in quality and very helpful, that I will give him my vote this year. Way to go Anagnos:duckyhappy

Friendly Member:

The questionable joy of voting close to the deadline (something that has arguably become a habit of mine over the years  :lol ) is that one's vote can have the power of breaking ties. Both rhombus, Stardust and Mumbling deserve the vote bt for the latter two there's a tie for the runner-up and I don't want to be the one who ruins their chance so I will not vote for either of them and postpone that decision to the tiebreakers for now.

I would like to award someone else though who has also shown that he is very well worthy of the title. Actually, make that two people but I can only award one of them of course. My vote will go to Anagnos here as well for his welcoming and friendly behavior not only here on the forum but on the discord chat as well. Additionally, I would like to mention ImpracticalDino here whose activity on the forum has been quite scary to say the least.  :lol I haven't seen a lot of the earlier activity of his but from what I've seen he has shown some impressive friendly and welcoming behavior on the forum  :yes


While I agree that Mumbling has had a huge part in many recent projects (most of which I haven't really been involved with due to my inactivity) I would like to give a shout out to two other members whose inspiration I have perceived as quite proactive and, arguably, have helped me find back to this place. StardustSoldier has helped bringing two dead roleplay ideas back to life and UnionRags has been the one to initiate them (as well as a few fun party games) which have both helped me personally to get back into becoming a regular visitor here. I'd just like to thank the two of you for that with this shoutout here  ;)Cera

My vote still goes to Mumbling though, because there is no real alternative in my opinion, she just deserves it!


I will SKIP due to my inactivity in the roleplay area for much of the previous year. The recent events aren't enough to justify a vote and I'd rather like to see how some of the recent developments are going to unfold which means I will hopefully be able to vote in this category in 2020  :^^spike
Inactive, probably forever.