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An Attempted Map Of The Lands

Almaron · 44 · 17995


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I have watched each of the films and made tiny notes at crucial points in an attempt to draw a map of the Great Valley and the surrounding areas. I haven't yet uploaded a map, but I will draw a text description.

Lands Around GV:
N: Mountains
NE: Water from 3 (within Mts), Barren lands/Berry Valley.
E: Barren Lands from 1.
SE: Smoking Mountains.
S: Smoking Mounts and desert.
SW: Desert, then Land Of Mists)
W: Desert, and Movie 5 lands
NW: Mountain routes, and Movie 9 lands.
(That was written presuming the mountain chain runs N-S. Looking at maps, and judging by scenes in 1 and 4, the chain may really run NNW-SSE.)

Now follows my reasoning. (WARNING: LENGTHY NOTES FOLLOW) Please note, since some movies show areas that don’t necessarily fit together, I have changed a few things to fit them better. For example, Sun placement has not always been noted.

First of all, what we know from the first film is that the eastern lands are barren, the north and south are divided by a large chasm, and a large mountain chain runs north-south in the west. This is where the great valley is.

Now, lets look at the main dinosaurs, and where they were found. Personally, I think the GV was located in Western America, as an older feature of the Rocky Mountains. Look at this map:US Cretaceous Map
Taking some liberties with the surrounding areas, that could easily be the world of LBT.

Triceratops was only located in Western America. Apatosaurs, Stegosaurs and Pteranodons were also found here. Saurolophus was too, but the Asian species which had a longer crest fits Ducky's look better. However, there was a land bridge connecting Asia and America in the north, so her family could have migrated.

Now, lets look at the knowledge that we got in each film.

In the first film, we know that there are two mountain lines to the east. One is the barrier that stops Sharptooth following them. Behind this is the Longneck statue. Then, there is the other mountain line that Littlefoot pushes Cera down to fight in. Over the hill down there is the Great Valley. To the left (South) are "Mountains That Burn"; these are presumably the same as the Smoking Mountains. The tiny lake that they defeat sharptooth at is located near the GV (You can see the rock on the plateau over the lake when Littlefoot sees his mother in the clouds. The film originally had this scene earlier.) As for the Great Valley, one thing that must remain consistent, is that a waterfall flows into the valley, and a river runs from it, East To West.

The second film doesn't show much outside the valley, apart from the large area of tar and skeletons which appears to be the same place as the smoking mountains in the first film. As for the route that is taken to get there, it looks as if they followed Ozzy and Strut over the mountains surrounding the GV, travelling south towards the Smoking Mountains, before returning through the area created by the rockfall; a passage to the east.

The third film gives the waterfall a name; The Thundering Falls. When the trapped water is found, it takes up a large area (this may be flooded land). It must be near the falls, and the land to the southeast has been mapped, that means that the water must be to the northeast, probably further north than east, to provide room for the adults to reach the valley (In the first movie)

Four and Five are a bit confusing. Four shows the valley emerging from the mountain chain into a desert peppered with rocks. Across from these (Apparently West) are high rocks that border the Land Of Mists.

Five also shows a vast area of desert, although in some areas it appears to be desolate land. This could be east, but I doubt that the characters would ever return there, and also in Nine, Cera remarks that they went “Right” at the Smoking Mts. The explanation? The land is desolate, recently wrecked by the locusts.

Six shows the area where Saurus Rock is located. This is an interesting area. First of all, in Grandpa Longneck’s story, he claims that Saurus Rock, and the area where the attack took place, were a part of the Great Valley. If you ask me, it once was an area of the valley, but was abandoned for lack of safety, or a later event that made it unsafe, such as an earthquake. For a mountain line that big, plus with volcanos, the GV must be on a faultline (This could be the San Andreas Fault, following my Western America theory).

Seven is interesting as it shows that the GV is not completely bordered by mountains. The GOF cross a gorge over a river that divides the Valley and the Smoking Mountains, and Threehorn Peak. The river is seen to go over into fertile lands. Presumably, this area, and Threehorn Peak, are to the south, past the dangerous areas of the first film.

The flashback in their film is also interesting. Presumably, the great divide stretched all the way to the mountains, otherwise the families could have reunited easily. Pterano leads his group to a small canyon in the south (left) while the others continue their trek (right).

Eight shows that there is a mountain route to the valley. Since all other directions have already been shown, this must be a northern route. There is also a tall mountain that is apparently used as a landmark. This would make up part of the western wall of the GV.

Nine shows more waterfalls, but this is a result of the rains. Interestingly, an Earthquake destroys one small part of the Valley, creating a gorge. As for the route, Presumably, the GOF are travelling west with Mo.

Ten is interesting, as their route appears to go through the Land Of Mists. Both 4 and 10 go through a high rocky area, and then a misty swamp. The longneck herd in movie 10 go further. This places the LOM to the SW. Further south is the longneck canyon.

11 shows nothing new, just the same dead lands of the smoking mountains. Presumably, their cave is located to the SE.

12 is just a barren land, that could be many areas. Since they go past an active volcanic area, it is probably south, or possibly the area created by the earthquake in 9.

13 is interesting. The land we see when they first enter the mysterious beyond doesn’t match any of the sequels yet, so it must be the lands to the north of the divide. Berry Valley is located far to the north, though slightly to the east of the GV.

Okay, that’s enough for now. I have more, but it can be difficult adapting my notes to computer form. I’ll post more later.


  • The Circle
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Interesting.  Maybe some others here who have attempted to do the same can compare notes with you and you can all compare notes to each other.


  • Spike
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Oh yeah, and I forgot to add:

The time I think the GV is in is not near the extinction point. Note, the end of the first film has the narrator state that "Generations upon Generations" passed down the stories of their ancestors. Since some species would have been extinct at different times, we can assume that the movies take place during a fictional time, such as Mid-Late Cretaceous.

Another thing is that whatever the time is, the land is going through some changes, as evidenced in movies 1, 4, 8, and 9. This could explain the change in some lands.

Something else of note is that Grandpa Longneck claims to have lived in the valley as a hatchling in 6. We see that he knows what locusts are, so maybe they decimated the valley years ago, and he left to the east. There is nothing that says that the Great Valley was always known by that name.

Also, in his story, there is a focus on Longnecks. This could reflect the segregation that would have been rampant in his youth, or it could mean that the valley was once home to Longnecks. The latter seems unlikely, as there is a Threehorn and a Bigmouth visible, plus Thicknose, the oldest inhabitant, remembered multiple herds in the valley. This raises the question of whether or not Grandpa Longneck and him knew eachother. Of course, they could have lived at opposite ends of the valley (Come to think of it, were there any Longnecks in his flashback?)


  • Spike
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Found something new!

This webpage has realistic maps of the world from the Cretaceous to the Precambrian at major events! We could easily use these to map the world!

Rectangular Global Maps

The Chronicler

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Awesome link!

If you hadn't found those maps, I would have suggested these:

But the ones you found look even better. :yes

(Just to give you my opinion, I've always imagined the LBT movies taking place about one million years before the K/T extinction. (This allows plenty of time for the "generations upon generations", and is at a time when dinosaurs like T-Rex were around.) Since only one million years worth of continental drift is hardly noticeable, I've used the map from the K/T extinction. (ignoring the impact site, of course))

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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A very thorough and methodically detailed analysis, Almaron. :yes It’s inspired me to share my own attempts at pinpointing the locations of various LBT landmarks. Some disclaimers of my own before I begin: Firstly, many of my observations and opinions conflict with those you have shared, so please excuse me if my comments bear the slightest indication of rudeness; I assure you that I did not intend them to. Secondly, rather than being based on notes I have written down, most of these details I am recalling from memory. Thirdly, it is entirely possible that I have overlooked some details which may potentially nullify my assertions. If this turns out to be the case, bring on the humble pie. :p And finally, it should go without saying that the disparities between my interpretations and yours (or anybody’s, for that matter) can only be expected, as much of the LBT world’s pre-established geography is almost certainly not taken into account by the filmmakers whenever a new movie is made. That said, please forgive me for the amount of nitpicking in this post:

As for the Great Valley, one thing that must remain consistent, is that a waterfall flows into the valley, and a river runs from it, East To West.
Curiously, the valley appears to be fed by TWO waterfalls; one from the east where the gang first enters it, and another at the far end in the west. (I interpreted the latter to be the Thundering Falls, as the gang did not pass the vast mountain reservoirs seen in LBT III, and the falls they came across looked a lot smaller.) Clearly the Great Valley must absorb water like a sponge (maybe that’s why it dried up so fast in LBT III :p), or else it had some sort of drainage system even before the topography-rearranging events of movie IX; otherwise it would be known as the Great Lake. :p

The second film doesn't show much outside the valley, apart from the large area of tar and skeletons which appears to be the same place as the smoking mountains in the first film.
I don’t think the location in the Mysterious Beyond seen in LBT II is a tar pit; probably just a stagnant pool of water situated over a volcanic vent (explaining the bubbles). I doubt the snake/lizard/aigialosaur-like creature briefly seen swimming through it could have so easily done so if it were tar. :p The skeletons seen there could have belonged to dinosaurs that simply didn’t make it to the Great Valley as a result of starvation or being ambushed by sharpteeth, or even succumbed to an eruption of volcanic fumes (a creepy thought... :unsure). My point being, I don’t think this is near the tar pits from the first movie. It still could be near where the gang entered the valley, though (i.e., in the east): Ducky’s family’s nest is shown as being relatively close by (Ducky was the first member of the gang to reunite with her family), and it’s conceivable that the migrating herds entered the valley from the same direction, sealing the opening behind them so that sharpteeth couldn’t follow. (Admittedly, my reasoning here is largely conjectural.)

The Smoking Mountain, seen in movie II and referenced in III, is presumably in the west, as Grandma Longneck states that the sun will touch it when it is the longnecks’ turn for water, and at the time it already appears to be too late in the day for the sun to have not touched it yet on its morning ascent into the sky.

If my assumption that the Thundering Falls is located at the west end of the valley is correct, then the parts of the Mysterious Beyond seen in LBT III must also be in that direction. My belief is that it is northwest (the ledge from which the gang first discovers that the water is blocked being in the north).

Five also shows a vast area of desert, although in some areas it appears to be desolate land. This could be east, but I doubt that the characters would ever return there, and also in Nine, Cera remarks that they went “Right” at the Smoking Mts. The explanation? The land is desolate, recently wrecked by the locusts.
Locusts don’t eat wood; :p only the soft parts of plants. I think that that place really was a desert, and that the dinosaurs were simply forced to pass through it in their search for a new home. However, I agree with you in that the locations seen in movie V are probably either west or southwest of the Great Valley.

Ten is interesting, as their route appears to go through the Land Of Mists. Both 4 and 10 go through a high rocky area, and then a misty swamp. The longneck herd in movie 10 go further. This places the LOM to the SW. Further south is the longneck canyon.
I personally doubt that the swamp in LBT X is the Land of Mists; probably just a similar-looking region. Same goes for the rocky area.

Something else of note is that Grandpa Longneck claims to have lived in the valley as a hatchling in 6. We see that he knows what locusts are, so maybe they decimated the valley years ago, and he left to the east. There is nothing that says that the Great Valley was always known by that name.
Unless you're thinking of a different line (in which case I’m missing something :confused), what he actually said was that his own grandfather had told him stories about Saurus Rock. That could mean that one of Grandpa Longneck's ancestors lived in the Great Valley, but not necessarily him. It's even possible that his grandfather or grandfather's ancestor had heard about Saurus Rock from other longnecks who had been to the Great Valley or heard the story themselves from OTHER longnecks that had been there. Inherited stories appear to be a cultural characteristic of longnecks, and indeed all dinosaurs in LBT (obviously, considering they have no other means of passing on information besides word of mouth :p).

That’s about all I’ve got for now. ;)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Spike
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Hmm, I'm going to have to go over some of my notes again. Thanks for the notes though! And yes, it is confusing when each of the movies contradict eachother (4 being the worst, with that huge desert). I'm really bad at typing things, so I hope I don't sound grumpy or anything.

I forgot to say in my earlier post that there is another waterfall, it is the one that Guido and Tria almost fall off in 12. Is that what you meant by the west waterfall? That could easily drain the water of the valley.

As for the Thundering Falls, I assumed since only one waterfall is seen in the first film, and we know it is in the west that the water would be somewhere near there, maybe to the north, as the south had been explored. I think that there was only one waterfall initially, but over time, with the lands changing, more became part of the valley. There is that one lake seen in the credits of 1, and plenty of new waterfalls seen in 9, as a result of the flooding. We know Littlefoot's family lives near the falls, from films like 4 (bathing) and 9 (In the background). The morning sun is behind the falls in that shot, so presumably those are the falls he entered on.

Come to think of it, all their families may live near the falls, judging by how quickly they reunited.

I don’t think the location in the Mysterious Beyond seen in LBT II is a tar pit; probably just a stagnant pool of water situated over a volcanic vent (explaining the bubbles). I doubt the snake/lizard/aigialosaur-like creature briefly seen swimming through it could have so easily done so if it were tar.  The skeletons seen there could have belonged to dinosaurs that simply didn’t make it to the Great Valley as a result of starvation or being ambushed by sharpteeth, or even succumbed to an eruption of volcanic fumes (a creepy thought... :unsure). My point being, I don’t think this is near the tar pits from the first movie. It still could be near where the gang entered the valley, though (i.e., in the east): Ducky’s family’s nest is shown as being relatively close by (Ducky was the first member of the gang to reunite with her family), and it’s conceivable that the migrating herds entered the valley from the same direction, sealing the opening behind them so that sharpteeth couldn’t follow. (Admittedly, my reasoning here is largely conjectural.)

Ducky's family could have been located close to the waterfall in the first film, as she found them relatively quickly. And it looked pretty similar to the area from the first film (which was located to the south of the valley); I'm sure the filmmakers were trying to be similar. But yes, it isn't as vicious as the lava pits seen in the film.
My reasoning for that area being to the south (or southeast) comes from the first film, where Littlefoot continues ahead, while the others go to the left. If you watch the scene with his mothers ghost (Which originally went next, according to the deleted scenes), you can see that he is at formation on the top of the hill (same slopy and raggedy rocks) and below him is the plateau with the rock waiting to fall on Sharptooth. Presumably, this places the smoking area to the south.

I remember from one of my notes that when the GOF return through the gorge with chompers egg, the sun is behind them. Of course, the sun is all over the place in the LBT films, and should be considered conjectural at best (In 9, it starts over the falls, and then again over Mo in a matter of minutes.) Plus, that gorge took them near the tar-like dead zone, which could make that area an entrance to the Burning area.

The Smoking Mountain, seen in movie II and referenced in III, is presumably in the west, as Grandma Longneck states that the sun will touch it when it is the longnecks’ turn for water, and at the time it already appears to be too late in the day for the sun to have not touched it yet on its morning ascent into the sky.

If my assumption that the Thundering Falls is located at the west end of the valley is correct, then the parts of the Mysterious Beyond seen in LBT III must also be in that direction. My belief is that it is northwest (the ledge from which the gang first discovers that the water is blocked being in the north).

My main criticism with that is that the Thundering Falls appears to be the main water source, and I assume that's how Littlefoot entered the valley. If that was a lesser fall, even that would still be delivering water if the main was stopped.

I missed that line of Grandma's when mapping areas, thanks for posting that! Of  course, since the valley is in a mountain chain, volcanos could be all over the place. Littlefoot's mother called the area the "Mountains that Burn", I just assumed they were part of the Smoking Mts. Maybe the mts that burn is the nasty place from 1, and the smoking mts the other places?

I personally doubt that the swamp in LBT X is the Land of Mists; probably just a similar-looking region. Same goes for the rocky area.

Yeah, it was a bit of a long shot. I just used that because it made things fit better, and required the least changes to be made to one of the maps. It does have merit though, as where have we seen such lands before? Those ridiculously high rocks don't look like any of the mountains around the valley.

Actually, I want to know more about the (west?) end of the valley, as it has changed quite a bit. In 7, the way to Threehorn Peak is made by crossing a gorge, instead of mountains. And after fooling Rinkus and Sierra, you can see that the valley is not even protected on this side by mts, only by its height! And in 12, the waterfall must go to a lower area too. Maybe there's a lower area in the valley?

I really need to upload my notes, this would make describing things much easier! I have a lot of papers covered with notes, and several maps of varying quality. The only problem with each of them is that each has at least one mistake that I noticed too late, and so made another map, not noticing another mistake made...and so on.


  • Spike
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Here's one of my most recent maps:

Great Valley Map

I know I have more explanations about the placement of things which I haven't posted, but I can't remember them at the moment. I'll post them later.

Remember, this map was drawn assuming that the LBT world takes place in Western US in the Cretaceous. Mainly because each of the GOF were found there (And only there, I think). So some things have been changed to make them fit better. Also remember, the scale is completely wrong. I just drew it that way to make it easier to draw. Chances are, there are miles of empty mountains inbetween some areas.

(Just remembered one of my explanations!) Raptors are rarely seen in the LBT films. In 3, they terrorize the water areas, and in 7, they attack Pterano's group, who went south, while travelling west (to the valley) on the northern half of the divide. Presumably, Raptors live in the NE areas of the lands surrounding the valley. (in 11, two raptors are seen in the smoking mts area, but they could be strays. Actually, they reminded me of the two raptors from the series. Which I haven't actually seen, only read about)


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Ah...remember what I said about the possibility that I had overlooked certain things? Well, bring on the humble pie! :oops

I had really, seriously believed that in at the end of the first movie, two waterfalls were shown on opposite ends of the Valley. Turns out the reason for this was that, in the big reveal of the Great Valley, Littlefoot is standing next to one waterfall (which I had misremembered as appearing relatively small, and thus less likely the Thundering Fallsóat this point I am convinced otherwise), and a few cuts later, during Littlefoot’s line “We did it! We did it together!”, a second waterfall was shown at the far end of the valley. After reviewing the scene, however, I realized that the second shot was not from the gang’s point of view, looking out further over the valley, but a view from the other end of the valley, showing the gang’s waterfall in the distance. In other words, what I had thought to be two different waterfalls actually showed the SAME waterfall, but from different perspectives. Needless to say, I felt like a complete knucklehead after making that discovery. :lol But, you know, that’s the way my mind tends to work. I notice little tiny details that other people might miss, but completely overlook the great big honking mountain of obviousness directly in front of me. :P:

Just wanted to rectify that for now. I'll be back later with more observations. (This time I'll be careful not to trust my memory alone. :p)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Spike
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Whoa, I don't think I've ever noticed that second shot of the falls! It seems like an odd angle, but yeah, I think it is still the Thundering Falls (There only ever seems to be the one waterfall in the films, except for the ones in the newer films).

This is a good thread, and I await your observations!

EDIT: I forgot to mention, in an earlier map I noted a place as being two boulder pass, but now I find I can't remember where that is, or what movie it's from. Anyone know?

ANOTHER EDIT: Something else is, I often disregard differences in locations between sequels (has the valley ever been depicted consistently? Mountain and river placement change constantly). As such, I placed the Land of mists in a place that meant it could be the land travelled through in 10. That, and I couldn't find anyother place to place that land in 10. I also assume that forest from the end of 13 is the forest from 6 for two reasons. One, we haven't seen any other trees like that before, except in that valley. Two, following my map/observances, they travelled north, also where I placed the Saurus Rock area. This would indeed make it a shortcut, like Littlefoot said. In fact, since their parents found them there, maybe that's the entrance that they used to get to the valley in the first place.

As for justifying my ignoring of sun placement in some scenes, sometimes it just doesn't fit with what we know to be true about the LBT world. Although, sometimes the sun appears to be in a different area depending on where you are. (At least, it seemed like that one time to me. I could be completely wrong here.)


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I'm sorry I am joining this thread so late as creating maps of the Great Valley is of specific interest to me. There are some other map threads in the GOF already too. I agree that the Thundering falls are not likely to be the only waterfalls in the Great Valley though they are so important a water supply that their drying up had a significant effect on the state of the Great Valley. The Thundering Falls of LBT 3 looked very different though from the falls Littlefoot stood beside when he entered the Great Valley in the original movie or from the falls Littlefoot's grandparents used to take a "shower" in LBT 4. There are more examples of waterfalls in the Great Vally not all of which are at the edge of the Valley though (e.g. the ones from LBT 11 and the great log running game (which may be the same falls) seem to be located completely inside the valley). There is also a good chance that there are some "temporary waterfalls" depending on whether or not there has been rain in the nearby mountains which would flow down to the Valley (examples can be seen in LBT 9). In any case I think there may be significantly more than two waterfalls in the Great Valley.
With all the different locations we have seen in the Great Valley I think one of the basic assumptions we are forced to make is that the "overview" of the Great Valley we got at the end of the original movie was but just a small section of the Valley which must in fact be much... greater ;)
This also is the only plausible explanation I can think of for the apparent inconsistencies which you pointed out Almaron.
Unless you're thinking of a different line (in which case I’m missing something dino_confused.gif), what he actually said was that his own grandfather had told him stories about Saurus Rock. That could mean that one of Grandpa Longneck's ancestors lived in the Great Valley, but not necessarily him.
Very good point! :yes
That one has often been overlooked. Given the nature of the story about the Lone Dinosaur it may have been just the kind of stories of legend which made some of the herds head out for the west seeking the Great Valley though they had seen it with their hearts only.
I have drawn a number of maps of the Great Valley myself, the most recent of which is for the computer game we are creating. Not one of these maps is complete though.
Here is the very rough beginning for a map that I never finished. The location of some landmarks is marked by some little images at the side of the map. This one was started before the computer game project. Most locations are still missing. But you still see the concept of the part of the Great Valley we saw in the original movie as a secluded "Valley inside the Valley" on the east.
I also came up with an explanation for how in LBT 2 the gang could cross a canyon while chasing the eggeaters while the egg later on could roll savely back into Ducky's familie's nest. That explanation was more elaborated in other maps though. One concept in this map which is on my later maps as well is the idea of Saurus rock being located on a kind of plateau which is difficult to access from the Great Valley and the other way round but still accessible (just requires some climbing) with the Canyon the gang had to cross on the way to Saurus Rock being an open gate to the Mysterious Beyond. I think this plateau would be a kind of puffer region of the Great Valley. In spite of all the green stuff (e.g. trees which grew unusually high in the absence of any dinosaurs affecting their growth) we didn't see any large dinosaurs up there so perhaps that part is avoided not just for being difficult to access but also with the intention not to provide anything but empty "hunting grounds" so the sharpteeth, though free to enter, would have little reason to stay. I placed the watering hole they found in LBT 3 (the one "inside the Valley" I mean) on that plateau as well and had the LBT 6 canyon "shallow out" into that minor ditch into which the gang fell in LBT 3, which led to the ledge from which they saw the meteor crater. Anyway here that map is:

A bit more elaborate but equally incomplete is the following map which was created with the computer game in mind. Some of the elements of the other map have been included while more elements from many of the movies (some elements prominently lacking so far) have been put into the map with the explanation which combination of roman number (telling the movie it is from) and arabic number (telling the landmark it is) at the top of the map. There are large "white spots" still to be filled on that map and plenty of stuff to fill it up with:

On a different note, I really enjoy reading so elaborate and interesting an exchange of thought. Thank you all for that :yes


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This is a map I drew in the Fanart section... I'm pretty sure it went unnoticed during the lull of the summer.

EDIT: There are lots of places on their I made up names for such as:

Big Water:  The Great Sea
The place where they stay briefly in 5: The Dawn Valley

Since its for my story, I had to make some guesses and suppositions.


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Hmm, after thinking about it, the Saurus Rock area could be in the west. In that case, just swap it with the 8 areas.

I ignored the sun placement over the SR valley in 6, as that would place it in the east, which we know from 1 & 3 to be barren. However, if it is in the west, then it would have taken enough time to travel there for the sun to appear in the west. In 1 & 4, several mountain shots suggest that the mountains don't run North-South, more on an angle. This could explain the contradictory sun shots.

One problem I found (Which is really a mistake on the film-makers part) is that there are routes out of the valley and green lands around, so why did they all leave via a desert route in 5? The only answer I can think of is that the areas were also attacked by the locusts, or the area has too high a risk of sharpteeth.

On the other hand, why did the Spiketails leave in 8? Using my maps, that places them heading north, which should be worse, and colder!


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^ Perhaps the spiketails headed north because their typical migratory patterns involved them traveling south to the Great Valley during the cold times, and returning north when things warmed up. Therefore, they were familiar with the areas north of the Great Valley (it was only the blizzard that threw them off course), and assumed that they would be able to find another location where there was food, or, failing that, circle around the valley from the northeast or northwest in search of greener pastures further south. It’s a shaky theory, I’ll admit; it seems strange that they did not simply take a more southerly route out of the valley, but it’s the best I could come up with.

Quote from: Malte279,Sep 14 2009 on  07:42 AM
The Thundering Falls of LBT 3 looked very different though from the falls Littlefoot stood beside when he entered the Great Valley in the original movie or from the falls Littlefoot's grandparents used to take a "shower" in LBT 4.
That’s another reason I assumed the Thundering Falls were different from the waterfall seen at the entrance to the Great Valley in the first movie; they looked too massive to have flowed from the relatively narrow river Littlefoot is shown standing next to, and their banks above the Great Valley, as shown in the third movie, were not so rocky. Still, from the looks of it, the first movie waterfall is apparently the source of the valley’s main river; therefore I think now that the Thundering Falls were intended to be the same, and am willing to attribute the discrepancies to inattention to detail on the animators’ part. :p

As for the waterfall in the middle of the Great Valley (the one seen in LBT XII), I had considered that perhaps it was formed as a result of the earthshake in movie IX. I have also considered that it is the same waterfall that appeared in the TV episode “The Great Log-Running Game”, referred to as “Roaring Falls”.

I also think the “New Water” of movie IX is probably in the west of the valley (where I previously assumed the Thundering Falls to be :oops), and the river that the gang follows to get to the Big Water may be the source of the fresh water in the coastal oasis the adult dinosaurs find in movie V.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I think now that the Thundering Falls were intended to be the same, and am willing to attribute the discrepancies to inattention to detail on the animators’ part.

No, it's the layout designer! Don't blame the poor animator!
Sorry, just had to interject :lol


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^ Right, layout designer. Pardon me; I didn't know the terminology. :p

Actually, it's the fault of whoever TOLD the layout designer to design the backgrounds that way. :P:

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Haha, true!
I'm not sure how much freedom the layout designers were given during the production of the LBT sequels... but I'm going to guess that it wasn't much :p


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Yep, I agree with you on those theories Pangaea. I thought that could be why they went north.

Regarding the divide/waterfall, in an older version of this map, I assumed there must be a fault line running SW-NE, to explain the divide in the first film, and I assumed that it travelled through the valley, and that's what caused the quake in 9. (Back when I started mapping the areas, I used a map in the Fan Art section as a vague basis, changing placement of things when I found new evidence. I don't know where that is now, but if anyone can find it and link to it, it could be interesting (I believe Malte uploaded it, but didn't draw it; a friend did), despite the odd error, and lack of labelled places.)

I had another look at Caustizer's map, and if you flip it upside down, it's quite similar to mine, in terms of placement of the canon locations. We must be close to figuring out where everything is and making a final map! Can someone make a list of locations of the places in the TV series, and where they are in relationship to known landmarks(i.e, waterfalls, the sun, other)? Then we could make it even more accurate!

EDIT: I also think that there needs to be another route to the valley from the NE. We know that the divide went to the cliff wall (13, plus they didn't reunite in 1), and no adult footprints were found in the first film, so they took a different route into the valley. This could be where the water (3) is, as the area is flooded, although it could be through the Saurus Rock valley, as that appears to be a good entrance route, plus it resembles the exit route taken by the grandparents in 13 (Since they were following their kids into the lands they came from, it would make sense to return the way they came, unless they knew of a quicker route, which is unlikely, as they haven't exactly travelled there before). We also need to mark the small valley near the valley, the divide, and the water, which Pterano led many to (7. With it being this close, he may have assumed this to be their safe place).


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I’m back again, this time with some ideas on the locations of the various “smoking mountains” (as well as their more violent relations, the Mountains That Burn) that appear in LBT. While the LBT dinosaurs frequently cite THE Smoking Mountain(s) as a landmark, I doubt that they are usually referring to the same smoking mountains in each instance.

In LBT II, the Smoking Mountain is a lone volcano, which I previously asserted to be in the west of the Great Valley, based on Grandma Longneck’s comment in movie III). Also...
Quote from: Almaron,Sep 13 2009 on  12:48 AM
I remember from one of my notes that when the GOF return through the gorge with chompers egg, the sun is behind them. Of course, the sun is all over the place in the LBT films, and should be considered conjectural at best (In 9, it starts over the falls, and then again over Mo in a matter of minutes.)
I think you may actually have something there. Although I will need to rewatch LBT II to make any safe observations on that movie, I distinctly recall that in the scene where the gang look out over the valley, and Petrie and Ducky respectively remark, "Home", "Sweet home", a smoking mountain (looking suspiciously like a chimney :lol) is visible in the distance directly ahead of them. Perhaps this is the same volcano they visit later in the film, and the sun's position is indeed correct in that scene.

In VII, the smoking mountains referred to are presumably the “horns” of Threehorn Peak; three tall, thin peaks arranged in an isosceles triangle formation atop the ceratopsian-head-shaped mountain. I’m still unsure of where it is located in relation to the Great Valley (though I am reasonably certain that it is to either the north or the south). On one hand, in the shot where the “Stone of Cold Fire” is seen crashing into it, Saurus Rock is nowhere in sight. On the other hand, no major waterfalls are visible in that shot either, so it is possible that Saurus Rock IS on the same side of the valley as Saurus Rock, but much further east or west (depending on which direction the SoCF was coming from). The position of the sunrise (as seen from the nook in the mountainside in which Pterano, Sierra, and Rinkus wait out the night) would suggest that Threehorn Peak is located in the north, but, of course, as Almaron has stated, solar orientation is a questionable means of determining direction in LBT.

In IX, Cera states that the path taken by the gang when they originally visited the Big Water in movie V required them to “turn right at the smoking mountains”. (As most of the journey undertaken by the dinosaurs in that movie was not shown, there is ample room to assume that this was the case) on the way to the Big Water in the fifth movie. When we finally see these mountains at the end of the film, they turn out to be a row of three rounded peaks, arranged very close together. Obviously these are not the same smoking mountains as those on Threehorn peak. In fact, I would consider it a possibility that they are not located near the Great Valley at all, but are simply a landmark the dinosaurs noted during their migration in LBT V.

As far as I’m concerned, the Mountains That Burn only appear in the first LBT. The way I see it, they’re located east of the Great Valley, south of the path Littlefoot’s mother told him to take (possibly parallel to the Great Valley’s eastern border). I base this observation on the scene in which the gang splits up, at the location I personally refer to as “Spire Valley”. (While I agree that the visible position of the sun in LBT is a very unreliable compass, I’m going to cite it as a geographical aid on this one occasion, on the argument that the filmmakers probably paid more attention the sun’s position in the first movie, given its significance in directing the characters to the Great Valley.) In that scene, the character’s shadows indicate that the sun is diagonal to their position, which would place Littlefoot as heading due west (perhaps a little to the north), and the others as going south or southeast (though southwest is not impossible either). This path, as we all know, took them through the Burning Mountains, beyond which (further west) were the caves in which Cera encountered the domeheads, and further still (west or northwest), the pond where the gang defeated Sharptooth; beyond that, the Great Valley.

(Oh, wait a minute, Almaron; did you already come to that conclusion about the Burning Mountains’ location? Whoops. :oops Oh well. At least we agree on it. :p)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.