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Mr. Stick adventure (chapter 1)

Sneak · 453 · 90737


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Oh this was a very interesting read! I wonder what will be in the bottom room :)


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<Bye, Tinypic. Hello, Imgur.
We're back!>

Climb down the ladder and inspect the room.

Still being freaked up by loud sound of solid hatch, mr. Stick hopes that this weird place he woke up doesn't contain any harmful traps...
No, he throws such thoughts away, hoping that he won't meet traps on the way to his freedom, and hoping this passage would lead him somewhere good, maybe to his ultimate escape from this weird place. And besides, he simply tired to stay inside this boring room!
And with such thoughts, mr. Stick starts his descent.

Descending with flashlight on his hand was uncomfortable enough, but mr. Stick managed to move down carefully.

He stopped in the mid of descending, looking down to part of the room below.

Another hole on the wall caught mr. Stick's eye.

At first sight, this hole appeared to be a little larger than previous ones, as mr. stick thinks... He can be mistaken though. Also, he couldn't see anything at the other side of the hole.

Mr. Stick continues his descent, and stepped to the room below.

New room is smaller then room above. He decides to make a quick look at surroundings, moving beam of flashlight around...

Damn. It seems that flashlight battery is almost empty...
« Last Edit: January 24, 2020, 11:26:13 AM by Sneak »


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The flashlight seems to be pointing at a potential light switch. Can you press it?


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The flashlight seems to be pointing at a potential light switch. Can you press it?
Mr. Stick is not night animal, his eyes are not used to darkness, so he decides to turn off flashlight to keep some remaining energy safe, and gladly switches the switch, hoping it would bring lights to the room...

...and it does! Lamps are turned on, their lights makes mr. Stick's eyes hurt for a little period of time.

It seems that this room has some interesting stuff...


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Ah-ha! There are many interesting things to look at in this room. But one at a time, shall we?

Open the yellow box in the corner of the room.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Open the yellow box in the corner of the room.

It is indeed a simple yellow carton box. Mr. Stick opens it.

There's long thin rubber tube inside.


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Insert the rubber tube into the gray hole in front of Stickman.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Insert the rubber tube into the gray hole in front of Stickman.

Mr. Stick is not Stickman! "Stickman" is surname of one of mr. Stick's neighbours.
Mr. Stick's surname is Stick!

Mr.Stick goes to the 'gray hole' on the left wall...
and it appeared that it isn't the hole. It is some kind of button.

Anyway, mr. Stick tries to push the button with rubber tube, even if it looks weird right now...

Yeah, it seems that rubber tube is not made to push this button.
Mr. Stick didn't see or hear anything happened after he pressed the button.

The Chronicler

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I have a feeling that rubber tube might be useful for something else later, so put it away in the inventory for now.

That other box seems to have some kind of lock on it, so check to see if it can be opened or if it needs a key of some sort.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I have a feeling that rubber tube might be useful for something else later, so put it away in the inventory for now.

Mr. Stick takes rubber tube from the yellow box and puts it to his inventory.

That other box seems to have some kind of lock on it, so check to see if it can be opened or if it needs a key of some sort.

Mr. Stick examines large CHEST and its lock.

Yeah, chest is locked. It seems that lock can be opened with KEY.


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Lets open the chest carefully and check what is inside.


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Lets open the chest carefully and check what is inside.

Mr. Stick can't do that, chest is locked!

And as mr. Stick remembers, he hasn't any key right now to try to open it.

<You can call inventory any time, just post corresponding command. :) >


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Remember that purple 4 I saw on the wall in upper room? Well, I think I got the answer now.

Since I already pressed the button once, press it three more times and see what happens.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Remember that purple 4 I saw on the wall in upper room? Well, I think I got the answer now.

Since I already pressed the button once, press it three more times and see what happens.

Mr. Stick goes to button and starts to press it three more times.


Mr. Stick has to say this button is strange. After he pressed it with his finger, button continues to move into depth of the wall. Mr. Stick's hand has already stuck in button's hole, but this weird button continues to move. He can't push it any longer, but he didn't feel resistance or hear any noise that would indicate that button was successfully "pressed". After he removes his hand, button returns to itrs original position.

Anyway, he does so three times. He didn't hear or see anything changed in this room.

Maybe he just can't notice. Or it did something in different place. Or it didn't work at all. Mr. stick decides to climb room upstairs to make a quick look.

Do you see any difference? Mr. Stick can't say he does.

The Chronicler

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Well, no point in keeping the first room dark if the flashlight's batteries are starting to wear out, so might as well flip the light-switch in that room. (At least that way, having both rooms lit would also illuminate the passageway between the two rooms.)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Well, no point in keeping the first room dark if the flashlight's batteries are starting to wear out, so might as well flip the light-switch in that room. (At least that way, having both rooms lit would also illuminate the passageway between the two rooms.)
Mr. stick happily turns on the lights in upper room. He loves lights!


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Hmm...I wonder about that other hole Mr. Stick saw in the passageway. Could the rubber tube fit in it? Try to insert it. Hopefully it won't be too tough, considering that he'd be standing on a ladder while trying to do that.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Hmm...I wonder about that other hole Mr. Stick saw in the passageway. Could the rubber tube fit in it? Try to insert it. Hopefully it won't be too tough, considering that he'd be standing on a ladder while trying to do that.

Mr. Stick reels rubber tube around his arm, descends and stands in front of hole inside the passage between the rooms and checks if it fits.

No. Rubber tube doesn't fit there. Hole is smaller.


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Go back down to the bottom room. Lift up the yellow box and the chest too (if possible) to see if there's anything hiding under them.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Go back down to the bottom room. Lift up the yellow box and the chest too (if possible) to see if there's anything hiding under them.

Mr. Stick lifts and moves aside carton box.


Behind the box there was hidden small hole. Looks familiar...

Then mr. Stick tries to lift and move big metal chest.

No way. Or chest is too heavy, or it's screwed to floor somehow. Mr. Stick can't move or lift it.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2020, 07:34:24 AM by Sneak »