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Other "unused" fanfiction ideas

The Chronicler

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Like the other topic I made two months ago, this topic is to explain ideas you've had for a fanfiction that for various reasons you may never get around to writing. Feel free to share any fanfiction ideas you've had for shows/movies/other fandoms besides the Land Before Time.

I'd like to see what some people have before I start sharing some of mine. (I have quite a lot that I've come up with over the past few years.)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

  • Bionicle fan of GoF
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I guess I'll start.

I no longer watch Total Drama Island anymore, but back when I did, I came up with some interesting fanfiction ideas. Likely the most ambitious idea I had was if the original 22 campers had not joined that show but instead competed on a hypothetical season of "Survivor". I have in mind the entire elimination order and a basic idea of what would happen in each episode, including many of the challenges. If anyone is interested in writing this, just send me a message or email and I'll send you my full details.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


  • Spike
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Hmm...well, there's been a few for me; mainly because I get big ideas for stories, and I never have the patience to write for long enough to get to the part of the story that would have that scene.

There's several stories here that I've posted treatments or segments of half-finished story; first there's my attempt to write a story for a LBT OC that would double as a sort of prequel to the original Land Before Time (, which I finished writing the story treatment for, but never got around to writing all the chapters for (the beginning and ends are largely complete, as they had the better ideas).

I also wanted to write a Spyro fan-fic that would tell the story of my OCs, and also attempt to show Malefor's childhood. In the end I wasn't sure how to tell the story, and I instead cobbled together what I managed to write into one story, and simply listed the other ideas. (

A long time back I had planned to finish a story by the user Threehorn called A Wish Upon A Star; a story where five members of this forum go trekking in a location that looks strangely similar to the Great Valley, spend the night there, and wake to find they've been turned into dinosaurs and thrust into the world of the Land Before Time. Since the story stopped after the characters ran into the Gang of Five - and hadn't been edited for a year or two - I thought I could come up with some ideas for it. Unfortunately, all I could think of was an ending, which I'm annoyed I never got to write; in the final chapter; "Beyond The Mysterious Beyond"; the characters would return to the present day, and be "found" by two park rangers who would escort them away. These "park rangers" would turn out to be the two Rainbow Faces from LBT VII - who would have been present throughout the story - who would then talk with a "Mr. Grosvenor" over a satellite phone before disappearing back into the bush.

I had also planned to write semi-sequels to most of the stories I've posted here:
*The Dragonriders of Pern one ( going to be a series of shorts covering scenes that didn't make it into the final edit of my story, but that I thought still had merit on their own. Each was going to be linked to Lytol and Larth attempting to get home to Cove Hold following their reunion.
I also
*The Who Framed Roger Rabbit one ( almost had a follow-up where we would see them redeem their character - and introduce the character Voltaire; who was deleted from the movie - but I was never sure what to write and I got stuck.
*When writing my fan-comic-fic (in other words, it was a fan-fic based on a fancomic) "Lasair's Grief" (, I briefly toyed with the idea of having a scene where Kindle would find a ghostly Lasair who had been avoiding her so as not to cause her further pain. Don't remember why I never finished this one...guess it just felt awkward to write.

Most recently, I've been sitting on an idea for a prequel for Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. I thought it interesting that Gol Acheron technically has the Rift Rider in his possession throughout the game, and that Samos wasn't worried about this, despite knowing they'd need it at some point to get to Haven City and prevent a time paradox. In the end, I wondered if perhaps Samos had once been on better terms with the Acherons? Anyway, here's my plot outline so far - not to say that I won't finish it at some point...

Samos arrives with a young Jak in the past, but in an uninhabited area of land. Samos is forced to comfort the young Jak until they both fall asleep. They are discovered by Gol Acheron; the Dark Eco Sage - far less hoarse and blue than he is in game - who takes them back to his Citadel; an ancient Precursor site that he and his sister Maia are attempting to repair - plus, it's located near large reserves of Dark Eco that he can experiment with. Samos admires this - as he wants to find the Precursors himself - and he and Gol become friends. In time, Gol asks about what they were doing where he found them - an inaccessible area of land - and Samos is forced to tell him about the Rift Rider - which Gol notes should be safe where it is.
   After seeing Samos' abilities, Gol reveals that the region's Green Sage has recently passed away, and he invites him to an upcoming meeting between the Sages to see if he can get the role - something that should allow him and Jak to be safe until they need to use the Rift Rider again.
   Over time, Samos and Maia bond as they work together in the Citadel - while Gol studies Dark Eco, Maia attempts to repair the Precursor technology, and Samos works with her in the hopes of finding out what happened to the Precursors.
   A chapter opening mentions Samos is sad to leave her, but Maia isn't willing to leave her brother - and had fallen ill, and was thus unable to see him off. Gol alone accompanies Samos to the Sage meeting at the Rocky Village. Over the course of the meeting, Samos tells them about Jak's importance; and how he will - in time - be a master of Eco. Samos is appointed Green Sage, and is told he will be sent to Sandover Village. The Blue Sage raises the issue of the Rift Rider, and the Yellow Sage suggests it be hidden in Gol's Citadel, where it will look like another piece of Precursor technology. Gol agrees, and he leaves with several sages to attempt to transport it.
   Samos is thus sent to Sandover Village - to his delight; once he recognises the hut - and he meets with the Mayor to discuss his lodgings. Samos feels from the last few weeks with young Jak that he will be an ineffectual caregiver, and the Mayor suggests to him that Jak be placed into the care of a local villager. Samos agrees, and looks outside, where he sees that Jak has already begun to fit in; befriending another kid his age - Daxter, who the mayor mentions recently lost his own parents, and notes they should get along. Samos watches, hears the voice, and the mayor mentions his name, causing him to cough and splutter; he makes excuses and leaves, wondering how the child Daxter became an Ottsel.
   Nearly a year after becoming settled down, Maia arrives in the dead of night in Samos' hut with a small bundle - a child; Samos' daughter, who she has named Keira. Maia tells Samos that the Citadel isn't safe for a child, and she couldn't bear the thought of something happening to her. Samos wills her to remain in Sandover, but Maia doesn't want to abandon her brother; she's sure he's near to uncovering something which will benefit everyone.
   Years later, Gol - a darker blue, and his voice getting hoarse - summons Samos to tell him he's made a breakthrough in his research; suggesting it might be possible to manipulate Dark Eco for good purposes; perhaps even to fix the problems that plague the planet. Samos isn't so sure; not only does he have memories of the unstable Dark Jak, but he watches as the Dark Eco annihilates a plant and the green eco with it, but remakes it in the process. A fierce argument ensues, which ends with Samos and Gol parting amicably, but with their friendship ended. Samos makes a final appeal to Maia, but she has changed too much.

There's probably a few more out there I'm forgetting - although the less said about my early attempts at fan-fiction, the better - but I'll come back to them when I remember them.


  • Ducky
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When I discovered I started with LBT fics.