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Swine Flu

The Chronicler

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I find it quite ridiculous that some schools have actually closed as a result of this new disease. And it's only been in the media for about a week, I think. :rolleyes:

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This has been another joke from pokeplayer, showing you just how ridiculous it is. :D


  • Ducky
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This Swing Flu is just like any other regular Flu but its alot worse but I believe as long as there are medication to treat it the same way as treating the Regular Flu than everyone will be fine.  But they need to work fast, because this Virus is Spreading TO Fast!


  • Chomper
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Quote from: The Chronicler,May 2 2009 on  11:13 AM
I find it quite ridiculous that some schools have actually closed as a result of this new disease. And it's only been in the media for about a week, I think. :rolleyes:
I got news for you. Two schools here are now closed for one week. Yep, won't open until May 11 as ordered by the state. Get this...How many kids have H1N1? Only 1 kid in each school!  Read all about it. :blink: There'd been times when 4 or more teachers and a handful of students -- in the same school -- were out sick the same week, and this was during so called regular cold and flu season. Life simply went on. Now? Because of 2 sick kids in separate schools? OMG it's the end! Sorry for the large font, but it's to get a point across. :wacko:

Thanks alot news media for blowing this story extremely out of proportion.


  • The Circle
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Very smart, intelligent, and well meaning people can be scared into stupid actions too if they are exposed to respective medias / claims with no other reports.
From what I have heard by now the numbers of people in Mexico whose death can be really attributed to the flu rather than other causes has been corrected to be significantly lower than original reports claimed.


  • Hatchling
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Lots of schools were/are closed.  Sounds pretty silly since nobody closes on the regular flu season.


  • Petrie
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Quote from: Petrie,May 3 2009 on  02:09 PM
Lots of schools were/are closed.  Sounds pretty silly since nobody closes on the regular flu season.
And yet if they weren't and then something did happen, then the government behind it would be absolutely nailed by the media, and subesequently a lot of other people. One can't blame them really.


  • Petrie
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The cases of the decease in Spain duplicated.
It seems that the Mexicans  are cofident that this will end soon, even with the growing cases there.
Areas that still weren't affected are now showing signs of the virus, it seems that it is spreading fast.
No need to worries, still...

In Hong Kong, in a hotel, with several mexicans, there was a case of the virus detected there, they putted that area in quarantine, but the Mexicans are being treated like c***, no signs of the virus was detected on them, they dont let them leave, and they treat them like c***...,(wth are they thiking), this is causing alot of problems between this two countries.

Almost 200 Portugueses are coming back from Mexico next week, I hope they dont bring the virus alongside them.


  • General of the Great Valley
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I'm not really afraid because... there's nothing to be afraid of.

Take the same precautions you take with normal flu and you should be fine.

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  • Ducky
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I think as a little joke I'm going to walk around school tomorrow with a paper breathing mask on.  See if I can scare the hell out of a few people.  xP

F-14 Ace

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Better watch out.  Some people in the school setting seem to lack a sense of humor these days.


  • Spike
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Yeah its a bit strange when everyone else is all in a panic and you're totally laid back. I remember everyone in this one class jerked their heads around when someone sneezed, and they were all "SWINE FLU! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!"


  • Hatchling
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Quote from: Cyberlizard,May 3 2009 on  08:18 PM
I think as a little joke I'm going to walk around school tomorrow with a paper breathing mask on.  See if I can scare the hell out of a few people.  xP
Hardly a joke really.  Even doctors say walking around with a mask is actually not even necessary.  Just makes you look silly.  Is that what you want?


  • Ducky
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A friend of mine in a different town wore a mask at HIS school and the next day most of the kids were gone in a panic.  So I figured I could try the same thing and expect the same result, considering how corruptively paranoid people are these days.

Though...  Considering how newspapers are now saying the exact opposite of what they said last week, I think actually making a joke out of it is a little too late now.

It's actually kind of funny though, the headlines say "No real need to panic."  And all I can say about that is "Psssh.  Thanks for stating the obvious!"


  • Cera
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You're not naming a doomsday virus "Swine Flu".

As for now, the first case has been detected in my country.
The WHO can keep their highest level, I'm gonna go with it like I did with the H5N1:
There's no need to be scared. But it doesn't hurt to be cautious.
It's a virus that has rapidly mutated. Ofcourse media makes a bigger deal of it than what it really is.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


  • The Circle
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It's actually kind of funny though, the headlines say "No real need to panic." And all I can say about that is "Psssh. Thanks for stating the obvious!"
But how far did the medias actually ever go in spreading panic about this?
We did not have a single post in this thread in which anyone ever expressed even the remotest fear of Swine Flu. Is it because everyone here is so suspicious of the medias that he or she would not trust them no matter what they say, or is it perhaps because (in spite of whatever has been said about the media hype) the medias actually did report from a very, very early time on that there was no reason to panic and that there is medication to treat swine flu?
I wonder if perhaps we are unjustly harsh on the medias if we claim them to be main spreaders of panic.
Frankly, if indeed all the medias at the same time had reported that indeed there was a very serious thread, that the swine flu was extremely dangerous etc. would the reactions here have been just as unconcerned?


  • The Circle
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Despite how close this Swine Flu is to becoming a pandemic on an international scale according to the WHO (world health organisation) I seriously doubt there is anything I will be changing about my lifestyle because of it. I've only ever been struck down with flu once and I've never had it again since. AS long as proper hygiene is upkept then there's no need for such a flap and panic. Scientists have even been saying that it was humans that caused the incident in the first place. Human Influenza infected pigs where the strain mutated thus giving us this new strain. Humans and pigs are very similar in physical make up (hence why things like pig organs can be used for temporary human transplants and the like). Still, with all this mayhem the media is creating, I for one won't lay off pork, be donning a breathing mask nor will stop doing what I do normally to ensure my own hygiene. Surely this should be enough to not need to wet my pants over it all. Besides, there have been no reported fatalities in the UK since the outbreak despite the number of cases have slowly been increasing.


  • The Circle
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They had an article about this on either science Friday or the naked scientists podcast forgot witch one, but the scientist they had on did say that the so called swine flu has been going back and forth between humans and pigs for a very long time since pigs can get infected with it and they can infect humans who live or work where they come in regular contact with pigs.


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What has upset me is just how big of an overreaction this is.  Schools are closed, people are given off days at just the notice of a sneeze (Which could be from a simple dust allergy.) and hardly anyone is buying pork anymore.  What?  Do they think that even if it's cooked that they'll get sick? :rolleyes: I had some a few days ago and I'm feeling just fine. :)

News Media, please give the full news at the start next time. -_-


  • The Circle
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Still, with all this mayhem the media is creating, I for one won't lay off pork, be donning a breathing mask nor will stop doing what I do normally to ensure my own hygiene.
Did any medias ever suggest any of this in the UK?
Just how much of the reporting in the medias was actual outright panic stiring and how much of it was mainly aimed to calm down the people?
Is it possible that the mere mention of an illness (even in a report that primarily states that there is no reason to panic etc.) is enough to make people interpret it as a stirring up of fear?
And if that is so (if the mere reporting of anything bad without actual panic promoting messages is enough to send people into panic) does anyone think that bad news should be restricted in the news unless they strike us very directly?
How much of the hype was made by the medias and how much by the peoples' reaction to the reports?