The Gang of Five
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"Unused" fanfiction ideas


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more interspecies...


Due to problems (or rather - problems with my laziness) with writing prequel and sequel to LBT TV series, stories from my first main LBT universe, I put into safe plans about writing huge LBT story placed in second alternative universe.

Idea was about facing our gang with true villain in LBT world, one of the most dangerous personal enemy: sharptooth dinosaur who taught leafeaters language and used it for haunting and understanding life of leafeaters.
In the same day, I quite reimagined his motives, so he met the gang not by accident, and he dealt with them not only for his personal interest.
But on the second day, after I completed watching this full movie inside my mind, I turned this idea into something very big. With expanding this story in ten times bigger, with adding more characters and their POVs, with traveling to their pasts, including past of Gang, even with reimagining some of their past adventures.

This story has two problems.
Main problem - almost half of events fom this story are alternative versions of the same events happening in my first universe.
Second problem - this story would be much more darker than original movie, with including some very vile actions from sharptooth villain side. I just fear I crossed some lines.


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Quote from: Littlefoot fan 1990,Feb 27 2017 on  09:50 AM
2. A story where an epidemic gets into the Great Valley; however, only the grown ups are affected and it's up to the kids to nurse them back to health; however, only the elders are in danger of dying and need extra care.

I kind of had a similar idea, except it's a epidemic that only effects longnecks, which knocks Littlefoot out and forces Cera to be in leadership of the gang. Ali and Rhett might or mightn't show up strangely immune for plot reasons. Littlefoot would be forced to face the concept of his mortality with his grandparents, Mr. Threehorn and Tria among others think about having to lead the valley without them, and Cera struggles to become a good leader. The valley works together to keep the longnecks healthy while Cera's gang struggle to find the cure. I still might or mightn't write it, but anyone else is free to take up the idea if they want too.

Quote from: Littlefoot fan 1990,Feb 27 2017 on  09:50 AM
4. After the loss of his grandparents, and his father has gone missing and is presumably dead, Littlefoot has no next of kin living in the Great Valley. Who will take him in until he's old enough to take care of himself? The grown ups are faced with a difficult problem; losing their leaders and trying to figure out what to do about the orphan.

That's a concept I thought about. I kind of think later in the movie/TV series, the grandparents would get along with the other parents of the gang enough to have a contingency plan for their deaths - Littlefoot would, say, live with Cera's family until he becomes old enough to look after himself. In fact, I could see Cera's parents, Ducky and Spike's parents, and Petrie's parents also have that plan if anything happens to them.

I don't think Bron needs to be imperiled in order to make sure Littlefoot stays in the valley. It might take awhile for Bron's herd to come depending on when the grandparents pass and Littlefoot could ultimately decide to stay in the valley (Though he might still take trips with Bron's herd, for example, every other year, or so).


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funny: epidemy in Great Valley is reason-explanation in my fanfic universe why herds in LBT1 permanently succesfully stayed in valley: because the most of old residents are gone.

Littlefoot fan 1990

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I have a thought to write a story where the LBT characters are anthropomorphic and are placed in present time; in a world with humans. They learn about human culture; although, with human technology, it takes them a while to get used to it; whereas with everything else, it comes naturally for them; such as bathing and/showering, dressing themselves and relieving themselves.


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I've been considering starting up a fanfic in which the gang (probably just a few years older than they are in the show) takes Archie back to the Big Water. That's it. That's all I've really thought out. But I do feel the potential is there. Setting this after the show allows the gang to deal with concepts like the increasing responsibilities of growing up, or in Archie's case, old age. It'd potentially give us the chance to revisit Chomper's family, Elsie, maybe even establish a conclusion to Red Claw's arc.

But honestly, I just figured it could explain what the heck an Archelon is doing several miles inland in a cave.

Dr. Rex

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This is an idea that's been in my head for years. I'm just waiting for the right moment to actually start working on it. School, other real-life matters, and my current fics are quite a nasty combo in impeding my progress.

I already mentioned this idea before in another thread (can't figure out which), but this is my take on the classic coming-of-age fanfic, inspired by the Sharptooth Valley fic I've heard about but not read yet, the Planet of the Apes reboot trilogy, a little of the Jurassic World trilogy, and (believe it or not) the current state of American politics. A devastating drought forces many herds to migrate to the Great Valley, which is now one of the few areas in the world that are not as affected. Following these herds are many, many Sharpteeth that can no longer survive by just randomly roaming around the lands in search of prey.

Because of this, the Great Wall surrounding the Valley is now encircled by hungry, starving Sharpteeth, who now realize all they have to do to get food is wait for more herds to migrate to the Valley and pick off any stragglers or weaklings. These Sharpteeth form a gigantic "super-pack" of sorts that calls the area directly surrounding the Valley their home. This pack enters into an uneasy truce with the Valley residents, who use Chomper as their mediator and translator, and both the herds and the "super-pack" are forced to coexist.

As a result of this new society that emerges, the Valley residents fracture into two sides: one knows they cannot control their circumstances and allows the Sharpteeth to stay for the moment, while the other is paranoid about the Valley's chances of survival and wishes to eradicate the Sharpteeth. There is an underlying tension between both sides that threatens to boil over with every passing year. The same dilemma goes for the "super-pack" behind the Great Wall: most Sharpteeth are absolutely hungry and want to storm the Valley to get more food than they could possibly imagine, while some, led by the super-pack's alpha, are more patient and believe in a delicate circle of life that they must adhere to.

The years pass and the world recovers from the drought, but the Sharpteeth's numbers have grown and they are comfortable with their living arrangements. At the same time, Chomper has grown up with the rest of the gang and begins to suffer an identity crisis, wondering if he should stay loyal to the Valley that took him in and looked to him as one of its own, or to the Sharpteeth that he has grown close to during his years of mediating, dinosaurs that are of his own kind.

One day, things finally reach a boiling point.

At least, that's the story I've come up with. Now that I've set it up here, I REALLY want to write it, but I can't write more than two or three fics at the same time even if my life depended on it. :(


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^sounds interesting...


After realizing I simply would not find enough time to write everything I wanted about LBT universe, I completelly scrapped all my plans (second and third universes) except my main plan - writing prequels and sequels to main LBT films, with some changes to make them better in my opinion.

So, no more villain sharptooth who speaks leafeaters language and performs not-nature vile things, and no more alien-rainbowfaces-like character who speaks with gang about past and the future. :[

Though, some elements and characters look so good in my opinion so they migrated to main story now.


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@Dr. Rex Very interesting idea!  :o

@Sneak Sorry to hear, as I really found your ideas to be interesting. XP I hope to see your future fics.   :chompysmile

I've been thinking about a possible crossover with "We're Back, A dinosaur story" which can lead to a comedic take on the gang time traveling to modern day in which they mess with modern technology and concepts. I don't think I've seen anyone ever attempt that. XD

Dr. Rex

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@Sneak @Goldenwind Thanks, guys! I really hope I find the time to work on it, especially after I recently watched LBT 14, because I'm now brainstorming like crazy. :)


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A new idea crossed my mind thanks to the Ducky caption!  :chompysmile

Remember the imaginary creatures that appeared in LBT 9 and 10? What if they become real? Out of some supernatural circumstances,  the gang brainstorms some imaginary friends and creatures, and they all come to life, including Petrie's imaginary friend from movie 9. The gang would then have to hide them from the adults to prevent them from causing a panic with humorous results.


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A new idea crossed my mind thanks to the Ducky caption!  :chompysmile

Remember the imaginary creatures that appeared in LBT 9 and 10? What if they become real? Out of some supernatural circumstances,  the gang brainstorms some imaginary friends and creatures, and they all come to life, including Petrie's imaginary friend from movie 9. The gang would then have to hide them from the adults to prevent them from causing a panic with humorous results.

Are you planning on making the Gang imagine some Sharpteeth friends? :bestsharptooth

Interesting and fun idea though. :lol
Is it the rainbowfaces doing? :o

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Are you planning on making the Gang imagine some Sharpteeth friends? :bestsharptooth

Interesting and fun idea though. :lol
Is it the rainbowfaces doing? :o

Maybe.  :bestsharptooth

Thanks!  :Mo

Well it could be that or a Stone of Cold Fire. I feel those two would be common for supernatural shenanigans.  :PCera


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« Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 12:59:58 AM by RainbowFaceProtege »

The Chronicler

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This is not so much an "unused" idea, but more like a "something I would like to do, but probably won't for quite a while" kind of idea.

Basically, the gang of seven stumble across a portal that leads to a universe where everything and everyone is made of Lego (and yes, the gang themselves turn into Lego figures upon arrival (not minifigures, just plastic Lego figures that are shaped just like their regular organic dinosaur selves)). I don't want to give away too much of the story I've got in mind, but I will say that, after a series of events, all seven of them end up scattered across a place called Lego City, and each of them end up making friends and/or enemies among the minifigures who live there.

It's been quite a long time since I last wrote any fanfiction on this site, and although the other fanfiction series I've been writing since then has been relatively good for those who have read those stories, I haven't really received any in-depth feedback like what I've been seeing among the fanfiction readers and writers on this site. With fanfiction on this site becoming much more active these days, I'd actually kind of would like to once again have an opportunity to get some proper feedback on my writing style to see if there's any further improvements I can make. With how much time I've been spending on other things at the moment, chances are I probably won't even get around to start writing this fanfiction idea of mine until sometime next year. And if there's one thing from my experience with fanfiction that will have an influence on this Lego LBT idea, it's that I should make it a one-off standalone story that will not be part of any series.

I've thought over this idea for about a month now, and I actually have almost the entire story already planned out (or at least most of the important events), so for me, it'll just be a matter of trying to find enough time to actually write it all out. I guess the only question I have now is if anyone here would be interested in reading such a fanfic. What do you think?

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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My first comment on the site I'm a new member of the community. About crossover ideas I like the ideas of Littlefoot and gang going to future and meet humans also a good Bionicle story too. Both Bionicle G1 and Land Before Time are part of my childhood along with Sonic The Hedgehog, Pokémon, Digimon, Bakugan, and many other series including MLP G4.

Here's a few of my fanfic ideas.

Sonic and Littlefoot- A Speedy between Times: Sonic The Hedgehog games/Sonic X Anime/Land Before Time crossover. When Littlefoot is sucked into a strange portal that opens up in the Great Valley one night he lands on Planet Möbius and finds himself in the clutches of the notorious Doctor Eggman and his robots as he is put into a new robot to power it until Sonic the Hedgehog comes to the rescue and frees the young dinosaur. Now with Eggman hatching a new plan to capture and inslave all of the Dinosaurs of Littlefoot's world he along with Sonic and the blue hero's friends must work together to find the 7 Chaos Emeralds that were scattered across both Sonic's world and Littlefoot's world before Eggman gets his hands on them for his new scheme for universal world domination! Can these two heroes from different times work together to save both their worlds?

Bionicle 5: The Shadows of Prehistory (Bionicle G1/Land Before Time Crossover)- Several months after the restoration of Sparuah Magma the Agory, Glatroians, Matorian, Turaga, and Toa live in peace after the fall of Teridax and Mata Nui using the Last of his energy to revive the planet to its nature beauty. However a long lost forgotten Makuta known as Makuta Helitrix comes to light as he who has been stranded on prehistoric Earth learns of his brotheran's fate along with Teridax and blames the Toa for their fall along with Mata Nui. He then unleashes a new dangerous foe to the Toa and the planet's inhabitants called Dinorahi as he managed to travel to the future of our world stolen many pieces of medical equipment both modern and very advanced from the future. Littlefoot and his friends are captured along with Ali and Shorty, but Littlefoot, Ali, and Shorty manage to escape from the evil Makuta and reach Neo Metru Nui where they meet the Toa Nuva as Tahu, Gali, Lewa, Kopaka, Pohatu, Onwa, and Takanuva are launched into a new battle against a dangerous new foe that not only threatens their world, but Earth as well! Armed with new weapons, new armor, new masks, and new demutation spheres the Toa Nuva must save not only our world's future, but their world as well from this forgotten Makuta! In…

Bionicle 5: Shadows of Prehisotry!


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I have one idea for a LBT fanfic buzzing around my head...and it's inspired by Detentionaire, what a surprise :bestsharptooth

One Flu Over the Great Valley - A highly contagious flu is spreading around the Great Valley, leaving the dinosaurs sick and coughing, sneezing and generally malfunctioning like crazy. Ducky, quarantined in her nest with a particularly bad case, winds up having hallucinations of a rainbowface who wants to talk to her. Meanwhile, Chomper and Ruby, witnessing the symptoms of the cold taking over all the adults and teenagers, fear that this flu is only the beginning of a terrifying Great Valley apocalypse and the flu will twist their minds into terrifying dino-zombie minds! The two lead the other kids on a desperate escape to the Mysterious Beyond - but will they end up getting "infected" with this virus too?
Current hyperfixation: Total Drama

Yacht life! :DD


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I've recently come up with another idea.

Has anyone here read that fanfic on where a Russian submarine from the 1980s ends up in the Land Before Time world? Well, I've been thinking recently what it might be like if the Titanic, just hours before it would have hit that iceberg, somehow ends up in the Land Before Time world. Imagine what the gang might think if they saw such a massive object floating in the big water, and imagine their reactions as they tour the entire ship.

If anyone is interested in turning this idea into a story, just let me know and I'll send you a message with all of the specific ideas I have in mind.

I read a few chapters of that story and it’s got me interested. I’m presently working on a Hot Wheels Acceleracers/Land Before Time Crossover story.


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Hello, everybody! My name is Jack.
I have loved the LBT series since 1998.
I may not be much of a fanfic author.
However, I can share ideas with creativity.

Since Journey of The Brave may  have been the last of the series, I have what I call A Mega idea for A Mega Crossover.

This mega crossover happens Right after Journey of The Brave.

It is a crossover between The Land Before Time X Terra Nova X HTTYD X James Cameron's Avatar series and Far Cry Primal.

Plot: Right after rescuing his father from the fire mountain, Littlefoot and his friends travel back to the great valley. Meanwhile, Red Claw takes over various packs of sharp teeth to help him fight against the great valley.
During this time, Littlefoot gets separated from the rest of the gang.
As he tries to find the others, He stumbles on a trapped Sharptooth that he sets free and finds out the Sharptooth was really a prehistoric Human Shaman in disguise. He sends Littlefoot on a spiritual vision journey that grants him the ability to speak sharptooth. He stumbles on his first new Sharptooth friend. She is Chomper's Kind and age and is a girl. Soon, The Girl Sharptooth and Littlefoot become bonded with each other and decides to show her to the rest of the gang.
It takes time for her to be liked and not feared by the gang.
They find peace down the line.
However, As the battle with Red Claw continues, Cera and the gang find other sharpteeth that are their age and become a gang of leaf eaters and sharpteeth.
One Day, The Gang is caught by the grown ups. At first, They took time making friends with the gang's Sharpteeth friends, Soon They bonded with the friendly Sharpteeth.
During the fight against Red Claw, Many Sharpteeth defected from the leadership of Red Claw.
Ruby and Chomper's families get caught in the middle.
However, With the valley of United Sharpteeth and Flatteeth, Red Claw gets defeated once and for all.
With Red Claw gone with the trust of sharpteeth like Chomper's Parents, They become the leaders of Sharpteeth in The great valley.
However, A new threat rises.

A Tyrant in the form of a Neantherthal named: Ivan The Sharptooth slaver.
He behaves the same way as Drago Bludvist does from HTTYD 2.
With a huge tribe and army of Early Humans loyal to him wage a war against the great valley and allies.
After being captured and taken into slavery by the Ivan's Army, Littlefoot helps the sharpteeth escape to freedom.
With their freedom, They rebel against Ivan and the loyal Humans, and defeat him.

The third and possible serious threats and challenges is this.

Humans from an earth that is dying of environmental collapse, come to Pangea.
Most humans settle in peace in colonies made by advanced technology from the dying earth.
Other Humans can be careless and greedy to try and take over Pangea.

What do you all think?


  • Ruby
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Hello, everybody! My name is Jack.
I have loved the LBT series since 1998.
I may not be much of a fanfic author.
However, I can share ideas with creativity.

Since Journey of The Brave may  have been the last of the series, I have what I call A Mega idea for A Mega Crossover.

This mega crossover happens Right after Journey of The Brave.

It is a crossover between The Land Before Time X Terra Nova X HTTYD X James Cameron's Avatar series and Far Cry Primal.

Plot: Right after rescuing his father from the fire mountain, Littlefoot and his friends travel back to the great valley. Meanwhile, Red Claw takes over various packs of sharp teeth to help him fight against the great valley.
During this time, Littlefoot gets separated from the rest of the gang.
As he tries to find the others, He stumbles on a trapped Sharptooth that he sets free and finds out the Sharptooth was really a prehistoric Human Shaman in disguise. He sends Littlefoot on a spiritual vision journey that grants him the ability to speak sharptooth. He stumbles on his first new Sharptooth friend. She is Chomper's Kind and age and is a girl. Soon, The Girl Sharptooth and Littlefoot become bonded with each other and decides to show her to the rest of the gang.
It takes time for her to be liked and not feared by the gang.
They find peace down the line.
However, As the battle with Red Claw continues, Cera and the gang find other sharpteeth that are their age and become a gang of leaf eaters and sharpteeth.
One Day, The Gang is caught by the grown ups. At first, They took time making friends with the gang's Sharpteeth friends, Soon They bonded with the friendly Sharpteeth.
During the fight against Red Claw, Many Sharpteeth defected from the leadership of Red Claw.
Ruby and Chomper's families get caught in the middle.
However, With the valley of United Sharpteeth and Flatteeth, Red Claw gets defeated once and for all.
With Red Claw gone with the trust of sharpteeth like Chomper's Parents, They become the leaders of Sharpteeth in The great valley.
However, A new threat rises.

A Tyrant in the form of a Neantherthal named: Ivan The Sharptooth slaver.
He behaves the same way as Drago Bludvist does from HTTYD 2.
With a huge tribe and army of Early Humans loyal to him wage a war against the great valley and allies.
After being captured and taken into slavery by the Ivan's Army, Littlefoot helps the sharpteeth escape to freedom.
With their freedom, They rebel against Ivan and the loyal Humans, and defeat him.

The third and possible serious threats and challenges is this.

Humans from an earth that is dying of environmental collapse, come to Pangea.
Most humans settle in peace in colonies made by advanced technology from the dying earth.
Other Humans can be careless and greedy to try and take over Pangea.

What do you all think?

Not bad.