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Land Before Time: Future Wars Fanficton


  • Ducky
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Hello fellow Gang of Five members,

Here is my latest fan ficiton venture, the official futuristic rendition of Twilight Valley done with Serris' permission!  The story follows two main angles and picks up after the invasion of the Dirge & the army of Achilles has been defeated.  The world is divided into two armies, the Leaf-eater nations collectively called the Valley Defense Alliance or the VDA and the Sharptooth nations collectively refered to as Claw.

If you are in any way confused about a concept presented in the story or a certain character, please reference my repository of Future Wars information located here:

Future Wars Repository

Claw 'Screamer' Jet:

Soon to Come:

Character art, and a world map.


If you found that you liked my previous stories, such as Far Away Home or Rise of Storm Tide then you will certainly not be dissapointed with this story in the least.  Nonetheless I understand if this type of fiction is not your cup of tea so if you find you would like to do so please post reviews as they are my chief source of continued inspiration!  Without further adu, here it is.



  • Ducky
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Land Before Time Future Wars:
Ice Storm

Part One: The Road to Revolution

The luxury room was built in such a way that only one of the uppermost classes of Claw could hope to dwell in it.  The furnished wooden walls were decorated not with sharpteeth from the past as one would think, but of scenes of triumph in history such as great victories, gallant fights, and in some cases great feasts.  Such was the nature of the society as a whole – the carnivorous predators focused mostly on events rather than people, as in their eyes they were only worthy of such status if they were strong enough to still be alive.  The Claw Empire did not dwell on the past; it was only the present and the near future that mattered.  Else ware in the room there were ornaments, some of them trophies such as the teeth of a particularly challenging prey or medals of position while others were maps of conquest or intended conquest.  Behind a desk of manufactured penthium wood sat the greatest general that Claw had ever known.

This commander had begun as a lowly lieutenant, carrying out Excidium’s will to pacify the populace of the city and persecuting his wars all across the Greater Continent.  He had been in second command of the western battalion, taking orders from Theta as Achilles had planned his grand betrayal.  It was in the bowels of the Mechtron City that this commander had proven himself to be Claw’s best and defeated the machine interlopers once and for all.  It was he who stood by and watched as Achilles was executed, and afterwards overseen the reconstruction of Claw Valley from the ground up.  Behind this desk sat Marshal Raptix, the dark brown fast-biter who took the title of Claw’s Supreme Commander.

In the thirty years that had passed since the end of Achilles and the Dirge, the entire prehistoric Earth did not recover… in fact it continued to die.  The Death Storm created by the VDF and their playing with the forces of nature did not fade and grew until it covered almost the entire planet eventually covering it in a layer of snow and ice.  ëDeath’s Winter’, as it would eventually be called, did not relent and soon the leaves did not grow and the plants withered away.  The first to suffer was the VDA and it’s federation of leaf eaters, who slowly starved to death until the entire empire fragmented into it’s respective Havens to help ensure their own separate survival.  It would not hit Claw until years later, but when it did mass famine erupted.  Their leaf-eater food stores slowly began to disappear, because with no food to go around they weren’t laying any eggs so there were no replacements for each generation that was taken.  Things got worse and worse, and soon under Theta’s rule the entire nation began to collapse.

Not willing to lose his position of total rule over all sharpteeth, Theta tightened his grip and used the military to repress the states under his control once more.  Under his guidance a new policy emerged… one that turned Claw into a totalitarian police state.  Any resistance to his policies resulted in immediate execution and consumption.  At the head of this movement was Theta’s new guard… the fanatical young lieutenants who stepped in to replace Raptix, Ozzy, and Aconite when they retired.  As the years went on the blood red fast-biter became even more brutal, targeting his own officer corps with routine purges to assure loyalty.  Even the old heroes of the past were no longer immune to Theta’s paranoia…

Raptix had admittedly been better… but it seemed as though age was getting the better of him these days.  Day after day he worked on writing his memoirs – the book “To Conquer and Consume by Marshal Raptix Denorex,” not that anyone would ever read it.  A strange thing that age had done to him was that he no longer wanted to fight and kill anymore – he had grown weary of the endless war and death.  Now all he wanted to do was to hopefully preserve his memory and experiences so that maybe the young would remember the terror of the Twilight War.  With all the terror that was going around during these times though, it almost compared.

There was a sudden knock at the door, and Raptix looked up removing his specially fitted glasses.

“You may enter,” he stated.

To his surprise the door swung open to reveal a green female fast-biter he hadn’t laid eyes on in a while – Procella.  The last time the two of them had actually met face to face was following the assault on the Mechtron, where she and her wing of massive Basilisk Warships were invaluable allies as they ripped through Achilles’ defences like they were toys.  The Rear Admiral had briefly commented about how her wing had completely won the day, and he had been put off by her arrogance.  Still, she had been half right.

“Ah, still a fan of the traditional style I see…” said Procella as she tilted her head in a wide arc to look all around the room, “were you not going blind in your age you would find good use in ëmodernizing’ this place.”

As arrogant as ever, thought Raptix.

“I have things to do… why are you here, has Theta sent you?”

“Maybe,” hinted Procella with a tease as she dragged a claw along his fireplace mantle, scratching it, “it certainly wouldn’t be out of the ordinary would it?”

“I don’t have time for these games,” replied Raptix as he replaced his glasses back over his nose, “I have work to do.”

The green female slumped forward onto his desk, her claws digging into the fine woodwork with ease.  Raptix flared his nostrils in annoyance.  She then surprised him by lifting an object from out of his line of sight and setting it on the table.  It was a black bottle of sharptooth booze – the good kind.

“Are you sure,” inquired Procella lightly as she started twirling her claw around the sealed rim of the bottle suggestively, “I was really hoping you might want to join me for a drink or two… catch up on old times?”

Despite his better judgement, Raptix couldn’t help but give a smile that slightly revealed his teeth.  Maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea.

“I remember my tour of duty at Cloud Island,” reminised Procella with a fiendish joy, “I used to play all sorts of games with those pathetic leaf-eaters before I finally had the privilege to kill them.”

“What sort of games?” asked Raptix passively as he uncorked the bottle with a bite of one of his teeth, and poured the dark liquid into two separate glasses.

Unlike with the leaf-eaters, alcohol-based beverages were not the drink of choice amongst the sharpteeth of Claw.  Because they were all carnivores, flavours like berry and lime and barley made them sick at a mere taste – their bodies rejected them.  Only special kinds of wine and mead made from bone-extracts would do it – and many of them ended up tasting terrible anyways.  Only the best brands did it right, just like the one that Procella had brought, but they made up for it by being extremely expensive to the point where only the rich could afford it.

“Well you see, there was this young swimmer… Ducky was her name I think,” Procella recalled, “I remember she had a brother, feisty young fellow.  Quite delicious though-”

A sound of smashing glass came from outside the door, followed by a frustrated growl.

“You brought others with you?” inquired Raptix with suspicion.

“Only my bodyguards… one can’t be too careful with times as they are,” said Procella as she raised her glass, “A toast, to the eternal greatness of the Claw Empire.”

“Everything for Claw,” repeated Raptix as he raised his glass as well and they came into contact.

It went down smooth, but the instant he swallowed it the fast-biter knew something wasn’t right.  His suspicions were confirmed when Procella tilted her glass and poured the dark liquid onto the floor in contempt.

Suddenly Raptix felt weak… his arm failed and the glass fell to the ground, smashing into a dozen pieces.  One by one his muscles failed until he was lying on the floor, totally paralyzed but surprisingly fully conscious.  In a moment Procella was over top of him, a glowering look about her features.

“I didn’t think it would be so easy to poison you… the ëSupreme Commander’ as it were,” she gloated, “I figured you would be used to testing for this kind of thing by now.”

Raptix couldn’t respond, only to contract his eyebrows into an expression of pure hate.  The green fast-biter opened her mouth and licked her lips standing overtop his prone form.  After a moment of thought she stuck out her tongue and licked him, streaking the entire length of his face right to the tip of his nose.

“It’s nothing personal,” she commented, “Theta offered me your position in the wake of your… ëresignation’.”

She smiled and licked him again, this time touching her nose to his.

“You know in another life we could have been mates… imagine that.”

If he could’ve growled, he would have.  Outside the door, a sudden screech echoed through the room from down the hall and the sounds of automatic spine-fire could be heard.  Procella looked up in alarm, whacking her tail on the side of his face on purpose as a result.

“How unfortunate,” lamented the green fast-biter as she turned back to him, “I was really hoping we could have a little bit of fun…”

On that note the sounds outside became louder and Procella bared her teeth in a vicious expression of hunger, dribbling saliva onto him.

“Goodbye… Marshal Raptix.”

There was a quick whooshing sound and faster than the speed of an echo a tungsten blade flew through the air and impaled itself right in the back of Procella’s throat.  The other end burst out of the back of her mouth and locked itself in her teeth.  Amidst her look of absolute surprise and shock, the only sound that came out was a choking gag before she collapsed right on top of him.  Unable to act, Raptix could do nothing but sit there as droplets of her blood dripped onto him.

Soon the source of the blade became known as Procella’s corpse was picked up and tossed aside, revealing the sturdy and proud form of Claw’s immortal commando, the desert red fast-biter Manhattan.

“I always hated that bitch,” he snarled as he spat on her.

In a few moments Manhattan had procured a needle with the antidote to the paralysis drugs, and injected it into Raptix’s skin.  Thankfully the effects wore off fairly quickly.

“As always your assistance is appreciated Manhattan,” thanked Raptix as he rose to his feet, “but to what do I owe the pleasure?”

Manhattan snorted.

“Theta’s gone absolutely mad… he wants all of us dead including me.  I helped you because I need your command expertise again if we are to take back this state.”

“But I have no ambitions to rule,” corrected Raptix, “I’m too old… I’m afraid I don’t have many years left in me.”

In response Manhattan looked around from side to side, making sure nobody was listening.

“I have something I would like to share on a matter of faith,” he said in a half-whisper, “it is in regards to my own immortality… we will need a transport if we are to escape to Horn Valley.”

Raptix was intrigued, and besides this point now that Procella had failed Theta was thorough enough to ensure that reinforcements would be arriving soon to make sure the job was done right.  He would have to get out before they arrived.

“I have a Screamer in the hanger we could use,” replied Raptix.

Manhattan looked surprised.

“You have a supersonic flyer-craft in your hangar?” he commented with a slight curiosity, “that makes this much easier.”

“One can never be too prepared,” responded Raptix with a smile, and the two fast-biters left the carnage of the main office.

On his way out Raptix grabbed what he had done of his book, leaving everything else behind with Procella’s still bleeding corpse.

“I thought you preferred to fight with your Volcano Rifle,” remarked Raptix as they sidestepped the scythed corpses of Procella’s guards in the hallway of the miniature mansion, “your brother always used the Tungsten Blades.”

“When he was alive yes…” responded Manhattan with unease.

“I thought you two were immortal… what happened?” inquired Raptix casually.

“That VDF traitor Chomper didn’t simply kill him… he was erased from time entirely by some sort of new device,” snarled the desert red fast-biter, “until it happened I didn’t think we could die either.”

“He was a good soldier,” lamented Raptix politely.

“He was a ruthless butcher who deserved every bit of the fate that was handed to him,” snarled Manhattan with contempt.

“I take it you two had issues?” commented the brown fast-biter.

“That’s none of your business, our quarrels have lasted for centuries so you couldn’t possibly understand,” snapped Manhattan.

As they entered the hanger Raptix disengaged the guards and the Screamer Jet lowered itself from the rafters and prepared itself for launch.  The domed roof opened up in response, and a light barrage of snow particles entered while the heat began to leave.  Manhattan and Raptix suited up in the standard pilot fatigues, something that the immortal one was unfamiliar with.

“Tighten the left hold and fasten the belt,” instructed Raptix as he clipped on his radio apparatus and helmet, “okay, are you ready now?”

Manhattan didn’t move, and stared at the sleek silver sides of Claw’s most advanced interceptor.  Underneath the body was the receptor that launched the disruptive plasma balls used for incinerating enemy armour and structures.

“What is it?” inquired the brown fast-biter.

“Marshal Raptix,” began Manhattan, “now is the time we walk the road to revolution.  What we are about to do is not for the faint hearted, and many will die because of our actions.  I need to know that, through fire and steel and death, you will follow me until the end.”

Raptix looked at him with a look of half-seriousness. He held out his clawed hand to the immortal fast-biter.

“On one condition… we work together as partners and equals.”

Manhattan curled an amused smile.  He reached out and shook Raptix’s hand and remarked,

“It’s nice to see that our commander is back.”

“You can count on me,” added Raptix.

Soon the two of them had boarded the jet, and with a scream of hot air it exited the hanger and burst off into the cold, dead atmosphere.





  • General of the Great Valley
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You spelled marshal wrong in one place though.

Also, Manhattan is a blue sickleclaw but I am willing to let that slide.

And Raptix has purple-blue feathers but I am willing to let that slide too.

Procella is a black sickleclaw but like I said I am willing to let that slide.


Also, your question in my ask me thread has been answered:

Raptix is a Veliciraptor (fast biter). He is Deimos's friend. He is much more polite than his friend Deimos. He is afraid of heights.

Deimos is Utahraptor (sickleclaw). He is Raptix's friend. He can be rather impatient, blunt and in some cases outright rude but he is generally a good hearted dinosaur. Another quirk of his is that he tends to swear a lot.


As for why they joined the Great Valley, Deimos did not like Excidium's plans so he decided to backstab him.

Raptix had fled Fang Valley, along with Blue-Scale after Blue-Scale killed several other sharpteeth to stave off his brother's execution.

They eventually met in the outskirts of the Great Valley and after saving Littlefoot's life, they gradually got accepted into the valley with the stipulation that they do not kill and eat any of the Great Valley's dinosaurs. Since that time, they have been allies and friends of the Great Valley dinosaurs.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Ducky
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You have to tell me these things :confused

The characters are described by only their names in Twilight Valley, with a very infrequent reference to their species and colour.  I can't sift through the entire story to determine these things prior to writing them in, it just takes too much time.

Here are all the characters I have so far as they appear:

Raptix - Brown fast-biter
Manhatten - Desert Red fast-biter
Procella - Green fast-biter
Hellebore - Orange Sickleclaw
Aconite - Black fast-biter
Ozzy - himself
Theta - Crimson Red fast-biter
Diemos - Blue Sickle Claw

Ms. Maia - herself, Ruler of Sycthe Valley (the place with massive ship works)
Carndine - white male sharptooth, ruler of Claw satellite state Horn Valley


and of course the great valley leaf-eaters.


  • Ducky
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I never really got any feedback on this from anyone other than Serris, is anyone else interested in seeing it continue or shalt I let it die?

The Chronicler

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I'm interested in seeing that world map you made. :yes

I might also be interested in seeing you continue this, but don't expect any comments from me. :neutral

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

f-22 "raptor" ace

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I like this fanfic. it is very interesting. I would like you to continue writing it I'm interested in seeing some more of the art work for this as well.


  • Ducky
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Part Two: Absolute Power

Claw City sparkled with intertwining lights as the  decorated street lamps shined brightly and windows in all levels of the silver skyscrapers were occupied by curious onlookers of some status.  The network of steel and bright red ferrocrete spires had halted it's usual ceaseless operation and come to a near standstill as the greatest military parade ever held there filled the streets.  All around sharpteeth of all types roared their approval and awe at the specticle that they rarely had the chance to see.  Some held lofting banners, while others had strapped flag poles to their backs bearing the Steel Talon in a blood red background - Claw's national flag.  Onlookers were of all ages from hatchlings to elders but they all shared in the jubilation of the only celebration ever held in the Sharptooth nations - the Grand Alpha's Birthday.  Sharpteeth were a lot that rarely saw need to celebrate... mostly because as a civilization they rarely dewelled on events past but also because there was rarely the resources to go around to support such occassions.  Life here was harsh, but when the time came to relax it was taken quite seriously.

Nobody worked on the Great Alpha's birthday... corporations and government businesses all halted their work to acknowledge the single greatest among Sharptooth kind... the very top of the carnivorous pyramid of existence.  Indeed, the occassion was so important that many family packs would save specifically for the day... much like humans would for Christmas or Haunicah.  The day proceeded as dictated by traditions set long before Exicidium or even his father Ultor even came to power.  The morning would be marked by long period of relaxation, where all the businesses and schools would shut down.  Following the mid-meal... that is the first meal of the day just before human lunch time... the Claw military puts on a glorious parade through the streets consisting of mass soldiery equiped with the latest weaponry and equipment.  The Screamers fly in formation overhead, while the newest models of Tyrannotrons and Scythe Walkers march in perfect order... all to demonstrate Claw's massive power and the superiority of sharpteeth over all other beings on the planet.  This year too for the first time a Basilisk Warship, the C.S. Preyhound, hovered slowly overhead as the crowd cheered at it's massive thrusters and huming engine drives that barely cleared the metropolis structures.  All this meant little to the crimson skinned fast biter Theta as he watched the masses bellow chant his name and praise the glory of the state that he had rebuilt from the ground up.

It was his birthday, the most special day in all of the Claw nations, and yet still Theta was unhappy.  Dressed lightly in the Emperor-General gown specially prepared for him on this occassion, the sharptooth leader peered down at the gathered crowd with a sneer on his face, as if angered by their efforts to centre attention on him and his supposed successes.  A small lick of smoke rose from the end of the golden cigar he had in his mouth... one of the few uses for plants sharpteeth ever found... and after taking a deep breath of it's hot, longneck flesh flavoured insides he exhaled and removed it from his toothy maw.  The parpet he now sat on extended outwards from his personal palace, officially called 'Alpha Lair' it was more commonly known amongst both Sharptooth and Leaf-eater as the infamous 'Claw Spire', and offered him a commanding view of events below without exposing him to possible snipers.

The Basilisk passed directly overhead, the mighty sonic vibrations of it's drives causing ripples to appear in the shaped glass of Blood Water Wine... his favourite kind.  How inconvenient.

"You don't look pleased my love," came a gentle and caring voice from behind the crimson fast-biter, and he turned his pointed head to face the source.

"Spare me Scytha," replied Theta in contempt, "I have enough on my mind as it is without having to deal with these interruptions."

"They are here for you you know," continued Scytha as she walked out onto the parapet and waved, "... and for all your steel you should at least show them the proud and strong face of their ruler."

Theta snorted, and took another breath of his cigar before tossing it aside.  Raising to his feet, he stepped to the railing and roared.  All around sharpteeth, tall and small, echoed him creating a verbal cresendo that was near defeaning.  The parade did an about face, and massed ranks of sickle claws passing at the time put their weapons under their arms and raised their noses in a mighty salute.   Walking Vehicles that could did the same, matching the postures of the smaller infantry with precision and grace.  Approving, Theta lowered his head and smiled.  Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all.

"Perhaps you are right Scytha," admitted the Great Alpha Theta, turning to his mate only to find that she wasn't there.  

Annoyed, he stepped away from the parapet and followed her inside.  One of his two elite Bodyguards closed the doors behind him, cutting off the ceaseless noise.  Theta continued onwards through his suite, a collection of luxury to rival the greatest of the VDF Councillors or Claw Corporate Lords.  His delicately manicured talons ticking on the marble floor as he walked, the fast-biter eventually found her next to the breeding chamber, staring at the eggs contained within.

In the past female sharpteeth would lay their eggs and sit on them for weeks, relying on their male mates to bring food to sustain them while they guarded the nest.  The Claw world however, functioned much faster and often required both the male and female to work to sustain all the pack's needs.  To this end, one of the corporations had developed special pods to hold their cluch and keep it not only safe and warm, but to provide regular scans and updates on the unborn hatchlings inside.  Unfortunately, this didn't stop the mother from thinking about her charge and wanting to remain near them, and it was very common for females to obsessedly stare through the glass shield and routinely ask the computer for updates on their children.

"Again with the eggs Scytha?" chided Theta insensitively as he prowled up behind her.

The female fast-biter was leaning so close to the glass her breath was fogging it up in the two spots nearest to her nostrils.

"I wonder if they will hatch soon," she said absently.

"Time will tell as it always does," insisted Theta crossly, "but right now I want you to prepare for the late feast... I can't have my first mate appearing flustered in front of all the Corporates and the Generals."

"Yes," admited Scytha, "... I'm sorry."

A persistant beep alerted the Great Alpha's attention to his personal AI interface in a nearby wall, telling the fast-biter ruler that Magnus had an important matter of the state to inform him of.  Being the ruler of Claw he was given an uplink to the central artificial intelligence that ran many of the government duties so that sharpteeth he wasn't sure he could trust didn't have to.  The new AI was named Magnus, and unlike Achilles it was entirely a computer-mind with no living organism based around it.  Magus was a Claw reinvention of the VDF's ALI unit that was stolen during the Twilight War before the cease fire, and Theta found it's deep and forceful voice and prudence in bringing all important matters to his desk right away appealing.  More then once the crimson fast-biter had held onto power only due to the AI's warnings and predictions.

"What is it Magnus?" asked Theta crudely, as if he had better things to do... which he did.

The interface slid open, revealing a large screen.  The monitor lit up with the military data net, a rotating Steel Talon Claw symbol in a red background.  Everytime Magnus spoke, the hue of the symbol changed in response to the tone of the computerized voice.  Theta prefered it this way, as giving Magnus a face would only serve to remind him of the hated Achilles.

"You are recieving an incoming call," declared Magnus,"... accessing outer communication node."

Theta made a show of tapping his feet talons on the floor in impatience.

The screen blinked, and changed to reveal the visage of his brother Hasta.  The background was a room that looked spacious and luxurious, and was as much of a work of art is it was a state room of a senior official.  The curves and bends of the walls were of a special white plastic that was lined with pronounced hues of green and blue.  Where the wall stopped, a domed glass window revealed another city below.  Clearly the VDF treated the Claw Ambassador with a lot more respect then theirs recieved here.  In Theta's mind, it was a point of pride.

"Brother," remarked Hasta casually, "you look flustered have I caught you at a bad time?"

Theta shuffled one of his feet to stand a little taller.

"No, now is as good of a time as any... I trust you have something important for me?"

Hasta snorted.

"I can hardly stand this place," the fast-biter complained, "these leaf-eaters are worse then a  bunch of hatchlings, arguing about senseless diversions like street laws and forest conservation when the real problem is sitting right in front of them."

As Theta watched, his brother opened a drawer and pulled out a Spine Pistol he had been keeping in there.  He clicked the chamber, and loaded in a clip.

"Get this," Hasta continued with a snicker, "did you know they banned weapons from all their civilians?  Hah, if we ever attacked this place again they would fall over like an old tree."

Theta rolled his eyes.

"Might I remind you that while you are representing us, you are subject to their laws as well. ...So can you at least pretend to obey them?"

Hasta ignored him and fired a few shots at a nearby vase, shattering the container and spreading water and tina flowers everywhere.

"It's not like home here so sir... the other night there was a runner vet here who went crazy and killed another one in cold blood, spouting some nonsense about 'collaberating with the enemy'.  Do you know what sentence they gave him?"

Theta couldn't fein that he wasn't interested anymore, since for all he knew it could have been one of his spies that was killed.

"Okay... what did he get?"

"Sixteen months in therapy and veteran's rehabilitation," chuckled Hasta as he took aim at another unfortunate object in the room, "Back on your land, the Firehounds would have took him out back and put a bullet in his head... before they ate him that is."

Hasta blew the head off an unfortunate porcelien spike-tail on the table.

"If that's all your wasting my time with, could you at least wish me a happy birthday?"

"Oh, right," remembered Hasta as he twirled the handgun in his fingers, "happy birthday bro."

With the push of a button, Theta closed the link.

Absently, the Great Alpha couldn't help but wonder how Procella's mission had gone... it had been a while since she had last reported in, and she had given her word that the task would only take a few hours.  Not putting it to chance, the fast-biter consorted with the AI for information.

"Magnus, get me a report on the actions of the Sickeclaw Procella," Theta insisted.

"Compiling log... stand by."

A few moments passed.

"Name: Procella.  Status: Deceased.  Location and Time of Death: Eight standard hours ago, Marshal Raptix residence."

"WHAT!?!" Theta shouted, banging his fist against the table.

An alarm went up from the security systems.  Sensing a loud noise and hard vibration, windows and locks imeadiately sealed.  Volcano Turrets popped out from behind two portraits, and begun scanning the room for obvious threats to the safety of the Alpha.  Recomposing himself, Theta said the code word to disable the security.

"Excidium lives."

Without another word, the windows and doors opened, and the turrets folded back up into the wall.

The outragous security was all installed when Excidium occupied this very suite, and he was thorough and meticious thanks to his paranoia about assassination and betrayal.  Theta knew all about that, and had carried out the executions of many innocent sharpteeth on his order.  Now, the fast-biter simply hadn't got around to changing the security codes so the old ones had to do.

Theta shifted his mind back to his plot to assassinate Raptix... one of the most dangerous threats to his rule now.  With Procella dead, it was now assured that the general knew of the treachery and was certainly out to get him now.  All that in tow, the Great Alpha walked calmly down the stairs to catch up with Scytha, and greet all the guests of his birthday dinner.  Entering the massive dining chamber, Theta couldn't help but wonder which ones were friends... and which ones were enemies.


  • General of the Great Valley
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You know, this hactually has more of a Command and Conquer flavor than LBT... but I like it!

By the way, a little nitpick (since I am running out of time):

He clicked the chamber, and loaded in a clip

"Clip" should be "magazine" unless you mean to say that the Spine Pistol has an inbuilt, non-removable magazine.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Petrie
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I love it! I love it! I love it! (jumps up and down excitedly). I'm not trying to kiss up here, but it's better than any Tom Clancy novel or 1984. I love how it gets in the action so quickly. I'd love to help you write this, and I throw my full support behind you!

The female fast-biter was leaning so close to the glass her breath was fogging it up in the two spots nearest to her nostrils.

The female fast-biter was leaning so close to the glass that her breath was fogging it up in the two spots nearest to her nostrils.

Theta knew all about that, and had carried out the executions of many innocent sharpteeth on his order.

Delete the comma or add a "he" after the "and".


  • Ducky
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Thanks for the compliments Dima and Serris.

This fan-fic is one that is updated very slowly (as in once every month to 2 months) so don't expect a lot to come out of it unless I decide to develop it even more then what i already have.

Currently I'm working on a chapter about Grisson, Ruby's son, and as well I'm giving a bit of information on the VDF that I haven't really put in story form yet.  Claw is cool, but I think most people like the leaf-eaters more :lol



  • Ducky
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Part Three: Ten and Twenty:

The hand of cards was dealt around the table, each one sliding across the glass surface like a leaf in the breeze.  Some of them proceeded until they were gripped by their receiver, while others reflected off stainless crystal cups as a result of a poor throw.  All around the seats the fast runner soldiers assembled their cards and sorted out their hands.  Grisson sighed as he assembled his into unsurprisingly a dud.  A Two and Fourteen of Crowns, an Alpha of Glades, a Ten of Berries, and a Twelve of Havens… highly unimpressive.  Submissively, the faintly blue skinned fast runner threw his hand to the table.

“I’m out… gotta piss anyway.”

As Grisson hopped off the stool specifically designed for runners, one of the lance sergeants couldn’t resist a gibe.

“Getting sick of taking your money Corporal… one day you’re going to be running without pay like those Claw bastards.”

The other runners at the table laughed, taking amusement from his lack of fortune.  Ignoring the taunts of his fellow officers, Ruby’s only son made his way towards the venting room.  Casually, he grabbed a toothpick from the serving desk and stuck it in his mouth.  It wasn’t like Grisson actually had any teeth to speak of, but the protruding shaft of wood made him look calmer and more collected to anyone who happened to be looking his way, or any lesser troops who saluted him on his path.  

The bar, and indeed the entire complex was designed for a single purpose – to house and attend to the Valley Defence Forces Runner Division, or as some liked to call it the ëFresh Meat Corps’.  As laid down by standard military practise, the place was staffed and run by runners just like the normal soldiery since it was frowned upon to allow members of other races to fraternize with one another.  Sure sometimes the occasional spiketail crew would come in to fix the equipment or a longneck inspector would tour to see that everything was running properly, but most of the time it was runners and runners only.  The building was known as Runner Command, and there were separate levels for the common enlisted runners and the appointed officers that led them.  In the past officers were chosen purely on experience – that is how many battles they had fought in and lived through – but now that the VDF and Claw were officially at peace, the only real engagements were either peacekeeping or rooting out dens of Dirge monsters lurking within the wilderness making that system very inflexible.  Now officers were appointed commonly by family line, where the ones that got too old were simply replaced by their offspring upon retirement.  Grisson got his title of Corporal by this means ten years ago, though it was in a way he never wanted.

Thirty years ago, when he was still barely a hatchling his mother Ruby and his unnamed father enlisted in the VDF when the Dirge attacked.  His father was killed before they were even officially mated, while Ruby died heroically during Death Storm – the final battle against the Dirge.  He had of course been orphaned, but thanks to his mother being something the scientists called a ëPrimogenitor’ (that is a dinosaur who will grow to full size and is immune to the Dirge disease) he was cared for by the government in hopes he would pass the immunity genes onto one of his children.

Growing up the Twilight War was a big part of his life, but it was mostly the aftermath that he remembered.  There was destruction everywhere – burning rubble and poisoned lands where nobody dared go.  Suffering and mourning was common, and at the time he had trouble understanding what everyone was so miserable about… sure he missed his mommy and his daddy but his foster parents were nice and they took good care of him.  

Around his twelfth starday his caretakers finally deemed him old enough to know about what really happened to his parents and how important their duty was to leaf-eaters everywhere.  He was given a book called Death Storm: The End of Friends written by a swimmer named Ducky, and he read it for nearly a week straight from front to back.  It blossomed a new fire within him, a passion for military strategy he didn’t know he had that drove him to understand and plan.  He worked for an entire summer to get a hold of a tactical planner program from a group of broke longnecks attending Commander College, and used it day and night to learn the ins and outs of marshalling a force in battle.  At the end of primary school, he was given the option of either going for a military path or a civilian one and given a duty as befitting of his race.  He chose a military one, and his high test scores prompted the threehorn principle to recommend him for Commander College.

“Ow… son of a spiketail!” swore Grisson as he tripped over a gun leaning against the wall and landed on the floor.

The runner looked venomously at an entire armoury’s worth of shotguns propped on the wall like common brooms – such carelessness was borderline idiocy.  Snarling, he picked up the one he had tripped over off the ground and clicked the hammer into position.  Reasoning it was time to instil some discipline; he pushed though the officers’ door and strutted into the common solders’ mess hall with the gun resting across the back of his neck. The massive room was packed with runners noisily feeding and chatting amongst themselves, with the occasional fit of laughter or shouting match.

Jumping up onto a table, Grisson pointed the gun in the air and fired.  The sound of the gunshot echoed throughout the room, causing the two hundred plus runners to stop what they were doing and stare in the direction of the shocking disturbance.  Assured that he had got everyone’s attention, the runner corporal slid the gun down until it smacked the table (smashing a plate full of food in the process) and readjusted his grip.

“Now, which one of you sharpteeth bait did this? Huh?” Grisson boomed.

“A whole units worth of these, just lying outside the mess hall waiting to be stolen by a snivelling turncoat!”

Angrily, he plucked the toothpick out of his mouth and tossed it aside.

“Alright… so which one of you is it?  You have four seconds before I lose it, and if I do you’re going to wish for a dishonourable discharge.”

A field sergeant three tables down stood up immediately.

“They belong to my unit sir,” admitted the runner courageously, “we came in late from a patrol and were eager to eat… it won’t happen again sir.”

Grisson jumped down off the table, and walked over to the field sergeant.

“Patrol?” he asked, before looking down the entire line of runner soldiers whom were clearly exhausted, “… and everyone made it back?”

“Yes sir,” nodded the sergeant, “we brought down some Raveners nesting in one of the greenhouses… cleaned it all up.”

Grisson looked impressed, and handed over the Auto-shotgun to the leader confidently.

“Good.  I trust then that you will take care of this before it becomes an issue.”

“Absolutely sir,” replied the runner with a salute.

With the matter resolved, the hall went back to its usual dinner time routine.  A minute later, it was like the event had never occurred.  Grisson turned to head away from the eating soldiers and back to what he was originally planning to do… that is paying the venting room a visit.

About five minutes later he returned to the table where his fellows had been playing Flatcard, only to find that the game was already over.

“Hey Corporal, I hear the head honcho is looking all over for you,” called out the female barkeeper.

“Tell me something I want to know Ren,” responded Grisson as he slipped onto a seat.

“No really male, I think its serious business this time,” she countered, placing a tray of used glasses into the automatic purifier and washer.

Grisson sighed, and slipped back onto his feet again.  In a bit of a mood, he left the officer’s hall for the second time that night.  Whatever the Runner General wanted, it had better be good enough to keep him from enjoying his few hours of off-duty time.


Unfortunately the principle’s recommendation didn’t go too much farther then that.  The board of longnecks running Commander College refused him entry, stating that ërunners were not mentally fit for overall command’ and reaffirming the VDA racial doctrine.  Grisson was disappointed, but even before he finished primary school he knew it was a longshot – the CC only took longnecks and longnecks only.  It had been that way for nearly five generations, and it wasn’t about to change for him.  Disheartened, he signed up for a position in Runner Command and was taken on almost instantly and given an officer’s title.  It turned out that his mom Ruby had held his same title, and they were just waiting for him to age appropriately to pass it onto him.  Ever since that day, Grisson has coordinated patrols, organized defences, and in general done his best to keep the population safe from vicious aliens and sharpteeth.

One thing he learned right away was that fast runners, no matter their position or duties, were always subordinated to other races for anything deemed to be important.  Be it a Spiketail Foreman looking to defend his mining interests, a Threehorn Armoured Herd Leader demanding infantry support, or in the case of large operations a Longneck Commander.  It infuriated him sometimes that those he worked under assumed that the runners’ job was simply to die for the VDF, and considered them all expendable and inferior.

A short ride through a supersonic elevator followed by an annoyingly long journey through various hallways and stations eventually led Grisson to the door of the Runner General.  There was quite a bit of security ranging from rotating Ion turrets to powered force fields to Chrono-locked blast doors proving that while the normal foot soldier was expendable, the VIDs (Very Important Dinosaurs) were well taken care of.

Grisson cleared security easily as the meeting he was about to attend was scheduled well beforehand.  A brief scan of his body and a DNA check initiated by the HQ’s ALI unit ensured he was who he looked like he was, and he was permitted entry into the head runners office.

“Ah… Grisson Rubyson,” greeted the Runner General warmly as he entered the room, “today is a great day to be a runner let me tell you… this one’s gonna make history.”

Closing the door behind him, Grisson took a long look around the room.  The suite was near the top floor of Runner Command, so the broad and all-encompassing windows gave a great view of both the base, and the city of Great Haven beyond.  The positioning of the office was such that there was no vantage point for a potential sniper, though there was never any reason for the VID working here to go near the windows anyway.

The Runner General was standing in front of him, with his hand held out in welcome.  It was highly unusual considering how heavily the dino outranked him, but soon the reason why was revealed.  A row of four longnecks, all dressed in full white and silver Chrono-suit exoskeletons, stood sternly along one side of the room with their noses pointed directly into the air and their bodies unmoving and vigilant.  


And by the quality of the equipment they were wearing – the absolute latest – they would have to be Honor Guards for someone very high up in VDF Command.  Who else was here waiting for him?

“I wouldn’t get too far ahead of myself Varen,” chided somebody Grisson couldn’t see, hidden behind the large chair that was currently turned away from them.  Faintly, he could smell cigar smoke emanating from the area.

“Grisson,” continued the Runner General, “I’d like introduce you to the dino who needs to introduction… the Commander in Chief… General Longtail.”

The chair turned, and Grisson could see the visage of an old, sour longneck that he recognized right away.  General Longtail had been serving the in the VDF for over forty six years, and commanded the army for over thirty two.  He was in charge as far back as when first Claw attacked and the Twilight War began.  After Claw’s defeat, he also planned the counterattack against the Dirge and personally oversaw the Death Storm Operation.  His face had been plastered on the news ever since Grisson was a hatchling, either winning an award for that or a commendation for this.  It was clear why there were such high-tech Honor Guards here now.  The only question now was why he warranted such attention from the highest longneck commander out of all the runners in the place.  Was he in trouble?

Longtail removed the cigar from his mouth, and deposited it in the ash plant (anyone who smoked would return the burned plants to the ground either through a potted plant or a soil container).

“I’ll be honest with you Runner Grisson, I did not expect to have to drag my ass over here today… especially so late.  I’ll keep this short and to the point.”

The old longneck got up, and hobbled over to join the two runners in the middle of the floor.  One short nod and the ALI unit in the wall brought up a hologram right between them.  Inside the false blue image, Grisson could see what looked like a letter of some kind.

“This morning I got a letter from the Head Counsellor.  Apparently the almighty Littlefoot thinks it was wrong of the Commander College to refuse your application, and he has requested that we overturn the ruling provided you still want the position.”

Grisson could hardly believe it.  Why would the leader of the entire leaf-eater world care if he got into Commander School?  His first thought was that of his mom.  Maybe Ruby had known the longneck when they were still in service?  Regardless, the fact that this was happening was almost beyond his belief.  Three years into the Runner Division he had assumed that becoming a Commander was only a distant dream.

“I emphasize the ëif you want the position’ part,” continued Longtail distastefully, “I’m pretty sure you would have no more desire to attend a school full of… longnecks am I right?”

The Runner General started to look a bit nervous, and silently turned to Grisson with a pleading expression on his face.  Clearly the runner wanted him to take the position as much as he did.

“Of course I do,” insisted Grisson excitedly, “I’ve been studying and practising the art of war ever since I was a hatchling… this is a dream come true.”

Longtail didn’t share his conviction.  On the contrary the Commander General actually looked annoyed as if he was an insect that had just flown into the longneck’s face.

“Let me tell you something boy,” started Longtail in a serious tone, “there is a little something we higher ups call the order of things…”

The hologram changed to suit Longtail’s speech, morphing into models of dinosaurs of various races within the VDF as he spoke.

“At the top we have the longnecks… intelligent and kind hearted. We design tomorrow and make the world a better place for everyone by using our intellectual gifts to guide the way…”

The hologram changed into a threehorn.

“Next we have the threehorns… stubborn but dependable, their traditions and loyalty guide us through the darkest hours and keep us fighting even when all others have given up hope.  For them, the honour of steel and war is one of the highest and many of us owe  them our lives.”

The hologram changed to a swimmer.

“Then we have the swimmers… small but skilled they are the experts of our society, doctoring the wounded and supporting their dinos in arms however they can.  Without them, we would be hungry, sick, and sorry… are you following me?”

Grisson nodded.  As he did so, the shimmering image changed yet again into a flyer.

“The flyers are our wings.  They pilot our flyer-craft and strike with pin point accuracy and conviction.  The air-wings are our best, and it is there where they belong.”

The image shifted into a spiketail.

“We dream it up, and the spiketails make it happen.  Cities are built on their strength, and the VDA expands under their construction and resource gathering skills.  They also man our heavy equipment, and put firepower where we need it most.”

The hologram changed at last into a fastrunner.

“And now we come to the last end in the chain… the bottom of the pile.”

The Runner General snorted in offense, but hid it well.

“… runners are not quite leaf-eater, and yet not sharptooth either.  Your speed is your biggest asset, and in fighting for the VDF you all seek to prove that your worthy of the right to live in our cities among us, eat our food, and breed your young.  We keep you at distance, Grisson, because we know that you’re all one step away from becoming Claw killers like the rest of them.”

The Runner General was incited by the comments, and was being pushed to the limits of his restraint.  Grisson felt the same way.  What right did this longneck have to put them down like this? More runners died in the Twilight War then any other race… they had paid for their right to live here in blood.

“…Now, at last, we come to you Grisson.  Littlefoot’s word is the law, so as powerful as I am I can’t stop you from joining the Commander School.  Just know that if you do, the order of our society will be upset in a way that it never has been before.  There will be others like you who seek to break down the walls between our castes, and you really don’t want to be the one to open the floodgates do you?”

There was about a minute of silence as Grisson made up his mind.  Suddenly, the Runner General wasn’t so sure what he wanted anymore.  Maybe one of their own going right to the top was bad for the VDF as a whole.

“I’m going,” declared Grisson defiantly, “and nothing you say or do will stop me.  I will be the first runner to do it, not just for me but for my mom.  She’s the reason I’m even here at all, so I’m not going to insult her memory by stepping down to your threats!”

General Longtail sneered, and reached over to take a few puffs from his cigar.  It was a tense moment as the longneck took two long breaths, and filled the room briefly with smoke before it was filtered away.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he smiled.

“Good.  I knew I could count on you.”

Grisson was confused.


Longtail continued to smile.

“I had to know that some of your mother was in you, and you didn’t let me down.  You’ll make a fine commander I’m sure, but you will be tested to your limits.  Don’t get me wrong kid, but I believe in you… but others want to see you fail.  If I am to sign my approval to this application, I want you to be behind it 100%, all the way.”

Grisson nodded.  He wasn’t backing down now.

“Alright then,” commented Longtail, and he pulled a pen out of his elaborate cocoon like uniform.  Since longnecks had evolved opposable thumbs in the process of their degradation at the hands of the Dirge disease, it was a simple task for Longtail to sign the letter.

“You are dismissed.”

Without another word, Grisson turned and left.  On his shoulders, he carried the weight of the responsibility that was now being thrust upon him.  He would show those stuffy longnecks that he could do what they did too… and even be better then them at it.

“Pardon,” peeped the Runner General as the blast doors closed behind Grisson, “Mr. Longtail what do you honestly think his chance of success is… just for my personal records.”

Longtail took another puff out of his cigar.

“In all honesty,” commented the Longneck, “between ten and twenty percent.”



  • General of the Great Valley
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Nice. I swear, this writing style is really similar to the writing style of the authors of the Halo novelizations.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Ducky
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Thanks for the praise Serris!

I would really like it if you could elaborate more on what you like, don't like, or want to see in the story since it is so heavily based on your own fan-fic Twilight Valley. :)



  • Ducky
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I am strongly considering preparing another piece for this fan-fiction based around the relationship between the fast-biter Achilles and Icarus the Creator.  Both are interesting villains from the Twilight War, and both have equally intreguing story events to go with them leading to the eventual final ending of my Future Wars series.

Make sure to let me know if you are following this at all, as if nobody cares then it is of little use for me to continue it.



  • Ducky
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I have another chapter in the works for this.

It is going to focus a bit on Littlefoot and how he has progressed differently in a futuristic and advanced world so different from the original one.

Let me know if you are following this, or are simply interested in it enough to read it when it is completed!

Caustizer :angel


  • General of the Great Valley
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I've always wanted to see an update!

By the way, I've really gotten into military SF.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Ducky
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Part Four: A Long Time Ago

“Tell me again what your people saw Dyreen,” remarked Littlefoot cautiously as he ran his gaze down the massive screen filled with orbital photographs, subsurface seismograms, and atmosphere diagnostics programs.”

“Central Net picked up what appears to be a Claw Volcanic test in the desert… and this one is like nothing we have ever seen before,” continued the Great Haven’s Chief of Intelligence.

A massive scarlet mushroom cloud cascaded up into the atmosphere on the replay, causing a bright flash on the screen. The flash faded, but the enormous blast wave rolled across the barren desert landscape as expected.  It was typical to see these things during a Volcanic detonation, but what was atypical was what happened next.  The blast sucked back in on itself and appeared to back-build, initiating a second and third explosion that lit up the darkness of the night.

“Some of our scientists theorise that Claw has developed a self-sustaining Volcanic Warhead,” continued the advisor, “were that the case, it would double or even triple the concentrated yield on a tactical level.”

“We cannot be entirely sure this is Theta’s doing of course,” corrected the massive longneck, “it is not fitting to blame our neighbours for every anomaly our sensors pick up without just cause… especially when our peace is as fragile as it is.”

“As you wish High Councillor,” acknowledged the longneck advisor by video screen, “I will update you when I receive any more information.”

Littlefoot gave him an assuring nod, and the link was terminated. With a sigh, the longneck issued the computer another command.

“ALI, call home please.”

“Uplink pending,” answered the computer in a mechanical female voice.

Silently the great longneck waited, taking a moment to think about all that had happened up to this point.

Prior to his death, the Great Haven had been ruled by Grandpa Longneck for decades.  His words were both of wisdom and caring, and they resonated with the leaders of all the other Havens intensely to the point where he carried enormous influence.  When the Sharpteeth attacked suddenly and brutally thirty-two years ago, he was calm and collected… trusting the defence of the city to its VDF retainers.  His leadership saw the leaf-eaters pursue a humane and regretful military campaign against Claw, with success after success heightening public opinion and slowly changing him from a simple elected leader into a worldwide hero.  All Littlefoot wanted to remember was how much he hated it.

Grandpa and Grandma were always busy attending meetings, dinners, events, or inspections as required so they had almost no time for their grandson.  On top of that casual neglect, he despised having to travel with armed bodyguards everywhere and having his every move watched and scrutinized by the media.  Looking back, he honestly would not have survived it without his mother.

The High Councillor smiled as the memories came back to him.

His father died fighting the sharpteeth when he was very young, but mom was always there for him no matter what he needed.  Being in such a privileged position meant he had never met any other children his age and she had recognized this, so instead of private tutoring she put him into a normal school with other normal dinosaurs.  It was the single greatest thing she had ever done.

The Great Circle Arborium was a great forest grown within an artificial glass dome.  It was filled with plant-life, insects, flowing rivers, and even simulated weather.  Leaf-eater parents would send their children there during the day if they could afford it, for it was an oasis of life in a sea of concrete that was necessary for the proper development of their offspring.  There he met Ducky and Petrie, both just as friendless and new as he was and both just as eager to have fun.  Cera and he initially didn’t get along, but soon things settled down and she became part of the group.  They had tons of adventures each day, from the day they found Spike’s abandoned egg to the day the proto-seed went crazy during a game of toss the seed and started chasing them.  Ah such good memories…

Not that they knew it but a few had very important parents, which meant that things weren’t safe for them anywhere else.  His Grandpa was the High Councillor, Cera’s dad was the head of some top secret organization called ëSection 4’, and Petrie’s uncle Pterano was one of the four Air-wing Admirals in the VDF. Eventually things caught up with them and they were parted… but the five of them remained friends to this day.

The older Littlefoot sighed with a massive breath as the silver VDA symbol rotated on the screen over and over again.  He had seen it so many times now it was only a step above sitting and watching plants grow…

“… Call received, uplink established.”

The face of an old female longneck appeared on the screen.  She was turned away from the camera and was speaking to someone else.

“It’s your mate on the TV dear, I think he is expecting you,” she was saying.  

  In the background there were pieces of furniture specifically manufactured for longnecks, and white domed glass that comprised all the walls and the side widows.  Littlefoot waited patiently, though a blinking light in the top corner of the vision indicated that someone else was calling him (as usual, he was expecting about ten different ones today).

“Yeah I know they are a handful,” commented Littlefoot’s mother, “just be firm but fair.”

Shrugging off the conversation, she turned towards him on the view.

“Ali will just be a moment… she isn’t finished bathing all the children.”

Littlefoot’s face contorted into a smile.

“If you’re still like the mom I grew up with, everything is under control I’m sure.”

His mom nodded back heartily, her old features adorned with the joy of helping to raise hatchlings once again.  Littlefoot and his mom got along well now as mutual understanding had developed between them, but it hadn’t always been this way.  

A long time ago his father went away for service in the VDF.  Littlefoot was barely above a hatchling, but he still remembered watching him go.  Unfortunately the Sharpteeth attacked his garrison a few months later, and he didn’t come back with the rest of his unit.  His mother and he waited, but when the military representatives came to the door the truth finally sunk in… his dad was never coming back.

Littlefoot thought about his dad a lot and growing up he had always felt a void within him like he needed to know exactly where and how Bron had died.  Upon finishing normal school Littlefoot was offered a position in Commander College but he refused, following in his father’s footsteps and joining the VDF regulars instead.  The night his mother found out, all hell broke loose.

She was absolutely furious at him, and he could sense the bitterness and anger within her about her husband’s fate rising up where it had previously been suppressed.  Eventually after an entire hour of arguing, Littlefoot packed all his things and left.  They wouldn’t speak again for almost ten years.

The older Littlefoot shook his head, burying the old memories back to where they belonged.  Things were different now, as were his responsibilities.  The blinking light on the corner of the screen started up again, showing that he had yet another call to answer.  This one was blinking blue, which meant it was a time-appointed conference call.  The massive longneck looked at the time, and silently swore in his head.  Major-General Longtail was waiting.

“I apologise mother, but I have pressing matters to attend.  Tell Ali I’m thinking about her.”

“Do what you need to do,” she replied sincerely, and the link was terminated.

“Receiving incoming call,” stated ALI in the computer’s synthetic female voice, “Uplink Pending.”

Littlefoot took a moment to compose himself for the head of the Valley Defence Forces.  Suddenly the weathered face of Longtail appeared on the screen.  Everything about him looked elegantly cleaned and prepared, like he had all his attendants ensure he was looking his best for the leader of the Leafeater world.  Littlefoot got that a lot.

“High Councillor… I trust you’re in good health today,” commented the grizzled longneck unusually kindly.

Littlefoot laughed lightly.

“Who are you and what have you done with Longtail?” he answered.

“Alright then, all pleasantries out of the way let’s get down to business,” replied the Longneck as he picked up the lit cigar he had placed just out of sight of the video screen and put it in his mouth, “Grisson isn’t doing as well in Commander College as we had hoped… his test scores are alright but his attendance and completion records are sloppy.  Given that I don’t think his continued enrolment is a wise decision.”

Littlefoot shifted uncomfortably.

“I’m sure you’re well aware of how much of a ticking bomb this issue is Longtail?” questioned the High Councillor with authority.

Every runner in the world was watching Grisson’s schooling progress, and even now more hopefuls were submitting their applications to Commander College praying for future consideration.

“Of course,” answered the Major-General, “I’ve been doing my best to keep things normal for Grisson but if he is unsuited for the position I’m not going to baby him through.”

“Nor would I expect you to,” replied Littlefoot, before addressing the computer, “ALI, bring up Grisson’s records for me, listing the offending portions for me to view.”

“Request received… accessing Commander College Data records.”

After a moment everything was listed that the High Councillor desired, and he spent a few minutes sifting through the information.

“Longtail, all of Grisson’s ëlate’ notices were entered only minutes after class entry time.  Does this not strike you as odd?”

The green longneck took a long smoke from his cigar.

“Instructor Iris insists that all students attend her class on time and prepared for her lessons.  Other students have been written up as well.”

“But none as often as him,” commented Littlefoot with unease.  

Something simply wasn’t right here.  When he knew her Ruby wasn’t anything like that… she was intense and highly intelligent, often impressing the longnecks who commanded her.  She would never be late, at least repeatedly, to something so important.

“ALI,” began the High Councillor, “locate and display any instances of hazing or bullying of Grisson by his teacher or his fellow students.”

“Request received… accessing Commander College Surveillance records,” replied the computer.

Longtail looked on with discomfort as well.  If it turned out that Grisson was being treated unfairly, it would look bad on him.  Suddenly a flood of video files filled the screen, catalogued into a neatly arranged menu on the top of the screen.

“ALI, play the videos four at once on the outer screens.  Do the same for Major-General Longtail.”

The computer obeyed, and all the videos started playing at once.  Some where a few seconds long and others lasted minutes, but all were highly incriminating.  There were cases of Grisson being tripped in the hallways, having the cords of his training unit pulled out in the middle of a session, and other more devious cases.

“ALI, pause videos please,” the massive longneck requested.

The computer obeyed, the four screens filled with misdeeds and mistreatments.  On one it showed a young longneck student erasing Grisson’s name on an assignment, and on a different screen it showed another student surrounded by his compatriots pissing through one of the vents on Grisson’s locker during class time.  

“High Councillor,” stammered Longtail, “…I had no idea any of this was going on.”

“I’m disappointed in you,” continued Littlefoot heedless, “Grisson clearly isn’t being treated the way he deserves.  If these videos were made available to the Office of the Runner General, the College and sub sequentially you would be in a lot of hot water.”

“I understand,” replied the old longneck with conviction, “I’ll remedy the situation immediately.”

Littlefoot nodded, hoping that the two of them had reached a mutual agreement.

“Just out of curiosity, what do you plan to do?” asked massive longneck in a friendly, unofficial manner.

Longtail thought about it for a moment, puffing on his cigar.

“I will send one of my bodyguards to ensure things run smoothly.”

“Unarmed I would hope?” asked Littlefoot.

“In a matter of speaking yes,” replied Longtail deviously.

If Littlefoot knew what the Major General had planned, Grisson’s education was about to become a lot more hassle free really quickly.  Longtail’s bodyguards were intelligent, obedient brutes that had a knack for setting other dinosaurs straight.  Littlefoot hoped silently there would be no permanent injuries.





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Like I said, I really like this. Your characters are well rounded and you evoke the feel of the Halo novelizations perfectly.

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