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A Parting of the Ways

Nick22 · 691 · 37397


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"Then be anger with Nova, Eva and all those others that was in the trail they are all part of the trail and had their own goals and each as you past" Lemex told Stripetail calmly everyone in the cafe turn and quietly listened to this unfolding before them.


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They did not disrupt my trial though' Stripetail replied "So I have no reason to be angry with them. Wayne is the only one with whom I am displeased. I am right on this, Lemex, and you cannot convice me otherwise.
 the Wizzin is correct" came a voice behind him. A Large dragon stood there and Wayne felt a rush of fear. This was Ourste, the Dragon Lord of Punishment. His job was to disclipine those Dragon Lords who had broken the rules. The more severe the rulebreaking, the harsher the punishment. "Wayne Para, come with Me! Our superiors have a few things to say to you" He commanded.
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(Ok I guess I have to work at another angle if I can think of one...)


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(I cannot accept that Wayne. )."You will not interfere with the judgement of the Head Dragon Lord" Ourstre said coldly. "We have adjudged that Wayne was in error, you do not interfere with the examination. The Wizzin had nothing to do with our decision."Chains appeared around Wayne's wrist, and Oustre looked at Stripetail."If you wish you can come..."
Stripetail looked at Wayne, and though he was upset with Wayne, he was still one of his cloest friends. "I will come, and go easy with him, he has a clean record."
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(Wayne will be given a slap on the wrist since it is the first time he has done anything wrong, as a compromise...and Stripetail will come to his defense... :) )
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(at the mo I am not sure where to go with it.)


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(Just follow my lead)
Oustre led Wayne and Stripetail through dimensions, finally stopping in front of an enormous palace. the palace was made up of several colors of brick and stone. It was an imposing place , and it held a hint of terror. "Behold the Palace of the council. Here you will learn your fate. Wizzin you must enter through the door over there, We have seperate enterances for witnesses and the accused." Oustre said Formally. In the distance there was a large door, which Stripetail made his way to.
"Since this is your first offense, you'll probably get a light sentence, such as a slight demotion in rank and power" Oustre said to Wayne as he hustled him down towards another doorway "It won't make much difference really , you;re already a low-ranking Dragon Lord, but if you continue to break the rules the punishments will get progressively harsher. We do take your personal situation into account, but once the Head Dragon Lord rules, his judgement is final and cannot be overturned." They walked through a dark corridor which held the smell of dust and of  the ages, the ground was slippery, and well trodden, many past Dragon Lords had come this way, some for minor offenses, others for serious crimes. The chains on Wayne's claws were tight and felt very cold to the touch. Oustre noticed sweat starting to break out in beads on Wayne's forehead.
The finally reached thier destination, which was a large high room filled with huge benches, which were filled about halfway with large Dragons each was larger than Wayne and they stared at him coldly. there was aa pair of smaller benches standing before the assembled body. This was where Wayne would be seated. The room was only liit by a number of torches , which cast strange shadows on the ceiling.
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"Please be seated" Said a dragon on the high bench. Some of them had taken out what looked to be notepads of some kind, some were paging though them, others were engaged in whispered conversation. This all stopped when the largest dragomn of all stood up. He was a terror to behold, a huge brown dragon with huge fangs, his head nearly brushed the ceiling, and his face was fierce, and steam constantly poured out of his mouth from the furnace within this was the Head Dragon Lord, the greatest of all the Dragon Lords, whose powers dwarfed the rest of them. He had been in that position fior ages, and showed no signs of slowing down. His word was law, and his very presence here meant that he considered the issue serious enough to attend, as he rarely attended these gatherings. A side corridor opened and Stripetail walked in slowly, accompanied by the guard. he took a seat a good distance from Wayne, and looked forward at the gathered dragons.
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Meanwhile, Wayne wasn't the only person about to get read the riot act. the Elders of the REd Dragons had summoned Blackstar concerning the bpotched test of Stripetail. The Red Dragons only held an examination once every millon years, and while this was not the first time a exam jhad to be abandoned, Wayne's appearance in the dimension hads great;y angered them, as did Blackstar's failure to stop the test upon discovering Wayne';s presence, and postponing the examination, until after kicking Wayne out.
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(then I am still at a lose... I am not sure what to say and what to put up... look like it going to a dead stop again... sorry)


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(i was hoping for something from Wayne in the chgamber. Look, no mortals can harm the elder Dragon Lords, and the elder Red Dragons are hidden away, their location known only to a very small few, as it is, the cannot be harmed by ordinary crestures either)
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"Wayne Para" one of the Dragons gathered said, standing up as he spoke to him. "You have been brought here to answer for your actions concerning the Red Dragon's test of Lord Stripetail."he gestured and an orb appeared nothing more was said as the orb proceeded to show Wayne during his time in the illusionary dimension. Not one word that he said was omitted, and after the orb had gone dark with the last image, there was a noted increase in the cold stares Wayne was recieving.
_ Stripetail had watched it as well, and he frowned. While Wayne had been there he had been preparing to begin the second part of the test, but since Wayne had come in that had been abondoned.
"You don't understand how big a deal this is Para. If your name is even distantly remembered when the next trail comes along, you will have truly distinguished yourself. You distinguished yourself here alright, in the negative sense. Threatening war with the Red Dragons if you were punished? You have no such authority to do that, only the Dragon Lord elders do,and the Red Dragons had every right to be angry with you. Everything there was set up so that the Wizzin would be challenged in the second test, you disrupted all of that, with your interference. You have brought shame upon the name of Dragon Lord, Para! If you can't exrecise restraint and tolerance, then perhaps your powers should be taken away until you learn how to exercise restraint and tolerance." The Dragon said, there was numerous muttering in ancient tongues,which Wayne could not hear, but it was clear that his words had a good deal of support.
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"What does it take for it to be a accient which I had no contorl or understanding of this events taking place, I had no idea at the time it was a trail I believed it was some sort of event that happened some time ago, a new threat to everyone that live in our universe. I had no knownledge before I was told that this was such a trail" Wayne then continues

"It was a mistake... maybe a big one at that but we all make mistakes and we learn from that mistakes and not to make it again, everyone at my age would do such a fleet of mistakes that some with highest of experise would shame or even seriously punish thoses... but then how would those learn well from that mistake if you harshly attack them like this." Wayne continued.

"I know now it was all wrong of me and what I did back there, it might be too late but I would learn from it and try to make a mends to it, Stripetail is my best friend and the last thing I would do is to anger him in such a way. If I had a hint of this trail I would have never did what I did. But at the end it me on trail for this stupid mistake in the end... if you wish to stripe me of all my powers as a example of punishment in the harshed of ways then do it... but what if someone else here made this mistake in another trail that they do not know about? you going to do that to them as you did to me? I know your age and wisdom is high but see it in our eyes... how can the young grow without a mistake, no one is perfect not even you sir..." Wayne look down and close his eyes then look back at the Dragon.

"That is all I would like to say... might not mean much to many but this is what I had to say. might not be enough but I spoke my truth and whatever happen I will always be best friends with my trusting and truest friend Stripetail" Wayne finished what he was saying and gave a smile to Stripetail that even what happened before and now he never end a friendship with such a great person such as Stripetail


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(Very well said Wayne :) )
"No one here is perfect, of course. We've all made mistakes" The head Dragon lord said quietly. "We Dragon lords have to look at things through a non-mortal perspective, since many of us are not mortal and have seen a great deal. You are not the first to disrupt a Red Dragon trial, there have been a handful of people in the past who have done it. The puniushment for that was , until around 10 million years ago, execution, the Red Dragons took it that seriously. they still take it very seriously, of course. " He sighed.
 Stripetail spoke up. " You are a good friend Para, that has never been in  dispute. However, this was a doozy of a mistake, because these trials happen so infrequently, and the red Dragons are so strict on who gets to attempt it. I was very young when the last trail happened, less than 100 years old in fact. I was the first Wizzin to even get the chance to attempt the trial in half a billion years, yes it has been that long. Even when the relations between the wizzin and Red Dragons were good, the Wizzin were not tested. I Know that you will not make this mistake again, and this has been a learning experience, although you will have had to learn things the hard way, your actions have warranted censure."
" Dragons of the Carrod Dunek, he said now speaking to the assembled body. "I ask you to show mercy to this young dragon lord, do not put down his mistake as a permanent marker against him. He has learned from this experience, and will not make the same mistake twice. "
The Assembled dragons looked at Stripetail, they all knew who he was, as many of them were also fellow members of the Council of immortals. There was a pause of several minutes, where several of the dRagon Lords went up thier cheif and whispered to him softly.
Finally the Head Dragon Lord stood up. "Wayne Para, I have made up my decision. You wil not have all of your powers taken away, this time.  This was a grave mistake, but it did not cost anyone their lives, it only caused tremendous inconvience. There are less than 4000 Dragon Lords in the cosmos, to be precise 3930. Everyone of us is given a ranking, based on sheer power, stature and experience. You were ranked at 3210, entering today, a low ranking, overall, but a high one compared to other mortal Dragon Lords, I now demote you 100 ranks, and you will lose powers in accordance  with your diminished stature and rank.  I will also warn you, if you do anything close to this ever again, you will no longer be a Dragon Lord.  We cannot have Dragon Lords consistently making large mistakes like this, sooner or later, such mistakes will begin to cost creatures thier lives. And we can't have that." the Head Dragon Lord finished. His real name was Dissinos, but that was known only to a few Dragon Lords and immortals with whom he was close.
he motioned to Oustre. "Unchain the Dragon Lord, and let him be on his way. The Council is over. Good day Stripetail..' he nooded to to the Wizard and vanished in a twinkling.
 Oustre produced a key and unlocked the chains on Wayne's wrists, they fell off with a clang, and there was blood on the insides of them, they had cut into his wrists, the cold air in the room, whipped through the cuts, stinging, and causing water to come to Wayne's eyes. "only 100 ranks? you really got off easy for this one Wayne, I was expecting something like 300... You should be grateful that your friend spoke up on your behalf. Now get out..." He frowned and turned and walked away. The Chamber was now nearly empty as the last of the Dragon Lords vanished.
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A dragon that didn't leave wasn't in the ranks of the Dragon Lords hardly known she watched and lived in a secert order of the dragons and saw this friendship with wizzin and dragon lord. "As what was writen that is true, the trail was the friendship of dragon and wizzin. This was put to the test and now the task is done. It time to let the Red Dragons know the interferce plan had worked out more then expected and the process of Red Dragons and Wizzin talks may finally begin after so long" the female dragon start to walk away to one of the exits but stop looking back at Wayne.

"Someone called Eva is going to have a lucky escape of death, this Dragon Lord some how is going to save her. He some dragon..." she smiled "I think I like this dragon alot" she then left to give her full report to the Red Dragons that hired her to help in the Interferce Plan and to witiness the final stage of it.


Wayne slowly got his strength and got up walking over to Stripetail almost falling but kept his balance "Thank you my friend... I will make this a personally strong note in my life that one mistake I will never let happen again." Wayne felt something that he only felt before when on the Dragon homeworld and look to the empty exit


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Stripetail too looked back, he caight a glipse of the female dragon as she was departing. There was a faint smile on her face, as if she was pleased with herself.. Then she was gone.
"I too have had mistakes that I truly regret, the worst cost the lives of my mate and unborn son. It took me decades to recover emotionally from my loss." Stripetail replied somberly. "If you ever make a mistake that costs lives, then this mistake will pale into insignificance Wayne. I do hope you never hsave to endure the loss of a loved one, as I did."
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"I believe I understand what your saying, should we head back?" Wayne asked as they start to leave the hall.


the Female Dragon arrived in a meeting area when to meet a red dragon messenger. "Here is what your head dragon wanted and tell him it went all to plan and talks finally can begin with the wizzins" she handed the disk to the Red Dragon.


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"We are taking a great risk with this, If they ever find out we did this, there will be hell to pay. The Dragon Lords are very secretitive, and our relations with them are not the best.  " The Messenger replied. "And they are about to get worse," said a voice behind them. In A twinkling they were surrounded by  members of the Dragon lords, there were at least ten of them and all looked furious. "Dulcia, you will have a lot of explaining to do. " One of them said to the female dragon. You know recordings of our meetings are forbidden! Yet you recorded anyway." The two of them were stunned, they had not expected to be found out. "And you.. " he said turning to the Red Dragon. "Return to your master, our leader will be in touch with him shortly.
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"Sir, this was a risk. I know what could happen if found out. But this was all part of the real trail to the relations with the Wizzin and Red Dragons, they asked for my surfaces to see if the Lord Wizzin would aid and be by the side of his friend the Dragon Lord of Dinoton, they requrie the proof and this is the only way I can do it. I know it wrong in many ways but the relations with Wizzin and Red Dragons now have a very high chance of improving that they can no longer have distrust between them" Dulcia explained to the Dragon Lord that showed up.

"The trail that everyone thought was the real thing was all part of the main trail that just ended, they changed the trail to see if they can get the Wizzins to scceed and they have, the wizzins has past the trail. This evidence if stopped can put all this hard work to waste and wait another million years..." Dulcia continued till she was cut short by someone none of the three thought would come.


"There is no need to bring it now, I seen and heard enough" the red dragon leader came out of the shadows. "I thank you Dulcia for taking this risk. Do not pain her for what I required from her services to do this trail. the Wizzin I am happy to say is past the real thing. We choice to change it cause every time we did the trail some how a Dragon Lord would be pulled in, this happened 10 times before and all lost their life. So this new phase of the trail was added when we heard that the wizzin and Dragon Lord this time around was great  friends and see the test on how it hold and with the new rules sparing the dragon lord from death it aided it even more. Might cause some problems but manageable." Red Dragon Leader spoke to the Dragon Lord.

"In the end the trail I am happy to say... the Wizzin has passed with flying colours and talks we now begin with the Wizzins and our people" He finished and nod to the Red Dragon to leave and he does.


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"So be it" the Dragon Lords said. "You have your reasons.. that is enough for us.." They loked at Dulcia, and then vanished, leaving her the the dred Dragon cheiftain.
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