The Gang of Five
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The Seven Hunters

rhombus · 408 · 100891


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Quote from: rhombus,Sep 23 2014 on  05:26 PM
^ I will have to double-check, I don't think that I had Calin refer to Littlefoot as anything other than 'Seeker', but I could have goofed up a few times.  :confused
I seem to rmeember one time when Colin was just thinking to hilself, I think after he got rejected by the Gang the first time, where he cursed Littlefoot, and wanted to get back at Littlefoot, planning the whole little attack on him, under the false pretense of it being a recruitment mission. He was referring to Seeker as Littlefoot in his mind. Don't know if that really counts or not.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Ah, I found the reference.  I am describing his thoughts, but his thoughts are not directly mentioned in the passage (they are not in italics or in blue) so I left the name as Littlefoot.  But yeah, Calin does not know of Littlefoot's name.  At least not yet.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Fanfiction link:

Chapter 57   Rallying of the packs

When you become part of something, in some way you count. It could be a march; it could be a rally, even a brief one. You're part of something, and you suddenly realize you count. To count is very important.
― Studs Terkel

"Well thank goodness that is over!"  Came Cera's annoyed explanation.

Littlefoot had to roll his eyes at the yellow fast biter's antics as Chomper couldn't help but to laugh at her annoyance.  They were getting close to finishing out their stint on "run-down duty" for Chomper's parents.  On this day they had chased a domehead into the clutches of the two sharpteeth.  It was a success overall, although they left second-rate pickings for the fast biters.  Hence, Cera's annoyance.

Taunt shrugged.  "Oh, it wasn't that bad.  We got to chase something and then we ate it.  That is a good day to me!"  He was in good spirits despite the situation, an opinion that Cera did not share.

"They left us the flank, Taunt!  The flank!"  She stared at him as if she did not understand his lack of distress over this fact.  Seeing that he was unmoved, she continued.  "I prefer to eat something that doesn't smell like a domehead's backside."

Breeze didn't get the reference.  "But we did eat the domehead's backside."

Cera stomped her feet.  "That is the point!"

At this point most of the others could not contain themselves anymore and erupted in laughter.  Cera, for her part, looked at everyone else as if they were insane.  What was so funny about this situation?

"You should see the look on your face, Stern Claw!"  Ruby exclaimed.  "The look on your face you should see!  You didn't know that we were messing with you?"

Cera's eyes narrowed.  "So all of you agree with me then?  About the run-down?"

Ducky nodded.  "Yes, silly.  We didn't get good meat today, but you are much angrier about it than us.  You are, you are."

Chomper's laughter had died down by now as well.  "But look on the bright side, Stern Claw.  It will be over in a few days.  Then we can hunt for ourselves again."

Cera grunted.  Had she still been a threehorn then this little prank by her friends would have enraged her to the point of storming off, but she was no longer that dinosaur.  Vitriol and taunts were their way of acknowledging one another now.  She would simply mark this down as a loss and get back at each of them later.  That was the fast biter way.  Nonetheless, she wanted to get the conversation onto other topics.

"So what do we do now?  Should we sleep early tonight and go on an early hunt?"  Her eyes were directed at Littlefoot as he would give the relevant orders if that were the case.

Littlefoot's eyes met hers as he considered this for a moment.  Normally that would be a pretty good idea.  They could get some food for themselves rather than only get the leftovers from Chomper's folks.  However on this night he had already made plans.

"Actually I think that we should have a pack meeting tonight."

The others looked at him with inquisitive eyes.

"About what, Seeker?"  Spike asked with some concern.  "Has there been word about Red Claw?"

Seeker shook his head.  "Oh no, nothing like that.  No, actually I was thinking about doing something that Taunt recommended."

Cera put her face into her clawed hands.  "Well this isn't going to end well..."

Taunt made an exaggerated gesture as he pretended to be offended by Cera's snarky remark.  "I would have you know that not all of my ideas are crap."

"Yes, Taunt.  But most of the time they are crap.  They are, they are."  Ducky retorted, much to both Taunt and Cera's surprise.  After a round of laughter passed at Taunt's expense, Littlefoot decided to continue before the taunting interrupted the meeting further.

"Well, I don't think this idea is crap."  Littlefoot affirmed.  "We are all sharpteeth now.  We have faced battles and hardship.  We have experienced loss and sorrow.  I think that it is time for us to act as other fast biters do."  He then looked at the pack intently.  "I think that it is time that we begun to sing our songs."

Before Cera could make a dismissive remark, Breeze spoke.  "That is a great idea!"  A happy smile erupted on her face, which was still a relatively uncommon event even the far removed from her first pack's demise.  "It has been so long since I have sung a proper song.  I am sure Skytail and the others will enjoy this!"

Taunt nodded, as the others processed that.  "Yes, we may not be able to hear them, but they can hear us.  Let us make the night hear our words!"

Seeing that the two born-and-raised sharpteeth were enthusiastic about the idea, the others began to look at Littlefoot.  They had sung basic songs in the valley and Skytail had taught them songs that youngling fast biters would sing, but they had no introduction into the ballads that adult fast biters would sing.  It would be a new experience for them.

Seeing their uncertain faces, Littlefoot tried to reassure them.  "Don't worry, guys!  I am sure that if we sing out of tone then at worst the ancestors would laugh at us."  Truth be told, Littlefoot wasn't sure about the idea of his mother and the others watching over him from the stars, but he had seen too many unexplained things in his life to completely disregard the idea.  "I am sure that they need to laugh every now and then.  Besides... how else are we going to learn without trying?"

Chomper nodded his head at this.  "Yeah!  But.. um.. what songs are we going to sing?"

Chomper was somewhat taken aback when both Littlefoot and Taunt looked at him with toothy smiles.  Littlefoot then spoke.

"I think that you should do the honors tonight, Path."

Chomper sputtered.  "Me?"

Littlefoot nodded.  "Yes, it will be your star day soon.  I think it would be nice if we gave you this honor.  You know some two-footer songs, don't you?"

Chomper nodded.  "Yeah!  My daddy taught me a few."  His facial expression turned to a somewhat concerned one.  "Uh... you don't want me to sing the ones about how fast biters are annoying ankle biters, do you?"

Taunt stood up.  "What?!"

Littlefoot had to suppress a laugh before responding.  "No, Path... Perhaps something a bit more inviting."

Chomper smiled.  He knew just the song.

"Okay, everyone!  Gather around!"  As everyone gathered into a circle with the canopy of stars surrounding them, Chomper continued.  "This is a story that I heard from my daddy when I was little.  It was one of my favorites."

Cera interrupted.  "But we need a song, Path.  Not a story."

Chomper shook his head.  "That is a distinction leaf-eaters make, not sharpteeth.  A story is a song and a song is a story.  Both must be said with reverence and power."

Ruby was taken aback by Chomper's words.  "Is that so, Path?"

Chomper nodded.  "Yeah, that was what my mommy and daddy told me.  When one sings for the ancestors, only the best will do."  He then stopped to think for a moment.  "This song is about Brekan the Cruel.  Legend has it that he was the two-footer who claimed the Haven Valley so long ago."

Ducky had a realization.  "That was why sharpteeth called it Brekan's Gulch!"

Chomper nodded.  "Exactly!  The story goes that after the two-footers of the gulch killed his parents over a territorial dispute, he went up to avenge them.  During the times that followed only the memory of his parents sustained him."  He then closed his eyes and his face took on a solemn expression.  His next words were said with a dignity that seemed unreal coming from a juvenile sharptooth such as himself.  "I will now recite to you the Song of Brekan.  My ancestor."

Silence descended upon them all as they eagerly awaited the ballad from the purple sharptooth.  No one knew quite what to expect, but when the singing began it surprised them all.

♪♪ The days are long and nights are dark, the herds run
I follow them away down distant trails, my journey goes on
From the Black Pillar to the gulch of my enemies
Where my rivals wait in valley deep ♪♪

♪♪ The brilliant stars shine far and wide
The dark sea of the sky, the unknown afar
In the dark of the unknown is a star so precious
My hatching star that shines from beyond ♪♪

The mysterious and ominous tone of the song was not lost on Littlefoot as he listened carefully to his friend's words.  The song obviously communicated that Brekan was journeying to the gulch that would one day carry his name in order to avenge his slain parents, but it communicated so much more as well.  The entire song evoked a longing for something that would forever remain out of reach, but yet still drove the sharptooth onward towards his destiny.  It was a longing that Littlefoot could understand very well.  He supposed that all sharpteeth could.

♪♪ When family is long gone and I have no one to befriend
I keep them in my thoughts, one day they will be avenged
For so far I have traveled and so long I have journeyed
My hatching star has guided me thus far ♪♪

♪♪ Herds fleeing, paths wide, just south of there
How I wish that I were home again and not here
There the sun was warm and the wind was gentle
But yet my destiny awaits, blood on the sand ♪♪

Spike couldn't help but shiver at the song's words.  The longing for a home that no longer existed for him was something that Spike could relate to very well.  However, the deep introspection of the verses called to him more than anything else.  It was as if Brekan was speaking through the ages and imprinting his struggle and emotion onto Spike's very soul.  This was a type of immortality that leaf-eaters could never have.  Oh yes, they could have stories told about them, but in a few generations they would be twisted beyond recognition.  This song though... It was obvious that this song had lasted for generations.  It simply felt too real for it to be otherwise.

♪♪ When family is long gone and I have no one to befriend
I keep them in my thoughts, one day they will be avenged
For so far I have traveled and so long I have journeyed
My hatching star has guided me thus far ♪♪

♪♪ When family is long gone and I have no one to befriend
I keep them in my thoughts, one day they will be avenged
For so far I have traveled and so long I have journeyed
My hatching star to me you are ♪♪

The entire pack sat in silence as Chomper finished his song.  Only the sounds of insects and the gentle breeze could be heard as Chomper left the center of the circle and took his usual place.  The words were too raw and fresh for any of them to speak.  However, after a few moments Ruby finally spoke.

"That was beautiful, Path.  I never thought that I would feel for someone named Brekan the Cruel."

Chomper nodded.  He spoke in a subdued tone, which was an aftereffect of the role he had just had to fulfill as singer.

"Thanks, Ponder.  Yeah, the songs I know come from my ancestors both good and bad.  But most of the time they weren't either.  They were just trying to do the best that they could."

Taunt nodded at this.  "I suppose that is all that any of us can do really."

Silence descended upon them again as they digested that information.  They had already begun to see the world as being made up of shades of grey as opposed to being black and white, but how far could they take that logic?  Could they try to understand Red Claw using that standard?  Would sharpteeth be singing songs about him in the future?  What about the monster that was Calin?  What about the other fast biters of his pack who had to make a sadistic choice: death or kill or a loved one?  None of them had an answer to that question, but Ducky offered up her thoughts.

"I guess that all we can do is learn from them and try not to repeat their mistakes.  Oh, no, no, no!"

Chomper smiled at this.  "Yeah, Ducky.  I guess that you are right."  

Spike then had a question for the purple sharptooth.  "The last verse of the song, where he is referring to the his hatching star as if it were a person.. what does that refer to?"

Chomper shrugged.  "No one really knows.  Some think that Brekan was referring to his dead parents, but others think that he may have been referring to a long-lost love.  I don't suppose that we will ever know for sure."

Ruby looked down with a distraught expression.  "He seems so sad in that song."

Chomper nodded.  "Sometimes those who do the most damage, like Brekan the Cruel, have their origins in pain."

Littlefoot nodded.  "He wasn't born a monster, other monsters turned him into a monster."  He then thought for a moment.  "Maybe that is the lesson of the song.  Don't let your battles turn you into something worse than your enemies."

Chomper shrugged.  "I don't know, Seeker.  But it is a good lesson anyway."  He then looked at the other former leaf-eaters, as he realized that they probably didn't understand the intricacies of sharptooth songs.  "My daddy always says that a good song tells many stories.  Each person who hears it will hear it differently."

Littlefoot smiled.  "Well, we are glad that you sung it, Path!"

He then turned to face the rest of the pack.  "Thanks, guys!  This has been a great star day celebration, even though my star day is a few days away."

Taunt asked an obvious question at this point.  "So two-footers do celebrate star days?  I mean, even Brekan the Cruel was referring to his hatching star, for crying out loud!"

Chomper shrugged.  "Don't fast biters have star days?"

Breeze shook her head in the negative.  "No.  We acknowledge our packmates in other ways."

Cera took this time to make a biting comment.  "I guess that you are more alike the sap-suckers than you realize, Path!"  Her tone of voice indicated that she was just joking with the sharptooth.  Chomper had an excellent retort, however.

"That may be."  He then put up his stubby arms in an exaggerated shrug.  "But I am not as much of a sap-sucker as those who used to be sap-suckers."

Littlefoot laughed at this but decided that he should stop the exchanged before it went any further.  They still had more time to sing and there was no reason to waste the opportunity.

"Taunt?"  The orange fast biter turned towards Littlefoot.  "Wasn't there a song that you wanted to sing?"

"Oh, you're singing a song?  This I have to hear!"

The entire pack turned their heads to look at the dinosaur who had made the sudden interjection.  

"Thud?"  Littlefoot questioned.

"Dad?"  Taunt queried.  "What are you doing here?"

Thud laughed.  "As you know, Terri and Dein have decided to let me stick around in your territory since I helped them to watch it in your absence."  Taunt seemed to suppress an urge to seem joyful at his dad's sudden arrival.  This was the first time that he had intruded on the pack's territory since Chomper's parents removed the restriction from him.  However, he was still technically entering another pack's territory without providing an offering.  That was taboo.  Taunt seemed ready to say something when a fish suddenly came flying at his head.


"What the hell was that for!"  Taunt choked out as the other members of the pack began to laugh hysterically.  Littlefoot was first to answer, however.

"The pack thanks you for your peace offering, Thud.  Though you did not have to throw it at one of my packmates."  Littlefoot's chiding, however, was half-hearted.  Thud's response was also made in half-jest.

"My apologies, Seeker.  I saw that my son was about to speak and I just couldn't bear to hear my son lecture me on etiquette."  This caused Cera to laugh hysterically as Taunt looked somewhat disgruntled.  "I am sure that you understand."

Littlefoot nodded.  "Of course!"  He was still trying to suppress his laughter and failing miserably.  "Take your place in the circle, Thud.  We are in the process of singing songs to the ancestors."

As Thud sat down at the rim of the circle, Taunt gave him a good natured half bow to indicate that no hard feelings actually existed.  He may have enjoyed taunting others, but he would still show his father due respect.  He had helped to guard their territory after all when they were in the valley.  Not to mention the assistance that he gave him and Breeze after their escape from Calin...  There was still awkwardness between them, but that was now the usual distance that appeared between fathers and sons when they chose their own path in life, not the animosity that existed before.

With all eyes focused upon him, Taunt went into the circle and looked at his packmates.  It was time for him to show them how fast biters sang their songs.

"Alright guys, the following song is about Skytail the Wise."


"Stay close to me!  We have no idea if the sharpteeth are still around here or not!"

Viscond hissed the orders at his packmates as he slowly snuck into what used to be his brother's lands.  The events of the evening were still playing in his mind.  Haunting his mind as darkness had begun to fall on the land.

"Dead!  Mommy's dead!  Daddy's dead!  Everyone's dead!"

He ran as fast as he could to the screaming youngling as he pushed his packmates out of the way.  He recognized the voice of that youngling.  It was one of his brother's children!  If something had happened to him...

He ran beside the distraught child and quickly waved towards two of the females in his pack to come close.  The child would certainly need some comfort in her time of despair.  With the calmest voice he could manage, he asked the child a question.

"Are you hurt?"

The child shook her head.  The poor thing was shaking like a leaf.  She must have ran for miles to get here and who knows the horrors that she had seen?  He then decided to ask a second question before he would allow the females to tend to the child.

"What happened?"

The child wept.  "Fast.... biters... Red... Claw....Brother.. they kill brother and babies..."  The rest of her words were unintelligible as she began to cry uncontrollably.  With a grim face, he gestured the females over and they began to try to calm the poor child.  He, meanwhile, was just beginning to contemplate the significance of her words.

Viscond paled.  If this was truly the work of Red Claw then this meant one thing.

His brother was already dead.

Ever since he had gotten the horrible news he had tried to keep his distress hidden from his packmates, lest they become panic-stricken as well.  He had to be a beacon of strength here.  He had to figure out exactly what happened.  He had to find out if his pack was next.

After he sent the children and the child-caring parents to hide in the forest, he took the remainder of his packmates on a journey to the territory of his brother's pack.  Despite the fact that the journey only took two hours, it seemed to take ages for Viscond and his pack.  Many of them had relations in his brother's pack.  The very idea that they could all be dead was too horrible to contemplate.

"Oh no!  No!"

Viscond resisted the urge to tell his packmate to be silent in the event that the fast biters were still here, but the sight that greeted him silenced even that urge.

Before him was a half eaten hidden runner.  Only the half of the face of the hidden runner was still intact as much of its head, torso, and groin were devoured.  Blood covered the entire scene.  It was at that moment that Viscond realized that the dead hidden runner looked familiar.  

"Br.. Brother?"

He ran to the side of his fallen brother and covered his face with his clawed hands.  This was the worst possible outcome.  If his brother lay slain without any of his attendants nearby then that meant that the pack was either destroyed or its survivors had fled.  His worst fears had been confirmed.  Despite his previous struggle to maintain his composure, he began to sob with wild abandon.  It was only when one of his packmates placed a hand on his shoulder that he returned to his senses.

"I am very sorry, sir.  But..."  His counterpart seemed ready to vomit.  "You need to see this, sir."  As Viscond arose and began to follow his packmate, he noticed that they were heading for his brother's nest.  In his grief-induced stupor he could barely register the screams and sobs coming from around the nesting sites.  It seemed that he was not the only person to lose family on this horrible day.

Then he smelled it.


Viscond quickened his pace as he approached his brother's nest.  The scent of blood was overwhelming.  That was when his packmate grabbed him by the shoulder again and spoke to through grief-stricken sobs.

"I am so, so sorry, sir!  No one should... should... have to see this..."

Viscond walked on as his counterpart broke down apparently at that sight he was about to see.  He was soon at the threshold of the nest, which was hidden by thick vegetation on all sides.  He noticed that his feet were suddenly wet, which caused him to look down.

Blood.  His feet were covered in blood.

Sucking in a deep breath, he pushed the vegetation aside and looked in horror at the scene before him.

The entire nesting site was drenched in blood.  The vegetation was coated red with the splatter and the ground was drenched in the crimson fluid.  There were bodies everywhere.  That was when he saw her.


Crena was his first love, who had eventually chosen his brother over him.  That wound still stung but he had long since made peace with her decision.  Now she lay dead at the threshold of the nest.  Her neck sliced open and her eyes focused forever at the sky.  A permanent look of terror and pain on her face.

Oh Crena!  You didn't deserve this!

Walking forward through the hellish scene in front of him, he could begin to see other details.  Pieces of bodies lay everywhere.  Some part of him registered that those were pieces of his brother's latest clutch, but the emotional part of his mind refused to acknowledge that reality.  They had been ripped to pieces.  Then he saw a small body that looked eerily familiar.


His beloved nephew lay on the ground in a pool of his own blood.  His intestines were splattered all around him and they showed signs of having been moved after the fact.  With a shudder, he realized that he must have been disemboweled and survived for some time afterwards.  How much had the poor thing suffered?  That realization broke something in him as he became violently ill.

The sounds of retching, sobs, and a muffled scream emanated from his throat for the next several moments as his body reacted to the horror all around him.  This was terrible beyond belief.  The fast biters had not just killed the entire pack, an act of excess that even a sharptooth would not resort to.  They had obviously killed many of them in intentionally cruel ways.  A line had been crossed.

With a shuddering breath, he rose back to his upright position.  He no longer cared that he was covered in his family's own blood.  He just needed to make sure that this would never happen again.  Red Claw and his allies had gone far too far.  They were a threat now to hidden runners everywhere.  They could not remain neutral in light of this barbarism.

He was about to turn and leave this nightmarish scene, when he saw something that caught his attention.  Tulane had something in his mouth.  Despite some part of his mind telling him to not look, he walked over to his fallen nephew and opened his mouth anyway.

Only to see a hatching hidden runner fall to the ground.

They forced him to eat his own brother... His mind refused to process this new information.  They... They... The despair that he had felt at his loss changed.  It changed into an unstoppable rage.  A maelstrom of grief and anger welled up in the distraught hidden runner as he contemplated what his nephew's final moments must have been like.  They had all been killed in the most brutal ways... not for food... not for needs... but out of a desire to torture and kill.  This was an outrage that he would avenge.  He didn't care if he or his packmates died in the conflict.   This atrocity would not go unpunished.

His enraged screams echoed through the night.


"Alright guys, the following song is about Skytail the Wise."

The entire pack sat in silence at that affirmation.  The loss of Skytail was still fresh in the minds of Breeze and Taunt.  The psychological scars still remained.  However, each of them knew his song.  It was something that he had always added to when he had come across a new challenge or adventure.  Now it seemed that it would remain unfinished.

For the rest of the pack, however, this was an occasion both solemn and mysterious.  What had Skytail said about himself?  How did one go about composing a song?  That was when Skytail elaborated on the matter.

“I know that you guys don’t have much experience with fast biter songs.  But in our tradition, the packmates make up the verses to their songs and they grows longer with each time that they are sung.  My own song and Breeze’s are quite long, but not as long as Skytail’s.  He lived an adventurous life.”  Taunt’s eyes filled with sadness at that affirmation.  He lived.  Now he lived no more.  Not wishing to dwell further on what could not be changed, he continued.  “Please listen while I sing the song of Skytail.”

♪ Father we are leaving, we are receiving
Our right to stand on our own
We cannot stay here, we have learned what we must know
Now it is time to roam ♪

♪ The stars shine on bright
Through the ethereal night
Though I know not where I go
I know that I will go there with you
My journey goes on ♪

Chomper listened with great intensity at Taunt’s words.  In most cases Taunt was extremely jovial and jocular in his interactions with others, but none of that was on display here.  He was bearing his heart in order to sing Skytail’s song with utter devotion.  It was a side of the fast biter that he had seldom seen.

The words of the first verse also seemed to speak to him in a very personal way.  Just like Chomper had done some weeks ago, Skytail and Breeze had left their parents’ nest as well.  Despite the overly formal words, Chomper knew that event must have hurt the two dinosaurs deeply.  The difficult parting from the parents was a common feature of sharptooth life.  It did not need to be elaborated in the song for that reality to be expressed.  It was already implied.

Not wishing to miss out on any of Skytail’s song, Chomper quickly stopped his introspective monologue.  He could contemplate all of this later.  Right now he had a song to learn.

♪ I hunt longnecks fleeing, I am succeeding
In my attempt to live free
Breeze at my side, I am content
Our pack is her and me ♪

♪ The stars shine on bright
Through the ethereal night
Though I know not where I go
I know that I will go there with you
My journey goes on ♪

Breeze had to smile at that verse.  She and Skytail had lived for many months as a pack of two until Vigilant arrived and successfully completed her challenge.  It was a liberating time.  But as happy as those times were, they were nothing compared to after the rest of the pack finally came together.  

She was unaware that she was crying until Spike placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.  The song brought back a confusing array of emotions from joy to sadness, but she would not trade those memories in no matter what sorrow they brought.  The fallen pack members were her dearest friends.  She would acknowledge their memory until the day that she died.

♪ A silent intruder sees us, but she will not flee us
A challenge is made
Two at my side, Vigilant joins us
A trio that shall not fade ♪

♪ The stars shine on bright
Through the ethereal night
Though I know not where I go
I know that I will go there with you
My journey goes on ♪

As Taunt sang this verse, he was left with a sense of profound loss.  Vigilant was a very bright and friendly fast biter, but he had not gotten to know her as well as some of the others.  Worse yet, her song had only just started when she died.  There were only two verses to her name, not enough for a proper song.  But at least she would live on in Skytail’s song.  It was the only kind of immortality that could be offered for the fallen.  They were gone, but their memory would carry on.

♪ The troubled one seeks us, and beseeches us
No family has he
A challenge made, a challenge sustained.
Scarflank joins us three ♪

♪ The stars shine on bright
Through the ethereal night
Though I know not where I go
I know that I will go there with you
My journey goes on ♪

Spike had always saw some part of himself in the troubled fast biter, he reflected.  Although it was true that Spike had a loving adopted family, he still could relate to the deep loneliness that Scarflank endured.  Spike had to endure it due to his muteness and odd mental perspective, whereas Scarflank endured it due to a lack of a loving family.

At least he died with his true family.   Spike sadly reflected. He died with the ones who took him in.

♪ The thief stands afield, refuses to yield
Breeze wants his blood
But I decline, a test I gave he
The courageous son of Thud ♪

♪ The stars shine on bright
Through the ethereal night
Though I know not where I go
I know that I will go there with you
My journey goes on ♪

Cera had to smirk at this.  So Taunt is forever immortalized as the thief?  Fitting.   However, despite her snarky thought, she was deeply touched by the song.  Skytail’s song was not simply focused on him, as Brekan’s was, but rather it was focused on those he knew and loved.  He wanted his friends to be immortalized along with him.  He wanted his song to be their song.

Cera looked down.  Skytail was a lot like Littlefoot in many ways.  I can only hope that we don’t meet a premature end like he did.  He deserved better than that.

As she dwelled on those thoughts, the song concluded.

♪ Now we are five strong, we carry on
Through uncertain days
But we do not fear, we are together
Come what may ♪

♪ The stars shine on bright
Through the ethereal night
Though I know not where I go
I know that I will go there with you
My journey goes on ♪

At the end of that verse, Taunt looked up with a curious expression.  It was an odd mixture of askance and pleading.  Littlefoot and the others did not know the meaning behind that gesture, but luckily Thud did.

“Skytail is no more and he cannot complete his song.  Would anyone like to finish it on his behalf.”

There were uncertain looks exchanged between the packmates as each of them considered this.  It was up to those who lived on to finish Skytail’s song and to see to it that it was communicated to future generations.  It was both a heavy burden and an honor.  Their words would be the final say for Skytail’s saga.  No one wanted to do the great fast biter a disservice by giving the song anything less than their absolute best.

Finally, after several moments, Littlefoot walked forward towards the center of the circle with deliberate slowness.  

With a deep bow, Taunt retreated to his place at the periphery of the circle and watched Littlefoot intently.  It seemed that the new leader of the pack would be eulogizing Skytail by providing an ending to his song.  The new beginning would honor the end of the old order.

With an uncertain expression and trembling claws, a nervous Littlefoot sang with far more strength and certainty than he was feeling at that moment.

♪ In battle my end was met, my friends wept
But my friends will live on
Because of my sacrifice, they remain
Into destiny they journey on ♪

♪ The stars shine on bright
Through the ethereal night
Though I know not where I go
I know that I will go there with you
My journey goes on ♪

Silence descended upon the pack as the song was finally given a proper ending.  From this day on Skytail would be remembered as a pack leader who sacrificed himself in order to save his friends.  In order to save those who he had dedicated so much of his life to supporting and defending.  His honorable deed would long be remembered.

“Thank you, Seeker.”  Taunt spoke through his emotion.  “Skytail would have been honored by that.”

Littlefoot forced himself to smile.  “I hope so.  I only wish that I had the chance to speak with him again.”

Breeze put a clawed hand on his shoulder.  “We all do, Seeker.  We all do.”

It was at this point that Thud stomped on the ground in a rhythmic pattern, capturing the attention of all who were present.  Just before Littlefoot was about to ask what he was doing, he noticed that Taunt and Breeze were now doing the same.  Shrugging at Chomper and the former leaf-eaters, he went ahead and joined in the display.  He was completely unaware of what they were doing.

“What... exactly are we doing?”  Chomper finally asked.

Thud smiled at the purple sharptooth.  “This is a fast biter ritual, Path, but since you are in their pack I am sure that you can join in as well.  We are going to thank the night circle for giving us light on this night.” And show our strength to any other fast biter packs in the area... He added in his mind.  Most fast biter rituals had a practical purpose underneath the pretext.

Littlefoot looked up at that explanation.  Oh.  This must be the roaring at the night circle.  I always wondered why Skytail’s pack would do that in the lowlands.  I never had a chance to ask.

Chomper had a far different connotation to the ritual, despite the fact that he was joining in the rhythmic stomping himself.  “My daddy hates it that fast biters roar at the night circle.  He says that they do it just to annoy two-footers.”

Thud laughed.  “Does it annoy two-footers?”

Chomper nodded.

“Then all the more reason to do it!”  Thud smiled at Chomper’s somewhat annoyed expression, but the purple sharptooth continued the stomping anyway.  As Littlefoot’s friends had never done this ritual before, Thud decided to explain.  “We stomp in rhythm to put our thoughts aside then once we let go we can roar our emotions into the sky.  We sing to think, but we roar to feel.”  He smiled as he saw that Littlefoot and the others were closing their eyes and giving into the primal impulse deep inside.  Determined not to be left out even though he was technically a ëguest’ of the pack, he closed his eyes and gave into the instinct as well.



Dein woke up with a start.  

Oh damn it!  Don’t tell me that the other fast biters taught Chomper’s friends about that!

Terri woke up as well, but smiled at the sound.

“Isn’t it great dear?  Chomper and his friends are bonding.”

Dein growled.  “I was sleeping perfectly fine before they began to ëbond’.”


Another chorus of roars erupted at the night circle.  Dein’s distress made her chuckle.  He always did find fast biters to be annoying.  “Don’t worry dear, I am sure that they will be done before the night is over.”

In response Dein rolled over and gave a muffled response before he went to sleep again.  “Oh, that’s bloody reassuring!”

As the pack continued to roar at the night circle, Terri allowed herself to fall asleep.  Despite the fact that Chomper was no longer at the nest, she was glad that he had found a pack that accepted him.

The rest of her night were filled with peaceful sleep stories.


Just outside of hidden runner territory:

What have I done?

Verok stared at his reflection in the stream with a forlorn expression.  The striped green fast biter’s face was still drenched with the blood of the hidden runners.  The blood confirmed his guilt, whereas his eyes confirmed his guilty conscience.  He had done many questionable things since he was forced into the pack, but none as bad as this.

He felt dirty.

When he and his siblings had heard that Calin was approaching they decided to split up in the hopes that if they were found separately then they would simply be enrolled in the pack and not have to fight their kin.

They had been right.

Due to the loss of many fast biters in the Battle of Haven Valley and the Battle of the Land of Shallow Waters, Red Claw had become more lax in allowing fast biters to join.  They no longer killed solitary fast biters, they would allow them to join provided that they seemed hard enough for the task to be asked of them.

But this was too much.  This wasn’t a battle, this was cold-blooded murder.

He knew that he could tell no one else except his brother and sister, but they had to get out of this pack before it was too late.  Before they became lost in the barbarity that permeated everything that Red Claw and Calin touched.  They would have to work on their plans of escape to somehow avoid Red Claw’s retribution.  Running was not a permanent option, they would have to eventually fight back against their pursuers.  And he knew of only one pack that might be strong enough to stand up against Red Claw’s horde.

Seeker, you’re our only hope now.


Thanks for the reviews, everyone!

I wanted to clarify a few questions that I have gotten from reviewers.  The incident involving the hidden runners is rather significant. Not only does it show the depths of depravity that Calin is capable of, but it also sets several things into motion that you are beginning to see in this chapter. As for the hidden runners themselves, they are Troodons, as depicted in The Spooky Nighttime Adventure episode of the TV series.

I hope that you all enjoy the latest installment. The introduction of songs was an addition that I didn't see coming until I actually began writing the previous chapter and simply let the characters go where they may. I am curious how that development will be taken. In either case, I look forward to your comments and helpful criticism.

The next chapter should be posted by Tuesday. Have a nice weekend, everyone!

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Both chapters are very nice,can't really give a review/proper comment right now though.

Act 4 seems to be off to a good start,the song bits are an interesting addition,though songs and singing don't really work in written fanfiction I still like them,as long as they are not too often otherwise it begins to feel like a text version of some kind of musical.

I really do admire your writing style and actually inspires me to try and improve my own..which will take a while but will get there.

Very good work,when did you say this story should be finished by? Christmas? Then this story must be pretty long considering Christmas is still a few months off.

I just have one little question-

What's a 'Hidden Runner'? If it was mentioned before I forgot. And I never seen or heard about them in the movies..and haven't seen the TV series. Expect about three or four episodes.


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I believe Rhombus mentioned it a couple times on FF.Net, although I don't recall if he mentioned it on GOF. A hidden runner is a troodon. Here's a picture:

Only one hidden runner appeared and that was in the TV series. I can't remember the name of the episode, but a single hidden runner was talked about (just as Hidden Runner like it was his name, instead of species name). The children first learn about him through a scary story which portrays Hidden Runner as a sneaky, dangerous threat that is completely invisible. But when they go look for him, they eventually find out he is just a small frightened dinosaur who wants to be left alone.


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Thanks for the review, Nahla!  :) And yes, DH is correct about the hidden runners.  They are Troodons, which are dinosaurs of around Ruby's size that were believed to be omnivores.  I followed the LBT narrative, by having them blend into their environment due to their coloration.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Review of Chapter 55

Breeze and Ducky, though hurt, seem to be fine. However... what have they seen that causes their fear?

Utu has finally realised that Littlefoot and his pack are not to blame for the assault on the Valley. Even more so, she owes them something now since they protected Ali from further damage.
Now there's only one question: Will Ali make it? Her injury appears to be severe after all...

Ducky's doesn't seem easy to be dealt with either... I also hope that splitting up the group into several small groups won't turn out to be a grievous decision...
Wonder what Cera's doing... :p

Aww too bad he was already dead. I suppose it would have been interesting to see what Cera does to him :p
Speaking of Cera, I'm very sorry for her loss. It must be heart-wrenching to see family dead, even if it's your prey.

I hope the help of the Rainbowfaces will do :) It would be painful for me if she died :p

Wow, the talk between Cera and her father is wonderful! The comparison of the reason Cera respectively the enemy fastbiters have killed is very well in place here. Likewise, the mention of how Topps as well as Cera and her friends want to have power "for the right reason" is very good.
I also like the self-critical and honest words Topps is telling his daughter. That is something he hardly ever does. Besides, I'm glad that you mention Cera's mother and siblings :yes

Yes, being a leader IS hard. Some choices result in a negative outcome either way but you have to choose the option that results in fewer damage. Shorty has matured, making the right decision even though he had doomed Ali who he seems to like to death. Bron's totally right by letting Shorty pass the Big Longneck Test.

The conversation between Whitehorn and Topps is interesting :)
Instead of encouraging Whitehorn to step aside due to his failures, Topps shows some support.

The Rainbowface's rock seems to cause trouble... I wonder what implications this will have...

Ahh, I was so waiting for that scene :D Ali and Littlefoot having a private talk. Well, what should I say? It's amazing! It is remarkable that Ali can forgive despite what Littlefoot has done to her, despite all the grief he has caused...

Well, Redclaw shows Calin who's boss :smile

A very well done conclusion of Act 3! You're going to rock the forth and last as well! I just know you will ^^
Inactive, probably forever.


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Thank you very much for the review, Ducky.  :)

Wow, the talk between Cera and her father is wonderful! The comparison of the reason Cera respectively the enemy fastbiters have killed is very well in place here. Likewise, the mention of how Topps as well as Cera and her friends want to have power "for the right reason" is very good.
I also like the self-critical and honest words Topps is telling his daughter. That is something he hardly ever does. Besides, I'm glad that you mention Cera's mother and siblings in-yes.gif

I'm glad that you enjoyed that.  In a way this chapter is about coming full-circle, from being chased out of the valley and being considered monsters, to being accepted again and finding out that their former kinds weren't so innocent after all.  In a way they have all grown up very fast due to their changes and despite still being children (probably going into their teens in dino years, relatively speaking) they have matured quite a lot.

Yes, being a leader IS hard. Some choices result in a negative outcome either way but you have to choose the option that results in fewer damage. Shorty has matured, making the right decision even though he had doomed Ali who he seems to like to death. Bron's totally right by letting Shorty pass the Big Longneck Test.

Yeah, recent events have forced Shorty to mature as well and his actions in the previous chapter were proof of that.  Shorty has now shown that he has both the judgment (to let Ali die for the good of the rest of the kids) and empathy (for still feeling bad about it) in order to be a leader.  A leader without judgment will doom his or her herd to destruction, but a leader without empathy will simply lead the herd for his or her own profit (like the longnecks in what remained of the Old One's herd).

The conversation between Whitehorn and Topps is interesting smile.gif
Instead of encouraging Whitehorn to step aside due to his failures, Topps shows some support.

Yeah, Topps laid down the law so to speak.  You have to wonder at this point, whether he is actually kind of relieved to no longer be in charge.  Such a thing would be unthinkable for the Topps of old, but he has been through far too much in the last year.  The supposed loss of Cera and threat to the valley from Redclaw has made him truly learn to not take his family for granted.  Just like everyone else, the events of this story has changed Topps.  In fact, he has probably changed more than most of the other dinosaurs (with the exception of the new sharpteeth, of course).

A very well done conclusion of Act 3! You're going to rock the forth and last as well! I just know you will ^^

Thank you very much.  :) I hope that you enjoy the latest installments.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 58   Discussions and plots

“Schemes are like fruit, they require a certain ripening.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings

"Did you invite your father?"

Taunt looked up at the brown fast biter for a moment.  The question was not made in an accusatory matter, but rather an inquisitive one.  Littlefoot's eyes looked up from their recent kill and focused on him in a conversational manner.  

Taunt sighed inwardly.  The relationship between himself and his father was a complex one, even if it was effectively healed.  He had spent so much time as part of a pack that to see his father on a regular basis would be an odd feeling.  He was used to 'Thud the father' as a child and to 'Thud the enemy' as an adult.  It was kind of quaint to think of him as 'Thud the regular sharptooth' at this point.  However, if the other packmates could accept a former enemy as a welcomed guest then so could he.  He spoke after a pause.

"I did.  I think that he is reporting the security situation to Chomper's folks."

Littlefoot nodded as he considered this.  But then he suddenly spoke.

"I guess that we should give our security report to your parent's as well, Path."  As Chomper sighed and proceeded to get ready to journey to his parent's nest, Littlefoot smirked and finished the joke.  "We can report that the dangerous spiketail youngling has been dealt with."

Taunt rolled his eyes at Littlefoot's joke.  It was a bad one, but he couldn't fault him for that considering some of the stinkers that he had told during his time in the pack.  The response from the rest of the pack was somewhat varied, with Ruby and Ducky snorting in amusement while most of the others simply shook their heads while chuckling in response.  Taking on a smile, Taunt decided that he needed to show his leader how these things were done.

"But we couldn't have done it without brave Stern Claw.  Without her face planting after missing the spiketail, the entire hunt might have proved to be a bore."

With some amusement, Taunt noticed that Littlefoot and Ruby both had to suppress laughter after his 'epic' retelling of Cera's exploits during the morning's hunt.  Chomper and the others, however, were not being so modest and were laughing hysterically at Taunt's mention of Cera's misadventure.  As for Cera, however...

"Trust me, Taunt.  When I pounce after you I won't miss."

Taunt smiled.  Now this is more like it!

Cera sized up Taunt and began to rear back in preparation for a strike on the orange fast biter.  In response, Taunt prepared to launch himself out of the way as soon as she pounced.  This was a reaction that he had done several times before and it had become a sort of game for the two sharpteeth.  However, he did not plan on a sudden complication.

"Oh this should be rich!"  Came his father's voice from behind him.

Taunt looked back in surprise.  "Huh?"  He did not notice his father sneak up on him.  Unfortunately for him, however, Cera was not so easily distracted.


Taunt tried to escape from Cera's grasp as she latched herself against his back.  He finally got his wish to be free, but not after Cera got her revenge with a slight nip at his backside.

"Ow!  My ass!"  Taunt cried.

Cera strutted away in triumph.  "That was for being an ass! Hmph!"  Though she walked away in fake agitation, Taunt could tell that she was pleased with herself.  He was about to attempt to charge at her and attempt to repay the favor when another bite caught his attention.

"Ow!  What the hell!"  Taunt reared back as he looked up at who had bitten his rump a second time.  It was his father.

Thud smiled at his son.  "Why, son... I was just defending that lady's honor."  He answered in a mocking tone.

Taunt scoffed.  "Honor?!  Lady?!  I think that you overestimate..."

A sudden cough from Cera caused Taunt to look up and observe her glare.  Taunt was about to go into dangerous territory here.  With a sigh, he decided to let her have the last word in this time.  Noting that he had now stepped back from his comments, Cera gave him a toothy smile.  She was simultaneously being pleased with herself and urging Taunt on.  Taunt was about to continue their verbal sparring when Littlefoot interrupted them.

"Thud!  It is great for you to join us."  He then gestured at the spiketail corpse in front of him.  "You brought us food last night so we are returning the favor.  Ruby caught this one, so you can have the second bite as our guest."

Thud bowed.  "I am honored."

As the rest of the pack gathered around the spiketail in preparation for dinner, Taunt gestured at his rear and gave a biting gesture into the air, clearly indicating to her that he would avenge her besting of him.  For her part, Cera simply stuck out her tongue.  There was no doubt that their little vendetta was nowhere near done for the day.


"So the Great Valley agreed to let me join in its defense?"

Littlefoot quickly chewed on his piece of the spiketail as he processed Thud's question.  He had to admit that the idea of Thud joining in the defense of a valley populated by leaf-eaters sounded utterly mad.  But yet, the trust of the valley won out over their concerns on that day.  The pack's good intentions had been proven by the great risks that they took on the valley's behalf.  The difference between how they were treated in their initial meeting and the final meeting were like night and day.

"Yeah... Though it took a while to get them to agree."

"Don't get me wrong, Littlefoot.  But are you sure that Thud can be trusted?"

Littlefoot nodded at Grandpa Longneck's question.  "He saved Taunt and Breeze and he is helping to defend our territory in our absence.  So yes, he is worthy of our trust."

"Says the sharpteeth!"  

Littlefoot looked up at the threehorn who had spoken.  It was a brown threehorn who he didn't recognize.  However, the sneer on his face was impossible to miss.  A sudden glare from Whitehorn, however, caused the threehorn to back away.

"Says the sharpteeth who risked their lives to defend this place."  Littlefoot answered plainly.  "We can't change what we are now, but we can help those whom we love."

There was much chattering as the adults seemed to absorb this information.  Thud as a potential defender?  Adult fast runners to help evacuate the kids if necessary?  What sounded ludicrous just a few days ago was now being debated amongst them all.  They knew that whatever choices they made would have a great impact on them all.

"A threehorn defended my honor?"  Thud asked in a deadpan manner as his son erupted into laughter.

Littlefoot placed his hands up in a placative gesture.  "I didn't say that.  But Whitehorn did cause most of the opposition to shut up."

Seeing that his son was still laughing at his expense, Thud made a move to nip him in the rear again, but Taunt quickly sprinted away much to the amusement of Cera.  It seemed that they both were willing to have a bit of fun at the orange fast biter's expense.

Deciding to speak before the story could get interrupted again, Littlefoot continued his story..

"So it is agreed then.  The sharpteeth will return in the spring.  Then we will prepare the defense of the valley."

Whitehorn's pronouncement effectively concluded that part of the discussion.  All of the major herds had decided to return to the valley and that only left the matter of defense.  Now everyone was agreed that the help of the sharpteeth and, if willing, Ruby's family would be used.  It seemed that the dream of Ruby's father to unite the Mysterious Beyond and the Great Valley against Red Claw had finally been obtained.  Now it was up to them to see to it that they were successful.

At that moment Littlefoot looked at Ruby who seemed to be deep in thought.

"Ponder?  Are you alright?"

Ruby looked up at Littlefoot's question.  "My daddy wanted to stop Red Claw, but I don't know if he wanted Red Claw to be stopped in this way."  A sad look appeared on her face.  "I don't want to risk my family, Seeker."

Littlefoot closed his eyes and sighed.  "We already are, Ponder.  Every day that Red Claw is allowed to run free is a day that his pack is allowed to grow stronger.  If the valley falls then no one will be able to stop him."  He then stared deeply into her eyes.  "We can either risk your family through action or through inaction.  Which would your dad choose?"

Ruby nodded.  There was no doubt in her mind about the answer to that question.

"We haven't sent Spotter out to relay that news to Ponder's family yet."  Littlefoot stated somewhat hesitantly.  "There has been so much going on."

Thud nodded at this.  The story had taken both his and his son's mind off of their playful little game.  They were now focused on other things.  Thud was the first to speak.

"I obviously will join in the defense of the valley."  Taunt looked at him with surprise, but Thud simply responded with a smile before speaking again.  "You don't think that I would let my son fight alone, would you?"  Taunt looked touched by this as Thud continued.  "I will fight with my son's friends, even if I prefer to remain in a pack of my own.  A pack of one."

Littlefoot nodded respectfully.  "Thank you for your support, Thud.  It is greatly appreciated."

The others nodded in appreciation as well, to which Thud nodded in turn.  However, a conspiratorial look suddenly came across his face as he seemed to consider something deeply for a few moments.

"What are you thinking about, Thud?"  Chomper asked curiously.

Thud was silent for a moment.  "Your parents."

Chomper was taken aback by this as were the other members of the pack.  "My parents?"  He asked in turn.

Thud nodded.  "Yes, your parents."  He paused for a moment before finally addressing the sharptooth's confused look.  "I think that we will stand more of a chance if we had the support of your parents.  Don't you, Path?"

An uneasy silence descended over the pack as they considered that possibility.  Would Chomper's parents be willing to join in the defense of the valley?  Moreover, would the valley even welcome their support?


Outside of Hidden Runner territory:

"Very good, Calin.  It seems that your former allies have been dealt with."

Calin bristled at Red Claws condescension.  I have no idea what spiketail dung Sandstorm was feeding you, but I had no allies! He obviously did not say his thoughts, however.

"Now we can move on with my plans."

Yes, finally.  Calin noted with some sarcasm.  In a way he had all that he could want at this point.  He had power in that none of the other fast biters would dare challenge him due to Red Claw's threat.  He also effectively had a free hand to be as brutal and ruthless as he saw fit now that he no longer had to operate under the pretense of being charitable with his 'allies' in the pack.  Red Claw had in effect made him a de facto deputy dictator and he was impatient to get started.  Now that he finally had a taste of unbridled power he wanted to use it to the fullest possible extent.  He would not be denied.

"We will go after the valley in the winter.  The leaf-eaters won’t expect an attack so soon.”  

An attack in the cold? Calin thought to himself.  What sense does that make? However, Red Claw was about to answer his unspoken question.

“The Cold Time will bring starvation as it always does and the stragglers will want to join up with the strongest."  Red Claw then looked at him with a fierce expression.  "You will determine who is worthy of us."

Calin nodded.  Red Claw didn't say what to do with those who were found to be unworthy.  There was no need to state the obvious.

Red Claw continued.  “The lack of food will make us stronger at the same time it makes the valley weaker!”  He gave a triumphant roar.  “They won’t see us coming!  He who insists on fighting fair, fights to die.”

Calin was cautious not to interrupt Red Claw in the middle of one of his monologues, but the pack still needed some direction in the meantime.  With that in mind, he asked a question as soon as he could get a word in edgewise.

"What are we to do in the meantime, sir?"  Calin offered.

Red Claw pondered this for a moment.  "We will do as we have been doing.  We will terrorize the herds and kill the weaker packs.  If we show that we are the strongest then they will join with us when the Cold Time comes."  He then worked himself up into a frenzy.  "Now is the time to act like proper sharpteeth.  Consuming flesh...  Tasting blood...  Kill all who stand in our way.  Only then will we be strong enough to do what must be done!"

As Calin gave a yelp of affirmation at his leader's call to violence, neither of them noticed the three fast biters watching them intently with a look of disdain from the assembled pack.  

Nor did they notice the hidden runner watching them all from the bluffs...


Hidden Runner territory:

"The scout reports that they are now outside of the bluffs.  They are moving out of our territory."

Viscond did not react at all at his deputy's message.  Instead he continued to stare intently at the sky, as if no one has spoken to him at all.  This quite worried his deputy, Westron, who quickly gestured for the others to leave.  He would speak to his friend alone.

Seeing that they were now alone, he sat beside his old friend and looked at his haggard face.  Frowning, he finally broke the silence.

"What are you thinking, my friend?"

Viscond sighed at his friend's question.  He could lie convincingly to the others and could act brave even when he was as fearful as a lost youngling, but he couldn't lie to him.  He could not hide the fact that he was deeply troubled.

"I'm thinking that we have to strike back."

Westron considered this for a moment and shook his head.  To attack Red Claw and his ilk would be suicide.  There was no way that they could successfully take them all on at once.  Nor could they afford to risk the pack's children during such a dangerous enterprise.  It was a risky gamble.

"Sir, we can't risk the children!  We can risk our hatchlings!"

Viscond react angrily to his deputy's response.  "Can't risk them!  What do you call this?!"  He gestured wildly at the land around them.  "Red Claw is attacking our people and we do nothing!  What is more risky than that!?"

Westron looked at his friend with grave concern.  "But we can hide ourselves.  We can stay out of his way..."  He never got a chance to finish.

"Look what good that did to my kin!"  Viscond nearly roared.  "My brother is dead.  His mate slaughtered in front of her children and my nephew..."  His voice cracked with raw emotion.  "My nephew was forced to eat his own newly hatched brother before he died."

Westron's mouth hung agape.  No one had told him what his friend had seen in his brother's nest.  But this was too much.  This was an atrocity beyond comprehension.  Only the sickest mind would think of doing such a thing.  His friend's reaction made a lot more sense now.

"We can't do nothing here, Westron.  We just can't."  He shook his head with resignation.  "We can't leave our children and we can't abandon the pack's mothers.  But...  But I know that we have some fighters in the pack.  They will be willing to take the fight to our enemies."

Westron looked at his friend with sadness.  "And you are to be the one to lead them?"  He didn't really have to ask that question.  They both knew the answer.

"Yes."  Viscond answered firmly.  "And you will watch the pack in my absence."

Westron paled.  His friend was going to go on a suicide mission and he simply expected him to stand back and care for the pack?  That was unacceptable to him.  "Viscond..."

"Westron, don't."  Westron nearly broke down in tears at his friend's words.  "I have to do this.  If Red Claw is distracted by me then it will buy our pack some time.  Enough time to flee this place before he strikes again.”  

Viscond has no idea that Red Claw’s attack had been a standalone battle.  A test of Calin’s loyalty.  For all that he knew this was just the beginning of further massacres.  He wasn’t going to let that happen without a fight.

Viscond then smiled at his friend.  “I know that you are the best that the pack has.  You will lead them well in my absence."  He took on a grim expression.  "Even if that absence turns permanent."

Westron was in tears now.  It felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest.  If his friend went on with this idea of his then he doubted that he would ever see him again.  With great difficulty, he spoke.

"What should I tell the mothers of the packmates who are going to fight?  How should I tell them that their sons and daughters are about to die?"

Viscond closed his eyes.  "We won't fight them head-on.  We will use hit and run tactics at night.  We will use trickery and deceit.  We will use our minds since we can't face them claw to claw."  He then opened his eyes.  “We will do what we hidden runners are known for.  It should give the rest of you enough time.”

Westron screamed.  "You will all still be in danger!"

Viscond went silent for a moment as his dear friend wept.  With a heavy sigh, he placed a comforting hand on Westron's shoulder and spoke into his ear.

"Life is about danger, my friend.  We are hatched, we live for awhile, and then we die."  He gave a sad smile.  "I never mated.  The responsibilities of being a pack leader prevented it.  I always looked to my brother to carry on the family line.  Now it seems that I am the last.  It is up to me to defend what both of us hold dear."  He closed his eyes and he laid his head against his friend's.  "I will do what I can to delay this threat, Westron.  But Red Claw threatens us all.  Hiding from him will not change that.  We thought we could hide when we saw his savagery in the lowlands, but the threat has come to find us anyway.  The rest of the hidden runner packs will be threatened soon enough."

Westron nodded at this, but he was still too upset to speak.  Meanwhile, Viscond continued.

"I will do what I can in the field, but I need you to rally support with the other packs.  I think that it is time that this pack pay a visit to Harthron."

Westron looked at his friend with great intensity.  "Do you think that he will join the fight?"

Viscond shook his head.  "I don't know.  But he is the highest ranked of us all, Westron.  All of the other hidden runner packs in the region yield to his dictates.  We have to try to make him see reason."  He then looked down at his friend.  "My friend, will you do this for me?  Will you protect the pack and try to convince the greatest of us of what needs to be done?"

With a grim expression and tears still fresh in his eyes, Westron nodded.

"Yes, my friend.  I will not fail you."

Viscond nodded and patted his friend on the shoulder, before walking back towards the pack’s nests.  Westron watched him with a downcast expression as he feared that he would never see his friend again.  However that was when a thought suddenly came to him.  

“What about that sharptooth pack that we have heard about?  The one that bested Calin in the gulch?”

Viscond stopped his forward progress for a moment, but then he answered with a sardonic tone.

“My friend, do you honestly think I am crazy enough to ally with the biters of the night?”

Westron gave a wry smile despite his dejected emotions.  “My friend, I know you are crazy enough to do that.”

Viscond’s laugh echoed across the field as he acknowledged the truthfulness of his friend’s words.  Finally though, he responded with a nod.

“After I take the fight to Red Claw, I will not hesitate to take any allies I can get.”  He looked directly at his friend.  “We will deal with that when I return to the pack.”

Westron protested.  “If you return...”

Viscond shrugged.  “Fate will be whatever it may.  I can only do my part.”  With a heavy sigh, he looked down at his claws.  I suppose my fate is in my claws now. He thought to himself.  And the fate of my pack is in Westron’s.  Knowing that the conversation had run its course, Viscond decided to finally part.  If fate was merciful then he would return from his mission to meet the pack in Harthron’s land.  The combined hidden runner packs could then face their enemy together.

“May the shadows hide you, Westron.”

With a deep bow, Westron’s words were less formal but no less from the heart.

“Bloody some snouts, Viscond!  We will be meet again after you return!”


Back to the Land of Shallow Waters:

"Wake up, you lazy behemoth!"

Terri not so gently nudged her mate with her foot as he awoke with a start.

"Oh, you horrid female!  Can't you let me sleep?"  He complained through his grogginess.

Terri laughed at her mate's antics.  They were both endearing and annoying in equal measure, but she had gotten used to them over the seasons.  "I have let you sleep, dear.  The bright circle is at the top of the sky already."

With a groan Dein slowly rose from the ground.  His stubby forelimbs helping him to orient himself so his hind limbs could bring him upright.  Finally, with a yawn, he was back at his full height.

"Let me guess..."  He spoke coyly.  "You want to hunt now, right?"

Terri gave him a toothy smile.  "You know me well, dear."  She then nuzzled him.  "Otherwise I would have let you sleep, so I wouldn't have to listen to your complaining..."

Dein grunted.  "Oh, please!  I do not complain that much!"

Terri shook her head.  "See you're complaining right now!"

Dein protested.  "I am not complaining, I am simply correcting..."

Terri smiled as she made a waving gesture with her stubby arms, the sharptooth two-footer equivalent of going 'blah, blah, blah'.

Dein stared at her for a moment with a disgruntled expression before he smiled ever so slightly through his eyes.  "You're just trying to get a rise out of me, aren't you?"

Terri beamed.  "Now would I do that?"

Dein snorted.  "Yes."

The shared a brief fit of laughter at their respective antics.  They had grown used to their excesses and annoyances over the years.  At this point in their relationship the annoyances were almost as welcome and sought after as the more romantic moments.  They each had grown to love one another, faults and all.  Her recent near-death experience from the season before only strengthened their already-strong bond.  They had even considered trying for an egg again now that Chomper was out of the nest.  Though they would not attempt such a thing with the Cold Time approaching.  That would have to wait until the spring.


Both of them turned as the form of Chomper and his pack appeared across the horizon.  Being guests in their territory, Terri could see that they had brought some kind of corpse with them.  Though this would not assuage either of their hunger, it was still nice to see that they were keeping with the traditions of the sharpteeth.  Guests bring peace offerings.  Smiling slightly, she proceeded to give a low roar back to indicate their welcome into their presence.


It was only now that the pack proceeded towards them.  She wondered what they needed to discuss today.


The bright circle had long since fallen behind the horizon, but yet Dein and Terri both continued to stare reflectively at the stream in front of their nest.  After the discussions that they had on this day, neither of them really knew what to say to the other.  Much had been debated, but not much had been settled.

"Son, I can't order you not to do this.  It isn't my place.  Not anymore."  Dein stared at his son with a solemn expression.  "But I must ask you and your pack to reconsider defending the valley in the spring.  They have already been warned of the danger and you already risked everything to help them during Red Claw's surprise attack.  You owe them nothing."

Silence fell upon the pack as they digested Dein's words.  He not only had his mate to think about, but also the possibility of children yet to come.  If they left to defend the valley then they would be risking everything.  Their territory...  Themselves...  Their chances of future children...  And of course, Chomper.  But Chomper made it clear that he was going to be risked anyway.  Part of him longed to help his son and his friends, but it would be unwise for a sharptooth to risk himself over leaf-eaters.  In either case, Chomper's defense of the valley even after his rough treatment by the herd members fulfilled Dein and Terri's obligations to the valley for allowing his son to stay as a guest for a year and a half.

"I understand, sir.  And you must do what you think is best for your family."  Littlefoot said this with near-subservience, as was proper for a pack leader who was serving under another leader.  Littlefoot's use of the word 'family' was not lost on either Dein or Terri.  Their son, despite always being family, was no longer under their responsibility.  Under sharptooth tradition, he was an adult now and had to fend for himself.  Littlefoot was simply acknowledging that reality.  As Littlefoot paused, Chomper began again.

"I understand, daddy.  I have to fight my own battles.  I have fought them in the past."  Dein noticed that Terri noticeably tensed up at Chomper's mention of that.  Their near-loss of their son during his numerous run-ins with Calin and his pack of fast biters chilled them to the bone.  "I just hope that you will consider the offer."

Dein nodded at this.  Indeed he was considering the offer, but although his heart was telling him to fight alongside his son and his friends, his brain was telling him something else.  He had his and Terri's entire family lines to consider and if they were all wiped out in a battle then his ancestors would weep as their descendents were no more.  He owed it to them and to Chomper as well to ensure that the family line would continue.  For two-footers the persistence of the family was the paramount duty and all other things had to yield to that obligation.  Chomper knew this even if the pack did not.

Terri then spoke.  "I won't lie to you, son.  Our answer will probably be 'no'.  The family line must carry on even when I, your father, or you pass into the world of the parted."  Chomper bowed his head in a show of respect, not disappointment.  From the look on his face, Chomper had expected this reaction even if the other packmates looked surprised.  Fast biter standards were a bit different in that the 'pack' was the highest obligation over even one's biological family.  

"But perhaps you can still find some help."  Dein offered immediately, which caught the pack's attention.  "There are allies that you may call upon, thought I don't know how helpful they will be."

Chomper blinked before asking the obvious question.  "Who are they?"

Dein smiled.  "Son, do you remember the carrion flyers?"

The rest of the pack looked at one another with confused expressions, but Chomper's was anything but unsure.  With a slight smile, he slowly turned towards his friends.

"Petrie?  I think that we may have some allies for you to track down."

Dein frowned slightly at that memory.  The carrion flyers were sharptooth flyers that would often feed upon the sharptooth family's kills when they resided in the lowlands several years prior.  They had formed an almost symbiotic relationship with the sharpteeth and would even make a call and fly in a wide circle around promising targets.  Due to their harmless nature and the fact that they helped lead the sharpteeth to food, they had tolerated them eating the leftovers.  It was an alliance of convenience, but an alliance nonetheless.  If they could convince their old allies that there would be food after the battle then they would have a few eyes in the sky at their disposal.  It was a long shot perhaps, as they had no idea where those sharptooth flyers were now, but it would still increase their son's chances.

"Do you think that we made the right choice?"

Dein sighed at Terri's question.  "I have no idea.  I... am conflicted."  That was about as much uncertainty or weakness that Dein would allow himself to show.  The admission was not lost on Terri.

"So am I.  I know that it is his life now, but...  It is hard to let go."

Dein nodded.  Even when it was time for a child to strike off on their own and face their own challenges, it was not easy to stand back and watch them suffer through the inequities of life.   A parent's role is to protect and nurture, but to protect beyond a point was to actually harm the child more.  Chomper had decided his path in life.  Now he had to live with his choice.


The sounds of the fast biter pack roaring at the night circle could be heard from several miles away.  It seemed that the pack had gone through their songs on this night and were again performing the 'Night Circle Thanking' ritual as Chomper had described it.  Dein had dismissed it as another stupid fast biter superstition, but it was still comforting to hear his son participate in the sacred rites of sharptooth kind.  He had once feared that his son would always be soft at heart due to imprinting on Littlefoot after Chomper had hatched, but his son had since grown up into a formidable preadolescent sharptooth.  Dein had no regrets that Chomper's adopted father of sorts, Littlefoot, and adopted mother of sorts, Ruby, were still watching over him in the pack.  Despite Chomper's odd upbringing he had turned out alright.

Glad we didn't mess that one up. Dein admitted to himself upon thinking back to his son's upbringing.


The ritual was in full swing now as the roars of Taunt, Ruby, and even Chomper could be heard in the crescendo of vocalizations.  It was at that moment that Dein remembered something else that Chomper said about the ritual.  It was a way for enemy packs to show strength and hurl insults at one another, but it was also a way for allied packs to show solidarity and to also hurl insults at one another.

Dein laughed for a moment.  It seemed that the principal of having vitriolic friends was not unique to two-footers after all.  But there was nothing to say that non-fast biters couldn't participate in the ritual as well.


"Two-footers are slow!"


Ah, it seems that Taunt has decided to begin the insult phase of the ritual. Dein smirked as he thought to himself.  I suppose that it is time to return the favor to the intolerable bastard. His earlier comments about the ritual being stupid and superstitious were now forgotten as he felt a sense of play that he hadn't felt since he played with other sharpteeth on a few rare occasions when he was much younger.  At least his son had been spared a lonely childhood.  Now Dein was prepared to join in with the ritual.  He was about to express the inner child that he hadn't allowed to play in many ages.

"Dear, shall we show the fast biters how this is really done?"

Terri was taken aback slightly by Dein's offer, but then quickly put a smirk on her face.  She didn't dare ruin the moment by telling Dein how hypocritical or unlike himself he was being by engaging in a ëlowly’ fast biter ritual.  Instead, she simply gave him a firm nod.  It was time to compete with their 'guests' on their lands.


"Fast biters are fools!"

The pack went silent for a moment in apparent surprise at having Chomper's folks actually participate in the ritual.  However, after a few moments the ritual resumed with a frenzy.



"Fast biters know how to make bridges!"


Terri erupted into laughter as one of the pack members, obviously Chomper, retold an aspect of the story about how Dein and Terri met.  She had been smart enough to make a bridge out of fallen trees to pursue the prey, while he had not.  As a result, he had gotten stuck in the mud pit.  I know that I shouldn't have told him that story.  Now I will be known as Dein the Clueless if the fast biters decide to make a song about that!

He then turned his attention to his mate.  "Some help here, dear?  You're supposed to help me defend our honor against our fiend of a son and his band of disrespectful asses, not agree with them!"

Her laughter slowly died down.  "Whatever you say, dear."  She was still amused by Chomper's excellent insult, but was also glad for Dein's sudden move to accept Chomper's new cultural heritage.  She would not stand in the way of her mate's embrace of this moment.

The roars echoed across the night as the sharpteeth and the pack exchanged roars and insults under the brilliant stars.  Despite the fact that Chomper had never met his grandparents, both sharpteeth were convinced that they would have been amused by this humorous, yet touching display.  

It wasn't until the ritual was finally over and he was heading to sleep, that Dein allowed himself to look at the stars in silent contemplation.  He was never a superstitious dinosaur, but he did allow himself to speak to the ancestors who were watching him from the canopy of stars.

I don't know what is coming, ancestors.  But please watch over Chomper.  He needs all of the help that he can get.

He was fast asleep when the star that he had been talking to seemed to flicker in the clouds.


Back to Calin's pack:

Verok opened his eyes.

Waiting for his vision to adjust, he listened to the steady breathing of the adjacent fast biters.  Slow and steady.  It seemed that he had waited long enough to put his plan into motion.  The rest of the pack was asleep and the flyers would be unable to see well in the pitch black night.  If they were going to make their escape then this would have to be it.

With very careful movement, Verok slowly rose from his prone position.  He froze when the fast biter that he had been leaning on snorted and shifted in his sleep.  But he visibly relaxed when he shifted and curled up next to another fast biter.

That was too close.

Shifting to his side, he could see that his brother and sister were beginning to rise from their respective resting places as well.  Each was looking at him and waiting for the signal to get started.  It was now or never,

Rising to his feet, he turned and faced the other members of the pack.  They were sleeping soundly, with the occasional violent snort coming from Red Claw in the distance.  In the back of the pack he could also see the form of Calin kicking in his sleep.  It seemed that even during his rest he was still attacking.  Part of Verok wanted to slay that monster while he couldn't defend himself, but that would spell doom for himself and his siblings.  No, he would have to do the best that he could to escape from these fiends.  Then he and his siblings could look for the mysterious pack.  The only ones who had ever beaten Calin and lived to tell the tale.

Seeker's pack.

With a shuddering breath, he slowly walked between the sleeping sharpteeth and approached his two siblings.  He took the moment to look at them.

His sister, Swift, was a long slender fast biter that still shined blue in the light of the night circle.  Her features appeared kindly and gentle, but they now also had a haunted look to them.  She had seen too much and, in order to survive, done too much to come out of the experience unscathed.  He knew that she would regret her actions for the rest of her life.

Turning his head, he could see his brother, Leap.  He still bore the scars that he obtained during one of the numerous dominance fights in the pack.  He had gotten roughed up several times at Calin's prompting in order to test his worthiness to be in the pack.  He had survived the ordeal, but his eyes still glared with a deep-seated hate.  It was unclear whether he hated himself or his tormentors more.  In either case, Verok knew that he had to get his brother out of here.  His gentle brother would not live long in this environment of domination and cruelty.

Taking a quick look at each of them, he placed his clawed hands into each of theirs.  The message was clear.  This was it.  There would be no going back from this.  With a deep breath and a heavy sigh, he gave them a curt nod.

The three fast biters sprinted into the night.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 59   Love and war

“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.”
― William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

There they are.

Viscond scanned the desolate scene in front of him.  From the high bluffs he could see for miles around.  Being the Mysterious Beyond, the land was barren and without significant vegetation, which further extended his range of sight.  The scene was bleak and dreary, which suited his mood at the moment.

Down below, the lumbering form of Red Claw could be seen with the pack of fast biters following his lead.  The fast biters were obviously looking for something with great intensity.  They would dart about and sniff the wind before retracing their steps and resume following the massive sharptooth.

What are they looking for?

They were obviously far too strong, both in terms of numbers and strength, for the small band of hidden runners to be any threat to them.  However, Viscond was not planning for a full-frontal assault or even a nighttime skirmish.  No...  He was planning on something else entirely.

With a swift gesture, he grasped the hidden runner behind him and gestured towards the bluffs several miles away.  He then moved his mouth about as if he were eating something and grasped his chest.  Seeing that his companion was not understanding what his leader was saying, Viscond leaned over to his ear and whispered very quietly.

"It's time that they eat some orange death.  Don't you agree?"

Now comprehending the leader's message clearly, the other hidden runner gave him a smirk.  With a quick bow, he departed and gathered the other five hidden runners as well.  Viscond allowed himself a moment to stare at his enemies below before he joined his comrades in preparing for the task ahead.

Aright you monsters!  Let's see if all of you are as dumb as you look!


The Great Valley:

The partially devoured foliage of the Great Valley stood out brightly in the mid-morning sun.  After the terrible battle, the valley residents had reluctantly decided to return to their original home.  Food would still be an issue, but at least the valley was more defensible in the event that Red Claw came back than the Haven Valley.  The decision of the spiketail herds to stay in the Haven Valley until the coming of spring made the food situation even more bearable.  Besides, they had to prepare the defenses for the expected battle in the spring and that would take time and planning.

In the recovering valley, however, there was one small dinosaur with something else on his mind entirely.

What am I doing?  Come on Chronos!  Think!

The male rainbowface paced with agitation.  He had been so certain about himself when he had woke up that morning.  He was convinced that it was time for him and Logos to take their relationship to the next level.  But now he was filled with doubt.

Before they had begun their final mission on this planet, they had been comrades for many years.  He was the Lieutenant and she was the Commander.  They had explored this planet and many others; paving their own path and, in the process, disregarding the pervasive conservatism of the Consortium.  She would always protest when he interfered with other cultures and planets, but she never took the obvious step of censuring him.  In some cases she would even participate in his 'inadvertent' interferences.  She would not admit it, but she was as much of a troublemaker as he was.  As their reputation became more and more prominent, the leadership would continue to place them together on missions in order to keep the trouble contained.  They couldn't remove them due to their political friends, but they also weren't about to let them spread their ideals to other impressionable officers.  

Then had come the final mission.  The mission that had sent them to this planet for good...

They had been sent to this planet with practically nothing.  They only had a standard Communicator and a Repressor in their possession.  Officially this was to prevent contamination, but in reality their enemies in the Consortium hoped that they would get themselves killed on this planet.  They had no medicine.  No second chances.  While they waited on the Stone of Cold Fire to supposedly arrive they were all alone.  Just him and her.

As could be expected, they grew closer together as they worked and lived together over the first year.  By the time the second year of their mission came around, they were still Commander and Lieutenant.  They had a good professional relationship and each considered the other their best friend, but that was all that they were.  But then came the sickness...

"I seem to be... quite cold... Commander."

Logos looked at Chronos as if he had lost his mind.

"Cold?  It is very warm today, Chronos..."  She then place a hand on his head.  "...but not as warm as you."  Her voice suddenly became very concerned.  "How do you feel, Lieutenant?"  Her change to formality hinted at the danger of this situation.  She always became more formal when she was under fire.  Disassociating herself from the situation made it easier to confront what needed to be done.  That was a lesson she had learned well from officer training.

"Uh...  I seem to be shaking..."  He then attempted to move and nearly fell over in the process.  Logos placed a stabilizing hand under his shoulder.  Despite her formal tone, the concern in her voice was obvious.

"Go back to the sleeping area, Chronos.  I fear that you have what the locals call a fever."

Chronos looked at her with a dazed expression.  "I'm sick?"  This was not like on Consortium worlds where a sickness could be treated swift and effectively by the best in modern medicine; they were on a primitive world.  His original body did not have anything like a 'fever'.  This was a new concept that they learned about when they first appeared on this planet.  The only thing that they really knew was that getting a fever was usually one of the last things a dinosaur ever did.

"Yes, Chronos."  Her voice was mournful now.  "You are very ill."

He had gotten sicker as the days dragged on.  Logos attempted everything that she had heard recommended from others.  Sweet bubbles that supposedly had healing properties... tree stars that were claimed to lower fevers...  bark that was declared to bring back the worst cases...  everything was tried.  In the end, it seemed that Chronos had run out of time.


"Hmmm..."  He was half delirious.  But her voice seemed to bring him back to awareness.

"Here, try to eat these.  These are night flowers."  She would tell him later that a female youngling longneck from a passing herd had recommended it to her.  It had apparently saved a family member of a longneck she had met once before.  By this point of time, she had given up hope, but she tried it anyway.

He slowly consumed the bitter flowers.  He was just ready for this to be over.  He had struggled for many days with no relief.  He just wanted to close his eyes and go asleep.  He was not sure if he would wake up again.  He wasn't sure if he cared anymore.

"Can you hear me, Chronos?"

Chronos did not stir.  It appeared that he was completely unconscious.

Logos sighed deeply.  "I never told you..."  She paused as if she were composing herself.  "You're my best friend.  I trust you with my life.  You're insufferable... insubordinate... unprofessional..."  Her voice broke.  "But I wouldn't change any part of you."

A soft hand touched his shoulder.

"Don't die on me!"  She whispered with unrestrained emotion.  "You don't get to die until I do!"

Logos always assumed that Chronos was unaware of the events of that night.  The night when the night flowers did their magic and saved his life from certain death.  She believed that her words and emotions were lost in the silence of the night.

But he had heard every word.

After he recovered, Logos was warm and supportive but yet there was a certain distance in her.  Despite the words that he had heard during his crisis, they were back to simply being Commander and Lieutenant again.  Perhaps he had dreamed up the one-sided conversation during his fever-induced delirium.  

Now, however, he was tired of ignoring the bond that obvious existed between them.  They had witnessed the fall of the Stone of Destiny, a legend that had suddenly become real.  They had survived Galek's plot to destroy them and the planet.  They had secured the ascendance of their interventionist faction in the Consortium.  They had helped the children adapt to their changes by planting the seeds of acceptance in their parents.  And, most recently, they had helped fight a battle from which their adopted home still bore the scars.  They had nowhere else to go.  They had no one else who could understand who they were and what they had been through.  

They only had one another.

But that was where his difficulties began.  He only had a passing knowledge about how rainbowfaces bonded with others and, for that matter, how they chose a mate.  What he did know, however, was utterly foreign to him.  In his old kind, mating was the final thing an individual did as it concluded their lifecycle.  For obvious reasons, it was something that was put off until old age.  The eggs would live on to be raised by the community, the parents would not.

The urges of his body were easy enough to understand and control.  If he were incapable of it then he would not have been selected to take a new body in the first place.  However, his thoughts were much more confused.  How far did he want to take this?  Did he simply want her to admit her feelings to him?  Or did he want to raise a family with her?  How much of these feelings were from 'him' and how much were from his 'new' body?  Were they one and the same now?  He had no idea and it was infuriating.

He sighed deeply.  These feelings probably have a biological element, so I need to know how my kind attracts mates.  Once that is attended to then we can talk freely.  This decision, however, only solved one part of the problem.  

"But how can I find out how to do this?  I can't just go up to Mr. Threehorn and ask him 'Excuse me, sir.  But I am clueless about my species and I have no idea how this thing called 'romance' works.  Can you help me seduce my love?'  He stomped on the ground.  The entire situation disheartened him.  But that was when an unexpected voice broke him out of his introspection.

"Well for one thing I wouldn't ask Mr. Threehorn about romance."

Chronos turned in stunned horror.  He had said all of that out loud!

"My observations have confirmed that threehorns are the least romantic of the leaf-eaters.  Unless you find smashing into rocks and belligerent screaming to be attractive attributes."

Chronos sucked in a deep breath.  How much had Mr. Thicknose heard?

"You... heard all that?"  He asked with some amount of fear.

Mr. Thicknose nodded.  "I did.  Don't feel too bad about not knowing much about romance.  Trust me, knowing the facts about love won't necessarily help you find it."  He then gave a slight laugh.  "You don't see a lot of miniature versions of me running around do you?"

Chronos shook his head.  Well, at least he thinks that I am just a clueless love struck dinosaur and not the actual truth.  But that still doesn't solve my problem.  I need to learn how my species does this.  Maybe if I can woo Logos instinctually, then she will listen to me intellectually.  But who would be willing to teach me...

With a firm stare at Mr. Thicknose, Chronos asked one simple question.

"My friend, what can you tell me about attracting a female?"


"So these carrion flyers may work for food... but we don't know where they are..."  Ruby placed a claw on her chin in a contemplative expression.  "If we can't find them then how does that help us?"

Cera nodded at this.  "Why didn't your parents just recommend that we grab a snuggling stick or something, that would be about as effective!"  As soon as she had said it, however, she regretted it.  She had no right to take out her frustration on Chomper.  As it was she had no right to expect Chomper's parents to help them defend the valley anyway.

Chomper growled in anger.  "They weren't recommending a certain group of flyers, Stern Face..."  His intentional butchering of her name got an immediate reaction from the yellow fast biter.

"What did you call me?!"

Chomper was about to respond when another voice intervened.


The two sharpteeth went silent and glared at one another at the sudden exclamation of their leader.  It was a rare occurrence for Littlefoot to lose his cool, but this entire discussion has frustrated him to no end.

"Path?  What were you going to say?"

Chomper looked down and sighed.  He then licked his lips before answering.  "My mommy and daddy were telling us to seek out carrion flyers in general.  If they know that food is available... like after a battle..."  He tried to avoid the thought that some of the 'food' after such a battle may be himself or his friends.  "...then they might join on our side against the sharptooth flyers."

Cera now had enough time to calm down slightly.  As a result, her response was less caustic than before.  "But that still doesn't tell us where to find them.  Or how to convince them.  Or why your parents refused to help."

Chomper sucked in a deep breath.  How was he going to explain this to his friends?  They had experience as leaf-eaters and fast biters, but they were not brought up in the two-footer way.  As a result they were unaware of their views on packs and families.

"Mommy and daddy need to protect the family line.  If we all go into the valley then all of us could be lost."  He looked at Cera sadly.  "The needs of the family are more important than the needs of any member.  My mommy always told me to save myself if something happened to them."  He stared directly into her eyes.  "I would want them to do the same.  The family must go on, even if I don't."

Silence permeated the scene for a brief moment as the pack digested that information.  It seemed that two-footers were more alike than they first appeared.  They simply placed family on the same pedestal as the pack in fast biter life.  Chomper's parents leaving him to his fate was not an act of selfishness, but an act of self-sacrifice.  They had to protect the future of the family, and any future offspring, from destruction.  Even if that meant the loss of their beloved son.  It made them all feel a bit ashamed of their surprise at Dein and Terri's decision.  No one felt worse than Cera at that moment.  A deep melancholy seemed to fall upon the pack.

After several moments passed, an unexpected voice finally interrupted the quiet.

"Me have idea."

Eight heads turned to stare at the small flyer, who was resting on a tree branch.  Littlefoot then encouraged him on.

"Go ahead, Spotter.  What do you have in mind."

Petrie cleared his throat.  "Well, when me at the gathering of the flyers there were many flyers there.  Even sharpbeaks."

Taunt butted in at that point.  "Let me get this straight... The sap-sucker flyers allowed meat-eaters to get close to their communal orgy?"

Littlefoot and Ruby both covered their faces in their clawed hands and groaned.  They realized where Taunt's comment was going to send this already horribly derailed conversation.

"It not orgy! ...whatever that is... It where flyers make babies!"

Despite himself, Littlefoot knew that Petrie's comment was the last straw.  With a heaving chest and shaking limbs, he erupted into laughter.  The others soon joined in.  Petrie's innocent remark was the catharsis that they all needed after a rather trying discussion.  Perhaps now they could finally get somewhere.

"Spotter not trying to be funny..."  Petrie lamented.

Littlefoot sucked in a breath as he brought himself under control.  "Of course not, Spotter.  We won't interrupt this time."  He gave a half-hearted glare at Taunt to make his point.  For his part, Taunt responded with a toothy grin and a firm nod.

"Well, me need to talk to Ponder's family anyway.  Maybe me can find uncle Pterano afterwards and ask where carrion flyers go?"

Ruby continued for Petrie.  "Then you could ask for their help...  Their help you can ask for..."

Littlefoot tilted his head slightly. Yes... That might just work... With a nod to himself, he proposed his plan to the group.

"Spotter?  How about you talk to Ponder's parents first?  Then you can rest here for a while before flying off again."

No objections were raised.  Petrie's mission was set.


The Great Valley:

"You wanted to talk to me, Logos?"

The massive longneck looked down upon the much smaller dinosaur.  An adult longneck spent much of his or her time eating in order to survive and on this day she had been eating her mid-afternoon meal with her mate.  She was quite surprised when Logos had walked up to her and requested a private audience.  The fact that she wanted to talk to her and not Chronos or Mr. Thicknose made her suspect that this was a ladies' only conversation.  Her mate sensed this too and simply gave her a knowing nod.  Now her and Logos were in a secluded area of the valley.  With some hesitation, Logos finally spoke.

"Yes..."  She paused for a moment as if she were considering how to word her concerns.  Despite her pause, her next few words were blurted out as if she had not considered them at all.  "It's about Chronos."

Grandma Longneck nodded as she ate another mouthful of leaves.  Slowly swallowing them, she spoke.  "I suspected as much.  Did you two have a disagreement?"

Logos looked up at her in confusion.  "Huh?  Oh no, nothing like that."  She paused for a moment and sighed.  "He just... We are close friends and I care for him deeply... but I know that he wants more."  She twisted her mouth in a sign of agitation.  "It just scares me... you know?  I've never considered taking it to that level...  Sorry, I'm babbling."  

Grandma Longneck looked down at the rainbowface with a mix of sympathy and surprise.  They weren't mates already?!  My goodness...  They have been acting like mates since I've met them.  Their arguments and banter back and forth were well known across the valley.  They were universally seen as being odd and mysterious, but the valley had grown to accept them due to their knowledge on healing plants and other matters.  You could find them talking with Mr. Thicknose or assisting another dinosaur with some difficulty on any given day.  Even the perpetual curmudgeon Topps had reluctantly mentioned that they were 'not as useless as they looked'.  To hear that the two close friends weren't already together was quite the shock.  With that in mind, Grandma spoke.

"Well if he likes you and you like him then there shouldn't be any difficulty.  Have you told him about your feelings?"

The rainbowface shook her head.  "I have been trying to discourage his interest..."  She answered softly.

Grandma was flabbergasted.  "Why?"

The female rainbowface sighed and sat on her haunches.  A dejected look rested on her face.  "I never thought about being... a mother."  Grandma Longneck noted the pause before mother.  It was almost as if Logos thought that motherhood would have been the death of her.  "I... uh...  never knew my parents...  I don't know how these things work."

Grandma blinked in understanding.  It was obvious that Logos was not speaking about the 'facts' of life here, she was speaking about how to care for children, how to live with a mate, how to resolve the trials and tribulations of parenthood.  Yes, that was quite a different situation altogether.  Each kind of dinosaur had its own way of dealing with childcare and domestic relations.  The rainbowface way of life was unknown to Grandma but she did know one thing: regardless of everything else it all came down to love and trust.  If the two had that then everything else would be manageable.

"Do you love him?"  Grandma asked suddenly.

Logos looked surprised at the sudden question.  "Yes.  Yes, of course!"

Grandma nodded.  "Do you trust him?"

Logos looked unsure where this was going, but she answered anyway.  "Yes."

Grandma stared directly into her eyes.  "Do you trust him with your life?"

Logos did not hesitate.  "Unquestionably.  He has earned that trust many times over."

Grandma looked a bit surprised by that response.  How many times had they found themselves in such a life-threatening situation?  It was yet another mystery to add to the cryptic enigma of those two.  Nonetheless, she did not allow herself to get sidetracked in her discussion with the rainbowface.  Her next statement was resolute.

"Then that is all you need.  I won't lie to you Logos, being mated with another is not all happiness and bliss.  There will be arguments and disputes.  There may be challengers.  The addition of children will only make those hardships grow.  But if you truly love and trust one another then you can survive whatever the world throws your way."  She smiled at the rainbowface.  "You should tell him how you really feel."

Logos sighed, but nodded nonetheless.  "I guess you are right.  I am letting my own fears and insecurities get in the way.  I mean.. I am supposed to be beyond that.  After all I am the Comm..."  She cleared her throat.  "Uh... I mean thank you Mrs. Longneck!  You have given me a lot to think about."

Grandma smiled.  "Yes, I guess that I have.  But the hard part is over, you already know who you want.  And he already wants you.  All you have to do is say..." As Grandma turned to look at the field in front of her, she could see that Chronos seemed to be attempting some kind of dance.  In time with Mr. Thicknose's instructions, he was twirling and ducking to and fro.  "What in the blazes is Chronos doing?"

Logos mouthed out without thinking.  "I already say that all of the time."   But then she actually took a look at the scene in the distance.  "What is Mr. Thicknose trying to teach him now?"


"Alright, now you twirl to the left and pivot."

Chronos attempted to do as Mr. Thicknose instructed, but instead landed flat on his back.  They had been at this for several minutes, but he had no signs of noticeable improvement.  It was quite disheartening.  With a sigh, he asked the obvious question.

"Are you sure that this is what my kind does to woo a mate?"

Mr. Thicknose shrugged with his shoulders.  "I am not completely sure.  The farwalkers say that the colorful ones often dance when they find love."  He seemed to consider something for a moment.  "But again... the farwalkers also say that they put their heads in the ground when danger comes... and I haven't seen you do that."  He then grunted.  "Maybe you are what they call a colorful runner?"

Chronos sighed.  "You're not sure what kind I am!?"

Mr. Thicknose again shrugged.  "Until you two came to the valley I barely saw any of your kind.  The only rainbowfaces that we had migrated before I could learn anything from them.  When it comes to mating displays, all that I know is what the farwalkers tell me."

Chronos looked down.  This day just kept on getting worse and worse.

Mr. Thicknose broke the silence.  "Should we try the 'colorful runner' technique then?"

Chronos slowly rose from the ground.  "Fine!  What do I have to lose?"


The Mysterious Beyond:

"Their stench is stronger over here, sir!"

Calin groaned as he looked back towards the source of that voice.  My own packmates are as stupid as spiketails in a stampede. He lamented. How can they not understand this simple concept?

"That is because they looped back towards the stream, you ignorant numbskull!  It is an old tactic.  Run into the stream going one direction, then deviate and go the other direction."  He growled in agitation.  "They are trying to lead us astray!"

The other fast biters quickly scattered in order to follow the stream in both possible directions.  If the deserters had tried to trick them then the pack would have to search for where their scent emerged from the stream.  Only then could their actual direction of movement be determined.  More pertinent, however, none of them wanted to stick around Calin in his current mood.  

Calin's eyes were glazed over in a crazed expression as his face communicated a mix of paranoia and rage.  If he failed to catch the deserters then Red Claw may begin to doubt his decision to support him.  Without Red Claw's support he had nothing.  He had no doubt that his fellow packmates would revel in the chance to remove their despotic ruler.  Worse yet, however, three of his own packmates had the gall to flee from him!  The insolence!  Did they not know who they were running from?

I will find you cowards!  And when I do I will make you wish you were already dead!

From a distance Red Claw looked at the scene with a grim expression.  Inside, however, he was quite pleased with the results of the search thus far.  True, they were no closer to finding the deserters, but that was not what he was looking at right now.  

He was looking at Calin.

It had been his plan all along to recruit the young and ambitious.  By forcing them to kill or be killed he had weeded out the weak and timid.  Now all that remained were the ambitious and strong.  These fast biters had no other prospects.  No families.  No honor.  No hope for the future.  They were the perfect army.  He had ensured that they killed their pasts so that only Red Claw's glorious future would beckon to them.  Better yet, the most ambitious and depraved of them all had finally risen to the top.  He had no doubt that this was the fast biter that he could rely on to lead the expendable spearhead of his assault on the valley.  Calin's only hope for survival was to serve Red Claw and that now showed in his actions.  He was scared and angry.  Calin was snapping at his packmates and ready to kill anyone who got in the way of the mission at hand.  He was like a lightning storm.  Full of fury and without restraint.

How beautiful. Red Claw observed.  What gives him his strength also makes him vulnerable to me.  

Growling softly to himself, Red Claw resumed his trek towards the stream.  He did not need to see any more of this display.  Either Calin would return with a report of success or failure.  Thereafter, Red Claw would either give slight praise or pointed censure.  In either case, Calin's fears would be preyed upon and the fast biter's paranoia would grow further still.  Making him easier to control and more determined to complete their ultimate mission.

Red Claw gave a slight smile.  Yes, this was turning out to be a great day after all.


The Great Valley:

♪  Chirp!  DeóChirp!  Chirp!  ♪

As Chronos attempted to replicate the song that Mr. Thicknose was describing from memory, three pairs of eyes were staring at the distant scene from a nearby hill.

"Don't you think that you should let him know?  He seems to be embarrassing himself."  Grandpa Longneck spoke with a mixture of empathy and amusement.  It seemed that the ladies had finished with their conversation.  He had rejoined them when he heard laughter emerge from the trees.  Despite how impolite it was, he had to admit that some of the laughter at the male rainbowface's antics was now coming from himself.

Grandma then spoke.  "He is right, Logos.  You should probably just tell him now and spare him..."  

♪  Chirp!  DeóChirp!  Chirp!  ♪

She was then rocked by a fit of laughter at his latest attempt.  "...from this!"

Logos nodded.  She had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard at seeing her friend's attempts at singing.  "I will talk to him about it tonight, don't worry."  She dried her eyes.  It was amazing that he had not heard them despite their laughter.  "But I think that I want to see if he can get this song right..."  A smile was plastered on her face.

"Tormenting the male."  Grandpa intoned, with more than a hint of humor.  "I should have known that letting you two girls talk alone would only lead to mischief.  Am I next?"

Grandma looked at him with mirth in her eyes.  "Well that depends, dear... Are you going to alert the poor soul?"

Grandpa smiled back.  "No...  No...  I am afraid that Chronos definitely needs more time to work on his tune.  I would hate to interrupt that."

The two longnecks and the rainbowface shared another laugh at Chronos's plight.  

♪  Chirp!  DeóChirp!  DeóChirp!  ♪

As the song continued, however, Logos was thinking to herself and considering her decision.  She had reached one conclusion.

Good things come to those who wait, Chronos.  I won't leave you waiting much longer.


The Mysterious Beyond:

"Help me!!!"

The fast biter's desperate scream was cut off as she suddenly began convulsing on the ground.  The seizures were so violent that the packmates unlucky enough to be congregating around her were slashed by her uncontrolled, flailing claws.  It was the shrieks of the panicked packmates that finally alerted Calin.

"What is going on!"  He demanded in a rage.  Both the onlookers and those who had been injured stared at him with fearful expressions.  It seemed that none of them wanted to give him the bad news.  Finally, however, one of them spoke.

"Two of us have fallen ill!  We have to get out of here before the sickness spreads!"  The mistake of presuming to give Calin demands was met with a deep slash to the speaker's face.


Calin stared down at the fast biter as he clutched his face with his now bloodied claws.  He had made the terrible error of speaking to Calin with anything but calm respect and now he had paid the price.  He would have a scar to remind him of that lesson for the rest of his life.

"I am the only one who gives orders."  Calin spoke in a cold monotone, as the offending fast biter shook in fear.  Pleased by this response, Calin returned to the matter at hand and walked over to the fast biter who had convulsed.

"What was she doing before she collapsed?"

None of those present spoke.  They had all seen what happened to their comrade.  They were all fearful of Calin's continued wrath so they remained silent.  This caused Calin to erupt at the nearest fast biter.


A choked scream emanated from the male, but then he spoke, more out of self-preservation than anything else.

"We were searching, sir... really... but we were hungry... and uh... we ate some dead fish that we found on the shore..."

Calin glared at the fast biter.  It wasn't until he finally began to urinate in fear, that Calin turned towards the others.  He had made his dominance known and that was more important than a few dead packmates.  Now he could move on to other matters.

"Show me the fish."

The two packmates who he addressed looked at one another in agitation, before one of them spoke.  

"The others already ate them, sir.  We.. uh.. were too late to get any.  But there was one left that no one wanted... uh..."

Calin quickly grew tired of his fear-induced rambling.  With a scream he demanded that he get back on track.  

"Then show me!"  


The tan fast biter sniffed the fish for quite some time.  An odd expression crossed his face.  A mixture of recognition and anger.  Confusion and rage.  Then, as soon as it had graced his face, it was gone.  The same blank, calculating stare appeared on his face as had graced it moments before.  It was as if the dark-hearted fast biter had allowed emotion to cross his features in order to feel some novelty for a brief moment.  And now the moment was gone.

"The fish was poisoned.  This is the same vile crap that the bastard Skytail used on me.  It seems the deserters are smarter than our two fallen comrades."

Even if it wasn't the deserters that pulled this stunt, it was best for both morale and motivation that he claimed that they were.  An unknown assailant would spread fear amongst the pack, whereas having the deserters be the culprits would motivate the others to seek their annihilation.  Most importantly from Calin's perspective, however, it was best to claim to know the truth even when ignorant of it.  To show one's ignorance communicated weakness, whereas to make a claim was to present strength.  With three deserters already in flight from the pack, the last thing that he wanted to do was to show weakness.

Calin didn't look back.  He didn't need to see them to know that the other members of the pack were awaiting his orders.  He decided not to keep them waiting.

"Tempting as it is, don't eat your fallen comrades.  We don't have the time and we can't risk further poisonings."  His expression took on an annoyed expression as he barked out one final order.  "Resume your search!"

The pack scattered.  The search had to go on.

Calin arose to follow his packmates, but then he stopped.  With a slow panning motion, he looked at the stream around him and the bushes beyond.  His face gave away no emotion as he did this.  The same expressionless stare greeted the scene as he had a few moments before.  It was only when he had looked at the entire panorama around him that he finally allowed himself to depart.

He had not seen the hidden runner watching him from downwind.  He had a grim smile planted on his beak.

I have only just begun!


The rainbowfaces’ cave:

Chronos stepped into the cave with a downcast expression.  This was one of the most depressing and disheartening days that he could ever remember.  He had spent hours practicing dances and songs from dinosaur species that probably were not even related to his current kind; a byproduct of having Mr. Thicknose assist him on the basis of rumor.  But all of his attempts ended in embarrassment.  In his despair, he decided that he would put off talking to Logos about his feelings.  Regardless of whatever acts that the instincts of his kind demanded be done in order to win her affections, he obviously was not the rainbowface for the job.  

He collapsed into his normal sleeping area with a distinct thud.  He was in no mood for small talk or contemplation.  He simply wanted the memories of this day to fade as he entered into the world of dreams.

"I see that you decided not to try the song."

Chronos opened his eyes at Logos's comment.  She saw that!?

"In fairness though, it was better than the dance."

He now rose in order to face her.  But he was still at a loss of what to say.  What could he say.

"Why did you feel the need to woo me, Chronos?"

Chronos sputtered.  "Uh...  I thought that maybe... that maybe there was some biological component that I was missing... that uh..."


Logos smiled.  He is so cute when he is flustered.  Although that makes him make less sense than usual. Not wishing to prolong his torment any longer, she finally spoke.

"I was not being held back by instincts, dear."  She shook her head.  "And even if I were then dancing a yellowbelly dance or singing a fast runner song wouldn't really do anything for me."

Now Chronos was angry.  "You let us practice all that even though you knew they were from the wrong species?!  How did you even know all of that anyway?"

Logos laughed.  "Because I read the briefing document before I went planet-side, Chronos.  Some of us actually read those before going on missions, you know?"  She ended her statement with a wink.

Chronos was speechless.  The fact that she was being so open about this... did that mean...

Logos continued.  "I didn't need my instincts attended to, dear.  I just needed time.  You will be glad to know that Grandma Longneck helped me to realize something."  She walked a bit closer to him.  "I was afraid because of how our old kind did things... I was still thinking of this as an end, but for dinosaurs finding a significant other is just the beginning."

With a swift movement Logos grabbed a few tree sweets and placed them into her mouth and slowly began to chew.  Chronos paid no heed to that change, however, as he was still fixated on her recent words.

Chronos found his voice again.  "Does that mean that..."

He was immediately cut off as Logos joined her mouth to his and forced the tree sweets down his throat.  He gasped and attempted to recover his breath at the sudden intrusion.  His then choked out a response made in surprise more than fear.

"What... What was that?"

Logos laughed.  "That, my friend, is how rainbowfaces propose.  Supposedly."

Chronos coughed a bit as he was still recovering.  "Gah... And I thought that singing was bad!"

Logos rolled her eyes.  "Oh trust me Chronos - it was!  But at least it..."

Taking the initiative now that her mouth was open, he grabbed a few more tree sweets and forcibly shoved them into her mouth from his.  If the act of communal feeding was how his species selected a mate, then he was going to do the deed.  He had spent all day achieving nothing but failure in his attempts; it was time for his initiative to finally pay off.

Logos gasped when she recovered.  "What in the hell was that?!  I already proposed!"

Chronos gave a coy smirk.  "No, you demonstrated.  I was the one who proposed."

Logos glared at him.  "Well thank goodness we only have to do that once."

Chronos smiled broadly.  "So do you accept, Mrs. Rainbowface?"

Logos whispered in his ear.  "What do you think, Mr. Rainbowface?"

On that night they were no longer the Commander and the Lieutenant.  Much like how their former kind would die upon the creation of new life, those titles and responsibilities were now dead and committed to the realm of memory.  Now only the couple remained.  Despite the fact that they had been rainbowfaces for years, it was only now that the life that they had begun in the Consortium was truly over.  A new life now awaited them.

And they never looked back.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 60   Rumors and blood

“Rumors spread faster than news and news spreads faster than the happenings”
― Amit Abraham

"My leg!!!"

The fast biters all scattered as they saw their comrade crumple to the ground in pain.  His ankle was bent at an abnormal angle as a result of his traumatic injury.  He obviously was not going anywhere for quite some time.

Calin rushed to the front of the onlookers and then cautiously moved forward.  He had no need to ask the others what had happened for this was the second time today that a similar thing had occurred.  It seemed that the deserters had struck again.

With careful steps, he slowly put weight on each leg in order to avoid injuring himself if his leg fell through another trap.  To have a leg fall through a covered hole would simply be an unpleasant surprise.  To have a leg fall through a hole at a brisk sprint on the other hand... that could be a very serious injury.  He did not want to be the next victim of the three deserters.  After a few moments of careful walking he finally reached the injured fast biter.

"Let me take a look at your leg."

The other fast biter stopped clutching his ankle and allowed Calin to inspect the damage.  He was still spasming in pain at the crippling injury, but he didn't dare contradict Calin.  After a cursory inspection, Calin gave his verdict.

"It's broken."

The injured fast biter began to quickly crawl away from Calin at this pronouncement.  He knew what was next.  The pack could not afford to have any stragglers slow them down, nor could it have the possibility of former members who knew of the pack's methods and secrets.  Calin's statement was a death sentence and everyone knew it.

Ignoring the other fast biter for now, Calin stared at the hole that the hapless fool had gotten his foot stuck in.  It had very clear claw marks and a broken mesh of small sticks, which had obviously supported the leaves which covered the chasm.  The hole was about as deep as a fast biter's leg.  More than deep enough to allow for a serious injury if the predator was going at a full run.

"No!  Please!  No!"

Calin ignored the screams of the fast biter as the other packmates were obviously making quick work of him.  His meat would feed the pack for the journey ahead, which would now progress much quicker as they could avoid a mid-morning hunt.  Instead, his focus was on the confusing jumble of scents that were emanating from the hole.  There was blood and bone marrow from the fast biter's open break, obviously, but there was something else also.  Something familiar yet alien.


It seemed that a rival of the fallen fast biter was having a bit of fun at his expense, but Calin could not be concerned with that at the moment as the smell still confused him.  It smelled kind of like a predator's, but it also smelled of herbivore.  An odd combination.


The tell-tale smell of fast biter blood which was now gushing from the nearby fast biter did not distract him from the smell that he had focused on.  If anything it made it all the more prominent.  All of the fast biter smells could now be pushed aside in his mind as a distinct category; leaving only the odd smell that still eluded his interpretation.  But that was when it came to him.  A sudden chill ran down his back and his still ailing tail as he had a realization of who had attacked them.

Hidden runners!

With a jolt, he looked up and stared at the rest of the pack.  

They were now eating the other fast biter who was finally going through the throes of death.  They had started eating him before he had even lost consciousness.  He was now pleased that they were all distracted with the unexpected feast as his findings were most unexpected and concerning.  If he reported to the pack that hidden runners were the culprits for their recent misfortune, then they would become difficult to control even with Red Claw's blessing.  They all would want to chase the new targets despite Red Claw's clear objectives.  However, if he continued to lie to them then he would have hell to pay if Red Claw found out and Calin did not tell him.  It would cast his competence as a leader into question.

"Not so big now!  Are you?  You bastard!"

As Calin watched the rival of the fallen fast biter begin to eat his face in a perverse act of postmortem domination, he realized that he had his answer.  He would tell Red Claw everything so that he would not doubt his chosen adjunct, but he would convince Red Claw to let him lie to the rest of the pack.  To have the pack hate the deserters would keep them focused on their immediate mission and it would compel them to quickly run out of this place.  The faster that they could get away from the hidden runners and get into the bluffs, the better off they would be.  Then they could prepare for the coming winter and their final drive to find hungry recruits.

Calin frowned with determination.  This situation was horrible, but he could still turn it into his favor.

"Come here, flyer!"

The pink flyer who had been circling around the carcass slowly began to descend towards the fast biter.  He was well acquainted with this arrangement.  Calin or Red Claw would give messages to the flyers and they would relay it to the other.  This kept the flyers appraised of the situation so they could know what to look for when they did aerial surveillance.  It also allowed the two predators to communicate in such a way that the rest of the pack was not involved.  It was hard to have a 'secret' conversation with a massive behemoth.  Finally, Rinkus landed with a thud.

"Flyer, tell Red Claw exactly what I am about to tell you."  At the flyer's nod, he continued.  "The traps have been set by hidden runners, not the deserters.  However, here is my plan to deal with the situation..."


"Alright, I think that it is time for us to head back.  We have done our duty."

Cheers erupted from the other hidden runners as Viscond gave those words.  They had been traveling and harassing the fast biter pack for several days straight and they were all hungry and tired.  However, they had done their duty and no one had died or even had to directly engage the enemy.  They had weakened the pack through their acts of nocturnal trickery and they had reduced the enemy's morale.  Or so they hoped.

With a final look at the retreating fast biters in the distance, Viscond sighed deeply.  Though he had done his part to avenge his family and deter a potential threat, he still felt the loss of his brother and uncle as deeply as when he had first learned of their fates.  He only hoped that they were pleased with what he had accomplished and that they were in a better place.

The journey to meet his pack in Harthron's land was still to come.  An uncertain fate awaited his initiatives there as Harthron's commitment to the protection of the packs was only matched by his extreme cautiousness.  He only hoped that the decisions of the leader would keep his people safe from the danger that Red Claw represented.

The future of the hidden runners depended on it.


Elsewhere in the Mysterious Beyond:

Pterano watched as the three fast biters sprinted away from Red Claw's massive pack.  Were the rumors true?  

"I heard from some of the carrion eaters that many fast biters have been found dead.  Most of them were not from disputes in the pack."

Pterano considered Nunti's words.  Nunti had become a trusted companion of his as he began to take it upon himself to gather information on behalf of the pack.  

When Pterano had heard of the Battle of Haven Valley from others, he felt downcast that Petrie and the others had risked themselves without even asking for his assistance.  His own nephew shouldn't have been asked to do such a thing.  It filled him with shame that while they were risking their lives he served the remainder of his sentence being of absolutely no use to anyone else.  So from that day on, he made a resolution to himself.

I can't fight for them and I can't speak for them.  The valley obviously won't listen to me.  But I can spy for them!

And spy Pterano did.  Without even telling the pack what he had planned, he took it upon himself to gather as much information as he could possibly receive from his fellow flyers.  With his charisma and talkative manner, he could easily convince others to share their gossip with him.  Most of what he heard was, as he expected, of no consequence to his mission.  Who was mating with who... who had claimed or lost territory... where the best food was in the area... none of these things concerned him.

Not anymore.

Now all that mattered was giving Petrie and his friends the best information that he could get.  Information on Red Claw and developments in the Mysterious Beyond.  And he had heard quite a lot of information in the last few days that concerned him.

The valley residents had returned to the Great Valley and were preparing defenses.

Red Claw had launched an incursion of some kind north of here...  many hidden runners were found dead there...

Hidden runners had since moved from their normal territories...

Hidden runners were seen digging holes and doing other weird things ahead of Red Claw's pack...

And now what Red Claw's pack was chasing came into focus...  three deserters...

Pterano hummed to himself.  If the pack could enlist the help of the hidden runners then they would make very good allies for the protection of the valley.  Likewise, if the deserters lived, then they might be good allies as well.  At the very least they could have valuable information for the pack.  But only if they weren't killed by the pack first...  He knew that they would be seen as enemies by the pack until proven otherwise.

"Nunti, I think that it is time that we had a talk with my nephew."

Nunti nodded.  "He is the one that you said changed, right?  What exactly did you mean by that?"

Pterano gave a slight smile.  "Well, that would be easier to show you than to tell...  It is a long story and you would consider me quite insane."

Nunti gave a small smirk.  "But most people already consider you insane."

Pterano did not miss a beat.  "All too true.  Hence, why I need you to believe otherwise."  He gave a slight chuckle.  "Come, we have much to tell Petrie and his friends."

The two flyers took off with fluttering wing beats into the azure blue sky.  Whether the pack knew it or not, they were about to get information that would change everything.


The Land of Shallow Waters:

"Hey!  Watch where you are putting those vines!"

Cera smiled at Taunt's concerned yell.  They were finally testing out her idea for using the tough vines as a kind of body armor for all of them.  This would greatly decrease their risk of serious injury in battle if they used them to protect their sensitive areas.  However, it was because of one of those 'sensitive areas' that Taunt was now concerned.  Cera responded in jest.

"Oh dear!  Did I put the vine on too tight?"  She said this as she roped the vine around the intersection of his hip and hind leg, where the femoral artery would be.  "Let's see if this helps."  With a smirk she then pulled the vine tight.

"Yelp!"  Taunt cried at Cera's little stunt.  Luckily for him, she immediately loosened the vine and wrapped it around itself, holding the vine in place.  His thighs were now protected by Cera's invention.  Taunt did not exactly feel grateful at the moment, however.

'Was that really necessary?!"  He protested in a noticeably higher pitch.

Cera walked away with a prideful strut.  "No, but it was funny!"

Taunt began to rear back as he prepared to chase his friend and tormenter.  However, Ruby intervened before he could engage in the usual frivolities between the two.  

"Come on, Taunt!  You are supposed to attack me.  Me you are supposed to attack."

Taunt stared at the pink fast biter.  It seemed that Littlefoot had placed the vines on her in a similar pattern to the protection that now surrounded him.  Thick vines were wrapped around her hips and thighs, which went down and also surrounded the backside of her leg and calf.  Additional vines covered her ankles, neck, shoulders, and elbows.  The prime areas that would be prone to injury in any battle.  Finally, the chest was covered by one of Ruby's own ideas.  Leaves were stuffed inside of a loose mesh of vines which covered her entire front in a shield of green.  It was hoped that would protect her chest from any clawed strikes.  The vines would prevent a connecting blow from slashing through too far before being stopped and the leaves would blunt any blow.  Taunt realized that he probably now looked just like Ruby did.  If so, then he must look very alien indeed.

"As you wish!"  Taunt gave a small bow as he dipped his torso in a manner indicating play.  Even when the context was understood, it was still proper to very clearly indicate when a fight was a play fight and not the real thing.  Any miscommunication there could prove to be fatal.

Ruby returned the gesture, as she looked momentarily at Littlefoot.  Seeing this, Taunt did the same.  They both knew that Littlefoot was concerned about any injuries during this test, so they wanted to give him one last inspection.  With a grim expression, he asked one final question.

"Have you two put on the mud?"  They had agreed to blunt their claws by caking on thick mud from the mud pool.  This would further dull any blows.  As the both nodded and showed their claws, Littlefoot reluctantly nodded.  "Okay, you two.  Be very careful!  Let's see how well this works!"  He then stared at them with an intense expression.  



The Mysterious Beyond:

Rinkus flew with some trepidation to Sierra's last known whereabouts.  It had been up to Rinkus to deliver the news to Red Claw as it had been his turn to watch over the pack.  The meeting had gone about as well as expected.  Red Claw loudly interjected that Calin should have been able to tell from the beginning that this was the work of hidden runners and not the deserters.  Despite his harsh words, however, Red Claw had agreed with Calin's idea.

"You inform Calin that despite his incompetence, he is correct about the pack.  They should be told that the deserters have done this and not the hidden runners.  The hidden runners can wait, but our current mission cannot.  We have to prepare for the battle ahead and the deserters must be made examples of!"

Upon his return to the pack, he had whispered Red Claw's reply to the fast biter, but he received no reply besides a simply nod.  However, his angry interjections with other packmates over the next few hours clearly indicated his agitation with Red Claw's words.  It seemed as if Calin was not feeling too confident about his position.  It was quite sad actually.  Calin, for being as manipulative as he was, could not seem to realize that he was being manipulated as well.  In either case, it was not Rinkus's problem.  Never mind the rise and fall of the ground-dwellers, he knew that as long as he accomplished his assigned tasks then he would be rewarded.

It was odd though, Rinkus had to admit upon reflection.  Calin was still steadfast in insisting that he had never had an alliance with the hidden runners.  He was still furious that Sandstorm had brought up the possibility, which he called a filthy lie.  He even still claimed to have never seen or talked to a flyer named Sandstorm.  Why would Calin continue to lie about something that Red Claw had already dealt with?  Calin no longer had any need to hide his brutality or underhandedness, so why the insistence about the hidden runners?  Had Red Claw simply misconstrued Sandstorm's claims?  Had Rinkus and Sierra been incorrect in their retelling of his claims?  Had Sandstorm given the flyers a different alias than the one that he used for Calin?  It was an odd enigma that still deeply troubled his mind.

Now, however, it was time for him to leave the pack and find Sierra again.  He would no doubt be looking for fish at the lake they had found the previous day.  However, Rinkus could never tell just how his old acquaintance would react from day to day.  The burns and injuries he obtained from the Stone of Cold Fire incident had caused something to snap in the already unstable flyer.  The loss of Sandstorm had made the situation all the more worse.  Despite his friend's seeming lack of empathy, he did seem to like the flyer who reminded him of himself.  Sandstorm's death in the valley had made Sierra a difficult flyer to be around.

The pink flyer sighed as he carefully rode the warm thermal updrafts in the Mysterious Beyond.  Things were so much simpler when he and Sierra were partners in crime.  But Pterano had ruined everything.  After Sierra's injuries, he had to band with whoever had the power in order to survive in the cutthroat world that was the Mysterious Beyond.  This had eventually led to them being forcefully incorporated into Red Claw's pack of flyers.  The recruitment of fast biters had then followed.  He now knew that his life was intertwined with that of the pack.  Despite his lack of concern with his fellow henchmen, it was either this or death.  He simply had no choice in the matter anymore.

Rinkus shook his head.  The past could not be changed, only the future could be planned for.  With that in mind he focused on what was ahead of him.  A deep ravine which would eventually lead him to the lake teaming with fish.  Deep green forests which surrounded the ravine.  An azure blue sky.  And a small brown flyer...

Wait!  Who is that?

Rinkus followed the flyer with his eyes for several moments.  It was heading away from him in the direction of the lowlands and Hanging Rock.  The flyer seemed utterly unaware of Rinkus's presence, as he was flying at a lower altitude, and with much greater speed, than the other flyer.  With the superior eyesight of a flyer he examined the smaller flyer in detail and gawked at what he saw.


The flyer continued his journey to destinations unknown, but Rinkus was too stunned to shift his position.  It was as if he had seen a ghost.  Had he seen a ghost?  It took him several moments to regain his wits.  

If Sandstorm is alive then that means that he didn't die in the valley.  If he didn't die then that meant that he...

Rinkus's eyes went wide.  Red Claw had always suspected that the valley had inside knowledge of the attack on the valley.  The defensive arrangements were too well made.  It was as if they knew where they were going to attack before they ever struck... but they had always suspected that Seeker's pack had exchanged that information somehow.  But how could sharpteeth exchange information to leaf-eaters?  A fast biter couldn't do it, but Chomper could...

And so could Sandstorm.

It was well-known that most sharpteeth flyers would know both languages for convenience and would use them to gather information about food and shelter.  If Sandstorm had played dead and had informed the leaf-eaters about them...  But then who could have warned the leaf-eaters not to attack Seeker's pack...

Oh... Oh that bastard!

Rage.  Hot and uncontrollable filled Rinkus's vision.  Suddenly the pieces fit together.  Sandstorm had played dead; that was obvious enough.  But he also must have been the go-between that had alerted Seeker's pack and the valley about the upcoming attack.  He must have been the flyer ally of Seeker's pack that Calin had heard about but never actually seen.  Which meant that Sandstorm's claim about Calin plotting with other sharpteeth...

Meant to sow discontent within our ranks...  Imply that Calin had an ulterior motive...

The rage was now replaced with a stunned resignation.  He had been played.  They had all been played.  It was doubtful that he could catch Sandstorm now due to the distance that he had already covered during Rinkus's stunned reaction.  Even if Rinkus could somehow cover the gap it was entirely possible that Sandstorm might have backup of some kind.  A flyer allied to Seeker's pack was probably just as cunning as they were, which would make him a formidable foe.  Sandstorm had confirmed that with his masterful manipulation of the flyers and pathological lack of fear.  No, a direct attack would not work here.

Likewise, he could not simply go back and report his findings to Red Claw or Calin.  If he were to find out that the entire hidden runner fiasco was because of Red Claw's misinterpretation of a bold-faced lie.  Rinkus shivered.  No, that would mean death for him and Sierra as they were the ones who reported the lie to Red Claw in the first place.  If they wanted revenge for the bastard's betrayal then they would have to seek it out for themselves.

With grim determination, Rinkus flew off towards the lake.  He had to tell Sierra about this turn of events.  They had to plan their next move.  Where would Sandstorm go next and how could they stop him?


The Land of Shallow Waters:

Ruby landed with a resounding thud.

That was close!

She had barely dodged Taunt's swift combination of attacks.  He had led off with a furious leaping kick at her chest which she had dodged by shifting to her left.  However, she took a few glancing blows to her chest covering with the follow-up strikes with his forelimbs.  It was obvious that Taunt was a fighter who favored aggressive tactics.  This was confounding Ruby somewhat.

"Try not to ponder so much, Ponder!"

Ruby seethed at Taunt's obvious attempt to upset her.  Taunt's name was most fitting under these circumstances.  However, she had to admit that his strategy was sound.  First, distract your opponent with taunts and feigned attacks.  Then attack with a merciless assault without giving you opponent a chance to respond.  Ruby, for her part, was trying to challenge his strategy by defending and using the entire area at her disposal.  

Taunt is too focused on me to focus on anything else!

She sprinted to her left, which caused Taunt to follow like a predator chasing his prey.  Taunt obviously expected to overtake his opponent and strike her from behind.  However, Ruby had focused on the terrain around her while Taunt had simply focused single-mindedly on his opponent.  She knew how to take advantage of the inherent myopia of his strategy.

Seeing that she was now two fast biter lengths ahead of Taunt, she suddenly shifted to her right.  This caused her to loop around a large tree.  Taunt struggled to turn around the tree in pursuit of his target.  However his own momentum worked against him and he fell into the trap that Ruby was looking forward to.


Tripping over the massive roots that emanated on the far side of the tree, Taunt toppled end over end.  He seemed to roll uncontrollably for several moments as he rolled into the muddy banks of the stream.  Finally, however, he came to rest with his head in the mud.

With a grunt and noticeable slowness, he rose from his prone position.  However, that was more than enough time for Ruby to turn around and make her planned assault.


Taunt was thrown into the mud as Ruby's leaping kick hit him squarely in the chest.  Both of her large talons struck him, but thankfully the packed mud on her feet and his makeshift armor of leaves and vines prevented serious damage.  Nonetheless, the attack was savage in its effectiveness.  Taunt had been utterly incapacitated.

But Ruby was not done.

Slash!  Slash!

Blinded in the heat of the moment, Ruby struck out at Taunt with both of her forelimbs.  Mud-matted claws struck at his neck covering, while the other limb missed the target.  The sudden screams from her packmates fell on deaf ears as she continued her assault.  She was nearly completely lost in her actions as she prepared to strike at the prone fast biter with her hind feet once again.


Ruby's taloned foot struck right next to Taunt's head as mud covered both of the fast biters.  Taunt, for his part, struggled to pick himself up from the muddy pit he now found himself in.  His collision with the ground and Ruby's kick had created quite a mess in the immediate area.  With both clawed arms, he somewhat pathetically attempted to protect his face from attack.  But her next move surprised him.

She grasped his arm.

"I'm terribly sorry, Taunt!  Taunt, I'm sorry!"  Ruby exclaimed.  "I got a little carried away!"

Taunt struggled to catch his breath as Ruby's words finally registered.  "A little?!"  He could hear the running feet of the other packmates as they began to advance on their location.  It seems that their little battle had concerned the others as well.  He could tell by the rhythm of one of the runners, that Cera was on her way.  He decided to spare Ruby from a potential angry interaction with Cera and waved as an indication that he was okay.

"Thank goodness you're alright!"  Cera exclaimed in a rather out of character way.  However, she immediately amended her statement to protect her reputation and sharptooth name.  "If Ponder had beat you up too much then I wouldn't be able to fight you next!"  Despite her callous words, her facial expression gave away her true feelings of relief.

For his part, Taunt rolled his eyes.  "Your concern in overwhelming, Stern Claw."

Littlefoot quickly rushed over and inspected the two fighters.  His eyes looked up at Ruby and gave a brief look of disbelief to which she gave an apologetic expression.  To this, he grasped her shoulder and gave an accepting nod.  The message was clear.  He was not pleased about what she had done, but he was not angry with her.  That nonverbal conversation out of the way, he then walked over to Taunt and inspected his body.

Taunt steeled himself as Littlefoot carefully looked at his neck and chest.

"Your neck vines are still intact, Taunt.  How does your neck feel?"

Taunt frowned.  He understood what Littlefoot was doing, but he still found this line of questioning to be annoying.  In order to be helpful and acerbic at the same time, he gave a sarcastic answer.


Despite Littlefoot's obvious attempt to be serious and clinical, he heard Littlefoot chuckle at that.  As Littlefoot began to touch and inspect his chest armor, Littlefoot responded.

"That is good, Taunt.  I was actually quite concerned that Ruby had lost control there."

Taunt shook his head.  "She did lose control."

Littlefoot nodded, but did not speak for a few moments.  After a few more moments of probing at his arm and leg coverings, however, Littlefoot addressed him a more direct way as he placed both of his clawed hands on Taunt's shoulders.  It was at that moment that Taunt realized that Littlefoot had become impersonal because he had been focused on his health and the task at hand.

"Well, Taunt...  Both of you lost control during that fight..."  Littlefoot seemed to concentrate for a moment.  "Stern Claw considered stopping you after your last attack on Ponder.  Even with the coverings, your attacks could have caused some damage."

Taunt thought about Littlefoot's words for a moment.  Yes, even if a kick did not draw blood it could still leave a large bruise and significant pain.  Even if that pain was hidden in the adrenaline-fueled heat of battle, it would eventually become known in the aftermath.  He had found that out after being rescued by his father after the first battle with Calin's pack.  Despite his ability to fight and run during that battle, he was nearly completely incapacitated for days afterwards.

Littlefoot continued as he broke away and looked at the pack as a whole.  "I guess we will have to watch out for that if we spar anymore.  I don't want any of us seriously hurting one another!"

Taunt looked over at Ruby who was now bowing her head in shame.  For his part, Taunt gave her a small smile and spoke.

"Hey, Ponder."

Ruby looked up at her former sparring partner.  She was obviously blaming herself for her actions.  Taunt decided that now was not the time for his usual jokes and taunts.  He had to be honest here.

"I kind of lost control too.  Don't feel too bad."

Ruby shook her head.  "But I could have hurt you!"

Taunt nodded.  "Yes, and Stern Claw would probably thank you for that!"  Ruby gave him a dour look at his joke.  But he soon continued.  "But I'm alright!  Don't beat yourself up over this!"  He added after a pause.  "That is what I'm for!"

For her part Ruby nodded and gave a slight laugh.  Taunt's words seemed to have helped, but she still seemed contemplative over her actions.  He supposed that this would simply have to work itself out.

With sudden awareness, he noticed that Cera and Chomper were both inspecting his vines, while Spike and Ducky were examining Ruby's coverings.  After a few moments, Cera made an exclamation.

"Taunt, your chest covering is only a little slashed!  That is amazing!"

Taunt gave a wry smile.  "And fortunate!"

Cera seemed to not be paying attention to him.  "Huh?  Oh yeah, that too."  She did not seem to see him stick his tongue out at her at that little snub.  She soon continued.  "I guess this plan might work after all, huh?"

Littlefoot answered from near Ruby.  It seemed that he was inspecting her coverings now.  "Yeah.  I think that these will work quite well.  But..."

Breeze suddenly came onto the scene.  "But?"

Littlefoot smiled.  "But... I think that we need to rethink our training strategy.  We need to consult a fast biter who knows how to fight well and who has survived many battles.  Better yet... We need someone who knows Red Claw's traits better than we do..."

Taunt paled.  "No... Seeker... You have no idea what it's like training under him..."

Littlefoot turned with a soft smile.  Taunt knew that smile.  Every time his leader had the smile it meant that he had already made up his mind and would not be dissuaded from his course of action.


Taunt knew what was going to happen next.  That was when Littlefoot spoke.

"Taunt, would you mind getting your father?  I think he would be great at teaching us what we need to know.  We trained with Path's folks but they are two-footers and are different at fighting than we are.  But Thud...  Thud is a source of knowledge that we cannot ignore."

Taunt spoke in a monotone.  "Can't we try to ignore him?"

Littlefoot chuckled.  "What are you afraid of, Taunt?  From what you told us your childhood was nice... before.. before all of that happened..."  Littlefoot tactfully avoided mentioning the time when Thud joined with Red Claw after Taunt had reached the age of independence.  "So what is the problem?"

Taunt took a deep breath.  "Seeker... I've never really told all of you this... in fact, I have only told Stern Claw and Breeze this..."  He paused for a moment as if this admission would cause him physical pain.  "I was a weak child."

Everyone seemed to stop at Taunt's words.  His voice carried pain and shame; two things that were virtually unknown coming from Taunt.  Their looks suddenly took on a more sympathetic expression.  He continued on.

"My parents had no other survivors from the nest so... so they helped me hatch... I was too weak to even break my shell..."

Cera took a few steps forward as she spoke.  "Taunt... you don't have to tell this story if you don't want..."

Taunt nodded, but he would not be stopped.  He had started this and he would finish it.  

"It took me so long to get where I needed to be... I even told my own parents to leave me once when food was scarce...  I heard them arguing about food and how they were starving and I did not want them dying on my behalf..."

Chomper and Spike both had their mouths agape at these admissions.  How could someone born into such pain and weakness become the cocky, confident fast biter that they now had?  Was Taunt's humor how he coped with his condition?

"But eventually, through tough training and effort...  I was strong enough to do what I needed to do.  I could hunt on my own and as part of a team.  I owe all of that to my mother and father..."  He then looked up at Littlefoot.  "...but I had to suffer for that.  I had many happy memories from my childhood, but my training was not among them.  Are you sure that you are ready to have my father train all of you?"

Littlefoot walked up to Taunt and gave him a comforting nuzzle.  The other members of the pack soon joined him and patting their fellow packmate on the back.  It was a touching show of support.  Finally, Littlefoot spoke.

"Thank you for sharing that with us, Taunt... I actually had heard the tale once before... From Skytail."  Taunt seemed surprised at that admission.  "It was his way of explaining your behavior, from one leader to another.  I think that he wanted to make sure that I didn't misunderstand you, Taunt.  He wanted me to understand that you laugh at the cruelty of the world instead of crying at it."

Taunt responded partially in jest.  "He also probably wanted to make sure that you didn't slap me around..."

Littlefoot spoke with a soft laugh.  "Thankfully we have Stern Claw for that!"  The others laughed at this as well.  Taunt and Stern Claw's antics were well known.  They were always at one another's throats.  It seemed that tormenting one another was one of their favorite pastimes.  Though both of them simply did it as their way of showing affection.

Littlefoot continued after everyone settled down.  "But yes, Taunt... I want to see if your father will help us train.  We don't need a whole training regime."  He gave a little chuckle at the memory of his time training under Chomper's parent.  "I mean... Path's folks were tough enough!  We all know how to hunt and defend ourselves quite well.  We just need some pointers on fast biter fighting for when we face Calin again..."  Looking straight into Taunt's eyes, he asked a fateful question.  "How hard can one day of training with your father be?"

Taunt sighed and gave Littlefoot an apologetic smile.  

"Well...  that you will just have to see for yourself."


The Mysterious Beyond:

"Okay, I think that we can stop here for the night."

Verok inspected the scene around him while his brother and sister collapsed to the ground.  It had been an exhausting journey thus far.  They had not slept for two days and had been moving for much of that time.  Even with their continuous movement, however, the pack had seemed to be gaining on them until something appeared to distract them for a time.  Despite the need to get some more distance on their pursuers, he knew that they could not run forever.  They needed to catch some sleep and perhaps find food in the morning.  Only when those necessities were attended to could they continue their long trek to freedom.


Verok slowly turned to look at the source of that voice.  It was his brother, Leap.  He had already been lean and rather weak prior to the beginning of their journey, but now he looked absolutely miserable.  The impressions of his ribs were visible under his flesh and he had a haggard look in his eyes.  If they didn't escape from the pack soon then he didn't know how he would survive.  With a slight nod, he beckoned for his brother to continue.

"Do you think that we have a chance?"

That was the question, wasn't it?  Back in Calin's pack there would be no possibility of asking honest questions like that.  No one could afford to show weakness or fragility.  Likewise, compassion and kindness were seen as invitations to ridicule.  Only strength and domination were respected.  But now they were by themselves and they could be what they actually were.  Their insecurities were legion at this moment as each feared for the future.  Verok had to admit that he felt the same way.  With a calm and gravelly voice, he answered his brother.

"I think that we do, Leap.  But it is a small one and we will have to work for it."

Verok smiled as his sister, Swift, walked in-between the two fast biters and nuzzled them both.  Her voice was reassuring.

"We will get through this!  We have done well so far, haven't we?"

Leap nodded.  "Yeah...  But we need to hope that luck stays on our side...  we will need it."

Verok could only agree with that logic.  "Very true, brother.  Very true."

A few minutes later, both of his siblings were asleep.  Their exhaustion had caught up with them and they had entered into the world of dreams.  Verok could feel himself also being pulled into unconsciousness as the sound of the gentle breeze reached his ears.  It was a peaceful night after a very eventful too days.  Finally, Verok closed his eyes and entered into the realm of sleep stories.  For a few hours at least they would be at peace and be free from the burdens that now faced them.  In the morrow, the three would venture forth again and try to gain some distance from their relentless pursuers.

But only two of them would make it through the day alive.


Hanging Rock:

“That’s good, Arial!  You see?  Fishing isn’t that hard.”

Detras was giving his younger daughter encouragement after catching her first fish on her own.  He had to imagine that one fish was small pickings compared to what his older daughter was now capable of killing.  But unlike Ruby, Arial was still an omnivore and one fish was good enough for a young fast runner.

“Thanks, daddy!”  The small pink fast runner exclaimed.  She was quite pleased with herself.

Detras had to smile as Arial showed off her fish to her brother.  He had finally succeeded catching fish the previous week.  Now it seemed like the two would soon be capable of supporting themselves in terms of food.  They were still many years away from being where Ruby was in terms of maturity when she finally transformed, but it still amazed him how fast they were growing.  The words of his mate perfectly matched his feelings at that moment.

“They grow up so fast…”

Detras looked over for a moment and nodded at his mate.  “Indeed they do…”  

Each of the fast runners took in the scene for a moment as the two youths began to hastily consume their meals.  In their haste, they quickly made quite a mess as fish entrails went everywhere.  It was dinnertime etiquette that would make an adult fast runner cringe.  This was enough to make Detras and Pearl both laugh at their antics.  Their children were growing up all right, but they still had quite a bit of growing to do.

"Oh!  Arial can fish now?"

Both fast runners quickly turned at the unexpected exclamation.  Their first notice that Petrie had arrived was his sudden exclamation.

"Petrie!"  Detras greeted warmly.  "We had no idea you were coming.  We already ate."

Detras noted that the flyer seem unconcerned by their inability to offer him a meal.  "It okay.  Petrie already hunt today."

Pearl smiled.  "Well, that is good.  But maybe next time you stop by, Arial can help prepare for the family meal."

Arial jumped up in excitement.  "I sure can, mommy!  Maybe I could catch a snapping shell too!"

Detras laughed at his daughter.  "That is true, dear.  But I don't think that Petrie's beak can eat through its shell."

Arial shrugged.  "Well then it would be more for us!"

Detras gave Arial a stern look that melted under his daughter's innocent gaze.  Meanwhile, Petrie was now laughing heartily at the small fast runner's banter.  Thinking with her stomach.  I guess that is something that fast runners and fast biters have in common!

Pearl looked back at the flyer and took notice of the new scar that he had on his right wing.  A lasting reminder of his hard landing after faking his death at the claws of his mother.  Instantly her happy expression disappeared and she considered Petrie with a concerned look.

"Petrie, is everything alright?"

Petrie sighed inwardly.  He had not really had a chance to talk to them since their intervention in the valley.  Besides the possibility of their participation in the future defense of the valley, they had much to discuss.

"Yes.  Well...  now it is..."  Petrie gestured to the ground.  "Me have lot to discuss..."


As the water splashed over his face, Detras tried to refocus his mind.

My daughter has been in battle?  The valley residents have been attacked?  What hasn't happened since the last time we talked to Petrie?

The events that he had been informed of reverberated in his mind as a confusing jumble.  He was deeply relieved that his daughter was safe, but the fact that she could have been seriously injured or worse filled him with dread.  She had gotten lucky this time but there was no guarantee that would remain the case.  As for everything else that Petrie had mentioned...

"Ruby really is her own dinosaur now, isn't she?"  Pearl's voice echoed.  

Detras turned to look at his mate as she continued.

"I guess she really has united the valley and the Mysterious Beyond."

Detras closed his eyes as he sucked in a deep breath.  Indeed Ruby had united the valley and the outside against Red claw, but this was not what he had in mind.  Not at all.  In his response the voice that emanated from him was tinged with emotional pain.

"But at what cost?"  He looked at his mate mournfully.  He was the one that trained her for the journey to the valley back when she was a fast runner.  He was also the one who sent her on the journey.  But yet, now that the possible cost of that mission came into focus, he was left with regret.  "Ruby got lucky in the battle.  She may not be so lucky again."

Pearl responded by wrapping her mate in a comforting hug.  She was grateful that Petrie was entertaining the kids at the moment.  He seemed to understand that they needed some time to discuss recent events before even considering the pack's offer.  It was a lot to take in at once.  Had she heard of these events several months ago then she would have expected her to be the one to break down, while her mate would be the beacon of strength.  However, it seemed that the absence of word from Ruby over the last few months had caused Detras to dwell on her siblings.  In the process he had obviously started to focus on his memories of Ruby from when she was their age, as opposed to the competent sharptooth that she now was.  It was amazing how a simple shift in perspective could change things.

"It is her choice, dear."  Pearl said through tearful eyes.  "She is doing what she set out to do.  What we encouraged her to do."

Detras looked down.  "What I encouraged her to do."

Pearl gave him a sad smile.  "It was my idea too, dear.  I may not have said it openly, but I did not discourage."  She shifted her gaze to his hands.  "The question is: are we going to join in her battle?"

Detras nodded.  "If it were just me... I would say yes."  His mouth shifted in agitation.  "But what about Arial and Orchid?  If we go to the valley we will be risking them.  Even if they escape, they would be left without their parents."  He sighed deeply.  "They deserve to have a chance..."

Pearl nodded.  "But if we don't help and the valley falls then who will stop Red Claw?  Would they have a chance then?"  She sighed and shook her head.  "Either way they are being risked.  The question is: will the family be together or apart?"

Detras closed his eyes.  "I know what Ruby would choose."  He gave a soft laugh as he shook his head.  "And I guess I know what we will choose... but it is so damn hard!"

The two sat in silence for several moments as they considered the decision that they were about to announce.  However, Detras broke the silence to address another matter.

"Littlefoot's idea is sound.  We can help the children and..."  His voice nearly broke.  "...if the battle goes badly, we can lead them out of the valley... we could evacuate them."  He sighed.  "I just wonder how the kids will react with the other children.  They have only really been with their own kind.  Will they get along okay with threehorns, longnecks, and who knows what else?"

As he finished his question the playful banter of his children reached his ears.  They were splashing in the stream along with Petrie who was apparently playing a game of 'catch the fish' with the kids.  If they were open enough to play with a sharptooth flyer, then what trouble would leaf-eater kids be?  Seeing this scene, Pearl answered with a smile.

"I think that they will be just fine."  She then looked at her mate and grasped his hand.  "Are we ready?"

With a firm nod and a deep breath Detras and Pearl walked back to the stream outside of Hanging Rock.  The magnitude of their decision was as large as their uncertainties.  Nonetheless, each knew that it is was the right choice.

On that night the fast runners joined the growing alliance.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 61   Recruitment

“There is no greater success as when you turn your enemy into your ally.”
― Jeffrey Fry


With pained grunts Littlefoot slowly rose from his slumber.  Every part of his body ached.  He was even feeling pain from muscles that he had previously not known had existed.  It was as if he had been brutally pummeled for the better part of a day.

Oh yeah... Littlefoot recollected.  That's because that I was.

The day prior he and the others had begun a training regime with Thud.  Part of Littlefoot was concerned that the older fast biter would be a bit irritated at having his son make this request and interrupting Thud's day.  However, when Taunt returned, Littlefoot noticed that Thud was close behind and he did not look displeased.

In fact, he looked outright giddy.  The first words out of Thud's mouth clearly indicated the hardship ahead.

So you all want some training, huh?  Well don't worry, I will get you all into shape in no time!

Now here they were several hours after the endless drills and sparring.  The others still slept emitting pained groans as they tossed and turned on their tender areas.  Thus far only Littlefoot was awake as the mid-morning sun emanated the entire scene in vibrant hues.

Well... that wasn't quite true.

"Ah, you're awake!  I wondered how long all of you would sleep in!  I got breakfast!"

Littlefoot turned, still groggy from his all too brief slumber and stared at the fast biter.  Thud wore a friendly smile as he seemed to size up the leader of the pack for a moment.  Littlefoot momentarily observed that seeing such a relaxed, happy expression on Thud would have seemed incongruent in Littlefoot's leaf-eater days.  From his old perspective Thud was a blood-thirsty enemy, but now he was a welcome guest and teacher.  It was amazing how times had changed.

What next took the brown fast biter's notice, however, was the rather large juvenile longneck that Thud had dragged all of the way over to the pack at significant effort at his part.  It was more than enough to feed Thud and the pack!  Littlefoot took a moment in order to find his voice again.

"Goodness, Thud!  You didn't have to do all of this for us!"

Thud nodded and smiled.  "Now come on, Seeker...  I can't have all of you waste energy on hunting when you all have another day of practice to do!"  Thud now gave Littlefoot a toothy smile as Littlefoot suppressed a groan.  "All of you are nearly where you need to be.  But a few of you need to work on your technique more.  I think you will probably have that down by the end of the day."  

Littlefoot's expression noticeably perked up a bit.  He was always eager to succeed at a new task.  Now, as the leader of the pack, this included seeing the success of his packmates.  Littlefoot had to admit, that Ducky and Spike both needed a bit more practice.  The others, especially the other females of the pack, showed frightening skill at striking and enormous ferocity.  Some of Cera's strikes at Taunt's coverings even made Littlefoot cringe in sympathy.  However, Ducky's inner nature seemed to make her less willing to give in to that ferocious side.  Her skills were competent and her reasoning was sound, but she needed a bit more aggression.  Spike was in the same situation.  

As Littlefoot was considering the strengths and weaknesses of his pack, Thud gave a knowing smile. That kid sure is calculating... No wonder why my brother and I had so much difficulty catching him and his friends... However, Thud did not want Littlefoot to worry about all of that right now.  He wanted him to eat and rest up.  Thud would put them through one more day of intensive training and then let their usual sparring sessions do the rest.  The discovery of the vines made such activities far more safe.  This meant that what before could only come from years of restricted training or many actual battles could now come from a few full-forced spars.

This pack could become something truly horrifying.  Thud thought with a mixture of pride and horror at his son's friends.  Calin's pack has been forged in battle, but so have my son and his friends.  But now they can have all of the battle that they want with little risk of serious injury... His thoughts turned dark for a moment. I am helping to create monsters... but I suppose that it will take monsters to defeat monsters...  Those vines change everything.  Speaking of which...

"You know... you will have to show me how to put those vines on."

Littlefoot stared at Thud for a moment.  "You're not going to fight any of us, are you?!"

Thud had to laugh at the mix of confusion and panic in Littlefoot's voice.  "No, Seeker.  Though if you want to have fun at my son's expense then you can tell him that he is my first opponent today."  Littlefoot chuckled at this and Thud continued.  "No...  I just need to learn how this is done."  He then stared at Littlefoot for several moments.  "Seeker... fast biters have been around since the times of legend.  There are many kinds of us... some remain and some have been lost... but in all of that time no one has thought to use vines in the way your pack has come up with..."  Thud smiled.  "I think that the 'Stone of Cold Fire', as you call it, may have changed a bit more than your diet."  Littlefoot seemed to ponder this for a moment, as Thud finished.  "I have taught you what I have learned from my battles.  But all of this is physical skill... Maybe you all can teach me some of your knowledge... then we could be even."

Littlefoot could only smile at the green fast biter.  "Of course, Thud.  I would consider it an honor.  Just don't let Stern Claw put on your vines, you can ask Taunt about that..."

It was at that exact moment that Stern Claw's voice could be heard.

"Thud isn't an ass, like Taunt here..."  A less than gentle kick caused Taunt to jump awake.  "So Thud should have nothing to worry about!"

"You infernal..."  Taunt muttered to himself as he tried to curl up again.  But another kick, this time from Breeze, caused him to stay awake.  Poor Taunt... it seemed that with two females on his case that his old antics would no longer work.

As the banter and conversation continued amongst the pack, they proceeded to eat the day's breakfast.


Pterano nearly retched at the sight in front of him.

What had apparently once been the body of a small longneck now lay in pieces on the ground below.  The vertebrae of its once mighty neck lay strewn about in the vicinity of the rest of the body, whereas its skull had been crushed and its brain partially consumed.  The rest of the body was mutilated beyond all recognition with the entire area covered in blood and gore.  The smell of blood and exposed flesh was unmistakable and overpowering even to the reduced sense of smell in the flyer.  Pterano had to use all of his will to avoid vomiting at the scene.  

Nunti lacked such control, however, as he began to vomit uncontrollably.

Seeing his friend's distress, Pterano flew over to his perch and laid a comforting wing over his shoulder.  The vomiting soon abated but not the disgust as Nunti asked several questions in a hurried frenzy.

"Is Petrie here?  You said that this..."  He gestured at the mutilated longneck.  "...meant that he was here?  What do you mean?"

Pterano raised a wing in order to silence the excited flyer.  Nunti was understandably horrified at the scene and was probably wondering why Pterano had been momentarily glad to see the corpse below them.  How was he going to explain that a dead body meant that Petrie and his friends were eating well?  For that matter, how could he fully explain Petrie's change from one kind to another?  He had only told Nunti that Petrie had made some alliances with sharpteeth, but not much else.  So Nunti probably figured that Petrie was up to no good... but he couldn't really explain the full context of Petrie's situation until the others arrived.

"Pterano!  Wow, it has been a while, hasn't it?"

Pterano turned his head and noticed, of all things, a head emerge from within the dead longneck's torso.  The bloody red fast biter had dropped the heart of the longneck to the ground.  He had obviously removed the organ as some flyers would go fishing, dive headfirst and see what you can find.  Both flyers stood with open mouths at the fast biter's presence.  That was when another voice emerged from the gory mass.

"So that's how you passed Skytail's challenge!"  As the fast biter emerged his voice became more noticeable and less muffled from the standpoint of the horrified flyers.  However, the sharptooth language was unknown to them so all they heard were roars and grunts.  "No wonder why Skytail let you into the pack after that...  that is amazing, son!  By the way, who were you talking to..."  At that point Thud looked up at the two flyers that Taunt had already greeted.  "Who are they?  Some stragglers looking for an easy meal?"

Taunt shook his head at his father.  They looked quite alike now that they were both bright red with blood.  "No, dad.  That is one of our allies... He is Spotter's uncle."  With a sudden realization, Taunt understood that these scene must have been causing the two flyers quite a lot of fright, so he decided to talk to them once more in a language that they could understand.

"Uh... Sorry for the mess... I was talking to my dad while the others rested for a while..."  It wasn't until he actually began talking again that he realized that he didn't know what to say.  Cera had begun to teach him the basics of the leaf-eater language, but he was still a novice.  With some irritation, he realized that Cera would probably find his sudden awkwardness to be hilarious.  He decided to bring his speech to a close by directly addressing the new flyer that stood beside Pterano.  His blood-covered appearance in the midmorning sun made him look as if he were a mass of blood that had suddenly became sapient and alive of its own volition.  A sight that was far too much for the young flyer.

"...So uh... how are things?"

It was at that exact moment that Nunti fainted.


"Are you all right, Nunti?"

The smaller flyer shivered in a mixture of fear and confusion.  What he had just been told... and experienced... made absolutely no sense.  He would have accused Pterano of going mad, but Nunti now suspected that his own sanity was going.  Ground-walking sharpteeth that could speak leaf-eater?  Leaf-eaters who turned into sharpteeth?  Pterano's own nephew being a sharptooth?  It was all too much to take in at once.  He answered in a weak voice.

"I... I'm not sure..."  Nunti looked up at the assorted sharpteeth that were in front of him.  A small purple two-footer stared at him with an almost kindly expression, which was unnerving.  Meanwhile, the assorted fast biters all looked at him with a mix of expressions.  The brown fast biter at the front of the group seemed quite concerned, whereas an orange fast biter towards the back looked upon him with a less than welcoming gaze.  It wasn't that the fast biter looked angry at him; it was that he looked a bit too happy to see a grounded flyer in front of him.  Nunti soon pieced together that this was the fast biter that had emerged from the slaughtered longneck prior to Nunti's fainting spell.  It seemed that he was not disagreeable to having another meal today...

With a few quick flaps of his wings Nunti took off and once again returned to his perch.  Well out of the range of the predators.

"Well at least you are well enough to fly."  The brown fast biter responded in a surprisingly soft voice.  "I take it that you have many more questions..."

Nunti shook his head.  "I need more time... I need to think..."

Pterano gave a sympathetic nod to the stricken flyer.  "That is understandable, Nunti.  Take your time."


As Nunti laid down on his perch, Pterano turned his attention to the assembled pack.  Nunti's sudden reawakening had distracted them from their conversation.  Now it was time for the pack to once again discuss the momentous events that Pterano had observed.

"So... Calin has unleashed a buzzer's nest, huh?"  Cera spoke coldly, which made a chill go up Pterano's spine.  "We will take whatever help we can get."

Breeze nodded at this. "The hidden runners are the stuff of legends.  I have smelled their scent before, but I have never seen one...  But could they really help all that much?  I mean... they are just half-teeth..."  Breeze's leaf-eater was a bit more fluid and precise than Taunt's, but she was still learning.  At this point, Spike decided to help out his friend.

"She means that they eat both tree star and meat...  Uh...  Leaf-eater doesn't have a good word for that..."  He explained.  "But that is true, they have small claws and no teeth... How useful could they actually be?"

Taunt interrupted at this point. "Wait... You've actually seen one?"  Thud nodded at his son's question.  He was many years older than anyone else here, apart from Pterano, and he had never seen the mysterious hidden runners.

Ducky finally answered that question.  "Oh yes, yes, yes!  Mr. Thicknose told us about them after Ponder told us a scary story about the hidden runners that gave us all bad sleep stories!"  A slight chuckle could be heard emanating from Taunt as he was undoubtedly thinking about Cera actually being frightened about something.  A swift jab at his side by Stern Claw put an immediate end to his laughter, however.  Ducky then continued.  "We finally found him.  We did, we did!  He was just a small fast runner but his feathers hid him.  They did, they did."

Littlefoot added to Ducky's tale.  "That was how they blended into their surroundings...  They wouldn't be much in an actual battle though... not unless..."  Something twinkled in Littlefoot's eyes.  "Hmm... I wonder how they would do with pointed sticks and some vines..."

Pterano looked at Littlefoot with an uncertain expression.  "How they would do with what?"

Littlefoot smiled.  "We can show you in a few moments... The rainbowfaces showed Spotter uh..."  Littlefoot realized that Pterano still used Petrie's original name.  "...Petrie... as for the vines, Stern Claw... uh, Cera, discovered that..." Cera's prideful smile could be seen even from Pterano's vantage point.  The change had most certainly not changed her ego, that was for sure.  Littlefoot then finished.  "But I think that you should finish first, Pterano.  You said earlier that there was a second thing that you wanted to tell us?"

Pterano nodded and took on a more contemplative expression.  "Um... Yes...  How would you all like to have some new fast biter recruits?"

The pack stared at Pterano with expressions of shock and skepticism.  He had their undivided attention.

"It seems that Calin and the others are chasing three deserters from the pack.  They seem to be heading your direction."

As Pterano watched, he noticed something begin to change in the expressions of the pack.  Littlefoot and Ruby both has contemplative expressions, whereas some of the others were not so calm.  Ducky's face took on a look of melancholy as if she had just been informed that a family member had died, whereas Taunt and Breeze...

"If they want to come here to die then I will be happy to oblige them!"  Breeze raged.  This caused Pterano and Nunti to both move back instinctually on their respective perches.  "They killed my friend!  My brother..."  She trailed off as she began to pace in an agitated fashion.  Meanwhile, Taunt's expression harbored a similar degree of malice, which was soon matched in his words.

"Thank you for telling us, flyer.  Now we know they are coming...  We will deal with them."

Ducky interjected at this point with a tone of voice that surprised everyone.  "Do all of you remember the mud pools?  What the fast biter's cried as they drowned... They are just as much victims as we are."

In stunned silence the pack watched as Breeze paced up to Ducky and growled at her with thinly-veiled venom.

"How dare you..."  She hissed in sharptooth as her voice was not raised, but rather remained a foreboding monotone.  "They are vermin.  Every single last one of them and I will not rest until they die by our claws.  I will not be talked down to by some fool."

Ducky did not yield at Breeze's insult.  "You were not there, Breeze.  Nor was Taunt.  You don't know what we saw and heard."  Her face then took on a more foreboding expression.  This caused both Littlefoot and Spike to get into motion.  This was not right.  This was not right at all.  Ducky's next words caused everything to stop.  "As for being a fool, Breeze... I am not the one threatening a fellow pack member."

Both Littlefoot and Spike stopped beside the two fast biters, each being on the other side.  It was unlike Breeze to threaten harm to anyone in the pack and it was uncharacteristic in the extreme for Ducky to hold her ground like this.  The entire situation was getting dangerous.  Seconds went by as the two stared with unblinking expressions.  Spike decided to speak.

"Breeze, I will not permit you to harm my sister."

Breeze scowled.  "I see where your loyalties lie."  Her eyes did not shift from their focus on the green fast biter.

Spike shook his head.  "My loyalties lie where they always have been.  You are being unreasonable."

Taunt angrily interjected at this point.  From his perspective, Breeze's reaction was overdone, but understandable.  Why would anyone feel pity towards their enemy?  If anything Ducky was the unreasonable one here.

"Unreasonable?!  Did you hear what Haven said about our enemies?  You need to bring her under control."

Cera react angrily to this as she got into Taunt's face, earning a stunned reaction from him.  "Shut up, Taunt!  You have no idea what you are talking about!"

Now it appeared that two separate disagreements were about to take place in the pack as Cera and Taunt squared off exchanging colorful dialogue with one another.  The two new pack members felt betrayed that one of the original pack members would even suggest feeling pity for the deserters, while the original members were angry at their treatment of Ducky.  Littlefoot knew that he had to intervene here even if that put him into the line of fire.


No one moved as the staring matches continued.  Littlefoot tried again as he jumped in-between the two principal belligerents, Ducky and Breeze.


It was only now that they separated.  Breeze looked utterly angry as she paced away, whereas Ducky simply looked sad and dejected.  It seemed that maintaining her strong front had taken a lot out of the small fast biter.  She looked sadly at Spike who also looked dejected himself.  It seemed that this episode had opened up rifts between himself and Breeze.  To say nothing of between Cera and Taunt...  With a sigh, Littlefoot spoke in sharptooth to the pack.

"We all need to talk.  Everyone cool your emotions for a moment and we will discuss this together."  His voice was imperious and brokered no disagreement.  He was done with half measures.  He was not going to let Calin's legacy tear them apart because of disagreements on how to view their enemies.  The pack would make a joint decision and it would be obeyed.  He would see to that.

Littlefoot took a tentative look at the two flyers.  Both had looks of utter horror at the scene below.  Very little of the dialogue was spoken in leaf-eater so all they had seen and heard was a series of threatening growls and roars.  It was obvious that they had no idea what was going on.  With a deep breath, he addressed them both.

"My apologies... The pack has much to discuss..."  Littlefoot then looked at his fellow packmates with a stern look.  "We will speak to you again when this matter has been resolved."

The flyers could only watch as the pack shuffled off to the north.  They had no idea that momentous decision were about to be made that would affect the entire Mysterious Beyond.


The Mysterious Beyond:

"Run, Leap!  They have our scent!"

The three fast biters sprinted across the field with as much speed as they could muster.  They had struggled to avoid Calin's pack for so long on their singular quest to reach their potential saviors, but in the end a scouting party had came across their scent.  Despite the fact that Leap and Verok had not been seen visually yet, Verok had seen the scouting party stop and turn towards their location from his vantage point on the bluffs.  Hiding was obviously not an option now.

They had to run for their lives.

His younger brother struggled to catch up despite his now feeble condition.  Days of little food, poor sleep, and constant stress was taking their toll on all of them.  Verok knew that even he was not at his prime condition but it would have to do.  His survival and the survival of the rest of his kin depended on it.  

Both brothers ran straight through bushes and saplings in their headlong sprint.  The abrasions and cuts could be ignored for a time and their haphazard escape was of no consequence.  Their scent would be tracked in any case so speed was their only option.  Finally, as they approached a small tree in the distance, the slumbering form of Swift could be seen.  Leap had come to replace Verok on watch when he had made the horrifying discovery.  Now they had another sibling to warn.

"Swift!  They found us!  Run!"

With no time to wake up, Swift bolted upright and began to run in the direction of her two brothers.  The smell of fear greeted her nose and the darkness of the overcast sky greeted her eyes.  It was as if she had awakened from one nightmare only to enter into another.  Had their luck finally ran out?

The fast biter continued to weave a path across the open fields.  They appeared to be a pale brown due to the lack of light in the depressing sky.  For minute after minute it seemed that the same bushes and saplings were being crushed under their feet.  Mile after monotonous mile passed underfoot as they tried desperately to find any stream or river that they could use to mask their scent.  It was obvious that the scouting party would more than likely already be following their haphazard trail at this point.  They had mere moments to find some way to hide their scent otherwise they would tire and be overtaken by their enemies.  Things were looking grim on this most foreboding of days.  But that was when Verok saw it.

"A stream!  Run towards the stream!"

Verok smiled at the sight.  Out of the most depressing terrain suddenly appeared a small little trail of the clearest blue.  That meant water.  That meant hope.  Now we can hide our scent in the stream and take another path!  Fate is on our side again! Verok knew that it was his duty to protect his kin and he silently thanked his ancestors for giving them this second chance.  Now they would have the opportunity to seek out new allies and to defeat the fiend that was Calin...  Unfortunately, in that moment Verok could not see the full terrain in front of him.  The tall grass obstructed any view of the ground below.

That proved to seal his fate.


Verok could feel his feet collide with the rock before he could mount any kind of corrective action.  Due to his headlong sprint, his momentum carried him into a head over heels collision into the ground.

And the other rocks.


Pain.  Pain raw and unforgiving descended over the poor fast biter's senses.  He had never known what it was like to be paralyzed with suffering in his life, but now he knew.  A scream emanated from his mouth, but he was only aware of it from a distance.  As if he were not the one making it.  The scream was halfway between a squeal and a shriek.  Due to his temporary disassociation, it was only a few moments later that he finally became aware of his two siblings again.

"Brother!  You have to get up!"

"They're coming!"


Verok doubled over in pain as his mind again became aware of his environment.  He did not need to look at the injury to know its severity.  His leg was ruined.  A broken bone meant that his life was over.  It would only be a few minutes now before the enemy would be here.  To finish him off and to do who knows what to his beloved siblings...  He could not allow that to happen.  With an almost herculean effort, he looked up at his two siblings and whispered a pained order.


Swift and Leap both protested.

"No, brother!"

"You have to get up, Verok!"

"If you don't get up then you will be dead!"

Verok put up a clawed hand as Leap grasped it with shaking claws.  He then directed his siblings to look at his injury that had been covered by his hands until that time.  Both of them recoiled in horror.  Now they knew.  He was not going anywhere.  They had a chance of escape, but he did not.  His song was ending.  He then spoke to his weeping siblings.

"I love you both... and I will watch you from above...  But please....  please remember my song..."

Swift tried to speak, but Verok demanded an answer.



With trembling claws Leap answered him.  "We... we will, brother...  your song will be sung for ages to come!"  Tears were now pouring from the distraught fast biter's face.  His older brother.  His protector.  His friend.  How could he say goodbye?  Even if they had all of the time in the world he would be unable to express himself fully.  Now he had only a few moments before fate forced the matter.  Leap buried his head in his brother's chest as Verok asked one thing of him.

"Finish me, brother..."

Leap looked at his brother with a confused expression.  "Wha..."

Verok asked again.  "Please finish me off, brother.  Calin will torture me otherwise...  At least give me a quick death... Please..."

Swift looked upon the scene with horror.  "No, it can't end this way!  It just can't!"

At that moment something gave way in Leap.  His trepidation and despair was replaced with a numbness.  An all-encompassing numbness.  It was a horrifying feeling, but it was instinct's way of allowing him to do what he needed to do.  He may have been relatively weak for his kind but he still had the mental toughness of his bloodline.  The toughness to do what was necessary.  He had to ensure that his brother's legacy did not end here.  He had to ensure that he and Swift survived.  Regardless of his personal fragility, he owed his brother that.  He then spoke with an imperious tone.

"Run to the stream, Swift.  I will be there in a moment."

Swift protested in an outpouring of grief.  "No!  There has to be some other way!"

Finally, Verok whispered once more despite his pain.  "You don't need to see this Swift, you would regret it for the rest of your life...  now please run...  if you want to honor me then you can keep on living... please..."

Swift stared wide eyed at her fallen brother as her mouth hung agape.  Finally, after a momentary pause, she lightly nuzzled his pain-stricken face and sprinted off in the distance, crying all of the way.  Now it was just Verok and Leap.

Leap looked off in the distance as he seemed to speak from far away.  "Brother, do you remember that time..."

Verok tried to stop Leap from dragging this out, as time was fast running out for them.  "Brother..."

But Leap continued to speak.  He wanted Verok to part from this world with a happier memory in his mind as opposed to a grim reality.  "That time when we were younger... and me and you tried to play that game with a flyer?  We didn't even know that he was a leaf-eater flyer...  We all wondered why he ran away from us..."

Verok laughed slightly despite the pain.  "Yeah.. we were kind of thick back then, weren't we?"

Leap nodded.  "Yeah... and then there was that time when we ate that entire spiketail and left nothing for dad..."

Verok closed his eyes recalling that memory as another light chuckle emanated from his mouth...


With trembling claws, Leap held his brother's slashed throat open to allow the end to be as quick as possible.  The smell of his brother's sweet blood filled his nostrils as torrents of crimson fell upon his body.  With a trembling voice, Leap spoke to his rapidly fading brother.

"Shhh... It's alright brother...  It's okay..."  Leap was now inconsolable.  "...just go to sleep... mom and dad will be there...  The pain will be over soon..."  He cried in aguish at the pain his brother must be going through.  This killing may have been a mercy, but it was still a kill and the pains of death were still present.  His brother's futile thrashes were a testament to that.

Within a few seconds, however, the torrents began to slow and the thrashing of his brother's body ceased.  With a sickening feeling in his stomach, Leap now realized that he was alone.  His brother was no more.  He had gone to wherever the parted went.  With a light nuzzle to his brother's lifeless chest, he spoke to his brother one last time.

"Say hello to our parents, Verok...  Tell them that I'm sorry..."

However, the cold reality of their situation would not allow him to mourn over his brother's corpse.  He and Swift were all that remained now.  It was up to them to carry on the legacy of Verok and their fallen parents.  They had to flee before the scouting party found them.  So, with a heavy heart, Leap turned away from his brother's broken body.

And sprinted towards the stream.


Ha!  The scent is getting stronger!

Kerwat sprinted towards the scent of the three fast biters.  Ever since he was slashed by Calin for panicking, he had struggled to regain his standing in the pack.  Being reprimanded in such a way by the leader was not only painful, but socially disastrous.  Such a punishment indicated that he no longer had the support of the leader which meant that his position as a tracker was under threat.  Any upstart could challenge him to battle and take his place.  He needed a success here in order to discourage such an outcome.

He sprinted across the assorted bushes and grasses in his headlong sprint.  He had far outran his counterparts in the scouting party as he wanted this victory for himself.  If he were the one to put their multi-day expedition to a close then Calin would surely praise him.  That would be enough to improve his position.  However, as he rounded a bend in their path, he came across a scene that made him stop in his tracks.


One of the fast biters was already dead.


The profuse amount of blood that covered the scene made any sort of tracking nearly impossible.  How could he expect to track the finer scents of his quarry when the overpowering smell of blood pervaded everything?  Worse yet, the blood now covered his hind feet as he had wandered onto the death scene...

Oh crap!  I need to wash off in the stream! If the others saw him with blood on his claws then they would suspect that he had killed the deserter and Calin had clearly indicated that he wanted him alive if possible.  Calin was convinced that the deserters must have had help in the pack and he wanted to interrogate them in order to find the whereabouts of the other traitors.  He refused to believe that three members could simply leave without anyone noticing until the next morning.  If the others found Kerwat with the blood of the fallen fast biter on his claws, then they would suspect that he killed him in order to prevent the deserter from being interrogated.  I am so doomed...  Kerwat would need to wash quickly and hope that he was quicker than the others...

"What do we have here?"

Kerwat cringed.  That voice.  The terrible voice.  Why did he have to be so fast?  Why could it have not been someone else.  Anyone else.  Instead, the voice of Calin reached his ears with the question that was also a condemnation.  Kerwat knew that he had no hope now.  But he had to try.  He had to try to convince the paranoid fast biter that he did not kill the deserter and that he was not trying to cover up anything.  With a fearful stammer, he began.

"I found him like this, sir.  I seem to have wandered into..."

Calin's face did not change.  "You seem to have wandered into his blood, Kerwat?  Now that is a likely story..."

As the other members of the scouting party began to surround the poor fast biter, he knew that his fate was sealed.  If Calin couldn't make an example out of the deserters then he would make an example out of him.  It did not matter that he were innocent.  It did not matter that he would have no information to give under torture.  All that mattered is that the cycle of fear would be maintained.  Now he only had one more choice left.  Should he give in or should he die on his own terms?

I will not die a victim!

With unstoppable rage, he sprinted at the tan fast biter who had fixed him with a look of surprise.  If he were going to die today then he was at least going to share his pain with the one who condemned him.  With legs burning with exertion and eyes wide with determination he approached the despicable fast biter with teeth bared.  In only a few more seconds he could leap at the source of his misery.  In only a few more seconds he could tear into the villain's face.

But the moment never came.

Suddenly searing pain and massive weight began to bear down on his back.  The other fast biters from his scouting party, obviously fearing reprisals if their former chief tracker was allowed to harm Calin, had tackled Kerwat and were now holding him down with their claws and teeth.  There was no escape now.  There was no hope.

When Calin next spoke, Kerwat knew what was next.  

"I think that you know the drill...  Tell me who else helped the deserters."

Kerwat remained silent.  As far as he knew no one had helped the deserters, including himself.  He had no answer to give.  Calin's next words were the last thing that Kerwat heard before the screaming began.

"Very well.  Let's start with your left eye..."


It was about an hour later when Red Claw finally finished hunting and arrived at the scene.  And what a scene it was.

What appeared to be a massive pile of fast biters were obviously holding something down that was making pathetic attempts at trying to get away.  The sound of whimpers and cries could be heard from underneath the pile.  Seeing the dead deserter in the distance, Red Claw could easily deduce what had happened.  Either one of the other deserters had been captured and Calin was having a bit of fun or Calin was torturing a potential conspirator.

The fool sees enemies everywhere.  Red Claw mused to himself.  A useful flaw, but I see that I will have to restrain him.  This kind of purge of invisible enemies could lead to the loss of much of Red Claw's forces and he would not tolerate that.  A sufficient level of fear had been maintained and order was restored.  Even if some of the deserters remained at large, they knew the full fury of the pack now and word of that would be spread to the world outside.  None of the remaining members of the pack would dare leave now.  They could see the consequences of disloyalty quite well.

As Calin and the others parted from the poor wreck.  Red Claw could see what remained of their victim.  Large gashes existed around his eyes where they had been ripped out and presumably eaten.  Now only empty, bloody sockets stared at the world around him, but even without eyes the sockets still communicated their owner's fear and despair.  Elsewhere, the fast biter had large gashes where pieces of flesh had been ripped out of his back, chest, and sides.  Blood, both fresh and dried, crusted his body.  They had begun to eat him alive.  This was brutal even by the pack's own standards.

Undoubtedly the fact that Kerwat was still alive was Calin's handiwork.  Calin quite enjoyed seeing others suffer.  Especially if they had crossed him in some way.  The exposed entrails, cut tendons, and seeping blood from the enumerable slashes completed the gory picture.  With his tendons cut, the fast biter could not move to any significant degree.  Likewise, the fast biter could no longer seem to articulate sharptooth words, which indicated that his jaw must have been injured as well.  The result was simply a symphony of pathetic whimpers.  The victim was simply waiting for death now.  That was all that he could do.

"We will stop the search now, Calin.  We have made our point."  Red Claw's order was greeted with a deep bow.  "Did the conspirator have any accomplices?"  He would go ahead and play into Calin's paranoia.  Never let a good flaw in your underlings go to waste.

Calin shook his head as a deep gurgling noise and a choked whimper emanated from the victim.  "He has refused to speak.  Even when we began to disembowel him, he refused to divulge his allies."

Red Claw gave a slight grunt at that.  That should be your first clue, Calin.  If someone refuses to talk even when you eat their eyes and essentials then they probably have nothing useful to say! But Red Claw refused to say anything more.  He would let Calin keep his paranoia and aggression.  It was useful in keeping him under control and it would come in handy in the battle to come.

With little fanfare, Red Claw grabbed the still whimpering fast biter and quickly crushed him in his jaws.  In the matter of a few seconds, he was swallowed by Red Claw.  It was just another meal as far as he was concerned.  Red Claw finally spoke again.

"Let's return to our territory, Calin.  We need to wait and prepare.  In the Cold Time we will strike!"

As the fast biters turned towards the west, the two deserters continued to sprint towards lands unknown.  They did not realize at the time that they had escaped from their most formidable foe.  However, their greatest challenge was yet to come.


The Land of Shallow Waters:

"I don't give a damn if they were sad or in pain!  They were part of Calin's pack!  Good riddance!"

Breeze paced in agitation.  What in the hell is wrong with them!  She couldn't understand where her packmates were coming from with their willingness to accept possible deserters.  The deserters had joined with the enemy; to her, that made them enemies for life.

"We can't trust them, guys!"  Taunt added.  "If they were willing to join Calin then what else might they be willing to do?"

Cera covered her head in her forelimbs and shook her head.  She was noticeably tiring of this discussion.  Nonetheless, she offered her own perspective.  

"Who is to say that they had a choice?"

That made everyone stop for a moment.  Taunt paused and took on a contemplative expression, whereas Ducky nodded at Cera's question.  She took the chance to add her own words.

"When the fast biters were drowning in the mud..."  She shook her head and looked at Breeze.  "I know that you did not arrive until after... Seeker..."  She closed her eyes at that unpleasant memory.  The few moments that had elapsed where they all thought that Littlefoot had died were the darkest in her memory.  "But before that we tricked some of the fast biters into chasing after us.  We did.  We did."

Ducky paused for a moment and Spike decided to elaborate while she collected her thoughts.  As a rift now existed between himself and Breeze, he wanted to explain his position as well.  With a soft voice, Spike spoke.

"They were crying, Breeze."  Breeze noticeably look surprised at this as Spike continued.  "They were crying for their mothers... their brothers... the dinosaurs that they were forced to kill."  He sighed deeply.  "I guess that Calin gave them the same sadistic choice that we had: to kill or to be killed.  They chose the other option."

Breeze's response was not as agitated as her previous statements, but she was still noticeably agitated.  "Then that is their choice.  They reaped what they sowed."

"That may be.  But these deserters are making another choice.  Should we turn away those who leave Calin?  If we don't offer them a place to go from our enemies then others may go to our enemies."  Ruby offered.

Littlefoot agreed.  "I am not saying that we trust them completely... but it would not be wise to turn them away.  Your own father turned away from Red Claw, Taunt."  Taunt's eyes when wide with a somewhat angry tint as Littlefoot had brought his own father into the mix.  "But yet he has proved himself to be trusted ally."

"They..."  Taunt tried desperately to control his voice, but the anger was still there.  "Are not my father."

"No.  They are not."

All of the eyes of the pack turned and stared at the dinosaur who had just spoken those words.  Thud had remained silent and abstained from the meeting until now.  Technically he had no standing to even be there at the meeting as he was not a member of the pack.  However, no one challenged his right to speak.  He quickly amended his statement.

"But they are not Calin either...  They are whatever they are.  You should probably take them as they are."

Taunt stared at his father for several moments.  He had a look of uncertainty on his face.  It was as if he were of two minds on this matter.  He had no idea what to say.

Breeze was at no loss of words, however.

"What?  Are you going to take them in?"  Her words were full of sarcasm, which earned her a stern look from both Littlefoot and Ruby.  Their patience was wearing thin.  However, Thud's words surprised them all.

"If Path's parents are willing, yes."

Littlefoot turned to stare at Thud, which was a look that was repeated by Taunt.  What was his father thinking?

"Screech and I ran away from Red Claw to save our own skin, Breeze."  Thud shook his head.  "Red Claw is insane.  He only thinks about getting revenge on the valley.  He doesn't care about his allies or his methods.  We had to run in order to save ourselves...  I was the only one who remained.  My brother paid the price with his life..."

Taunt looked downcast as his father again shared this story.  He had remembered a few good memories of his uncle Screech from when he was very young.  Then Screech had became the enemy along with his father.  But now Screech was dead.  It was both senseless and tragic.

"I... remember what that pain was like, Breeze."  Thud now had Breeze's undivided attention.  "I remember the guilt of thinking about what I did under Red Claw's orders.  I remember the screams of my victims.  I remember the mournful cries.  It wasn't until I had a mournful cry of my own that I finally snapped back into the dinosaur that I once was... before I betrayed my only son... before I joined with the depraved psychopath..."  He then looked at her with determined eyes.  "I would never turn a deserter from Red Claw away.  I would never turn away from friendship when others with even more reason to hate me... welcomed me with open arms."

The entire pack was speechless at Thud's impassioned speech.  Anyone who was an enemy of Red Claw and who was willing to accept the consequences of their actions was an ally in his mind.  He would not deny a second chance when his own position was due to others granting him a second chance.  After a few moments, however, Littlefoot decided to test the waters.


Taunt looked up and sighed.  "I will not go against my father, Seeker.  It is just so damn hard to overlook what Calin and his pack has done.  I will give any deserters a chance... but I will be watching them closely."

Littlefoot nodded.  "I would expect no less."  He then looked at the other possible dissenter.  "Breeze?"

Her answer was mournful.  "Skytail's family took me in when I had no one else to turn to.  How could I forget that?"

Ducky gave her a sad smile.  "Calin has taken a lot from you.  You had every right to be angry.  You do.  You do."

"But I had no right to take it out on you."  Breeze countered.  "I should have kept my anger focused on the bastard that deserves it."

Cera nodded.  "It's alright, Breeze.  We all get angry sometimes.  The important thing is to move on and focus that anger on those who deserve it."

Ruby smiled at the very threehorn-like answer that the yellow fast biter had just uttered.  "Trust me, Cera.  I am sure that he makes all of us angry."

Chomper smiled at the scene.  It seemed that the pack had finally come to terms with Pterano's revelations.  He would have to mention this to his parents of course.  If the pack suddenly started bringing in strange sharpteeth then they might get a bit concerned.  However, it was nice to see them begin to act like a pack again.  A lot of hurtful things had been said and an unfortunate rift had opened up between two of the pack's couples.  Now that the grievances had been aired and emotions been shared it seemed that all had been forgiven.  He then decided to speak to the pack as well.

"So are we ready to decide yet?"

Littlefoot looked around at the pack and, seeing everyone nod in turn, vocalized the pack consensus.  "Alright.  We will allow the deserters, if they are indeed coming here, to join with Thud.  Who knows... they might have information on Calin's pack that might help us in the future."  He then looked at the others with a more inquisitive expression.  They had focused so much on the deserter issue that they had not mentioned the other matter.  "Uh... I guess we should have someone talk to the hidden runners, huh?"

Everyone nodded at this recommendation, except for Cera and Breeze who shrugged.  It was obvious that they were mentally spent after the main discussion and were simply ready to call it a meeting.  Littlefoot had to suppress a laugh at this.  Their view of the situation closely matched his own, despite the fact that he would not share it so openly.  He quickly gave one final order.

"Alright then.  We will have Petrie greet the hidden runners and see if they are willing to join us against our common enemy..."  He then looked back at the two visibly confused flyers in the far distance. Right...  We probably need to convince them that we aren't completely violent savages... Nunti has not exactly seen our best side today...  "We should probably talk to Pterano now and let him know what we have decided."

The sound of flapping wings interrupted his words, however, as Petrie descended from the sky.

"Sorry me late!  It took me a while to convince Ponder's mommy and daddy.  But they agree with plan."  He nodded with some satisfaction at his job well done.  He was totally unaware of the amazing revelations from Pterano, the massive disagreement that the pack had endured, or for that matter the fact that Pterano was even back in the Land of Shallow Waters.  This made Petrie's next question all the more humorous.  

"So... what did me miss?"

Petrie was quite confused when the rest of the pack started laughing.


Outside of Harthron's territory:

"Begone, you fiend!"

Sierra had to laugh at the antics of the hidden runner.  There was no doubt that he hated Calin and his pack for destroying their nests, but it was obvious that Sierra's words had shaken the poor soul.  Sandstorm thinks that he can trick us into a war with the Hidden Runners?  Ha!  Let's see how he likes it when we ruin his plans! Sierra had respect the small, ruthless fiend, but now he realized that Sandstorm had been playing them all back in the valley.  He had used the exact same strategy of wait and manipulate that he and Rinkus had used on Pterano many years ago.  The fact that they had fallen for the same stunt annoyed him to no end. I will see to it that you pay, Sandstorm!  Your next 'death' will not be fake!  

"We have heard enough of your lies!"

Rinkus and Sierra both rolled their eyes.  It seemed that it was time to wrap this up.  With that in mind, Rinkus spoke next.

"They are not lies, but believe what you wish."  His beak turned into a sneer.  "But if you think Seeker's pack is going to help you then you need to think again.  They serve themselves, just like us."  Sierra's expression now turned dark.  "We only attacked you because Sandstorm implied that you were allies of Seeker.  If you yield now then we will stop, but if you continue..."  He let the implied threat hang in the air.

Westron expression did not waver.  "We will not yield.  Even if we have to fight both you and Seeker, we will fight to the last."

Rinkus smiled.  "Hmmmm...  I wonder if your comrades share your opinion..."  He could see that several of the hidden runners were now looking at one another with uncertain looks.  His little speech had worked wonders on the parents in the pack.  Those who were fearful were always the easiest to sway.  "In any case I suppose that we will go...  I would hate to leave Red Claw waiting..."

As the two flyers took flight towards the setting sun, Westron spat in their direction.  Regardless of the political intrigues involved, he would never yield to those who had destroyed their friends and allies.  He had been against Viscond's mission before, but now he realized its true importance.  These flyers and the pack that they represented were pure evil.  He would see to it that they never again would be permitted to threaten hidden runner lives.  Unfortunately, he knew that their speech may have sown the seeds of doubt into the minds of some of his packmates.  The drive to isolationism was strong in hidden runners and it took the slightest provocation for that instinctual drive to rise to the surface.  Nonetheless, he would do all in his power to ensure that they would finish the job that Viscond had given them.  To seek Harthron's assistance against Calin and Red Claw's horde of evil.

The only question now was: would the rest of the pack be on his side?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Review of chapter 57:

The event of singing songs is quite nice! :) The information you give about Brekan is interesting and unexpected. The appearance of Thud is also not quite expected :p I'm happy that Chomper's parents are more accepting and trusting towards him.
The witty remarks are always worth a smile... :smile

This is interesting! Two related packs of hidden-runners one of which has been destroyed mostly... while the other pack is now out to revenge... I have a distinct feeling that I know where this leads to :yes

Skytail's song is awesome! :smile I wonder if you have just written down the lyrics or if you have actually a melody to this song?

Yet another surprise... one that I consider VERY important for the events to come... If they manage to escape Redclaw and convince Seeker of their credibility, then this will be a heavy disadvantage for Redclaw.

I'll try to catch up now. This is a really enjoyable chapter! :yes
Inactive, probably forever.


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Thanks for the kind words!  :) To answer your question about the songs, I do not have a set melody in mind but I did take the cadence of the words from several sources.  Skytail's song had several verses that have a similar cadence to some of the verses in the Tyr song, Land.  The first song I pretty much made up with no specific melody in mind, though the melody from The Evening Star of Valhalla Rising might be a good fit for parts of it.  It would be interesting to hear someone actually try to sing those songs with those melodies, but I am afraid my voice is not robust and strong enough to do them justice.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 62   Hidden

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.
― Buddha

Two days later - Harthron's territory:

Scent markings...  We are about to enter his lands...

Westron gestured for the remainder of the pack to stay behind for a moment as he sniffed the offending bushes.  The smell was not fresh, but yet was not old either.  The tell-tale smell of hidden runner urine indicated the means by which the borders of Harthron's territory was marked.  Westron could instantly interpret the data as it came in.  

Male... Older male... Higher rank...

This was not an uncommon finding when approaching another hidden runner's territory.  The markings would usually be done by older males and females who had a higher social rank.  Higher rank meant more authority and less subservience by the marker.  This led to changes that could be detected in the subject's scent.  This also had a greater impact on any intruders.  The smell of higher ranked individuals would indicate just how powerful the pack was.  If a pack had many higher ranked members then that indicated how many lower ranked members there had to be.  Harthron certainly had his fair share.  Westron quickly sniffed another bush.

Female... Younger female... Higher rank...

Odd.  Westron thought to himself.  A younger member generally wouldn't be... But then he smelled something else in the scent.  Something that answered his inner questions.

Pregnant.  Ah, that explains it.

Now he knew that this must have been one of the leader's mates.  Carrying the leader's eggs would automatically grant a female a higher status in the more traditional packs.  The lesser packs, of which Westron was a part, generally had one male per female as their standard, but the great leader of the packs traditionally had more than one mate.  More mates meant more offspring.  More offspring meant more allies.  And more allies meant that challenging the great leader was a less promising venture.  Likewise, the prohibition of taking more than one mate in the lesser packs ensured that no other pack leader would have as many allies as Harthron did; giving him a great advantage in terms of alliances.  The only threats then would come from outsiders or a coordinated coup from his own children.  Considering Harthron's cautious rule, he had little to worry about in that regard.

Suddenly Westron felt a chill go up his back.  The urine from the younger female was fresh.  This meant that she was here rather recently.  Furthermore, he had a feeling that he was being watched.  Deciding that it would be best to declare his intentions before entering the leader's domain, he gave a traditional incantation just in case anyone was listening.

"I, Westron, enter this territory without contempt or threat.  I humbly request an audience with the great leader on behalf of my leader."

As he said this with head bowed and eyes closed, nothing seemed to happen.  Thinking that he might have been overcautious, he slowly raised his head and opened his eyes.

Only to see eight pairs of hidden runner eyes stare back at him.

"You come on behalf of Viscond the Younger?"

Westron tried to hide the fact that the sudden appearance of the other hidden runners did not surprise him, but he failed miserably.  In the end, he decided to simply confirm their query.

"Yes.  I come on behalf of my leader."

The female who seemed to be the leader of the scouting party then looked upon him with suspicion.  "Why does Viscond not come here himself?"

Westron avoided cringing at her scrutiny.  It was a fair question.  If a leader sent his second-in-command in his place, then he had better have a good reason for doing so.  Either sickness or battle.  Any other reason would show great disrespect to the great leader of the packs.  The great leader had to also be mindful of deputies trying to go around the rule of their leaders.  Harthron would obviously want to avoid being party to any insubordinate action by lower ranking members against their leaders.

With a firm voice Westron spoke.  "My leader is in battle.  He left the pack in my charge."

The female paled at this statement as the other seven hidden runners began to quietly whisper amongst themselves.  As a deputy, she would obviously be expected to give as much information to Harthron as possible before an audience was granted.  With that in mind, she spoke.

"Who does he battle?  Has he made new enemies for us?"

This was a valid question.  If a leader were to make a new enemy then the allied packs would also have a new threat to deal with.  If, however, the battle was part of a personal vendetta, then the risk to the allied packs were minimal.  A vendetta was a personal matter but a pack battle was something else entirely.  If Viscond had made a new enemy without good reason then Harthron would certainly show him his wrath.  Westron's answer came promptly.

"He battles Red Claw and his fast biters."

The scouting party went dead silent in shock.

"They have killed his brother.  Our ally."  

Two of the hidden runners in the scouting party gasped in shock.  They obviously knew the highly esteemed hidden runner and were shaken at his loss.  Their shock was magnified a hundredfold, however, when he spoke his next words.

"The entire pack was destroyed.  Only one child remained."  Weeping was now coming from several in the scouting party as they obviously had family in that pack.  "Many of them showed signs of torture."

Westron looked ahead with as an impassive face as he could muster under the circumstances.  As he watched the leader of the scouting party he noticed a significant change in her demeanor.  She went from shock, to dawning realization, and then to complete and utter dread.  With a cracking voice, she finally responded.

"Follow us into our territory.  I will address your concerns to the leader."

With a deep bow, Westron saluted the scouting party.  As he rose, however, the female whispered one thing under her breath that he could hear quite well.

"And if my father has any sense then he will listen..."


Elsewhere in the Mysterious Beyond:

"The...  There is no scent from them...  I think they have quit following us."

Leap uttered his words in a weak stammer.  As they took a break from their monotonous journey, he had taken it upon himself to sniff around their makeshift shelter.  There had been no sign of Calin's pack for two days now.  Ever since the loss of their beloved brother...  Ever since Leap had been forced to put him out of his misery.

Leap sat down but did not bother to look at his sister.  Instead he fixed his eyes on the ground in silence.  He and his sister had barely exchanged any words in the last two days.  They had cried together after finally losing their pursuers, but no words were exchanged then.  The emotions were too raw.  In the day that followed Swift seem to take on a cold exterior as she focused on what had to be done in order to ensure their survival.  They had fished in silence.  They had journeyed along the river in silence.  Then they had prepared for sleep in silence.  Leap knew that his sister was doing this in order to keep her emotions at bay, but she was also alienating her brother in the process and not making her situation any better.  This was most certainly not the time for such disconnection.  With a deep sigh Leap decided to speak again.

"What do you think that he would want us to do?"

Swift looked at him with an annoyed expression that quickly turned into one of surprise.  It seemed that she did not want to think about their predicament any more than she had to, but his words shattered her emotional shields.  With a trembling voice she spoke.

"I...  I can only guess, brother."  Her voice quaked as she continued.  "He would want us to carry on.  He would want us to find Seeker and to do the best that we could for him and his allies."  She looked upon Leap with an expression of sadness.  "But I don't know if I am strong enough to do what he wanted."

Leap gave her a sad smile.  "He trusted you, sister.  He would not have done that if he didn't think you strong enough for the job."

"I wasn't strong enough when he needed me the most!"  She yelled in an anguished screech.  "I wasn't strong enough to be there when he died!  I wasn't..."

Leap bowed his head in sympathy as his sister broke down into tears.  Leap had been asked by name to kill his own brother, whereas Swift was asked to go to the stream.  Despite the fact that Swift didn't want to be there and witness that... She still felt guilt at not being strong enough for the task that Leap had been given.  For not being there when her eldest brother needed her the most.  As her sobs reached his ears, however, Leap realized that she had been keeping all of this inside her for his benefit.  

Leap had always been the weaker brother in many ways.  He lacked the physical strength or stamina of his siblings.  However, as Verok has noticed in him, Leap did have mental toughness.  He could allow himself to make the hard choices.  He could commit a harder right over an easier wrong.  He would hate himself afterwards, but he would do what was necessary.  Verok was observant enough to see the cold predator underneath Leap's unintimidating exterior, but Swift could only see her sweet little brother.  Her compassion clouded her judgment of him, which explained her attempt at holding everything in.  It also explained why Verok had demanded that she leave while Leap finished him off.  He had known full well that Swift would never forgive herself if she had done the deed.  She was stronger than Leap in many ways, but in others she was fragile.

He swallowed hard.  He would have to set the record straight here.  For him and her both.

"You are strong, Swift.  You are one of the strongest dinosaurs that I know."  Swift showed no signs of change as she continued to sob.  "But you...  you are hard on yourself and he knew that...  so he had me..."  He then began to cry as well.  "So he had me take care of it... he didn't want you to... blame yourself."  He sucked down a deep breath.  "He didn't want you to see his final moments... those are memories that I wish that I didn't have..."

Finally his emotional shields collapsed as well as he began to look away in silence.  He stared at the sky without actually focusing on anything.  His mind was quite far away.  The haunting memories of his brother bleeding out filled his mind.  They formed a horrific counterpoint to memories of happier times.  The same brother that he had played with since they were children... the same brother who had given him encouragement when he had difficulties... the same brother who had risked retaliation by coming to his aid when the other members of Calin's pack harassed him...  was killed by his own claws.  Despite the necessity of his actions it still left crippling guilt in his mind.  He supposed that would always remain.

He tried not to flinch when Swift suddenly embraced him from behind.  It was odd to finally feel her nuzzle him again after two days of emotional distance.  It reminded him of old times in a way.  That was when she spoke.

"Forgive me, brother.  I was selfish."  A sob emanated from her throat.  "I was so upset that I wasn't there to be with him... that I didn't even think about what that was like for you...  I'm so sorry."

Leap returned the nuzzling as he composed himself slowly.  After a moment he spoke.

"You were not selfish, Swift.  You just take things personally, which is why he wanted me to do it."  He gave her a sad smile.  "He knew that I would do it even though it would destroy me, but he knew that you would help me get up again."

Swift gave a soft sigh.  "He knew us very well, didn't he?"

Leap could only nod.  "He did.  He most certainly did."

No words were exchanged for several moments as each fast biter came to terms with their predicament in their own way.  Leap and Swift were opposites in many ways.  One was emotionally vulnerable yet physically strong, whereas the other was physically weak yet emotionally guarded.  However, deep down, they both had the same driving force within them.  They would fight to their last breath in order to do right for their late brother.  Their commitment to carry on the legacy of their ancestors had survived the death of their parents and it would survive the death of Verok.

When the two fast biters began walking again a few moments later, the silence had departed.  In its place, a song bellowed from the two fast biters.  The song of their late brother.  Whether they lived for only a few more days or for many years, they would ensure that his song never died.  They would sing this song to any strangers that they encountered.  They would intone the verses to Seeker and his pack.  They would bellow his story as a beginning as opposed to an ending.

And, fate willing, they would one day croon this song over Calin's rotting corpse.


"Please, sir!  We need your leadership!  Otherwise... we will continue to be left at the mercy of Red Claw."

The elder hidden runner reflected for some time on the smaller hidden runner's plea.  The story that Westron had relayed to him was horrific beyond measure.  Mothers and fathers being ripped to shreds...  children being forced to consume their own siblings...  eggs being dashed against the ground...  It was the stuff of nightmares.  It made his blood boil.

However, he was the great leader.  Ever since he had been selected from his father's enumerable progeny to assume command... and disposed of the few of his siblings who wished to challenge him... he had protected his people and himself by being cautious.  Some might say extremely cautious.  He had carefully cultivated friendships with lower ranked families.  He had taken lower-ranked females as his consorts, which established ties of blood between himself and the masses that he ruled.  He had even taken steps to appoint members of lower-ranked families as trackers in order to promote a sense of fairness in his domain.  This had made him a rather popular leader with many allies.

And popular leaders were generally safe ones.

However, the situation that had just been brought to his attention did not lend itself to easy solutions.  If he failed to act then it was possible that Red Claw and his minions might continue to strike at the lesser packs.  But it was also possible, some part of his mind cautioned, that Red Claw might have decided to move on to other pursuits as well.  If he were to take any action against him then that might invite further attacks from the massive fiend.  Furthermore, what could even an entire pack of hidden runners actually do compared to the countless hordes that Red claw now commanded?  By deciding to act he might be forcing his entire alliance of packs to their doom or dissolution.  He doubted that the alliance would withstand many more losses like the one that they had suffered.  They would eventually break away and flee into the Mysterious Beyond.  Even good hunting grounds meant nothing if they were made dangerous by competitors.  His emotions told him to take a team of hidden runners and harass the monsters that had done this, but his mind told him something else.  In the end his mind held out.

"I cannot commit my forces to this."

There it was.  The order that brokered no disagreement.  He would not commit the adult population of the allied packs for an assault on Red Claw.  Viscond had, through his actions, committed his own pack to this threat.  They would have to deal with this on their own.  The allied packs would do as they have always done.  Hide in the shadows and avoid direct conflict.

Westron bowed his head deeply.  But this was not done in respect, Harthron noted, it was done in shame.  Despite acting like he was above it all, he did feel great sympathy for this fast biter.  Viscond had left him all alone to lead his pack to the great leader's territory.  Furthermore, he had charged Westron with personally seeing the great leader and requesting his aid.  The fact that he had failed in that mission was no doubt causing him great distress.  Seeing what his actions had wrought, and realizing that he had probably doomed their entire pack to either seeking exile in order to avoid Red Claw's wrath or else a grisly end, he decided to do something that he almost never did.

He would compromise.

"You may, however, take any volunteers who wish to join your mission.  If you wish those of your pack who do not wish to join in this mission may stay here until it is over."

Westron rose from his position.  His eyes were weary and tired.  It looked as if he had aged several years in the span of a few moments.  With a raspy voice, he asked the leader a question.

"May I speak freely, sir?"

Harthron frowned.  "Very well."

Westron paused for a moment as if he were about to say something, but then immediately thought better of it.  His response, when he made it, was short and to the point.

"Your decision means that my pack is doomed, sir.  Red Claw undoubtedly has our scent now.  Running away will not be an answer for us."  He stared into the leader's eyes.  There was a fire within their depths that caused something to break in the great leader's heart.  In those eyes dwelled a passion that Harthron had suppressed in himself so long ago when he rose to the leadership.  Now he was condemning this hidden runner to his doom.  The final words from Westron broke his heart.

"Take good care of those I leave behind, Harthron.  They are all that will remain of us."

As the hidden runner departed from the great leader's cave, Harthron felt a chill go up his spine.  Leadership was often a lonely business where allies both had to be kept at arm's length.  However, this decision was different.  He had condemned one of his allied packs to destruction.  Worse yet, Westron had an appearance and temperament that reminded him of himself.  As the footsteps of the departing hidden runner faded into the night, silence consumed the scene.

Never before in his life had Harthron  felt so alone.


Several hours later:

"What have you done, father?"

Ignis glared at the form of her father in the cave.  His back was turned towards her, but she could see by his change in posture that her voice had caught his attention.  Anyone else talking to him like this would result in severe consequences.  Her status as his daughter and a higher-ranked tracker would grant her some allowance here, but not much.  Her father would be forced to take severe action if his followers saw her acting insubordinate towards him.  As he obviously wanted to avoid that outcome, he spoke firmly to the other hidden runners who were present.

"Leave us.  I have a family matter to attend to."

She stood impassive while the other hidden runners paraded out of the entrance to the cave.  Several of the females who were present, deputies all, stared at Ignis as they began to whisper amongst themselves.  She would undoubtedly be involved in some of the upcoming rumors in the pack.  Ignis couldn't care less.  Finally, after a few moments, the deputies and sycophants had departed from the cave.  Ignis did not waste any time launching into her tirade.

"Just what in the hell do you think that you are doing?!"

Harthron now turned towards her with a noticeably displeased expression.  Knowing his daughter's tendencies he obviously was not surprised that she would be the first to criticize him, but that did not mean that he was happy with the development.  The next words out of his mouth were spoken firmly.

"I am doing what is necessary."

Her answer came immediately.  "Spiketail dung!  This isn't necessary and you know it!"

Harthron sighed at his daughter's reaction.  "One day, daughter, you and your siblings will be on the chooser's council and will have to choose my replacement.  When that day comes I hope that you understand that leadership sometimes requires hard choices."

Her words were less belligerent now, but no more kind.  "I know that hard choices have to be made, father, but this is not one of those.  If we don't strike at Red Claw now then he will go after us later when he is even stronger.  The choice is simple: fight or die."

Harthron stared at his daughter for a moment with a slight smile.  It was the look that a parent gives a child who has simultaneously frustrated them but also amused them.  He gave that look to her quite often.  She had her father's old willpower, but she had not yet developed his sense of responsibility.  Nonetheless, she was now addressing him like an adult would, so he returned the favor.

"There is another possibility, dear."  He placed a hand on her shoulder as he gestured towards the cave entrance.  "Red Claw could stay away.  He was only in our territory for a brief time and this was the only time that he has been here for many years.  If that is the case, then it would be unwise for us to provoke him into further attacks.  It would be best to hide and wait, as our kind does."

"Our kind does it far too much."  Ignis protested.

Harthron bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement of her comment.  "That is your opinion."

She looked at him sternly.  "And the opinion of many others!  Father, we cannot simply wait for him to attack again.  We have all heard the whispers around the Mysterious Beyond.  The attacks that he has led.  At the very least we need to find allies in case the worst happens."

"Ally with outsiders?  Other kinds?"  Harthron shook his head in a disbelieving way.  "My dear, that will only entail risk!  We are the hiders of the night.  We abandon that at our peril."

Ignis shook her head firmly.  "We do nothing at our peril."  Her glare was now restored to its original fury.  "You may have sent the poor young male out to die, but I will not permit him to die alone."

Harthron's face grew concerned.  "What do you mean?"

Ignis stared at him with a resolute expression.  "I have volunteered for Westron's mission.  As soon as Viscond comes back, I will resign my position and serve under him."

Harthron went into a rage.  "My dear, you can't be serious!"  He gestured with wide hand motions.  "You are one of the elect!  You are one of my own daughters.  Even if you aren't appointed leader one day, you have a bright future ahead of you!  You are one of our best trackers... don't throw all of that away!"

Ignis stared at her father with a grim expression.  "I will not stand by while we do nothing!  Power without action is impotent.  At least the people will realize that I am not a coward."

Harthron ignored the jab at his bravery or lack thereof and simply stated what really mattered to him.  "I can't have you throw your life away!  What would your mother have thought?"

Ignis looked down for a moment.  "I guess that I will ask her after I fall in battle.  Because that is the fate that you are dooming us to."

Harthron paled.  His daughter was serious about this.  "Daughter!"

Ignis persisted.  "You cannot stop me.  If I renounce my position then I can choose the pack that I have allegiance to.  The worst you can do to me is to tell your guards to put me to death... I guess that you would be saving Red Claw the time..."

"Daughter..." Harthron protested.  "I am doing what I think is the best for the packs!  I can't show favoritism or let my emotions get in the way of my judgment.  Please understand!"

Ignis looked at him with pity.  "I try father.  But your decision here is wrong!  Westron's pack won't have a chance!  Red Claw more than likely has their scent...  and he will track them down...  do their lives mean nothing to you?"

Despite his attempt to keep his cool, Ignis's words enraged him.  He had often been accused of being extremely cautious and cool, even to the point of coldness.  But such was the price of leadership in a pack such as his.  But, despite his pretensions to the contrary, he cared very deeply about all of his subjects and he felt grief whenever they were harmed.  To have his own daughter make such an accusation to his face made something primal snap within him.  Without even thinking about what he was doing, he struck out with his hand and slapped her across the face.

Both hidden runners looked at one another in shock.  Ignis was amazed that her own father would strike her, whereas Harthron was stunned by his own actions.  He had not lost control of his emotions in many years, but now he had done so with his own beloved daughter.  The sole offspring from his second and most favored mate.  He was left looking at her in horror.  What have I done?

As he watched in horror, his daughter's face went from a look of shock to a look of grim acceptance.  He recognized that look.  It was a look that he had given on a number of occasions.  It was the look that one gave when what was once a hard decision was suddenly rendered moot by the situation itself.  With her words spoken in a nearly emotionless tone, his daughter addressed him.

"You are far too willing to abandon others for your own benefit."  Her words cut through him like sharp claws.  He was left crushed by her condemnation.  "Maybe when I am gone then you will realize just how much pain and suffering your inaction will have caused everyone else."  Her beak trembled as she spoke one last time to the great leader.

"Goodbye father."

As his daughter silently sprinted out of the cave, he was left staring at the ground that she had previously been standing on.  His actions on this day had not only condemned one of his allied packs to its doom, but also doomed his beloved daughter as well.  Her final words to him were both a goodbye and a condemnation.  A condemnation that stung him more deeply than his slap must have stung her.  He had tried to do what was in the best interests of the packs.  However, the price of his actions on this day were far too much for him to take.  A daughter's love had been replaced with a daughter's rebuke.  Now, with her going off on her hopeless quest, there could be no reconciliation until he too joined her in the land of the parted.  His loss was total and complete.

For the next few hours only the sound of weeping could be heard in the cave.


The Land of Shallow Waters:

Ducky sprinted through the bushes with tremendous speed.  Her sudden emergence caused nearby tinysauruses to flee in terror, but they were not her target.  No...  On this day she was the target.

I have to hurry!  I do, I do!  He is about to catch me!

She didn't spare a moment to look up in order to see her aerial adversary.  She knew that she didn't have that kind of time.  He had gotten all of the others and now she was the final one of the pack left standing.  She had to find the shelter before her luck finally ran out.

She gripped the pinecone in her hands with ferocious force.  She couldn't fail now.  She owed it to the others to complete their mission.  It was all up to her.

Hearing wing flaps, she darted to her left and barely missed the talons of the persistent flyer.

Oh no, no, no!  I have to find another way!

She stared for a split second at the scenery around her.  The designated shelter was an abandoned hadrosaur nest on the other side of a shallow stream.  She had attempted to follow the stream in order to eventually reach her destination, but now that was not a viable option.  He would catch her in very short order unless she attempted something radical.  With no time to think, she quickly decided on her course of action.

And she ran into the stream.


The flyer stared at the green fast biter with impassive eyes.  The others had fallen quickly under his claws, but this insufferable specimen remained.  The remaining member of the once numerous pack.  Her recent dodge of his latest attack had disrupted his plans and he had to again hurl himself into the air.  Now that he had again rose into a thermal current, he could gaze at the lay of the land and ascertain the current situation.  What he saw disturbed him greatly.

The flyer was making a quick swim across the stream.  At her current rate she would soon exit the stream and have an open path to the shelter.  No...  This would not do...  It was now a simple matter of speed now.  The green fast biter's trickery and fast thinking had delayed his victory until now.  He would not allow her to have the last laugh.

With pure determination he ignored the burning sensation in his wing muscles and flapped them with tremendous force.  He could not rely on the thermal currents now.  That would take far too long.  No... now he had to use his own power in order to catch up with the resilient predator.  It was the only way that he could complete his sacred mission.  With the fast biter obviously attempting a headlong sprint at the nest it was obvious the route that he had to take.  It was just a matter of getting there in time.

Flap...  Flap...

With a sudden lurch he fell out of the thermal and went into a precipitous dive.  It was simply a matter of guiding himself to his destination now.  He would use his flaps in order to steer his fall.  Gravity would do the rest...

Flap...  Flap...

The fast biter had emerged from the water and began sprinting as fast as her waterlogged body could manage.  Now his original angle of descent would no longer reach her and a path adjustment was necessary.  He would need to adjust to a 45 degree angle and hope that he arrived in time.  It was a close thing at this point.

Flap...  Flap...

The predator was now sprinting full speed at the nest and was a few seconds away from its sanctuary.  With his superior eyesight he could see every detail on the fast biter's body.  The small bristles on her feathers...  the small particles of dust rising in the air...  the fatigued look on her face...  When he could see her hurl herself into the air, he knew that it was his time to strike.  With a flourish he struck out his talons at the vine tied on her back.



Ducky laid on the ground for a few moments as she struggled to catch her breath.  She had not had such a good workout since the last time that Thud had trained them.  It was simultaneously a tiring and physically rewarding experience.  As the flyer walked over to her field of vision, she cracked a smile.

"Good job, Spotter!  You won!"

Petrie smiles and gave a little bow.  "You do well at game though!  You nearly beat Spotter."

Ducky laughed.  "I guess that I will need to work on my swimming.  I will, I will!"

Petrie joined in the laughter.  "Don't work on it too much!  Spotter nearly lose already!"

The two shared a friendly laugh as both of them relaxed after their physically taxing activity.  Tagger and Catcher was a new game that was actually devised by Ducky.  Petrie could participate in few of the games that the other members of the pack played due to the fact that he was small and flighted, whereas the others were large, powerful ground dwellers.  He could not really participate in a group hunt except as a spotter, nor could he join in a pack fight.  Likewise, if he played tag with his friends then his sharp talons could cause serious injury.  In many ways a great chasm existed between him and his friends on account of their differences.

But the discovery of the vines changed all of that.


Petrie turned his head in surprise at Ducky.  Why had she used his old leaf-eater name?

Ducky laughed.  "We have not talked in a while.  We have not.  Not since you used to have that name."

Petrie sighed in recognition at that truth.  He had not been able to play a proper game with the others in quite some time.  He responded after collecting his thoughts for a moment.

"Me and you change since then.  Me and you no longer same size."

Ducky nodded.  They were quite close back in their leaf-eater days, being similar in size and complimentary in temperament, but the physical transformation had changed their relationship quite a lot.  They were still close friends and they still talked, but the simple change in size and diet had caused a distance to form between Petrie and the others.  It was something that no one wanted to happen, but it had occurred nonetheless.  Ducky was well aware of this change and came up with this new game as a way to rectify it.  With that in mind, she again spoke.

"Yes.  But we are still us.  Yep, yep, yep!"  She looked into his skeptical eyes.  "You are still playful.  We just had to make a game that you could play.  Stern Claw's vines made that possible."

Petrie nodded.  "Yeah.  Me will have to thank her..."  He then looked at Ducky again.  "...and thank you, Ducky."  His use of her name did not go unnoticed by Ducky.  "Me feel like member of pack again."

Petrie was well aware that it was not just the size difference that changed things.  He was now much more of a loner than he had been in his leaf-eater days.  He supposed that was part of his new instincts.  That did not mean that he did not seek the companionship of friends, but rather that he was well adapted to being alone for days at a time.  A useful attribute for when one ran errands for the pack.  He was shaken from his thoughts by Ducky's response.

Ducky smiled.  "You were always a member of the pack, silly!"  The good natured tone of her voice made something warm in Petrie's chest.  "You are our spotter, Spotter."  She then realized the redundancy of the statement and laughed.  "We would not catch much of our prey if it wasn't for you.  Also you are the way we can talk to our loved ones."  She then aimed a single claw at his chest.  "You keep us in touch with our families and it is about time that we kept in touch with you."

Petrie was speechless at her statement and overwhelmed by emotion.  He had not realized how much he missed these little talks and games until he again had a chance to play.  Before he knew what he was doing, he nuzzled Ducky's chest.

Ignoring the massive difference in size, Ducky immediately shared in the gesture.  She teared up at the knowledge that they had begun to grow apart because of their circumstances.  With firm determination, she made a resolution.

Never again!  We will not neglect our friends.  Nope, nope, nope!

As the two embraced, they did not notice Pterano arrive on the scene.  It was almost time for Petrie and his uncle to begin their flight into hidden runner territory.  However, upon seeing the scene in front of him, Pterano couldn't help but smile.  He decided that the start of their journey could wait a little bit longer.  

Without a word, Pterano took off into the sky and returned to where the rest of the pack was waiting for the duo.  In a few hours their mission would begin and then they would find out if they had further allies for the struggle ahead of them.  But regardless of how that turned out he knew that the valley's current allies, the pack, was in good shape.  Old friendships were being reaffirmed and new friendships were being sought out.  If the pack could triumph over such unimaginable adversity then the valley had hope yet.

The valley would need it.


Harthron's Territory, the next day:

With utmost caution Viscond approached the threshold of Harthron's territory.  He and the others had tracked the scent of their packmates to the outskirts of the great leader's territory.  It seemed that Westron had wasted no time in carrying out Viscond's order and trying to rally the support of the leader of the packs.

Viscond smiled.  He never doubted Westron for a moment.

Smelling the outskirts, however, proved to provide much interesting information.  There was the usual smell messages.  Though they could not exactly be translated directly from the language of smell to the spoken word, a rough translation was possible.

Female.  In heat.  Interested in potential suitor.

Viscond noted with some amusement that two of the males in his ragtag group were taking interest in that particular scent marking.  The two females on the other hand were simply rolling their eyes at their antics.  Viscond could only imagine that their thoughts were currently mocking the immaturity of males.  Not wishing to be interrupted from his task, Viscond smelled some of the other scents on the pack's bulletin board of scents.

Male.  Older male.  Higher rank.  Willing to mate.

Male.  Young adult.  Lower rank.  Willing to mate.

Male.  Older male.  New member.  Willing to mate.

Male.  Younger male.  Complete outsider.  Willing to mate.


Viscond discretely moved away from that particular bush as it was obvious what that 'conversation' in scents was all about.  Such scent discussions of that nature would usually end in a marking made by the eventual couple or, if the female hidden runner was still in her parent's charge, a scent marking from a rather irate parent communicating that any potential  'suitor' would be in for a very rude awakening.  He didn't care to smell how that particular incident resolved itself.

As he was about to sniff the next bush a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"In case you are wondering, Keelarp already paired off with the outsider and ran off.  Her mother is pissed."

Viscond looked up.  "Westron!"  Without wasting anytime he embraced the other hidden runner who had a smile on his face.  It was obvious that he was pleased to see that his best friend and the leader of his pack had survived the ordeal.  After a momentary embrace, Viscond pulled away and gestured towards the other four hidden runners.  "We have all made it!  Not a single loss!"

Westron beamed.  "That is amazing, my friend!  Did you avenge our fallen?"

"We have."  Viscond acknowledged.  "But much more needs to be done... Red Claw has exited our lands, but I am sure that he will be back.  He knows where we are...  He knows our scent..."  He then looked up at his friend with expectant eyes.  "How did Harthron react?"

"Not well."  

Viscond and Westron both turned at the female voice that had sudden called out from the bushes.  It was none other than Ignis and several other hidden runners.  Viscond hurriedly gave a respectful bow and looked up with surprise at Westron who was not giving the standard greeting for one of the great one's daughters.  Her own voice answered his unspoken question, however.

"You can raise your head, Viscond.  I am not one of the elect anymore."

Viscond looked up with surprise as his four companions all began to mutter in hushed tones.  His spoken question matched their own unspoken ponderings.  "What happened?"

Ignis smiled a joyless smile.  "Your friend convinced me and several of us younger ones, but my father's caution is favored by the elders."  She bowed slightly.  "I am afraid that this band is all that we can offer you, Viscond."

Viscond was speechless.  He had known that it would be a hard sale to the cautious hidden runners, but he did not expect such a poor showing of volunteers.  Would this be all that would act in defense of the hidden runners?  Would the others put their faith in their ability to hide and evade?  It was a depressing scene.

Suddenly, however, Ignis bowed to one knee.  The others in her charge also joined in this gesture.  Viscond couldn't believe what he was seeing.  Was Ignis truly willing to swear fidelity to him and his pack?  It was almost unimaginable that one of the elect would willingly lower themselves to a mere pack member of a lesser pack.  But yet here she was.  Her willingness to place her view on what was best for the pack over her own self-interest spoke volumes about her character.  From that moment on Viscond resolved to train her in the ways of leadership as she truly had the judgment for it.  Her next words only sealed his opinion of her.

"What shall we do now, sir?"

Viscond smiled a grim smile.  "We will keep watch over the periphery of hidden runner territory for now.  Just in case Red Claw returns.  I take it that my followers are safe?"

Ignis nodded.  "Yes, my... father... agreed to care for them until this matter was resolved."

Viscond noted how she had paused and flushed with anger upon saying the word father.  It seemed that their rift was a deeply personal one.  Another family had been ripped apart by Red Claw.  But this time out of disagreement and not murder.

"Well that is generous of him."  Viscond offered carefully.  "I take it that he would not want to hear my report?"

Westron noticeably flinched as Ignis remained silent.  Westron finally answered, however.  "I don't think that would be a good idea, sir.  The great leader seems to be a bit... preoccupied."

Viscond noted that Ignis looked away at Westron's statement.  It was obvious what had preoccupied the great leader.  It wasn't every day that a potential heir threw away her privileges for the ramblings of a virtual outsider.  Likewise, it probably wouldn't be a good idea for that same outsider to simply waltz on in and strike up a chat.  That probably wouldn't end well.  Sighing deeply, Viscond addressed his deputy.

"Westron?  Do you wish to watch over the pack or do you wish to join with me?"

At this, Westron walked over to the other four members of Viscond's band and looked at Viscond with a snarky expression.  "Why do you ask such silly questions, sir?"

Viscond snorted.  "Regardless, I should address my pack.  They need to know what I have planned and why I think that it is necessary."

Ignis bowed her head slightly.  "I... uh... don't know how many takers you will get, sir.  Your pack wasn't exactly...  I mean..."

"They were scared and wanted to stay with the great leader's pack?"  Viscond finished.

Ignis nodded quickly.  "Yes, sir."

Viscond gave a sad smile and looked at Westron.  "I am sure that you and Westron did the best that you two could."  Westron looked noticeably ashamed of his performance.  The fact that the pack did not side with him obviously shook him to his core.  "But I have to give it one more shot before we leave.  And...  As this might be the last time that we talk to them...  I think that all of you should have some time with your families."  The other members of Viscond's band looked downcast at that admission.  Their families would be glad to see them, but they would be aware that it may be for the very last time.

Silence descended upon the band of ten hidden runners as none of them seemed to know what to say.  However, one of the lower-ranked males finally decided to speak up after a few moments.

"And when we do leave, where are we going, sir?"

Viscond smiled at the assembled hidden runners.  "We will go to the Sheer Cliff Bluffs.  That should give us a good view of the land around us."

And... He added under his breath.  Quite possibly a look at our enemies.


Elsewhere in the Mysterious Beyond:

"So... what were you and Ducky discussing..."

Petrie looked at his uncle with a startled expression which made Pterano laugh.  

"I kind of flew by and saw you two talking...  I was just kind of curious."

Petrie swallowed slightly as he maintained his level flight towards where the hidden runners were claimed to be residing.  This was not a conversation that he expected to have with his uncle.  Nonetheless, he gave Pterano a form of the conversation that he thought that he could understand.

"Well... me much smaller than my friends.  But Ducky and me were the same size before... so me and friends not able to play together much anymore."  Pterano looked upon his nephew with sympathy as he continued.  "Me help them hunt and he help them track...  but sometimes me fell like... like..."  Petrie was having trouble think of the words.  Pterano was there to help, however.

"...Like part of the scenery?"

Petrie nodded enthusiastically.  "Yeah... Like that." He soon completed his thought, however.  "Friends could not help it, but it still happen.  But Ducky help stop that."  A smile again reached his face.  This was not lost on Pterano.

"It is good to have true friends, Petrie.  I haven't had any of those in a long time."  He then looked ahead as the small form of Nunti again came into view.  "Well... until recently."

There was something wrong with Nunti's expression, however.  He had a noticeably agitated look.  What had him so spooked?

"Storm!"  Nunti screamed.  "Big storm!"

Pterano looked at Petrie with a concerned expression before yelling the obvious question.  "What storm?!"

Nunti joined in formation by going in between the two flyers.  He looked at Pterano with a panicked expression.

"Go above the cliff face and look at the horizon!  This is bad, Pterano!  I have never seen anything like this!"

Without any further words being exchanged, all three flyers flapped their wings and let the thermals carry them above the height of the nearby cliffs.  It did not take long for them to see what Nunti had seen while scouting ahead.

"That..."  Pterano shouted with some degree of fear.  " what they call the orphan maker!"

Petrie did not like the sound of that. "Why they call it that?!"

Pterano paused in fear before he answered.  "It is a Cold Time storm, Petrie.  A really bad one.  I have not seen one since I was a very young flyer...  Me and my brother's survived that storm but some of the others..."  Pterano shook his head as he recollected himself and started again.  "The valley should be safe from its winds with its great walls... and your friends in the warmer lands should be okay but..."

Nunti interrupted at this point.  "What about us?!"

Pterano seemed to consider that for a moment before answering.  His answer did not make either of his companions feel any better.

"Well... that depends on us...  how fast can all of you fly?"

Petrie's words summed up the situation quite well.

"Oh crap!"

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Taunt gets what he deserves for beinh an ass, huh? :p

The support of Thud and possibly Chomper's parents too is going to be a big help when it comes to the final battle.

Luckily, somebody saw this... Redclaw's plans are bad news for the Valley and the Seven Hunters...

... and Viscond's plan is bad news for Redclaw... It might sound like a stupid idea to attack Redclaw but using guerilla strategies should be effective :)

Hmm, too bad Terri & Dein won't join the battle. However there seem to be some Sharptooth Flyers who might ally with the Seven Hunters :)
The "battle of insults" was quite funny! :D

The three siblings have escaped but will their flight have grave consequences?

A chapter full of open ends and revelations. The set up for the final battle becomes complete and clear more and more :yes I wonder what the missing parts are... :p
Inactive, probably forever.


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Thanks for the review, Ducky.  :)

  Taunt gets what he deserves for beinh an ass, huh? :p

Yep, yep, yep.  :p   Between his father and his girlfriend Taunt may have met his match.

Luckily, somebody saw this... Redclaw's plans are bad news for the Valley and the Seven Hunters...

Indeed.   :yes The complications resulting from Red Claw's plan to attack in the winter will have major impacts on what occurs in the future chapters.  Now if only the deserters can survive the journey to the Land of Shallow Waters.

Thanks for reading.  I hope that you enjoy the next chapters when you have a chance to read them.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Fanfiction link:

Chapter 63   A sudden freeze

In winter, I plot and plan. In spring, I move.
― Henry Rollins

Ignis stared out at that desolate scene with vigilant eyes.  She and Viscond were on watch from the high cliffs surrounding the territory of the allied packs, but there hadn't been much to 'watch' for nearly a day.

And even if there were any intruders would be easy to see.

The Sheer Cliff Bluffs were monumental in both size and scope.  They rose from the relatively flat plain where the hidden runners resided to stand nearly three thousand feet above the surrounding lands.  The cliffs, which were the remnants of a mountain which had been carved away by glacial activity many millennia ago, extended from across the flat expanse for nearly thirty miles.  Their attempt to climb the treacherous bluffs in two days was truly a herculean task by everyone involved, but they had managed.  The bluffs were much more gradual in their assent on the non-cliff side and this allowed them to make the journey with relative safety.  This was the only place where they could see for such a great distance.  With the horizon being over fifty miles away at this height they would have several days' notice of any significant movements in the Mysterious Beyond.

Not that anyone would be traveling on a day such as this.

A massive storm had enveloped the surrounding landscape in a covering of thick snow.  The storm had long since passed, being as quick as it was brutal, but its legacy remained.  For miles around an endless sea of white covered the landscape.  Only the occasional rock face jutted out of the pale expanse to give the scene any sense of scale.  The Mysterious Beyond was asleep in the icy clutches of an early winter.  The massive rock face and the prevailing wind patterns had saved the hidden runner territories from anything other than a slight chill, but much of the Mysterious Beyond was not so lucky.  Any dinosaur left out there would surely not survive.

"Are you alright?  If you're cold then I can take over for a while and you can go huddle with the others.  I have thicker feathers than you."

Ignis turned her head towards Viscond at his interjection.  Although going down below with the others would block the wind which was blowing towards the cliff, she was not inclined to do so just yet.  She still had a lot on her mind and the desolate view all around helped her to collect her thoughts.  No... she would remain for a while longer.  She quickly gave her response.

"I can handle the cold, Viscond.  Don't worry about me.  I can take care of myself."

Viscond frowned at her response, but said nothing.  For several minutes the two of them continued to look out at the vacant expanse in silence.  But Viscond could not hold his tongue for long.

"I remember when I left my parents..."

Ignis sighed inwardly.  The last thing that I need is this conversation...

Unaware of her annoyance, Viscond continued.  "When I left I thought that I had all of the answers and that they were holding me back with their old-fashioned ideas..."

Ignis decided to hold him off at the pass.  "...but then you realized that they were right all along and that you were simply hotheaded, right?"  Sarcasm dripped from her words.

Viscond smiled.  Her sarcastic response did not faze him.  It was simply nice to see her show any real emotion at all.  "Well... I was hotheaded and found that I was proven wrong about many things... but I wasn't wrong about everything.  I was certainly glad that I struck off on my own."

As Ignis looked at him with surprise, obviously wondering as to the point of his ramblings, he placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke to her face-to-face.

"But... one thing that I regretted was not talking to them until much later.  I let my bitterness and anger get the better of me and as a result I almost missed by chance to reconcile with them..."  He gave her a sad smile.  "It wasn't until my father was in his final year that I got the chance to speak to him again.  If I would have missed that chance then I would have never forgiven myself."

Ignis remained silent.  When they had given their goodbyes to the pack she had made no effort to see her father.  For his part, he had remained out of view.  It seemed to her that their feelings on one another were mutual.

Viscond sighed at her lack of response.  The pride of youth!  He lamented.  "Well...  You should consider talking to him again sometime.  You have made your choice in life, but that doesn't mean that you have to kick him out of your life."

Ignis glared.  "He might disagree."

Viscond shrugged.  "He might...  I must admit that I don't know your father that well...  but at least you would know that you did your best.  Even if he gives you the cold shoulder that won't change the fact that you have a place with us."

Ignis looked away in shame at taking her frustration out on Viscond.  He obviously was just trying to look out for her best interests.  Her tone was noticeably apologetic.  "Thanks, sir..."

Viscond shook his head.  "Viscond, please!"  He gave a little laugh.  "I am not a dictator regardless of what some of my packmates may think.  You don't have to call me sir all of the time."

Ignis smiled.  "Viscond then.  I am sorry for my tone.  I just..."

Viscond nodded.  "Have a lot on your mind?"

Ignis nodded.  "Yeah..."

The two sat in content silence for several more minutes.  Viscond realized that young ones often did not liked to be lectured, but he did not want her to make the same mistakes that he did in his youth.  Even if her attempt to talk to her father ended in failure she would have the knowledge that she had at least tried.  Her chance of rejoining the elect were slim to none, but it would be nice for father and daughter to come to terms with one another before death separated them.  

Viscond thought to himself for several moments.  Death is often as unexpected as a sharptooth flyer in the night and...  Wait! Something suddenly caught his attention.  What is that!

In the azure sky the form of three flyers could suddenly be seen as small brown specks in the massive expanse.  Small pterosaurs such as these would be the only things that they would probably miss in their observations.  Their appearance led to many questions, however.  Had they flown through the storm?  If so, then how were they still alive?  More importantly, where would they be going if...

Of course!  Viscond noted to himself.  They would go to the nearest perch!  They will go here!

Viscond looked at Ignis with a curious expression as she too began to notice the approaching flyers.  "Well, Ignis... Perhaps we could ask the flyers about what is going on in the Mysterious Beyond."

Ignis stared at him with a sardonic expression.  Intentionally making themselves visible to others was a most perverse suggestion for a species that prided itself on stealth and isolationism.  "Well that doesn't seem like how a proper hidden runner behaves, now does it?"

Viscond smiled.  "Thankfully, it doesn't seem like any of us are proper!"  She shared a soft laugh with him at that exclamation.  "Now let's go get the others and have them spread out on this side of the bluff.  Let's see if these flyers have anything interesting to say."


The Barren Lands outside the Land of Shallow Waters:

So cold... so cold...

The two fast biters had missed out on the snow as they were close enough to the Land of Shallow Waters for their share of the precipitation to be rain, but that did not spare them from misery.  The rain had fallen in torrents for the better part of a day; drenching their feathers and skin in cold moisture.  The lack of sun and the abundance of wind made their journey all the more miserable.  But without shelter in the barren lands, Leap and Swift had no choice but to carry on until they reached their destination.  With each passing hour, however, they became colder and weaker.  It was inevitable that something would give.

And eventually it did.

So cold... so cold...  Leap fell to the ground in exhaustion as he could no longer carry on as he had been.  His muscles refused to move at his command and he could no longer feel his extremities.  Only the sensation of numbness interspersed with diffuse pain and tingling greeted his perceptions.  The cold had finally put an end to his ability to move.  His distress was heard by Swift immediately.

"Brother?"  She asked with some concern as she turned back.  Her own condition wasn't great, but she was confident that she could reach her destination before her body finally gave out.  However upon taking a look at her brother she could see that she had overestimated his condition.  He was shaking in exaggerated convulsions as his body attempted to raise his core body temperature.  The rain, the cold, and the exhausting journey had taken a lot out of both of them, but now she could see that Leap had the worst of it.  She wasted no time in rushing to his side.

"Brother?  Leap?  Speak to me!"

No answer came from Leap as he shivered where he fell.  Only the upturning of his head towards his sister and the focusing of his eyes upon hers alerted her to the fact that he was still aware of his surroundings.  He couldn't even find the strength to speak at that moment.  His thoughts were exclusively on the cold and his body's actions were entirely focused on his survival.  Little else penetrated through the haze that was rapidly enveloping his mind.  He could now see, however, that Swift was forcing his head in her direction so he attempted to focus on her. What does she want... It is so cold...

Swift did not bother to attempt to get a response out of her brother as she knew full well what was going on here.  Leap's body was shutting down under the demands of the extreme cold.  He did not need food, water, or medicine at this point; what he needed above all else was warmth.  With that in mind she sprung into action.

"Come on, Leap!  We have to get you warmed up!"  Despite being bitterly cold herself, she began to rub against his side in a rhythmic fashion in order to provide some warmth to his rain-soaked body.  Only a sporadic shiver greeted her actions as she continued on the other side of his body.  Trying desperately to dry some of the residual moisture from his feathers and to allow him to feel his extremities again.  He had to resume moving.  That was the only way for his body to produce enough warmth to keep him alive.  Staying put in this inhospitable environment would doom him to death by hypothermia.

However, regardless of what she tried, Leap still remained nearly motionless as he continued to shiver on the ground.  Grief-stricken and unwilling to lose another brother, she sat down with him and continued to attempt to provide him with warmth.

"I won't leave you, brother.  Try to wake up..."


The Land of Shallow Waters:

Thud stood on top of the bluff with a deeply concerned expression.  He could not make out much from this distance, but he could see that two dinosaurs of some kind had stopped their approach towards the pack's home.  Based upon what Pterano had told everyone, however, it did not take much imagination to figure out who these newcomers might be.

Why did they stop? Thud pondered to himself.

He looked up at the distant form of a carrion flyer along the horizon.  Pterano and Nunti had departed from the territory when Petrie agreed to seek out the hidden runners.  They had considered keeping one of the flyers as a lookout for the deserters while the others waited for Petrie's return, but they eventually decided that would be pointless.  Thud barely knew any of the leaf-eater language besides the words that Taunt had taught him from time to time, which made talking to Pterano or Nunti an impossibility.  However, now it appeared like a carrion flyer was arriving on the scene.  Perhaps he would have some aerial surveillance after all?

Hmmm...  You can tell a lot from how a carrion flyer behaves...  I wonder...

Almost as soon as he thought those words,  The flyer descended into a vertical dive before rising back to his original height.  This was immediately followed by another dive.  It seemed that the carrion flyer was being fought off by one of the dinosaurs.

But why are they just standing there...

That was when the flyer did something that caught Thud by surprise.  He acted like something had struck him and he descended into a seemingly uncontrolled spiraling dive.  Thud was left wondering if something terrible had happened to the flyer.  Had he been injured somehow?  Was it a health problem?  But then he suddenly rose again as if nothing had happened.  Then, as suddenly as he had recovered, he repeated the gesture.

Distress!  Thud finally put the gesture together in his mind.  The newcomers are under distress!  The carrion flyer is trying to call for backup! If a carrion flyer was calling for backup then that meant that the dinosaurs were deemed weak enough to finish off.  Thud now knew that these dinosaurs needed immediate assistance if they were to survive.  

With no hesitation, Thud emitted a series of four bellowing calls.  This was the call for distress that wasn't an attack warning.  A rare sound for most packs, but it fit the situation here.  Thud knew that Littlefoot and the others would immediately understand what that message would mean in the context of recent events.

The deserters are here and you must come now!

Not wasting any time, Thud proceeded to descend down the bluff.  He would sprint ahead and see what the situation was with the deserters.  He hoped that they could survive whatever had befallen them until helped arrived.


The Great Valley:

"Ha!  Ha!  You can't get me!"  Shorty mocked as he hid behind one of the massive legs of Grandma Longneck.  However, his shelter did not protect him from behind...



Shorty hurriedly shook the snow off of his head as a swimmer laughed hysterically at her target's plight.  However, this levity opened herself up to attack as well...

Plop!  Plop!  Plop!

The poor swimmer was now nearly hidden in snow as her siblings attacked her with snow balls in rapid-fire order.  No sooner as they had done this, however, each of them realized that they were now open to attack as well and each began to quickly prepare new snow balls.  Within moments the entire area underneath the grandparents feet erupted in a chaotic blitz of snowballs.  Shortly thereafter not only the swimmers, but Shorty and the other younglings were soon playing as well.  The scene was precious enough to make Grandma Longneck chuckle softly.

"Well, dear.  This certainly brings back memories."

Grandpa Longneck could only agree.  "Yes, it sure does.  During the last Cold Time Littlefoot and his friends were playing this game..."  He suddenly took on a wistful expression.  "I miss him so much."

Grandma Longneck nuzzled her mate.  "I do too, dear.  At least we know that he and his friends are doing well.  I wonder if they still play games like this out there in the Mysterious Beyond?"

Grandpa nodded.  "I am sure that they do.  They are still kids at heart."

The two of them stood there for quite some time as they watched Ducky's various siblings use their legs as makeshift defenses.  They had fought in many battles but it wasn't everyday that they were part of the terrain that the battle occurred around!  It wasn't too long before Ducky's mother, Ura, came to their rescue.

"Come on, children!  I am sure that the longnecks don't appreciate being part of your game."

Grandpa Longneck laughed.  "It's not a problem, Ura!  The children just needed a rock wall and apparently out legs did the trick!"

Ura was about to answer, but then she was hit by an errant snowball as the children began throwing snowballs on either side of her body.  It seemed that they had replaced one 'wall' with another.  Shorty and Tricia joined in the attack as well, as each of them began to throw snow with their tails at the erratic swimmers.  It seemed that Ura had quite a bit of trouble around her now.

Ura sighed.  "Alright, children..."  As another snowball missed her and hit the hulking form of Topps in the background, she had to suppress a laugh.  "Alright!  Let's go near the watering hole!  You all can play over there!"

The children began to follow the newly designated barrier, Ura, but Shorty held back for a moment and looked at the grandparents with a look that requested permission.  Littlefoot would have simply asked back in his longneck days, but Shorty was a bit too prideful for that.  An inquiring look was all they were going to get.

Grandma Longneck looked at her mate and shared a laugh at Shorty's innocence.  "Alright, Shorty!  I am sure that Bron won't mind you playing by the watering hole.  Just make sure that you kids use him as your rock wall later on!"

Shorty looked surprised for a moment, before taking on a mischievous grin and nodding his acceptance of her terms.  Soon the children disappeared towards the watering hole.

Grandpa Longneck looked at his mate with a playful smile.  "Still trying to cause trouble for our son-in-law?"

Grandma Longneck gave a shrug-like motion with her neck.  "You know that our daughter would have found it amusing."

Both of them laughed at their antics.  Littlefoot's mother had a playful streak to her especially when it came to her mate.  Yes, she most certainly would find their antics, and Bron's eventual reaction to them, to be amusing.

Suddenly, however, the sound of another dinosaur clearing his throat caused both of them to turn their attention towards the choice of the noise.  It was Topps.

"It seems that Whitehorn wants to get us all together for a discussion on the valley's defenses."

Grandpa looked at his mate for a moment before again putting his attention on the threehorn.  "Surely we have already discussed the plans enough already?  The threehorns are to guard the entrances with the flyers acting as lookouts until an attack happens..."

Topps responded with a deadpan voice.  "Longneck, are you accusing the esteemed leader of the threehorns of being paranoid?"

Grandpa answered with equal neutrality.  "Are you saying that he isn't?"

The staring match lasted for a few moments before Grandma Longneck broke the silence by laughing at the antics of the two males; within moments both Topps and Grandpa began to chuckle as well.  Whitehorn was well-liked and had effectively taken charge over the valley's defenses, but he was building a reputation of being a bit of a worrier.  Though Topps would never admit it, he saw a little bit of himself in the brown threehorn.  Finally though Grandma Longneck broke the silence.

"Well I guess that we shouldn't keep him waiting.  If nothing else this will prevent us from being used as the children's 'walls' again."

Grandpa nodded.  "If the meeting goes too long we could always take inspiration from the kids..."  He said this with a smile.

Topps snorted.  "You can be my guest, Longneck, but I would advise having a more expendable member of the herd throw the first snow.  I fear that Whitehorn is not as forgiving as I am."

Grandpa couldn't resist that opening.  "That bad, huh?"

Topps gave him a dour expression as both longnecks proceeded to laugh at his expense.  "Longnecks!"  His gruffly voice exclaimed in annoyance.  Nonetheless, the three adults proceeded to walk to the meeting area to see what Whitehorn had planned now.


Back in the Land of Shallow Waters:

Voices, indistinct and fleeting, were the first thing that penetrated through Leap's hazy mind.  The last thing that he had remembered was the bitter cold and his growing weakness.  He seemed to recall his sister talking to him, but that recollection was uncertain and extremely hazy.  Now, however, things felt quite different.

He was warm.

It was an odd sensation.  It was as if something massive was pushing against him on all sides.  Constantly pulsating... constantly vibrating...  It was an odd yet pleasant sensation.  He hadn't felt anything like this since he was back in that hated pack... Calin's pack...  but yet the sensation was welcoming this time.  He decided to simply keep his eyes closed and enjoy the feeling as his extremities slowly began to regain their feeling.  As he waited and the tingling of returning sensation greeted his mind, his ears began to pick up bits of conversation.  But it still seemed far away...  unimportant...  as if it were happening from miles away...

What are your intentions?  We don't take intruders very kindly...

The voice, a male one he thought, then faded out for a few moments.  When his consciousness returned he heard a new voice.  One that was feminine and spoke with an odd cadence.

Our spies have already told us about you.  Already told us about you they have!  Tell us the entire truth if you want to live.

Then her voice was heard.  The voice that made him feel at home.  The lovely voice of his sister.

I will tell you anything that you want.  My brothers and I defected despite knowing the risks... we couldn't stay there any longer.  Calin is a monster!

A rougher female voice then called out.

Brothers?  Where is the other one?

His sister then imparted the sad news.

He... He died...  He died in the escape...

Very slowly the voices became easier to follow as his mind began to operate normally.  While keeping his eyes closed and his breathing steady, he focused on the voices.  Right now they must have assumed that he was still unconscious so he needed to use that to is advantage in the event that these dinosaurs... whoever they were... were hostile.


Littlefoot paced around the fast biter who called herself Swift.  He did not enjoy being so hostile in this initial meeting, but he had to be an interrogator here.  Only when their loyalty and good natures were confirmed would he drop his guard.  The other members of the pack either stood aside saying nothing or directly participated in the interrogation.  They had all discussed this prior to the deserters arrival and all had agreed to its necessity.  They could show them their good side afterwards, but not right now.  Now was the time to be hard and cold.  Littlefoot noted with some amusement that Taunt and Breeze took to the mindset immediately, whereas many of the others had to put up a front of harshness.  Wasting no time, Littlefoot spoke again.

"Alright.  So all of you escaped from Calin, but your brother died in the process.  Did you not know about Cain's brutality before?  Why did you join in the first place?"

Littlefoot stared at Swift's face for any sign of subterfuge as she spoke.

"We knew about Calin's methods quite well... that is why we felt we had no choice but to join... We knew that he was coming and we knew that once he found the three of us he would have us fight to the death to see who was the strongest."

Littlefoot nodded.  "Yes.  Those are his methods.  Continue."

Swift gulped.  "Well, Leap actually had a good idea.  He advised that we split up.  Calin did not kill lone fast biters who were willing to join.  That way we would eventually be together and alive."

Cera nodded at this.  "That is a good strategy."

Swift nodded.  "Yeah...  It kept us alive."

Littlefoot proceeded with his questions.  "What made you leave?"

Swift's eyes took on a far-away look.  "The things that we had to do in that pack were monstrous, Seeker.  Every day we participated in the killings and maiming we felt as if we were slowly dying inside.  It was horrible."  She stopped for a moment to compose herself as Littlefoot allowed her that luxury.  Shortly thereafter she spoke again.  "Then came the hidden runners..."

Here is an interesting connection. Littlefoot noted.  He then urged her to continue.  "What about the hidden runners?"

Swift looked down in shame.  "Red Claw was convinced that Calin had conspirators in the hidden runners so he ordered Calin to kill some in order to prove his loyalty."  She took a deep breath.  "Our target was a large pack by the Sheer Cliff Bluffs."  She hesitated as if she were horrified by the words she was about to say.  "We killed them all.  adults... younglings...  we dashed eggs against the ground...  we slashed and crushed...  but that wasn't enough for Calin..."  

She shook her head as she began to cry.  Littlefoot and the others knew that a reaction like this could not be faked.

"He...  wanted us to torture some of the survivors.  I...  I have no idea why... Red Claw did not order it, but I knew that if we did not participate then we could be killed so I... I... went along..."  A sob left her mouth.  "We made younglings eat their own siblings..."  The members of the pack visibly recoiled at that.  "We made females watch as we dashed their eggs and killed their mates in front of them.  It... It was horrible beyond words..."

Chomper stomped the ground in rage at her admission as he slashed at a nearby bush in frustration.  Chomper was ever a friendly sharptooth and he hated to kill without cause.  To hear about such butchery being conducted only for the sake of Calin's amusement... It made something snap in the sharptooth.  Littlefoot was sympathetic to his feelings.

With a swift expression, Littlefoot looked at Swift who was crying while laying prone on the ground.  She obviously was carrying a lot of guilt.  A dinosaur who could bear this much and still empathize with her victims was a formidable fast biter indeed.  Now it was time to offer her some relief.  Littlefoot turned his head towards Ducky and gave a nod.  Without further prompting, Ducky and Spike rushed to Swift's side and provided her with warmth.  There was no need for her to feel more discomfort for the sake of the interrogation.  Thud's recommended methods had done their job.  They now knew that they could trust these deserters.  The only question now was: what other secrets might they know?  With that in mind, he called to them both.

"Alright.  Let's get you warmed up and then we can finish this conversation and Leap..."

Swift interjected in confusion.  "But Leap is still asleep... Come on, brother, wake up!"  She urged.

Littlefoot smiled.  "I think that you will find that Leap has been pretending to be asleep for a while now."  He then approached the prone fast biter with a smile.  "I am not going to harm you or your sister, Leap.  You can stop the act now."

Leap rose slowly and looked into the brown fast biter's eyes.  Swift, for her part, immediately ran to his side and embraced him, whereas Taunt and Breeze quickly moved aside from the small fast biter.  Leap obviously needed no further warming from their bodies.  Leap seemed to stare at Littlefoot for ages, as if he were sizing up the dinosaur.

"So you are Seeker...  We are in your debt."

Littlefoot smiled.  "You can pay that debt when we fight Calin and Red Claw."

Leap nodded.  "That is a price I will pay gladly...  but Seeker?"

Littlefoot blinked.  "Yes?"

"How did you know I was not asleep?"  Leap asked inquisitively.

Littlefoot smiled.  "That would be telling, wouldn't it?"  Leap looked somewhat perplexed by that answer as Littlefoot continued.  "Alright, now that you two are awake we will head into our territory.  We will finish our conversation there.  Let's see if Path's parents are as forgiving as we are."

Swift asked the obvious question.  "Path's parents?"

Littlefoot smiled.  "You see the two-footer over there..."  

The others began to stifle their amusement as the deserters stared at the purple sharptooth and then realized that they were soon going to be greeted by some of the most massive sharpteeth on Earth.  They had escaped from Red Claw only to come across two others of his kind.  The other members of the pack could only imagine what was going through the deserters' minds at that moment.  Littlefoot decided to end their suffering at that point.

"Alright Path!  Tell your parents we are coming.  We have a meeting to start."


The Sheer Cliff Bluffs:

"Brr....  Well we make it, uncle!"

Petrie shivered uncontrollably as the storm had chilled him to his bones.  They had flown hard and fast in order to miss the brunt of the storm and their intense physical exertion had kept them warm despite the unforgiving chill that had now descended upon the land.  However, now that they had finally settled down upon the bluffs in exhaustion, the bitter cold was becoming more apparent to them.

"Yes... nephew..."  Pterano affirmed through his violent shivers.  "For now..."

Nunti did not speak as he was simply focused on trying to keep warm.  In silence the three flyers huddled together to conserve their limited body heat.  They would need to rest for as long as possible and then continue flying to where the hidden runners were believed to be.  They would have to rely on their own exertions to provide them with heat until sufficient shelter could be found.

And there was no shelter on the rocky bluff.

Petrie looked upon the desolate scene with an odd mix of awe and contempt.  He was contemptuous of its exposed surface allowing for the chill to touch everything on the bluff, but at the same time the sheer massiveness of the cliffs and bluffs amazed him.  Petrie had never before been to this area of the world and his first visit amazed him.  How many more wonders did this world hold that he, as a flyer, could visit freely?  This was a wondrous gift that flight provided him and in his short life he had not really taken advantage of it to its fullest extent.  Perhaps when Red Claw dead Petrie can explore more?  Petrie thought to himself.  Me have duty to pack, but pack be fine after Red Claw dead.  Assuming he don't make us dead first!

"Wait!  Look there!"

Petrie turned his head towards where Nunti was looking.  A short distance away there could be seen a very narrow crevice in the rocky bluff.  It was only about the width of a small flyer and as long as a full-grown fast biter.  However, assuming it was deep enough, it would serve to protect them from the blustery winds.

Without any words being exchanged the flyers descended into the crevice.


A bit later:

For lack of a better activity to do while they waited for their bodies to be rested, he examined the crevice that they were resting in the bluff.  It was open on one side but it blocked the heavy winds which were not bombarding the bluffs.  It provided modest shelter from the elements, but it also limited their mobility.  The only entrances were from a narrow crevice from above which could be blocked and from an opening to the side which likewise could be easily blocked.  It filled him with a sense of unease.  

You acting scared, Petrie!  No one attack us here.  Because no one here to attack us. Petrie consoled himself.  His deeply ingrained sharptooth instincts were cautioning him of danger and risk even when the risks were minimized.  It was a useful ability, but it was also overwhelming at times.  Even when he was at rest he often found himself calculating... thinking...  gone were the carefree days when he was a leaf-eater.  But in a way, Petrie noted to himself, he was pleased with how his life was turning out.  Yes he was a killer, but he still had his friends and his family had since reconciled.  The change brought both advantages and disadvantages to the flyer and, if he were honest with himself, he would admit that he wouldn't go back even if the chance was offered to him.  He had simply changed too much to rejoin leaf-eater society.  He was who he was now and nothing could change that.


Petrie's head jerked as a small rock fell from the crevice above.  His instincts were on overdrive as the other two flyers began to look around as well.  That was when another sound greeted their ears.


Petrie was the first to attempt to take flight as he flew straight at the crevice above.  In a panic Pterano and Nunti attempted to do the same.  They had been too complacent and now they were under threat.  They speeded towards the narrow crevice above.

Only to see something with green feathers cover the crevice with its body.  Their escape route had been blocked.

Petrie gave a squawk of rage as he flapped his wings twice and dived between his two flyer companions.  There was only one chance now, the narrow crevice to the side of their shelter.  They had to escape before whoever was out there had them trapped on all sides.  It was their only hope.  With his wings burning with exertion and his breaths coming through in rushed gasps, Petrie flew on towards the narrow entrance.  The blue of the azure sky greeted him through its narrow opening.  Just a few more seconds and he would be free from this trap.  Just a few more seconds of physical exertion and then they could continue on their way.

But it was not to be.

The figure of a green feathered dinosaur emerged from the azure opening and covered their only remaining path to freedom.  With his wings opened at full spread Petrie slowed himself from a full-speed flight to a sudden stop.  Nunti and Pterano careened into him at his sudden halt and all three flyers tumbled to the ground in front of their unknown adversary.  As they all came to a stop in a pile at the dinosaur's feet, he did something that struck them with surprise.

He spoke.

"Hello, flyers.  You are now guests of the hidden runners.  We have a few questions for you."

At that moment Petrie could only think one thing.  Well we find hidden runners, but me not sure that good thing anymore!


"So tell us, flyers.  How have things been in the Mysterious Beyond?"

Petrie had to admit that this was one of the strangest experiences in his life.  Well, apart from the whole 'you are now a sharptooth who eats people' thing.  They had just flown threw the Mysterious Beyond and around a raging storm just to find the hidden runners, who supposedly were the most secretive and isolationist of the dinosaurs in this area.  Lo and behold, what do they find when they finally seek shelter?  An entire group of hidden runners who were ready to enter the open and take them as 'guests' in order to ask them questions.  As if that were not weird enough, the leader's first questions was something akin to asking a friend what was happening.  Petrie's answer to the hidden runner was blunt nearly to point of mockery.

"Well... It be cold."

The hidden runner looked at the flyer with an unimpressed expression.  He clearly did not appreciate the sardonic wit of the sharptooth flyer.  Petrie gave another response before the hidden runner could answer.

"You could just ask us questions.  No reason to take us hostage."

The hidden runner looked a bit more thoughtful at this.  "You flyers are a most finicky lot.  No sooner had we asked you a question then you might have fled.  We have questions that need to be answered."  He then looked at Petrie closely.  "You speak leaf-eater?  Now that is an odd skill for a sharptooth flyer."

Petrie stared at the hidden runner in return.  "Me could speak in sharptooth if you prefer.  But uncle would not be able to understand."

The hidden runner asked the obvious question in sharptooth.  "Your uncle?"

Petrie nodded and pointed with his wing at his uncle.  Pterano, for his part, had no idea what was going on and looked around in agitation at the unintelligible conversation his nephew and the hidden runner were having.  Petrie then spoke again in leaf-eater so that Nunti and Pterano could hear.

"It is long story.  Let my uncle and his friend go, then I will speak to you."

The hidden runner narrowed his eyes.  "How do I know that you will speak?"

Petrie smiled.  "Well, if me don't speak then you could kill me.  Or at least try..."

The hidden runner glared at the flyer for several moments before gesturing at the hidden runner in the crevice above.  Nunti and Pterano both paused as Petrie stayed put in the shelter.

"Petrie?"  Pterano offered.

Petrie looked at his uncle and smiled back.  "Me know what me do, uncle.  Go above me join you soon."

Reluctantly, his uncle and Nunti ascended into the skies above the crevice.  Now it was just Petrie and the hidden runners.


As soon as the others left, Petrie addressed his captor.  "You hidden runners really not know how to greet people, do you?"

The hidden runner did not move but rather spoke in a monotone voice that gave nothing away.  "We do not have much experience with others, no."

Petrie nodded.  "Me only see one of you before."

The hidden runner looked surprised at this, but did not say anything.  Petrie then continued.

"We hear stories about him and he scare us!  But when we find him in Great Valley, but he more scared of us then we scared of him."

The hidden runner then fixed Petrie with a curious expression.  "You were allowed into the Great Valley?  And how is that leaf-eater flyer your uncle?!"

Petrie smiled.  "That would be long story."

Another voice then called out from behind the hidden runner.  "Well, you are a rather cryptic fellow aren't you?"

Petrie looked at the newcomer with an inquisitive expression.  This one had spoken to him with a far more laid back demeanor and had interrupted the other hidden runner.  This obviously meant that this one was the actual leader of the group.  With that in mind, Petrie spoke a bit more respectfully, but yet did not hide his annoyance.

"Only when people be rude!  You take Spotter captive!  You ask Spotter questions!  But you tell Spotter nothing!"

The newcomer walked beside of the original hidden runner and gave him a slight nod.  This caused him to step aside, but only after sending a scathing glare Petrie's way.  Shortly thereafter, the leader spoke to the flyer again.

"Forgive the brashness of my followers.  We has been through a lot lately."  He then looked at Petrie.  "My name is Viscond.  What is yours?"

Petrie answered a bit more freely now that the Viscond had introduced himself in a kindly manner.  "My name Petrie.  But sharpteeth call me Spotter."

Viscond nodded.  "Well, Spotter.  As you are a sharptooth flyer I hope that you don't mind me calling you Spotter."  He said this with some mirth, which caused Petrie to answer with equal humor.

"Yeah, that fine." He chuckled a bit.  "As long as you don't call me Sandstorm."  

Petrie shuddered at the memory of his time with Sierra and Rinkus.  He hoped that this situation did not turn out like that.  A tangled web of lies that had to be maintained in order to avoid disaster.  Part of the reason that he was being so evasive here was to ensure that he did not give away too much to these potential allies.  He had no idea what their agenda was, nor did he have a clue as to their methods.  However, Petrie had unwittingly exposed himself with that one small admission.  He had no idea that Westron and the other hidden runners had already been informed of Sandstorm's existence by Rinkus himself.  He was about to have a rude awakening.

"What!"  The hidden runner who had just been relieved by Viscond was suddenly back in force.  "What did you say!"

Viscond steeped in between his follower and Petrie.  "Back!  Banton!  Back!"

Banton protested at this.  "He is the one who that damn flyer claimed led Red Claw over here!  With the way that he is asking I wouldn't doubt that Rinkus was telling the truth!"  He then glared at the flyer.  "Did that bastard, Seeker, put you up to this?!  Do you want to toy with us before Red Claw finished the job?!"

Petrie recoiled at this.  Rinkus had talked to the hidden runners?  What exactly had he told them?  He had simply misled the flyers when he posed as Sandstorm and he provided assistance to the valley residents.  He had no idea what the hidden runners could have been told to cause such a violent reaction.  However, he did know that he would have to act quickly here as pretending like he didn't know about Rinkus and Sierra would brand him as a liar to the hidden runners at this point.

"Petrie!"  Seeing and hearing the commotion through the narrow crevice, Pterano began to shout out of concern for Petrie's safety.  For his part, Petrie gave a slight wave of his wing to tell Pterano to stay put.  With hidden runners above the crevice and all around them he could not help him at the moment.  It was all up to Petrie to talk his way out of his predicament.  He decided to do so with a frank repudiation of Rinkus's character.

"Rinkus never tell the truth!  Me have to lie to him in order to protect pack!"

However, Petrie words seemed to have the opposite effect as Banton screamed in rage and broke through Viscond in order to come at the flyer.  Before Petrie or Viscond knew what was going on Banton had a death grip on Petrie's throat.

Petrie fought against the hidden runner as he desperately struggled for breath.  With his vision becoming hazy and his struggles become more and more futile he feared that he may have met his end.  However, that was when help came from an unexpected source.

A flash of green went across his vision as the weight on his throat suddenly slackened.  Petrie gasped for air as the threat had been eliminated somehow.  After several moments Petrie's vision began to return and he looked up from his prone position.  

Only to see another hidden runner looking at him with Pterano and Nunti close behind with agitated looks.

Petrie choked out a breath.  "Uncle?"

Pterano immediately came to Petrie's side.  "Are you alright?"

Petrie smiled a cheeky smile despite his poor condition.  "Not really."

Petrie's attempt at humor fell flat, however, as Pterano immediately turned his attention to the hidden runners. and unleashed his rage.

"I have no idea what you fiends want but we came here to seek out your help!  Is this how you repay those who seek out your aid?!"

Viscond looked ashamed at the actions of one of his fellow packmate and said nothing.  However, the female hidden runner who had rushed in to help Petrie then spoke.

"Forgive us.  But Red Claw has taken much from us."

Pterano raged.  "And what does that have to do with us!"

Another hidden runner stepped in and signaled to the female with a gesture.  In mere moments, she took over watching over the fallen hidden runner as he stepped in beside Viscond.  For a few tense moments the two hidden runners spoke in hushed tones.  Finally however, Viscond nodded to the other hidden runner as he sat on his haunches in an unintimidating gesture.  It was only then that he answered Pterano's question.

"It has nothing to do with you, flyer.  But it has everything to do with Sandstorm here."

Petrie sighed.  "Then explain it to Spotter."

Westron bowed his head and placed a clawed hand to his face in exasperation.  "Red Claw has slaughtered one of our packs."  He looked up at Viscond with a sad expression.  "The pack of my leader's brother.  Everyone was killed except for a small child who told us what happened.  No one else was spared."

Petrie nodded in sympathy.  "That sound like Red Claw."

Westron nodded.  "Many of us have last friends and family."  Looking at Banton's unconscious form he spoke a bit more softly.  "The hidden runner there who attacked you is named Banton.  He lost his mother and father in the attack.  His brothers and sisters..."  Westron stopped speaking for a moment.  "At least his mother and father were given the benefit of a quick death."  He then looked back towards Petrie.  "You can imagine how he felt when he heard that a flyer named Sandstorm and a fast biter named Seeker helped to cause all of this."

Petrie paled.  "What?"

Westron stared deep into the flyer's eyes, looking for any hint of subterfuge.  "Tell me, Spotter.  What exactly did you tell Sierra and Rinkus when you were with them?"

Petrie remained silent for a short moment as he pretended to try to catch his breath.  They obviously had been told some details of his time with Red Claw's pack so it would be useless to deny that.  However, it was also possible that Rinkus had manipulated some part of his story in order to make Petrie look like a hostile character.  But for the life of him, Petrie could not recall anything that could be twisted in that way.  With that in mind, he answered the hidden runner carefully.

"Me go and pretend to join Red Claw's pack to help valley.  Me act like me attack others but me tell others Red Claw's plans.  But me had to be careful." Westron and Viscond both nodded at that as Petrie continued.  "Me play dead and act like flyer kill me.  Then me rejoin my pack."

Westron stared at the flyer with a curious expression.  "They did not tell us that...  They said that you conspired with Seeker to have Red Claw attack us.  That way we would eventually ally with you."

Petrie's mouth was agape at that news.  "What...  That make no sense!  What did Rinkus tell you?"

Westron nodded slightly as if something had been confirmed in his mind.  He next words were less calculating and more cordial.  "We were told that Sandstorm told Red Claw that we were going to help Calin...  who I suppose is one of the fast biters in that despicable pack...  so Red Claw told Calin to kill some of us so that the alliance would be destroyed."

Petrie did not allow his expression to change as he contemplated this.  Me tell flyers about fast biters allied with Calin...  Could that have been...  Oh no....

Westron continued.  "The flyers assumed that you did this to trick Red Claw as you knew how he would react."

Petrie was crying inside but he dared not show any emotion on his face.  He now knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was the one that got the hidden runners killed.  His lie must have been twisted by the flyers or by Red Claw's own mind.  In a very real sense he had the blood of dozens on his wings.  He knew that he could not admit this to the hidden runner as this would mean his probably evisceration.  Even if it were an unfortunate consequence, his participation in it would spell his doom.  Likewise, he couldn't completely lie either.  That may cause his scent to change in subtle ways that may make the hidden runners know that he was lying.  No the only option now was to tell the truth in such a way that did not expose himself to blame.  He began in earnest.

"That is a lie."  Which was technically true.  He had not known that Red Claw would react that way.  "Me lie to the flyers in order to help my pack and the valley."  Also true, but not actually addressing the point that his lie directly led to the deaths of the hidden runners.  "Me not even mention hidden runners in my lies." Even though he had mentioned fast biters in such a way that left himself open to interpretation.  He looked at Westron straight in the face.  "Me serve Seeker and he is a good sharptooth.  Would a bad sharptooth save valley full of leaf-eaters?"

Viscond stared from behind Westron.  "That was your pack?"  He was utterly stunned by this revelation, but there was no trace of deceit in the flyer's scent.  He was telling the truth.  He had heard rumors in the Mysterious Beyond about the mysterious pack who challenged Red Claw and he had also heard of the struggles of the legendary valley of leaf-eaters, but he had not realized that the two had fought together against the same foe.  "Why... why would you all do that?"

Petrie tried to suppress a smile.  It was now time to make the sales pitch.  The fact that he had nearly been choked out by one of the hidden runners did not matter.  What mattered now was his mission.  Both the pack and the valley depended on it.  "We remember what Red Claw do to all of us.  We not want him to do that anymore.  Not even to food.  A good sharptooth take what he need, but Red Claw not good sharptooth."

Viscond looked down at Petrie's affirmation.  "I am sorry, Spotter...  To think that you are a messenger meaning to bring us aid and we have treated you like this..."  He then glared at Banton.  "I hope that you do not judge us based upon Banton's actions.  When a person is in great pain they often do things that they regret."

Petrie nodded.  He knew that important fact all too well.  From Bron's initial angry reaction to learning Littlefoot's fate, to the fact that they had to tell the rest of their parents about their secret in a gradual, piecemeal fashion, it was obvious that those with high emotion can react in irrational ways.  That being said, however, not everyone was as forgiving of Banton's infraction.  Petrie found this out when Nunti angrily interjected.

"You can't seriously leave it at this, Petrie!  He tried to kill you!"

Pterano nodded.  "I agree.  I say we get out of here and..."


Petrie's voice silenced both of them as each looked at him in shock.  Petrie then continued.

"No.  We come here to ask for alliance.  Me not disobey pack!"

Pterano protested this despite the fact that the hidden runners were seeing and hearing everything.

"Are you sure, Petrie?  How can we trust dinosaurs who don't trust us?"

Petrie looked straight at Pterano.  "Trust is earned.  They not kill us now... that seem trusting to me."

Now realizing that the hidden runners could indeed attack them all en masse in this relatively small crevice if they were so inclined, Pterano again went silent.  Petrie did have a point there.

Petrie then turned his attention to the hidden runner leader. "Seeker heard that some hidden runners fought Red Claw...  He want to ally with them so we fight Red Claw together.  Do you know where they are?"

Viscond and Westron both smiled at that.  "Well, Spotter.  It seems that you have come to the right place."

Several hours of discussion later an exhausted, but satisfied, trio of flyers emerged from the bluffs.  Due to what had been planned during their somewhat contentious meeting, they would first have to make an unexpected stop by Hanging Rock but that was of no real consequence in the grand scheme of things.

Because Viscond's band of hidden runners had joined the alliance.


Meanwhile, in the Land of Shallow Waters:

"Red Claw is what?!"

Littlefoot was frozen in place at Swift's words as the rest of the pack erupted into panicked whispers.  This simply could not be.  If what Swift said was true then the repercussions would be catastrophic.

Swift answered hesitantly.  She was surprised at their panicked response.  "He was planning on attacking this Cold Time.  He assumed that the valley would not expect that."

Littlefoot looked down in exasperation.  He had told the residents of the valley that the most likely time of an attack would be in the summer or spring.  He had affirmed to them that he and his pack would be there to help them in the spring.  Their parents... their siblings... their friends...  They were all at risk now.  Their time had run out.

Littlefoot slowly turned towards the others.  Their looks of horror and fear matched his own.  Even Chomper's parents shared a concerned look before nuzzling their son.  They knew full well what this meant for everyone.  They had to act now.  It was the valley's only chance.  Even if that meant risking everything.

Without looking back at the two newcomers, Littlefoot said the order that needed to be made.

"Then that settles it then.  As soon as Spotter returns we head towards the valley.  We have no choice now."


The Mysterious Beyond:

"Another two-footer... what should we do, sir?"

Red Claw grinned.  Normally he would order the offending adolescent be killed on the spot.  However, he had need for new pawns in the upcoming assault.  They didn't have to be competent or even especially loyal.  They simply had to be useful in the coming fight.  He could always dispose of them later.  With that in mind, he roared.

"You may join with the pack, young one, and partake of our food.  But if you ever betray us then you will regret it!  If you declare loyalty to me then it is for life!"  At his words the fast biters gathered around the young Tyrannosaurus, obviously waiting just in case he made the wrong move.  "What do you choose?"

The Tyrannosaurus spoke weakly.  "I will do whatever you say.  Just please give me food."

Red Claw gave an affirmative grunt as the newest member of the pack was taken to the recently discovered carrion that the pack trackers had found.  They now had two young adult two-footers, five new sharptooth flyers, and an assortment of new fast biters in addition to their already massive army of fast biters.  The sudden chill of winter had increased their ranks significantly.  The desperate had come from the shadows in order to join his ranks.  Once again, Red Claw's strategy had proven to be correct.

Red Claw smiled inwardly.  Soon the thaw would arrive and then they would strike!  Red Claw reflected on this thought happily.

Enjoy the coming days, valley... for they shall be your last!

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Review of chapter 59:

Orange death? Shall be interesting to find out what it is and what function it has :smile

Chronos in love... It's funny that somebody with such great wisdom has no clue about mating.

Fastbiters live for the pack and two-footers live for the family. Makes sense to me :)
Petrie's mission is very important. The carrion flyers could be really useful after all...

Aww, that's so amusing :lol While Chronos is desperately trying to attract Logos, she is concerned about the hardships of motherhood and her feelings towards Chronos. This scene is rather nice :yes

Ah, I assumed the three deserters wouldn't get away unnoticed. I hope they've been clever enough to trick Calin. Redclaw's thoughts are also... interesting.

Even though Chronos turns himself into an ape as the german saying goes, the girls (and Grandpa) are just entertained by his song. Well, I suppose that is including me as well :p
Is there any hidden meaning to Chronos "song" or did you just come up with some ritual like you often - and quite successfully, do? Just curious, y'know? :yes

Calin has lost two soldiers which good. This is a smart move of the hidden runner!

Aww, the two rainbowfaces have finally done it. The feeding part is hillarious though ^^

It's nice to see some side-plots being covered in these chapters preparing the final event :) I'm up to more of that kind of scenes!
Inactive, probably forever.


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Thanks for the review.  :)

Chronos in love... It's funny that somebody with such great wisdom has no clue about mating.

Chronos was the original nerd.  :p It is refreshing to see that he is finally taking some action to 'win over' Logos though.  Or as one of my reviewers told me via PM on "It's about damn time!"

Fastbiters live for the pack and two-footers live for the family. Makes sense to me  :)

I am glad that you think so.  I wanted to show that although sharpteeth have many cultural similarities that also have many differences.  They may have agreement on the honor of self-sacrifice to the group, but they differ on which 'group' should be supported.

Aww, that's so amusing :lol While Chronos is desperately trying to attract Logos, she is concerned about the hardships of motherhood and her feelings towards Chronos. This scene is rather nice :yes

Thanks!  I had a lot of fun writing that scene.  I especially enjoyed writing the group's reactions to Chronos's misfortune.  Mr. Thicknose knows a lot about many things, but he is not the best expert at romance.  :lol

Is there any hidden meaning to Chronos "song" or did you just come up with some ritual like you often - and quite successfully, do? Just curious, y'know?

Nah, I just made the song up to be honest.  It is true that many birds will sing particular songs in order to attract a mate, but that is about as far as my inspiration from reality went.  And by the way, the ritual in question is from a species called "colorful runners" which, unknown to Mr. Thicknose, are the yellowbellies.  No wonder why those techniques did not work on Logos.  :p

Aww, the two rainbowfaces have finally done it. The feeding part is hillarious though

This ritual is actually a real activity that is noticed in nature.  Birds will often feed their mates through an act of regurgitation, which (I suppose) show that they are fit to be parents who will do the same in order to feed their young.  As a scene of the two throwing up in one another's mouth would be quite disgusting, I simply showed a more benign form of joint feeding.  I am glad that you liked it.  :)

I am glad that you enjoyed chapter 59 and I greatly appreciate your feedback on my story.  :) I hope that you enjoy the remaining chapters.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.