I'm done with HS, so now I can read for leisure!
I am also making a project for myself regarding these books, called WAI(Y)RN (What am I/you Reading Now?)
This "program" partakes in these following steps:
1. Read five books (that I haven't read before or at least haven't read in a long time) in the summer and the winter.
2. Write Individual Reviews for them to post on YT.
3. At the end of the year, I form these books in a Top 10 list of least to greatest my personal favorites in that year.
4. Move on to the next year.
So for this Summer, I am reading the following:
*The Qur'ran
(reading the whole year)1. Little Women-
3. Animals in Translation
4. Looks
For Winter:
1. White Fang
2. Sanctuary
3. Dreams of my Father (cheating a bit one this one, reading this all year along with the Qur'ran)
4. Psychic Vampires
5. Thinking in Pictures