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Land Before Time: Twilight Valley

Serris · 237 · 32618


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I never said that but I'm seriously considering it... Thank you for your input!

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Chapter 25 is online!  :DD

Wow, my creativity engine has been revvin' high for the past few days.


Chapter 25


Author's Notes

The funeral customs are inspired by from karkovice's fan fic A Time of Great Need

The torchlight ceremony was somewhat inspired by the induction ceremony my high school did for the Latin Honor Society.

The mention about Ali and Littlefoot's children being born during wartime is a very slight nod to DarkHououmon's Out Of the Shadows.

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  • Petrie
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Hay Serris you made one of the most interesting and unique fan-fic I've ever read. Good job! I'm about to start on chapter 3 on my fan-fic and I'll be reading Land Before Time:Twilight Valley at the same time.


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In my humble opinion I think that both sides are starting to become desperate at this point. Casualties are mounting and very little ground has been taken, so may I suggest a plot idea for your story?

The Claw Valley procures an evil superweapon they plan to unleash on the valley... here are some possible ideas:

-  Triggering the collapse of a rockface in the Mysterious Beyond to block the water and deny the entire valley of water.

- Bargaining an alliance with greater creatures who have no stake in the conflict to serve their own ends... (ie mercenaries)

- Unearthing a well of crude oil (not that they would know what it is apart from that it burns) and using it to set fire to the Great Valley.

I hope you consider this in your story because it would bring a nice, epic ending when the Great Valley thwarts them once and for all!

I will be doing a full review of this story soon :)


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Quote from: Caustizer,Aug 16 2009 on  06:07 PM
In my humble opinion I think that both sides are starting to become desperate at this point. Casualties are mounting and very little ground has been taken, so may I suggest a plot idea for your story?

The Claw Valley procures an evil superweapon they plan to unleash on the valley... here are some possible ideas:

- Triggering the collapse of a rockface in the Mysterious Beyond to block the water and deny the entire valley of water.

- Bargaining an alliance with greater creatures who have no stake in the conflict to serve their own ends... (ie mercenaries)

- Unearthing a well of crude oil (not that they would know what it is apart from that it burns) and using it to set fire to the Great Valley.

I hope you consider this in your story because it would bring a nice, epic ending when the Great Valley thwarts them once and for all!

I will be doing a full review of this story soon :)
I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not but Styracus and his herd are mercenaries hired by Claw Valley.

The other two ideas sound interesting and I'll analyze them.

1.) Chemical warfare

I'm not sure how they would know about crude oil in the GV. Granted I can see where you are going (an oil spill coupled with an aerial firebombing campaign <using torches like what Rinkus did> would be absolutely devastating.)

2.) Siege warfare

Hmm. The rock slide plot device was already used in an LBT film (LBT III) but that case was a natural disaster. not an act of war. It would provide quite a high octane race against time (find and kill the saboteurs before they block off the water supply).

However, I'm not going to say too much but Claw Valley already has a superweapon (The Stone of Cold Fire) and it will play a major role near the end of the story.

Oh, and Caustizer, thank you for your suggestions; I look forward to the impending full review.  :yes

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Oh and in a slightly off topic discussion... how do you hyperlink your stories in your signature? I tried to do the same with mind but I couldn't get it to link properly as you can see.

Cancerian Tiger

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Glad to see Littlefoot's expedition has safely returned :yes.


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It has taken me a few weeks but I finally read the whole thing, and here is what I think:

I'll divide my review into three seperate parts... comments, questions, and quams. Comments will be things I like about the story, questions will be things that stuck out in my mind that I would really like to ask, and quams are things I don't like about the story. I have five of each type.

Note: This review may be quite penetrating, but it does not imply I don't like the story - I'm merely giving the best feedback I can offer.


1) Where did all the fast-runners come from?

In the original Land Before Time and through all 13 movies and the TV series we only meet 5 fast runners, and they are Ruby and her family. This leads me to believe that they are denizens of the mysterious beyond and are also few and far between (compared to entire herds of spiketails and longnecks).  As far as we are led to believe they do not live in the Great Valley...where did they all come from?

2) Who is the General of the Great Valley?

In wartime there is guarenteed to be disagreement between leading parties... so somebody has to be appointed the general otherwise nothing gets done. Even in the Matrix where the free human city is govered by a council they still appoint a general to oversee the army and make strategic decisions. Perhaps the reason the Great Valley was taken by the forces of Claw was that they lacked a good command structure?

3) What race is Ms. Maia and what does she look like?

I don't reconize the race you are refering too... my knowledge of dinosaur types is incomplete  :confused

4) What is a sickle-claw and how is it different from a fast-biter?

Again I don't know what your refering to here though I have a pretty good idea.

5) Why do Strut and Ozzy hate each other so much?

Ozzy and Strut are brothers and even if they fight sometimes it did not make sense to me why they would want to kill each other so bad.  And the part where Strut tortures Ozzy? Even in the American Civil War when brother fought brother they still had the respect to not torture each other in the sadistic manner I saw here. Do they have issues or have things just reached the breaking point?


1) The Great Valley sure didn't mess around with the Claw threat

I liked how well the Great Valley mustered for war when clearly the situation demanded that sort of action. It was interesting to view how the different divisions were organized and the types of drills that they performed.  The formation of a Great Valley airforce made sense, and I could certainly see Pternao commanding it. Well done!

2) The Technology of Claw and the Great Valley

An interesting and well written point is how each faction depends on their weapons development to give an edge in the conflict. Mr. Bigmouth is the key alchemist for the Great Valley and even the bad guys have their techos who invent and work with fire and poison.  Since the two sides also have differing military forces (Claw enjoys the natural advantage of being built to hunt leaf eaters) the Valley forces have to catch up with a slight technological advantage.  A nice Allied-Soviet thing going on here! (forgive my Red Alert reference but it is my thing)  I look forward to seeing how the weapons each side procures advance - especailly since Claw has a superweapon.

3) Well done Original Characters

Twlight Valley has a ton of characters... I won't lie. When it comes to the good ones and the bad ones you have things mapped out pretty good. I just love Theta and Hasta simply because I have a soft spot for evil lieutenants...kinda like Lieutenant RJ in Tiberium Wars. They aren't evil but they are damn good fighters and probably the coolest bad guys. Ms. Maia is delightfully evil... I always get a kick out of her. Deimos and Raptix are nice additions to the good guys and also serve to point out this is not a Sharptooth vs. Leaf Eater war but a Claw vs. Great Valley war.

4) Claw Valley's victory in the first battle

This was a good plot twist, as it added the "revenge" element to the Great Valley dinosaurs who have to take back their valley. It also gave a nice change of scenery and added some desperation where previously they had everything they needed.

5) The Addition of a Mysterious Third Side

Three way conflicts always make things more interesting, but inevitably two sides end up teaming up against the last one to take it out before fighting or making peace amoungst themselves. I wonder if your planning something like this.


1) Out of Character Speech

The Original Characters were done well, but there ended up being so many in total that portions of the story were rushed as you attempted to give lines to everybody, and the ones we know from the movies say things that they would never say if they were in character (compensating for the war setting of course). Examples I picked up on are like this one:

“Well nice to meet ya, Chomper!” Pterano replied.

Pterano would be more likely to say something like "It is an honour to make your aquantience Chomper, but we have little time to dawtle".

2) Named Characters are Invulnerable for the first 15 chapters

Everyone who got killed or maimed in the first 15 chapters did not possess a name, and it got boring after a while to see an endless flow of nameless characters getting killed (and going unmourned despite some truely heroic acts) while the Great Valley goes on like nothing has happened. It especially struck me as odd in the "Battle of the Great Valley" where in the meat grinder of a battle nobody with a name died while lots of nameless soldiers got torn to bits in the name of their Valley. In a war fan-fic where you have a lot of characters, a fair few of them have to die to keep things organized and realistic. If the Claw Valley honestly wanted to suffer no casualties they should have just given all their soldiers name-tags...sheesh!  :lol

3) The Dissapearing Gang of Seven

This got me at about the 8th chapter. I suddenly said to myself...hey where the heck is Petrie? Cera? Ruby? They had all dissapeared while the OCs had taken over the action. In a good story it is important not to lose sight of who your main characters are and keep them in the story and doing meaningful things.

4) Paragraphs and Dividers

I just got driven bonkers by this from the get go... the story was jumping all over the place in a single chapter! One line it would be Deimos training and the next Exidium will be talking about his grand plan... with no dividers to show the change of scene. When you advance forward with your story please divide things up so we the readers know when you are changing settings. You can try using this if you would like:


And so on.

That is all and I hope you liked my review! In my opinion Twilight Valley has good things about it and bad things but overall it still kept me reading so it qualifies as a success... I would give it an:


For making a good story out of the brutal art that is the art of war.



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Thanks for the detailed review! It would be too difficult to edit all 100,000+ words but I will keep your critiques in mind.

By the way, there are dividers, everytime there is a scene change, a few sentences set up the new scene.

As for why Ozzie and Strut hate each other, it is implied that Strut snapped after being abused too much by Ozzie. In LBT II, Ozzie is rather physical with Strut.

One other thing, tech was added to differentiate this from other LBT war fics.

Also, I fixed the problem of named characters being immortal.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: Serris,Aug 20 2009 on  10:51 PM
Also, I fixed the problem of named characters being immortal.
I'm not sure about this one.  I personally can't stand it whenever any of the Gang get whacked in a fanfic.  It's too disturbing, and the very thought of it makes me wanna vomit :x.  However, this is your fanfic, so it's your call :yes.


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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Aug 21 2009 on  12:32 AM
Quote from: Serris,Aug 20 2009 on  10:51 PM
Also, I fixed the problem of named characters being immortal.
I'm not sure about this one.  I personally can't stand it whenever any of the Gang get whacked in a fanfic.
The Gang of Five have what I call "heroic immortality"; they will not die under ANY circumstances.

However, any other characters with names can and may die.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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There's actually something I'm a little stuck on.

I know I already stated that there is no singing in this fan fic but I'm listening to Peaceful Valley and for some reason it struck me as a perfect "End of War" theme. I want to add it in at the very end of the story but the idea of Raptix and Deimos joining in the chorus of Peaceful Valley strikes me as rather jarring.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

Cancerian Tiger

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I'm not sure what to think of this, but by the looks of your fanfic, the end is not anywhere close yet, so there's time to think about it :yes.  Hopefully an absolute yay or nay will click in my mind soon.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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You don't have to put the lyrics, just have people burst into a rousing chorus of "Peaceful Valley". The reader can fill in the lyrics on their own.


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Chapter 26 is online!  :DD



Note: the fire dancing scenes are best enjoyed with this piece by Juno Reactor: Zwara

Chapter 26


Author's Notes

The revival of long-dead heroes by the Stone of Cold fire was borrowed from Falcon88's LBT war fic War of the Worlds.

I was thinking about how the ancient Celts used woad as war paint when I wrote Cera's line about intimidating the enemy.

The fire dances were admittedly, something that was added because I didn't know how the dinosaurs would celebrate (and because fire dances are quite cool to watch). Now that I look at it, it actually seems pretty cool. Expect to see more fire dancing dinosaurs. :p

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

Cancerian Tiger

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Cera's idea of scaring the enemy is pretty interesting.  It'll be cool to see how they spook the enemies.  Now that Littlefoot is aware of Ducky's whereabouts, will there be an expedition sent to help her and the others off Cloud Island?


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The legacy of sharptooth brutality continues... hopefully Littlefoot and the gang can put an end to these Claw assassins before they really start to make their mark.

The Great Valley leadership is being surprisingly indecisive about the whole affair - if people around you were getting killed you would step things up to try and stop it.

I hope they begin to plan a re-offensive to take back the Great Valley, it`s about that time seeing as it`s a lot easier to defend then their current location.  Either that or Excidium is planning to exterminate them for good now.



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Oh, don't worry, this close call will have everything fixed up and the GV will now be on the offensive for a change.

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Chapter 27 is online!


Chapter 27


Author's Notes

Caustizer's last comment has been worked into the chapter in modified form.

Brightfall = sunset (Brightrise = sunrise)

Thanks to CT for choosing the "interrogate/torture enemy sickleclaw" method to find Cloud Island.

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It's nice the Great Valley leadership has formally appointed some generals and a chain of command. From my first impression I would have prefered Mr. Threehorn as the Major General though because at least he believes in action - Blue Scale has never occured to me as a particularly good military planner.

What kind of general refuses to strike against the enemy because "some of our soldiers may be captured or killed"? These are times of war and like it or not dinosaurs in the Great Valley will have to die in the process to put an end to Claw and Excidium's plans.

As usual it looks like it's up to the children to get anything done  :lol
