The Gang of Five
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Star Wars LBT crossover

jedi472 · 154 · 19387


  • Ducky
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ow, sorry for not responding on your question,

fairly good, althougt i'm not very interested in star wars,


  • Jedi Knight
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  • Ducky
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Thanks, everyone! These reviews really help! I was also wondering if anyone had any suggestions for the next chapter. I, of course, already have it mapped out, but new ideas are always great.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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I have a suggestion have a 2 rebel cruisers show up with squadron of X-wings to distract the TIE Fighters while the republic vessels Markus found attack the Star destroyers since their fighters are busy with the X-wings.


  • Jedi Knight
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  • Ducky
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Thanks, F-22. I'm thinking about there being a planetside battle in some of the later chapters, with the new Republic showing up to close the deal. I can't reveal everything, though. :D


  • Jedi Knight
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  • Ducky
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Yeah, I made a bunch of story-related polls. Thought I could use some reader feedback in that area.


  • Jedi Knight
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Chapter 13 TIE fighter attack!

Markus backed away from the monitor to allow the group to witness the raid, himself still in shock. A collective gasp , followed by cries of shock, emanated from the gang as they watched the terrifying scene before them. The camera view, while limited, showed the basics of what was happening. No more than eight H-shaped TIE fighters and four agile, newer TIE interceptors darted around in the sky, taking potshots at the ground, firing their lasers at anything that moved below, including the residents of the Valley. Dinosaurs scattered at the laserfire, running for their lives and into the trees at the sounds of the strafing runs. So far it seemed these TIE pilots were poor shots, as no bodies could be seen. But the laser blasts were getting more accurate...

“We gotta do something!” Littlefoot shouted after he couldn't take the sight anymore.

“Way to state the obvious!” Cera replied. “The question is what do we do?”

Delta squad stared at the monitor. “Things really have changed.” Boss said in a solemn voice. “In my day we at least had discipline. No one in his right mind would just shoot up a place like this, and we especially didn't target natives.”

“Yeah, even we weren't that crazy!” Scorch chimed in, himself disturbed at the mindless attack on innocents.

Littlefoot turned back to Markus, who was busy tapping something up on his datapad. “What're you doing!” he practically shouted, his voice marinated in panic. “We have to find a way to help them!”

“Hang on!” Markus yelled, back, tapping furiously. He looked up and spoke quickly. “I got it! We gotta find a way outta here, right? I downloaded a map while I was up in that control room. If we go to stasis three and take the first cargo door on the left, that hall will take us directly down to one of the hangars at ground level. While I doubt half the ships down there even work after so many years here, there is a ship we can use, and it's right out in the Valley.”

“The Ebon Hawk!” Shorty finished as he caught on. Markus nodded.

“We go out into that forest where I parked it. Me and the droids practically finished repairs from my landing before I came to the Valley. It's got a decent amount of weapons, and we could probably take these fighters easy.”

“But how're we gonna get out there in time!” Ali cried. “It takes too long to run!”

“Who said anything about running?” Markus answered wryly, pointing. The gang looked over to see a gray parked cargo landspeeder in the corner, its broad nose facing outward. The unit consisted of a repulsorlift engine in front, with a windshield and open passenger cabin with three seats. The rest of the speeder was a cargo bed  which reminded Markus of a pickup truck's bed, about three meters by 1 meter, perfect for the gang to ride in. It sat on the floor with its repulsors disengaged.

Markus turned back at the group. “Everybody in!” he shouted. “HK, over here for a sec.” he said to HK. The droid obliged and ran over to the monitor that Markus had used to show the TIE fighter attack in the Great Valley. He pressed keys furiously, engaging program after program. In a moment, he finished. “Come on.” Markus said, and  he and HK ran to the speeder, where everyone else was just about on board. The gang was all in the back, with R3 hauled up onto the bed with them. Sev and Boss were in the back, too, their rifles in hand.

“I'm driving.” Markus told Scorch, who was in the driver's seat. Scorch obliged and moved over, though he clearly wasn't happy about it.

“Why can't I drive?” he mock-pouted, his voice a little muffled through his helmet comlink.

“Because I'm older.” Markus replied, making a joke out of a true fact. He scanned the controls, thinking as he glanced at each one. Gas pedal here, Brake pedal here, steering wheel here, lights, shift control,...

Markus pressed a button he thought started the engine, and suddenly the speeder rose a few centimeters off the ground. “Yes!” Markus cried in jubilation. “HK, set your comlink signal to 83.3 megahertz. It'll allow you to interface with the base's central computer and open the doors in this place. Ready?”

There was a pause. “I am ready.” HK replied. The first door whooshed open.

“All right, let's ride!” Markus yelled over the revving engine. He slammed on the accelerator, and the speeder's engine revved again.

It flew backwards a few feet and slammed into the wall, the clang of the metal echoing through the stasis chamber.

Everyone shouted at the collision, then stared at Markus in shocked silence. “Uh, sorry.” Markus said, pulling a level in the cab. “Had it in reverse...” He shifted to the correct position and muttered in the silence. “Let's try this again, shall we?”

He revved the engine one last time. The speeder sped forward, gaining speed. “Yeah baby, yeah!” Markus yelled as they sped out the door and into the next chamber.

The wind flew past Littlefoot's face as the speeder sped through the wide halls, the doors in their way opening at HK's summon. Throughout the entire ride, the gang actually started to enjoy the ride, Ducky  hanging on to the back of the seats , looking out the windshield and marveling at their speed. The speeder, being relegated to cargo duty, did not have a very high top speed compared to other landspeeders, but the 120 mph top speed it did possess was perfect for whipping around wide hallways in the newly lit hallways of the base.

The scene soon changed as they turned tenth corner. The hallway opened up to one of the large ground hangars, which was filled with walkers and gunships and other Clone Wars era attack craft. Markus sped through it all, all the while eying the huge hangar door at the end. “HK?” he shouted over the din. “We could really use that door open now!”

“Copy!” The door was hauled open, and the light from the Great Valley shone through. They flew out from under the slow-moving door and into the sunlight of the Valley. No sooner had they exited the facility when they saw the denizens of the Valley still running and screaming as the TIEs swooped down on them, scorching the grass with laserfire. The speeder tore through it all, evading any blasts that got too close. They passed by dozens of dinosaurs, receiving strange looks from all.

“Grandpa! Grandma! Dad!” Littlefoot shouted as they drew nearer to the three Longnecks, who were busy heading into the forests where they couldn't be spotted from above. The Longnecks turned their heads, and their jaws nearly hit the floor upon seeing the landspeeder come out of nowhere and fly by, the kids in the back and Markus driving at full speed. Their eyes widened as a shot narrowly missed them.

“What are they doing?” Ducky's mother cried, seeing the speeder as well.

“I don't know, but it seems like they do!” Bron answered, hurrying everyone into the trees.

Suddenly, the TIEs had lost their interest on the dinosaurs, and were circling the landspeeder as it sped through the meadow.  One dropped behind them and fired a volley, directly into its path. The ground exploded, and the landspeeder flew through the smoke a few feet into the air before slamming to the ground. The TIE that had been chasing them had broken off pursuit, but another was about to take its place.  “We have to stop them!” Cera yelled over the sound of the engine and the scream of the TIE engines in the air.

Sev was busy snapping attachments onto his DC-17 blaster, already forming a plan. “I got it covered.” he said, snapping on the last attachment, completing the sniper mode of the multi-purpose rifle. He aimed at the closing TIE fighter, and fired.

Captain Des Moghan allowed himself a slight smile inside his black helmet at the sight of the scurrying natives out his TIE interceptor's viewport. His squadron, Iota, had been assigned to patrol duty as soon as the Broadsword had landed on the planet's surface. But once they had located the base, things had gotten pretty boring.

That is, until Iota 6 had suggested the over sized natives would make great target practice. That had started a frenzied attempt to mow down the lumbering reptiles, but so far no one had actually hit anything yet, always just missing the scrambling beasts.

Suddenly, Iota 6 got back on the comm line. “Hey Lead, one of those hangars is opening.” A pause was heard over the subspace radio, then , “Hey! There's a landspeeder! Somebody was in there!”

Startled, Moghan turned his fighter around to face the ground. Then, he saw it: some cargo speeder filled with something unidentifiable was racing through the meadows at top speed. “Permission to open fire?” Six had asked.

“Granted.” was his immediate reply. Whoever it was, they had just made themselves hostile. He turned back to watch. Iota 3 had also heard Six, and was finishing an unsuccessful strafing run on the speeder. He pulled up, only to have Six dive in where he was. Moghan watched intently as Six closed in.

He was practically at point-blank range when a single blue bolt darted up at his fighter.

Moghan watched in disbelief as the bolt struck the only place on a TIE that was vulnerable to small-arms fire, the fuel line on the left pylon. The line exploded, and Six's fighter went out of control and slammed into the ground, incinerating everything within 5 meters.

Moghan swore loudly, then sent out another transmission. “This is Lead. Take down that speeder!”

Markus turned back just in time to see the TIE fighter above them burst into flame. It drastically increased in speed and slammed into the ground 30 meters left, the explosion glowing bright yellow. “Nice shooting!” he shouted back to Sev. Seeing the familiar forest from which he had first entered the Valley, he drove the speeder in through the trees, trying his best to avoid everything in his path.

They drove for another thirty seconds before reaching the clearing. The Ebon Hawk sat exactly as it was left, with only a little rust on the red and gray paint job to show how long it had been.

Markus skidded the speeder to a stop, jumped out, and dashed over to the boarding ramp access. He slammed his hand onto the control, and the ramp lowered, hissing. He ran through the narrow halls to the cockpit, the others not far behind. The ramp hissed shut as soon as everyone was aboard. Everyone crowded in the cockpit, eager to take off.

“Well?” Scorch said, exasperated. “what're you waiting for?”

“Let's go!” Cera added.

“Hang on!” Markus shot back. He looked over the array of controls, unsure of how anything really worked. He forced himself to relax and feel the Force, and suddenly it was all clear. He flicked three switches in a row, and the cabin suddenly lit up, the power generator having been activated. “Ok.” he said, glancing at the status monitor. “The hyperdrive still doesn't work, but I doubt we'll need that. Let's hit it!” He pulled a lever to engage the repulsors, and the ship lifted off the ground. Two more levers activated the sublight engines and retracted the landing gear, and suddenly, the ship was in the air, blasting out of its forest prison.

Littlefoot and the gang felt the shaking of the ship as it left the ground. Everyone looked out the window at the fast-retreating ground below. “We going fast!” Petrie exclaimed, eyes wide. Markus and the commandos were busy pressing levers, and generally trying to figure out what was what. Littlefoot glanced up at the forward viewport, and his eyes widened.

“Look out!”

Markus reflexively pulled the trigger on the control stick, and looked up just in time to see a TIE fighter they were headed straight for explode all around them, destroyed by the forward guns. Only the shields protected the ship from the superheated debris. Markus let out the breath he had held in. “Well, they know we're here now.”

“Looks like we have gun turrets on this thing.” Fixer said, looking at a schematic on one of the screens.

“Right.” Markus said. “I'll get in one.” He was about to tell Sev to come with him, but suddenly, he felt something pull at him, as if the Force, just as it had helped him start the ship, was also directing him now. At first the idea seemed preposterous, then it suddenly clicked.

“Ducky, come with me.” he finished.

“Me?” she said, bewildered.


“But I do not know how to do this kind of thing! Oh no no!”

“Yeah, wouldn't it be better if one of us filled the gunner role?” asked Sev, incredulous.

Markus ignored Sev. “Come on, I'll help you. The Force tells me you can do this. I can't explain it. Let's go!” At that, and for fear of losing precious time needed to save the Valley, she jumped up and followed him to the gunwells. “I'll take the top, you take the bottom.” Markus instructed.

Ducky jumped in and climbed quickly down the ladder to the bottom. She ended up in and over sized seat, with a lot of lights to either side of her, a firing/movement control stick and a large clear window spread in front of her, on the other side of which she could see the two laser cannon barrels sticking out from either side of the turret, and the Valley below.

“You in, Ducky?” Markus' voice asked over the speakers.

“Yes.” Ducky answered.

“Ok, we don't have much time. See that control stick in front of you?”


“There's a green button on it. Press it.”

She did, and suddenly a crosshair was projected onto the window. On the screen in front of her, there was a picture of the outline of the ship, surrounded by little yellow dots.

“I pressed it.” she answered.

“See the dots on the screen? These indicate where the fighters are.  To move around, just turn the stick left or right to swivel the turret, and move it up or down to aim in that direction. To fire, just pull back on that black button on the front of the stick. You want to get the fighters right in the crosshair on your window before you fire. Got it?”

“I think so.” Ducky replied uncertainly.

“Good. Whose flying this thing?” he asked.

“We are, and we're doing a damn fine job of it!” Boss replied, half joking.

“They're closing in!” Scorch said, worry creeping into his voice. “Here they come!”

The TIE came down on them, firing lasers. The Hawk darted and spun, but some bolts still struck home. Both Markus and Ducky fired, their laser cannons lurching backwards from the recoil, but there shots went wide as the TIEs sped by. The TIE came around and fired again, but no one could manage a hit.

“They're too fast!” Ducky yelled over the din, squeezing off another laser shot that missed its target.

“Reach out, Ducky! Let go of your fear!” Markus instructed over the comm. Ducky tried as best she could. I have to do this! She thought, watching the fighters come around again. I don't want to know what happens if I don't.

The TIEs came in firing, and Markus lined up his target and fired. The volley tore through the TIE, tearing it to pieces. Markus whooped as the fighter exploded, already tracking another. The fighters passed by, but Ducky had already swiveled around. She fired at the group, and her bolt blasted out another fighter's engine. “I got him!” she cried triumphantly.

“Great!” Markus called back. The battle wore on. Ducky scored three more hits on the TIEs, with Markus getting four. Now only two more had dared to challenge the Hawk, but they had the edge, as the ship's shields were almost gone.

They came around, and Ducky fired just as the fighters came into range. Her shot caught the right ship on the wing, sending it spiraling to the ground. The other TIE, however, had its chance to fire, and its last volley shook the ship. “Shield's gone!” cried Scorch.

Markus tracked the TIE along its return course. Markus fired twice in rapid succession, the first going wide as the fighter juked, and the second compensating for the maneuver, hitting the fighter squarely in the ball cockpit. The fighter exploded in midair just as it came into firing range.

Markus flopped back in the chair, sighing. Ducky looked at her targeting scanner and shouted jubilantly. “That it! We did it!”

Victorious cries could be heard on the comm as Markus and Ducky climbed out of their turrets and back to the main floor of the ship. The gang was already waiting by the gunwell entrance, barely holding in their excitement.

“That was great!” Littlefoot  exclaimed. “They'll think twice about shooting at us again!”

“Great work, guys!” Ali added.

“Ducky got most of 'em. She's a natural.” Markus said, gazing at Ducky with pride. Ducky blushed.

“Thank you. You did get one more than me, though.”

“Yeah, but that was because we faced an odd number of  ships. I got lucky. You, on the other hand, had never done anything close to this, and you managed to pick it up in a matter of seconds. Without you, we all could've died. You've proven not only that you're very accurate and a good shot, but also that you work well under intense pressure. That's not easy.”

Ducky held her head up high, smiling back at Markus. Before she could say another word, Fixer shouted from the cockpit. “Don't get cocky just yet! Another one of those ships was watching us outside our sensor range. It's heading south!”

“Follow it!” Markus yelled back. “Come on.” He and Ducky dashed into the cockpit, where the gang and the commandos had already crowded in to see the latest Imperial fighter over the Valley. Fixer was at the helm, with Boss in the copilot's seat and Sev and Scorch in the back seats, monitoring ship systems, and optimizing performance.

“Nice shooting, by the way.” Boss said. He pointed at Ducky. “Especially you. That must be great beginner's luck.”

Markus was already glancing at display monitors. “It's heading into Canyon Pass.” he observed, referring to the broad, incredibly long canyon at the southern end of the Valley that served as an entrance for visitors. He looked out the window, watching the TIE interceptor tear across the sky.

“We can't attack it.” Scorch muttered. “It's too far out of range.”

“Not for long!” Markus answered defiantly as the Ebon Hawk dove into the canyon after the screaming TIE, blazes of yellow light rocketing out of its two huge circular sublight engines.

Moghan, after witnessing the unknown freighter burst forth from the forest and immediately destroy one of his fighters, had ordered Iota squad to turn it to dust. He, however, had stayed behind to observe, seeing this as a test for his new squadron. He watched in sheer horror as the freighter's gunners blasted TIE after TIE apart, the fighters falling from the sky like damp moths. Even the last two fighters, the best shots in the squadron, had failed to destroy the transport.

He punched his engines, knowing full well that he didn't stand a chance against someone who annihilated an entire TIE squadron with nothing more than two laser turrets. These people really are dangerous. He thought as he watched the ship turn towards him.

His fighter screamed towards the canyon where the Star Destroyer had been docked, hoping to find some sort of refuge there.

Malak sat in Observation 1, meditating in the morning sun as it flowed through the enormous transparisteel window that made up a wall of the room. He had completed his return to life, his skin retaining its pale color and striped tattoos adorning his bald skull. He chose this room of the Star Destroyer as his private sanctuary, with the transparent wall allowing him to gaze out at his surroundings.

Currently, a canyon wall blocked half of his view, due to the fact that the Broadsword was currently docked to a prefabricated repulsorlift docking station situated on the side of the canyon almost thirty miles south of the valley containing the facility, but he did not mind. Not when so many other things would soon change his fortune, as well as the rest of the galaxy's. He would rise the Empire out of its ashes and bring it back to its former glory and rightful place. All with the power of the Force-and the Galaxy Gun, the new superweapon Thalus' engineers had been working on for nearly six years.

The weapon was actually a ship, over 38000 meters in length. It bristled with 850 turbolasers, 1000 point-defense laser cannons, and 500 ion cannons, and its hangar bays held over 400 starfighters, along with assault shuttles and other ships. But that wasn't nearly as immpressive as the primary weapon-the particle-disintegrator warhead launcher.

The barrel design of the starship attributed to the launching system. When a target planet or other large mass was selected and the ship was in firing range, the missile would be launched. While carrying very little fuel and thus requiring the weapon to be relatively close to the target, they sped along at near-light speed and their shields protected them from almost any weapon, while they in turn could punch through any shield.

Once the warhead impacted, it exploded, triggering immense nuclear reactions that surrounded the target. Within moments, all matter would be converted into energy, destroying everything in the target area.

While a version of the superweapon had been used by Emperor Palpatine during his clone resurrection and subseqent bid to take over the galaxy about 14 years prior, Thalus', built in secret, was much more powerful and could fight an entire fleet without any support ships. It had one purpose: to kill anything and everything in its path.

Malak's thoughts were interrupted by the scream of a TIE interceptor hurtling down the canyon. He paused for a moment to wonder what hurry the pilot could possibly be in, then returned to his meditation, quietly embracing the Force.

“Cheif of State Fey'lya will see you now.” the white-furred Bothan secretary announced in a slightly bored tone.

“Thank you.” Luke Skywalker replied, and he and his sister Leia walked through the door into the Chancellor's office.

It had been awhile since Luke had visited the city-world of Coruscant, nearly a year and a half. He had dropped by Han and Leia apartment for a quick hello, but he wasn't there for pleasure. With Leia's help, he would attempt to persuade Borsk Fey'lya to allow him to reestablish the Jedi Council as a governing body for the Jedi that could interact with the New Republic the same as it did during the Old. While the idea of peacekeeping Jedi seemed very noble to Luke, he knew Fey'lya always had a secret agenda, and  would probably see things very differently.

After all, he was a Bothan, and a conniving one at that.

Bothans were furry mammalian humanoids who hailed from the planet of Bothawui, a forested, cosmopolitan planet in the Mid-Rim of the galaxy. Descended from feline ancestors, they usually stood around 1.5 meters high and were completely covered in fur, which could range from jet black to creamy orange. Bothans were most notable for creating the Bothan Spynet, which was an intelligence agency that assist the Rebel Alliance on many occasions in the Galactic Civil War, including delivering vital intelligence concerning the construction of the second Death Star over Endor.

In the wake of Imperial dominance, however, Bothans had created a powerful place for themselves in the New Republic. While exhibiting extreme loyalty to their causes, Bothans were known to be a little xenophobic and power-hungry. With their innate eloquence and opportunistic nature, the species had worked its way into the heart of the relatively new government. Fey'lya had been the head of the movement, taking power at every opportunity, with no deed ever deemed unthinkable. Twice, Fey'lya had nearly destroyed the Mon Calmarian Admiral Ackbar's career, once by accusing Ackbar of embezzlement of war funds and the other by citing pilot error when Ackbar's B-wing crashed into a cathedral on the wind planet Vortex, by exploiting circumstantial evidence. Fortunately both incidents were proved to be attempts by the Empire to induce infighting in the Republic, but Fey'lya still held onto his power. In the last election for Chief of State, which was basically a renaming of the title of Chancellor, he won.

Luke and Leia stepped into the room. The red carpet and walls had not changed since Coruscant was captured by the New Republic, and the color seemed to accent the large window and desk at the end of the room, not to mention Fey'lya himself, who was dressed in a brownish Bothan suit that clashed with the rest of the room. He looked up from a datapad and smiled politely at the pair, his violet eyes focusing on them. “Ah, Jedi Skywalker, Councilor Solo. Come in. Have a seat.” he greeted them, his voice carrying a plesant businesslike tone Luke knew Fey'lya had perfected over the years.

“Thank you, Chancellor Fey'lya.” Luke said, using the old title. Fey'lya shifted a little, then spoke once the two had been seated.

“I understand you wish to form a Council of Jedi to help fully restore the order to its former position beside the Republic. A very worthy goal. However, I would wish to know the manner in which the Council would serve the Republic, and the terms of that relationship.”

“Of course.” Luke prepared to recite his newly memorized speech for just such a question. Suddenly, the Holonet transceiver on the desk warbled slightly, and sound played forth from the speakers.

“Leader of the New Republic, I transmit this message under grave circumstances.”

Luke's eyes widened as he felt a premonition of sorts. In the back of his mind, he had made the connection. He felt that somehow, this person, whoever it was, was what he had felt through the Force on Yavin, over three months ago. He listened intently as the transmission wore on.

“What is the meaning of this?” Fey'lya exclaimed, his cream-corlored fur rippling in surprise as he engaged his intercom. “This is Fey'lya. Who authorized this message? I'm in the middle of a meeting.”

“I don't know, sir.” the secretary replied in a confused and slightly worried tone. “The signal was routed directly to your desk. It must've used your transceiver's precise frequency.”

“How?” Fey'lya muttered. “Who could know my personal frequency?”

“Listen.” Leia urged, captivated by the message. It continued, and the voice seemed to be male.

“The Empire is trying to claim the base through force, and they will launch an attack in no less than a few hours. They know the base contains weaponry and other things that could help the Imperial cause. They are being led by a Sith named Darth Malak.”

At that Luke and Leia exchanged worried glances. A Sith on the loose? That could only mean trouble. The message played on.

“I, along with the locals of the planet, are the only things standing in their way, although alone we will surely perish. I ask for any assistance you can offer. Help us, leaders of the New Republic-your efforts will not be forgotten.” The transmission crackled, then ended.

“Who was that?” Fey'lya wondered aloud, utterly baffled at the sudden plea.

“Someone named Markus Silverman.” Leia answered, already out of her seat. “ We have to trace that signal-”

“We're not doing anything yet.” Fey'lya said, and suddenly the attention was on him. “We have no idea what this could mean.”

“We have every idea what it could mean.” Luke shot back. “This was obviously a call for help, and I guarantee it's from someone important if they knew your desk frequency. He said something about a Sith, as well, and the Sith mean nothing but trouble. We are obliged to help whoever this is.”

Fey'lya paused to consider Luke's suggestion.  He had a point. This person had gotten a message into his very office, breaking through any communications subroutines in its way. It had to be important. And a base full of weaponry added to some neo-Imperial organization on his watch would no doubt damage his popularity once news got out. And the Sith-they were certainly dangerous to him. After all, they had brought down the Old Republic. Whose to say a new one couldn't destroy him, as well?

“Very well.” he conceded. “I'll call an emergency meeting of the Council. Until then, we should work on tracing that signal.” He stood and walked out of the room to his secretary's office, Skywalker and Organa Solo right behind him.

In half an hour, the Council was seated in its chamber, with Leia Organa Solo among them. The Council was an organization designed to make decisions that were too urgent for the Senate. Han Solo and Chewbacca, along with Luke and R2-D2 and C-3PO, also were among the group assembled. Fey'lya sat at the head of the table, and began as soon as everyone arrived.

“Less than thirty minutes ago, we received a distress signal from an unknown person, who described an immanent attack on his world by the Empire, who apparently were trying to gain access to an Old Republic base stationed on the planet. They are also reportedly being led by a Sith named Darth Malak, and the signal originated from a system in the Unknown Regions, on the third planet.”

“Well, what're we waiting for?” Han said, his expression clearly confused. “They're obviously in some kind of trouble and need our help. Why don't we give it to them?”

“I agree with General Solo.” Alderranian Cal Omas added. “We should be doing something instead of sitting around here.” Others nodded in agreement, as if it was just common sense.

Fey'lya stiffened slightly. He hadn't expected such a unanimous reaction from everyone. He regained his composure. “I assume we are all agreed?” Every council member reiterated their previous sentiments. “Very well.” Fey'lya conceded, knowing he couldn't back out now, not with the Empire being as weak as it was now. “There is the matter of sending a combat ship to the system, as well as negotiators to handle anything that should come up.”

“That new Nebula-class Star Destroyer's in orbit.” Han offered. “I think it's called the Abolisher. Your cousin, Admiral Kre'fey, is in command at the moment. It doesn't have its full compliment of starfighters, but I hear Rogue squadron is assigned to it. They can handle just about anything. As for negotiators, I'll go.”

“Me and Luke will, too.” Leia chimed in.

“R2 and I as well.” C-3PO added.

Fey'lya was about to give the order to allow this new mission to proceed, when something at the back of his mind made him think of something. It seemed absurd at first, but somehow it made sense. “I will go, as well.” he announced.

“Are you sure, Chancellor Fey'lya?” Leia asked, slightly stunned at the Bothan's uncharacteristic action.

“Yes. I've been meaning to get away from Coruscant for a few days.” He turned his attention back to the Council. “Than it's settled. I will inform the Abolisher to leave spacedock within the hour. Council dismissed.”


  • General of the Great Valley
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Hmm. I like it. Action packed and thrilling.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Jedi Knight
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I'm glad you liked it. The next chapter should be up in a week, and the entire story should be done in 6 or 7 weeks. But this is only the first part of my trilogy.


  • General of the Great Valley
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Quote from: jedi472,May 1 2008 on  04:08 PM
But this is only the first part of my trilogy.
Is the trilogy a cross with LBT or no?

Also, it struck as funny and incongrous yet interesting to have Ducky man the gun turrets.

On a side note: How would Ducky look in a flight suit? :lol

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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yeah. this story is the first episode in a three-part trilogy that will continue the adventures of Littlefoot, Ducky, Cera, Spike Petrie, Ali, Shorty, Scorch, Boss, Sev, Fixer, and Markus in the Star Wars universe.

Since I set this story in 24 ABY (24 years after Episode IV), I figure that since cannon Star Wars shows that an alien race called the Yuuzhan Vong enter the Star Wars galaxy a little over a year from this story's events and basically screw up the enitre continuum, I'll probably end up putting in a paragraph or two in one of the first chapters of the next story to explain how they were dealt with(Markus and the gang will play a huge role in changing the course of the galaxy in that respect).

Ultimately, i want a little of everything in Star Wars, including the Classic Trilogy, Prequels, knights of the Old Republic, and the Expanded Star Wars universe, to mix with LBT and play out as sort of an epic tale.(But expect more rock songs in the next one, because I'm going to add onto that part of Markus' personality. I did mention he plays the eletric guitar.).

BTW, I actually think Ducky would look OK in a flight suit, if only she was taller... :)


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Are you a good artist? If so, why don't you draw how everyone would look in a flight suit. If not, you could always ask Sky.


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Quote from: lbt/cty_lover,May 3 2008 on  09:20 AM
Are you a good artist? If so, why don't you draw how everyone would look in a flight suit. If not, you could always ask Sky.
Yeah, I'm not very good at art. Perhaps I will ask Sky for a pic in the future.   :)


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Hey. I'll probably have the next chap up by the end of the week. I'm nearly done....


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Chapter 14: Boarding the Star Destroyer

The  Ebon Hawk  blasted after its target, intent on the starfighter's destruction. It swung through the wide sandstone canyon, careful to avoid rock bridges and outcroppings that led into large, dark caves. The TIE screamed through the canyon, weaving around jagged bends and doing its very best to evade its pursuer, which was not far behind. Markus had retaken his position at the helm, and so far had been successful in his maneuvers to track the Interceptor.

“What are these fighters, anyway?” Scorch asked from the copilot's seat, still a little confused at the thought of the Empire that rose out of the ashes of the Clone Wars.

“They're Twin Ion Engine starfighters, or TIEs. They've been the Imperial mainstay for decades. No shields, but very maneuverable-a disposable ship for disposable pilots.” Markus replied, his gaze fixed on the interceptor that was slowly pulling away. Scorch scowled at that, imagining the clones who weren't in the Great Valley base being destroyed by the dozens in the flimsy fighters.

“It's a short-range ship.” Boss commented. “It couldn't have gone far.”

“Exactly.” Markus said. “That means their carrier must be around here somewhere. All we have to do is avoid detection for a while, then see what we can do about them.”

During these discussions, the gang had been looking out the windows, captivated by their flight. “We're so high up!” Ali exclaimed, gazing down at the canyon floor a mile below them.

“And we go so fast!” Petrie added. “Me never see anything this fast!”

“It's incredible!” Littlefoot chimed in, summing up what they were all feeling. “Hey, do you think we'll be doing this more often, now that the base thing is out in the Valley?”

“Who knows?” Cera answered. “First we have to survive this whole thing!”

“He's almost in range.” Sev announced, drawing attention back to the TIE. The interceptor banked wildly around a corner. The  Hawk  rounded it at full speed, intent on claiming its prey.

The sight of a huge off-white Imperial Star Destroyer filling the entire width canyon greeted them, which was suspended nearly half a mile in the air above the bottom of the canyon by a docking apparatus strapped to the canyon wall, it's gun-bristled surface the very image of the once-powerful Galatic Empire.

“PULL UP!!” Everyone in Delta Squad shouted. Shouts and screams erupted at the sight of the overwhelming enemy ship. Markus instinctively yanked up on the controls, sending the ship spinning out of the way of the massive ship and right into a large cave in the canyon wall. More shouts were heard as the G-forces threw everyone around the cabin. Only Markus' spastic motions and quick thinking allowed the emergency repulsorjets to activate, immediately slowing the ship to a halt before it could collide with the rock wall at the end of the canyon. The landing gear extended automatically, and the ship lowered itself into a slightly rocky landing.

Everyone was silent for a moment afterwards, amazed both at the abrupt stop and the fact they were still alive. Markus glanced around, a smile slowly beginning to form on his face. “Well,” he said, breaking the silence. “that was fun, wasn't it?”

Commander Drunstead walked across the  Broadsword's  bridge to his sensor lieutenant, who had called him over with something that supposedly couldn't wait. He sighed as he reached the lieutenant's station. “What is it?” he said, impatient with his crew bothering him with every little thing that seemed out of place.

“Sir, I just saw it! Something was trailing Iota 1 in the canyon! It's not on sensors anymore, but it was just there!” He pointed to the screen furtively.

The commander was about to reply when the officer started again. “Sir, report coming in from Iota 1! He says that an unidentified ship launched from the target area, and engaged his squadron. He is the only survivor.”

Drunstead frowned. Perhaps there really was someone out there, and that good-for-nothing bounty hunter had failed to do his job. “Keep me posted.” he ordered, stepping back towards the triangular windows of the forward area of the bridge.

For the next few minutes, the gang and Delta Squad rushed around the cockpit, trying to find out if the Imperials had seen them, if repairs were needed, and what they would do next.

“Okay,” Markus said, forming a plan as he spoke, “we know they didn't see us, so we're safe for now. The ship is pretty much undamaged, but with that Star Destroyer there, it'll be next to impossible to back out without getting blown out of the sky or captured. The good part is that we found the Imperial force that was supposed to be here, and we have a valuable opportunity.”

“An opportunity to get killed?” Cera said sarcastically.

“No, to get intelligence. If we can tap into their comm frequencies, we can eavesdrop and discover what they're planning to do, what kind of weapons they have, that sort of thing.”

"And then we can know what they're going to do before they do it!" said Littlefoot, catching on.

“We'll need some disguises to get in.” Scorch added. “Not to mention a way out of there.”

“One step at a time.” Markus replied. “If the Imperials are already sending out TIE patrols, they probably have stormtrooper patrols as well.”

“What-troopers?” Sev wondered aloud, shifting in his seat. The rest of Delta Squad echoed his query, as they had never heard of the successors to the clone army.

“Stormtroopers are the main soldiers of the Empire. They wear armor similar to your own, but less advanced and cheaper to produce. They used to be made up of all clones, but since civilian applications were accepted, the clones have lost the majority. The civilian recruits, being far less intensively trained than a standard clone, have subsequently also downgraded the quality of the fighting force. And since the Empire as of now is mostly a terrorist rebellion consisting of mostly a few sectors, the ship is no doubt undercrewed and fraught with inexperienced officers.”

Boss shook his head, then looked back at Markus. “Damn. I suppose we were right to go with you. Sounds like these guys could pretty much die on their own, with a little time. But, since we don't have that, I suppose taking them down won't be too much of a problem.”

“Let's get working.” Scorch added. “I'm dying to nail these guys. It's bad enough that they manipulated the galaxy into an evil Empire, but nearly killing Sev? No one kills my pod brother.”

“What about getting outta here?” Shorty said, bringing up a new point. “I'm pretty sure we can't just pull out of here without anything happening. Besides, what's going to happen if they discover us on the Star Destroyer? I don't think they'd just let us in.”

“That ship looked an awful lot like an  Imperator- class Star Destroyer.” Fixer noted, his voice coming in through his helmet comlink. “Is it some kind of offshoot of that line?”

“You are correct, commando.” HK stated. “The Imperator design was renamed the  Imperial-class after the formation of the Empire.”

“Good. There is a way we can get out of here without getting shot down or captured, but it's gonna be tricky.”

“Let's hear it.” Boss said, his glowing blue T-visor on his helmet pointing straight at Fixer.

“Do we have a schematic of the ship?” Fixer asked. R3 warbled and rolled forward. His holographic projector glowed blue, and a scaled down 3-D cutaway image of a Star Destroyer formed in midair.

“OK, our primary mission is intelligence, right? If we can get to on of these control rooms, we can probably download everything we need.” He had R3 zoom in on the port side and gestured to several highlighted rooms on a middle deck.

“Now, an interesting note about this design about one of these ships is the power systems.” he continued. “While the explosives the squad carries wouldn't be enough to knock the primary generator offline, we could knock out one of the subsidiary generators.” The image scrolled down to the bow, and a spherical object was identified as the subsidiary generator.

“Conveniently enough, this generator,” he pointed to the one on the left. “handles both the main weapons and tractor beams. I figure if we can get in there and place some remote charges, we can get away before they reroute power.”

“Cool.” Markus said approvingly. “Sounds like we got this all mapped out.”

“Great, explosives!” Scorch commented. “You can never have enough things that go bang.”

“We need disguises.” Sev chimed in. “I don't even think I could kill all these guys.”

“We'll have to get them off a stormtrooper patrol.” said Markus. “We should start scanning for them up top.”

“What about us?” the dinosaurs asked in unison.

“We can't just stay here!” Cera said, already a little angry at the thought of being left out.

“We can't disguise ourselves, though.” Littlefoot realized. Markus and the commandos glanced at each other for a moment, then Markus got a small grin.

“Oh, you guys have a special part to play.” Markus said.

“You'll be captive natives to be tortured for information.” Scorch finished. The gang's eyes bulged out a little at the word torture.

“This is not going to be good...” Ali muttered.

"There one problem." Petrie spoke up. "Me don't think we can get back here without getting caught, or worse. And if we leave different way, what happens to the ship?"

"He's right." Markus said. "We shouldn't just leave the ship here."

"That's easy." Fixer answered. "We'll just use a slave-rig system and take this thing out of here right when we leave."

"A what?" Ducky asked, perplexed at the technical jargon.

"Slave-rigs are devices that let a person remotely control a ship." Fixer answered. "In this case, I'll probably route the control system both to our helmet systems and your datapad." he said, pointing at Markus. "that way, if one of us is-"

"-Put out of commision," Markus interrupted, fearing that the mention of the very real possibility of someone dying on this mission would send at least one of the dinosaurs, particularly Petrie, into a panic attack. "then one of us can still enact the plan."

"We should probably start using the sensors on this thing to begin scanning for the nearest squad of these stormtroopers. What we should really be thinking about is how were going to kill them without damaging their armor." Sev cradled his DC-17m blaster fondly. "I suppose we could leave our gear in here, but I'd like to carry whatever I can without alerting anyone."

"Good idea." Markus agreed. "I should probably find some way to conceal my lightsaber, just in case. Since we're more than a little short on tme, I suggest we split up. Me, HK, and R3 will head to one of those control rooms and download what we can, hopefully some intelligence data and private comm frequencies. Delta Squad and everyone else will work to plant the charges on the generator. Once were finished, we'll meet in this junction." He pointed at said junction on the holomap, indicating its location.

"I want to go with you." Littlefoot said immediatly. Markus was now his brother, and he couldn't just leave him, not when the task was this dangerous.

"Yeah, me too." Shorty added, as he was Markus' brother as well.

"No guys." Markus replied, his look of grim determination plain on his face. "My mission requires I do it alone, with as little help as possible. Once things heat up they'll know we're there, and I can't have you die in the crossfire. I've done this sort of thing before. Stay with Delta Squad."

"He's right." Scorch added. "You'll be safer with us, especially since we have more people with guns in our group. Besides, we could use some help carrying those explosives. Leave it to the Grand Army of the Republic to make the heaviest proton charges in the galaxy. If anyone asks, we'll tell them that you were carrying spare tools and we've decided to drop by the generator workstations to see if they need another hydrospanner."

"Sounds like a plan." Boss said. "When do we start?"

"As soon as we locate an isolated five-man stormtrooper patrol." Markus answered.

"Humans..." Cera muttered. "You're all insane."

"Chronically." Markus replied wryly. "Come on, guys. Let's do this thing."

For the next few minutes, Markus and Delta Squad got to work on the sensors, searching for a suitable target. They knew they could climb up the narrow ledges to the top of their side of the canyon, and that the had plenty of places to stage an ambush seeing how the terrain up above was so rocky and filled with numerous smaller spires and plateaus. They sat in the cockpit, each working diligently at his own task.

Fixer was busy setting up the slave-rig system in the clone's helmet's and Markus' datapad. Sev was looking over the equipment, deciding which items they could take without being noticed. He had begun disguising several DC-15m clone pistols, a grey, deadly-looking handgun with a glowing blue power cell, as fuisoncutters to be worn on a standard toolbelt. He had come up with a particularly clever plan to disguise Markus' lightsaber, which involved him removing all the components out of a hydrospanner and concealing the hilt inside the empty shell.

Boss and Markus were busy setting up the sensor system on the Hawk, and Scorch was showing the quadruped dinosaurs how to put on the backpacks of explosives and other equipment that Markus and the clones had. Littlefoot, Spike, Cera , Ali and Shorty all had one, and were in the process of putting them on. "Are you sure this is safe?" Ali asked nevously as she slipped on the pack like she was shown.

"Don't worry." Scorch replied, tightening the straps on each pack. "These explosives won't go off until we want them to. As for this mission, it does seem insane, but so do a lot of things I've seen in the past few hours. Just act afraid and defeated and you'll do fine."

Ducky and Petrie, meanwhile, felt a bit left out, seeing that everyone else was already busy. Boss, seeing this, went over to them from his station and crouched down to meet them at eye level. "You guys seem a bit alone over here. I could teach you something you could do on the mission, if you want."

Ducky's eyes lit up at the prospect. "Yes, yes, yes!" she exclaimed. "We will do whatever we can!"

"What you need us to do?" Petrie asked curiously, wondering what he and Ducky could accomplish. Boss smiled slightly from behind his helmet and reached into the pack on Cera's back. He pulled out two of the DC-15m pistols, holding one in each hand.

"Know how to use one of these?" he asked. The two both shook their heads. Boss handed one to each of them and continued. "I know you probably don't have much experience with blasters, or weapons of any kind, but if we're caught in a firefight I need everyone who can hold a gun to use it. How do they feel?"

Ducky, holding the pistol with both of her small hands, replied, "It is a little heavy for me, but I think I can hold it."

Petrie hefted his up as well, glancing at the glowing blue power cell. "Me can do it. But why us? We not fighters."

"Yes," Ducky added. "I do not like to fight, no, no, no. And with these, we have to  kill  people just to use them. I do not like the thought of killing. It seems so...wrong." She looked at the clone commando, wondering how he and the other humans she'd met could do it so easily. True, she had killed in the gun turret fighting those TIE fighters, but this was so personal, so much more...aggressive.

Boss sighed through his voice comlink. "Look, I know it's not easy for any of you to just take up arms and attack people, but this is bigger than you or me. Your peaceful Valley will be annihilated if this Empire wins this, and the rest of my brothers forced to serve a corrupt, doomed regime. And we need everyone who can fight fighting with us. You may kill out here, but just remember that you only do it to save more than you destroy. Now, I need to know this: if I need you to shoot someone to keep this squad and your friends alive, can you do it?"

The two did not even hesitate. "Yes." they both said simultaneously. "We do whatever it takes." Petrie proclaimed, puffing his chest out in an attempt at bravery. Ducky laughed lightly at the Pteranodon's antics.

"Thanks." Boss pointed to a switch on the side of Petrie's gun. "This is the safety switch. You have to press it in in order to fire, which you do by pulling the trigger. It auto-recharges so you don't need to worry about reloads. Just aim and fire. The gun recoils a little when you shoot, and it's a bit loud, so watch out. We'll keep two in each pack so you can reach them quickly." Boss placed their pistols back in the backpack and stood back up.

"Hey, I got our target!" Markus suddenly shouted from the cockpit. Everyone rushed through the hallway towards him. He motioned at the five static-filled green silhouettes on the sensor screen. "I got this reading through the rock ceiling above us. These five are right in between a group of rock outcroppings, and are out of sight of any other patrol. The cliff to the left of the cave were in has a diagonal ledge that runs up to the top, just 10 meters from where those guys are."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Sev said energetically. "Let's go up and get them!"

"What about a plan?" Littlefoot said, confused at the speed things were progressing.

"Relax, I already thought up ten different ways I can do this. Just keep out of sight and stay silent."

Markus and the squad snuck up the ledge and behind a nearby rock, the gang staying below the cliff so no undue attention was drawn to the clones. The stormtroopers were indeed only a few meters away, standing on the other side of a knife-like rock that wedged out from the ground. Markus couldn't make out much of what they were saying, but he caught one complainant, something about what a worthless job his was. The troopers continued to talk amongst themselves as Sev made a few hand motions to the squad. They nodded silently and crept to the rock with the troopers behind it, all sound muted by their armor. Markus followed stealthily, having already been trained in the arts of stealth combat by his former professor back on Earth in his universe.

Once they were on the other side of the rock, they stopped, and the group crouched silently for a long moment, listening to the Imperials' small talk. Then, Scorch made five pointing motions at different places on the rock, and Markus recognized the signal and realized that at every place he pointed at, there was a trooper on the other side. They all nodded silently, and Boss held up three fingers. One went down for every second, and at zero, they all burst out and around the boulder.

The troopers were caught completely by surprise. Markus, being on the left-most side, slid around and, while the trooper's back was still turned, grabbed the stormtrooper helmet off his head, whipped out his lightsaber and in one swift stoke, cut the soldier's head off. Delta Squad acted in unison. They rushed their targets, pinned them to the wall and, using the small vibro-knife embedded in their wrist gauntlets, quickly slit the throats of the surprised men. Not one even managed a sound.

Littlefoot and the gang stayed crouched below the top of the canyon, the packs still strapped to the quadrupeds' backs. They stood on a small, narrow ledge, below which a mile-long drop waited. They had been there for only a few minutes, but with not a single sound emanating from above, they began to worry. "What's taking so long?" Cera muttered.

Before anyone could answer, a clattering sound was heard. Everyone flinched at the sound. The clattering continued for a moment, stopped, then became more rythmic. Littlefoot was about to peek his head up to get a look, when just a few meters down the canyon wall, no less than five human bodies suddenly flew off and began their long fall, a head closely trailing them. Everyone gasped at the sudden display, and Ducky had to clamp her hand over her mouth to keep from being heard.

The rhythmic clattering still continued, but instead of an enemy, Markus and Delta Squad appeared, jumping down onto the ledge, each one dragging a stormtrooper's body and helmet. "We got 'em." Markus confirmed. "We're going down to change into these in the ship. We'll stow our commando suits there, too."

"Did you guys just see that?" Shorty said, gesturing to the area where the bodies were thrown from.

"That was us, kid." Sev replied. "Had to put them somewhere. Don't worry, it was a pretty clean kill. No one even got blood on these white jobs."

After a few minutes, Markus and the commandos returned along with the droids, who had stayed in the ship up until then, each sporting the white and black stormtrooper armor and blasters. Markus spoke first, his voice muffled by the foreboding helmet. helmet. "Alright, let's stick with the plan. We head to one of the starbord access points on that docked Star Destroyer. I go and download their intellegence data and comm frequencies, and you guys go and plant those charges on that generator. We'll meet up at Hangar Entrance 5."

"Let's do it!" Littlefoot cried. Everyone echoed him, the excitement of their mission let loose for a moment.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Cera sighed.

They walked across the rocky terrain, with Markus and the clones surrounding the small dinosaurs, who were doing their best to look afraid. Silently, though, they let the nature of their rebellion run wild inside their minds, the knowledge of why they fought resounding in their brains. After a short walk, they reached the starboard side of the docked Star Destroyer, the metallic construct hanging in the air like an off-white thunderhead. The very midsection of the ship was perched on the cliff, with narrow docking bridges allowing transit. Strangely, no troopers were reporting back, and the area was oddly silent, with the clones and Markus not hearing any comm traffic from other Imperials. They clanked across the bridge in single file, Markus leading, and Scorch bringing up the rear, doing his best to play his part. They reached a large door at the end of the bridge that led into an airlock, which in turn led into a hallway on one of the middle decks of the ship.

They stepped through the airlock, and were greeted by the sight of the gunmetal-gray halls, as well as four stormtroopers and a menacing-looking officer, the only people in that particular hall, who stood in front of the door, obviously head of an inspection team, the whole lot of them glaring at the group. When he saw the dinosaurs and the droids being led in, he scowled and said icily, "Where are you taking these...things?"

Markus saw the officer through his helmet visor and replied in his most military and official-sounding voice. "These are some of the natives we were informed of by Boba Fett. There were found gathering tools, most likely for any heavy vehicles they have. We're about to take them to Lord Malak for...questioning. We also found these two droids in the canyon." He gestured to HK and R3. "We're not exactly sure why they are here, but we're preparing to take them down to maintenance.

"Really?" the officer said, unconvinced. He looked at HK accusingly. HK twitched his head and said in a meek voice,

"Just a simple protocol droid here, sir. Nothing new." R3 warbled slightly.

The officer eyed the group suspiciously. "Why wasn't I notified?"

Markus rolled his eyes under the helmet. This was  too  easy. "Lord Malak is a Sith." he replied, meeting the annoyed tone of the officer's with a slight amount of insolence. "What he commands is what we do."

The officer glanced down at the dinosaurs, then back at Markus. "As do we all." He stepped aside. "Carry on, trooper."

"Thank you, sir." Markus replied, motioning for the others to follow. They went down a few hallways, then, when no one was around, Markus turned back to them. "This is it. You guys head left. The nearest computer room is right."

"Let's get to it, then." HK said. "I can't wait until the shooting starts." R3 whistled.

"Good luck." Boss said.

"And to you." Markus said. He and the droids turned to leave, when Littlefoot called out, "Markus!"

Markus turned around. "Yeah?"

"I..." Littlefoot said, searching for the right words. "May the Force be with you." he finally said.

Markus smiled. "Thanks. I'm gonna need it." He hefted his blaster, and in a few steps he and the droids were out of sight.

"There he goes." Ducky said, a little forlornly. Spike gave out a solemn sound.

"I hope he'll be alright." Ali said.

"Come on, guys." Boss interrupted "We got a job to do. This way."

"I can't see a thing in this helmet..." Scorch muttered. Boss ignored him. He gave one final command before entering the turbolift at the other end of the deserted hall.

"Delta Squad, lock and load! We're going in!"


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This could get interesting, but Ducky and Petrie wielding blaster pistols?!  :lol

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Yeah, I know it's crazy, but whatever works! :D  This chapter was originally supposed to be a lot larger, but it was getting so long, I figured I needed to cut it in half.


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Heads up, the next chap won't be up until sometime after 6/11. Sorry about the wait.

The Chronicler

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No need to worry. I had to postpone progress on my fanfic for many days because of a homework problem I had, but I did eventually get to resume progress on it.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Serris,May 29 2008 on  04:47 PM
This could get interesting, but Ducky and Petrie wielding blaster pistols?!  :lol
That would be the most awesome thing I can possibly imagine.

This has quickly become my favorite LBT fanfic, since I love both of these franchises.

“Please state your full name and your new authorization code.”

After a moment, Markus replied. “Markus Silverman, THX-1138 Alpha.”

Yeah! 1138 reference!

The Dark Patriot

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This is one of the more interesting crosses I've seen - between two of my favorite series. I like your style. Also, I learned something new - I never knew ISD's could go planetside!