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About the latest version of the game

action9000 · 945 · 84514


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Quote from: action9000,Dec 26 2008 on  09:43 PM
And all that without the 3d characters
Did ya hear that, jason? :p Did ya? :D

Ahh, the power of cubes and random shapes!
I guess he's not the only one to blame :p I should really try it again some day or just at least try to find some tutorials  :bang


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The only real luck I've had with 3d modelling tutorials that don't suck is this one, that i know I've posted here before:

If you're using Blender 3d, the best freeware modelling program I know, this is a pretty awesome tutorial.

I also know that getting into 3d modelling takes a long time! :p You're welcome to play with it all you want and, this goes for Jason too, of course I won't make anyone do any more than they want to do; this is a volunteer project, after all  :D

But I'm sure both of you know that, so anyway.. :p
thanks to anyone who wants to give it a shot, best of luck, have fun and if you're don't ever want look at a 3d model again, it's all good! you don't have to. :p  :lol


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Hey all!  I have an update ready for anyone who wants it! :D

[EDIT] just fixed a minor bug and attached the update here.  Also moved the game to Yousendit.
LBT RPG v0.131

New stuff in this version:

- Fixed some more bugs relating to the water. If you can still swim in the air or walk normally underwater, please let me know because I think I fixed that. :p
[edit] added one line of code that should make this pretty bullet-proof.  If you can find a way to break the water now...well I'll be sad. :p

-Added a screen before the main menu loads.  This screen will let the player choose the resolution and colour depth to run the game at.  
I did this because it is a limitation of DirectX that one cannot change the resolution without reloading ALL of the 3d objects and textures again.  I was running into serious complications and crashes relating to changing the resolution so I just said, "okay, if you can choose it before I load all that media and then I won't have to worry about that!" :p

-Increased the resolution of the in-game map from 128x128 to 256x256.
The result of this is that the maps can have a more 'flowing' shape: smoother hills, more little details, less-jagged terrain, etc.  
This resolution change seems to have generated a bug with 'invisible' walls around the map.  I have been able to control them much better since I first noticed the problem.  I hope they won't be a big deal but I'll play around some more and hopefully find a workaround.  They seem pretty minor but I can tell something isn't *quite* right in the odd place... :p

-Started on the development of character stats.
Each character choice does save different values to the game, which will soon be used to allow the player to have a different game experience based on the character they chose.
The characters do have "current" and "maximum" life/stamina values, as well as other basic stats described in the "character stats" topic.

-Started on the development of Life/Stamina meters on the interface.  The meters at the top-left of the screen do respond to your character's life/stamina.  The game has no code yet to cause you to lose life/stamina so you won't see it.  I have, however, manually tested changing the player's current life in the code and the sizes of the bars change appropriately.

-Changed the maximum view distance that the player can see down to 8000 units.  This will help keep performance up on lower-end video cards and low-RAM machines for now.  Soon, I'll let the user set the view distance from the Options menu. :)

Coming soon!
-Option to change view distance
-Ability to see your stats in-game
-The ability to save options (resolution, colour depth and view distance, for now.  More later) to a file on your computer and skip the "choose resolution" screen once you have one you like if you want.

A little later:
-an attempt to give the player an NPC to talk to :p

Known problems:
- If you jump out of the water while swimming, your speed in the air is faster than while in water so it's like a speed boost.

-Sliding down a hill into the water is kind of a pain to recover from once you're in the water.  Try jumping and moving away from the hill.

-If you hold down both mouse buttons, the camera will stay where it is, no matter where you move. :p

Just a little tip:
You will need the mouse to control in water.  Without it, it will be a lot harder to get precise control since the control system is based around using the mouse.

Technical stuff:
The game does eat up 150MB of memory at its peak now, so low-memory video cards may have a hard time with it.  The bad news is, this is only going to get worse.  This game will demand quite a bit of memory but I will try to keep the minimum requirements as low as possible.

And if anyone cares, the code is 4169 lines long now. :p


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Good work Tim! :D Keep it up! :) :yes
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


  • Petrie
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This was the first version that I was able to play, so, I could only see your game work now, good work :D
I find it funny the fact of we moving cubes, lol if you press both left and right botun of the mouse, the camera stops where it is and the cube continues moving, lol I did same Rally xD.
Seriousely, nice work


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Thanks, both of you. :)  I'm enjoying this project more and more, the further we get with it. :D
I find it funny the fact of we moving cubes, lol if you press both left and right botun of the mouse, the camera stops where it is and the cube continues moving, lol I did same Rally xD.
Seriousely, nice work
Right you are! :p
I was going to put that in "Known problems" but I totally forgot (again!) :p Thanks for the reminder. :D


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hmm, it says "You have utilized the download limit for the day" when i try to download it, yet i haven't been on driveway for a long time now.

Also, i'm taking a 3D digital imagery coarse at the college im going to this semester, so might be able to help you with some 3D stuff. (that is if the coarse has enough interest at the college).


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 I have the same problem, no idea how I can download it to test it. But I am very interested to see your 3d models, because I have some experience with it. I'd like to help you on this but right now I am too busy trying to finish some Battlestar Galactica models for a modification for the game Star Trek: Armada2, and with my own little mod too, but I still would like to know some minor things, like what are poly-count limits for the characters (to make myself an idea if they are high-ploy or not :D ).
 Thank you for your time people, keep it up with this game! :DD


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Also, i'm taking a 3D digital imagery coarse at the college im going to this semester, so might be able to help you with some 3D stuff.
That would be awesome, both of you!  Littlefoot1616 is starting work on 3d models as well.  I know they can be a boatload of work so the more people we can get on them, the better. :)

If anyone is interested in making maps, as opposed to objects and dinosaurs, please see Malte.  I put him in charge of the landscaping department. :p  :lol

(to make myself an idea if they are high-ploy or not ).
Ideally keeping it med-poly would probably be smart(say, 3000, maybe 4000 tops).  The map is about 115k polys so a few more thousand won't be a big deal. :)  If you want to make a higher-poly model as well (say, 6k to 8k), we can use the high-poly versions for "high detail" settings and the lower ones for "low detail" settings. :)  the more variety, the more flexibility we can give to the system requirements. :)  A medium-poly of around 3000 would probably be fine though.  Naturally we don't want to go too high; we do have to render them at 60FPS. :lol

Most important thing to bear in mind is, I'm going for compatibility with lower-end machines.  Unfortunately, due to being a large-world game, the memory requirements will be high, no way around that.  For the 3d objects, keeping the polys on the low side would probably be smart but if you really feel ambitious, a high-quality model for use on high-end machines would be awesome, too! :D

hmm, it says "You have utilized the download limit for the day" when i try to download it, yet i haven't been on driveway for a long time now.

I just fixed a bug in the program and put it up on Yousendit.  Check my big post above for the latest link/update. :D


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question it is online or offline? i can't determine  :DD


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question it is online or offline? i can't determine 
Both! :D

The game only has two options:
Host a game
Join a game.

If you host a game, you can play by yourself as much as you want until somebody else joins your game.  Once they do, everyone in the game can work together.

Some parts of the game will be designed to be played by yourself.  Other parts will be designed to have teams of players solve the problem.


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If anyone is interested in making maps, as opposed to objects and dinosaurs, please see Malte.

i'll probably end up doing this, as i find level design to be more enjoyable.

I just fixed a bug in the program and put it up on Yousendit. Check my big post above for the latest link/update.

great! i'll try it now.

[EDIT] Ok so i just tried it out of a bit, and im loving the increase in speed. Also, i wasn't able to perform both underwater glitches, though im gonna keep trying at that  :lol. Doing great Tim!


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Good news, Flathead!

I've been working a bit more on the interface stuff today.  Here's a fully functional "Character Stats" screen.  It can be opened and closed by pressing C on the keyboard.  The stats all come from the data stored in the program so this is the real deal. ;)

I'll throw some more text on there in the future, including HP and Stamina, as well as some detailed stats (such as the values of things that the stats effect).

Coming soon! :D


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I've been working a bit more on the interface stuff today. Here's a fully functional "Character Stats" screen. It can be opened and closed by pressing C on the keyboard

Ya, the character stats screen better be mapped to the 'C' key  :lol  :smile (been playing waaay to much Diablo II lately). But seriously though, thats sweet. Oh btw, whats that grey bar thats in between what seems to be the health and stamina bar. My first thought was some sort of mana-based  indicator (probably cause i've played a crap load of oblivion), But looking at the pic makes me think i might be just something to separate the to bars.


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But looking at the pic makes me think i might be just something to separate the to bars.
lol yea, that's just part of the background graphic that the bars sit on.  I noticed that too but was too lazy to replace the temporary graphics. :p

Sorry about that!  :lol


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 About the game been memory-hungry, lol, everybody says I need a new pc... the bad thing is that my family has too many priorities and me too.
 I can handle models that high in polies, but I usualy go with lower because Star Trek: Armada2 is a fleet vs fleet combat game and there are always tons of ships flying aroung blowing up stuff, so I rely on textures to do a great deal of details. That can be an asset specially for any NPC characters that are usually just part of the backgrounds or if you want scenes with many grown-ups discussing things; but I think well-done textures can save all of us a considerably ammount of polies even for the main characters, even better if you can make them to have the less ammount of texture files possible (I think that could make any pc happier).
 But it is not my decision, in fact I am too anxious to see more of what are you all up to :DD .


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I don't know if  it is a bug but if you press right or left botun, and you drag it up, it looks like the cube is flying.  :p

Edit: LOL, I actualy found a water bug, if you drag it up(left or right clik) and if you try to enter the water like that, the cube does't enter, he just walks on top of it, only if you jump he enters, lol pretty funny though  :lol  :lol


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Edit: LOL, I actualy found a water bug, if you drag it up(left or right clik) and if you try to enter the water like that, the cube does't enter, he just walks on top of it, only if you jump he enters, lol pretty funny though
Don't worry, that's normal. ;)

When you're on top of the water like that, the game understands it as "swimming on the surface of the water".  Eventually I'll just move the cube down a little bit so it looks like it's actually swimming instead of 'skating'.

What your seeing is intentional and correct though.  I know it looks like a bug but the code is doing what it's supposed to do. :)