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Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel

Nick22 · 8631 · 264495


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Odysseus took a Miraclo tablet increasing his strength to superhuman levels for an hour.  While in the tardis they had made sure their watches were set up to tell them how much time they had left of their hour.  

He jumped at a nearby tank, picking it up and throwing it at another tank.  Then seeing an attack helicopter he glanced at the street and saw a manhole cover and got an idea.  He went over and picked it up.  Then holding it in a way so he could throw it like a discus like he had done in ancient Greece and then released it.  It flew at the attack helicopter and then threw it and the pilot, making the attack helicopter crash.


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Alexandria nodded. "We had been dating for the past two months. I met him at the Starfish Cafe in Surf Point," she said.


The radio went dead for a moment and voices were heard through it. A few minutes later,  the speaker came back on. "Very well, come in."

The heavy steel gate clicked and slowly slid open.

Deimos watched as a charter fishing boat turned gunboat chased a summoned sea monster and attacked it with machine gun fire.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Dixie quickly drove the Mystery Machine insid she was followed by the Rovermobile and Stitch drove his car inside shortly afterwards. the base showed signs of being bombed, s there were craters and ruined vehicles strewn about. Scooby, Tiger and the other passengers soon got out, and stretched to get loosen up.  biyonmon, Gabumon and Sora soon came up to them . ' i thought we were going to get hit' Sora said her voice shaking noticibly.  "Dixie then spoke into her radio. " Thank you for permitting us enterance, our commander should be arrivng shortly.."
_ spyro and Cynder glided down  and landed in front of them. ' Good to see you guys all made it here safely" spyro said. " Dragonstorm is using lots of mustard gas. Cynder and I had to fly up to a very high elevation to avoid flying though it."  Cynder nodded " that stuff is horrible, we don't have anything like it in our world, and thats a good thing.. what happens if this city falls.
- If it falls, there will be nothing stopping Dragonstorm for at least 300 miles in every direction" Nick said ' Neptune City is our lat chance of stopping them
_ Chong , meanwhile was very pleased.  Mostof the City had fallen, and the mayor had fled, the last holdout was the base, and his forces were preparng to shell it into oblivion. "once this city fallds, we'll have a nice bit of territory under our control. Mr goat, when the city falls, I'll give it to you and Dragonstorm, what you do with it is up to you. How much longer before our forces begin the final assault on the base?' He radioed.
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So you were dating at the time? i see. How long did the encounter last?" Briggins asked, looking at Alexandria with a mixture of concern and pity. "Were you completely alone with him, or were there witnesses?"
Jusa landed in the base a few minutes after the main convoy had entered.  She was tired from her long flight, and she searched the crowd for Myra. " has anyone seen Myra?' She asked.
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Ducky sent some more ice at some bad guys, "Ice teeth." She said as she sent some large ice icicles at some bad guys, doing quite some damage to the unarmored ones and parts of their bodies.  

"Sky fire." Petrie said as he sent some lightning at some more invaders and some at the same ones that Ducky had been attacking.  

The Dynaman team showed up and assisted Ducky and Petrie as well as providing extra fire power as they joined the battle.


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'So this is Neptune city, huh?' Glacia said. 'Yeesh, what a... uh... nice place.'

'Smells kinda funny,' Incendia said, pinching his nose.

'I hope that's not the mustard gas I keep hearing about,' Glacia replied. 'The last time my brother inhaled a gasious supbstance, I didn't hear the end of it for several days.'

'I loved the part when my voice went high pitched,' Incendia said with a giggle. 'I sounded like a chipmonkey thing.'

'Chipmunk, brother.'

'Oh.' He observed the surroundings. A strange new world (well, city... but it certainly was a pretty big one) lay before the eyes of the little orange dragon, one filled with danger. Still, he simply scratched his head, 'so... um... when do I get to fly and breathe fire on stuff?'

'Don't even think about it,' Glacia shouted, grabbing her brothers shoulder. 'I'm not having you wandering off in a warzone again. The last time that happened was a disaster.'

'Disaster is my middle name,' Incendia gloated.

'No it is not. You don't even have a middle name.'

'I don't?'



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You two, go see the large dragon - Tarrax I think his name is" Captain Milos said to them as they headed into the c=base. ' Follow his orders at all time, understand? all dragons under one guard.. now get moving..'
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'Sir, yes sir!' Incendia said with a salute. The two dragons quickly departed.

'What a bossy boots,' Glacia grumbled soon afterwards. 'Of course I'm going to follow orders, I'm not stupid.'

'I am,' Incendia pointed out.

'No, you're not. You did build a toaster that can allow for time and dimiensional travel... after all.'

'Oh right,' Incendia replied with a grin.

'So no, you're not stupid. You just have... issues.'

'That's what my psychiatrist said!'

'Exactly. And this was before she jumped out the window.'

'I know. Why do they always do that?'

'You don't want to know, brother.'

They eventually found this large dragon they so readily sought. Glacia was more than incilend to be the one to introduce the two of them (for obvious reasons). 'Glacia and Incendia reporting for duty,' she said. Incendia just waved.

'He's big,' the little orange dragon said. 'Bigger than us!'


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Velma had gotten separated from the others and was fighting alone.  Luckily she had morphed and was not just fighting in her normal form, which would be hard since she had no weapons she normally carried.   Throwing boxes of scooby snacks do not make a very effective weapon after all.


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Tarrax at your service' Tarrax replied towering over the two younger dragons , and gazing at them with a mixture of interest and curiousity " you are both very young by my reckoning, and from your appearances, you seem to be related. Siblings perhaps.. Now, you will do as I tell you, and I will not tolerate back talk. Understood" Tarrax said in a deep, cold voice. "I do not suffer fools, young ones, I never have.."
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Elsewhere the extreme dinosaurs pulled out their guns and started shooting, using guns that Stegs had built.  They stayed in a group being sure to guard each other's backs.  

"We got them on the retreat.  Stay in formation." T-bone said.

"what two..." one of the invaders started to say as he saw what looked like a second silver space ranger before the second figure shot him in the face.  The figure then snapped his fingers of one hand and changed to a different color and outfit of ranger.

Not having time to think, let alone ask Velma continued to fight the invaders with the new arrival they had destroyed or driven off the small group of invaders.  Then she turned to the new arrival.  

"You can't be Jason, he's already in this time zone." Velma said once it was obvious they were alone.  

"Perhaps I'm him or perhaps someone or something else." the figure said.  

"You're a ranger anyway, but how do you morph like that with no morpher." Velma asked.

The figure held up a finger, "Correction, I'm not A ranger, but The ranger.  As for why I don't need a morpher, let's just say I have a direct connection to the morphing grid and don't need to use indirect means like a morpher." the figure said.  He looked down at himself.  "Don't feel in the mood to wear this either." He said.  He then snapped his fingers and changed to an all black power ranger version of an old west gunslinger outfit.  "Yes, this is what I feel like wearing for now." Then he looked at Velma.  "Do you have a favorite color?" He asked.

"I do like orange." She said, most of what she wore was orange, her shirts and socks mainly.  

"Nice color." The figure said then waived in Velma's direction and her ranger outfit changed to an orange space ranger outfit.

"How?" She started to ask seeing her change.  

"Direct connection to the morphing grid, does offer more advantages then changing one's own outfit to fit one's mood." The figure said.


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'Yes, we are siblings,' Glacia replied, 'I being the oldest by a year. We'll do whatever you say, as it's more than a little likely you have way more experience than us with this sort of thing.'

Incendia nodded quietly beside his sister. Eyeing her brother, Glacia decided to not point out the glaring fact that Incendia was liable to be... unusual, in most circumstances... bad or otherwise. She turned back to Tarrax, 'I have one request, and that is to be with my brother at all times. If that cannot be accommodated for, then I request that he be accompanied by someone with... uh... very high tolerance.'

Incendia's eyes widened and he looked over to his sister. 'Um, thanks?'

'It's for your own good.' She faced Tarrax again. 'So, what's our first orders? Best make ourselves useful.'


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Sara walked over to be with Tarrax.  She had gone a short distance to give a few some essential water from her enchanted small water skin.  Though it could hold far more then it looked like it should.  

"Ah, looks like we have some new recruits." Sara said after she took took a drink from her water skin.


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"We are massing our forces right now," the Goat said. He turned his head as a charter fishing boat turned gunboat shelled one of the generators; luckily a helicopter gunship sank the boat with a volley of rockets.


Alexandria nodded. "We had been dating for five months but there was no sex. And...I was alone during the encounter until things went out of hand and these three Lipizzaner stallions came along and wrestled him off of me," she said.


The trucker entered the base and his passengers disembarked. The base was littered with rubble and craters from the impact of various munitions. Several soldiers scurried about.

The APCs also entered and disgorged their cargo of troopers and supporter personnel.

"So now what?" Deimos asked.

"Wait for Stripetail," Dr. Zanasiu said.

Several of Ceela's troops looked around in wonderment; they had never seen anything like a large military base before.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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your job will be to cover the base from the air' Tarrax replied " As for your request..' he gave Incendia a through looking over "It is because you are concerned that he will not be able to restrain himself on his own? Very well You may stay with him, however, I will hold you responsible for his actions. if any of our forces are injured or killed, due to foolishness on his part, you will answer for it,Glacia' Tarrax said. ' In war time, mercy is often a luxury..lets hope for both your sakes that nothing happens..
 Stripetail entered the base a few minutes ' Good to see that you made it.. Now lets begin setting up defensive positions..'
- The forces of Dragonstorm slowly moved through the city, through clouds of poisonous gas which had crippled the defenses in much of the city.
" So .. he went further than you wanted him to, obviously." Briggins said shortly. 'Lona chimed in. "how long dd the encounter last. Ten Minutes, Fifteen minutes? once we get that pinned down, we'll call the Lippanzers o testify.."
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"The encounter lasted for maybe about half an hour but but it was only towards the end that things got out of hand," Alexandria said.


The base's air was mostly clear as the gas had not reached them yet.

The trucker spoke up. "Shouldn't we armor up our vehicles?" he asked.

"Good idea," Deimos said.

"We have several garages and hangars along with up-armor kits you can use," a Wolverine soldier said.

"Stripetail, Scooby, Shaggy, Deimos, Zachary, the trucker and myself are going to head over to the garages to modify our vehicles," Mr. Bigmouth said.

Several Cobalt Squad troopers and Haresh were moving their supplies to the warehouses.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Can I drive one of those things' Genki asked with a smirk as they headed for the garage ' Are you sixteen? Do you have a dricvers license? No, you are too young to drive it, and besides we're not putting our lives in peril by having a kid drive an armored vehicle " a soldier replied, giving Genki a rebuffing look
I can Drive " Joe said showing the soldier his credentials I'm also a doctor"
Re ro reed ro rix rhe rystery Rachine' Scooby said. "Cousin We are not driving the van out into the battlefield " Dixie said firmly. " its a sitting duck, unless you've secretly installed some sort of engine that can get the van to move to 200 miles an hour, which i sincerely doubt, we are not driving it.' Scooby looked at his fiance and shook his head ' rine, Rixie, rut re ro reed ro rix rhe rindows..'
- Agumon and Agumina studies the base with interest, neither of them had been on a military base before.
_ understood, you have thirty minutes to get ready. Dragonstorm is likely already on thier way.. has anyone seen Drake and his frienmds, last time I saw them they were in.. Surf pOint" Stripetail sighed " They must have gotten seperated from the rest of us..'
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"We're up-armoring and modifying the vehicles so we can use them as transports without getting everyone killed," Mr. Bigmouth said. He and Deimos hopped in the back of the truck as the Bull trucker climbed in and started the engine.

The severely battered flatbed truck rumbled towards the garages.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Shaggy followed the other to where his SUV was parked " I'm probably going to ned help with armoring the vehicle..
- Stitch came over To Stripetail ' Couldn't you create a spaceship or something?
_ Stripetail frowned " My dear fellow, that would take a considerable amount of energy on my part, and time, neither of which I can spare at the moment.. we'll simply have to work with what we have..
_ so the actual act lasted only a few minutes' briggins replied. "Would you say that this act has ruined your friendship with the defendant? One act like this is bad enough, but if it becomes a pattern, thats a whole different issue.
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When the convoy reached the garage, they were greeted by several mechanics repairing various armored vehicles.

"All right, let's get to work," Zachary said, hauling over some spare armor plate.

Mr. Bigmouth and Deimos both found some arc welders and spare

The Bull trucker hauled over some more armor plate.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.