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Your stand on Walmart


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The only things I've ever gotten from Walmart are video games and BRAND NAME electronics. Their clothes are disgusting and don't even get me going on their food.

That said, I rarely go to them as the nearest one to me is over 30 minutes drive (Target - about 10 minutes).

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Cancerian Tiger

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Don't even get me started on Wal Mart, as many horror stories as I've heard . Not only are they capitalists who wipe out small businesses and practice mass production, but they bring in almost all their goods from China (Lord knows if sweatshops are being used ) 'cuz they'd rather be cheapskates than use American goods (which would provide more jobs for Americans in these times). On top of that, they think they're the government or some other high power! Where do I get that impression? Just the other day, one of my favorite groups, Green Day, spoke out against Wal Mart's censorship policy. Basically, if a recording artist does not provide a censored version of their album, Wal Mart will not sell it. Funny enough, this album focuses on the loss of American society's innocence. Is capitalism somewhere in there? Should be. BTW, the album is still selling like hotcakes despites Wal Mart's noninvolvement. Guess products can still thrive without Wal Mart . Anyhoo, it's just wrong that Corporate Embezzlement Offenders even have so much power and money. Sheesh, when they start thinking they're President or something, then it's really going too far ! I totally understand and agree with your argument, Landbeforetimelover.

I pretty much made my stand clear in PokePlayer's "Youtube" thread, in addition to the corporation being SO quilty of employee discrimination, unlawful wages, hiring illegal immigrants, and unsafe stocking practices.  Back in, I believe it was 2005, a toddler was crushed and killed by a heavy boxed item that was not quite pushed back all the way on top of the aisle shelf :cry.  I've since gotten into the habit of looking up BEFORE entering an aisle, especially at Wal-Mart.  And yeah, I have seen items dangerously close to falling off the tops of the shelves, including a big-screen TV.  I'd feel sorry for whoever got smashed by something like that :(.  It's about time the government went in and cleaned Wal-Mart's act up.  Then again, money talks :anger.


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I've since gotten into the habit of looking up BEFORE entering an aisle, especially at Wal-Mart.

That's good advice for us all.  I'd hate to be killed by a TV.  That would be some interesting eulogy.


  • The Gang of Five
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I'm actually more concerned about what Wal-mart is doing to wages; they employ over 2 million people, including over 1 million Americans; that has GOT to have a negative impact on salaries.


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I am upset today because of what the Co-Manager said at a meeting today.

I remember some weeks back, that there was going to be a change in pay increase.  With the potential to get an added $1.10 per hour for your paycheck every year, it seemed things were looking up.  However, that all changed with the announcement of today.

It is now only up to $0.60 pay increase each year.  I can understand the economy being bad in America right now, but it shouldn't give any reason whatsoever to change the pay increase.

It's less than what the minimum wage rate increases each year.  That is wrong in every way.

It's just wrong. :(


  • The Gang of Five
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Is that even legal? I thought that minimum wage or more was mandatory.


  • Ducky
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    • View Profile guys got it bad over there in the US with Walmart employees they need to stop there foolishness.


  • The Gang of Five
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I agree, but am not sure how to fix this.


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I used to work for Best Buy. while they aren't as low as WalMart, they still engage is some shady stuff.

being there for a year, i saw the corruption that seeps through. they have recently made some big changes that make it nearly impossible to get full time, and they have removed the majority of supervisor and management positions - reason? less costs for the company.

they pay slightly over minimum wage. i worked in California and the minimum there is $8.00, and i was on $9.50.

i worked in sales, and all they wanted me to do was attach "services" to every item i sold.

services being stuff from their Geek Squad, which imo, most arent worth the money. and their own protection plans - called Black Tie Protection.

and i was not on commission, which gave me almost no incentive to offer these services as the only one profiting from it is the company.

the people in the higher ranks, managers etc, were nice guys, but driven by their own agenda, such as to make as much money as they can for the company.

markup on their items is huge too. LBTLover will probably get a kick out of this :p.
they have a pack of 2 2GB RAM sticks, DDR2 PC6400, they sell it in store and on their site for $150!! i could get the exact same thing off for 44 bucks!

its kinda sad really, that huge companies like Walmart, BBY etc turn out this way. maybe the reason Circuit City went under is cus they actually tried to do things right by their employees and customers.

anyway, rant about Best Buy over :)


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I believe that Wal-Mart is dragging down retail standards with its extremely low wages and prices... but in a system of supply and demand, the consumers will naturally gravitate to the lower prices...


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Alright guys!  Time for my latest gripe.

Within the last few months sales at the Walmart I work have not been impressive.  As such, we only made our profit goal, but not our sales goal in the spring 3-month term.  As such, we got one of the lowest bonuses yet... only up to $36. (How much an employee gets out of that amount depends on their hours.)

Now, due to these problems there had to be a severe cut in hours for the summer 3-month term.  This led to me being put on what they call a scorecard, meaning I work the hours they say.  This wouldn't be such a bad thing if it weren't for the fact that there's only so few hours available now.

My manager is doing her best to put me in as many places as possible to get me as many hours as possible, but the severe lack of hours available is just making things bad.  Starting Saturday, for the next two weeks, I'll only be working 2 days a week, resulting in only 16 hours per week.

THIS is a huge problem.  Under regulation rules, a full-time employee like myself needs to average a minimum of 35 hours per week. (Remember, it's average, so going under once in a while when you usually work more isn't a bad thing.) When their average goes under the required 35 hours, they become part-time and lose their benefits.

I've worked too hard for them to be pushed into part-time like this.  Loosing my benefits now would not be a good thing as I have a little tooth problem to fix. (Got chipped.  Need a filling.)

There are those that get exceptions, yes, but I'm not sure I'd be one to qualify for such a thing.

Sure it's nice that I have all this time off, but it's going to hurt me budget-wise this month.

There's little I can do about this, and I'm just upset at it. :(


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i dont know how Warmart goes about it, but in Best Buy, full timers are guaranteed at least 32 hours a week. i dont think they can be given less than that without the employee actually wanting to go part time. the only way they can get less if they take vacation hours i think.

to my knowledge, an hour cut like what you're getting is against the law as you are full time status and have alot more rights that part timers usually dont have.

i would look into it a bit further and try to find proof that you're entitled to an average of 35 hours a week. maybe its on walmart's intranet or something, if they have one. cus thats just out of order to be honest.

normally the hours would be pulled from part timers. that does suck for them, but theres a reason you are full time; you do your job well and perform above the manager's expectations, and have earned the position you're in. dont let people take that away from you.


  • Hatchling
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its kinda sad really, that huge companies like Walmart, BBY etc turn out this way. maybe the reason Circuit City went under is cus they actually tried to do things right by their employees and customers.

Nope, Circuit City pulled the same string...inexperienced to replace the managers and those who had been there longer to save money.


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Quote from: Petrie,Jun 9 2009 on  05:05 AM
its kinda sad really, that huge companies like Walmart, BBY etc turn out this way. maybe the reason Circuit City went under is cus they actually tried to do things right by their employees and customers.

Nope, Circuit City pulled the same string...inexperienced to replace the managers and those who had been there longer to save money.
Which is a completely stupid move in the long run.  It's the basic instinct you need to ignore if you want a business to stay successful during hard times.  Which is the case these days.


  • The Gang of Five
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Circuit city tried to be the "Wal-Mart" of electronics, only to discover that selling a product as sophisticated as that requires more skill and effort than selling a bunch of mostly inexpensive goods at extra-low costs.


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Why does everyone think that Circuit City was cheap?  It was just as expensive as Best Buy and I'm glad it went down the toilet.  It wasn't a very good store.


  • The Gang of Five
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I never said it was cheap; all I said was that the staff there were no better trained or motivated than the staff at Wal-Mart... and those people aren't so well trained or motivated... which is okay if you are selling DVDs and Chinese-made skillets, but not if you are selling high-end TVs and Laptops.


  • Ducky
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You may consider me lucky, because i never heard of Walmart. :)


  • The Gang of Five
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I guess that they don't have Wal-mart in Russia... not now, anyway. I'm sure that, in time, it will find its way there, too. Maybe...


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My biggest complaints about *shopping* at wal-mart have to be

1) The stores are boring to look around in.  The stock rarely changes. :p

2) Most of the staff, at least here, has trouble speaking English.  They seem to hire mostly those with ethnic backgrounds who haven't developed very fluent English.  The result is that asking a question to the majority of wal-mart staff here is easier said than done!  :bang