The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 165897

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"Well I'm not your normal rainbow face,' sam replied before winking. Mr thicknose returned with the leaves. "I hope you feel better after putting these on your head,' he said. "I should feel better thank you,' sam said.

Cancerian Tiger

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Cera and Tricia seemed hesitant on whether to follow their father or defend Anna.  

"Uh, Anna, we'de love to stay but..." Cera began.

"Don't worry 'bout it," interrupted Anna.  "Y'all should go with your father.  I'm sure it takes him longer than the others to accept newcomers, so I ain't gonna sweat it.  I'm sure we'll get to hang out soon, but until then, it was really nice meeting y'all.  Go on now."  Cera reluctantly followed her father, but Tricia ran back to Anna and nuzzled her lower left leg with a sad expression on her face.  Anna reached down and patted Tricia's head.

"Go on home now, sweetie.  Your Mama will be lookin' for ya," Anna told the little threehorn.  She did as told.

"Damn!" Anna cursed out loud.  "Me?  Delusional?  Ha!  Where the hell does he get the idea he can judge me when he does not even KNOW me?!  Oh, well.  I've got a whole valley to explore."


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Grandpa Longneck nodded, "Yes, just relax there and you'll  feel fine soon.  If you need some water one of us can get some water in a leaf if you wish." Grandpa longneck said while smiling in a warm manner.  "Have you folks been here long?" He asked.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Thud meanwhile was stalking a nest full of young flyers. He watched as the mother flyer left to get food he approached with caution he stealthly crepted to the nest which was within reach with one swipe he killed four of the flyers. heopened his mouth and pridefully left to see how redclaw was doing.

"No not that long grandpa longneck is it alright if I call you that,' samasked.


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Grandpa Longneck nods and says in his usual warm voice, "Sure, everyone one else does so why not you also." He says.

Cancerian Tiger

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In the meantime, Anna was wandering somewhere near the Sheltering Grass.  Since she was new to the dinosaur environment, she was unsure of what she could safely eat.  She did not eat meat; only seafood.  She knew she would have to find a source of food sooner or later.

"Wait a minute!  I'm also a dinosaur.  Maybe if I transform, I can eat what they eat," Anna said to herself.  Just as she was about to test her idea, Anna heard a high-pitched voice crying out for help not far from where she stood.  She then recognized the voice.

"Ducky!" Anna called out, forgetting Ducky did not know who she was.  The little swimmer must have heard her voice, because she kept crying out without stopping.  Anna ran in the direction of Ducky's voice.  It was when she founf Ducky that she stopped in horror.  Three dinosaurs that looked like Hyp were holding the little swimmer above the Sinking Sand!  The bad guys looked about Anna's age as a dinosaur, and they were much bigger than her human self, so she did what she needed to do.  She morphed back into a swimmer before she showed herself.

"Hey, boneheads!  Leave her alone!" Anna called out.  The trio and Ducky looked at Anna in surprise before the trio grinned in evil fashions.  

"Want her?  Fetch!" the leader taunted as he tossed Ducky up over the Sinking Sand!

"Heeeeeeeeelp!" Ducky screamed in terror as she saw the Sinking Sand coming closer and closer.  Suddenly, a clawed hand shot up and caught her.  Ducky then realized the swimmer had just saved her life.  Anna hopped from rock to rock, making it look like something a hatchling could do.  Once she got them both to safety, Anna caught her breath.

"Phew!  That was close!" she gasped.

"Well, well, well.  Perhaps you lucked out of that one, but you're gonna wish you fell in once we're done with you," sneered the leader of the trio as they approached Anna and Ducky.

"Okay, you're gona have to stay right here," Anna said as she set Ducky on a tree limb that was a good distance from the ground.  "Listen, little lady.  This ain't gonna be pretty, so watch at your own discretion."

"My own what?  Oh, no no no!  Please, do not fight!" Ducky pleaded as Anna faced the trio.

"Well, let's see.  Three against one.  I'm not really sure if that will your favor!" said Anna as she dodged a fist.  She grabbed the right arm of the dinosaur, and twisted it.

"Owww!" the dinosaur cried out.  Anna then tripped him, grabbed him by the tail, and launched him into his posse.  CRASH!

"Back at home, that's what we call the 'Hammer Throw'!" Anna hooted.  Just then, one of the dinosaurs tried to trip Anna.  Anna jumped while doing a roundhouse kick.  BAM!  The dinosaur was seeing stars.  She turned him to face his posse, then charged him in the direction of them.  CRASH!  The trio tried to untangle themselves as they groaned in pain.

"Alright, who's next?!" provoked Anna.  The leader decided to box Anna.  Anna managed to block his fists before she jabbed him in the snout, sucker-punched him in the gut, and kneed him where it counts.  He groaned in pain as he collapsed to the ground.  Anna then gave him a hard push, and he went tumbling in the direction of his posse.  CRASH!

"And that's what we call the 'Log Roll'!" Anna hooted again as the trio slowly got up.

"Retreat!  That swimmer's CRAZY!" yelled the leader.  As the trio sped off, Anna returned to where she had set Ducky and reached up for her.  Ducky, however, was scared of Anna by that point.

"Don't worry now.  Those morons won't hurt ya again.  Not so long as I'm around," snorted Anna.  She then realized Ducky was scared of her.

"Aw, c'mon now.  I'm not gonna hurt ya.  I just defended your a-, I mean tail, did I not?  C'mon now," Anna gently said as she kept her clawed left hand up for Ducky to step on.  Ducky hesitated at first, but then she felt she could trust Anna and stepped onto her hand.

"That's better.  How ya doin'?" asked Anna as she held Ducky at eye level.

"I am okay, yep yep yep.  Thank you so much for saving me," chirped Ducky.

"You're very welcome," Anna replied.

"I am Ducky.  What is your name?" asked Ducky.

"Name's Anna, and I'm pleased to meetcha.  Say, how 'bout showing me around the valley?  I've already started lookin', but it's much bigger than I thought I was and I could use some help.  Would ya mind?"

"Not at all, Anna.  It is the least I can do, yep yep yep."  With that, the two ventured into the valley for some adventuring.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Rick gave a short laugh and then, leaned over while asking the rainbow face, "I think we should speak later when we get the chance. There is something you will not believe."
Grandma Longneck watched and made sure that Sam was doing well before she turned and ate a few treestars from a tree behind her.


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Grandpa Longneck leaned up to start to eat some leaves from a tree he could reach, eating in his usual slow no need to hurry manner.

"How Littlefoot do?" Petrie asked looking at Littlefoot.


"Not often I see a flyer take to the water for a dip, let alone know how to swim." Mim said to Flapper.

Flapper sat down beside Mim to rest for a bit "I had some swimmers who taught me when I was much younger." Flapper said, remembering a part of Mim's backstory.

"I had some as well, when I was very young." Mim said.

"I'm Flapper, not sure if I introduced myself." He said.

"I'm Mim." Mim said.

"Been here long?" Mim asked.

"No, since last night, when I was blown here by a big blowy wind.  Not sure how to get back home and it looks nice enough here." Flapper said.

Cancerian Tiger

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"Anna, where did you learn to fight like that?  We swimmers do not normally fight, no no no.  We just run for the water," said Ducky, still in shock over the fight she had witnessed.  She sat on Anna's right shoulder as the two toured the valley.

"I learned how to fight when I was a kid.  Ducky, there is somethin' I outta tell ya, but you'll think I'm nuts," sighed Anna.

"What is it?" asked Ducky.

"I know this sounds crazy, but I'm not originally from your world and I'm not originally a dinosaur.  In fact, I come from the future," said Anna.

"But you are a dinosaur, yep yep yep," replied Ducky.  Anna sighed as she set Ducky on the ground in front of her.

"Watch this," Anna ordered before she morphed back into her human self in front of Ducky.  Ducky stared in shock.  What stood before her was a small, strange-looking being that had a long yellow tail growing out of her head.  Ducky did not know what clothes were, so she thought the combination of a red tank top, denim bootcut jeans and black Vans sneakers was a weird sight.  Anna also had a strange object that sat on the bridge of her nose.  As weird as it seemed, Ducky was not afraid of Anna.  She ran up to her and gestured to be scooped up.  Anna did as told.

"What are those?" asked Ducky as she pointed to Anna's glasses.

"These are called glasses, and they help humans like myself who have trouble seeing be able to see," explained Anna.

"May I see them?" asked Ducky.

"Sure, but be careful," Anna replied as she took off her glasses and handed them to Ducky.  Ducky held the glasses in front of her eyes.

"Whoaaa!" Ducky gasped as she found herself stumbling around from dizziness before she flopped down on her back.  "Those are not for me, no no no."  

"Well, Ducky.  Now that you've seen who I really am, do ya prefer me as a dinosaur or human?" asked Anna.

"Well, can you swim as a human?" Ducky asked.

"Of course I can," Anna giggled.

"It does not matter to me, nope nope nope.  I would like to go swimming, yep yep yep.  How about you?" asked Ducky.

"I'm always game for it," Anna replied as Ducky sat on Anna's right shoulder again.  The two then heaed for the Thindering Falls.

The Chronicler

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Since Chomper was still asleep in the cave, Ruby decided to take a walk this morning. The Great Valley sure was a beautiful place in the morning. However, she was surprised by what she saw when she approached a small clearing. She saw a Fast-Runner who she had never seen before that had an unusual skin color. She noticed the white Fast-Runner was walking, or at least it seemed like he was trying to. Curious, she asked him, "What are you doing?" The white Fast-Runner was startled by this and fell over. "Did I scare you? Sorry."

"Don't worry about it," said the white Fast-Runner. "You may have noticed, I'm not steady on my feet yet." He then stood up, almost falling over again but managed to stay standing. "This body is going to take some getting used to."

Ruby was confused by this. "What do you mean by that?"

"If I told you the truth, you would think I'm crazy."

Ruby shrugged. "The truth is the truth, no matter how crazy it may sound."

"True. Alright, let me try to put it in a way that you'll understand. I come from another universe, one that is very different from this one." Instead of saying he's from the future, he said he was from another universe, since the laws of physics seemed to be a little different between the human world and the LBT world. "My original body was quite different from this one. I just arrived here about a minute ago, along with having this new body. I may not know why or for what purpose, but it seems I'm here for a reason. But until I can find out what that reason is, I will need to learn to get used to this body."

Ruby was silent for a few seconds, taking in everything she just heard. Finally, she said, "Perhaps some help would be helpful for you."

The white Fast-Runner was actually surprised by this. "You actually want to help me?"

"From what you just told me, you could certainly use some help. Allow me to show you how to live like a Fast-Runner, because a Fast-Runner is what you are now."

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"I have to agree,' sam said to rick. "I think I'm feeling a bit better now,' sam said feeling the bruise on his head. "The swellings gone down,' sam said.


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Grandpa Longeck smiled, "I'm glad to hear that.  You'll be feeling all better soon indeed."

"Someone hurted?" Petrie asked looking around, not able to see everyone since he had landed nearish to Granpa Longeck and Littlefoot so had some of his vision obstructed.


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Little Foot went to Petrie and whispered, "Petrie, have you noticed some of the strange things that have been going on? Like these dinosaurs that just came out of nowhere, and supposedly they "turn" into dinosaurs?"

Amy was behind a tree and she knew that Red Claw was thrashing about the trees and growling. She heard him sniff the air and he grumbled something in sharp tooth tongue.

She looked to where she was trying to head to. She suddenly realized if Red Claw went the way where she was, he would knock down the tree, and if he did, the human would have a hard time running away. Pterano seemed to have the greatest advantage of flying away, for he knew how to fly, but she didn't and of course the human didn't either.

I have to do something....but what?

She plotted until she thought of an idea. She silently climbed up the tree, and she was able to reach to the top. It was a hard process, considered how her as a flyer now was not built for climbing, but she remembered her climbing techiques when she was a human. She slowly poked her head out of the tree and she screeched loud enough for Red Claw to hear her. Red Claw looked to her way and he was about to charge at her. But before he had a chance to bite her, she leaped right at his face and clawed his eyes. Red Claw backed up and he hopelessly tried to shake her off, but she had a steady grip. Red Claw ran away from the path with Amy still hanging on. She bit his nose and did absolutely everything she could to distract him so the human and Pterano could get away.

Suddenly she realized that Red Claw was blindly going to a ditch. She had to let him fall in, even if it meant risking her life. Right now though, she wasn't focused on saving herself, she just wanted to get rid of Red Claw. She screeched bloody swear words in Red Claw's ear and he was terrified, not exactly knowing what was going on. Suddenly, he tripped and fell into the ditch. Amy fell with him down and down into the depths of else where.

Mr. Three Horn had one of his "sermons" as he was talking to his daughters about how to stay away from strangers.

"Cera, I don't understand you, why would you talk to someone that obviously wanted to hurt you? She almost killed you! And don't tell me otherwise, I saw it with my own eyes! And what's even more unbelievable is that you would put Tricia in danger! I don't want you or Tricia to ever go near that swimmer again! I never knew swimmers could be so violent and crazy!"


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"Me meet new flyer when me flying around looking for friends.  He say he bloweded here in big blowy wind and not know how to get home." Petrie said.  "Me no see anyone else me no know."

f-22 "raptor" ace

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sam turned to littlefoot "so do you and your other friends here have any games that you like to play,' sam asked

Cancerian Tiger

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Cera was shaking with anger from hearing her father's words.  She finally could not take it anymore.

"But she did NOT harm me!  I was the one who did it, okay?!  I attacked her because she questioned me being in charge of her!  That's what happened!  I was being an idiot once again and did not take the time to get to know her first!  She's really nice and was only trying to defend herself!  There's nothing wrong with that!  Would you just let someone attack you when you did nothing to them?!  I don't think so!  Besides, Tricia liked her, and you know how she is!  If she feels someone is dangerous, she won't go near them!  Now I know why I can't seem to make hardly any friends!  It's me who is the problem, not them!" Cera screamed in anger.  She had been trying to hold her tears in the entire time, but they somehow managed to escape in that moment.  She ended up crying so hard she could no longer talk.


"Say, Ducky.  What's there to eat around here?  Somethin' sweet, that is?" asked Anna.

"Well, we have different kinds of treesweets, yes we do.  Look!  Those are Cera's favorite treesweets over there, yep yep yep.  She likes sweets very much, so these might be too sweet for you," said Ducky as she pointed out a nearby tree.  The tree was decorated with watermelon-like fruit.

"That'll work.  You'll come to find I love sweets.  Man, I could go for a Mountain Dew right now," replied Anna.

"A mountain what?" asked Ducky.

"Mountain Dew.  It is a very sweet drink we have back at home.  For now, though, this will do.  Excuse me," said Anna just before she morphed back into a swimmer.

"Why did you do that?" asked Ducky, who now stood on Anna's open left hand.

"I can't eat the food y'all eat if I'm human.  The food won't digest."

"What does that mean?"

"My, you're quite the inquisitive little swimmer.  It means my tummy can't use the food, and I will get very sick."

"I do not want you to get sick, Anna!  Oh, no no no!"

"That's why I must be one of y'all when I eat the food here," replied Anna as she reached up and grabbed one of the fruits with her right hand.  She then gently set Ducky and the fruit down on the ground.

"Want one?" offered Anna as she gestured to the tree.

"Oh, no thank you.  I cannot eat one of those by myself, no no no," groaned Ducky.

"Who said you've gotta eat it by yourself?  Besides, I have a BIG sweet tooth.  I can help ya."

"Oh, okay!" chirped Ducky.  Anna chuckled as she reached up and grabbed another fruit.  She set it on the ground before she sat down to join Ducky.  She leaned with her back against the tree, and Ducky stepped over to the left of her before she sat down.  

"I still cannot believe you got in that fight, no no no," said Ducky as Anna cracked the fruit open on the ground.  "Any swimmer in their right head would say you are crazy, yep yep yep."

"Well...perhaps I am a little screwy, but I would never hurt someone I care about.  Try explaining that one to Mr. Threehorn, though.  I just get very upset when I see someone I care about or an innocent person get hurt.  If their life is in danger, such as yours was earlier, I go nuts.  I think it's the fear of possibly losing 'em that does it," explained Anna as she prepared Ducky's fruit.

"Well, I am glad you went 'nuts'.  You saved my life, yep yep yep.  I thank you very much again," said Ducky.  "Oh, and do not worry about what Cera's dad says.  You will learn to ignore it after a while, yep yep yep."  The two cracked up as Anna set Ducky's snack in front of her.

"Thank you so much, Anna.  I really like you already, yep yep yep," chirped Ducky.  Anna gently patted her on the head before starting on her snack.

"You're quite welcome, little one.  I really like you, too," replied Anna.  "Let's eat."


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Mim put her feet into the water as she munched on a treesweet, offering another to Flapper.  Looking a moment at some others playing in the water not to far off or coming for a drink.

"Big blowy winds can be very dangerous, especially for flyers." Mim said.  " It is best to stay out of those, especially for flyers who the wind can more easily pick up." Mim said.

"It caught me be surprise." Flapper accepted the treesweet & began eating it.  "Thanks." He said.  "it does look like a nice place here."

"It is indeed." Mim said smiling, "A very nice place indeed.  Though some folks are nicer then others." She said thinking of certain individuals.

"it's like that all over I guess." Flapper said.


Petrie looked at Littlefoot waiting to see what of their games and fun things he would mention.

Cancerian Tiger

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"I'm a spaz!  I'm a spaz!  I'm a SPAZ!  Diddley diddley hee-hoo!" Anna sang in a boisterous fashion as she danced around the tree she had been sitting next to.  Ducky watched her with a weirded-out expression.  She had heard of what too many sweets can do to someone, so she was not too scared.

"Ze spaz summons her flying ninja monkeys!  Hiiiiiiiyaaaah!  Wacca wacca wacca!  Yeeeeeeeeehaw!" Anna hooted before Ducky caught her attention.  She calmed down right away.

"C'mon, Ducky," Anna giggled as she scooped Ducky up and tossed her into the air before catching her.  "I'm sorry, but all this sugar's making me hyper!"

"I can tell, yep yep yep!" Ducky giggled.  "You are funny, yes you are."

"Well, thank ya!  Hey, can we head for the water now?"

"Sure.  I will guide you, yep yep yep."

"Well then, what are we waiting for?!  Tally hooooo!" Anna hooted as she ran in the direction Ducky told her to go.  She was carrying Ducky in her hands so Ducky would not get thrown off.

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Grandma Longneck looked down and noticed Littlefoot and Sam trying to decide what kinds of games they could play, and she cleared her throat as she spoke up, "How about you little ones go and play 'it', that way you'll get to play and our guests will get to see the valley."

Rick however was rather distant at the moment his mind seemingly on autopilot as he looked around and could see and hear things he normally would've blocked out or seen as background noise was now like a symphony of music.


Spike had been wandering around looking for Ducky as she'd woken up and gone off without him. It wasn't a problem, but he would like to see Ducky before he gets hungry again. Just when he thought about turning around and going back to the nest he saw Ducky...and something was carrying her and running.

Believing Ducky was in trouble Spike turned and cave an angry cry as he charged after Anna.


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"Maybe we show around while look for others." Petrie said, not having seen where the other friends of theirs were yet, but things would be more fun with all of them together.

"That sounds like a good idea.  Perhaps find some other friends of yours then perhaps play it.  Or some other games." Grandpa Longneck said smiling and remembering how much kids enjoyed playing.