The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 168619


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Daniel smiled. "Thanks alot" he said and then without hesitation took a bite out of the fruit. Instead of the sweet taste that he got from fruit in human form he was hit with a slightly off taste as if he wasn't meant to eat this. The fruit was still slightly satisfying and he didn't feel sick eating it but it just didn't feel that right, it felt like a secondary food in a way. He swallowed before saying. "I'm not sure I'm supposed to eat this" he then took a look at his claws and passed his tongue over his pointed teeth. "Then again, I guess that was visibly obvious"


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“I wouldn’t worry about it too much,” Pangaea told Daniel. “As far as I know, most carnivóerr…meat-eating animals can eat fruit, even if it’s not their preferred diet. It’s leaves that they have trouble digesting. I mean, technically I’m a meat-eater, too, if you count buzzers and crawlers as meat, but I’m okay eating tree sweets.”

He put a finger to his beaktip in thought. “Still, it probably doesn’t have all the nutrients your body needs, so you couldn’t live on tree sweets forever. But there’s another GOF member here who knows how to catch fish, so you should be okay.”

“What?!” Guido squawked in surprise. “You mean sharpteeth can eat tree sweets?! I thought it made them sick!”

“Well…some tree sweets might not be good for them,” Pangaea explained, “and I wouldn’t be surprised if most sharpteeth didn’t like the taste of tree sweets; what I mean is that they probably could eat certain kinds of fruit if they wanted to, and it wouldn’t affect them negatively. They’d still need to eat meat, though; they’d get sick for sure if they didn’t.”

Pangaea paused. He felt strange speaking scientifically in front of Guido, Cera, Tricia, and Petrie, especially since he was implying that he, Guido, and Daniel were effectively sharpteeth, and blurring the boundaries between herbivory and carnivory (something he imagined the leafeaters might be sensitive about). “Um…this subject isn’t bothering anyone, is it?” he asked.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Nom-nomming on a fruit, she nodded happily to Petrie as a 'I-think-it's-tasty-too!' gesture, resisting the urge to play the 'how-many-tree-sweets-can-she-fit-in-her-mouth?' game. Now keeping her spazziness down, she felt some of her natural anti-socialness return and she shifted a bit to be a little ways off from the others, close enough to be recognized as part of the group, but isolated enough so not to bother others. She then kept quiet and still, daydreaming as she usually does in situations like this.

Although her eyes were fixed on the ground, she hardly noticed anything, the only thing bringing her back to the real world being the sight of a tiny bug. She studied it for a bit, placing it as a kind of roach, before having her usual desire to make physical contact with it. She put her hand in front of it and watched as it sniffed her a few times, trying to scurry around this new landmark abit before deciding to just climb onboard. This most definitely brought a smile to Sparky's face and she let the little buggy explore her hand and claws before crawling off and continuing on its way, leaving the newly-turned dinosaur feeling happy and honored before she resumed her daydreaming as she listened vaguely to Pangaea, Guido, and Daniel's conversation.


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Nana nodded happily to Petrie. Once she was finished she saw Sparky move off to the side for reasons she couldn't locate but then saw a bug crawling up her, she was about to scream, but she kept it in, barely though. She truly hated bugs. Soon, she realized she wasn't part of the conversation anymore and shuffled a bit to the side, keeping out of their way.

Cancerian Tiger

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Anna resurfaced from swimming underwater just in time to hear someone or something move quickly on the land behind her.

"What was that?!" Anna yelped as she whipped around and glanced at the woods by the shore.  Nothing.

"What is wrong, Anna?" Ducky asked out of concern as she swam over to her.

"I dunno what the hell it was, but I don't like this at all," Anna replied.  Evidently she was still jumpy from yesterday's battle.  Meanwhile, Ducky also looked at the woods and saw nothing.

"I do not think there is anything to worry about, oh no no no," Ducky replied.

"You'd be surprised.  It sounded like the size of a fastbiter," Anna replied.

"Well, in that case, it is safer for us swimmers to stay in the water.  It is, it is," Ducky said.

"Then, I'll take your word on it.  Let's swim some more," Anna replied before the two resumed their swimming.


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Daniel scratched his head in thought. "I see, I understand what your getting at. I think I could catch my own fish though, I would imagine I should be able to catch some big enough to sustain my own size" he looks down at his feet, flexing his talons into the ground. "After all I guess these talons should have a better purpose that just helping me to hang around"


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"Me glad there lots treesweets here in great valley." Petrie said.  He was thinking of many types of tree sweets there were that he had seen in the valley.  

He noticed the bug.  "Me wonder if that want some treesweet also." He said as he briefly watched it before looking at the others present.


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Amy got herself up and slowly tottered around, viewing her surroundings, and wondering where she could find food. It was very strange, even she was within a lush, peaceful (well, not quite peaceful) and enriching valley, she still had to focus on her own basic needs, rather then nit having a care of what to eat next.

While thinking about this, at the corner of her eye, she saw some water reflecting from the glimmering rays of the sun, and heard some familiar voices. To be frank, she wasn't in the best of moods, but she still felt very lonely.

She causiously walked toward the source and found her friend Anna and Ducky enjoying themselves. She lifted her head up and walked toward the pool they were in.

"Um-hi?" She stated as though it was a question.
Red Claw growled and went out to sniff and search for his meal, as well as his partners in crime, Screech and Thud. He was by no means ready for tomfollery, he was clearly out for blood.

"Screech, Thud! Where are ya two?"


  • Cera
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At this point, Rob had been filled with so much anger that he left Cyrix without even waiting for a response. As much as he understood why Cyrix didn't believe him about what he knew, at the same time Rob couldn't help but feel really pissed off that Cyrix wouldn't even consider that what Rob was telling him might have been the truth. "I guess I can't blame him," he said to himself. "Still, I do know what I'm talking about even if he doesn't want to believe me."

"We believe you," Littlefoot tried to console Rob as he and Zaine were close by him. "We're willing to stand by you no matter what the others say about you."

"I know, and I'm grateful and all," Rob nodded, "but again, it's going to take more than the words of two young longnecks to convince anybody."

"Who cares about convincing anybody?" Zaine finally said. "I say you're worrying too much about this. As long as you know yourself that you are not bad, then that should be all that matters."

"I appreciate what you're trying to do," Rob replied, "but that kind of attitude isn't going to get me anywhere at this point."

"He's right," Littlefoot agreed. "We just need to remain hopeful that the grown-ups will accept him for who he is, or that we can turn him back somehow."

"I wish it were that simple," Rob said, "but sadly it isn't."

"Just stop thinking about it so much," Zaine suggested. "The more you think about it the more it will get to you. Just try and not think about being a fast biter and try and think more about being you."

"Have you seen me?" Rob asked in a sarcastic manner, gesturing to his entire body.

"You know what I mean," Zaine smugly answered.

Cancerian Tiger

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Anna's radar-like hearing picked up on Amy's greeting.

"Hey!  Good mornin'," Anna replied as she made her way over to Amy.  Ducky tentatively followed.

"Good morning to you, oh yes yes yes!" Ducky cheerfully added in.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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(I guess I'll try joining in)

vonboy had just gotten home from college for the day, and was getting on the internet on his computer. He wondered what was going on on that new little forum he just found, so he tried connecting. Just then, the screen turned black. von thought "god, not another virus!" just as the screen starting flashing in different colors and dragged him in.

many colors were flying through von's mind, and he had no idea what was going on. suddenly, it all turned green. he was confused for a few seconds before he realized that it was a large grassy field, in a big valley, and that he was falling right towards it. he only had enough time to let out a loud yell of despair as he hit the ground.

He lay on the ground, unconscious, yet still alive.

{um, can i ask that somebody find me? i don't know really how to start. i'm still in my human form)
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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(OOC: vonboy, if you want to join the RP, just go to the forum "RP discussion" and go to the "Members meeting the characters" thread, and just ask. ;) )

IC: Nana looked around as a feeling of boredon popped into her head. She sighed deeply and scanned the area for something to help perk her interest. Suddenly, she thought she saw something lying on the ground. Her dilligent eyes narrowed into slits and then saw what looked like a sleeping human.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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After Von was dreaming of his recent life, he began to come to. His vision was still blurry when he began to look around. He could start to see some dense foliage in the distance when his head was clearing. He thought he saw a bit of color in the foliage, so he squinted to see that there was a long neck hidden there. Von's muscles suddenly tensed up, and he sat perfectly still.

Thoughts began racing through his head. The dinosaur did not look like an aggressive species he thought, but he was still a little scared. He did not try to say out anything to the longneck, because he of course thought the dinosaur wouldn't understand what he was saying anyway. The longneck and the human just stood their ground and stared at each other for what seemed like forever.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • General of the Great Valley
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The brown Utahraptor approached Anna and Ducky with some fish in hand.

"Hey, have you seen a blue Fast-Runner?" he asked.


James was hiding in a shrub near the lake. He held his breath hoping that the predator would leave.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Nana looked at the talking Microraptors and Daniel and the now-turned-quiet long-clawed dinosaur, and walked over to the human. Once she got there, she could see that he was nervous, or shocked, whatever it was, she could tell he was tense so she took as calm of an approach as she could.

"Hi there, you mind if I ask why you're here?"

Cancerian Tiger

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"Hey there.  No, I haven't seen a blue fastrunner.  I totally missed whatever it was, but someone or somethin' ran by not long ago in that direction," Anna replied before she pointed in the direction she had heard whatever it was head for.  "It sounded about the size of a fastbiter, if that helps."

"I have no idea what she is talking about, oh no no no.  I was swimming when she let me know she had heard something, yep yep yep," Ducky added in.


At the same time, Cera and Tricia finished up their treesweet snacks.

"So...what now?" Cera asked as she glanced around at the others.


  • The Circle
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"We plan game?" Petrie asked.  He like some games, and other games he would watch, if they were the type that larger dinosaurs could play but smaller ones could not.  Though he was hoping there would be no scary adventures.  He would not mind a non scary adventure, but they seemed to have only scary ones.


  • Petrie
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(Okay everyone wish me luck)

At home Jasper just got back from his weekday morning running that he always did and was wearing his normal blue colored jeans, his blue colored shirt, and his black colored shoes. He then got his hair straighten together.

He said to himself as his six year old computer loaded up, "Well let's see what's on the agenda for today." He then clicked three times on internet explorer and after a few seconds went by internet explorer loaded up.

He immediately went to Youtube to see what new videos were there and much to his disappointment there was none at all. He said to himself, "Fiddlesticks why did I even bother coming here in the first place?"

He then started thinking and he finally said, "You know what I'll go to the GOF and see what's happening there. Just as he went there his screen suddenly froze and he said, " Has the world come to an end already? Can things around here get any worse?"

Confused he tried refresh, but nothing happened and before he knew it everything around him changed. He found himself sitting on a large tree branch and was shocked to see where he was now.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"YOU CAN TALk!?" von exclaimed, dumbfounded. It took him a while to get his thoughts straight.

"well, my name is von, and I have no idea why I'm here. Do you know what happened to me? All I remember was surfing on the internet, then getting sucked into my computer, and falling into this field. Wait, why am I telling you this? You can't know what what a computer or the internet is anyway."
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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"Actually, yeah. I CAN talk," Nana laughed. Then, she realized something; he was talking about the internet. "Could he be a GOF member too?" she wondered.

"Well, hi, von. I'm Nana. Nice story. Getting sucked into your computer, modern day internet, eh? Weird stuff can happen."