The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 165972

Cancerian Tiger

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"Okay, good!  She heard us.  Now, let's help her dig a hole through this mess," Cera said before the group moved in even closer to the rock wall an began to help tear it apart.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"Sure, I'll go along with you, Jasper." Von said, as he followed the other human toward the loud call.

Chomper translated what Claw said in leafeater for Cutter.

"You made it, Chronicler!" Chomper yelled happily. "Are you gonna knock that dead tree for the rest of us now?"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Jasper said to Von, "Just to throw this out Von if there is trouble I'm ready for it. As a matter of fact I'm pretty much ready for anything just about that is. I didn't see myself being here now that caught me off guard. I also would like to point out I love to fight, so don't be too surprised if I do anything reckless, cause that's how I roll."

Jasper then pulled out of his pockets black colored gloves and put them on his hands as he continued walking with Von.

The Chronicler

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"Yeah... just gimme a minute..." gasped Chronicler in response, still trying to catch his breath. After nearly falling to his death, he certainly needed a quick break.

About a minute later, Chronicler was still breathing heavily, but at least he wasn't so exhausted that he couldn't do much. He walked up to the dead tree, stood on the opposite side of it from the ledge it stood on, then pushed against it with all his might. Nothing happened. "Okay... this might take a while," he said. He pushed the tree again. Still nothing. He tried a third time. Same result. "Come on!... How hard can this be!?" Once more, he he tried with all his might to push the tree over. After a few seconds, he heard the tree crack, just once. "Ha! I think I'm getting somewhere!" With that boost to his morale, he pushed the tree again, this time getting a few more cracks. The same thing happened on another try, but the tree barely even budged. "Come on, come on..." He pushed again. This time, not only did he hear even more cracks, but he saw the base starting to split and cause the tree to lean towards the other side of the gap in the ground. "I think one more should do it." He pushed against the tree one more time. After struggling a few seconds, the base of the tree finally split apart, causing the tree to topple over.

"Yeah!" shouted Chronicler in excitement as the tree fell over to the other side of the gap. While the base stayed on the ledge on his side, the top of the tree slammed onto the ledge on the other side with a loud, SMASH! As that happened, the middle of the trunk unexpectedly bowed downward. Chronicler cringed at this and exclaimed, "Ooh! That didn't sound good!" He leaded over the ledge to get a better look at the tree. Although it was now spanning the gap, the trunk in the middle had slightly split apart. "That's not good. The tree's split right in the middle. It could break and fall in at any time." Realizing what this meant, Chronicler turned to the others and shouted, "You guys better hurry across!"

Ruby didn't hesitate to follow Chronicler's advice. She immediately jumped onto the tree and, as she ran across, exclaimed, "Hurry, Chomper! We have to hurry across while we can still get across!"

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Daniel sighed before taking off, every time he flew he got a bit better at it and now he could almost pass for a seasoned flier. Although, he did slip up every now and then. He soared over the Valley still searching, he really didn't want to be alone in a now world. "Sparky! Anyone! Where are you guys?!" he called out.


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Tria finally was able to create a hole after all that time to allow Cera, Ducky, Anna, and Tricia out. A large cloud of dust arose and rocks fell to the sides. Tria seemed to beam from the whole scenario.

"There you are! I was so afraid!" She exclaimed as she took an eyeful of her daughters when the clouds dispersed.

Amy looked on at the scene with awe when she saw the work being done. She felt bad that she could not have been more of help, but at least her friend and the kids were safe.

Cancerian Tiger

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"We're fine.  Thanks for your help," Anna said as she shook the dust out of her hair.  "Man, I just bathed earlier.  Oh, well.  I can use it as an excuse to go swimming later.  Anyhoo, back to what we were doin'.  A'ight, up y'all go one at a time."

"Let's get Tricia out first," Cera said.

"Will do," Anna replied before she scooped the baby threehorn up and lifted her out of the hole.  She ran up to her mother while giggling, followed by Cera.  Once Anna lifted Ducky out, she crawled out of the space.  

"Phew!  Not every day ya get stuck in a cave.  Thanks again," she said to Tria.


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Sparky quickly held a mixed expression of relief and sadness. On one hand, she was glad that Mrs. Flyer knew who Pangaea was, on the other hand, Mrs. Flyer hasn't seen him. Bummer....

"Unfortunately, my particular knowledge of the situation is as limited as yours. All I know is that we're trying to help find them." Though it's more to help the Egg Stealers than the angry mob no doubt forming...It's still helping though... her mind told her.

"On our way, we lost Pangaea and...." Her eyes scanned her group and noticed another member missing. She blames herself... "We lost Pangaea and Daniel, another flyer who's new around here." She returned her sight to Rebecca. "Think you can help us find them?"


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Having been the last of the group to join the impromptu egg stealer rescue mission, Guido had been far behind the others at the time they lost track of Pangaea and Daniel. In fact, at the moment, Guido couldn’t see any of the others, though it didn’t help that he was gliding from tree to tree through the canopy, and much of the ground below was obscured by the forest understory. However, Guido had several months of gliding practice on Pangaea, and he had honed his technique to the point that he was a considerably more agile and efficient glider than the older Microraptor. So he had a good chance of catching up to his red friend, if he could only determine which direction he’d gone…

As he came in for a landing, Guido suddenly noticed an obstruction on the arboreal runway he had selected. He uttered a yelp of surprise as he abruptly changed direction at the last minute, “Whoa!” Guido yelped as he suddenly abruptly changed direction, landing in a branch adjacaent to the one he had initially targeted, and narrowly avoiding a collision.

The grouchy-looking Archaeopteryx ruffled its feathers and gave a low, irritated squawk at the intruding glider, but didn’t move from the clutch of eggs it was sitting on.

“Sorry about that,” Guido apologized. “Don’t mind me; just passing through.”

Just as he turned to move on, Guido thought of something. “Uh, say, I’m actually looking for somebody who I think might have flown by here. You wouldn’t happen to have seen him, would you, sir?”

The Archaeopteryx hissed.

“Ma’am! Ma’am! Sorry, ma’am,” Guido hastily corrected himself. “Uh, anyway, he looks like me, but he’s bigger, and red.”

The Archaeopteryx extended a wing and pointed it in the appropriate direction, never changing its deadpan expression.

“Oh, thank you very much!” Guido took off from the tree with renewed hope of finding his friend, while the Archaeopteryx muttered something in its avian tongue as it hunkered into a comfortable incubating position on top of its nest.


A few minutes later, as he soared over yet another gap in the canopy, Guido spotted the familiar blue shape of Rebecca perched in a branch below him. An instant later, he noticed that she was talking to Sparky. He could only hear snippets of their conversation, but it sounded like they were talking about Pangaea.
“Hey!” he called down as he passed overhead. “Are you looking for Pangaea? I just got a tip on which way he went!”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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9OOC: :wow ZONIKS! I'm behind here. :slap)

Tria turned to Anna after nuzzling her children.

"Of course, I could never leave family behind. Your friend Amy here also helped too. If it wasn't for her hearing, I would have never have found you."

She tipped her head to the flyer whom was more to the side, out of view from everyone else. Amy slinked a bit out of the shadows and awkwardly waved a wing slowly.

"Um, hello, I'm....I am glad you guys are okay."
Rebecca went through a series of emotions, her eyes brightening, hoping, but then disappointed, although still attempting to be friendly, and then smiling again and nodding her head.

"Absolutely, perhaps we should,"

But before she could say anything more, she took a sight of Guido,whom was passing overhead.

"Guido! Thank goodness you're alight. Perhaps on the way to finding Pangaea we can find those egg stealers as well." She sighs at the thought of those egg stealers harming any unborn hatchlings in the valley. She took off the branch and flew to Guido's level.
After all that frantic yelling, screaming, and whatnot, Hyp was able to slink out of the valley and find an opening where he could travel upward and look around. It was boring for a young shortneck like him to be simply in the valley with nothing to do.

Haha, maybe I'll go head to head with some dumb sharpteeth and just tell 'em who's boss.


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"Oh great. Where in the River Styx am I?" John said to himself as he found himself in an area he couldn't indenify after getting seperated from Daniel, Sparky, Nana and Pangaea.

He noticed that he wasn't alone, Hyp was apprantly there too. John silently cursed in ancient Greek as he leapt out of sight.


Cancerian Tiger

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All Anna could do was smile back at Tria and remind herself mentally not to stare.  It was still hard at times for her to believe she was really in the presence of her favorite dinosaurs.

"Yeah, that was really lucky for all of us.  Who knows how long it would've taken to dig our way outta there.  Thanks again to both of y'all," Anna said before she politely returned a wave gesture to Amy.  "Glad to see you're back around as well.  Just curious, did anyone have any plans to do anything?"


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(OOC: Er...Belmont, not meant as a jab at you or anything, but the italics were used for thoughts. So I don't think your character would know right away what Hyp was thinking. Just saying.)

Tria's warm smile suddenly loosens to a worried, puzzled expression.

"Well...Amy and I heard some screaming up ahead, I don't know exactly what happened, but I was hoping that we could find out what it was. I was afraid that it was you two," She looked at her two daughters worriedly, but at the expressions of her children's faces, her heart melted.

Amy then walked toward the center of the dinosaurs, hoping to not look rude.

" wasn' we are thankful for that." She paused for a moment, then looked at Anna and returned the question, "Why, what were you planning do to today?"


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(OOC: Well, you don't have to speak out loud for someone to find out what's going through your head, I could've just found out through body language, facial expressions and tone of voice.)


Cancerian Tiger

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"I dunno.  Whatever happens, I guess.  Hey, did y'all happen to hear somethin' about eggstealers awhile ago?" Anna asked Amy and Tria curiously.


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Tria and Amy both were puzzled but then the thoughts clicked in unison. Tria spoke up first however.

"That was probably the scream I heard! My gosh, egg stealers, here, in the valley?" The protective mother looked towards everyone worriedly. However, she stopped herself and seeing Tricia's face, felt the need to be strong.

"Then, perhaps we should look to see if everything is alright?"


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Catching aerial movement and hearing Mrs. Flyer's exclaimation, Sparky looked up at the teal-colored Glider and grinned, waving happily and enthusiastically. Yayz!!! They can finally find Pangy!! Hopefully, Daniel will be able to spot them soon as well.

"Hi, Guido!! You have no idea how happy I am to see you!! And even more happy that you know where Pangy is!" She started walking in the two aerial-critter's direction, thrilled that she's now a follower once more!!


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The young Longneck had been quiet for most of this conversation. Not because she was shy or anything, but because she honestly didn't know what to say, and got confused when someone said something. She didn't know if it was addressed to her, or someone else. Lately though, it seemed like a lot of the comments and small-talk exchanged throughout the group seemed like everyone was talking to everyone but her. It happened anyway, why not get used to it?

"Hey, Guido!...Yeah, I'm with her," she laughed, rolling her eyes jokingly.

Cancerian Tiger

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"Fine with me," Anna replied with a shrug.  "I think it's best to know what's goin' on in the neighborhood."


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Pangaea couldn’t help but smile in relief when Ozzy indicated his agreement to hear out his idea. “Oh, thank goodness. I knew you two were smart enough to make the right choice.” A little flattery with dinosaurs like these two never hurts, he slyly added mentally.

“So, um, first of all, what’s happened with you two since we last ran into each other? Any luck getting any eggs?”

“Not one,” Ozzy grumbled.

Pangaea sighed in relief. Catching a scathing glare from Ozzy, he hastily continued. “Uh…I mean, that’s good news for you, really! If you haven’t actually harmed anyone’s eggs, then technically the valley dinosaurs can only blame you for attempted eggnapping.” Pangaea wasn’t sure if that would make much difference to someone like Mr. Threehorn, but he was desperate to grasp at any straw he could to convince the egg stealers to agree to what he was planning.

“And that helps us how?” Ozzy inquired skeptically, crossing his arms. “What, do you plan on taking us before a council of the valley leafeaters and pleading our innocence?”

“No, nothing like that,” Pangaea said. “I will have to talk to the leafeaters at some point, but I’d rather keep you guys out of it as much as possible. Besides, this is about you two finding enough food. The valley dinosaurs won’t tolerate you eating eggs here.”

“Does this plan of yours involve telling us something we don’t know?” Ozzy snapped.

“What if I told you that I could show you a place with a huge supply of eggs and other things for you guys to eat that no one would try to stop you from taking?”

The change in Ozzy’s expression was instantaneous. He blinked, as if he were doing a mental double take. Clearly Pangaea had his attention. “Go on,” he said slowly.

“You ever hear of a place called the Big Water? I haven’t technically been there before myself…not this one, anyway…it’s hard to explain…but I’m very familiar with it, you see, and I know that there are certain places along its shores where creatures crawl out to lay their eggs, and then just leave them there to hatch. They don’t guard their nests or anything. As far as I know, the parents don’t care if their eggs get eaten, because they don’t get attached to them to their eggs the way dinosaurs do. They just lay a lot of them and hope for the best. It’s an egg stealer’s paradise.”

He continued. “And if you can’t find any eggs, there’s a whole lot of other things to eat along the edge of the Big Water. A lot of them are in shells, just like eggs, and while they’re a lot harder to crack open, I think even you would like them, Ozzy. My plan is to take you guys to the Big Water, so that you’ll have all the food you need, the valley dinosaurs can live in peace, and no one will be chasing you around every time you try to get a bite to eat. It’s a win-win solution! So, whaddaya say?”

Ozzy and Strut’s mouths had long begun to water, and for once Ozzy actually looked quite thoughtful. “I’m surprised I’m saying this,” he finally said, “but I like the sound of this idea of yours.”

“We’re in!” Strut piped eagerly. “When do we leave?”

Ozzy moved as if to smack his brother, but apparently decided it wasn’t worth the trouble. “All right,” he said to Pangaea. “We’ll go with you to this fantastic place of yours.”

“Great!” Pangaea grinned.

If it really exists,” Ozzy warned. “Because if you’re trying to trick us, mark my words, you’ll regret it.”

Pangaea swallowed anxiously. Inwardly, he knew he was making a gamble. He was certain that somewhere, at some time, along the coast of the Mesozoic sea, sea turtles would drag themselves ashore to deposit hundreds of eggs in the sand. The problem was, he had no idea if that time was now, or if that place was anywhere near the stretches of shoreline the gang had visited in the LBT movies; the ones that were reachable via a few days’ trek from the Great Valley. But he didn’t want to tell the egg stealers of these uncertainties, for fear that they would change their minds about following him. He hoped that the others would find him soon, so that he wouldn’t have to lead the egg stealers to the Big Water by himself; he didn’t want to be alone if things got ugly.

Pangaea didn’t expect his hopes to be fulfilled so punctually.

“Pangaea, there you are!” came a voice from the trees. “We’ve been looking for you everyóGYAAH!”

As the glider and egg stealers frantically swiveled their heads to locate the source of the voice, a crash sounded from a nearby bush. Three pairs of eyes snapped to the opthalmoceptive target of disturbed foliage to see a small, disheveled lump of teal feathers scoot to a stop on the ground in front of the undergrowth it had just plowed through. Of the three in the clearing, only Pangaea was familiar enough with the interloper and his species to realize that he must have intended for a more graceful landing, but upon noticing the company his burgundy buddy was keeping, had been so alarmed that he lost control of his descent, hence the Microraptor-shaped groove he had just ground into the forest floor.

“Hey, it’s another Gooey!” Strut observed with interest.

Guido dazedly staggered to his feet. He looked considerably worse for wear after his two-tier impact on earth and understory, but as soon as his walleyed pupils realigned themselves and settled on the two egg stealers standing over his friend, he snapped to panicked attention.

“Aah!” he squawked. “Pangaea, look out! The egg stealers are right behind you!”

Assuming the worst was about to happen, Guido frantically looked around for something to use as a weapon, his eyes coming to rest on a reasonably brittle-looking, but sharp, dead branch. He hurriedly seized it and attempted to wrench it from the tree. The task took several seconds longer than what should have been practical, and the section that snapped off was decidedly smaller than intimidating. Undeterred, Guido spun to face the egg stealers, striking a fighting stance. He whipped the stick out like a rapier, pointing it at Ozzy.

“I–I’m warning you…” he stammered, “You lay one claw on Pangaea, and you’ll…you’ll answer to me!”

Ozzy took one look at the tiny green glider and his pathetically feeble weapon, and turned to Pangaea with a look on his face that rendered words superfluous. Is this guy for real?

Pangaea sighed. “Ozzy, Strut, this is my friend Guido.” He stepped closer to the younger glider, put a hand on his shoulder, and eased down the hand wielding his improvised sword (which was quivering almost as much as its bearer). “It’s okay, Guido,” he said. “They’re…well, I suppose ëfriends’ might be a bit of a stretch, but they aren’t going to hurt us. I’ve talked to them, and they’re willing to cooperate.”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.