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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5647 · 275212


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"Dixie is gonna pay..." Belladonna kept repeating hellbent, her teeth clenched the entire time.

"Do you by chance have a chill pill for my cousiin?" Annabelle asked the Baron.


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Even even with her later, like damage her bus while they are on the way to the next town.." the Baron replied
- Scooby crushed muttley 6-1 to win the match in under an hour Murttley threw his racquet away in disgust, he had been routed
 Scooby smirked as he headed back to the bus..
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His match over Droopy went to the break area to relax a bit.


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'Oh sure!' Incendia said, jumping. 'I like to collect stuff!'

'She means to go and buy it,' Glacia said to her brother.

'Oh, but I have no moneys!'

'Shouldn't have bought all that food,' Glacia replied, shaking her head.

'But hotdogs are so yummy!'

'Whatever. Here's some cash, go spend youself silly.' Glacia shoved a bit of money into her brothers unexpecting hands, but he immediently bounced.

'Yay!' He shouted, and gave his sister a hug. It made her smile, just a little.

'Just don't forget the gold perfume, okay?' Glacia reminded her brother.

'Aye aye, captain pants.'

'I'm not even weraing any... oh nevermind.' Before she could have said any more, her brother had dashed off into the distance, with spening money in hand. 'He'll be back with god knows what,' Glacia said with a sigh.


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well, hes a kid, they have the attention span of water droplets.. come to think of it, so does Sonic" Dulcy laughed. " now is there anything you would like Glacia?
Dulcy said as they passed a scorebead with the results of the matches
Well it appears you play.. Dixie Doo next, tomorrow morning Glacia.. its your last match ...'
 A store of perfumes caught Dixie eye as they walked past " Hey Girls she said to Kitty and tigress ' want to try out some of this stuff?"
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'Water droplet? Hah, that's a nice way of putting it,' Glacia laughed.

'Anywho... the last match,' she continued, 'that's good to hear. One win and one loss, so it could go either way for me. Though, to be honest, if I lose I will never hear the end of it from my brother... even though he couldn't play tennis to save his life.'

Incendia's head popped out of a trashcan, close to where Dixie was standing. 'Hello there, I'm looking for a perfume store,' he said, the sign for the perfume store just above and behind his head.


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you're looking for a perfume store? tigeress giggled ' welll, you're not going to find it in that trash can.. She laughed as she went over and heklped incedia out of the garbage can, as best she could given her advanced pregnancy. Now your olooking for a perfume stoe well look at that sign above you...
_ Dixies 2-0, a win and shes in the finals..Samia noted.. of course shes likely in the finals anyway. you can only get there with a win..and if cindy bear klosses to belladonna..
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'Oh hey, look at that!' Incendia said, looking up at the sign. 'Wow, you're really good at spotting stuff, I would never had seen that.'

Though that might have been because he had been searching in the trashcan, but at least he had found a perfectly good watch (and it worked!). 'Thank you maddam,' Incendia said to Tigress with a bow. 'I am in your debt and such.' With that, he headed into the shop to find the mysterious gold perfume of mystery.

Gold Perfume Here -->, said a sign that pointed to a stacked pile of the stuff just inside the store. 'Aww,' Incendia moaned. 'Nothing's an adventure anymore. Ooh, I wonder if they sell shark repellant here...'


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they did indeed sell sharp repellant, in aisle 4. " Shark repellant, for when guns aren't enough' read the sign..
_ why would you need 'shark repellant Tigress asked as they passed the aisle.. " Although if they have something for grumpy mates , i'll get that for tiger" She grinned..
_ Hmm I could get Scooby something that will make him eat healthy foods" Dixie smiled.
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Incendia had also decided to grab some shark repellent, one never knew when it might come in handy. Of course, he had certainly not missed the gold perfume, for it was shiny and made of gold... two things which would easily grab the little orange dragons attention.

He took both up to the counter, which was (as always) taller than he was by at least a foot... and payed for them, leaving him with enough money for something else.

Glacia meanwhile continued to chat with Dulcy and Samia. 'So, while my brother is out doing his... stupid invention related stuff, I like to kick back and-' she looked around to see if anyone was looking, '-play video games. Oh my god, I am such a big nerd... and here I am always making fun of my brother and his inventive instinct, whilst I try to beat Gears of War 7. I also read books, Sci-Fi mostly. There was also a time when I played board games and such with passers by, that was before the Borderlands became a desert though... those were better times.'

She sighed. 'Anywho, what makes a dragon like yourself travel around with a hedgehog that you can't even find?'


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friendship, mostly.. Dulcy admitted ' He helpe lead a revolution against Dr Egman who had taken over our world, and Somnic helped overthrow him.."
Samia spoke up, I meet Dulcy a couple months ago, and we've been hanging out, trying to find mates -without any luck) and once we found out by these games we decided to come over and follow along..Dulcys a good friend she said ' hugging her friend warmly..
 Dulcy giggled as Samia hugged her...then broke away from her ' I do hope incedia brings back the perfume...
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'Oh he will,' Glacia said. 'For all his faults, he does honour his word... on occasion. Not sure what he could do with a bottle of perfume anyway.' She shuddered. 'Actually, I hate to think what he might try.'

'Pickles!' Incendia shouted from behind Glacia, which made the blue dragon jump. He had appeared behind her almost with the skill of a ninja... almost.

Glacia turned. 'Please stop doing that.'

'I have perfume!' Incendia held up a bottle.

Glacia leant in and read the label. 'Shark repelle-'

'Oops! Wrong one!' Incendia quickly switched bottles to the gold laced perfume.

'Very good, brother. And you actually didn't go and waste all of my money-'

'I also bought a bubble blower!' Incendia showed off the bottle of bubble blowing liquid. 'Bubbles!'

'Groan,' Glacia said loudly.

Incendia ignored his sister, and walked up to Dulcy. Almost immediently he went red in the cheeks again. 'here's your bottle of perfume stuff... miss Dulcy.' He held up the bottle to her, looking away, shy.


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thank you Incedia now about your reward .. Dulcy was stopped as Samia whispered softly in her ear .. "Dulcys eyes widened and  She pushed her away Samia! But Now that I think about it.. Come here incedia and recieve your reward.. " She lifted nincedia's face, close to hers and red andorange lips met as she kissed him on the lips. dulcy tongue briefly touched his by accident as she pulled away..
-Samia smirked slightly as she watched her friend kiss Incedia.. "Do you have a boyfriend now. She cracked.
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Incendia's brain pretty much exploded. 'Woah,' he said. 'tha... wa... sooo, wow... huh.' He stumbled, trying to turn to face his sister, whom stared at him with eyes wide open and mouth just the same. 'What jus... happended?'

Glacia closed her eyes. 'Nice work, now you broke him,' she said with a slight chuckle. 'Congratulations, that's your first kiss, brother. Welcome to the club.'

'Oh my gosh! I'm married?!'

'No...' Glacia raised a brow, 'wait, what?'

'Not again!'


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married?Dulcy laughed " no, Incedia you're a bit young for that...
 My Turn" Samia said and she moved over Took the still reeling incedias face in her cklaws and gave him a firm, strong,lengty kiss. her kiss lasted longer than dulcys, and when she finished she gently brushed her tongue against incedias before pulling away. " Thats for getting me the perfume she whispered in his ear..
_ Um.. getting the perfume was my idea.. Dulcy said.. "I'll thank you for that later.. its not like i;m going to kiss you , right in front of them..samia pointed out..' Yeah good point Dulcy said. then Samia whisper something in her ear, dulcy turned to her smiled briefly and nodded.. she then turned to Glacia .. " So why don't we get you and your brother some more to eat.. our treat' she said...
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'Sounds good,' Glacia said. 'I could do with something to eat after something like tennis. As for my brother,' she looked down at the poor orange dragon, who'm had passed out shortly after a bried moment of stumbling that resembled a drunken dance routine, 'I'd suggest something very strong, like chilli.'

'My god,' Incendia said from the ground. 'It's full of stars...'

'That's the sky, you idiot,' Glacia said. 'And it's still daytime.'

'It's so... pretty.'

'You should get off the ground before someone steps on you.'

'I'm in... heaven. Pretty angels and unicorns... and cereal, I like cereal.'

'Fetch me a bucket of water,' Glacia said to Dulcy. 'I know how to wake him.'


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dulcy smirked as she went over a stand a got a bucket of water and gave it to Glacia..."Now tell me glacia , are there any boy dragons were you are from, besides this young Romeo here" she giggled slightly.. Chili it is assuming theres a vendor that makes it if not, we'll have some soup..
 Dixie found Tigress and Kitty a pair of beaitiful purple dresses and she bought one of them for herself..
Tigress came out wearing the new dress and showed it around to the other girls how does it look? She cried happily...
 Dixie! Thank you sofor all this i feel like I could k-" Do it later" dixuie cut in, as she looked at a new rack of clothes...
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'Oh yeah,' Glacia said, 'there's plenty. Given that most of them are much older than me, and the fact that I'm hardly of age for that sort of thing.' Not that it really mattered, for she was usually busy indulging in her hobbies to even think about that horrible romantic yucky stuff. There was one thing that she did think about, however.

'There is one problem,' she continued, a little embarassed. 'Where I live, our species of dragons... well, uh... they kinda supposed to mate in the air. That's one of the biggies, or so I've been told, of how dragons get judged for... suitability. The ability to fly is therefore crucial, something which I... er... lack. Unlike Romeo here.' She pured a bucket of cold water on her brothers head, which had the effect of shooting him up into the air.

'Ow! Ow! Cold, cold!' He cried, shaking his head like a dog trying to rid of the water. Glacia regretted her actions, copping a shower of water in the process of her brother trying to dry himself off.


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well, then we'll have to see if there is any sort of contraptions around here that could make up for your lack of natural wings.. we wouldn't want you to be left out, because of a quirk of nature" Samia said, looking at Glacia.. "Now, both Dulcy and I are older than you two, so we've had some experience in those matters.. Now, lets look around and see if any of these vendors have artifical wings.. You can pay us back later" she grinned.
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The moment Samia mentioned artificial wings, Glacia went pale. 'Oh, no... that's... n.. not necessary,' she stuttered, her brain trying to think up excuses. 'Uh... I think I left the iron on at... uh...'

Incendia on the other hand... 'Yay!' He shouted joyfully, 'let's make my sister fly!'

'No, please, let's not,' she replied.

'Aww, come on sis... flying is so much fun.'

'I recall the last time you said that, you had tried to strap that exploding jet pack to my back.'

'But it worked fine,' Incendia complained. 'I put in on my back, and it worked!'

'It exploded in mid-air... you only survived because you're immune to fire, and extremely lucky.'

'Exactly! No... wait.'

Glacia turned to Samia. 'Not to sound rude, but no thanks. I know it's a weird thing for a dragon to say, but I prefer the comfort of the ground.'

'Glacia's afraid of heights,' Incendia said.

Glacia closed her eyes, and sighed. 'Thanks brother, tell the entire world while you're at it.'

'Okay!' He said, immediately turning and running off into the distance, much to the digress of his sister.

A minute or so later, there was a jingle on the local speaker system. 'Ahem, excuse me. Hi,' Incendia's voice sounded over the speakers. 'Hello, hey... just wanted to tell everyone that my sister, Glacia, is afraid of heights. Yeah, funny story... she was climing this tree because I dared her and then she slipped and... ooh. Hey, what's this button do-'

A pop tune started to play over the system. Another voice shouted in the background, 'hey, what do you think you're doing? Get out of there!'

'Oh oh, I've been caught orange handed! Prepare to eject!'

'Get out! Shoo! Let go of the microphone!'

'No, this is my microph... ph... microphu... the thing I'm speaking into, it's mine!'

'Let go!' The sounds of a struggle. 'Hey, that's my leg! Ow, my foot!'


'Someone grab him!'

'Ha ha, stole your wallet!'

Another voice. 'He's got my pants!' Then, the system went silent.

Glacia sighed, shaking her head at the nearby speaker. 'He won't be coming back for a while.' She turned to the two dragons, with a dark and determined look on her face. 'Let's find me some wings.'