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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5642 · 272536


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"He really makes you feel safe, huh?" Sawyer asked as she climbed on the other side of the throne bed. Louie had long arms which could wrap around the two of them easily.


Oliver changed into a fast food worker costume for the skit. "A hot dog, you say?" he acted out with Odie, "One will be coming right up sir!"


"I almost forgot about that," Kitty realized, "What year will it be, do you girls remember?"


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I'm turning 22 Chie said. " I haven't really celebrated my birthdays much, because I have been scraping by and couldn't afford much," " I'll cover the bills, " Dixie said. She grabbed a long bread roll and put it into a cart , which Kitty Mukua and Atrua put things into as they checked off the list. There was maybe 5 more things to get, then Dixie had a list of birthday gifts for Chie
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Captain Fairchild took Stripetail's advice to heart. Unfortunately, with the thugs scattering in every possible direction living A-10 could only pick out a few targets. That and several of them had exploited Neo Gotham's tangle of elevated highways and sidewalks to evade him, taking advantage of the plane's relatively poor maneuverability and size. That restricted him to the upper levels where his cameras could operate. And even then, it was difficult...except for the one who foolishly decided to use a jetpack to evade him. The device's flame stood out sharply against the relatively cooler buildings and sidewalks.

He could hear the honking of horns as the hooligan zipped between cars and small aircraft in an attempt to lose the living A-10. To his surprise, the jetpack pilot landed in what was clearly a posh section of Neo Gotham where harsh concrete and glaring lights gave way to shrubs, trees, lawns and even fountains.

Captain Fairchild broke off pursuit and used his camera to zoom in on the pilot, who was now landing at one of the houses. Another circuit and he was able to get a street number and address. Filing that away for reference, his internal fuel gauge pinged.

"Well, better head back to the airfield to refuel," he said as he wheeled around and headed back to the outskirts of Neo Gotham.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail was moved to another room in his hotel while repairs were made to the toom to fox the damage Inque had caused. stripetail climned into bed and turned on the evening news ' a hologram of a face reported on the Jokerz vandalism of Gotham stadium, r with unconfirmed rumors of the batman stepping in to stop them. ' Reports of the legendary Batman are cropping up from all over Gotham. Officially commissioner Gordon has no comment on the Dark Knight, tributing the Jokerz capture to Gotham PD. in sports gotham has been selected for the laffalympics, which will start in 2 weeks time! there will be 4 events all held at Gotham university or Hamilton hill High School. Students are encouraged to sign up for positions, including security, judging and advertising. Interviews for jobs will be starting tomorrow at Hamilton  high at 8. minimum pay will be 1000 creds an hour."
Terry helped walk Max home,  as they entered the part of town where Max lioved with her mother and father' the Gibsons were poor, and max kept quiet about how bad her home life was. " maybe you should talk to this Stripetail guy  when you interview with him tomorrow and see f you cant swing something for your folks" Terry said "A guy  so rich hes paying anyone who asks 1000 creds could certainly swing 50000  for your folks." I couldnt do that." Max shook her head. " I'd have to be pretty desperate Terry>' " the worst tht can happen is no. Me, I'd love to be security guy . throw out unruly fans you know?" He laughed as they reached the door. " night max" night terry. just try not to fall asleep in class again tomorrow, ' you dont want any more 'failure to perform' files in your record , right?  You get any more you get 2 weeks of detention." Max said  before giving terry a hug. " Max went inside as Terry headed home.
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As dawn broke over the city of Neo Gotham, the streets were bare of all except for a few night shift workers heading home. The greatest site of activity was at the Gotham Stadium and surrounding stores where crews worked all night to make it at least somewhat presentable for the Laffalympics after the Jokerz had their way with area.


Major Lockie patrolled above the hotel that Stripetail was staying at along with some Gotham PD hovercraft. They had been assigned to that area due to the threats made against Stripetail. Armed Gotham PD officers also patrolled the hotel grounds.

The DZ as well as Pfish and Chip had also been reassigned to the area after an overzealous DZ had mistaken a private (but legal) fireworks show for an attack, confiscated and destroyed all the fireworks. Needless to say, the group of revelers had made their displeasure very clear and they expected their destroyed property to be reimbursed.


At the Gotham PD HQ, a message from Captain Fairchild had been sent and was awaiting Commissioner Gordon's decision. The message in question was information on one of the Jokerz who had caused so much damage to the area surrounding Gotham Stadium.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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As Kitty and the other prizes kept shopping, she went over to Mukua with a suggestion. "Once we're done with all the chores Onca wants us to do, how about we head to the buff villa again?" she smiled, "The environment there was nice, and it had a good warmth on my fur."


"Is this the only sleeping quarters we have here?" Sawyer said as she and Berry each got on a side of Louie's throne-bed. He was in the center, being the biggest.


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why would you want to sleep anywhere else babe?" louie laughed. ' she values her privacy, my king ' Berry said. " its an American thing, I guess. " she shrugged as she settled in on Louie;s right. Sawyer wa on the left of the bed, which has several blankets and pilows to keep the occupants warnm and comfy.
Sounds likea great idea to me ' Mukua smiled. ' those baths have so many different settings that i could probably spend an enitire week in one and not juse them all' She laughed, as Chie and Dixie came by with the last of Ozais requests '" alright girls that should be all of it.' Dixie said, as Atrua came up to them carrying a steaming tray of warm soft bread ' hey girls, thought we could enjoy some chewy bread while we head back' the pantress said.
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"These are some warm blankets and comfy pillows," Sawyer noted, "But then again you're royalty so this is what you get every day of your life, right?" she asked Louie, who had a big goofy grin on his face.


"Just how rich is Onca?" Kitty chuckled at the thought of that many hottubs. "Is there a word for the amount of money he has, in any language?" The more time she spent here, the more it was impressive just how rich the panther prince was.


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"Commissioner Gordon," Captain Fairchild said via his radio link. "I have located one of the Jokerz implicated in the attack on one of Gotham's commercial districts. I suspect this might be the ringleader. I am circling over the neighborhood right now and have been for the past several hours. I am running low on fuel so I request backup."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Hes extremeky rich' Mukua said " nillions, I think. whether thats in our currency, or yours, hes loaded. How else can he afford all the stuff you;ve seen so far?" and you girls havent been to all the villas.' Atrua said " theeres even a track for prizes to try our claw at driving.. which hasnt exactly gone too well for me. I justb love going too fast."
_ the gitls sampled the soft bread as they drove back in the prize mobie. ' they stopped at oncas palace to drop off the goods and found there was a series of envelopes with each prizes name ioon it. Dixuie pened hers and gaped: it was full of 1000 dollar bills.." wiw.. the prince is filthy filthy roch rich. Theres gotta be a couple million in here" Chie gasped as she pulled out a fewc cbills and thlet then driopp through her clas ' W-what am i going to do with all this money?' Spend it silly" atrua laughed.
 naturally louie said pressing a button. a tray popped out and a bowlk of freshly popped popcornm appeared in the tray along with 3 glasses of freshly poured champagne." Banana-dfavored ;' luie said gulping his glass down in one go.
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Sawyer accepted the drink, but the flavor Louie mentioned made her pick up on the implications. "Am I.....going to have to get used to bananas for meals?" she realized, worried there might not be a variety in her diet. She could see Louie and Berry grinning at her.


"This is pocket change for someone like Onca, right?" Kitty figured as she looked over the millions she and the others were so casually given. "We should give some of this to Arlene," she told Dixie.

The Prizes were nearing the buff villa, where the hottubs were. "Do they all come with the same features or are there variances among them?" the female feline asked of the local prizes.


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theres lots pf variety" Atrua sad with a smile. ' some have bubbles that smell of flowers, others have rainbow foam that you soak in, theres even one that is filled with hot cocoa instead of water. we save that for the festive seasons,.' She grinned.,"because that tub is drunk empty within hours of being filled.
_ we definitely will give some of this to Arlene.' Dixie agreed. ' " she definitely could use the money more than us. Get her some nice clothes too, something to match her fur. There was a nice dreess in town that I;ll get for her a little later, the pink one with the red ruffles.
_ the girls entered the buff villa and headed towards the tubs. next to a large one stood a tray of food which was actually alive- mice chickens and fish. there was hot dog buns, brat buns hamburger buns, stations for making burgers and sandwiches." ' awesome! Its build your own meal day" Atrua beamed. "" we have the prey be alive because its easier than waiting a half hour for grilling. plus its like hunting in the jungle back in the day>"
" i bet you'll gorge on the mice kitty' dixie laughed. Mukua was quickly in line making herself a 'hot dog. " come join me Dixie' She grinned. " I'll show you a special way we feed each other during these meal days." Sure how do you do it, We each getan end?' Dixie said. "  No' Mukua grinned impishly. " We get really close to each other, i put some food in my mouth, wrap it in my tongue then pass it to you by sticking the food in your mouth. my tongue goes in there too but only as part of passing the food." Oh.. is that a local custom./' Dixie asked. ' yeah.Girls share with other girls, guys share with other guys, family shares with family and of coursed theres mixed company too." Dixie grabbed a plate and made herself a fish burger. then joined Mukua in the tub."Ok, we have mice for me and Fish for you.' Mukua said I'll share a mouse with you and you share a fish  with me. Since I'm teaching , I'lll go first.' Dixie leaned in and kissed Mukua on the lips catching her by surpise  after a couple seconds Dixies and Mukuas tongues came together inside Mukua's mouth,  and the pair french kissed  for about 30 seconds before mukua pulled away. "Dixie! dont jump the gun!' I hadnt gotten my food in yet.  " she said. ' sorry.' Dixie said,' go ahead" " alright, just keep your mouth as open as you can, otherwise this wont work.>'mukua put a mouse into her muth and wrapped her tongue around it. Mukua leaned in extending her tongue and the mouse over Dixies lips and into her mouth. Dixie quickly swallowed the food stuffing a bun into her mouth to wsh the food down. She passed the fish to Mukua next and mukua pulled away. ' not bad for the first time ' she said. " I'll teach Kitty next ."
Theres a lot of banana true' Louie grins. " theres also the berry shake. blueberrys are rare but delicious. put a wedge of coconut , and its delicious.
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"Well, I guess fruits are good for me...." Sawyer said, rolling her eyes slightly. "You're really ok with all of this?" she asked to Berry, who she didn't quite fully understand even after the time they had spent together.


"You mean....this place has it's own kind of mouse burger?" Kitty realized hungrily. "What kind of toppings and condiments do you have? Is there a bar for it nearby?" Mouse burgers were her favorite back home, and she wanted to try international variations on it.


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atrua climbed into the tub with dixie carrying a plate full of food." take whatever you like girls. buni, suma, get in here and stop playing your game. Buni's up by 448 points anyway.' Chie grabbed some meat and Mukua picked up another hot dog this time slathered in green sauce. " And Mukua, you are still just lobbing the food into your partners mouth when you feed them. i thought i taught you better than that. You push it  in, and hold it until your partner can get their tongue on it. Come here, I'll show the girls the proper technique." Mukua blushed but came up next to Atrua."Atrua put a mouse into her mouth then leaned forwrd. atrua 's tongue shot out, the mouse firmly wrapped in it, and went deep into mukua's mouth. Atrua dropped the mouse onto Mukua's tongue and Mukua swallowed it, almost as a reflex. Atrua ran her tongue over mukuas as their lips locked together in a kiss, and Atrua squeezed mukuas breasts playfully.  After about 20 seconds, Atrua pulled away Mukuas tongue sliding out of her mouth. mukua then fed Atrua back, this time she was a bit more forceful than she had been with Dixie. " better, better. ' Atrua said approvingly" Don';t slack off on proper feeding Mukua, you'll develop bad habits otherwise. Is your boy toy janus to blame?' She laughed." boys just lob it in there like its a ball to a hoop. "
Dixie pulled a card off the table ' it was a menu list" well lets see '; we have.. 250 different kinds of sauces,. 80 different kinds of mouse., hambrger buns, stuffed mouse pizzas, they have .. loads of toppings. All you cam eat too.. we're going to have to be rolled out of here, arent we?" she laughed then saw the look of hunger mixed with joy on Kitty's face. ' go on , girl. grab what you like.
of course i'm good with this. Try Banana mint shake. its to die for ' Berry said.  the peppermint banana during the holidays is out of this world. in fact I'mm going to go make myself one." berry hopped out of the bed and headed to the kitchen ' Better make that 3 loves, I have a hankering for peppermint too ' Louie said.
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"Wow.....there's many......options," Kitty drooled. With each pause in her sentence, the aroma and sight of the food distracted her for just a second each time. She grabbed a plate and began filling it up with various mouse dishes. "I'm sorry girls but I'm not doing anything else until I finish filling up my stomach with mice," she said in a fashion that reflected her inherent feline carnivorous nature. The mice eeped, if they were awake, as she opened wide and began to dine.

"You all.....feed me the mice, Ancient Egypt style," she told her friends and other prizes.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2020, 03:01:32 AM by brekclub85 »


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Mukua moved next to kitty and took a 4 mouse - kabob(the mice were tied to the stick, not run through with the stick. ) and eased the nice off the stick and into her mouth ' remember , like i told Dixie keep your mouth open otherwise i wont be able to pass the food to you.' Mukua smirked at the buxom showgirl and moved closer. ' grab onto me if you need to maintain your balance. '
 Buni and suma wre in line grabbing some food, as Cey entered followed by another tigeress which she introduced as Tura " Tura these are the girls i have been telling  you about.' she smirked. ' so you told them about the marathon posing session that lasted more than two weeks?" tura chuckled. " yes, I did." lets just say, we got very used to seeing each other's form . had to , given we were holding the pose for 15 days.' tura said putting her arm around Cey." Now lets see here. you must be dixie " She pointed to Dixie" yes, mam ' dixie said " Please no 'mam' You make me sound like a schoool marm.' Tura said as she went in limne. " mukua, right?' she said to the pantheress ' mukua nodded at Tura as she had the food in her mouth before facing Kitty " and you must be kitty. Dont want to interrupt feeding time. so i'll introduce myself to you in earnest later.
 Dehli and Nunbi entered and made their way to the line for snacks ' anyone have the prince's secret sauce? nunbi asked the girls in the tub. "its my particular favorite."

 i enjoy doing stuff for louie. he pays me in banana and nuts ' berry said. ' plus i'm more or less freee to do what i please as long as he doesnt have neeed of me." ' i often do, of course ' Louie chuckled.
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"You got it," Kitty nodded, "Just keep the food coming," she said hungrily. The smells of the prepared mice were just so tantalizing to Kitty as she began to be fed them, one by one. She could instantly tell there was a bigger variety of flavors then there were of the mice back in her hometown. She moaned in pleasure with each taste. As she ate further and further the mice that were on the kabob, her lips came closer to Mukua's. Eventually, she ate a mouse close enough to Mukua's face that their lips locked. "Tastes good," Kitty grinned, being ambiguous as to what she was referring to. "Let's have another taste," she began kissing Mukua more, though occasionally she'd stuff another mouse into her maw. A meal and a makeout all at once. She felt Mukua's sides and body with her paws when she wasn't focused on eating or kissing.


"Is there anything Louie could ask of you that you wouldn't do?" Sawyer chuckled to Berry.


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We hear you fairchild. help is en route. if you need to return to refuel/ theres a refueling station in te north of town, near  bypass 3' Gordon replied. ' eta on police support is 7 minutes. maintain perimeter and visual if possible. we'll try and get a match on Id."
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"Thank you." Captain Fairchild flew a slow, lazy circle around the suspect house. "Wait, someone's coming out."

The living A-10's powerful vision allowed him to see who came out of the house he was circling. It was a boy in his late teens. At first, he thought he had made a mistake but his sensor suite informed him that the gait and posture of the teen was a 99.9% match for the gait and posture of the ringleader of the group he had seen wrecking the Commercial District. The boy then got into a very expensive looking orange sports car and drove off. Of course, even Captain Fairchild's relatively slow airspeed was more than a match for even the powerful vehicle, which merged seamlessly into the tangle of Neo-Gotham's highways.

He radioed Commissioner Gordon. "Commissioner Gordon, this is Captain Fairchild, I am in pursuit of the suspect! He's heading towards...Hamilton High School!?"


The sound of the A-10's engines practically deafened one in the parking lot.

"I know that we've had problems with the Jokerz, but are constant military flyovers really necessary!" one of the students shouted with their hands clapped over their ears.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Semd an image of the suspect to me abnd i'l egin running down the lists of students to try and find a match ' Gordon said. '' once hes goes into the building, return to your base. School is starting there in about 30 minutes, and your bosss told us he'll be interviewing students there for jobs with your games today. Send me the images and I'll forward them to foresinics, see if we cant find a match."
Terry, max  and Dana were heaed to their first class ' which was Gotham history 101. Terry found the class incredibly dull, he really didnt need to know much about what Hamilton Hill did as mayor during his tenure. The late nights working for mr wayne diudnt help his sleep schedule either. " As class began he was soon asleep. woken only by a rough shake from the teacher ' McGinnis! is my teaching lesson worth so little of your time that you sleep through it ?' NO , mr west.. I.. ' Perhaps i should send a ' failure to perform file to your mother.. that would be.. your 10th such file , mandating an automatic month's detention. '

But as the teacher reached inside his coat for the file, and terry groaned in resignation,  the door opened, and Stripetail entered carrying a clipboard with names written on a paper " Forgive my intrusion Mr West, but I'm looking for a number of students in your class." Mr West turned and looked at Stripetail,. a broad surprise coming over his face ' A-are you the wizard running the games?' yes I am.' Stripetail said, and there was a series of hushed whispered among the gathered class, combined with quiet chuckles and laughter from the jocks. ' Every student had seen the promos for the games, and every kid at school could use an extra few thousand creds." I have 4 people from your class Mr West scheduled for the first batch of interviews .  In alphabetical order by first name - they are Chelsea Cunningham, Dana Tan. Maxine Gibson.. and lets see here... Terrence McGinnnis?." " thats Terry, um.. mr ..' Stripetail, lord Stripetail. " I was just about to discipline Mr McGinnis here for falling asleep in my class .. again ' the teacher said. " but if you have him scheduled for a meeting with you.. " the meeting wont be long, I assure you. 15 minutes at the most. Hopefully once they've sampled some of  the doughnuts, snacks and coffee I've brought with me, they'll finish the class stronger than they started. That would go especially for Mr McGinnis here, i think he might need a double cup... ' Stripetail chuckled as Chelsea, Dana and Max gathered their things and headed to the  door.  Terry soon followed carrying his bag  and inwardly breathing a huge sigh of relief ' automatic detention would tick his mother off to no end, and very likely cost him his job with Mr Wayne as detention ran until 10 each night." follow me please ' Stripetail said to the four of them. ' are you really a wizard?' Chelsea asked a haughty, snobbish voice. ' Yes i am Chelsea, and no, that doesnt mean I'm going to pull coins or diamonds out of your ear.  That is a mere trick, a sleight of hand. " Stripetail said as he headed down a hallway towards a conference room he had reserved for the meetings. " Your father is a art collector, correct?' Chelsea started." I. uh.. yeah , he is.. He and I don;t always get along though. My tastes are different from his. lets say' Chelsea said. " You're not the first teenage daughter to clash with her father, my dear, and you wont be the last ' Stripetail said. "Now lets see here. you wanted 10000 creds an hour to be part of Laffalympics cheer squad?"  geez Chelsea! 10000 creds an hour?' Terry gaped. ' Thats a ton of dough. " i have expensive tastes Terry, you know that.' Chelsea said. "Don;t get greedy Chelsea ' Dana scolded ' Yeah 10000 creds an hour is almost what they pay professional hockey players Chelsea. " Max said.  now now, kids.. enough banter. ' Stripetail said opening the confer5ence room door, revealing a conference table that was covered with a wide variety of snacks. doughnuts, muffins, hash browns and steaming cups of coffee were all laid out. "Please help yourselves." Stripetail bade them sit and grab some of the food, which they did. Max grabbed a trio of hash browns, Terry took some muffins, Chelsea doughnuts, and Dana took 1 of each. The coffee was rich and tasty.  "  i think discussing jobs over food and drinks works far better that simply sitting in a chair,  in front of someone at a desk reading through your resume and trying to pick you out from 50 other candidates, and trying to keep your emotions in check while they find out you had a 1457 on the exam. ; Thats a very low score ' Max said. ." yes, my dear I know. I'm a wizard after all. " Ok, then perform some magic for us.. like ., I don;t know..create a creds card for each of us.. with.. er,. how many creds  guys?' She asked around . " 5000 creds' Terry asked.' 20000" tan chimes in. ' no. 100000 creds " chelsea said. 100000 creds on a card  for someone your age would certainly raise a lot of eyebrows,  and would almost certainly get the police involved. So No on the creds card idea. " striopetail crossed his arms. ' how about... a nice large pizza' he gestured and an enormous pizza dropped onto the table. cheese welled up from a hole the crust. while pepperoni, sausage, peppers and olives floated in a sea of cheese. the four students all gaped at the huge pizza that had appeared from nowhere. ' Dan cautiously reached out a hand and took a slice and stripetail slid her a plate. she took a bite and made a murmuring sound ' wow.. this is good ' she said between bites.  Terry ., Chelsea and Max quickly grabbed slices and began eating.
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