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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Member Awards 2010 - Voting open


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Helpful Member-I vote for Dark Hououmon as she's helped me by giving me computer advice and just being helpful to me in general throughout the year.


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Due to circumstances, I will rescind my vote for Noname and replace it with a vote for Malte.

While I may not necessarily agree with his views, he brings alternate viewpoints to a debate as well.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I too will be changing my votes for Noname, but I will be doing that a bit later on, but of course, before the close date.  Just thought I'd better warn, mainly the admins about this in here....I'll probabally edit this post if need be for the votes....cause I know I'm not allowed to edit my other post with changes to the votes themselves.


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Yes, please change or edit the votes for me. I was led to believe something was true when it was not, and instead of trying to stay on in the votes, it is better for me to bow out this year. If I did NOT leave the voting this time, I would have been in trouble, and things might still be problematic even so.

This also means my votes should be canceled, too.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I'm keeping my vote for Noname, even if it won't count.


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I am touched to hear it, LBT. I know this comes as a totally unexpected surprise for many of you. Like... a basketball player leaving the sport for a time to play golf instead.

In any case, I was already given an award this year, although it was by a different means (the highest forum racing award), and it was for something I actually did, not just what people think about me (based on fact rather than opinion), so I am happy with it.

I dropped out because a rule was not followed on my part, although I was led to believe it was within the boundaries of the rules by an admin. When I learned it was not, despite his sanction, I realized that I should just not participate in the vote this year, because of that. Think of it as being disqualified from a soccer match because I did something against the rules, even though a referee led me to think it was okay. Note that it was as likely to be an error on his part as much as anything else, not a concerted effort to do something contrary to the rules, an error I also bought into.

Now that I know better, the only responsible thing for me to do it to just not take part, so the consequences of this stupid fiasco don't affect the voting results.

To be fair, there was a good chance many of the voters would have voted for me in the role-playing category anyway, and I might very well have come away with a 2nd place award (runner-up) for philosopher (something I did not expect) but it doesn't matter now. Yes, I know I had been looking forward to this... for seven months. In the last five months, real life has forced me to re-prioritize things.

As for the people who still want to vote for me (like LBT), I will not re-enter unless all four other admins who did not mislead me tell me it is okay, and even then, I have no enthusiasm for the contest this year.

But, for everyone who voted for me under the RIGHT circumstances, I thank you all VERY much.


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For those who are reconsidering votes due to circumstance, which vote are you changing?


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Hey gang!

Reckon it's about time I got my votes in. So here are my nominations for this year's GOF awards:

Fanart - This section of the forum just goes to show the blossoming talent that many of our members have amongst other pieces of fanwork (e.g fanfictions etc.). There have been a huge amount of great pieces that our members have put a lot of time and effort into. Ptyra has been a great example of how skill and artistic talent can progress and develop and has since produced some wonderful pieces. Still, one artist continues to astound me with his artistic pieces and that is Sky. His creation of the Wingtails and digital illustrations of Caustizer's fanfic "Far Away Home" are just subliminal. Alongwith his other pieces showing various members of the original cast and others still amazes me. Sky gets my vote but well done to all those who have contributed to this forum's outstanding fanart collection :D

Feedback - It's not always easy to offer criticism that is both eye-opening and detailed yet reserves personal feeling and construct. A true skill of an open-minded individual that offers helpful advice whilst pointing out what could be improved without sounding condescending or insulting. Whilst quite a few have always pitched in to offer his/her two pence worth, I feel that Pangaea seems to do it best. Always offering to overlook or review a piece of artwork or a new idea for a fanfic, Pangaea is pretty much always front and centre, willing to offer constructive criticism that shows room for improvement whilst congratulating a member on their effort without being patronising. Not just with fanwork, pretty much any topic, be it personal or trivial, he's always straight in there giving truthful and honest opinions whilst taking careful consideration of others and their ideas. Well done Pangaea, my vote is for you ;)

Friendly Member - Uff...*sighs* Boy! This is a tough one! What currently active posting member on the GOF ISN'T friendly?! This is a doozy of a category coz everyone does their very best to ensure that the GOF is a warm and welcoming community and all new admissions are always guided by the hand and encouraged to join in wherever they feel comfortable. And with the influx of new members since the turn of the year, it's made things even harder with more perfectly eligible candidates to pick from. After careful consideration (and believe me this has been a hard one to nominate just ONE person for) I will nominate Rat_lady7 for this award. It was difficult to single any one person out but I've found Rat_lady7 to be a true demonstrative member that shows just how warm and welcoming our forum can be. Always there to offer time and patience to a fellow member who needs to chat about something personal or just needs to natter for a bit and offers sound advice where needed. You can chat to her about anything and she remains unjudging and respectful always. She came up with the "How are you feeling?" page in the Fridge section that I reckon just about everyone has written in at least once and has clocked over 700 posts! And it still continues to roll. Well done Rat_lady7! Keep doing what you do best! :D

Most Helpful - Again! Another nasty category that is so darn hard to select only one candidate for. Everyone here, as well as being friendly, is also very helpful and is quick to rise to any requests any member has about... well... anything! LBTLover would be a prime candidate in my books for this award for his constant sourcing of LBT material through his own websites and eagerness to assist were necessary. Sadly, since he is not running for nomination this year I've had to think even harder about this one. Members like Cancerian Tiger, Kor, pokeplayer984 and Pangaea (to name but a few of many members) all pounce on the opportunity to help someone out when need arises making the selection process even harder (thanks a lot guys :p :DD). Still, I feel that DarkHououmon stretches just that little bit further. She's always willing to help someone out and prepared to go to lengths to ensure a requesting member gets what they need. Anything from artwork, movie clips, pictures, she's a gold mine for it all. Thanks for your support DarkHououmon and everyone who has ever offered me assistance with something. My gratitude to you all  ;)

Philosopher - Many a grander word be spoken by many a member here. Truly inspiring words from a wonderfully diverse mindset of people from many different backgrounds and worldly point of views. Still, one voice has continued to speak out and preach to the masses (only ever in the most positive of ways ;) ) about LBT and of course, Beyond the Mysterious Beyond (Yeah I went there! More cheese than you can spread on a cracker but hey... had to be done :lol). I am undoubtably speaking of our very own Malte279. With more historical references than an encyclopedia on human history (and boy can he fill you in on some stuff! The lectures I've had... sheesh! :smile :p), Malte is not only as friendly as he is historically accurate, but his pearls of wisdom and depth of conversation on any topic is always meaningful and thought-provoking (LBT or otherwise). As most of you will agree (perhaps not always with him but agree nonetheless), Malte has a deep and unbiased view on just about anything and is never afraid to share those gems when necessary. ;)

Proactive - Now, with so many people coming up with new ideas for the forum, it's tough to once again single someone out over the mass of great ideas we've had in the past. SouthPawRacer's "Forum Racing" Game was a huge success and spawned a great number of responses for the game section. The addition of the "Ask Me" section was a wonderful ice-breaking area where members could get to know each other on a personal level whilst maintaining the friendly aura of the forum. The "Caption This" section has seen an explosion of new material and some pretty darn funny captions to boot. That being said, I still feel that Petrie has made some huge improvements to not only how the forum is run, but how it is perceived. His inclusion of the Rocky Circle open community section has allowed members to have more power and more of a direct say in how we as admins bring about change on the forum. He genuinely wants the forum to be a place where all members can communicate freely and openly with each other and bridge the somewhat daunting gap between "us" the admins and "you" the members to help us all realise that we are ALL members first and our ranking status second. Nice one boss! My vote's for you!  :D

Project - With so many different ideas floating around, members of the GOF are always looking at new ways that they can expand their creativity skills and make something new. DarkHououmon's impressive catalogue of fan made movies are always a delight to view and Action9000's on-going endeavour to get us our hugely ambitious LBT MMORPG from a string of coding into a playable article is a feat to behold in itself. Alongside that, his right hand man, or lady in this case, has always been in support of Action9000's LBT game project but has also found time to include some works of her own. My vote is for Mumbling for her undying, never ending commitment not only the LBT game project, but for introducing the GOF into areas like DeviantART and creating the LBT Fan Club. Her campaign to get the LBT movies translated to her native language and her fansite, that we were more than happy to affiliate with, are all signs of her laborous commitment and unwavering enthusiasm for all thing LBT. Well done and thanks again Mumbling :D

Role Play Gamer - Despite being a fanfic author myself, sad to admit but RPGing is a factor of fandom that I personally have never really been into. In light of this fact, I feel I cannot vote within this category purely because I hardly know who is responsible for what and what achievements they have accomplished (which I'm sure all have managed to achieve by one means or another). Congrats guys and gals. Keep on RPGing and my apologies for being unable to select one of you. :(

Those are my votes guys. I wish you all the very best of luck! Hope you get the awards you're gunning for ;)


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The Philosopher Award is often difficult to figure out and every time making up ones mind about this one requires a lot of rereading. One member who I found posted most interesting posts throughout the last year, especially in land before time discussions with Pangea and The Friendly Sharptooth (both of whom are very well deserving of credit in the Philosophical department as well) is Almaron. It is a pity that we haven't heard so long from you Almaron (but I am happy that you are still visiting the GOF and hope to read more of your really interesting posts again). Sam f-22 "raptor" ace started a good number of historical threads which I found most interesting to read and participate in. Rat_Lady7, pokeplayer984, and Kacie DarkHououmon too are frequent starters and contributors to very well thought through threads. One aspect about many threads in the GOF which I found interesting with regard to the Philosophers Award is that often members found interesting contents or materials made by others which were suited to provoke discussion in the GOF. Examples are the LBT movie reviews linked to the GOF by pokeplayer984, the articles on the original movie found and linked to the GOF by Flathead and the contributions of Pikkutassu about outcut land before time scenes (I really hope that they will show the Finnish movie versions which includes the outcut scenes again).
A decision between all of these really worthy candidates cannot go without some arbitrariness as I cannot name one of them as writing more interesting contributions than the others. My final decision is based on the fact that on the one hand threads on history are relatively rare on the GOF on the other hand because I personally am very interested in them. For this reason among the many worthy candidates I pick Sam f-22 "raptor" ace for the Philosopher Award.


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Sorry for taking so long to vote (You know me; I take time to make decisions, especially when it’s vital that I explain them :p). I am not yet certain of my nominations for the Projects Award and Helpful Member Award (if I vote in them at all), but here are the others:

Feedback Award: It is perhaps ironic that the individual I am nominating for this category is the same member who has repeatedly and emphatically expressed his appreciation for the feedback I have left on HIS work. However, I honestly consider Caustizer to be an expert giver of feedback in his own right. His reviews for Twilight Valley, for example, were so thorough and well-put that I didn’t think Serris needed my input for anything other than proofreading. He also has a talent for identifying and instilling meaningfulness in things. I once suggested a name for a prospective OC to him, and he immediately told me what he perceived the name to imply about the character; details which I was completely unaware of even being present. As far as I am concerned, he probably contemplates aspects of fanfictions as much or more than I do, and I feel that he is definitely worthy of a nomination in this category. :yes

Proactive Member Award: I knew who I was going to nominate for this award weeks in advance; a member who has introduced an astounding number of brilliant threads and ideas to the GOF in her relatively short tenure here. In the last year alone, these have included the “In The Land Before Time” RP, the “How are you Feeling?” thread, and the ever-popular “Ask Me” series, all of which I have immensely enjoyed both reading and posting in. I wish I could be a tenth as proactive as this member, who is, of course, Rat_lady7.

Role Play Gamer Award: This is a slightly problematic category, because I am not very active in the Role Play section, and have read almost none of the recent RPs. However, in the one RP I am active in, I have come to particularly enjoy the posts of Cancerian Tiger. They are incredibly detailed, interesting and entertaining to read, often quite humorous, :lol and clearly have a lot of work and thought put into them. Moreover, she always seems to have something good to post even when the RP is going slowly, and has possibly done more to keep it running than any other participant.

I’d also like to give an honorable mention to the abstaining nominee Noname, one of the few members whose role playing exploits outside “In The Land Before Time” I know anything about. In a PM conversation of ours, he mentioned that he was playing in six ongoing RPs. That, in my eyes, takes dedication. :wow

Philosopher Award: I’m taking a cue from Malte279* (who looks certain to earn yet another award in GOF Philosophy this year :p), and nominating a member who may not prevail in this category, but whom I firmly believe should be given her due. In my eyes, DarkHououmon has been very proficient at making clear, concise analytical posts, often on controversial topics, firmly stating her opinions while taking care not to offend other people. Her points are well explained but not excessively long, and easy to understand (all of which I have perpetual trouble with :p). Time and again Kacie has amazed me by pointing out something about a topic that I probably would not have noticed on my own, but which made absolute sense once she had brought it to light. She has also shown herself to be quite good at introducing thought-provoking ideas to a discussion (particularly in the numerous PM conversations we have had).

Malte at least deserves an honorable mention in this category, as does Almaron (It’s a shame his visits to the GOF are so sporadic, given the quality, thoroughness, and stimulating his posts are.

*specifically, his nomination for the Fanart Award

Fanart Award: This is a challenging category, because the GOF has so many fantastic artists (Sky, DarkWolf91, Malte279, DarkHououmon, Mumbling, and LBTFan, to name just a few) whose respective styles and areas of talent are individually unique and therefore incomparable to one another (in my opinion, anyway). My nomination, therefore, relates to the level of personal involvement I have had in the artist’s work. I started reviewing this member’s art thread in late December 2009; since then she has posted over a hundred pictures (including alternate and edited versions and works in progress), nearly all of which I gave her feedback on. Time and again her artwork has made me gape, laugh, and smile, and even tickled my tear ducts on at least one occasion. If you page through her art thread, you can see the phenomenal amount of development her artwork has undergone. I hope she continues to produce art, and perhaps broaden her horizons a bit (though seeing as most of her work relates to her fanfiction, which centers around flyer characters, I consider it understandable that they are the primary focus of her art). I feel honored to have been involved in Ptyra’s growth as an artist. :yes

Friendly Member Award: This could be the most difficult category of them all. There are so many kind and courteous people contributing to its warm and welcoming atmosphere of the GOF, that isolating the largest source of this cordiality is like identifying the body of water whose evaporation spawned the largest cloud in the sky. However, by excluding members I have already nominated for other categories, and those with whom I have had little personal interaction, and focusing on ones who have not yet received much voting attention, I have narrowed it down to Saft. In every post of hers I have seen, and every PM conversation we have had, she has been nothing but polite, compassionate, and sympathetic. She is always respectful and concerned for those around her, and strongly conscious about not making others annoyed or upset.

I would also like to give an honorable mention to The Friendly Sharptooth, with whom I have regrettably had only a few brief conversions, but who has always been impeccably polite and considerate.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Proactive Member-I vote for Rat lady 7, for starting the trend of "Ask Me" threads and being behind several topics that started discussions.


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Well, most of my choices have been difficult (save one  or two :p ), but it's time for me to cast my votes

Project Award
The only project I've loosely followed was the online RPG that is updated by Action9000. The idea was brilliant, and I would have thought it would have been impossible to achieve. But I was wrong. While I have yet to play the latest version, I was delighted by what I COULD play, even though it was just a flying cube.

Role Play Gamer Award
Despite being in an RP with No Name for a very short time and only got as far as formulating new ideas, he has also sparked some ideas for my LBT fan fictions in my discussions with him

Friendly Member Award
Now, there are lots of really friendly people on this board. I can't LIST them all. However, there's one person who's really stood out to be a friendly person, through numerous PMs both here and on dA. That member is Jrd88.

Helpful Member Award
I owe SO MUCH to Pangaea. Of all the critics I have met, Pangaea is my favorite. He's straightforward with his reviews and brings out the positive and the negative of my works. From that, he helped me to grow and improve as an artist. I feel so obliged to him for this.  

Philosopher award
Of course, this one was extremely hard to pick. There are so many people here who have REALLY gotten the gears in my mind buzzing like a swarm of bees. For me, it would have to be Malte. I really feel like I'm learning something in his "lectures", especially during the summer when I'm out of school, and it helps me to look at the world and the minds of people in different ways  

Fanart Award
Hm. Naturally, I'd like to vote for myself, but I don't think that would be right. While I am extremely proud and happy with my growth as an artist (thank you again, Pangaea), I think I might have to put Malte forward again...mostly because his fan art expands over a very broad variety of categories, but also because his latest cross-stitch gave me warm fuzzy feelings, thinking about my grandfather's cross-stitching (That can sometimes be confused with an extremely shiny painting)


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~Fanart Award

With the limited amount of time I spend viewing fanart, my vote goes towards someone I know to be taking on a new form of art that she has shown much success with so far!  I'm curious how her work will continue in the future and I'm really happy she's enjoying this new artistic path.  I nominate Mumbling for her recent clay work, as well as her LBT photography, which is contributing towards a website/database of LBT items.

~Feedback Award
While I haven't posted much outside of the LBT game topic that 'requires' feedback, there has been a strong trend towards Pangaea as a recipient of this award.  Based on my readings, I have seen plenty of reasons to nominate Pangaea, who never seems to miss a beat when it comes to giving that boost of confidence or support, no matter what the task is!

~Friendly Member Award

Where do I even start with this? There are too many candidates to honestly pick one! Malte279, not only were you outstandingly hospitable when I came to visit you around Christmas, you've been firm with me when it was necessary and there to listen anytime I needed it.  I can say something similar for a few people here, which is why I don't like this award very much, but I'm going with you, Malte, for consistently being you since the day I met you, back in 2005, no matter what life has thrown you. You're genuine and everything one can hope for in a friend. :)

~Helpful Member Award

Talking off the GoF for a moment, I have to go with Mumbling who honestly has been more than incredible to me these past few months, helping me through literally the worst time in my life.  She's part of the reason I'm here on the gof, posting LBT game updates and writing these votes today.  I can't show you how much you've done for me, Iris, but at least I can put you down for some public "hey, thanks for being awesome! :D " Thank you!

~Philosopher Award

I am not taking part in this award.

~Proactive Award

The Rock Circle?  This is exactly what a forum of this style needed and Petrie Was right on the ball with this.  Bridging the gap between admins and members is a great way to encourage a closely-knit community to continue doing so, no matter how large it grows and this has been executed nicely.  I hope to see more of you around, Petrie, but your wonderful organization around the board, planning even for extended times of absense, is not to be forgotten.

~Project Award
For great variety and dedication to LBT projects, I vote Mumbling.  Not only has she been an incredible asset to our game project itself(it wouldn't be what it is without her, believe me!), but she has been doing promotional work for it, as well as her own complete projects at the same time!  I feel lazy just looking at how much she's doing for LBT and I believe that deserves something. ;) :p

~Role Play Gamer Award

I am not taking part in this award.


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The friendly member award is certainly the most difficult one to decide about and I must stress my interpretation of it as credit to one member for his or her friendliness rather than suggesting the member’s friendliness to surpass that of anyone else. There is not much of a criterion for exclusion because outright acts of unfriendliness are a very rare exception at the GOF while friendly and respectful attitudes are the norm. Jason Littlefoot-1616 is seriously so friendly and goodnatured a person that knowing him might make you think better of mankind as a whole (if THAT person is a human, then the rest can’t be THAT bad :smile). However, perhaps I found one kind of criterion of exclusion after all. Not all of our members who deserve credit for their friendly attitute participate in the kind of threads where their friendliness is put on a test. It is good, but comparatively easy, to be friendly in a thread where you agree with everyone and everyone agrees with you. In complex threads where some participants may strongly disagree with you the patience, friendliness, and respect of a member is seriously put on the test. Not for the first time I must point out my great respect and admiration for Anna under such preconditions. She often participates in potentially “loaded” threads, she does take her stand and presents her opinions, but while doing so she always shows respect for other opinions and friendliness and (where necessary) patience with those who present her opinions. This has always impressed me and for this my vote of the Friendly Member Award goes to Anna, Cancerian Tiger.

I considered trying to read through the RPGs in which I do not participate hoping to be able to give a qualified vote in spite of not participating in them. However, it would take more time and leisure than I have at my disposal these days. So I do what I have done in the previous award votes and skip my vote on the Role Play Gamer Award.

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Seeing as I have nothing else to do today, I think it's time for me to cast my votes.

Fanart - Sky
I think the main reason why I didn't even mention Sky in last year's voting was because he had posted hardly any new fanart. This year is different. Not only has he drawn what the gang could look like as young teenagers, he is also planning to start a comic. I know he's made at least one failed attempt before, so I can't wait to see how he does this time. Ptyra definitely deserves some recognition for her very noticeable improvement in her fanart, even though nearly all of it features Flyers. LBTFan also deserves some recognition for his fanart, even though he seems to refuse to post here anymore.

Feedback - Pangaea
What can I say? Pangaea offers the best kind of feedback you could ask for. Be it fanart or fanfiction, he always talks about what he likes and points out the parts that could use improvement, making sure that it's always constructive. While some people might not like nitpicking, I do, be a perfectionist like him. When I first saw how he made reviews and comments for fanfiction, I quickly asked him to review my fanfic so I could improve it wherever it needed to be. I do not regret it one bit. If it hadn't been for him, my fanfic wouldn't be quite as good as what it has now turned out to be. So, for these efforts, I must cast this vote for him.

Friendly Member - Kor
Honestly, does this guy not even know what it's like to feel angry? Kor is always a nice guy, always posting in topics of importance, letting other members know that we always appreciate having them here. In one incident where another member cursed at him, I honestly couldn't see a reason why anyone would do that to him. As far as I can tell, the only posts he's ever made that even include an exclamation point would be in RP, while playing as different characters.

Helpful Member - Pangaea
For me, this one's a no-brainer. I asked Pangaea to help me improve my fanfic, and he did it. I honestly can't thank him enough for his efforts. He also help fanfic writers and fanartists on how to improve their works. I honestly, can't think of anyone else who deserves this award.

Philosopher - Malte279
Originally, I was going to give this vote to Noname, but seeing as he has decided to drop out this year, I'll have to chose someone else. I don't like putting it this way, but I see voting for Malte as pretty much a vote by default for this award. Having won this award three time already, I think it's obvious that he's not going to stop doing what he does best. As for why I would have voted for Noname, it's because in many discussions, he often takes the side in opposition to the side that most members tend to stand by, and points out the facts on his side without sounding like some crazy conspiracy theorist. Pangaea also writes long and detailed posts, but I'm not going to vote for him for this award. I just don't want to sound like I worship him by giving him more than 2 awards. (Besides, I don't want to add another member to what is now a 4-way tie. :p )

Proactive - Petrie
I'm sure there hardly anyone around here who's arrogant in any way, so for Petrie to vote for himself, there must be a big reason why. To tell you the truth, I had completely forgotten that the Rock Circle forum was only a recent addition, and was only reminded of it when Petrie voted for himself for this award. If I thought something so recent had been around for so long, then it's definitely a great addition to this place. Rat_lady7 also deserves some recognition for starting a topic that eventually inspired the creation of the Ask Me subforum.

Project - Mumbling
While the creation of the LBT online RPG is led by action9000, Mumbling has been offering a lot of assistance to this project. In addition, she also started the LBT Fan Club on DeviantART. And... I'm afraid I can't think of anything else to say here. :oops

Role Play Gamer - Kor
I'm still not much on RPs, but in the few that I have seen and participated in, there are always two people who seem to always be active at any time, Nick22 and Kor. I would like to cast my vote for one of them. I voted for Kor based on the quality of what he posts. On average, Kor posts about two, three, or four lines, while Nick only posts one line. Also, no offense Nick, but it would be a good idea to spend just a little more time to check what you wrote and fix any spelling errors before posting.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I'd like to add a vote that I had previously abstained from:

Helpful Member Award - I'm not the type of person who really needs help at the best or even the worst of times, but for those occasions when it comes anyway and makes a difference for me Pangaea has always been the greatest website companion anyone could ask for.  If you ask him a question, he gives you not only an answer but a comprehensive essay to boot.  This is probably the most obivous nomination I have done so far, so I can't believe that for this long into the vote I have forgotten to post it.


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It looks like I don't have many votes to make this year.  This is mainly because I don't keep track of certain areas. :P:

Anyways, I thought for a bit about the Project Award.  It came down to DarkHououmon for her Music Videos and picking between Action 9000 and Mumbling for their joint project of the LBT RPG.  After some thinking, I have decided to settle upon DarkHououmon for her Music Videos.  I especially liked the little gift she gave me of a private file for her Music Videos. (Which reminds me.  I need to finish downloading them.) I cannot let a gift like that go unrewarded.

So, in short, I vote DarkHououmon for the Project Award.

Oh, and I seriously can't pick for the Friendliest Member Award.  There's just TOO much competition there. :P:


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I have just been advised two change one of my votes, so I am going to do so.

For friendly member, award, I will give to someone I have known on the board for a long time. While opportunity for us to talk has been slim, I still love the conversations I have for her and getting the chance to talk about anything that comes up, either on here of MSN. Therefore, I give Rat Lady my vote.


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Sorry about waiting so long to post. I've been busy with the college online course (Computer Technology). I also apologize if any of these votes are too vague. I have a hard time explaining things at times.

Friendly Member: Pangaea. It was hard to choose with this one, but I ultimately decided on Pangaea for his sometimes long but often friendly posts on GOF. He seems considerate of others and he is careful of what he says.

Proactive Member: Petrie. I feel his introduction of the Rock Circle has been helpful to the community of the GOF. In my opinion, the Rock Circle has allowed a more fair discussion and introduction of new things to the board.

Helpful Member: Pangaea. Through the PM system, he has offered me information to questions I ask of him. His information has been helpful to me. He has also been helpful to other members.

Projects: Action. Again it was hard to choose, but I picked Action for his work on the LBT MMORPG game. Him being the sole programmer, that's a lot of work put on his shoulders, but he seems to handle it well. A video game isn't easy to make. I look forward to future updates.

Feedback: I can't decide on this one.

Philosopher: Malte. He seems to understand the LBT universe well and has made some interesting posts in LBT discussions. Sometimes he makes points that I hadn't even considered before.

Role Play Gamer: I am unable to vote in this area because I'm not active in the roleplays.

Fanart: Ptyra. Although I haven't read her Pterano fanfic (or is it even up? I'm not sure) I do enjoy looking at the fanart she posts of it, as well as the other fanart she posts. The colorful pictures paint an interesting background story for Pterano.


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Voting for the 2010 GOF Membership awards is now closed! Thanks to all who participated. But it's not over yet! There is still the Appreciated Member Award to go. Keep watching this space for the topic and the rules and regulations regarding voting on the Appreciated Member Award. Thanks guys! ;)