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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread


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Me: *sighs* Okay, this won't be easy for me.  I've at least invited Starlight to help me.  Everyone should be arriving soon.

*Maud and Pinkie Pie arrive* Pinkie Pie: We're here!

Maud: *deadpan tone* Hello.  It is good to see all of you.

Pinkie Pie: Well, I promised to bring you here, and now that my work is done, I'll be leaving.  Bye! *starts to leave*

Me: Wait!  Pinkie!

Pinkie Pie: *stops and turns towards me* Huh?

Me: I forgot to tell you, you're invited too!

Pinkie Pie: *smiles wildly* Really?

Me: You were just about as big a star of the episode as Maud was.

Maud: *deadpan tone* I was slightly bigger than she was.

Me: Still, I would like to have you here, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: *cheers* I get to be on a review!  Wa-hoo!

Me: Okay, calm down, Pinkie!  We still have to wait for one more individual.

Starlight: *walks in* Hello, everyone!  Good to see you again!

Me: Okay, let's do this!  Spoilers go!


Me: So Maud, didn't know you could get a doctorate in Rock Education.

Maud: *deadpan tone* It is technically called a "rocktorate", but I am happy to have earned it.  It was a lot of hard work.

Me: I bet it was, and you were living with your parents the whole time you were going to Rock College?

Maud: *deadpan tone* Yes, they were close by and it helped with the expenses.  Even Rock College is not cheap.

Me: I know all too well.  Don't get me started on how expensive books alone for college are.

Maud: *deadpan tone* I won't.

*silence for a few seconds* Me: Okay, that's my cue to move on.  Pinkie, you were pretty excited to have Maud move to Ponyville.

Pinkie Pie: *giggles* I was so excited too!  I don't get to see my big sister much and I really miss her when she's away, but with her now in Ponyville, I get to see her whenever I want.

Me: Whenever you're not working at Sugarcube Corner you mean.

Pinkie Pie: *laughs nervously* Right!

Me: Or when she's not with Starlight, whom I'm surprised chose to become her friend.

Starlight: Well, Twilight did teach me to take every opportunity I can to make new friends.  It's actually interesting being with Maud.

Me: And Trixie won't be jealous that you are spending time with someone else?

Starlight: Don't worry about her.  She's in Manehatten right now trying to earn some money with her newly achieved transmogrifying spell.  I'm sure she won't mind.

Me: Hopefully she doesn't learn to turn everything into bits.

Starlight: Even if she did, that's illegal in Equestria.  You get years in jail for that.  Plus the punishment of having your horn removed.

Me: Ouch!  Harsh!  Which is what you were to Pinkie when trying to explain to her why Maud left.

Pinkie Pie: *angry* Yeah, that was mean!

Starlight: I'm sorry, okay?  How many more times do I have to apologize for that?

Me: I think you said the thing that needed to be said, Starlight.

Starlight: But I hurt Pinkie Pie a lot with what I said.

Me: I know, but if you didn't say it the way you did, she would have never learned that she was the problem when it came to her sister making friends.  Maud had her own way of making friends and it was a lesson Pinkie had to learn.

Starlight: *whispering to me* Do you think I will be friends with Pinkie after all this.

Me: *whispering back* She easily forgives.  Plus if you need more encouragement, Fluttershy once had to say something harsh to Rainbow Dash and they are still the best of friends to this day.

Starlight: *shocked* Fluttershy said something harsh to Rainbow once?

Pinkie Pie: Oh yeah!  It was back when Tank was going into hibernation for the first time since Rainbow got him.  She really had a hard time adjusting to it.

Starlight: You're going to have to tell me that story later, Pinkie.  I'm actually kind of interested.

Me: Anyways, back to the episode, Maud, weren't you afraid of those eel things eating you?

Maud: *deadpan tone* I'm not afraid of those creatures.  I could punch their lights out if I wanted.

Me: Still, you were actually eaten by one and Pinkie had to save you.

Pinkie Pie: *practically crying* You have no idea how scared I was for you, Maud!

Maud: *deadpan tone* Technically, he hadn't eaten me yet.  He hadn't swallowed me.  I was still in his mouth.

Me: Still, it would have been a very unfitting end for you if he did.  I may not like you, but I wouldn't want you to die like that.

Maud: *deadpan tone* You don't need to worry about me.  I can take care of myself.

Me: *unconvincingly* Right! *clears throat* Anyways, after Pinkie convinced you to move back to Ponyville, you now seem to have a new place to call home.  A place practically anyone would be jealous of.

Maud: *deadpan tone* It is beautiful and connected to a cave I'd be more than happy to dig at.  I couldn't have picked a better place.

Me: Well, hope you enjoy it.

Pinkie Pie: So, did you enjoy the episode?

Me: It was okay, but not really that good.  I didn't like it much, but there were some fun parts to watch.

Maud: *deadpan tone* I know it's mainly because you don't like me.  I can't be expected to please everyone.

Me: It's just your deadpan tone that annoys me too much.  However, Pinkie was also hurting the episode a lot.  Also, I didn't need that ear-grating squealing at the start.

Pinkie Pie: *laughs nervously* Sorry!

Me: Forgiven!

Pinkie Pie: *puts on traditional Canada hat* Well, I have to head to Canada.  The new episode will be starting soon. *walks away*

Me: *yelling to her* I'll be sure to watch it! *turns to audience* Well, hope you all had a good time and I'll see you for the Spoiler Link later today.

Me, Starlight and Maud: *waving* *Maud in deadpan tone* Goodbye!


  • Ducky
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Again horrible but maud was a joy to laugh at and make fun of since she's the most fun and enjoyable character to laugh it. The plot was horrible pinkie needs to realize she can't change her sister at all and realize that maud likes rocks and that's it. She needs to stop trying so hard but she won't. So I'll give it a 3/10 since make fun of maud was awesome


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Well, here's the early release of next week's episode.  One thing I learned, this Canadian Channel only does commercials at the end of the episode.  Much like PBS in the US.  Here's the link to the Dailymotion Version.

Season 7 Episode 5 - Fluttershy Leans In - Early Release Version

I promise not to give my thoughts until next week when it airs in the US.

See ya later!


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The link I just showed gives me a huge problem.  With 2 episodes airing each week, I worry how much of the episodes I'll remember when it comes time to review them.  I may have to watch the episode again just to recap what happened in them.

As such, it makes me wonder if I should continue with my reviews as scheduled.  Should I release what I think of it early or should I wait?  I'm not sure what I'm going to do here.  What do you all think?


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I just saw it and it's decent it's about fluttershy helping the vet pony find other homes for all the animals that won't leave the vets house. So it's up to Fluttershy and the gang to give all the animals new homes so they can leave the vet's office for good. I thought it was a decent episode the plot was eh to okay. I did like how they helped the vet find new homes and the characters did a good job with it. I can say it's not the worst episode of the season witch is amazing since so far season seven is horrible so far. So I'll give it a 4/10

The Chronicler

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I've heard that these episodes don't even get finished until about 7 or 8 weeks before the American release, so if you do the math, that theoretically means that the Canadian schedule can't continue at least to the very end of the season. (Although with how far the Canadian pace just seems to keep going, I'm honestly starting to question that.)

Feel free to do what you want. As far as I've noticed, the videos posted on Dailymotion tend to stay there for a very long time, so you will always have a way to rewatch these episodes later by the time they (officially) show in the US.

That's exactly what I intend to do; watch them only once on the Canadian premier (just so I don't have to worry about avoiding spoilers), then wait until the American premier before I watch it a few more times as I usually do (so I have a good understanding of each episode for the reviews I write).

I'm going to continue with posting my reviews only on the day of the American release. It takes me quite a bit of time to write all that stuff, so just one per week is enough for me.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Quote from: pokeplayer984,Apr 14 2017 on  09:12 AM
Hello, Everypony!  So, tomorrow is the start of Season 7 and it is rather interesting.  Normally, we have a 2-part episode at the start of the season, but not this time.  Only 1 episode to start off the season.  Hopefully, it'll be a good one.

Anyways, this means you all get greeted with my multiple posts through the season.  Here's how it's going to go.  On Friday evening, I shall post the summary of the new episode the next day.  On Saturday, I'll post the link to the live streaming of the episode and shall post the link for those who watch it on YouTube/Dailymotion.  Finally, on Sunday, I'll post my review.  This is how it'll go all through the year.

So I shall see all of you tonight when I give the summary.

See ya later! :wave
Season VII?! Already?!

Well, now I need to get the rest of season VI out of the way.



  • Ducky
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Yeah season seven isn't looking good at all so don't rush getting through season six witch was the worst season I thought. No effort was put into it at all.


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Pinkie Pie: *to me* So, what have you decided?

Me: I've decided to, for the most part, continue like normal.

Pinkie Pie: For the most part?

Me: Equestria Daily is going to make it tricky since it wants to go by the Canadian Schedule.  As such, I'm not 100% sure I can put up the Live Streams to see the episode that airs in the US.

Pinkie Pie: So it all comes down to Equestria Daily.

Me: Yep!

Pinkie Pie: Well, hope everything works for you.

Me: Me too!  Anyways, here's the summary, everyone!

Title: Fluttershy Leans In

Summary: When Fluttershy's Vet runs out of room in her clinic, Fluttershy decides to build an animal sanctuary for all the animals.  However, she soon learns that not everyone shares the same vision she does.


Pinkie Pie: Fluttershy next, huh?

Me: I hope she's not too scared of me.

Pinkie Pie: She's actually worked really hard on her shyness problem.  If I tell her that you're a good friend of mine, she shouldn't have a problem.

Me: Just in case, I'll make sure not to tell her that this is going out to millions of people.  It could cause her stage freight, and I don't want that.

Pinkie Pie: Then I'll keep it secret too.

Me: Well, here's hoping you all enjoy the new episode tomorrow.

Pinkie Pie: Goodnight, everypony!

Me: Goodnight! :wave


  • Ducky
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Yep this crappy episode was pretty enjoyable I enjoyed it greatly


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Me: Looks like EqD is doing Live Streams for both the US episode and the one that airs in Canada today.

Pinkie Pie: Oh no!  They both air at the same time!  How can I be in two places at once?

Me: You know you have "toon powers" to break the laws of physics and make two of yourself for this kind of thing, right?

Pinkie Pie: Oh, right! *takes a deep breath* *puts her hoof in her mouth* *blows on it* *suddenly splits into two*

Pinkie Pies: HI!

Me: I'm not surprised anymore.  Anyways, one of you can now head to Canada for that episode.

Left Pinkie Pie: *to Right Pinkie Pie* That's you!

Right Pinkie Pie: Okey-Dokey! *puts on traditional Canadian hat* Bye! *Walks away*

Me: It was such a memorable episode for me that I won't need to watch it again, but for those that want to watch it, here's the link for the streams.

Season 7 Episode 5 - Fluttershy Leans In Live Stream

Me: Hope you all enjoy the episode.  I'll be watching the Live Stream for the episode in Canada, which will start up to 15 minutes early.

Pinkie Pie: The one where Sweetie Belle shows she's grown up.

Me: Man, they grow up so fast.  What a shocker that will be to Rarity.

Pinkie Pie: Whether you watch the one in the US or in Canada, hope you enjoy both.

Me: See ya later for the Online Post.

Pinkie Pie: Bye!


  • Ducky
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I didn't but it wasn't the worst episode I saw tho but hopefully next weeks episode is a worthless pile of crap


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Pinkie Pie: So, did you enjoy the episode in Canada?

Me: I'll let you know when I review it and no sooner.

Pinkie Pie: Well, I'll make sure to see it when it comes.  Time for the online post, right?

Me: Yep!  Here's the link for the episode that aired today in the US.

Season 7 Episode 5 - Fluttershy Leans In Dailymotion Version

Pinkie Pie: YouTube being a party-pooper again?

Me: Yeah, it will probably keep this up until Canada runs out of episodes to air early.

Pinkie Pie: And next up will be your early release post of the episode that aired in Canada.

Me: Yep!  See ya all then!

Pinkie Pie: Bye! :wave


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So, here's the episode that aired in Canada today.  Hope you all enjoy some Rarity.

Apparently, some of the fandom is lowering the quality of the sound in hopes of getting it on YouTube.  Hopefully it works.

Season 7 Episode 6 - Forever Filly Early Release Version

I'll see ya all tomorrow for my review of Fluttershy Leans In.

See ya later! :wave


  • Ducky
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Thanks for the link to the episode and I'll look forward to seeing the new episode next week

The Chronicler

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Thanks to Equestria Daily splitting the episode posts, I'll be able to have a link to watch the American release for my reviews, while also being able to watch the Canadian release so I won't have to worry about spoilers. (Of course, I never catch these episodes live, and actually prefer to wait a little for the videos to be available to watch at any time I'm ready.) Anyway, as I've said, I'll be reviewing these episodes only on the day of the American release, as writing just one per week is enough for me.

After Angel's attempt at parkour lands him with a broken foot, Fluttershy takes him to the vet, where it's highly overcrowded with animals that have nowhere to go after being treated. Fluttershy decides the solution is her dream project of building an animal sanctuary. And after more than six seasons of gradually becoming more assertive, she feels that she's finally ready to turn this project into a reality.

Fluttershy knows she can't do it alone, so she shares the idea with her friends and asks for their help. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity each suggest some experts they know (an animal wrangler, a construction worker, and an interior designer, respectively) and Fluttershy agrees to let them help.

Right from the start, the three experts share uncertainty with Fluttershy's project. When Fluttershy is around, they each share their uncertainties, and when Fluttershy tries to clarify what she wants, they simply offer to try what they can. But as soon as she turns her back, the experts decide to do things their way, in spite of the clarifications she had just told them.

When Fluttershy arrives to check on progress, she quickly disapproves of their work. Their attempts to justify their work by stretching the meaning behind her earlier words of advice does little to convince her otherwise, and she fires the three experts right then and there (six seasons of character growth finally paying off). Even worse, the animals are impatient for their new sanctuary and rush towards the unfinished and unsuitable structure, which inevitably causes the structure to be destroyed and many of them to get hurt.

Even after that disaster, Fluttershy refuses to give up (once again proving her character growth). This time, she decides to call in an expert builder who also shares her passion for helping animals: Big Daddy McColt (sure wasn't expecting to see him again, but it sure was nice to have him around again). With all of Fluttershy's friends following McColt's instructions, a proper sanctuary is finally completed. (Fluttershy even gives it a name, but I'm afraid I can't remember what it was.)

(end spoilers)

If I haven't mentioned it before, I've already decided that, from this season onward, I will not be watching any new episodes on YouTube, as it's proven to be too unreliable when it comes to the duration of availability. I'm sticking entirely to Dailymotion, for both the Canadian releases and the American releases.

If anyone is wondering if there's any difference between the American and Canadian versions of these episodes, the only one I can identify is a video quality, specifically that the colors appear to be slightly more muted in the Canadian version than in the American version. If you're one of those kinds of people who's obsessed with watching something in the absolute best quality possible, then the American version is the one you'll want to see.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Pinkie Pie: *pushing a terrified Fluttershy onto the stage* Sorry!  It got slipped out that she would be talking in front of millions.

Me: *sighs* Don't worry, I planned for this. *walks up to Fluttershy and bends down to her level* Fluttershy, I can't do this without you and I know you have stage freight, so how about for the next little bit, you pretend you're talking to a bunch of cute, furry animals.  Can you do that?

Fluttershy: *smiles and nods*

Me: *stands up* Okay then!  What are you pretending I am?

Fluttershy: A gorilla.

Me: Well, didn't see that coming.

Pinkie Pie: Okay, I'll be right outside waiting. *walks away*

Me: You ready?

Fluttershy: Um, what do I do exactly?

Me: I talk about certain parts of the most recent episode you were the star in and you go further in-depth about each one I comment on.

Fluttershy: Oh, um, okay.

Me: Alright, let's do this.


Me: So, the first thing I didn't expect, Angel Bunny doing parkour.  How in the world did he convince you to put him in the contest for it?

Fluttershy: Uh, he's very persuasive.

Me: *unconvincingly* Uh-huh! *clears throat* And then he gets his foot injured.

Fluttershy: Oh!  I was so worried for the poor thing.  I'm just glad it was nothing more than that.  Then I had to pay a visit to Dr. Fauna because I was out of bunny foot braces.

Me: Whom was so overrun with animals that she had a bit of a tough time opening the door.

Fluttershy: *sighs* It was like a zoo in there and I felt bad that it was partially my fault for telling all the animals how good of a doctor she was.

Me: You didn't have any idea such a thing would happen.

Fluttershy: I only thought they would go to her when they were sick.  Not to make themselves at home like that after taking such good care of them.

Me: And you decided to do something about it.

Fluttershy: *nods* A dream of mine that I wanted to do for a long time.  An animal sanctuary for all of the animals to lay their heads until they are ready to take on the world.

Me: So you called on your friends to help you.  Whom were more than happy to get what they felt were experts in the field.

Fluttershy: I really wanted to work with their chosen experts, but in the end, they just wouldn't listen.

Me: From what I saw, their egos got the best of them.  They chose not to listen to their client.  So, when you went to see them, you saw through their lies and fired them.

Fluttershy: Yes, they weren't listening to me at all and I knew they weren't the ponies for the job.  However, then the animals got impatient for their new sanctuary and got themselves injured.

Me: Definitely not going the way you wanted.  So, after helping Dr. Fauna, you decide to get help from someone you knew.  Someone I did not expect to see, but was more than happy to.  Big Daddy McColt.

Fluttershy: I realized that I needed an expert that could put the animals first and was good at building.  He was the perfect pony for the job and one I knew I could trust.

Me: All of your friends, Big Mac and the Cutie Mark Crusaders helped out.  Um, what did you call the sanctuary again?

Fluttershy: It's called Sweet Feather Sanctuary.  It was everything I dreamed it could be.

Me: I'm quite happy for your accomplishment.

Fluttershy: So, um, did you like the episode?

Me: It was good.  I find it very memorable to an extent.  Even a few surprises here and there that I was more than happy to welcome.

Fluttershy: Thank you for your compliment.

Me: I'll see ya all later today for the early release of another episode.

Fluttershy: Goodbye, everypony!

Me: Goodbye! :wave