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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread


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I did quite enjoy this one.  I really can't say anything bad about it.

One thing the fans seem to be going a little crazy about is the return of Pip from Luna Eclipsed, who since got a new voice actor because his original was laid with the curse of puberty.  I'll have to listen to both of them side by side to give my full opinion on the new one, though.

Fans were also shocked with Dinky being part of the crowd that was rioting.  I guess Derpy needs to discipline her better.

Diamond Tiara still shows reasons for me to hate her with a passion.  Good to see that karma got her near the end. (Come on!  You CAN'T tell me that her being one of the ponies that get covered the most with applesauce wasn't karma. (I especially find the piece of apple on top of her a nice touch. :D ))

Fans also pointed out Featherweight being among the ponies that took pictures of Twilight at The Hayburger.  Guess there will be a segment on Princess Twilight off-screen. (Or maybe it'll be something spotted by the fans in the background. (Seriously, how do they notice this stuff!?))

Maybe it's to help pay for all those parties that she throws. Though I guess with as many parties as she throws she likely can get everything at a wholesale price.

I'm surprised that she has yet to figure out that she can make a business out of her parties.  Seriously, I thought that would be her main job by now.  Guess not! -_-

Still, I enjoyed this episode in the end.

Next up, Fluttershy and the Breezies.  Let's see how that one goes.

See ya later! :wave


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For tomorrow's episode, Fluttershy helps the Breezies.  However, they seem to rely on her a bit too much.  Let's see what happens.

Here's the link for the streams.

I'll have my review by Monday.

See ya later! :wave


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I wasn't sure about it, but I saw two episodes in Japanese, and, I dunno, it looks pretty good. Might check it out in English.


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The episodes are on youtube, just look for the episodes by names.  

My thoughts of the episode I will just copy most of what I said in a post on another forum, a MLP:fim based one.  

If tightened up, though shorter, it would have improved the episode to me.  The best parts were the ending and after that the beginning with the middle being boring.  & it looks like Fluttershy doesn't remember the past lessons she has learned, not surprising in a show aimed at kids so characters have to keep relearning the same lessons.

The Chronicler

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It was a rather okay episode. I did like a few certain things, like how the breezies seemed to speak in their own language with an Irish accent (or at least, that's how it sounds to me). At one moment, it was even implied that one of them said something profane. :lol:  I especially liked seeing the brief Doctor Who reference, where that certain stallion was wearing 3D glasses (I think it's the first time ever in the entire show such a reference was undeniably made). And, of course, Fluttershy had her "rainbow moment" in this episode, so that leaves only Applejack and Twilight Sparkle left to go.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I heard one person in the stream I watched who was in the call saying he thought the Twilight' key may be gotten in the last episode and Applejack's may be the flim/flam brothers episode.   Not sure if they are coming back or not.  Maybe just a speculation on his part.

Someone said the dr who reference was due to one episode the doctor wore 3d glasses to see cybermen or daleks, forgot which he said.


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Okay, first off, I apologize for not putting up a review for last week's episode.  I will admit that I was too bummed out to post.  I REALLY got to get my act together! -_-

Anyways, for today's episode, Applebloom gets to stay home alone, but then a serious of events happen that make Applejack regret that decision.  Now, Applebloom must prove that she doesn't need Applejack to constantly watch over her.

Let me just say, Applebloom, I know your pain for this one! *sees everyone look at him* I'll probably talk about it some other time. :D

Anyways, here's the stream post.

Enjoy and I'll see ya later with the review.  I promise this time! :)

The Chronicler

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Another so-so episode to me. I did like a few interesting details, such as Applejack and Applebloom have a lot of spare hats and bows, respectively, and Equestria apparently has a little Cajun region somewhere. For the focus of the episode, looks like Applebloom never really did anything wrong; it's just Applejack went a little nuts about protecting her little sister. Out of the ponies we've seen go crazy so far in this show, we saw Pinkie Pie (Party of One), Twilight Sparkle (Lesson Zero), and Rarity (Simple Ways), and I think this episode is by far the closest we've seen Applejack do the same.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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That's what someone in the call of the streaming episode said that I watched this morning, that this seemed to be him Applejack's going nuts episode.  It may be.  I liked it a bit better then last week's episode.  Though the joke about all the extra hats & bows wasn't funny to me.  To me it would make more sense if that closet had a bunch of farming tools all crammed into it.  

Not surprised they had a cajun area since it seems they have a lot of earth or stereotypical earth stuff that pops up on the show.  Wonder what the area where Big Mac went to was like.


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Yes, that's how I feel about it.  It was a better and more interesting episode then the previous one.   I think the previous one would be better if they cut out 5 or 10 minutes around the middle part.  I think it could have been a pretty good 15 minute episode.     Some stories don't do well in the 20 minutes.  Some do better as 10 or 15 minute episodes, some need 40 or more minutes.


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To make up for it all, you guys are going to get a triple dose of reviews today, okay? :)

Anyways, for today's episode, Pinkie's sister, Maud, comes to visit, but she's not what the girls expected.  Well, we'll at least get to see how different one of Pinkie's sisters is from her.

Here's the link for the streams!

I'll put up the reviews later today!

See ya later! :wave


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Maud Pie is Raven from Teen Titans!  Instant win episode! :D

Okay, maybe not, but she at least has some of the same personality!

Oh, and Pinkie's other side returns! :)


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Like I said, you guys are getting a triple dose today!

First off, It Ain't Easy Being Breezie

For this episode, it wasn't bad.  I did find it enjoyable enough to keep my attention, but that's it.  A couple of things I did note for the episode.  One, the original Breezies were actually MUCH more vulnerable then the new ones.  For instance, the originals can't have water, nor can they be in the sun.  At all!

Second, during the episode, the fanbase was having a hard time believing Seabreeze was male.  However, I could tell just from the voice.  True, it's one thing you should not use to identify someone's gender, but if you look at ALL the cartoon characters that have that accent, you'll know they're male.  It's been tradition since cartoons got that lovely accent! :)

I will admit that the Mane Six turning into Breezies near the end was a nice touch, and we got to see what Seabreeze's deal was.  Apparently, he wanted to make sure he could get home to see his new born child.  For that, he can be appreciated.

At least we got Fluttershy's Key for the episode.

So, overall, good episode, but not great.

Next up, Somepony to watch over me

I'll say this now, I know the pain of not getting the privilege to be home alone.  Heck, my little sister got that privilege before I did!  It sucks!  However, I do not know the pain of having it taken away from you, so this was something I was looking forward to, and ended up being disappointed.

Even for being overprotective, Applejack was out of character.  Most of the stuff that happened to Applebloom was Applejack's fault.  It was painful to watch Applejack's overreacting side that was completely hypocritical to her character.  It did at least give us a great battle between Applejack and that chimera monster.  Still, that seems to be all I can really like for the episode.

In the end, it's just not that good.  A real low point for Season 4 here. :(

One thing I did note, during the stream, fans fell in love with all three CMCs having hairbows.  Too bad that Applejack's overprotective side killed all hope of seeing more of that through fanart for the week.  Oh well!

Finally, Maud Pie

After the last two disappointments, we at least got something better, but not by much.

What blew fans away right at the start was that Maud has Raven's voice.  Seriously, I won't be surprised if we got some "Maud with Raven's Powers" Fanart this week!

I can understand the fact that the other's outside of Pinkie had a hard time trying to become friends with Maud.  Such a personality can be a real mood killer.  I mean, in the end, you feel that she's just bored with even life itself.

Still, we got to see a side of her we did not expect.  She completely creamed Rainbow at the rock throwing contest.  Plus, the way Maud saved Pinkie Pie, I, and the rest of the stream I was at, was in total shock!  Yeah, Maud with Super Strength Fan Art coming this week.  No question asked! :)

In all, better than the last two, but we're still at a low point for the season.  I hope we get out of this soon.

Let's see, what's next?

Oh, Sweetie Belle ruining a costume for one of Rarity's clients out of anger.  That should get us out of the slump! :)

I'll be back with the YouTube Post!

See ya! :wave


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I found the episode better then It's Not Easy Being Breazies and slightly better then last week's episode.  I do like the even tone of voice she did.  Not sure if she did the Raven voice or not, since the host in the stream I watched said it wasn't the person who did the raven voice.  I don't know.  I looked it up and Maud Pie was done by someone named     Ingrid Nilson.  No idea if she did Raven or not.  I watched an episode of Titans are go, couldn't stand the artwork.  I've heard there was another Teen Titans series but I've not seen that one.  

If it is not the same one who did Raven I wonder if the idea to imitate the Raven voice as closely as she could was her idea, or the director, or someone else.

Interesting that Maud did have powers, though we didn't see them till near the end of the episode.  Though ponies having powers may be common.  You may be able to pick any background pony and they'll have a power of some sort, or maybe a few.


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SPOILERS AHEAD , skip this post if you haven't seen it yet. ;)

Gee, Maud, could you please keep down your enthusiasm? And..doesn't it hurt to smile like that nonstop? :D

I like Maud, because she is like she is. If I would know someone like this, I don't think we would be friends, but we would get along.
Also, if Pinkie's sister is any indication, her family must've been always supportive, no matter how different Pinkie is from them.

The episode was good too. That rock candy thing was slightly overdone, even for a cartoon, but the writing for Pinkie was excellent and got me to smile now and then.
...I like how Pinkie's mane shows her feelings. :D
The new backgrounds we got to see at the end were also great, I love it when new places are shown.

If I had to find one thing I disliked, that would house full of candy in the beginning, and that is somehow still okay, because Pinkie. There was nothing where I would say: Now what the heck were they thinking.

Overall I really liked the episode. Also Pinkie almost gave me a heart attack. If you watched it, you know why. :D