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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread


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It's stuff like that which is a major reason I'm sick of the Brony fandom (no offense to any Bronies here. You guys have been cool). I know not everyone agrees with certain choices a series might make and I can understand why that might be. Yet, to throw a hissy fit every time a series changes its status quo is quite frankly childish and even pretty selfish. I liked and still like the idea of Twilight becoming an alicorn. I may have been somewhat uncertain about it but I digress. Twilight worked hard to get that far. Why shouldn't she have been recognized for her progress? I think any one of us here would want our efforts to be recognized in such a way.

I think Cadence and Shining Armor having a child would be pretty cool and c'mon, Auntie Twilight would be adorable!


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I didn't mind Twilight becoming an alicorn and if you look at it you could see where she had the potential, being so powerful in her magic.  and some are upset about the CMC's having the same overall design on their cutie marks and getting them at the same time.   I'm fine with that too.  in fact on last monday's Bronh show one of the folks in the call who's a very good friend of the primary host went on for I'd guess 30 minutes in a ragefilled rant.  I muted the stream after a few minutes.  and like I said in the chat and back when folks got all mad about Twilight becoming an alicorn, some sort of thing they got from the MST3K Intro, "it's just a show, you should really just relax."   I think it's silly getting all mad over a tv show.  

As for Cadence and Shining Armor having a kid, well the Cakes are married and had kids in 1 episode, so it's entirely possible that Cadance & Shining Armor may as well and I do agree.  the kid or kids they have would be like the Cake's kids.  The Focal point for 1 episode then poof, not really seen again.  That is if alicorns are not infertile.


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Okay, let's get off of this for now.  I'll save my ranting for if it comes true.  So, here's the summary for the episode.

Summary: Cadence and Shining Armor tell Pinkie Pie a secret she must keep.  However, it turns out to be a secret even she has a hard time keeping.  Can she keep it a secret until Cadence and Shining Armor tell it themselves?

Like I said, I'll reserve judgement until AFTER the episode airs.

Here's a link to the Live Streams.

Season 5 Episode 19 - The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows Live Streams

See ya later! :wave


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I'm not going to give many spoilers for this one mainly because there's not much to talk about with this episode.  It was a good one despite that.

They got the secret over with VERY quickly.  Basically, Ms. Cake comes in, announcing that they need to make a special order cake.  Pinkie sees the special order scroll and burst out the fact that, as we expected, Cadence and Shining Armor are going to have a baby.  The only one there was Ms. Cake and she told Pinkie to keep it a secret.

She makes her way to Twilight's castle and she finds all of her friends there.  Twilight announces that Cadence and Shining Armor are coming over and will be staying for a bit.  She has her friends help in getting ready for their visit.

From there, the entire episode is about Pinkie Pie trying to keep the announcement of the baby a secret.  It doesn't help that all of those "coincidental hints" pop up that make it harder for her.  There's some pretty funny moments here too.  The fact that she has to do so much doesn't help, either.

Anyways, this eventually leads to Pinkie coming back to the castle with some snacks for Cadence and Shining Armor. (Mainly because Twilight asked her to.) However, Twilight then announces that Cadence and Shining got held up and may not appear for another day.  This makes Pinkie struggle to keep it in.

It's obvious to her friends that Pinkie is struggling to keep herself from telling them something.  The push her to tell and right when Pinkie is about to say it all, Cadence and Shining Armor show up.  What perfect timing.

As they are heading to the room that was prepared for the royal couple, Shining Armor pulled Pinkie aside and easily figures out that Pinkie knows their secret.  However, he tells her to keep it a secret a little longer.  As they want to surprise Twilight.  Shining Armor's reaction to the room they will be staying at is priceless.

Anyways, they have Twilight and her friends go to Town Square where they are to meet them.  However, they only find a scroll there.  Turns out, they set up a scavenger hunt.  It was a game Twilight and Shining played back then, and there was always a big surprise for her at the end.  So the hunt begins.

The first note leads to the school and the hint is inside their newspaper.  That one leads to town hall and the note for the next hint is on the back of Applejack's Birth Certificate.  Which then leads them to a store that was having a sale on cribs.  Pinkie Pie just rushes in there and finds the next hint.  It leads them to Sugar Cube Corner.

The six get there and Shining Armor and Cadence are there waiting for them.  Twilight starts looking for the surprise.  Shining Armor gives her a hint.  That all of the places they went to have something in common.  Twilight thinks it over and Pinkie Pie really struggles here to not tell the secret.

Twilight figures it out and the Royal Couple announces that they are going to have a baby.  Twilight is speechless and Pinkie Pie goes crazy.  It takes a moment for Twilight to give the proper reaction.  It's worth the wait.

Pinkie literally breaks down, relieved that she no longer has to keep it a secret.  After she puts herself back together, they enjoy the special order cake that had a baby stroller on top.

Really good episode here.  Now for me to make the article to help dowse the inevitable flames.

See ya later! :wave


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Well, that was quick!  Here's the episode.

Season 5 Episode 19 - The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows - YouTube Edition

Now, if you don't mind, I'll be getting to my article later tonight.  I've got to think about what I want to say and won't start until after work.

See ya later! :wave


  • Ducky
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AWW YEAH!! CALLED IT!!! Shining Armor and Cadence are having a kid!! I wonder when the baby's going to be born. Will season six's opening episodes focus on Cadence giving birth to her child or will the birth happen before this season ends?

Last week and this week's episodes were fantastic. Having to keep a secret from your friends is never easy and I was actually expecting Pinkie to blow it near the end. That Pinkie was able to keep the secret despite how tempting it was to tell Twilight the news really shows what a great friend she is. Twilight's reaction to becoming an aunt was actually pretty similar to how I reacted when I discovered I was going to be an uncle. It's one of the coolest surprises you can ever receive and had my brother and sister-in-law been able to tell me the good news face to face, I probably would have reacted exactly the same way as Twilight.

Seeing Shining geek out over things from his childhood was just adorable as was Twilight eagerly looking forward to doing one of Shining's scavenger hunts. I thought that was a great way to tell Twilight about the new baby. I thought Cadence would have spoken with Twilight alone and then Twilight would have excitedly told her friends afterward.

Yet another season five episode I consider one of my faves. With only seven episodes left, I think season five is definitely going to go out with a bang. Looking forward to the rest of the season.

The Chronicler

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I kinda figured it was only a matter of time before Cadance and Shining Armor decided to have a child. After all, they've been happily married since the end of Season 2. I have a feeling that this little side event will progress much like how the Equestria Games did through Seasons 3 and 4. Specifically, this episode marks the announcement, there will be the occasional mention at moments over some of the future episodes, with the big arrival coming probably sometime near the end of Season 6.

Anyway, with this being a Pinkie Pie episode, it was inevitable there would be a lot of funny moments (such as finally seeing the old pinball gag for the first time in the show). But one thing that really got my attention was when Pinkie Pie remarks, "I've been really liberal with Pinkie Promises lately." That, and Pinkie's actions throughout the episode, demonstrates a real hazard about making lots of promises: If you make too many promises, some of them could end up conflicting with each other, and trying to keep all those promises may lead to a really big mess.

Also, we saw that the Cutie Mark Crusaders have their cutie marks from last week's episode, so that makes this one another example of immediate mid-season continuity.

(end spoilers)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


  • Ducky
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Yeah, I forgot to mention that. I was pretty surprised that MLP would use such a complex word on their show. At first I thought Pinkie was saying that she was being too literal with her Pinkie Promises. I had to play that one more time just to make sure I heard her correctly


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My article has been cancelled because the unthinkable has happened!

Literally NO ONE is complaining about them having a child.  They are more upset about the execution of when the surprise was announced. (Happened at the start, but most wanted it at the end.) They don't realize, however, that this was a different style of writing that apparently doesn't work for them.

However, I just haven't checked ponychan yet.  However, I've made a pact to STAY AWAY from there.  Mainly because it's 4chan for bronies and I've stayed away from 4chan for the longest time.  I'm not breaking that now.

So yeah!  There's our surprise.  NO ONE complained about the child itself.  Shocker!


  • Ducky
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I thought /MLP/ was the 4Chan for Bronies? Oh, well, I love /MLP/. Those guys are always hilarious  :lol I've never visited Ponychan much so I have no real idea what it's like. Also, somewhat OT but I don't really think 4Chan is that bad. I've been there a couple times and aside from some weird posts, it's hardly the most horrifying thing I've seen on the Internet. I've seen and read about things on the Internet that make 4Chan look tame by comparison.

Huh. Well I guess the child can't really be complained about since he/she doesn't even exist yet. As for when the reveal happened, well, it was different that's for sure. I think it would have been kind of cliched to have it happen near the end so having it happen at the beginning was kind of refreshing. Still, I guess I can see why it wouldn't work well with others.

I still can't wait to see when Cadence and Shining's kid is born. I wonder if it'll be Princess Skyla or a different character.


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Ponychan was created in response to 4chan deleting all MLP related posts.  /MLP/ was made after all of the hate 4chan got for doing that.  So, technically, ponychan is 4chan for bronies.

One of the stupider complaints it got was that Cadence didn't look pregnant and that was the whole reason some of them hated the episode.  She's most likely in the early stages where the baby isn't big enough yet to make "the belly" happen.  I guess these people didn't learn that, at the fetus stage, it's around the size of your thumb. "The belly" doesn't happen until at least near the end of the first trimester.  Midway through the second trimester at the latest.

Anyways, I wonder what the upcoming grandparents think. ;)


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Didn't know Ponychan came first. I didn't even know it was still around. If Ponychan is the Brony fandom's 4Chan then what would /MLP/ be? /co/? /v/?

I don't know much about Ponychan but /MLP/ has always been good for a laugh (at least to me it has). I know a lot of people find the posters there pretty messed up but I always felt that at least most of them are just making those kinds of posts just for laughs. I'm sure there are people there who... do want to do that Rainbow Dash but I think a lot of them are just messin' around so to speak. I bet the majority of them make those posts just to mess with everybody.

I figured the same thing as you. That Cadence just wasn't that far along in the pregnancy yet. At most, she's probably just two or three months pregnant. When she does get further along, I wonder what it will be like for her? We've never seen one of the mares on the show carrying a baby in them before so this might also be the first time we see an actual birth on the show.

As for the grandparents-to-be, Twilight's mom will probably be thinking, "This old grey mare she ain't what she used to be".  :lol  Sorry, bad joke. In all seriousness, I bet they'll love their new grandchild. Twilight was excited by the news so I wouldn't be surprised if her parents are just as ecstatic.


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*sigh* The haters finally hit.  They are crying for abortion.  Defenders are calling them out.  Some see these abortion posts as a joke and are telling them of how in poor taste they are.

Think I should still make that article?


  • Ducky
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I'd say go for it. That's really sick. I get that not everyone's on board with Shining and Cadence having a kid but that's not even close to being funny. Why can't this fandom ever just wait and see how things play out? Why does every new change in the show have to be met with such disdain?

Sad how the kids who watch this show seem to be more mature than the "adults".


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I did like the episode and I can imagine there'll be a lot who really hate what happened near the end of the episode.  Like they did over the previous episode.  some folks just can't see that it's a show, they really should just relax, as is said in the opening of MST3K, a show I'm likely the only one old enough to have heard of.


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You know, it's not even worth it to do the article.  The minority is so small, it's not even vocal and most of those crying for an abortion are actually joking.  Yeah, the joke is in poor taste, but most have realized that.

It's just not worth the effort in the end.  So yeah, it's going to be officially cancelled.

Besides, I have things I need to take care of.  Especially a problem I have with my new eBay business.  I really have to figure out how to work with it.

Anyways, see ya all for the next episode.  Some say the new Hearthswarming Episode will be skipped until Christmas and that the Halloween one is next, (Which would mean a one week skip after it.) but we'll see.


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Sorry this one is SO close to the episode, but I had to get things done.  Anyways, here's what we have for today.

Summary: Applejack goes with Pinkie Pie to visit Pinkie's family on Hearthwarming's Eve.  However, the family isn't as Applejack had expected.

Well, they are (unofficial) cousins, so why not?

Here's the link for the Live Streams.

Season 5 Episode 20 - Hearthbreakers Live Streams

Enjoy it and I'll see ya later for the review.

See ya later! :wave


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Well, this was an enjoyable episode.  I'm not in the mood to do it the way I normally do it, but it'll still have spoilers.  Read at your own risk.

One thing that was a nice gag was both AJ and Pinkie saying the same thing.  I just couldn't help but giggle and the fandom couldn't help but see it as a shipping hint.

Anyways, fandom names have been officially destroyed.  We now have the official names of the Pie Family.  I can't remember them all at the moment, (I'm having trouble remembering the names of the mother and father.) but one thing I do remember is that we have officially been told that Pinkie and one of her sisters are twins.  Pinkie is only a few minutes older.

A part of me wonders if Pinkie was secretly pairing up Big Mac and Marble just in case they weren't related.  After all, it hasn't been confirmed, but I still say the "Screw You, Physics" Genes were passed down to Pinkie Pie and a certain someone in the Apple Family.  What do you all think?

I did like how some of them actually got along.  Maud and Applebloom are good friends now.  However, the highlight was Big Mac and Marble.  They don't need to say much, but they obviously get along pretty well.

Applejack had a hard time adjusting to this new tradition, mainly because she's so used to her own.  However, that's part of the holidays.  Exploring new traditions while still having your own in some way.

Oh, and one last thing if you are EVER at the Pie Family Rock Farm.  Don't touch the giant rock!  Limestone Pie is quite attached to it!  Trust me, she will remind you if you forget!

Well, that's all from me!  See ya for the online post!

See ya later! :wave