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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread

The Chronicler

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I'm think we all knew Twilight would be very excited about being called by the map, but doing tons of research and assembling a friendship-solving portfolio within only five minutes really took it to a whole new level. At least Fluttershy was just happy to not go alone.

Somewhat predictably, there's a family feud in the Smokey Mountains between the Hooffields (red and brown earth ponies) and the McColts (blue and grey earth ponies), fighting each other for seemingly no reason at all (aside from simply hating each other). When it was revealed that the Hooffields are good farmers but poor builders, while the McColts are good builders but poor farmers, I pretty much figured out right away how they would ultimately benefit from friendship. What did surprise me was that the whole feud started because the first Hooffield and the first McColt wanted to use their respective talents to help the animals in the area, but couldn't agree on whether food or shelter was more important. I guess needing to hear it from the animals themselves was why Fluttershy was called by the map.

(Also, I found it rather amusing how Twilight kept tearing pages out of her friendship portfolio with increasing disappointment.)

(end spoilers)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
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To be honest, I felt that Fluttershy was the main one the map chose to send.  Twilight was just there to hold them back when things REALLY got out of hand.  Not to mention to learn another important lesson on not just friendship, but life itself.

As for my thoughts, I did enjoy this one.  The fact that they could not remember why it all started made me wonder just what the reason was behind it all.  It was all a dispute over if shelter or food was more important.  I will say that both are important in the grand scheme of things.  When it comes to survival, both have their strengths and weaknesses.

I will admit that I felt a bit heartbroken when I saw Twilight just sitting there and start to tear out all of her pages from her portfolio one by one.  I felt sorry for her.  She worked hard to come up with so many ways to stop all of this and what she had put together was completely useless.  The only thing she could do in the end was hold them back while Fluttershy explained everything that happened.

It was a very well done episode in the end, but I hope Twilight really gets a chance to shine as the Princess of Friendship she is meant to be.

Okay, so what's next?  Applejack has an old friend return.  We'll see how things go there.

See ya next week! :wave


  • Ducky
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I was pretty surprised at the reason they gave for why the two families were feuding. At first I was worried they were going to give them a silly reason like they didn't decorate a cake the right way or whatever. That it was about not deciding whether or not food or shelter was more important was definitely a pleasant and unexpected surprise. I like how, in the end, neither choice is shown to be more important than the other. They're both vital to survival and I don't really believe one is more important than the other. It was nice to see that, in the end, they were able to come together for the animals who had been the only ones truly suffering through their squabbles.

Fluttershy and Twilight both worked very well together. Their chemistry was great and seeing Twilight's excitement about finally getting to make use of her role as Princess of Friendship was adorable. In the end, I liked how it was ultimately Fluttershy who saved the day.

Good episode. And as always, looking forward to seeing more of the Cutie Map.


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Goooooooooooooood morning, internet!!  Today is Applejack's turn to shine and an old friend of her's is the "Mane Attraction" of the episode.  It looks like it might be a good one.

Summary: A friend of Applejack has become a huge pop star.  However, she is worried that the manager may not be treating her friend right.


Season 5 Episode 24 - The Mane Attraction - YouTube Version

If you'd like to wait though, here's the Live Stream link.

Season 5 Episode 24 - The Mane Attraction Live Stream

Enjoy and I'll see ya in a few hours for my review!

See ya later! :wave


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Just so you all know, it was Lena Hall who played Rara, and I LOVE her singing voice that she did for this episode! (The real one.  Not the obvious auto-tune fake one that they also included.)

Anyways, I read from posters that the inspiration for this seems to be that of Lady Gaga.  Now, I don't know much about her since I don't listen to her music, but as I understand, she's all about being true to yourself and that's what this episode is about.

Rara's Manager was designed to be hated and I hated every minute of him.  So good job there, writers.  I especially felt it to be deserved karma for when he was exposed for what he truly was.

This episode was not a great one, but it's obvious that they weren't going for that.  The writer, Amy Keating Rogers, wanted to go out on a good note for her final episode and she accomplished that.  She will be missed and I hope that the show can survive without her.

Next time, we have Starlight Glimmer return for the Season Finale!  Can Twilight stop her Changing the Past plan?

See ya next week!


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I enjoyed last week and this week's episodes.    So we'll get an hour long episode tomorrow.  Wonder if it'll start at the usual time or 30 minutes earlier.


  • Ducky
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Well that was...alright. It wasn't bad but it wasn't really all that good either. Not much to really discuss for this episode. Rara was pretty likable and I didn't understand why Applejack thought that she had changed when it was obvious from the get go that it was her manager who was making all these poor choices for her. Rara's manager was pretty obnoxious and was obviously made to be disliked so I guess kudos to the writers for that. The songs were the best part of the episode and, in my opinion, better than any pop stuff found on the top 20 charts. I'm not kidding.

What's this about an hour long episode tomorrow? Is the season finale coming this soon? I thought it was next week.

The Chronicler

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^I'm pretty sure he meant to say "next week" but accidentally said "tomorrow" instead.

I heard there was a lot of hype for this particular episode, but to be honest, I personally didn't understand any of it. In a way, I guess you could say I sympathized with Applejack in the opening scene: "Who are you talking about?"

I'm not much into anything musical, so this was just an average episode, as far as I'm concerned. I obviously don't need to explain what a terrible pony that manager was, but using Pinkie Pie in particular as his verbal punching bag was definitely not acceptable. Good thing Twilight was able to use a recording spell to expose his true colors. (And that's another official spell we can add to Twilight's magical arsenal.)

(end spoilers)

I've always been fascinated with time travel, so I definitely have high hopes for next week's season finale.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


  • Ducky
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That makes sense. Seemed kind of strange to me that there would be another new episode just a day after this one.


  • The Circle
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Yes, I meant next week.  Think I typed that up a bit before a nap I took so maybe wasn't fully awake.  

I do wonder if the finale will tie into the Equestria Girls movie or not.  and if the villain will be defeated, reform or will get away again.


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^^This is Starlight Glimmer we're talking about here!  The one who tried to brainwash the Mane 6 by means of suggestion rather than any kind of spell.  The fandom DOES NOT want her to be reformed, and I'm along with them on this.  The fandom would rather have her be imprisoned than reformed.

There has already been a comic of this episode leaked.  In it, Twilight changes Starlight's past to make her good and Twilight's student.  The fandom was outraged at this and has demanded that the TV Show Version at least has a different outcome.  The writers have at least promised that it will be different from the comic, but some are worried that they are just saying that to keep it a surprise.  I for one want to believe what they say, so I'm hoping for that.

For once, I'm actually along with the fandom.  If they reform Starlight Glimmer, I'll consider it the worst season finale ever, and no amount of defense will save it from that opinion.


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I remember hearing about Starlight being redeemed and becoming Twilight's student. I thought that actually was going to be the season finale.

I don't know, while it could be an interesting outcome, at the same time, Starlight I don't think would work as Twilight's pupil. I do think that somewhere down the line Twilight should get her own student but Starlight shouldn't be it.


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I have done some research and found the reason behind the hype of the latest episode.  There were two main factors.  The first being Lena Hall, who is a pretty good singer and actress for the modern day audience, was announced as one of the voice actors for the episode.  The second was the fact that some of the lyrics of The Magic Inside (which had the working title of "I am Just A Pony" at the time.) was released early.

This created a lot of hype, and I just hope that not too many hated it in the end.  It may not be a great episode, but if you keep an open mind, you find it to be decent if not good.

To be honest, I have already fallen in love with The Magic Inside.  I've listened to it so many times today and I still am not tired of it.  When you do something that good, you know it deserves to be seen as one of your favorites.  It's been worth it waiting for this one.


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So, tomorrow is the big day.  It's time for the two-part finale of Season 5.  In the meantime, here are the marathons leading up to the episode.

I get to miss out on Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.

Remember, it starts half-an-hour earlier.  So don't be late or you only have yourself to blame.

See ya tomorrow! :wave


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Time for the time travel shenanigans to happen!  It's time for the Finale of Season 5.

Summary: Starlight Glimmer returns with a spell to travel through time.  With this spell, she changes the one crucial moment that made the Mane Six become friends.  Now, back in the present, Equestria is completely messed up.  Can Twilight fix this problem and stop Starlight Glimmer for good?

Well, here we go!  Hopefully the writers don't mess this one up.

Here's the link for the Live Streams.  Remember, The two-parter starts at 8 AM Pacific/11 AM Eastern today.

The Cutie Remark Live Stream

Enjoy and I'll see ya for my review later! :wave


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I really can't call something I enjoyed bad, unless it was so bad it's good.  For me, it was an episode that I enjoyed up until the ending.  The ending wasn't all that great, especially for an episode that had so much riding on it.


I mean, every time Starlight changed the past, even with the good intention of making Fluttershy friends with Rainbow's Bullies, it completely messed up the future.  We had a war with King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis ruling the world, Nightmare Moon banishing Celestia, Tirek not being stopped, Discord causing "evil chaos", Flim & Flam industrializing the world (in a bad way) and finally a wasteland where nothing existed anymore.  Geez!

It's amazing how one event in time can shape so much of the future.  The Sonic Rainboom that Rainbow Dash did was SO important.  It shaped everything.  Without it, you can only imagine what would happen.

So then, we get to see Starlight's origin.  You know, I've known villains for having some of the dumbest reasons for their motives, (even some of the best ones) but boy is she ever up there with the top.  Her only friend moves away after earning his cutie mark.  After that, she was too scared to make another friend because she didn't want to get hurt.  In the end, she blames it all on the cutie mark.  I don't think I need to explain how dumb of a reason that is.

Then comes the ending.  Unlike the comic, Twilight decides to convince her to give friendship another chance.  This stalls Starlight long enough for the Sonic Rainboom to happen.  They go back to the present and the scroll that controls the spell gets sent into the void of time itself.  Everything is back to normal and Twilight's friends arrive.  They have a lot to explain.

One thing has become clear.  It's just how powerful Starlight is.  She has powerful magic.  She gave Twilight a run for her money.  So, they don't say it, but it's obvious that Starlight may still become Twilight's student.  We end with a song, along with a montage of what happens with Starlight under Twilight's guidance.

(end spoilers)

It was a great episode, but it had a bad ending.  I wouldn't say it completely ruins it.  However, it's not something we wanted.  Season 6, which is sadly a year away, will have a lot to prove to make up for this mistake of an ending.  Best of luck to it!

See ya later when I post the online links. :wave


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Note:  I will edit this once the 1080p versions are out.  For those that don't want to wait, here's the 480p version.

Well, here we go!  The episode.

The Cutie Remark - YouTube 480p Version

The Cutie Remark - Part 1 - Dailymotion

The Cutie Remark - Part 2 - Dailymotion

See ya later! :wave


  • Ducky
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It's so hard to believe that the season finale has finally come. While I really enjoyed both episodes, I do have to agree with Pokeplayer that Starlight's whole reason for wanting to rid Equestria of Cutie marks was...well really stupid. She knew that her friend was in Canterlot so why didn't she try to reconnect with him when they were older? It wasn't like she was never going to get her mark so you know, as soon as the two of them are older, either visit him in Canterlot or move there so they can be closer. I like Starlight's character but that wasn't a very good backstory.

One thing I thought was strange was how Twilight still kept her Cutie Mark after Starlight first changed the past. Since her future was also shaped thanks to Dash's Rainboom then shouldn't her Cutie Mark either have been gone or changed (I'm assuming that's what happened to the other Mane Six's marks)?

I really liked the message that even the smallest thing can end up changing the future for everybody. It really puts into perspective just how important even the most minute thing we do can end up affecting our lives. The timeline variations were also pretty entertaining and I was personally hoping we'd get to see more of the wars between Sombra and Chrysalis.

The ending I have mixed feelings on. While I did think the ending was pretty sweet, I also think Starlight got off a bit too leniently. Other than Twilight teaching her how to better control her magic, she receives no repercussions for what she's done and really, Twilight taking Starlight under her wing(no pun intended) isn't a punishment. I'm not really against the idea of Twilight getting a student of her own and she and Starlight could have some pretty good chemistry together. We'll just have to see what happens in season six.

So now begins the year long wait for season six. Wonder what that will bring.