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My Little Pony: Elements of Friendship


  • Littlefoot
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Strife just drifted along the air on her back as she looked at the ponies.  Her eyes first upon the still hornless Jin as she let off a small giggle "You know something? You look rather silly without your horn" she then got an idea "Wait!" and with that, she pulled off her mismatched horns from her head, as if they were attached by suction cups, complete with sound "Here" and in turn, she placed them upon Jin's head, attaching them.  The horns were now attached to Jin's head, as if they were always part of his head, to the point in that he would not be able to remove said horns without ripping the flesh off his head as well.

The Draconiquis let off a rather silly little grin as her attention then turned to Myrdinn and his question "Who's Discord? Seriously?" she groaned a little "Discord is the God of chaos and disharmony that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna banished to stone 1,000 years ago, then he was released again, to which Twilight Sparkle and her friends reimprisoned him yet again"

She then produced, what seemed to be a book out of thin air, titled "Discord: Questions and answers, the autobiography as written by Strife, who is not Discord, just shares the same powers as him, but is younger and not evil in any way" and in turn, handed it to Myrdinn.


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Jin blinked a few times.
"Wow.  Just when I thought that things couldn't get any stranger."
He remarked off-handedly...


  • Littlefoot
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"Well, you wanna know what else is strange?" Strife asked Jin as she appeared beside him, her head against his as she ran an eagle claw across his forehead "You're not going to get your horn back....cause I don't trust you ponies and your horns and all your" and with her retaliation, she poked her tounge out at Jin as she then reappeared back on the table and chairs with a glass of chocolate milk in her eagle hand, sitting upside down.


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"makes you sound pretty evil to me.  As for not knowing who this Discord is, whoever he is, he must have appeared and did whatever he did after the ancestors of my clan left and went to live alone away from other ponies since they were discriminated against for not only being unicorns but also thinking one should use one's gifts in as many ways as one can.  For unicorns it is using magic for everything you can, enchanting tools, ect.  They send out a pony once in a while to see if things are changed or if they should still remain in hiding." Myrdinn said.  


From his hiding place Spike finished his note saying that Discord was back and so far in Pony Joe's place.  He rolled it up and used his dragon fire to send it to Princess Celestia.


  • Littlefoot
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Strife threw the whole glass of chocolate milk, including the glass, into her mouth.  But upon being accused of being evil, she spat it out, but instead of chocolate milk and glass, it was instead, grape juice she spat out "I. am. not. evil!" she insinuated back "Just because I'm the same species as Discord, does that automatically make me evil!" she flailed her arms around in frustration.

"I am sick and tired of you ponies always assuming the worse of me!" Strife added in, her voice being raised as she apeared on the ground again in front of Myrdinn in particular "What I've been doing, that is not evil! You want evil!? Then fine!" she sneered as she touched Myrdinn's forehead, and in turn, brainwashed him, changing his personality to that of the opposite of what he was, much like how Discord did to the mane six last time "That is what you call evil!"

"All I was trying to do was have some fun! Is that too much to ask!? Is fun too much for you ponies to handle!?" Strife continued to yell at the two of them with her raised voice, not even realizing what she had just done, as she was just frustrated right now.


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" I'll go back home.  This whole place is filthy and nasty & they are all thieves and bandits and none of the ponies are any good." Myrdinn said, his personality changed.   He went outside & cast a cloud vaulting spell to start his way back home, traveling hundreds of miles for every cloud he vaults off of, like a trampoline.  WIth all the color drained out of him and him looking grey.  & hating books he threw his saddlebags off during one  of the bounds, forgetting at 1st that he had them on at all.

((ooc: got the spell from one in the gurps rpg system called cloud vaulting.))

Spike was thinking if he could make it to the everfree forest, thinking things may be like before maybe that place would be safer.


  • Littlefoot
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The Draconiquis in the end, after venting out at the two ponies, was just not standing there teary eyed.  She watched as Myridnn just left, forgetting for now, what she had did to him as she did calm down somewhat, yet, was still feeling rather upset as she just looked at Jin for a few seconds "I'm not evil..." she muttered to herself, snapping her fingers as the horns from Jin's head returned to Strife's own head and in turn, she just vanished from the cafe.

But that was just it too, she had left it in it's state still, not bothing to return it to normal, nor give Jin his horn back.  She had just left for the time being to another secluded area of Canterlot instead.  But where, nopony would know, unless they were to go out and physically search for herself.


Spitfire finally decided to enter, just in time to see Strife leave.  Her own facial expression did seem to look, well, confused on the matter at hand "Don't tell me that was Discord" she sighed lightly as she looked to Jin, seeing if he knew what was going on.


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Jin shook his head.
"It wasn't.  For one thing, that was a girl.  She seemed...young, too.  I'm going after her.  Anyone who wants to come, can.  But if you're going to panic and jump to irrational conclusions...well, then don't bucking bother."
He said tersely as he turned and headed outside...


  • Littlefoot
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Spitfire thought for a moment "How are you going to find her then?" she asked Jin next "I mean, I could go with you as well if you wish.  Cause if you say that it's not Discord and is indeed, a female instead, it would be at least best to see if she really does mean any harm or not"


Upon a cotton candy cloud, not all that far from where Gilda, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were hanging out, Strife reappeared as she just sniffled to herself.  She summoned balloons of the ponies as well as Spike that had said she was evil before she just popped each balloon, one by one in annoyance "I'm [/i]not[/i] evil...." she told herself, sitting down upon said cotton cand cloud and just hugged herself.  The cotton candy cloud did rain chocolate rain, but instead of downwards, it rained upwards as she sat in the middle of it, still hugging herself as she sniffled away.


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Gilda looked up at the sky for a second as she stepped out onto the balcony of the room she had been in with Dash and Applejack.
"Hey, AJ?  Think you could take Dash and meet up with your friends?  Got something I need to take care of."
She said, smiling faintly at the Earth Pony.  Applejack nodded.
"Ah can.  C'mon, Dashie.  Le's go see what Twahlight and the others are up ta."
She said, giving Rainbow Dash's tail a slight tug...


  • Littlefoot
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Strife's eyes darted down at the sound of the footsteps and gasped, doing her best to now hide away from Rainbow Dash "An Element of Harmony, the loyal one...." she gulped. Other than Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, she was rather, well, afraid of Twilight and her friends, the only other ones to be able to defeat Discord "If she's here....that means the others are here...." she gulped to herself as she just watched Rainbow Dash still from her upwards raining cotton candy cloud.

Her eyes then shot towards Applejack and slinked back some more "And the honest one too...." was all she had said to herself, eyeing the two ponies without realizing that Gilda was there as well.

Well, not at first anyway as her eyes then darted to Gilda, yet, she still did her best to just stay hidden away from the three of them, well, mainly from Applejack and Rainbow Dash anyway.


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Since he could not find Twilight Sparkle, maybe Discord had hidden her somewhere.  He thought, maybe Zecora may know what to do.  He'd just have to get to Ponyville since who knows if Princess Celestia could do anything.

He saw a cart being pulled by a few earth ponies go by.  He ran out of his hiding place and jumped on the back of the cart and pulled himself under the cart, holding on with his claws, so Discord would not see him.  He thought to himself he bet Daring Doo could not do better.


Duke, a CMC age earth colt was scating using his in line scates down the street, jumping over some ponies using his acrobatic and physical skills he had learned so far.  

"Well, I never." Said one stuck up unicorn he jumped over.  

"you should try it, I bet you'd like it." Duke called back to her.


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Alright fine; Dash replied as she turned and headed back inside and fllowed applejack down the stairs towards where the others were gathered dash wondered whaqt applejack had in store for her..
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  • Littlefoot
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(ooc: Forgot I had also decided to be Pinkie Pie for this as well)

"Hi Dashie!" Pinkie Pie called out as she was seen walking next to Rainbow Dash, but where she came from, nopony would know.  It would usually be a Pinkie thing that nopony decided to even bother questioning.

She smiled to Rainbow Dash, and then towards Applejack as she bounded along beside the two ponies "So...what have you two been up to?" she asked with a slight grin as well, almost as if she knew just what they had been up to.


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hanging out with Glida.. dash replied " what have you been up to pinkie, or should i even ask? wheres everyone else?
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  • Littlefoot
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"Yeah, hanging out with that meany-pants Gilda" Pinkie Pie again, grinned a little to Rainbow Dash before answering her next question "Oatmeal, that's all you need to know Dashie" she smiled again "And the others, at Pony Joe's of course, well, except for Twilight, I think she headed off to go and see Princess Celestia"


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Then take just to Pony's Joes then so we can see what they have been up too..Dash replied, roling her eyes at {inkies insinuations.. Pinkie was often called a 'free spirit', but that not what Dash called her when she was around..
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"Okie dokie loki!" Pinkie Pie replied back as she just bounded off ahead off the ground before she stopped with a gasp and in turn, was seen standing on top of Rainbow Dash's back "I totally forgot something else too! Cupcakes!" she jumped off her back, landing in front of her friend "Want one?" she asked, sticking out her tounge as a steaming hot cupcake stood on the tip of her tounge, offering it to Rainbow Dash first.


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dash took it, not even bothering to guess where itt came from. she took a bite out of it.. mm not bad.. you're a pretty good cook pinkie ' she admitted as she continued ,unching on it..
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Pinkie Pie just smiled back to her "Well duh" she told Rainbow Dash, head lightly resting on Rainbow Dash's shoulder for a few moments "Best cupcakes for my bestest friend in all of Equestria....other than Fluttershy of course" she added in.