The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

"HELLO, STONEHENGE!" (Oh, wait, wrong show...)


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Edit: what The Chronicler said.
Also, I accept your tea as an apology for hitting my lovely present to you with your head *snickers*
Eh hem, I mean, tea would be lovely. I hope it's valerian. :DD

The Chronicler

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You have to wait until you reach a certain number of posts before you can be able to enter a custom title (I think it's 100). Just don't use it as an excuse to go spamming the place for a few days. ;)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

J.J. Hatter

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TO JUSTIN1993: (gives you tea) I have ALL kinds of tea; it comes with the territory.

...Well, except for mustard flavor. I hate mustard.  :x

TO THE CHRONICLER: Firstly: neat name!  :)  :)

Secondly: Thank you! And don't worry, I won't. I was just confused, that's all. (shrugs)

Sincerely yours,

The Anonymous Person

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Welcome to the GOF airlines! Please take your seat and ensure that you will have a pleasant time here! Hope you enjoy your stay!

J.J. Hatter

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(buckles up) Thank you.

March Hare: Is tea allowed on this airplane?

Dormouse: Or cheese?

Cheshire Cat: And eating other passengers? (looks at Dormy)


Cheshire:  :D

Sincerely yours,


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How is the bbc sherlock holmes? I enjoy reading the original stories, the Jeremy brett version, some old radio ones.  I've not seen whatshisname from the black & white era, since I was a kid.  He was in Son of Frankenstein I think the title was.  


"Tea & cheese certainly, but perhaps not cheese tea."  ;)

"As for eating other passengers, they'd have to give their consent, sign all the proper paperwork, in triplicate, file it with the appropriate government agencies."

J.J. Hatter

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I think the BBC Sherlock series is pretty good; everybody seems to be insane about it, but I don't see why. With that said, I do like it; Moriarty in here is a "consulting criminal" rather than a Professor, and there's a "Joker-like" quality to him (the two villains, at least in my mind, are similar already, but this guy is practically the Joker in all but name...not sure if that's good or bad).

And "what'shisname" is Basil Rathbone. Jeremy Brett is brilliant, and that's all I have to say about him.

Have you ever seen the film "Great Mouse Detective"? If so, what are your thoughts?


Cheshire: (goes to find the paperwork)

March & Dormy: (throw the cheese-flavored tea out of the airplane; Hare drinks his tea, and Dormy nibbles on some swiss)

Sincerely yours,


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Basil Rathbone, that's his name, thanks.

I've not seen The Great Mouse Detective, though it does look interesting, from the trailer I've seen.  I may get it on dvd one day.  


"How about some tea flavored ice cream or cheese flavored ice cream, or cheese that tastes like tea?

J.J. Hatter

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All of us: Any ice cream's good.

Me: ...Well...almost any...

And, in terms of Great Mouse Detective: SEE IT.  :yes

Sincerely yours,


  • Petrie
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I've been way too busy enjoying my visit to Illinois (which is where I am right now) that I almost forgot a new member has joined our esteemed forum site, so welcome to the GOF, J. Hatter! I am also a pretty avid Alice in Wonderland fan. <3

"Off with his head!"  :lol  :DD

J.J. Hatter

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Riddle me this, Blitz: how avid is "avid"?

Oh, and why is a raven like a writing desk?

Sincerely yours,


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Quote from: J.J. Hatter,Aug 25 2013 on  06:40 PM
TO LBTDICLONIUS: I am a Sherlock Holmes fan; BBC is just one of several versions I like. Here, have some ice cream to go with your tea! (gives it to you)
You my good Fellow User, are utterly brillaint :DD
Welcome to the forums, you seem like a right cultured and refined user... emmm, I spoke too soon, didn't I?

You can call me Strut.... or StrutEggStealer, or SES, or Jane.... I dunno why I picked Jane, 'but it's not my name!' :lol

I think you'll like it here...
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Greetings, Mr. Hatter. :wave I am Pangaea (pronunciation in my signature ;)), the GOF’s resident enthusiast of all things science and nature; past, present, and imagined. :smile

Pleasure to meet such an interesting and entertaining character as yourself. :lol (At the moment my avatar looks to me like he's smiling, so I can only assume he's pleased to meet you as well. :P:) Hope we get the chance to chat sometime; I love talking about dinosaurs and other prehistoric life (though sometimes I take forever to get around to responding to a post :rolleyes:).

Which LBT characters do you suppose would be best suited for the roles of the Alice in Wonderland characters in a crossover-type story? My votes would be Ducky as Alice, Tickles as the Rabbit, either Cera or Petrie as the Mad Hatter (Petrie, especially in the original LBT, is arguably the nuttiest of the characters, but I could also see Cera role-playing as an alternative interpretation of the Hatter; one who is perpetually "mad" in a different sense :p), Strut and Ozzy as Tweedledum and Tweedledee, and…I dunno, maybe Sharptooth as the Queen of Hearts? (Disclaimer: I'm not really that into Alice in Wonderland, so my judgment of which LBT characters would be best for which parts is probably not the best.)

Quote from: J.J. Hatter,Aug 25 2013 on  09:11 AM
Hello, and glad to be a member, Gang of Five! :wave As I said, I have been lurking as a guest on this site for about ten years. Finally, I have decided to get off my laurels and join as a member.
Holy buckets. :blink: If you're not just speaking hyperbolically, I'm pretty sure that's a GOF record for time spent lurking. :wow Glad you decided to join at last. :smile

Quote from: Chiletrek,Aug 25 2013 on  01:32 PM
That has to be the biggest intro post I have seen in GoF for a very long time (if not since ever!) :smile .
Let's see…I copied Hatter's post to an empty Word document, and the word count tool counted 613 words. My introductory post was 963 words long, so Hatter's isn't the largest in terms of number of words (though I can't say for certain that mine is, either). However, I think his post is bigger in terms of the amount of space it covers: the contents of my post are mostly lumped together in big fat paragraphs, while his are spread over many separate, spaced-out lines.

…Sorry, I went into analytical mode right there. :oops Forgive me; I'm a scientist and a teacher at heart. :angel

Quote from: J.J. Hatter,Aug 25 2013 on  05:38 PM
TO PTYRA: Questions: my old foe. Ask if you wish. (shrugs)
Watch out for this section, then: a constantly growing army of your enemies dwells in that part of the forum. Luckily for you, they are not aware of your presence here…yet. :p

And, in terms of Dr. Who: I am a "novice fan;" most of what I know is the modern series, and even then, much of it is due to the fact my best friend (who shall remain nameless, and is not a member of this site) is a long-time Whovian. Still, nice to know somebody else here likes the show, all the same. :) :)
I'm a bit similar. I've been a Doctor Who fan since…2006?…2005?…Whatever year the Sci Fi Channel first started airing episodes of the new series. Anyway, I've seen all of the New Series' episodes up to the premiere of Series 7, Part 2, and only a handful of Original Series episodes; most of what I know about the Original Series comes from what I've read about it. I have a brother who's watched several of the Original episodes, however.

Besides Doctor Who, I’m a fan of MythBusters, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Hey, don’t throw that garlic at me! :p), the documentaries of Sir David Attenborough, several animated movies from WALL?E to Ice Age to How To Train Your Dragon, the improv comedy show Whose Line is it Anyway?, and…several other things I can’t remember right now because my neocortex is about as memory-retentive as a greased sieve. :wacko

That’s…just about all I’ve got for now. Welcome to The Gang Of Five! :DD

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

J.J. Hatter

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I already knew how to pronounce your name; I'm a bit of a paleo-lover myself. I actually saw dinosaur documentaries long before Fantasia, LBT, Jurassic Park, etc. By the by, ever heard of a series called "Bonehead Detectives?"

Actually, between you and Kor, I'm now starting to wonder how I'd make an Alice/LBT crossover...(evil laugh)

Oh, and as to your disclaimer:  :p

No, I am not speaking, yeah, go ahead and call Guinness.  :lol

I love Mythbusters, too, and, as I said, I am a huge fan of animated films, so there we're on the same page...and, luckily for you, I left my garlic at home...and I actually like ONE character in the show. BUT YOU SHALL NEVER KNOW WHICH!!! (imitating Schwarzenegger) YOU'RE OFF THE HOOK FOR NOW, EQUESTRIA! BUT BEWARE; I'LL BE BACK!  :anger     :lol

Oh, and on a Dr. Who note: even though most of my knowledge comes from the new series, from the 9th Doctor favorite Doctor is number seven, Sylvester McCoy. (shrugs) Thought someone might care...

Anyway, thanks, Pangaea! (tips hat)  :)


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I watch dr who, but only the original series.  The 7th doctor is one of the ones I like best.  I don't have any 1 favorite doctor, but I do like certain ones more then others.

As for Alice/lbt crossover one idea I had could be if her family visits the crystal palace place.  I looked it up, had to dig around to find it's name.  It opened roughly 10 years before the first Alice story came out so her family could have heard about it.  Though the models are inaccurate based on modern knowledge.  Maybe Alice could get tired, her family or older sister could be sitting nearby, or doing a picnic or something.  She sits down to rest, leaning against a tree.  She isn't aware she goes to sleep, hears some voices talking.  Goes over to see who it is and sees the gang talking about how this and that statue doesn't look anything like them.  Maybe they can meet her, and or walk around and wind up in another part of the great valley, thinking they are exploring and found another part of the great valley.  

Just got that idea since from what I recall Alice often seems to go to sleep before an adventure of hers starts & it seems to start mainly in the real world then go from there.  I also wonder how she'd do in Oz.  Though if she went to Oz as a girl she'd be decades before Dorothy went there.  I'd guess either early in the Wizard's reign, just before it or maybe even during the time when Ozma's grandparents were ruling Oz.  or she could go as an adult, which she should be by 1900's I'd guess.


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Quote from: J.J. Hatter,Aug 25 2013 on  11:28 PM
Riddle me this, Blitz: how avid is "avid"?

Oh, and why is a raven like a writing desk?

Sincerely yours,
I guess it means that I'm really into it.  :lol

J.J. Hatter

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TO KOR: I asked Sleeping-force's-inside the same thing, and she pretty much told me what you just did. The only problem is that I actually want to include the Wonderland characters as well, in some way. "Aye, there's the rub..."

TO BLITZ: "Good answer. Wrong, but good."

...First person to guess which version of "Alice" that quote is from - WITHOUT HELP - gets a virtual cookie.  :)

Sincerely yours,

J.J. Hatter

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Oh, I almost forgot...

LBT/Wizard of Oz

Ducky & Spike will replace Dorothy & Toto

Cera will replace the Wicked Witch of the West (because it would be hilarious, and we all know it)

Littlefoot will replace Scarecrow

Either Chomper or Petrie  would replace the Cowardly Lion ("I Can't Decide...")

Ruby would replace Glinda the Good

Either Mr. Thicknose or Doc would replace the Wizard

All Flying Monkeys shall become Flying Sharpteeth, with Ichy as the leader

...And if anybody could tell me who would be best for the Tin Man's  part, I'd be most thankful.

Any questions?  :)

Sincerely yours,


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Quote from: J.J. Hatter,Aug 26 2013 on  07:02 PM
TO KOR: I asked Sleeping-force's-inside the same thing, and she pretty much told me what you just did. The only problem is that I actually want to include the Wonderland characters as well, in some way. "Aye, there's the rub..."

Maybe another cave can lead to wonderland.  Or you could just have some pop up at a tea party of the mad hatter when they go around a bush or tree.   As I recall in the tv series the gang do like to explore caves.