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Fanfiction voting 2015


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The rules for joining the Fanfiction Awards
Voting has begun. It will end on August 25th.

If you wish to vote in private, please send me a PM with your votes. Otherwise, please post your votes in this topic.

This is the voting section for the fanfiction awards. All fanfictions that have been submitted by your fellow members for voting are listed here. Please only post on this topic to submit your vote, do not ask questions or have discussions here. For questions, please click the link above and comment on the rules.

You may vote on as many fanfictions as you'd like, but you must have read them first. Please show us in your review that you've truly read the fanfiction.

Please copy the following form to vote:

Name of fanfiction: NAME HERE
Rating: #/10

The following fanfictions have been submitted for you to vote on:

Name of fanfiction: The Land Before Time C: The Last Adventure
Short summary: Times have been hard for Cera in the Great Valley, an incident with one of her prized possessions occurs, and now she is only left with struggling thoughts with someone she loves. The gang tries to find a way to solve the problem with going somewhere they think they'll find the happy ending to the problem, but they realize they need a better plan. With a little communication, and verbal research; the gang might be able to make Cera happy again.
Link to fanfiction on the GoF:
Author(s): bestariana1girl
Any other comment: This FF is unfinished, but close to being finished. Their are currently 6 chapters.

Name of fanfiction: Friends for Dinner
Short summary: He moved out, and got a life of his own, with a mate and a son. He thought his past was behind him, but what happens when an old friend ends up on the menu?
Link to fanfiction on the GoF:
Author(s): Vonboy

Name of fan fiction: The Swimmer Trials
Short Summary: Ducky is chosen for a Trial that no has survived and the story is about the lead up to the day, the events on the day and the aftermath of The Swimmer Trials
Link to fanfiction on Gof:
Author: The Lone Dragon
Any other comments: The Fanfic has many chapters and is unfinished

Name of fanfiction: The Seven Hunters
Short summary: A fateful wish causes horrific changes to our favorite seven dinosaurs. What will they do when they are forced to leave all they know behind and live an alien lifestyle in the mysterious beyond? What will they do when the hunted become the hunters?
Link to fanfiction on the GoF:
Author(s): rhombus

Name of fanfiction: Songs of the Hunters
Short summary: The Seven Hunters are back and this time they are relating their epic adventures to their children. What crises befell the pack after they left the Great Valley? How did they take back their territory? What happened to their friends and allies? And how did these wonderful children come about? Find out along with their kids as you listen to the songs of the hunters.
Link to fanfiction on the GoF:
Author(s): rhombus


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If anyone has the spare time, they can send me land before time screenshots that they think are worthy of being turned into a fanfiction award!

The Chronicler

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Looks like I'll be making the first vote here.

Name of fanfiction: The Seven Hunters
Rating: 10/10
Review: I forget which point this story was at during last year's vote, but now that the story's complete, I will say that it was definitely among the best LBT fanfics I've ever read. Much of what I said about it last year still applies (with the addition of what turned out to be a truly epic ending). The main cast transforming from herbivores to carnivores is a very interesting concept that I don't think has ever been seen before. Add on to that the incredibly realistic level of detail, which almost makes you feel like these events could actually happen in a real world, and this story definitely deserves the perfect score I'm giving it.

The sequel is also turning out just as fantastic, but since an author can only accept one fanfiction award each year, I'll have to wait until next year to give my vote on it.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Took a while to put my thoughts in order, but here are my votes for the fanfiction awards:

Name of fanfiction: Friends for Dinner
Rating: 8/10
Review: As a fan of the Chomper/Littlefoot friendship, I greatly enjoyed the concepts that this story has explored thus far.  It takes an interesting plot idea "what if Chomper found Littlefoot near-death?" and added the complications of Chomper raising a family and trying to fulfill all of his obligations.  An obligation to provide for his family... and an obligation to an old friend.  The addition of Chomper's son unknowingly having a leaf-eater as a friend also provides a nice echo of Chomper's own childhood.  Overall it is a great story that I would recommend for any fan of the Chomper/Littlefoot friendship.

Name of fanfiction: The Swimmer Trials
Rating: 9/10
Review: This is one of those stories that makes me regret my relative lack of activity of the forum, because this story deserves far more feedback than it has received.  In this story The Lone Dragon has taken one of our favorite, gentlest characters and placed her in a tangled web of political intrigue, plots within plots, and great personal danger.  The author also has taken great care to capture the inner struggles of the characters.  This is a story that I can't recommend enough.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

The Lone Dragon

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Name Of Fanfction: Songs of the Hunters
Rating: 9/10
Review: A very impressive piece of work just like it's predecessor. The story really enthrals the reader and unlike The Seven Hunters the reader has less of an idea about how the story is going to unfold which makes the read that much more interesting and engaging. Very well done and keep up the good work.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Simple reminder that there are 2 more days to vote. I really hope some more people will, because this year's turnout is the worst so far.


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I knew I forgot to do something....whoops..

Name of fanfiction: Friends for Dinner
Rating: 7/10
Review: I really do like this story, I'm interested in fics that has the characters grown up and tells what possibly could happen. This one mainly focuses on Chomper and Littlefoot. What if while on hunt Chomper found an now adult Littlefoot on deaths door? The battle between Chomper feeding his family and saving his friend make a very interesting read. I look forward to the next installment.  

Name of fanfiction: Songs of the Hunters
Rating: 8/10
Review: Though my lazy butt has not yet left a review, I have been following this story since it was first posted. I love this one much as I loved the original, I am a sucker for stories where the gang have children but never before have I read one where the gang are sharpteeth and have children in the same story. Very well written and amazing detail, you really do feel for the characters, it is also making me want to get back into writing..sadly life refuses to give me the time. Recommended read.


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Name of fanfiction: Songs Of The Hunters
Rating: 8/10
Review: This is a very good sequel, I like how it takes a different but very amusing toll then the usual story. The story is surrounded on characters other then The Gang Of Five. Songs Of The Hunters is also very very detailed!! I really just wanted to continue reading! Also, Rhombus did a very good job portraying the kids' personalities and the kid attitude if you know what I mean, they were all so cute! Very very good, as a sequel, story and fanfiction! Great job Rhombus!  :DD perhaps we can look forward to a third installment?
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Name of fanfiction: The Seven Hunters
Rating: 10/10
Review: I have little else to add here other than from my award vote last year. I don't quite remember where the story was at when I reviewed it last year. I will say the end of the story was just as good as all the other parts. The final epic battle was long and drawn out, but it remained exciting the whole way through. Almost every character still alive I could think of had some part to play in that battle. I hated to see the end, where the pack had to say their goodbyes.

Name of fanfiction: Songs of the Hunters
Rating: 9/10
Review: I don't love this at much as the first, but it still has been a fantastic follow-up on the Seven Hunters so far. I've really enjoyed seeing the packs new kids, and especially those three kids from the Great Valley. Hearing tales from the packs past, and biter's whole little subplot has been very entertaining. Rhombus still has a knack for cliffhangers. The last several chapters or so, the suspense has been building up, with several different groups, both leaf eaters and sharpteeth, all unknowingly heading to meet up at the same location. I foresee a real cluster**** coming up!  :lol
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

The Anonymous Person

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Name of fanfiction: The Land Before Time C: The Last Adventure
Rating: 7/10

Review: This story is quite a treat to see for those wondering if Cera misses her birth mother. Her friends attempting to do anything they can to try and replace her lost crystals is also something very heartwarming to see. Though the author has much to improve on her writing skills (though it may be because of the script format used), I still acknowledge her first attempt with open arms.

Name of fanfiction: The Seven Hunters
Rating: 10/10

Review: I've already said a bunch about this fic upon voting for it last year, but since its completion, I am proudly increasing the rating of this awesome story. Once again, the author has taken a simple concept and expanded it to new horizons like no one has ever seen. With this, rhombus has touched many subjects, including several taboo topics that many authors overall probably wouldn't touch with a 150-foot pole, and has done so very well. I would imagine him to become a novelist in the future at this rate.  ;)

That being said, I was also quite surprised by the realism of the story featured and found several moments surprisingly traumatizing, especially when the point of view is focused on the unfortunate victims. The final battle chapters are especially epic in terms of description and length, though some chapters have left me...downcast, to say the least (*cough*end of chapter 70*cough), and admittedly, for that reason, I have not really sat down and re-read the story since its conclusion. Nevertheless, the story, while it may not have had the happiest of endings, ended on quite a high note. A great first accomplishment from a truly gifted writer.  :yes

Name of fanfiction: The Swimmer Trials
Rating: 8/10

Review: Of course, I, Mr. Lazy Butt, haven't mustered the courage to comment on this story, but then again, I wish more feedback was given overall on it. I, for one, would've never expected a story with my runner-up favorite character as the star turn out to be so awesome. This author has taken a character loved by LBT fans the world over and put her in many dilemmas, great danger, plots within plots, and other dangerous...things. He has also managed to touch on topics that an ordinary LBT author wouldn't dare touch and does so maturely enough to keep the story flowing. The inner struggles of the other main characters has also been captured greatly. While the author has some work to do on grammar and other structures, it doesn't distract me from taking everything in as I read. A great story that is highly recommended for Ducky fans...unless you don't like having her get hurt in any way possible.  :lol  I await for its conclusion.


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I'm just writing a quick note to everyone here in case that I can't manage to vote in time. I do plan on voting for all 5 stories submitted but I just don't know if I'll make it until tomorrow. Life's been busy  :angel
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While I understand, how will your votes count then? ^
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Quote from: Ducky123,Aug 24 2015 on  06:48 PM
I'm just writing a quick note to everyone here in case that I can't manage to vote in time. I do plan on voting for all 5 stories submitted but I just don't know if I'll make it until tomorrow. Life's been busy  :angel
I'm willing to postpone the deadline a little to get those reviews in :)


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Sorry it's so late; the last few weeks have been a lot more hectic than I thought.   :oops

Name of fanfiction: The Land Before Time C: The Last Adventure
Rating: 7/10
Review: This story takes an interesting insight into Cera's life and the connection she had with her mother. When she loses the crystals her mother gave to her, her friends try and do what they can to help. It's a heart-warming story so far and I'm looking forward to continuing to read it. The author does have some work to do in terms of writing (more proofreading wouldn't go amiss), but plot-wise I found this story enjoyable.

Name of fanfiction: The Swimmer Trials
Rating: 9/10
Review: Well, due to both lack of activity and just general laziness I haven't read this story until recently and I really do regret it because it's pretty darn good! There are many emotional moments in this story as well as interesting dilemmas and a villain that pretty much everyone wants to kill. :lol It's really interesting to see that such a cute and innocent character is thrown into such terrible challenges and while the author's writing could be improved a bit more in the grammar department, it is written well enough to keep me entertained and interested.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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And I made it in time after all *whew*

Name of fanfiction: The Land Before Time C: The Last Adventure
Rating: 8/10
Review: I like this story. It shows a rather soft and emotional Cera rather than her usual tough self. The issue with her mum has never been covered in any LBT movie so it's nice to see people take on that in fanfictions.
The story is a bit quick and doesn't have a lot of description (which is due to it being written in script format) but that's okay since the story works really well with the script format here I think.  :yes

Name of fanfiction: Friends for Dinner
Rating: 8/10
Review: It's been a while since I read that one but I still remember everything. Chomper's future is a very intensely discussed matter. Will he go evil? Will he stay the Friendly Sharptooth? I think Friends for Dinner has a pretty good and believable answer to that question.
The story is really a cool read and I especially like the sub-plot about Chomper's little son and his *friend* :smile

Name of fanfiction: The Swimmer Trials
Rating: 9/10
Review: I really like this fanfiction and not only because it focusses on my favourite character...  :p To come up with such a complex set-up for a story is very hard. Many fanfictions are somewhat based on the movies but this one is completely original :) I could even see this as a sort of Tv-series (as it would be a bit too long for a single movie without cutting a lot of important scenes)
Anyway, this story has a great villain and a lot of emotional, funny, happy but also action-loaded and dramatic scenes. On top of that, Ducky goes on a very dangerous journey with her mum only in order to search for a legendary swimmer to help Ducky survive the cruel Trial of Destiny for which she has been chosen by the herd's leader and main villain of this story, Sculra.
In addition, I really think The Lone Dragon has done a very good job at throwing in a lot of secondary characters from the sequels without giving the impression that these characters are just getting an appearance for the sake of getting any appearance in theg story. Each character helps (or tries to harm) Ducky in their own way and it always seems to fit in and creates exciting and enjoyable sub-plots.
I particularly like the recent development in the story that Ducky meets a swimmer herd out there and gets herself a little admirer  :lol As well as the scene between Litlefoot and Ali, so sweet :wub

I was a bit hesitant to rate this 9/10 because, comparing to rhombus' fanfictions, the Lone Dragon's writing style isn't as impressive and there are frequent grammar mistakes and typos. I've still decided to rate this 9/10 however because I like the plot so much and because I'm so excited to see how this one continues  :exactly

Name of fanfiction: The Seven Hunters
Rating: 10/10
Review: I could write a novel here but I'll simply say that this is the best fanfiction I've ever read. Rhombus' writing style is awesome and the plot of this story is simply epic! I'd read those 500000+ words again anytime, yep, yep, yep!  :lol:

Name of fanfiction: Songs of the Hunters
Rating: 9/10
Review: This is a worthy sequel to the Seven Hunters. I'm not quite up to date on this story but I've read enough (about 10 chapters) of it to vote for it. It's pretty cool to see the Gang and everyone else grown-up, having their own children and the problems childrens sometimes cause with their antics  :lol The writing style is as excellent as in the Seven Hunters and the more episode-like plot is very exciting albeit not as epic as the plot of the Seven Hunters which explains the slightly lower rating.
Besides these *songs* - flashbacks of their past and what happened after the events of the Seven Hinters, that the Gang tell their children, there's also a plot going on in real time. Their children have some interesting... friends. I've only read the beginning of that plot yet but I'm very excited to see what is going to happen there  :yes
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Voting is closed now. Here are the final scores:

The Land Before Time C: The Last Adventure - 7.3   Votes: 3
Friends for Dinner -     7.7   Votes: 3
The Seven Hunters -    10   Votes: 4
Song of the Hunters -    8.6   Votes: 5
The Swimmer Trials - 8.8   Votes: 4

Very high scores this time around. I thank you all for taking your time to vote. Instead of making all individual banners, I have made three possible banners in general and will add text later. Fanfiction authors, please let me know which banner you'd like for your fanfiction (Rhombus, please let me know for which fanfic). I'll send it to you by PB. The images were kindly provided by Rhombus and his photobucket account  :yes