The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Award voting 2012


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It took somewhat longer than we planned this year for the preparations of the vote to be concluded. Good things come to those who wait is what people usually say after having kept others waiting :oops
So let's make this a good one and have an award vote in a non-competitive spirit not to rank anyone, but rather to just give credit where credit is due to you who do so much to make the GOF the place we all enjoy.
Members change. Not all who have been very active on the GOF are still around and from my own experience I can tell how much work life and non-virtual-world matters can keep one from being as active on the GOF as one would want to. However, on a less melancholic note it is also a pleasure to see how many motivated and active new members have joined the GOF since the last vote was conducted.
Well, this is not a presidential election campaign and however good things may be that may come to those who wait (according to those who kept these people waiting ;)) there is really no need for any further waiting.
The vote is now open.


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Giving good and honest feedback is one of the kindest and sometimes most difficult things for people to give. It can help improving ones work or correcting outright mistakes if the one who receive the feedback is ready to accept some constructive criticism. There are three people who I noticed this year for standing out by giving helpful feedback. The first I cannot vote for because he didn't yet reach the number of posts to be eligible, but I still want to make sure that you know that your feedback is much appreciated Ren (FreckledOne) and I'm looking forward to reading more from you. Vonboy is another member whose posts make writers and artists on the GOF realize that there is someone who takes interest in their work. Beyond praise alone vonboy often makes good and helpful suggestions on how to improve the work all the while also encouraging the artist or writer he is giving feedback to to continue his or her work. Vonboy is a very good candidate for this award and it was not easy to make up my mind here in favor of the third member I want to bring up here with regard to the feedback he is giving. He has received awards for his feedback before and it is a good idea not to always recognize the same people, but when it comes to giving feedback Pangaea is taking feedback really to a whole new level. His reviews of art or stories are so detailed and elaborate that the feedback itself and all the attention and work that has gone into it will be a big praise to the artist. Most recently it was him who read the rules of this vote so closely as to spot a mistake in the very complex text which really goes to show that he is far from just skim reading even a very difficult text but really taking in what is being said in order to say something competent about it. For all this my vote for the feedback award 2012 goes to Pangaea.


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My votes for the Awards are as follows:

Fanart Award: Flipperboidskua. FBS's renditions of a wide variety of dinosaurs were well-done, but this user also sought out the help of other members to improve said drawings. We can all learn from FBS that seeking help is never a bad thing. Plus, that Liopleurodon's pretty sweet!

Feedback Award: The Friendly Sharptooth. TFS was extremely helpful during this year's Fanfiction voting, leaving in-depth, well thought-out, and useful reviews. TFS displayed honesty and a desire to help others improve.

Friendly Member Award: Malte279. Malte279 has frequently been one of the first to welcome new members to the site. I remember him being one of the first to say "hi" to me when I joined. Since then, he's been actively trying to make others feel at home on this site.

Helpful Member Award: Pangaea. Pangaea was extremely helpful to members in both the Roleplay and Fanart sections of this site, by providing advice and giving useful information to others.

Philosopher Award: DarkHououmon. Almost every single one of DH's posts was thoroughly written and thought-through. DH sparked interesting discussions and backed up points with evidence effectively.

Proactive Award: Mumbling, without a doubt. Again, looking at things from the fanfiction writer's perspective, Mumbling practically moved mountains to organize the 2012 Fanfiction Awards and Voting. As I understand it, heading such a task was especially difficult this year, and Mumbling pulled it off smoothly, while still finding time to motivate both writers and critics alike. Well done!


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Fanart Award: I think this year has introduced many new artists on the LBT field. Obviously I see many new works appearing on the Land Before Time deviantart group, but I’ll stick strictly to the work posted on the Gang of Five. This year, we’ve seen work from FlipperBoidSkua, who has really grown as an artist and as a very nice member to have around. Another potentional candidate would be Pangaea, the master of fanart feedback. Even though his presence isn’t prominent in his own fanart topic, Pangaea is able to draw a personal LBT birthday greeting for those who deserve it. This definitely deserved some respect. However, with all that being said, I think my vote will go to a newcomer. StrutEggStealer, you’ve managed to re-capture my love for Land Before Time artwork. Your unique coloring style and variation of characters really appeals to me. I really hope to see much more work of yours in the future!

Feedback Award: Ahh.. This is a hard one! Looking at all the time and work he puts in giving others feedback on their works, Pangaea would be a logical option. But, seeing we have many new, active members in the field I decided to look into the projects/fanart section for other people giving feedback. I saw several potential candidates: Vonboy, Darkhououmon (especially in the projects section) and The Friendly Sharptooth. I don’t want to vote for The Friendly Sharptooth, since I know he does not actually want to visit the forum anymore and therefore it’d be a lost vote... DH, you’ve always been very active in the projects section, which is great! :) Your fast response and interest on my recent topic (About looking for other video sites) was very welcome (the responses from others as well, of course). However, I think I’ll have to vote for Vonboy this year. He has always tried to get active in most artsy topics and give feedback where appropriate.

Friendly Member Award: This is always an award which is on a more personal level, since there will always be members who might be really nice, but with who I simply haven’t had the pleasure of getting to know them just yet. So instead of voting for some people who I talk to every day if possible (Malte279, Littlefoot1616, Campion1), I decided to take a look around several topics and see if there’s a member who is truly radiating a positive and friendly approach towards everyone. It was really hard to make a decision here, seeing that pretty much everyone on this forum is nice to hang out with. I’ve decided to vote for one of our newer members here, Mr Wonk, you get my vote!

Rest will follow sometime when I have more free time on my hands.

By the way, I apologize for really odd sentences... My brain is tired of 9 hours in college (of which 7 were spent on French grammar :P: )


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OK, so I'll open my voting with three of the six I've got so far. I'm gonna pace myself here and post a few a night I think.

Fanart Award: There are many outstanding and phenomenal artists here on the GOF, and it was hard for me to narrow it down and settle on any one that I would really like to say stands out above the rest for me. It's very close all around, and I feel that FlipperBoidSkua is an excellent artist and deserves immense amounts of praise. Same for DarkHououmon. I love her style and her artwork is some of my favorite in regards LBT and dinosaurs on DA. The artist I'm voting for this year is a master at capturing contemplation, moods, and bringing real life to her drawings. It takes a deep understanding of characters being drawn to bring out this inner emotion from them, and therefore, StrutEggStealer gets my vote for Fanart Award this year.

Feedback: The fanfic section is still active, and while last year seemed a bit more active in terms of stories and reviewers, that section is still going and there are plenty of reviewers around offering helpful tips and advice as to how others should be improving their writing. This year, my vote goes to someone who has improved immensely as a writer and is able to give valuable feedback on his own to assist writers on their path to achieving memorable fanfics. This year, my inaugural year of voting, I vote for vonboy!

Friendly Member: This one, like all the others, was difficult for me to narrow down, but when reflecting on my personal situations and the hardships I've been through this year, there was one member in particular who was quick to offer support and sympathy as well as bend an ear to the long ramblings I had to put him through. While there are many, MANY others on here who are very kind, courteous, and willing to go out of their way to help others (all of whom I thank very, very deeply!), my vote this year goes to this particular individual whom I've described above. Mr. Wonk, you are my vote for this year's Friendly Member Award!

And that's it for me for tonight! I'll post two to three more tomorrow night.

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After revisiting some older threads to refresh my memory, now I feel competent to participate in this year's vote.

Fanart Award: I vote for StrutEggStealer.

Since the last vote one artist has shown significant improvement in her LBT art, particulary in the execution of anatomy and facial expressions of the characters, to the point where, were the colouring and shading not so modest, they could almost be mistaken as taken from an animated movie. Members can probably guess I'm talking about FlipperBoidSkua here. But in the meantime another artist appeared whose work is one of the best posted on this site so far. The colours, the shaping of the characters and the recent practicing with perspective betray a person with clear talent, who could, with practice, take a shoot at making truly realistic art. Keep up the good work, StrutEggStealer! There are other good and great artists here as well, but they haven't produced much LBT-related art this year.

Feeback Award: I vote for Vonboy.

There are a number of members who have been supporting the creative forces here on LBT since the last awards.  Vonboy, StrutEggStealer, Mr Wonk, Pterano, Pangaea, The Friendly Sharptooth have been at the forefront when it comes to commenting fanfiction and fanart, whether through their persistent support, or the less frequent well thought-out reviews. DarkHououmon has been quite supportive in the projects section. Deciding the winner was a delicate balancing act, and in the end I choose Vonboy, because of his frequent input that is also reasonably thought-out.

Friendly Member Award: I vote Mr Wonk.

This member is friendly, cheerful and caring. Like a baby flyer handing out a berry to you. ;)  There are many such people here (I would also like to mention another low-profile member here, FreckledOne), but I believe this relatively new member deserves a shout-out for investing more effort than others in recent times.

Helpful Member Award: I vote for DarkHououmon.

This member has been making drawing tutorials and giving video editing tips, as well as helping with various software problems. Honourable mentions in this category include Pangaea and landbeforetimelover.

Philosopher Award:

For me, this is the most difficult category to decide on. There are quite a few members on this site who have a good command of logical reasoning and abstract thinking, also endowed by a great amount of knowledge, particulary in fields they specialised in. They include, but are not limited to: Malte279, Pangaea, Pterano, Mirumoto_Kenjiro, DarkHououmon...

In the end, a fair decision boils down to measuring a member's output throughout the last year.

It turns out Malte279 comes out on top (again, I know), as probably the most productive intellectually-inclined member of the GOF, but not far ahead of some others. I tried to make this vote as objective as possible, to not to be affected by personal relations outside the GOF. And if the tone of this vote sounds too serious to you, well, remember that I don't mean it that seriously, that it is probably an artifact of my rather harsh writing style (so I was told), and that I don't feel like making some wide edits now, at 3 a.m. :p

Proactive Award:

This is one is the easiest to decide on. I vote for Bruton the Iguanodon. Bruton has been responsible for the revival of discussion related to the Land Before Time, which is the core interest of this site and its distinguishing feature among many other sites. For that, despite his flaws, this member deserves to be recognised, or at least remembered.

Roleplay Award: I don't visit that section of the site, so I'm not competent for voting on this award.


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These days there is less fanart and more fanfiction than there used to be in the fanart and fanfiction section. Most of the art we have shows fanfiction characters while pictures of the characters from the movies have become somewhat of a rare exception. This however does not diminish the quality of the art of course. Kacie DarkHououmon's Gimp fanart is always a joy to look at, the coloring of Pangaea's drawings is really amazing (it is not easy to get the coloring as smooth as he does when using colored pencils) and the amount of work he puts into drawings as birthday presents for GOF members is something that really should be recognized. I'm also looking forward to seeing more "Fynart" from a new shooting star in the fanart section Fyn16 (seriously, if there is any good in the delays of the voting this year it is that through it you too can participate in the vote). DarkWolf91 also created a beautiful picture this summer. I like the style of the rock Doca is standing on in particular. It reminds me of the style of the original LBT movie. Sky's pictures continue to impress by the level of emotion and (in case of the picture posted in February in particular) thrhough the degree of "motion" in it. It looks like a photo was taken in the midst of action so the picture could spring to life any second. StrutEggstealer and FlipperBoidSkua created most of the fanart this year I think. With StrutEggstealer doing really an amazing job with color and lighting effects. If that recent Pterano in the moonlight image is a doodle of yours, then I can't wait to see what you will credit as more than a doodle.
The decision has been very tricky. I think it was the combination of the aforementioned qualities and the really good expressions which in the end tipped the scales for my vote on the Fanart Awart to go to StrutEggstealer

In case of the Role play gamer Award I got to skip this year as I simply didn't participate in this field of activity in the GOF enough to allow for me to give a good vote this year.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Sorry for the less strict style of this post, it is being made from my ipod. Therefore I have copypasted to get the award names and will write my nominations next to the award.

The main categories for this year's Awards are as follows:
~Fanart Award-- Abstain. I'm hardly involved in this genre.
~Feedback Award -- Abstain as per above. Have decided instead to nominate Pangaea, after reviewing appropriate section.
~Friendly Member Award--hmmm. Is Rat_Lady eligible? Despite the real world problems she was facing, she always had an ear for anyone who needed someone to listen. If not, MrDrake Is a great guy too. We've had many interesting Skype conversations, and I know he talks to a decent amount of other users as well. EDIT: Ultimately decided to go with MrDrake.
~Helpful Member Award-- Mumbling, who I believe is our newest admin, has done a great job keeping people (including myself) informed. When someone asks a question, she is usually the first to reply with a helpful answer.
~Philosopher Award-- while it's never any philosophy I agree with, Pokeplayer has kept the After Midnight section stocked with interesting political, moral, and philosophical discussions. Just because we tend to be on opposite sides doesnt mean I dont appreciate the food for thought he offered in the first place.
~Proactive Award-- oh boy, Bruton the Iganadon. He filled the most important section in the GOF with tireless amounts of threads, piquing many discussions. A clear standout.
~Role Play Gamer Award-- Serris, without a doubt. He is in almost every long-running RP, several of which he started, and if we ever vote to grab a new moderator for that section he'll get my vote there too.


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^ The description of the various awards can be found here. The feedback award is particularly for the reactions, constructive criticism etc. people give to the art or fanfiction which people post while the helpful member award is about general helpfulness and engagement on behalf of other members in all kind of situations, including the providing of images, information or the like.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Thanks Malte!

I've edited the above post based on this new information.


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So after some delay, I am back with my next several votes. I've given it careful consideration but right now I think I've made my final choices.

Helpful Member Award: My nomination this year was admittedly a lot harder to narrow down. I've received help from many members here regarding many things. Two clearly stand out in my mind as front runners for being quick to assist, presenting me with the information I was looking for and going above and beyond what I required of them. To be absolutely fair, I took into account everything I know they've done over the past two years. Ultimately though, I had to choose just one. While Jansenov came very close to winning, my vote goes to Malte279 for 2012. Malte has provided many, many answers to questions I've had regarding the site over the past year, has always provided good insight and words of advice when needed, and even provided me with a rather nifty family tree of the Scharnhorst family (which I still enjoy looking over and studying). As said, this was probably the most difficult vote I had to make, as both of these fine board members are excellent at helping others and lending assistance.

Philosopher Award: This was another close vote, though not quite as close as the one above it. Malte279, Jansenov, and Pangaea all deserve honorable mentions in my book, but when it comes to deep thinking, pondering, and offering great insight on LBT characters and their motivations, I'm going to vote for DarkHououmon this year. Looking at the discussion topics the past year, she's been one of the most active in the LBT section and has always offered great perceptions that are not just her opinion but also backed up with examples that she drew upon from the franchise to support her claims and arguments. On top of that, she's also provided for many good statements in the After Midnight section, and I feel she deserves some recognition for that.

Roleplay Gamer Award: I must admit I'm not really as active in this section as I used to be, but from what I've seen after reviewing it, I'll vote for Mirumoto_Kenjiro. He's always got great ideas and is a real driving force in starting up RPs. If I only had more time I'd probably join a few of his games. He's got motivation, drive, and creativity, and gets my vote this year.

And last but not least, the Proactive Member Award: Bruton the Iguanodon hands down. He's done much to reactivate the LBT section of this forum I think and deserves recognition for it. While I can't say I always agreed with his line of thinking, I can't argue the fact that nobody has started more topics over the previous year in that section than he has. Nicely done on his part.

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This is probably gonna be a bit repetitive as I haven’t really interacted much with other here lately. But I’mma try my best to be fair to those I have interacted with and some of those that I haven’t.

Fanart Award - StrutEggStealer wins this one hands down. His artwork has this….feel to it, a very pleasant feel that can always calm me down whenever Iëm having a bad day. His coloring and shading is spectacular and I long for the day my art gets as good as his. Especially his recent pic of Pterano on a Moonlit Night. Simply gorgeous!

Feedback Award- There’s been many feedbacks given to me this year, with my peak of activity within the fanart/fanfiction section. Regarding my fanfics, Chomper89 and vonboy are always reviews that I greatly appreciate and in fanart, FrickledOne tries his best to leave excellent constructive criticism and positive feedbacks as well. Overall, when it comes to this category, I can’t think of anyone better than Pangaea. He’s always there to comment on any new artwork he sees and he takes time and effort to make each review as insightful as possible. Even when he’s feeling his lowest, he still tries to find time to make his opinions known.

Friendly Member Award- This was incredibly tough. I don’t really interact too much with others and those I do talk to are incredibly friendly. Jrd is certainly very enthusiastic every time we speak. He’s always checking out my other accounts, like on DA, and when he makes a comment, it’s filled with such eagerness that I can tell he enjoys talking to me. Ultimately though, I have to go with Pangaea. He not only send regular e-mails and PMs to me, but he’s interested in basically anything I do and he takes his precious time to leave incredibly detailed responses about any subject brought up. He also worries when our conversations goes silent and that tells me that he cares a lot about out chats. He’s also been among the first friends I’ve made since coming on this site and he’s still sticking around! I only have two true and legitimate friends, and Pangaea is one of them. Thanks for being my buddy, Pangy.

Helpful Member Award- Another difficult one as practically everyone I meet here is helpful. But basically, whenever I need help, I go to Pangaea and he always figures out a way to solve something. When the Role-play story, In The Land Before Time needed a new GM, who shall step up to the plate other than Pangy. When I expressed a problem I was having finding the source of inspiration of one of my fanart pictures, Pangy took his time to look through all the dinosaur books he could just to find the illustration I myself have been searching for for years. And although he couldn’t find it, the gesture still meant a lot to me.

Philosopher Award- My vote for this one remains the same as last year’s. While I still don’t really talk to him (regrettably), I still notice how insightful and logical his responses and arguments are. While Darkhououmon and Pangaea came incredibly close, I’m leaning a bit more on Malte279.

Proactive Award- I was going to go with Bruton the Iguanodon. Whilst some of his actions weren’t admirable, I cannot deny that he’s brought a lot of activity to this forum. However, I heard he hasn’t visited this forum since his banning, so I feel it’s a lost vote. So instead, I’m going with Chomper98. I’ve noticed his presence in a lot of topics throughout this forum and it’s obvious that he puts thought into each one. Whether it be Role-Playing, Fanart/Fanfiction, or just General stuff, you can always bet that he’ll be there to share his views!

Role Play Gamer Award- I’m still not too active on the Role Playing section to make a truly fair vote. So I’mma have to skip it this year.


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For a long time, like many others here, I had Bruton the Iguanodon in mind when thinking about candidates for the proactive award. While I think it is important to also take in mind what kind of activity somebody shows there is no denying that his posts did create a lot of discussion in the LBT sections. I guess if he had gotten around to not attack other members and accept when someone disagrees with him my vote would have gone to him. However, it appears that he is not going to return to the GOF and I will therefore acknowledge the positive aspects of his activity but keep my final vote for the award to someone who is still around to learn about the recognition received.
Iris Mumbling is a very good and active candidate when it comes to proactiveness. It was by her proactiveness that the fanfiction award was created last year and without her I don't think it would have been conducted this year. She also created some of the drafts that were still missing for this year's award voting session.
My ultimate vote however goes to another member who, unlike Bruton the Iguanodon, shows a greater readiness to accept views different from his own and discuss them. Admittedly I also do disagree with a number of the views he expressed, but without the insistence of the own opinion being the one and only correct view the result of such discussion is usually an interesting and thought-provoking discussion. Moreover many of the threads which he creates are refering to a field of topics in which I take a great personal interest (history). For all this my vote for the the Proactive Member Award goes to Chomper98.


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Hey guys!

OK, so here are my nominations for this year's awards. And flippin' 'eck has it be hard coming up with just one for each category!  :blink:

Fanart: Jeez! What an award to start with! It's so difficult picking out one person amongst the masses of brilliant art pieces our members have created on this forum as well as giving us links to others. Sky has always been an artist I have held in high regard and I've voted for him for a few years now. Other artists I've gotta mention are the likes of Fyn16, Darkwolf91 and FlipperBoidSkua to name but a few. This year, I'm voting for someone who hasn't been with us for a huge amount of time, but whose artwork is as visually stunning as it is unique. My votes for StrutEggStealer

Feedback: Where there is art, there are critics and no place on the net sports a better collection of keen eyed reviewers than here. One of the things I admire most about this forum is how nothing is ever said in undertone or by snide remark. Critiques of artwork, fanfics and other areas are always done with sniper's accuracy and sound personal opinion but is always delivered with constructiveness, thoughtfulness and suggestiveness that always leaves someone feeling good about their work and ideas for improvement. I know from personal experience, members like Malte279, DarkHououmon, The Chronicler and Caustizer amongst others have given me direct feedback regarding my fanfic stories and I've always valued their input. Pangaea is another noteworthy mention for his undying commitment to constructive criticism for lots of fanwork. But my vote is going to vonboy for all his efforts in offering helpful advice and stern yet constructive edge to reviews and followings of many fanworks. Particularly his mammoth task of trying to read all submitted fanfics for the Fanfiction Awards this year. My vote's for him!

Friendly: Man! Another nigh-on impossible category to select just one member for! I could reel off a list of names I think should get this award but I'd might as well just put a link in here for the forum's Members List page. I've had the privilege to chat to some of our members outside of the GOF and even got to meet a few of them face-to-face (you know who you are! ;) ). This year, my vote is going in for Flathead770. Just an all round great guy to chat to and fun to get to know. So easy going and can talk about... well anything. A commendable trait!

Helpful: One thing the forum is never short of is its wealth of people willing to help out others. Whether it's finding media for projects, proofreading a fanfic chapter, just chatting to someone feeling low or claiming another spot of interweb space in the name of LBT and its fans for them to use; we've got it in shedloads (an official standard unit of measurement :p). LBTLover and his social site for all things LBT and his website have been a truly wonderful addition and tie to this forum. Can only imagine the amount of work that went into making that site the grandstand it is. Malte279, Mumbling, DarkHouomon and Mr Wonk all are ready and willing to aid someone in need (again... amongst others). My vote, however, is gonna go to Pangaea for his constant ambition to aid an assist wherever and whenever it is required. It was a tight vote to place Pangaea in this category as I was going to put him up for the Feedback category, but I thought this award better suited his all round general helpfulness to the forum. Well done and thanks again!

Philosopher: Many a wise man (and woman) have step upon the LBT podium and preached the words of many a topic. Like: "why was #13 so God awful?!" (kidding  :lol). Anyway, plenty of us have voiced our open opinions on what and whether various aspects of life (LBT and beyond) are to be bantered over. But for me, there's one guy who stands out every time. That's our Malte279. No topic is taboo and no discussion too convoluted for our resident historian. But it's not his sharp tact for any discussion that gets me, it's Malte's way of openness and explorative tone that keeps discussions going. He has his views but they are never ladened in a way that shuts off the discussion and he always embraces the challenge of someone to take him on and argue their point but never with aggression. Thanks again for the many many in depth discussion Malte. May you bring us many more! ;)

Proactive: Again, a close link to the Helpful award, this I find amazing because many members are quick to jump to the aid of anyone needing something. And to be able to do that, you have to be proactive (just in case you didn't know what the term proactive actually meant :p) Again, a plethora of potential candidates for this award I could name like Pangaea, DarkHououmon, Mr Wonk (again...amongst others... again!) all deserve noteworthy credit. My my vote is going in for Mumbling. Nearly always first on scene and quick to deal with any situations that arise, like the EMT of the forum! If it's not sorting out things on the forum, it's helping others out and offering advice when and where it's needed. Kudos to you Mumbling!

RPG: Due to my lack of knowledge and experience in the RPG section of the forum, I will be skipping this vote.

So there you have it! Good luck to everyone out there in the runnings for this year's awards! ;)


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Whew! Just as I expected, choosing who to nominate was really hard, and explaining why I chose them was [almost as difficult/just as difficult/even more difficult] (I can't decide which! :wacko) so my apologies if some of my wording is strange or awkward. Anyway, here are my votes at last:

Fanart Award: Despite the relative paucity of new LBT fanart in the past year, this was a difficult category to decide on, since those artists who did post were extremely talented in their work. I wish to give a shout out to Darkwolf91 and Sky, who have not been artistically active on the GOF for a few months now (perhaps the reason their names have not come up in this year’s voting thus far), but did create some fantastic LBT artwork in the past year. Ultimately, however, my nominee for this award is FlipperBoidSkua. This member continually astonishes me with both the quality and quantity of her drawings. I particularly adore the emotion expressed in the poses and faces of her characters. Oftentimes my first look at a drawing by this artist results in me physically acting out the :lol, :o, :wow, or :spit emoticon (well, sans the water for the last one, but the same series of expressions). Though she struggles with backgrounds, she is still an incredibly versatile and talented artist, and I have no doubt that she will continue to improve and advance her art style.

Feedback Award: Unfortunately to say, I haven’t been keeping up with as many fanart and fanfiction threads as I used to, so I haven’t seen as many of the reviews that other members have been leaving. FreckledOne has shown himself to be very good at writing feedback that is simultaneously polite, constructive, supportive, and often plain enjoyable to read, and I think he deserves the encouragement of an honorable mention even though he is not eligible for an award this year. I very strongly considered nominating Vonboy, Blais_13, and StrutEggStealer for this award; all of them are excellent reviewers of fanfiction and/or fanart, and I admire the sheer number of different threads they have commented in. It was a very close vote, but I have decided to nominate Pterano. This member may not be as active a reviewer as he used to be, but looking over his reviews from months past has reminded me of the work he puts into helping fanfiction writers write the best they can. He leaves both eloquent reviews of story events and detailed explanations of how to improve aspects of the writing such as sentence structure. Even if he does not go back to reviewing stories, the fact that he has made these contributions to the feedback category within the past year makes me feel that he deserves a chance for this award.

Friendly Member Award: As always, the abundance of kind, polite, open-minded, generous people on our wonderful forum makes this a difficult category, but I think that I will have to nominate FlipperBoidSkua for this category as well. As she herself has stated, she is shy and does not interact with many others on the forum. I am immensely grateful to be one of those lucky members who has gotten to know her, and can tell you that this cheerful, good-natured, self-described spazz of the GOF is a wonderful friend to have. She is like a chocolate bar: sweet, full of energy, and guaranteed to improve your mood. She is extremely polite and considerate, and tries very hard not to inadvertently offend or annoy the people she talks to. Whenever I am feeling down or negative about myself, she is always supportive and encouraging. She never fails to express her gratitude to members who comment on her work, and takes constructive criticism with a smile. She has even utilized her fantastic art skills to fulfill picture requests by other members. I truly hope that Spazzy Sparky will find more opportunities for interaction with other membersóand more friendshipsóin her future on the GOF.

Helpful Member Award: This was quite possibly the most difficult category of all for me. After a great deal of thought, I am giving my vote to Darkhououmon. Though the two of us have only had sporadic interactions over the past year, nearly every time Kacie contacted me was so that she could share a science article that she thought I would like, or to send me information on the Dinosaur Wars book series that we mutually enjoy. I am grateful for her thoughtfulness, and I also understand that she has done helpful things for other members as well. LBTFan13 gets an honorable mention from me for his help with the “In The Land Before Time” RP.

Philosopher Award: There have been many members this year who have made wonderful contributions to discussion threads. I have seen some very insightful posts by Ghostfishe, and am only not nominating him because he has not yet attained the post count required to be eligible for the awards; FlipperBoidSkua has come up with some very thought-provoking discussion topics, including some ideas that I find downright brilliant and have never heard anywhere else; I have immense respect for Darkhououmon’s style of discussion, stating her opinions in a matter-of-fact way without being impolite or losing her cool, even in potentially volatile threads (not to mention that she has made plenty of very good points in a variety of discussions); and jansenov, The Chronicler, and Malte279 have all made some very well-written and stimulating posts regarding current real-world issues. It is an extremely close contest, but out of all of these contenders, I have ultimately decided to nominate jansenov.

Proactive Member Award: I vote for Mumbling. With so many GOF members not being able to visit the forum as often due to real life, I truly admire how much time Iris still manages to find for the forum. It seems that whenever there is an issue that requires administrative assistance, she pops up to help. (As Littlefoot1616 pointed out, that takes proactivity.) She is an amazing admin, and I am so grateful to her for making both the GOF and Fanfiction Awards possible this year. Here’s hoping the 2013 Awards will happen (If they do, I’m sure Iris will be at least one of the people we will have to thank).

Role Play Gamer Award: Although I am not particularly active in the RP section, I somehow feel compelled to nominate The Chronicler for this category. Not only has he been rather closely involved in planning out upcoming storyline events in the “In The Land Before Time” RP and making sure that his plans fit in with those of other players (something I greatly appreciate), but he strikes me as a fairly proactive RPer: He almost singlehandedly devised a subplot for his characters (and a couple of other players’) in the aforementioned RP, and continued to post in an effort to progress that story during a period when no one else was active in the RP. He has also attempted to start at least two of his own RPs, and while sadly they haven’t garnered much attention, based on his descriptions they seem to me to be quite interesting and original ideas with a lot of potential. I wish him luck on his current RP idea.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Chronicler

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Fanart Award: FlipperBoidSkua
This year, I've decided to vote for FlipperBoidSkua because her fanart seems to be improving over the past couple of months, and that's something I always like seeing. Some of her works may have a rather silly concept, but I never judge an artist (or writer) on the content of their work, but on how well it was done. It may not be the best out there, but I do see potential. StrutEggStealer has also done some good fanart as well.

Feedback Award: Pangaea
As in previous years, I always appreciate Pangaea's efforts to point out ways for me to improve my fanfic. His constructive criticism is always welcomed by writers and artists, and almost never seen in a bad way. He may not always be as active as most people here, but his comments and suggestions are always appreciated. I also appreciate the occasional feedback from other members, like Caustizer.

Friendly Member Award: Malte279
If every forum had an admin like Malte, the internet would be a much nicer place. Regardless of the circumstances, he never seeks to attack anyone. If anyone ever happens to be breaking any of the forum rules, he always politely tells them what they're doing wrong and why they should stop. Heck, he even always seems to express sadness whenever he has to ban someone, and that only happens after numerous warnings and temporary suspensions. There may be a lot of friendly people here (too many for me to list here), but great leadership is where things really count. I can't imagine GoF being what it is today without Malte.

Helpful Member Award: Pangaea
Like I said, I greatly appreciate Pangaea's comments to my fanfic. I'll never feel like a perfect writer, but at least my self-confidence has steadily improved over the years. He's helped me learn what mistakes to be more careful of, and occasionally even reminds me if I happen to repeat them later on. Thanks for all of the help. :)

Philosopher Award: jansenov
Whenever there's a topic that's sure to spark a lot of discussion, I know that comments by jansenov are always worth reading. Compared to other people, he seems to me like he has a sort of unbiased view of the world, and that's something I'd like to see more often these days. Also worthy of mention here are Malte279 and Pangaea.

Proactive Member Award: Mumbling
Mumbling has definitely been proactive, especially for this year's fanfiction awards. She was able to get it started, despite delays for the rest of these awards, such as the need for new award banners. It was nice to have a lot of time available to vote for fanfiction awards. (time that I failed to take advantage of :neutral ) Other members worthy of mention here are Bruton the Iguanodon and Chomper98. Bruton may be rather controversial, but there's no denying that he brought a lot of activity to LBT discussions. His ban may have been lifted, but seeing as he has yet to actually return, I feel that voting for him would be a throwaway vote. Chomper98 has also started a lot of interesting new topics, but this has been happening in only the past month or so, so I feel like it's too soon for me to give him my vote. Maybe next year, when I'll have a better idea of his activity.

Role Play Gamer Award: Pangaea
Originally, I planned on skipping this vote this year, but I've decided to recognize Pangaea for his efforts in the only RP I'm actively participating in. I'm glad that he decided to take over after Rat Lady7 left, because like I had said last year, I would have given up on the RP by this point if I had been in charge. Fortunately, things seem to be picking up by now, so he seems to be doing something right.
(By the way, Pangaea, thanks for the nomination. I was definitely not expecting that. :D )

(EDIT: I forgot to add a few things to my description of my vote for the Proactive Member Award.)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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There has not been much going on in the field of projects this year. The original idea was for it to include the kinds of art not covered by the description of the fanart award (something that is not painted) and especially such projects that involved more than one person working on it. Special input in the former LBT singing projects and the computer game project used to be a main qualification for this award, but there hasn't been as much lately to refer to this award (probably the reason why no vote has been given for this award so far).
However, there are two members who both created land before time webpages and invested time and effort to keep them up and running throughout 2012. Many GOF members frequent created by Austin landbeforetimelover and created by John pokeplayer. I haven't been able to be active on these two pages myself (just too much work and too little time) and it is therefore very difficult to make a decision here. My impression is that John's page provides more material (clips, images etc.) while Austin's page allows for a greater input from the members respectively more access to what members wrote to visitors who don't have an account yet but might like what they see enough to create one. Seeing the original idea of the Projects Award as something including many people my vote for the Projects Award goes to landbeforetimelover.


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When it comes to helpfulness by providing materials or offering help, the Chronicler has been particularly helpful to me for his activity in the Sesqui-Centennial of the Civil War thread. Also when I was looking for a place to host my VHS lecture presentations John pokeplayer made a very generous offer to host them for me which I haven't forgotten though I didn't have to make use of the general offer because my request had been primarily based on me confusing the names of two hosts in an email I had received. I'm also always obligued to Darkhououmon who often provided help and advise. Same as in case of some other awards it is very difficult to make a choice between the candidates,  who when I asked for some images for a presentation in my US history course provided quite a few images which I could use in the presentation. For this selfless and act of helpfulness into which he obviously put a lot of effort my vote for the helpful member award goes to Kor.


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A little reminder (to myself as well as others), the voting closes in two days on September 25th. Nobody who has not cast votes on at least five awards by that time can receive an award or qualify for the Appreciated Member Award (which everyone must vote on who skipped two of the awards so far being voted upon). Let's hope for some more votes to be cast until then. So far eight of 106 members qualified to vote have cast their vote making up for a participation of some 7.5% :confused


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Sorry I"m so late in my voting but I had certain things going on in my life.  1 of which gave me no internet access for a week.

Roleplayer Award :   Nick22  
     There are various folks I have fun rping with.  I could name some but if I do I"ll forget some others I have fun and have have had fun rping with in the past.  Nick22 runs several rp's, a thing that helps many have fun in the rp threads.  


Feedback Award : DarkHououmon
     I enjoy her posts and responses.  They do seem well thought out and not random quick posts made with little thought & she is very knowledgeable bout certain subjects like dinosaurs.


Friendly Member  :   Chiletrek
   I pick him of the ones I enjoy talking to since I talk with him daily and the conversations we have are interesting and he is a very friendly person overall.  Others here are too but they either don't come here anymore, or I have voted for them for other categories or don't talk with them so don't know them at all.


Helpful Member  : Nick22  
     I have had conversations and questions and nick22 has helped the most of the few I've talked to on this forum about forum and some non forum stuff, of those folks who are still active and regularly visiting this forum.  Though others may be them I've not talked to or they don't come here anymore or hardly ever do.


Philosopher : Malte
     Malte does long and detailed posts, often with a lot of information of various types.  One can learn some details by reading one of them, even if one only reads part of one of his posts.  


Proactive  :   Chomper98  
   I choose Chomper98 since this member has recently started many topics that have folks talking, speculating and doing such things like that that keeps the forum more active with members talking, speculating, and such in the threads created.