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New Year's Resolution 2013

Mr Wonk · 10 · 1534

Mr Wonk

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Wikipedia Arctic

A New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. A key element to a New Year's resolution that sets it apart from other resolutions is that it is made in anticipation of the New Year and new beginnings. People committing themselves to a New Year's resolution generally plan to do so for the whole following year.

Well I guess I start with mine...

1st: To improve on my dyslexia.

2nd: Make my videos better on YouTube

3rd: Post more on the Gang of Five

4th: Make my Fanfiction better!

I know that's a lot of goals to do but I like a challenge! So what is your resolution going to be for 2013. Will it be more then one? Will it be a project or reforming of a habit? Anyway Happy New Year everyone! :DD

The Anonymous Person

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Easy; mine is to get a band together (it's a long story. I'll explain this band in another thread in the future.)

Mr Wonk

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I'm looking forward to that The Anonymous Person. Please post that thread in the future! :DD

Littlefoot Fan

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I want to...

- see the andromeda galaxy with my telescope (need a super clear night either this winter or next winter
- get a really high magnification eye-piece and zoom into jupiter and saturn
- get a custom printed bed sheet
- get something LBT related for my room that's awesome
- completely update my minecraft server
- go on nature walks all through-out next summer
- attempt to cross this next summer and possibly have my friend film it just for humor :lol: fun fun :lol:
- Oh, and buy a really amazing all metal keyblade replica online somewhere!

The Chronicler

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My New Year's resolution is to make my "free time" more flexible, and then to actually have the guts to go get a job.

For the first part, one of the first things for me to do is to stop reading so many darn news articles online. :bang  Other stuff that I check online on a regular basis (fanfictions and forum posts) is stuff that I can realistically say to myself, "Don't worry about it too much, that can wait until tomorrow." Not so for news articles. There's always new things coming up, and many times it just can't wait until tomorrow, or the next new stuff won't make any sense.

From now on, whenever I check my email, I'm just going to: log on, check my email, log off, close the window, and that's it. (In my old routine, after logging off, I would quickly look through and open new tabs for anything I find interesting (most days, it's one or two dozen tabs, and sometimes even more), then one-by-one I would read the article and then close the tab, and only after every tab is closed do I finally close the window.) This part of my routine has taken up hours of my time each day, so not only will I be removing my only inflexibility, but I'll also be freeing up a lot more time. The only downside is that I'll no longer be caught-up with current events, but I honestly don't see that as such a bad thing anymore. :neutral

Originally, I had planned to start this change on New Year's Day, but since I had lost my internet connection for 24 hours just after Christmas Day, I figured, "Why wait one more week?" So, I guess you could say I decided to start my New Year's resolution a little early. :p

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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-Be more active not only on this site, but on the internet in general
-Actually reply on some of the e-mails that's been piling up due to my procrastination :oops
-Find a pet-friendly apartment
-Finish some of my art/fanfiction projects
-Get a new skateboard cuz my old one's seen better days
-Keep my current job without going crazier than I already am :p


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-Actually continue and finish my LBT Fanfiction.

-Start my first MLP:FiM Fanfiction.

-Have the Greatest LBT Fanart Contest Ever.

-Quit my offline job and replace it with my online one.

Well, I have 12 months.  Might as well get to work. :)

The Anonymous Person

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Quote from: Mr Wonk,Dec 31 2012 on  07:16 PM
I'm looking forward to that The Anonymous Person. Please post that thread in the future! :DD
Will do. It'll be great!  :DD


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I would like to get up off my end and start working towards my goals. That is, I should make a conscientious effort in PLANNING my goals, and then acting upon them. I was accepted to a Catholic university, so mayhap I should choose what subject I will major in before I make a commitment.

I want to be able to get a better job, in my field of major. You can't really work with children's education in a Dunkin' Donuts... *facepalm*

I want to TRAVEL^^ maybe this year...

I want to improve in both my art and my fanfiction, AND... *cough* my etiquette

Lastly, I want to make a difference. A BIG difference, in the lives of many people. I want to reach out to people and tell them they have worth, i want to work with children and help them attain their goals and dreams.

Wow, no pressure for me, right? :)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Do SOMETHING to change my life. I've got a few plans on how to do so, and my resolutions are as follows:

Pass the FSOT and the QEPs and try to dominate that oral interview if I get the chance to take it either this year or the next.

Maybe go to Grad School down in FSU and get a fellowship so I can at least get a tuition waiver and major in Napoleonic history if the above doesn't work out again. Of course this would be limiting myself to becoming a professor, but... eh, I guess at this point that's OK.

Continue practicing my pacifist code and work on increasing my patience as well as cutting down on my anxiety. I've been getting better with it, but I'm the first to admit I still have work to do.

Continue doing as much good as I'm capable of doing and extending it to those around me in my daily life.

TRY and narrow down a career choice if the FS continues to not pan out. I've really got to be more proactive with this one.

I'd like to spend Christmas and New Year's down in Disney this year, or indeed just go back to Disney World at some point this year. :)

That's about all I can think of right now. I met a few of my previous ones last year by improving my relations with those in my household and getting my car issue solved, so I'm at least confident I can meet some if not all of these. :)

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