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Character Interactions You’d Like to See


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Are there any characters you’d want to see interact who have rarely or not deeply exchanged words with one another? Whose commonalities or differences would create some fun and interesting sparks if they were allowed the chance to bounce off of one another and make for an interesting story?

For example, I’d be interested to see Doc and Pterano meet face to face. They both have different thoughts about receiving and wanting attention and differing strategies on how they go about helping others. I think the clicking and clashing between the two about these thoughts and values would be both amusing and insightful to both of their characters.

I’d also like to see how Cera and Spike interact in a more focused manner. Apparently in a first movie deleted scene, she expresses disapproval of him joining the journey and even in the sequels where they get along much better, there are still the once in a while comments about his intelligence and her exasperation at his idiosyncrasies. However, I’d think some part of her might admire how unapologetically himself he is and he might enjoy the edge and mischief she brings to games. If they continue to relax in that mud spa place with Ruby and Tria, I can see them bonding more closely.

So what characters who rarely or not deeply interacted do you want to see, erm…interact?


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Heh. Interesting.
Honestly, Uneasy and unusual interaction I want to see very much - is Littlefoot and THAT Sharptooth. via Chomper.  :unsure:

Also: meeting Ali, Shorty, and Rhett. Big longneck company together with Littlefoot! Cera won't be amused...  :rolleyes:

And I would like to see Etta talks with Grandma and Grandpa longneck.


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-   Littlefoot and the first Sharptooth, with Chomper as translator

Ooh, boy. Ooh, boy. That would be so tense. Poor Chomper might be terrified. Going off from what I heard the novelization (Which I really want to get my hands on someday) characterized the sharptooth as an arrogant, vain, spiteful prick, here’s what I’d see transpire:

The sharptooth might point out Littlefoot’s plan to kill him wasn’t just an act of self-defense but vengeance. He’s draw parallels that Littlefoot wasn’t that much different from a sharptooth like himself, who went after Littlefoot and Cera in revenge for minor blows to pride. He’d wonder if some part of Littlefoot enjoyed killing the former. Basically, vindictively prodding at whatever dark side Littlefoot might have and how all he loves might be ruined in it.

I can see Littlefoot being thrown off and uncomfortable by what’s being said but he can be just as vicious back. He’d point out where the sharptooth’s pride and self-importance took him, dead in a pond and forgotten. He’d lash out at any apparent flaws the first sharptooth displayed in their interactions, terrified and angry for all the pain the latter did and could still do.

So yeah, this wouldn’t be a very level-headed conversation. The pair of them would be too emotionally compromised (Littlefoot understandably so) to ever see eye-to-eye. Maybe Littlefoot might feel some pity for the first sharptooth for either his small worldview or that the gang had little choice but to kill him but the latter would likely be in no mood to accept even the tiniest fraction of compassion from the children who killed him.

-   Littlefoot, Ali, Rhett, Shorty

Well, maybe Cera would be unhappy if she won’t be able to lure Ali away to plot some fun mischief together? ;)

And things might be weird between Shorty and Rhett, because they’ll sound alike (Both being voiced by Elizabeth Daily in their TV appearance).

Though seriously, I think there might be some tension between Rhett and Shorty. Even with the former being repentant, his history of tall tales might be an issue. That history might rub Shorty the wrong way, either because he doesn’t approve of those actions or they stick too close to his past of bullying and the Great Longneck test lies. Still, I can see some bonding over an admiration of heroism and wanting to be better people.

Shorty and Ali might be a bit of mischief makers once they get to know one another and play practical jokes on Littlefoot and Rhett because that’s one way how they express affection.

Littlefoot would be encouraging of Rhett and Shorty to better themselves, tell them they don’t have to reach the heights of his infamous accomplishments to feel accomplished, and fondly roll his eyes with Ali over their sillier antics. There might be some difficulties but I think the four would have fun.

-   Etta and Grandpa and Grandma Longneck

Oh, it would be sweet. Grandpa and Grandma Longneck would be charmed and amused by Etta’s way of looking on the bright side of life. They’d appreciate how she’d perked their grandson back up and helped rescue their son-in-law.

Etta would be heartened that the pair have stayed together and could still appreciate the happy points in life even after the struggles and loss they endured. They might be a bit more reserved, but she’d like their friendliness and good-humor.

I’m sure they’d get along well with their good nature and make each other chuckle with their insights.


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Whoa. Nice to read your viewpoints  on my variants of character interactions. :D

I would like to add some words about Sharptooth:

Going off from what I heard the novelization (Which I really want to get my hands on someday) characterized the sharptooth as an arrogant, vain, spiteful prick, here’s what I’d see transpire:
yeah, here's two problems with novelization.
-I made post there in proper topic recently, and even write some PMessages to people who has it, but nobody answered. :(
-And, as I read in Wiki, novelization says that Sharptooth was a very bad guy: vile and vain.
BUT! It quite contradicts with Don Bluth's explanation of sharptooth's true nature and actions!..

Next: In original version, as I remember, gang wanted to get rid from Sharptooth not only because Littlefoot's personal revenge or to make their adventure easier because they still didn't find Valley. In original version, they already found valley, and they feared Sharptooth can find entrance to the Valley, so they saved everybody from dangerous predator.(well, of course, it doesn't mean our longneck sought for revenge too...)

Now: Why I even try to revive dead sharptooth and try to organize showdown with Littlefoot and others? Well, because in original movie Sharptooth was showed ONLY as scary soulless predator who stalks gang and kills everybody. But it's only tiniest part of possible truth! There's huge possibilities to show more and more, look on familiar situation from different perspective, to raise important subject for movies or fanworks.

Here script of my speech from old PM conversation about carnivores' nature in LBT.

In early years, I considered antagonists predators in cartoons and movies only as machines without soul, with only purpose to get and kill everyone. I didn't even think about fact that they are just different type of animals, different type of LIVING CREATURES. Creatures who also has their lives, families, feelings and worldview.
Over years, I understood this fact, this law of our life, our nature. But... in some reason, when new carnivore antagonist approached, I didn't even try to understand his actions. I just saw a bad guy and hated him, wanted him die. Yeah.

Clear example: The Sharptooth. aka Tyran, I gave him this name.
This character was able to scare me in my childhood, and was able to settle in my heart forever. PERFECT NATURAL ANTAGONIST.
Long time ago I resurrected him, started to deny his death, and started to put him EVERYWHERE, not only in LBT mind stories. XD
BUT! For years, I considered him only as yet another bad guy. Major villain, who wants only blood.
Funny, even after I fully understood true nature of all known predators, I continued to consider Tyran as insane villain. And in such state he was supposed to appear in my final story...

Everything changed when I found post by Don Bluth on your forum that describes Tyran and his actions. Did he go against nature? Was his evil actions VILLAINOUS? That's where thin border between being ANTAGONIST and being VILLAIN lies...
There's antagonists and villains. There's natural and situational antagonists. Tyran was perfect natural antagonist. As well as any other ground, air or water sharptooth we saw.
But after his eye was damaged by Littlefoot, and after he was attempted to be got rid by gang - (in case if he survived) - he absolutely has a right to become situational antagonist. Gang generally and Littlefoot particularly became his personal enemies.

Hmm... some people can consider revenge as act of evil and insane obsession. Well, I can understand them. And that's yet another great thought that can be written in our fanfictions.

So... I really would like to see it on-screen. :)

The Chronicler

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Let's see, character interactions...

I think it's fair to say that, prior to the TV series, I'm sure there were a lot of characters we would have liked to see Chomper interact with, and some episodes certainly delivered on that.

Speaking of the TV series, I noticed that, aside from Ruby and Chomper, Ruby's family has met only Ducky and Spike, and that was only once. I'd like to see them interact with the entire gang of seven, and perhaps even the other family members of the Great Valley.

Also, I once had a fanfition idea featuring a "backup gang" that was brought together to go out and do something while the main gang of seven is busy with something else. This "backup gang" I had in mind included Shorty, Ali, Rhett, Hyp, Mutt, Nod, and Guido. I had come up with a few ideas on how they would find themselves forced to work together to save the day; there would initially be some arguing between certain individuals, not to mention some stupid mistakes being made along the way, but in the end they would find a way to get the job done.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

Littlefoot fan 1990

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I'd like a scene in a possible sequel where Topsy and Bron interact in the differences they have on how to raise children; seeing as I think it would be interesting since they have completely different personalities.


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I believe I’ve read somewhere that Don Bluth said the first sharptooth might’ve been only trying to survive, though I don’t know the exact quote. You’re right the inconsistencies between the novelization and the final film make the former suspect and to have a more three-dimensional understanding of the meat eating characters. I can sort of understand why the first sharptooth went after Littlefoot for injuring his eye. Hunting and surviving became much more difficult and if word got out a child did damage to him, it might risk his standing. So he went after Littlefoot and the gang to salvage that pride. I sort of looked to the book because it seemed to have firmer characterization than depends-on-viewers-perspective portrayal in the film. Then again, I might just need to rewatch the first film a few times to get a firmer sense of who he is as a person. Whatever person he is, I do feel inclined that he’s more of a antagonist than villain.

-   Ruby’s family and the rest of the gang and their family

The fast runner family getting a firmer sense of who Ruby’s friends are would be great. I’d think they would like Littlefoot for his level-headed compassion and curiosity he shared with Ruby. Cera might ruffle some feathers (and they have feathers to ruffle, ohoho), but they have faced much worse from sharpteeth and they’d probably be charmed by her sarcasm and wit. Petrie might make them smile with his nervous and excitable antics. The gang might come to like Ruby’s family for how friendly and even-keel they are. I wonder if Ruby’s siblings might feel some jealously toward these friends she hangs around but I wouldn’t be surprised if they warmed up to them eventually too. I can see the siblings playing with the gang if they encounter one another and there’s time for such games.

-   Ali, Rhett, Hyp, Mutt, Nod, and Guido

Oh my, that’s quite an eclectic group of people. Ali might get along with Mutt and Guido, who are nervous and dorky but sweet. I can see Ali trying to steer Mutt away from Hyp’s more drastic shenanigans. Guido, meanwhile, would be glad there’s one level-headed mind among the group. Mutt, while touched, would resist that since he likes being Hyp and Nod’s friends. Ali might want to protect Rhett from Hyp’s posse’s shenanigans. Ali can stand up quite a bit toward Hyp, since she’s friends with Cera and can deal with someone of a similar temperament. Hyp might see her as an. annoying little upstart. But I believe they’d eventually warm up to each other and tease and play practical jokes on one another.

I think Rhett might be in turns wary up and enchanted by whatever Hyp’s posse cooks up. Those three are going through the adolescent struggle of how to be a grownup, and he might see the appeal in their bumbling attempts to be more independent. Still, those lies blowing up in his face so spectacularly might mean he’d check himself on being roped into their schemes.

Guido might get pulled along with the group even as he tries his best to look after them as the oldest person present (I kind of under the impression he’s an adult, albeit a bumbling kids’ show one). He might have his hands full with attempting to keep up with Hyp’s posse, who might be bemused and annoyed by such a weird person (Though I think Mutt might bond with Guido over their shared awkwardness). Nevertheless, I think they’d defend each other if the chips were down, though Guido would be terrified the whole way.

So there’d be conflict and awkwardness as these varying personalities attempt to adapt to one another but if the gang’s in trouble or if someone needs help, I’m sure they’ll try to act in the best way they can.

-   Bron and Mr. Threehorn

I’d think Mr. Threehorn might think that Bron’s parenting can be too permissive and Bron would think that Mr. Threehorn might be too stern and angry at times, though he could understand why the latter is like that. Surviving outside the Great Valley’s tough and sometimes people believe they have to be harsh to their kids so they’d make it to adulthood. I’d see Bron trying to understand Mr. Threehorn in that way, to defuse conflict, while they talk about parenting. Mr. Threehorn might be annoyed by this but he’d be grudgingly forced to see Bron’s parenting tactics (Which I guess involves explaining his reasoning for certain decisions and looking disapproving and disappointed at mischief) does have its own value. So I believe they’d ease into each other and come to get along.

The Chronicler

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You forgot to include Shorty with that unlikely group I mentioned. Just saying. :)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Whoops! I thought I read that name but when I checked the post later, my eyes somehow skipped over it. I already covered on how Shorty might relate to Ali and Rhett in a previous post, so for the others….

I think Shorty and Hyp would have some tensions depending on if and how they’re trying to get over their times as former bullies. There might be some awkwardness as they find out the source of the behavior (The former from being orphaned and having difficulty finding new guardians, the latter due to imitating the behavior of his strict father). Shorty might feel grumbly since at least Hyp still had a parent with him but try to understand the challenges of a difficult guardian while Hyp would dance around and try not to poke at the topic of Shorty’s orphaning. I can see them getting along better enough to exchange jokes and snark as well as getting into some mischief with Ali.

Shorty might have a similar relationship with Nod, who might try to pull some weight in leading the longneck youth. But Shorty would likely have some resistance to that, with neither really following the other and maybe growing to respect one another. Mutt he’d in annoyed with in terms of his slowness and awkward nature. Shorty might warm up to Mutt’ well-meaning occasional sweetness and alternate between teasing him and pushing him to stand up for himself. Mutt would be at times annoyed and touched by Shorty’s mischief to him and attempts at kindness.

Shorty might be a bit annoyed with Guido since the latter seems older yet is nervous and bumbling. I can see Shorty asking Guido to do an important flying action and not understanding Gliders mightn’t be able to do the same things flyers do. Guido would try his best to ingratiate himself even if Shorty can be frustrating. After learning about Guido’s amnesia and search for who he was, Shorty might connect that with him trying to find his own place and be wanted. Shorty might ease with Guido and say he has a pretty good place in the valley. Guido would be touched by such sensitivity and attempt to tell Shorty’ll find where he fits in too in his own well-meaning clumsy way.


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Personally I'd like to see Cera speak to her dad about her mother. That would've make for a very emotionally-filled moment as well as clear up the confusion regarding the fate of a character we only ever seen in the original movie and then never heard of since. :huh:


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I agree we need to hear that story. Maybe she died during the earthquake at the beginning of the first movie or something


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Actually, Mrs. Threehorn and Cera’s sisters could be glimpsed after the earthshake ends, when Cera calls for her “Mommy! Daddy!” They didn’t kick the bucket at that time, though there’d likely be dozens of other causes since that scene that can account for why they didn’t reach the valley.

I imagine that after arriving in the valley and playing with her friends, one of Cera’s first questions would be where her mother and sisters were. Mr. Threehorn’s expression would crumble and he would explain what happened after that. With the difficulty these two have with emotions, I wouldn’t be surprised if they avoided the topic most of the time unless something came up to force them to discuss it. Which would be sad, since they’d rarely dwell on people that are surely very precious to them. Tria, Dinah and Dana’s parents, and/or the gang might bring it up either out of curiosity or to push Cera and Mr. Threehorn to confront and resolve the issue. Cera and Mr. Threehorn would either dodge the subject or press firmly that they don’t want to talk about it.

So I’m kind of drawing a blank there on what would finally make daughter and father discuss the topic. Some event involving mothers?


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Quote from: DaveTheAnalyzer,Apr 2 2017 on  10:05 PM
So I’m kind of drawing a blank there on what would finally make daughter and father discuss the topic. Some event involving mothers?
Honestly as much as I would like to see this scene play out, I also kind of think that the boat has already sailed on that one. If anything, Mr. Threehorn would have to bring the topic of Cera's mom to her in a conversation sometimes soon after they got reunited in the Great Valley. Right now it would be a lot more difficult to think of a decent setting where such conversation wouldn't seem out of place... Then again, Littlefoot did sing about his mother in LBTV and it went surprisingly well.
Oh, and another situation that I'm dying to see in a LBT movie is Chomper learning about Littlefoot's mom's fate. I mean, does the little sharptooth even know what happened to her? How do you think Chomper would react if he heard about it from someone else (probably from Cera, who'd bring it up to hurt his feelings... Maybe during some stressful situation when the gang were in danger and she herself lost her cool)? :huh:


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Oh, and another situation that I'm dying to see in a LBT movie is Chomper learning about Littlefoot's mom's fate. I mean, does the little sharptooth even know what happened to her? How do you think Chomper would react if he heard about it from someone else
YES. This.

I very want to see long full conversation between Chomper and gang about their past and present lives (I was very sad that didn't happen in fifth movie). And of course, the moment when Chomper learns truth about death of Littlefoot's mom and realizes that this longneck picked him up and was single member of gang who fully trusted him, even after that tragic event in his life, after there was very littler time period before mother's death and finding Chomper, after he is the same species of sharptooth who did that murder... I believe that would be very powerful scene.
(funny - that's what I am currently writing. My "alternative extended" events of LBT5 movie)


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Quote from: Snik,Apr 3 2017 on  12:18 AM
(funny - that's what I am currently writing. My "alternative extended" events of LBT5 movie)
Well, drop me a link once you're finished. :D


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Quote from: Coyote_A,Apr 3 2017 on  12:43 AM
Quote from: Snik,Apr 3 2017 on  12:18 AM
(funny - that's what I am currently writing. My "alternative extended" events of LBT5 movie)
Well, drop me a link once you're finished. :D
since it will be written on Russian, you will read it MUUUUCH earlier than others. ;)


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Yeah, a very special scenario would have to come up where Cera’s mother would be discussed later in the timeline. There could be a flashback to that first conversation that links to the present moment but who knows.

Chomper learning about the death of Littlefoot’s mother…I think that might be brought up in those surely fraught days when Ruby and Chomper came to the valley. People would be against this and confounded. At some point, someone would turn to Littlefoot in Chomper’s presence and mention things like, “How can you do this, wasn’t your mother killed by a sharptooth?” and the fact Littlefoot plotted the sharptooth’s death might be mentioned. Chomper would be upset and horrified by these revelation but Littlefoot would say it was the experiences of that tragedy he cared of Chomper and he doesn’t group the youth with his mother’s killer. There would be awkwardness but I think Chomper and the gang will come to a understanding.

Gentle Sharptooth

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I would like to see more interactions between Petrie and Chomper. Generally, Petrie is with Ducky and Spike, and when they are split up, with Cera. Little Foot is one that tends to be alone in those situations, examples LBT II and LBT: Journey of the Brave. Chomper most interacted with Petrie in LBT II, and then he couldn't communicate yet being a new hatchling.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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The most prominent interaction between Petrie and Chomper I remember is the TV episode where Petrie’s old nest is destroyed and have to move to a new one. Chomper assures him that it might scary but moving will be okay and Petrie defends Chomper from his siblings’ fear.

They do have more in common than you might suspect. They both have a sort of naÔve nature and can be a bit gullible. This comes into play especially in what they fear. Chomper can jump to the worst conclusions when nervous or scared, and he and Petrie can tend to believe any tall or scary tales others tell them.

I think that Chomper might be the sort to reassure Petrie of any worries he might have, though he mightn’t be always effective at it with his own occasional limited knowledge. I can see Chomper accidentally slipping some sharpteeth knowledge and conventions into his assurances, which would bemuse and disturb Petrie. But Petrie wouldn’t be too bothered by that, since that was how Chomper rolled.

Petrie might also assure Chomper of his worries as well, though the effectiveness might vary depending on the subject and Petrie’s knowledge. Chomper would appreciate the intent. I wouldn’t think they’re so naÔve or fearful that they might become a feedback loop of paranoia but I can see that occasionally rising up and either of them would stop it before it becomes too intense.

Several comments indicate that he actually enjoys moving around in high places, so he could go hang out with Petrie or explore someplace high the others mightn’t be too sure to climb or navigate. They can enjoy the wind and talk shop about current events and life there.

They’re also both energetic in ways. Petrie’s certainly not passive when a fear or worry starts to grip him. However, he can channel that nervous energy in loveably dorky ways in games. Chomper is pretty outgoing and cheerful sort. If there’s a game between them, I can picture it being quite outgoing and silly, though with either of them overwhelming the other like through, say, Chomper accidentally kicking a ball too hard at Petrie or Petrie overshooting in some way. They’d shake it off soon enough and not hold any grudges about it.

I don’t have much of a grasp on what their specific relationship would be like but it’d be pretty funny and sweet.

Gentle Sharptooth

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I am of the opinion that Petrie is actually a genius, he uses a higher vocab (methinks is old English, The Lone Dinosaur will conquer the Carnivore and etc), but his insecurity and shyness makes him appear naÔve. Petrie is a believer, he trusts and has innocence, even more so than Ducky. As fir gullibility you are right, but that comes with a trusting, innocent, and compassionate temperament. Petrie worries about realistic fears, as for Chomper, I found the series made him way more paranoid and actually contrary to his character in both LBTII and LBTV, where he seemed unafraid of anything save for drowning (any Carnivour would probably fear this, besides I just realized Chomper almost suffered the same fate as Original Sharptooth, a watery grave).

I haven't until LBT XIV: Journey of the Brave considered the Series canon. So I hadn't really examined Chomper's interactions with Petrie, that and I do not have access to the Series ( Prime doesn't offer it digitally sigh).

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith