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Member Appreciation Thread


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Oh dear... I forgot how many I have to appreciate.

Cancerian Tiger - She is one of the most kind people on the GOF and I respect her for being deeply spiritual and opinionated but never forcing them on anyone else.

Caustizer - Not only is he an avid fan of Twilight Valley but he is also a nice person to talk to.

Nick22 - He is not only an excellent admin but he is also a great roleplayer. Finally, he is a nice person to talk to.

Pangaea - This member is not only dedicated to improving the quality of the fanworks here in a nice and non-confrontational way but he is also very kind and polite.

LB&T - He is singlehandedly responsible for turning Darwin's Soldiers from a single RP to an entire universe. Not to mention he is an all around good guy.

And last but not least, EVERYONE I HAVE EVER RP'ED WITH! Thank you for making your worlds come alive and letting me have a part in them. :celebrate  :celebrate  :celebrate celebrate  :cheers

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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thank yiou serris. you're a great rper in your own right.. :)
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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Awww! Thanks Cancerian Tiger! I very much appreciate it!  :angel


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I just wanted to post in here to tell everyone that has played in my RP, thank you, thank you for your patience and eagerness to be in it. :)

Also thank you all of you that has contacted me in this past month for being patient with me and dealing with my not so nice quirks. You guys probably don't even see this, but my life has been a bit nutty for awhile, therefore I'm going pretty insane myself.


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Mirumoto Kenjiro-For participating in a few of my rps and being a nice guy.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Well, I have some long overdue appreciation to express, as well as some that is fairly new. This may just be my favorite thread. Giving people the gratitude that is due them is such a marvelous feeling. When people are doing such good things, I can’t help but shout it from the mountain tops.

Malte279- He’s proven long ago that he’d make a successful philosopher. Besides that, a specialty in teaching has proven to also be existent in his noble soul. Well, I’ve finally realized something else, something new: He is going to make quite a father someday. His tolerance when someone is throwing a fit is just remarkable. I was having one of my “episodes” the other day, really going all out in my chat with him in a very negative fashion. Why, he couldn’t have been more peaceable in reply than if he’d been asleep. He spoke very rationally and took no offense at my words. My fit of frustration didn’t faze him at all. He gave excellent advice in a very mature fashion. I can see him now with three kids. One crying from being too hungry, another yanking on his shirt wanting some money, and yet another still screaming from a cut, all the while with his wife talking loudly on the phone. I wager that he’d barely bat an eye and would instead gently focus on each of his kids at a time until their problems were resolved then return to reading the newspaper. He is just that cool and collective during chaos. If there was an immaturity contest, he’d lose, hands down.

Cancerian Tiger- Here is a true reviewer, in which there is nothing false. When I’ve written some Land Before Time pieces, she has withheld nothing from her opinions. She speaks the truth without color-coating. If I want to know what she really thinks about something, I know that I don’t have to ask her twice. She is forthright, but she is not rude. She says exactly what is on her mind and is kind in the process. If she isn’t fond of something, she won’t try and give false pleasure by saying that she is. She is thankfully not afraid of coming right out with her opinions, and boy are they helpful. When she likes something, she is anything but lazy, taking her time to tell people that she is fond of their work. She is also so considerate, being very careful to not hurt another’s feelings. She is so loving to others, one just can’t help but love her right back. Her big heart makes her the object of much popularity. She is so valuable to this forum, I couldn’t picture it without her. If there was an unfriendly contest, she’d lose, hands down.

Rat_lady7- If someone here does not like her for any reason, I would seriously question that person’s sanity. She always has the forum wrapped up in one big, cheerful hug, and we feel it all the time. She is so thoughtful, creating threads that work on our hearts, and her replies in the threads of others are pieced together from the depths of her pure soul. When I see something written by her, I grin before I even read it; I don’t have to know her words to know that they’ll be beautiful. On a more personal note, when a shared an issue I struggled with, she kindly shared her own experience in the same situation and comforted me. She did everything in her power to encourage me in my lowest of times. I was very badly off, but she treated my wounds. She gave me reason to hope and not give in to the darkness creeping in my own mind. She is an invaluable friend because she does not judge but instead shares the light of her being to those who need it, regardless of their situation. If there was a hating contest, she’d lose, hands down.

DarkHououmon- She is an amazing writer, a master of the art. However, that is not what I like most about her. She is also a master of being kind and helpful. Every time I have a question, she’s there to answer it. If she doesn’t know, she finds out. Whenever I have a problem, she has the right answer to get me through it. When I need to pour out the contents of my heart, she is an amazing listener, followed by being a very logical advice giver. Her maturity and willingness to share it knows no bounds. She is a true friend, without a doubt. When I’ve been in trouble, she’s rushed to my defense, like a mother bird with her chicks. I feel safer knowing that she is there, and better yet, there for me. I value her highly, and she deserves that. Her mind is great and her heart is huge. Best of all, she’s never too busy to share them both. If there was an unhelpful contest, she’d lose, hands down.

LBTDiclonius- She is one amazing girl! I’ve never seen such maturity at such an early stage of life. Her sophistication rivals my college buddies. Chatting with her is a real treat. It’s almost too good to be true. She has a great sense of humor that really lights up the atmosphere on windows live messenger. When I feel down or bored, she puts a smile on my face and brightens my general outlook. She just has this friendly innocence that just makes her undeniably likable to anyone lucky enough to get to know her. Her creativity is astounding as well. We’ve been co-writing a story, me on half the chapters, and her the other, and her ideas and style just amaze me. She has so many gifts at such a young age. It’s like filling a lunch box with diamonds; don’t let her youth fool you, as she is just full of great qualities. It’s an honor to be a friend of someone as special as her. I hope that I can be as good to her as she is to me. If there was a boring contest, she’d lose, hands down.

Saft- Oh, how I wish I was more like this lady. She is so strong! She has been attacked on all fronts in her new university life. Problems here and there and everyone plague her everyday life. Yet, she stays on, strong as ever, emerging triumphant from every hardship that comes her way. She just won’t give up no matter what the world throws at her. I’m not like that. I fall away easily at signs of trouble. Furthermore, my trials are sparse compared to hers, yet abandoning hope has crossed my mind. She has the power to persevere because she doesn’t let the worries of the present consume her, but instead focuses on the glories of her bright future. She is just so gifted. If the world was in terrible danger, she wouldn’t be one of those who runs around screaming. She’s the type to focus on doing whatever she can to make it through successfully. I envy her strength. She just won’t be taken down by hardships. She doesn’t grow bitter or mean, but even through ever trouble that comes her way, she comes here to the forum with a smile and cheery disposition that shows just how remarkable of a person she is. She has helped me to find my own strength. Seeing her succeeding as she has helps me to follow in her footsteps. I’ve been groping around in darkness for so long, but seeing how amazing she handles her life has been a flashlight to help guide my way. I look at my troubles and now say, “I’m going to be like Saft and not let them bring me down.” If there was a giving up contest, she’d lose, hands down.

This forum is made beautiful by its remarkable people. I am honored to be a part of such a wonderful community, made special by all of you. I hope that I can give back to this place almost as much as it’s provided for me. This forum is my home, my life, and I couldn’t be more proud to call myself a member. Thank you, all of you, for accepting me into the family.


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It is time again to thank some members for all they did.

Michael The Friendly Sharptooth, you are one of the most generous people I ever met. Thank you very much for the Christmas gift you sent me Michael, I really love it :yes

Katie Saft, I love our chats and you have often cheered me up at times when I was downhearted. Thank you very much for this :yes

The Chronicler, we don't know each other quite as well seeing that we don't chat outside the GOF, but I really want to thank you for your activity in my Sesqui-Centennial of the Civil War thread. I appreciate this a lot. Are you interested in history yourself? If so we could perhaps chat about it one of these days or perhaps even start a three people chat with another member I really appreciate for our shared interest in history and whom I hope to see again on MSN one of these days, Sam f-22 raptor ace.

Kacie DarkHououmon, I enjoy our chats a lot and want to thank you for many many interesting chats as one who is very often online and also for your helpfulness. :)  

Last but not least jansenov. It is just awesome to see that so enthusiastic and interested people like you are still joining the GOF. We don't come across each other on MSN as often as I would like to, but whenever we did the result was so profound and interesting a chat that I just loved it :yes

The Chronicler

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I appreciate the thanks, Malte. As much as I would hate to disappoint you, I feel that you should be aware of a few things. First of all, I've never chatted before, I don't know how such a thing works, and I don't ever intend to do such a thing. The reason is that if I were to chat with you, you would quickly notice that I take a very long time to type my messages, so posting here on a forum is best for me.

I'm not a history buff like you, but I do have a moderate interest in it. After all, I do tend to watch a lot of shows in the History Channel. By the way, if I do come across some videos of those shows posted online that you might like, where should I tell you? I was thinking maybe your "ask me" topic, since I'm uncomfortable with e-mail, and I have a feeling your PM inbox would be getting full by now.

Also, I never did any research. All of those articles that I showed you are ones that I simply came across during my daily routine of reading news articles on Yahoo that interest me. Since you said you would looking for articles relating to the Civil War, I figured I would just post links to every one that I came across.

Still, I'm quite honored to have you, of all GoF members, specifically mention your appreciation of me. I guess this means I'm not such an obscure member as I once thought. :)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Right....well I feel the need to bump this.  After all people should be appreciated.:D

Pangaea: Thank you so much for my Starday gift.  I truly did not expect it.  It was such a thoughtful gift. Thank you very much. Perhaps I'll come back to asking you questions (when I can think of them).  :)

Malte:  Thank you for our conversations, they have been such a wide range of variety in topic.  Although my endless questioning of a variety of things must be annoying and you'll probably pray to the night trolls every night that I don't ask any more, I am really grateful that you put up with me through those times when I talk about problems.   Thank you also for yesterday; for advising me to accept Stephen's invitation.  If I hadn't listened to you, then i wouldn't have gone.  

The Friendly Sharptooth

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It’s so nice to have such wonderful friends who really care and want to do what’s best for others. I’ve found more compassion and concern here than I usually do with those bound by blood. So, thank you all, and I would like to point out a few people.

Malte279: He has such a high tolerance level. I’ve been experiencing some changes in my life that have really reduced my familiarity to others, but he hasn’t minded it. He takes a lot of time to assist in areas that need improvement and is very nice in the process. Patient and discerning, he is more than a pleasure to be in company with.

Saft: She has a knack for being helpful and interesting in the process. When I have an issue, she confronts it head on, using both her experience and knowledge to rectify things while employing her pleasant sense of humor to keep things feeling light and comfortable. When I want the truth about something I’ve done or a situation I’m in, I can come to her, know full well that she will not dance around the issue but instead tell me like it is exactly how it is.

Pangaea: Rarely do I meet someone so devoted to helping those around him to the best of his ability regardless of the time it takes to do so. He is fun to be around, immensely knowledgeable, and so very kind. When it comes to little things in life, he does not fall into the majority, devoting a good deal of time and effort to make such things as much of a pleasure as he can. I’ve exchanged many PM’s with this man, and it is an honor to associate with one such as he. A heart so pure is a rarity.

LBTDiclonius: Oh, shoot. I’m having one of my epic moments where I draw a blank on the meaning of a word I use all the time. One moment while I look it up real fast.

Wonderful (adjective):
1. Capable of eliciting wonder; astonishing
2. Admirable; excellent
3. People on The Land Before Time forums who go by the name LBTDiclonius

There we go. Glad I got that figured out. Now where was I…? Oh yes. I appreciate LBTDiclonius because of her kindness. No matter what is bothering me, she has this special way of saying just the right thing at just the right time. There have been many times when I was depressed beyond recognition, then we start chatting and in minutes, I’m going, “Ha ha ha! What was bothering me again?” Whether I am sad, angry, or happy, she always manages to suit the situation just right to make our chats as good as can be.

Few people can do what I can. I am able to say, “I am going home,” then make the journey- by going online. I appreciate you all.

The Friendly Sharptooth


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I'd like to give a few words on:

Malte for our recent chats, even though we have differing viewpoints on a subject that is the other one's favorite (His being history and mine being scary movies  :DD ), we get along just fine and have had a few meaningful conversations.

Nick22 for our various rps and being just a generally fun and understanding guy.

Adder for our mutual Final Destination fandom and our little discussions on the movies  :DD


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I would like to give my aprecitations to

Nimrod; he apparently isn't around here no more but i had short but very good MSN contact with him!

i also find Lillefot a good guy, both his behavior and projects were compliment-worthy.

and of course malte; i find him to be the philosoper, the all knowing LBT admin, and a pretty friendly fellow who puts efforts in this forum!
in fact, without his input i woudn't be back here,

(not that many of you care, -_-)


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Jrd89: I just wanted to thank you for being there ever since I joined this thread. I mean, if it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't have fallen in love with Pterano. And I just love your reviews, love every one of them. They just make me feel good about myself.

LBTDiclonious: I just wanted to thank you for reviewing Lost in a Forest and Always the Same Sun so beautifully. Every time I read your reviews, I blush because it reminds me to never give up.

Pterano: Ya know, before you came along, I couldn't write battle scenes very well. Well I could, but then I look at my writing now and compare it to the battle scenes in Lost in a Forest, I notice that I've improved greatly since Lost in a Forest. If it wasn't for you very detailed story, the Past that Yawns Behind, I wouldn't have improved as much.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Trulyfantasticme, for helping to make Pterano my second favorite LBT character with your story, Lost in a Forest.

Jrd89, for running the "Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond" RP. It's really picking up and getting interesting, and I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Pterano, for the tons of reviewing and proofreading you've been doing of my work. My fiction has immensely improved, and I give you some credit for that. Your really helping me see my work in a new light, and giving me pointer on how to improve it. Your also helping me out on my next major project (I'll keep it a secret for now ;) )I also feel we're quickly becoming friends. It's nice to have someone on here to talk about work, hobbies, and other things with.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Well reading the last few posts really made my night look a lot better. :DD Thanks! :DD

Trulyfantasticme, for being an early reviewer of my fanfic and befriending me almost from day one. Also asking me a bunch of crazy but awesome questions in my ask me thread. XD

Malte279, for being the first of several members on here to contact me on MSN. I enjoy the talks we have, and if you ever do wish to travel to the States, I'd be more than happy to put you up if you wish to tour some Civil War Battlefields and other historical sites in my area. I'll even take you around to them as free transportation. :DD

Petrie, for founding this site and talking to me one lonely Saturday night a few weeks back. I think our talk inspired me to finally lock in my current career choice, and I'm going to shoot for it with everything I have. :)

Vonboy, for many reasons. I don't think I can really say enough about this particular member. He was the first to welcome me here, and I feel much the same way he does, that we're fast becoming friends. Proofreading and editing his work is always a pleasure, and I can say that his most recent chapters of his fic have really picked up, and are simply amazing reads. I definitely agree that it's nice to talk about life, hobbies, work, etc. Really makes me feel the whole "community" thing here. :)

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


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I think it's about time I posted in this thread after a long while. :p

I want to thank everyone that welcomed me back here, just to name a few. Saft, LBTfan13, Pangaea, The Friendly Sharptooth, Cancerian Tiger, Malte, vonboy, LetteuceBaconandTomato and LBTDiclonious. (Sorry if I spelled your username wrong. Dx)

And I what to give a very, very, very hearty, heart-felt appreciation to Pangaea. He could be off elsewhere in the world, making millions or anything else, but he continues to stay here and be the gm for the "In the Land Before Time" rpg. For that, I am eternally grateful.

(Why do I suddenly feel like the aliens in Toy Story? "You have saved our lives, we are eternally grateful!" xD)

And to everyone that played in the rp as well as my dear friends, thank you for your patience and dealing with my cat-crazy insanity! :lol:

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Welcome back Rat-Lady! Thanks for making this thread so many years ago!


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^Edited posted for two other members. :3

Thanks again!
(Fir some reason...this thread doesn't seem so old to

Edited: Also THANK YOU for all these new members being supreme Pterano and LBT flyer fans! Seriously, we need to have our own community as well. xD


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I think it's time to give another shout out, and this time, I have a few "repeat offenders", as well as a few new ones as well.

First off, I'd like to give a warm thank you to board member and administrator Malte279. He is still one of the site's best administrators I think, and I want to thank him for hanging in there for a difficult time over the weekend, and still being one of the most amazing, supportive, and overall great friends I've made on this forum. Although I may have started that thread in the Rock Circle, I meant no ill will by it, and I'm glad that the both of us still managed to move past it and remain friends. He remains a good admin, and a fantastic friend.

Nick22 is next, for remaining with me through a very dark and hard time I was facing this past weekend, where my depression was at its worst and I was really struggling with maintaining a hold on myself. They say in a time of crisis, those that stand by you through the worst of it are your strongest friends, and though I never really talked with Nick to any great length before this, he was steadfast and supportive, and helped me through this difficult time, so thank you for never giving up on me, despite my numerous instances of coming close to doing just that.

Brekclub85, for being another one who stuck by me through this time. It was rough, but he also proved to be a good friend in that regard, as he didn't give up either. A strong supporter and a very forceful guy when he needs to be, I think it was nevertheless necessary, and I thank him for sticking by me as well through this rough weekend and few days after.

Vonboy, for again just being a good friend. I must have put him through some stuff this weekend, but he at least kept talking to me, and encouraged me as well, so he gets another shout out from me as well.

Thanks guys, and I'm glad I'm recovered from that. :)

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post