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Ever been teased?

Sharptooh #436

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Have you ever been teased about LBT before?
I generally keep my obsession with the movies a secret, but there was once when I asked my best friend if he had seen the movie, and he said:
"Its stupid. How could a bunch of young Dinosaurs outrun and outwit a T-rex?"


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In my case... People hardly know about it. When I told my bestest friend though she immediatly told me she hated it... But we're basicly different in everything so I already expected that.

Other's haven't said it was bad... Some liked it, some said they did understand me but they will never be interested in some drawn dinosaurs anyway. So no, LBT was not really a reason why I would get teased.


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Cancerian Tiger

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In all honesty, I've been open about my love of LBT.  Not trying to victimize myself here, but I grew up constantly being picked on for my quirks and(before I learned to tame my temper at seven) even lead to a couple of physical altercations.  I can take a LOT of crap from folks before I get ticked, but martial arts and the discovery of LBT helped me learn to deal with conflict in nonviolent manners.  Yeah, I was made fun of at times in my younger years for my love of LBT, but considering everything else I went through day in and day out, being persecuted for loving LBT never did(and never will) affect me at all, for there are other personal attacks out there that cut much deeper <_<.  BTW, I have actually met many folks my age over the years that never mentioned LBT until I brought it up, only to find they love LBT too :^.^:.  My best friend of nearly a year now opened up about LBT from the beginning.  LBT is her second most favorite series, The Little Mermaid being number one.  She does not have any of the movies and has asked me to find them for her so she can share the series with her two children(ages six and eighteen months).  I had gotten her son a stuffed Littlefoot for his first starday, and even his grandmother was talking about how wonderful LBT is :^.^:.  She's even asked me to come over and introduce them to the series when she gives the kids the set for Christmas, which I will do.  Nothing like another generation of LBT fans :yes.  Anyhoo, back on the topic of teasing.  I suppose some see it as a social stigma, but as I said there are far worse things out there that could jeopardize one's reputation.  Folks can say and believe whatever they want, but do not ever let a negative attitude toward LBT waiver your love of it, LBT fans :).


  • Chomper
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I have been teased for liking a cartoon.


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I personally don't have a reason to be in the closet. I don't even think most of my friends know what the Land Before Time is without the internet. However, my friends are internet nerds (they won't take offense at being called a nerd). I just don't like being teased. It happened in kindergarden when I was made fun of because my ears were like elephant ears. Luckily, my parents were willing for me to have surgery on my ears to get them on the sides of my head. I never want that to happen to me, or anyone else. I just don't want that to happen all over again. I know these people. They are vicious and made fun of this one kid for dancing a little differently at a party I was at.

The Chronicler

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The only reason I haven't been teased about liking LBT is because I haven't told anyone about it yet. My mom and sister know about my liking of LBT, but that is an obvious exception, I know they will never tease me about anything. If anyone at my high school ever found out, well... let's just say that I'll find it hard to ignore the teasing.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Humans are pretty nasty at times so it is often best, though unfortunate, that you have to keep parts of yourself concealed from anyone or only allow a very few to see.


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I told some friends that I like LBT. But just my closest once. They accepted it. I couldn¥t live with my liking to LBT as a secret. Sometimes I wish everyone around me would know that I like the film. And if they would tease me I¥d say: Accept me how I am, with my liking and my hobbys, or don¥t do it. But then leave me alone forever and you won¥t be my friend any longer.


  • Jedi Knight
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My view on this situation: If you think bad things will happen, then just keep it to yourself. That's what I do, and I can safely say no one will ever truely know I like LBT(at least, no one in real life).


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Honestly, i don't care who knows, what i like. I just won't tell those who obviously not interested. And those, who interested can ask by themself. :)


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Both ways have their pros and cons. You are on the "save side" if you don't tell anyone about your liking of LBT, but will it really feel good to pretend to be different from what you are or at least be silent all the time about something that is important to you. Perhaps the best option is to not actively hide or deny your interest in LBT but not have it written across your face all the time. Those who want to know can find out about your interest in LBT and those who are not interested don't need to hear about it. If people are unable to stand an interest of yours while you are not enforcing it upon them in any way, you really should wonder if they are the kind of people you want to care about too much.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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This is going to sound different. I get made fun of for liking The Land Before Time all the time. But here is the weird part. My coworkers, friends, and even new step-grandfather respect my tastes. If I like something, they either say if they like it or not, but they don't make fun of me at all. The only people that do make fun of me, are my family. All three of my brothers make fun of me, along with both my parents. But this has only been a trial to prove my devotion. If I didn't like it that much, I would have grown tired of all these years being patronized and quit being a fan. But because I love it, their words don't phase me at all. Their missing out, and I am having a blast. I actually feel sorry for them at times. They hate what they don't understand. I wish they'd give up on trying to make me hate it, because since I won't, they're just wasting their time. When you don't like something, you say so. Understandable. But please watch out for my family. Not a week goes by that they don't make clear how "stupid" it is. But every blow that doesn't strike me down makes me stronger. Bring it on.


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The only people that do make fun of me, are my family.

That's really sad.  The only people that make you feel like crap about who you are is your family - the one's who are supposed to love you the most.  I'm sorry.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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That's really sad. The only people that make you feel like crap about who you are is your family - the one's who are supposed to love you the most. I'm sorry.

Thank you for your concern. It can be tough, but since all the members here really accept me, I consider you all my family too. A family I can always turn to who really understands me. I appreciate it. Ducky's song about family from VIII pretty much sums up my thoughts.


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I suppose there is still a long range from outright mobbing and teasing to what I would refer to as good-natured jests. I'm perfectly aware that it is rather peculiar for a 24 year old to adore the land before time the way I do and therefore I don't take confused looks or mild mocking remarks awry if I tell people about it. Just this weekend I met a new friend with whom I share many interests concerning history, model building, and pen and paper RPGs. He was kind of :huh: at me showing him some of the LBT stuff and he did laugh at me and had a little jest, but it was not in a harmful manner. Though he could not understand the motivation (and I don't think I could understand it from another persons point of view either as it is far from being based on rationalities) he was impressed by some of the GOF projects I mentioned to him.
Such moderate ridiculing, not aimed to hurt the other one, is something that we really shouldn't take too harsh. I can understand those jesters very well. When it comes to judging others by their LBT interest in a discarding or patronizing manner, that's the point where we should wonder if those who are superficial enough to act like that are even worth considering. The other thing to keep in mind is not to act too much in a way that would provoke the harsher form or ridiculing. Think about how you would act if a fan of another fandom would do something you consider doing. I would not for example walk around at the university with a land before time T-shirt or the like. That would really be asking for teasing. Also I talk "normally" to people. At the university is also one guy who is so much of a Star Trek fan that he is wearing Star Trek uniforms all the time, he is printing star trek logos in the corners of any papers he has to issue in courses, and he is salting his language with so many Star Trek expressions that it is practically impossible to have a normal talk with him. In combination with some eerily militarist and authoritarian views he expressed this is certainly enough to keep me at distance. I am not mocking him or anyone else either as it is just not my way of acting, but in his case I really think that he is really screaming for people to do just that.


  • Ruby
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I try to avoid telling anyone about my love for lbt but naturally my mum and my sister knows.


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No. If people asked me if I like LBT, I'll most likely say yes. If they have issues because of it, they're actually more immature themselves. :lol

In fact, on Sunday my paternal family came over and I was talking to one of my older cousins about animation (since he made a short animated film) and he asked what my stories and music videos mostly contain. I said I had, "LBT as my guilty pleasure". Then he said, "Oh I've seen that movie, just not any of the sequels except for the second one". So I really don't hide it. I mean the school I go to, other people talk about animation in a pleasant way and they don't care if you like LBT, Spongebob, or any of those tv shows. However, you'll probably get a different reaction from people if you say "I like Barney", or something like that.


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No, cause if they do well then I'll have message for them. P.S. I have pissed a lot of people off already. Plus only very few know that I watch LBT.

Cancerian Tiger

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Yup.  If someone can't embrace another for who he or she really is, then they're not worth befriending 'cuz they'll only hurt ya in the end :anger.