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Land Before Time: A wish apon a Star

Threehorn · 76 · 10819


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Quote from: Malte279,May 31 2006 on  06:08 AM
Each chapter MUST be at least 6 pages.
That's another thing you and I would argue about. I don't think that chapters ought to be defined by number of pages, but rather by content. If there is a change in time, situation, location whatever, I would tend to open a new chapter. I probably would have made one when they all fall asleep and started a new one with their being dinosaurs. I don't overrate the importance of where chapters are set, but I consider a new chapter a very good point to stop reading and continue next time you pick up the story.
Well, that was actually what I discovered through a majority study I did.  Most people did go with six or more pages. :p

I checked with the mods of the place where I usually post stories, and as long as it's at least one page, (prologue is the exception.) and is properally told, (correct spelling, grammer, etc.) it is okay.

I'm trying to make people change the way they look at stories over there, but most of them have too big of an ego to see a good story that hold all the chapters being less than 6 pages.

I mean, it's like they've never seen a good story with nothing but short chapters.

*sighs* Won't be anywhere near Iowa anytime soon, so I guess I won't see Wayne anytime soon. -_-


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Guys I know this is almost 2years since anything was posted here I still been working on it slowly and finally down chapter 2, soon as I typed up my story I will work on chapter 3 :) sorry it took forever...


Chapter 2: Greetings on a New Plain

They all look at each other then finally Littlefoot choose to break the silence between them “Erm hello you five new to the Great Valley? I’m Littlefoot” He said to them they look at each then they moved their bodies around then start talking to each other without the others able to hear them
“Ok…” Cera spoke with a frown “you said hi and they talk in quiet”
Ducky on Spike speaks “I wonder what they talking about”
Petrie nods “Me too”

In the half circle that was made the five talk “So what do we say to them?” Chris asked with a low voice
“Maybe we could create a story up and make it sound like we didn’t really want to tell the truth” Malte said his idea to them
“I think I know where your going with that” Wayne said as Malte climbed up on his side and moved up to his crest putting his small claw hand on the edges of it looking over at the group Wayne continue to look at them “We could say we’ve been parted from our own family or herd”
“And we was wondering around for days” Evelyn continued the idea from where she stood just in front of Jason
Jason then finish the idea with a good white lie since they was separated from their patients because what happened to them and where they are “A earthshake would provide a good way to fill it in saying the land split and we was trapped on one side. But we need to make out we don’t know anything about this place” Jason said and added in something else with his idea.
“Then lets do it” Malte said to them, they all gave one nod and turned back around.

They faced the group in front of them “sorry about that… we was seeing if it was a good idea to tell how we got to erm… what is this place?” Jason said with a tone of creative words to make it that bit more believable.
“The Great Valley how can you not even hear of the place?” Cera said looking at them “Whatever the reason my name is Cera”
“I am Ducky this is my brother Spike” Ducky said and point to Spike
“Me Petrie” Petrie said and see Evelyn he then ask “What you name?”
“Evelyn and we got separated from our families and herd don’t know how many days ago we just found this place by chance” Evelyn said to Petrie then to the others.
“I am Wayne” Wayne said to them “there was a earthshake and it knocked us away from the herd and the land split”
“That’s right we was trying to find a way back to our families but we ended up here in this Great Valley as erm Cera is it?” Jason said and look at Cera who nods “last night, my name is Jason be the way”
“What is your spiketail friend name?” Cera asked looking at him
“It is Chris” Chris said to them they look at him almost gasping hearing him speak clearly “What? Is it me speaking? It happens when your pa speaks almost all the time about travel here travel there this adventure that…”
“Chris!” Wayne, Jason, Malte and Evelyn said together
“You know what you’re talking too much again” Evelyn said to him with her wing arms crossed looking at the spiketail
Littlefoot and the others couldn’t help but laugh a little then he said “Welcome to the Great Valley any how we was about to play by the thundering falls. Like to join us?”
“Littlefoot we should tell the adults or least our patients about them being alone and their herd is some where in the mysterious beyond looking for them” Cera said to Littlefoot turning around to face him directly
“She do have a point” Petrie raised a claw on his wing.

“Wow they much like the cartoon” Chris whispers without anyone of them hearing to Evelyn she look at him
“Don’t say that again” she said back quietly he was about to speak and she put her wing claws on his front of the snout “You know I am smaller but still have my ways” she said under her breath through her beak he only nodding a little
“Are you all friends or just ended up stuck together cause of the earthshake?” Littlefoot asked them
“Friends, best friends everyone has their up and downs that what my mum told me and we can trust each other” Wayne said to Littlefoot and Spike walk up to Jason and lick him on the snout “Looks like you made a new friend Jason”
Jason laughed a bit “I gather that, thank you Spike, good to be friends with you to”
“Oh yes yes yes we all friends” Ducky clapped her claw hands.
Malte looked at her even he was around the same size he slid off Wayne on to the ground “My name is Malte if anyone forgot to ask me”
“Hi Malte” Ducky said to him with a cheerful smile
“Lets take them to our patients and see if any of them could stay with…” Cera begins to say but they get cut short by Wayne which made her anger, but what she was surprised what he started to say
“Sorry for cutting in like that but we was told by our patients and herd leader not to go with any other adults” Wayne said looking to Malte and the others with the eyes blinking a few times
“Yeah that true but we could bend it since they seem to live in this one place” Jason said to Wayne and Malte walking up towards Cera
“You see we’ve kind of have some high type of rules but I think we could bend them cause of what happened” Malte turn his head to Chris and Evelyn.
Evelyn was sitting on top of Chris head she’d look down at him in one of his eyes then said looking at them “Yeah we could just have to explain when our patients find us if they do this was the best choice and I would think so”
“I would agree” Chris nod once
“See told you my plan would work” Evelyn boosted
“Your plan!? It was all of ours” Malte said to her with a sharp look with a anger look
“What do you mean by that? I was the one that suggested it in the first place” she got off Chris landing in front of Malte and speaking to him
Malte rolled his eyes “right and your plan is to tell you know more?”
“Yeah cause you don’t use that imagination of yours” Evelyn said back to Malte

“Here we go again” Jason shook his head
“Does this happen often?” Littlefoot looked at the two auguring
Wayne smiled a little looking at Chris and Jason then they looked at Littlefoot saying at once “Often” then laughing with the others laughing as well
Malte and Evelyn stopped then look at the group laughing, “Why are they laughing?”
“Beats me” Evelyn shrugged.

After the introductions and little laugh they all head up to find the adults Littlefoot, Cera, Petrie, Spike and Ducky’s patients and lucky they was around the thundering falls some in the water others eating some plants enjoying the new day having a normal relaxing peaceful morning.

Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike just ahead of their new friends that just arrived in the Great Valley, they talked to themselves a little a bit surprised to see a group of friends in a group just like themselves.

Littlefoot turn his head a bit to see the other five behind them then whisper to the others as he turn back to watch where he was walking “I feel sorry for them, getting cut of from their herd in such a way.” Littlefoot turn his view to his friends as he spoke.
Cera didn’t say anything negative but kept quiet with her thoughts on something else. “Me like them, but me never heard Spiketail speak so well before” Petrie brought up a point about it
“I guess but that could be the reason his pa kept talking a lot, if one of our patients did, wouldn’t we be very talkative?” Littlefoot suggested to the others once more
“I believe that I do, I do” Ducky seem to be convinced by that idea but they all look at Cera seeing she wasn’t even paying attention to them.
Spike hums to Cera but she still not responding then Ducky hopped off Spike onto Cera and looking over the crest she spoke “Cera are you ok?”
Cera blinked and shook her head a little causing Ducky to almost fall off but holds on gasping a little “Huh? What?” then she saw them looking at her they still walking “Yeah I’m fine, I was just well… erm… thinking about something that all, can’t a Threehorn think about stuff to herself?” Cera irritated voice was enough to end that line of confusion with Cera in a second.
“Oh… erm ok, then that good.” Littlefoot then change it to seeing what Cera thinks of the ones behind “So Cera, what do you think of them?”
Cera gave her answer right away “I think they alright, the Spiketail Chris is a bit too talkative for my taste but other then that I think they all cool in their own little way” Cera seem to not be all with it but the answer was good enough and Littlefoot seem to understand that enough to let the conversation about the new friends end there for now.

All the way they also heard Malte humming a strange tone, they not sure what it was but it seem a nice melody to listen to. “Malte it seems they like your humming, what is it your humming anyway? First time I heard of that” Wayne said looking to Malte who was sitting on top of Jason’s back.
“It just a productive melody that mum sung to me when I was a bit younger, I was thinking about it and choice to hum it” Malte replied then look to Evelyn remembering something that she said about gliding in the air “Evelyn didn’t you say yesterday you loved to guild like a flyer and dreamed about it?”
Evelyn put a claw tip on her wing onto her beak then thought back and then moved it away “Yes that right, I did. What are you getting at?”
“What I am getting at is… you got the wings so try it” Malte stood up on Jason’s back turning to face her while she was sitting at this moment on Chris back.
Jason turn his head around twisting his neck a bit to see Malte “That sounds about right, but then Chris dreamed of T-Rex and he became a Spiketail” Jason whisper to Malte
“Point taken but Evelyn is a Flyer so she should be able to fly now… but I guess I could be wrong” Malte said back quietly and Evelyn looked quite annoyed.
Evelyn got up and wiggled a little “Alright I’ll show you I can do it, I guess it should be simple enough to do if you guys learned to walk on fours so fast” Evelyn opened up her wings fully getting ready to try it
“I think she can, it almost like the reason I feel hunger again and that I think I will eat some of these nice leaves cause they are in the right colour to be the most tasty for our kinds and…” Chris started speak and explain why they are the most tasty leaves they coming by.
“I think we get the point Chris” Wayne replied cutting him short his eyes narrowed a little.
“Why are you giving me that look?” Chris stops for a second and Wayne just stared at him stopping at well
“What look?” Wayne frowns a little
“The look your giving me that your annoyed with me talking to much and that look I saw on Cera’s face when we first met them when we first started talking to them” Chris said back to Wayne and he’d noticed and just turn walking on. Jason now stopped and looked to Chris. “What?”
“Chris take it easy, we all trying to cope with this best we can, it not even midday and we caught up in something we never thought possible. I guess we all kind of stressed and trying to sort it out in our own ways” Jason explained to Chris and Malte nods looking at Chris as well.
“I have to agree with Jason. I would rather walk then ride like this and would have some sort of clothing cause this nakedness isn’t something I really like even I am this Swimmer at this time. I have to deal with it” Malte said standing up then look to Evelyn
“Yeah look at me, I am about the same size as Malte and do I look bothered? Nope cause I have to handily it right now” Evelyn then flap her wings and her feet come off the Chris back and she then notice flapping her wings but then lose control.
Chris saw where she was going to crash into “Petrie watch out!” Chris yelled

“Huh?” Petrie turn around “Ahh!” Petrie gets hit and both Flyers land on the ground with a thud.
“Ohh that got to hurt” Wayne winched a little then they all rushed up the two Flyers
Littlefoot spoke first to them “Are you two ok?”
“Me ok” Petrie sat up shaking his head a little
Evelyn sat up with her wings crossed over a little with a disapproved look on her face “I guess I’m fine but can’t control where I go in the air” she gave a huff
“Why do you no fly well?” Petrie asked
Malte got off Jason landing on the ground “She can take off without trouble but controlling which way Evelyn can fly always happen in crashing into something”
“Oh yeah!” Evelyn got up and gave a sharp look at Malte then open her wings up taking off into the air but as before she lose control and coming in this time right at Malte
“Evelyn watch where…” Evelyn lands into him and both roll a bit before splashing into the water both burst out of the surface and Malte cross his arms staring at her dripping with water “Your going…”
Evelyn laughed a little rubbing the back of her head “Opps, sorry Malte” Evelyn climbs out of the water and shake the water off her wings and body then help Malte out taking his hand
“It’s ok, guess you need to learn to control where you go in the air with those wings of yours.” Malte replied getting out of the water with help from Evelyn.

“Oh hello there little ones” both yelled in shock and jumped around looking up at a large female Swimmer. “Sorry to scare you kids”
“Hi mama!” Ducky called out and the Swimmer turn her head to the other kids coming up to the water edge. “We found some new friends we did, we did”

Then Malte and Evelyn look to their left noticing the roaring sound of the water and see the adult dinosaurs enjoying their morning around the Thundering Falls, the others Jason, Wayne and Chris saw it too and the other dinosaurs being the patients of Littlefoot, Cera, Petrie, Ducky and Spike. The falls behind also was amazing to see the world of The Land Before Time was real as they can feel, hear and see before them as they just looked really amazed by the sights before them.

“That very nice Ducky, so where are their patients?” Ducky’s mum raise up a bit to look around for any newcomer dinosaurs in the Great Valley from where she stood.
Cera then step up “That why we here”
“What reason is that Cera?” Mr Threehorn questioned Cera in a second walking out of the water and up to the kids.
“Oh erm… well they say they just wondered into the Great Valley from the Mysterious Beyond” Cera started to tell her father and then Littlefoot cuts in
“And that they got cut off from their herd by a Earthshake” Littlefoot finished and the adults then talked to each other quietly.
Mr Threehorn turn his gaze to Wayne and just him “Is that what you told our kids is true?” he looked at him deeply.

“Come on Wayne don’t blow it” Malte whispers as he watch Wayne take a moment to answer. The other three also hoping he’d speak up any second or Mr Threehorn is going to believe it not true and that will make things very challenging for them to keep to the plan and not to blow it up here and now.

Wayne then lock his eyes back at Mr Threehorn and answers the question “Yes that is what we told them, we got separated from our folks by a land break and wondered into this place last night, we didn’t even know where we was but it looked kind of safe to sleep” The others looked surprised to say at least seeing him manage to answer it almost like it the truth.
“I didn’t know Wayne had it in him to lie like that” Jason whisper to Chris
Chris blinked for a second “Just hope it good enough to be believable to Mr Threehorn” Chris whispered back

Mr Threehorn turn his head a little with a narrow look and move closer to Wayne then said “Alright… I believe you kid. So what do you want us to do about it?”
Grandpa Longneck then spoke up moving towards the kids with Grandma “I believe our kids brought them here so we could find somewhere they can stay till their patients find them here” Grandpa Longneck said calmly and kept a calm look on his face as well when speaking directly to Mr Threehorn.
“What are you crazy!? Why should I take care of someone else’s kid?” Mr Threehorn barked back at Grandpa
“Because the patients will be very grateful that you was able to look after their child” Grandma joined in trying to convince Mr Threehorn it the right thing to do.
Mr Threehorn snorted “For some it is…” he still auguring back at the elderly Longnecks
“I bet he’d say something back any second that will convince Mr Threehorn” Chris said with a smirk only Malte, Evelyn and Jason hearing him say it.
Grandpa then said “What if it was Cera, Mr Threehorn would rather have someone look after her then rather standing back and be in a point that is unsafe for you to figure out when there was help around?” Grandpa’s point now broke the ice and Mr Threehorn gave in.
He sighed and nod a little “I hate to say it but your right Longneck. So how do you think we going to solve this then? I am sure that the Spiketail and Swimmer not a family like Ducky and Spike are” Mr Threehorn turn around now facing Malte and Chris. “Am I right?”

“Oh course sir, Chris has his own patients like I have my own, we just friends” Malte said calmly to Mr Threehorn even he looked like a mountain that moves from Malte’s point of view.
Chris chuckled “Yep just friends, best friends at that. We not related or not…”
“I get the point Spiketail” Mr Threehorn grumbles
Petrie’s mum land on the ground from the tree branch “Last time I checked Threehorn there wasn’t any Spiketail families in the Great Valley and being a Flyer I couldn’t handle one, it be far too difficult”
Ducky’s mum look to Spike and Ducky “Well I could maybe handle it being that Spike is my son. But that if you two are fine with having these two young darlings with us at night time”
Spike nod happily to the idea and Ducky giving Malte a tight hug twisting around a bit “Oh yes yes yes, that be good. It will, it will”
“Ducky… too tight” Malte whizzed and Ducky lets go
“Sorry… I did not mean to oh no no no” Ducky apologized to Malte
Malte caught his breath then replied “It fine. But I didn’t expect you to be so strong” Ducky giggled a little
“I am a strong Swimmer good and fast” Ducky replied
Ducky’s and Spike’s mum lower down to the two “Then if that ok with you two, you’d have a place to stay for a while”
Both look at each other then nod “Thank you” both said in a kindly way to her.

“Grandpa, Grandma is it ok for Jason to stay with us?” Littlefoot quickly asked his Grandpatients about Jason.
Jason then said to him “Littlefoot aren’t we jumping a head a little. Thanks of the offer but it best for them to decide.”
Littlefoot felt a bit guilty for jumping ahead of himself like that “Jason is it?” Jason nods “I understand what your saying but we fine with it, we’ll be happy to look after you till your own family come and find you here” Grandpa finished lowering his head right to Jason.
“I guess that ok then” Jason replied not to be rude after being offered a place to stay for night times.
“That great!” Littlefoot said with delight to hearing it.

Wayne kept his eyes away from Mr Threehorn and Cera but her father spoke up to Wayne “Kid… what is your name?”
“Wayne sir” Cera now standing be her father waiting to hear what going to happen with Wayne
“Strange name… but if that what your patients called you then it their choice. But the point is… the Longneck had a point and I guess you could stay with me and Cera at the nest at night until you own patients get here” Mr Threehorn told Wayne that he be able to stay with Cera and her dad.
“Yes” Cera said with a whisper
Wayne didn’t notice what Cera said but nod a little to Mr Threehorn “Thank you sir.” Wayne only could think of saying to the large Threehorn before him.

Evelyn try to give a fly another try to control it in the air but soon as Petrie saw her try “No, do not do that.” Petrie spoke out
“Petrie what the matter?” Petrie’s mum asked then saw when Petrie point to Evelyn as she got into the air she wasn’t controlling where she’d was going.
“Me no watch” Petrie covered his eyes.

Evelyn lost control again and flew right at Petrie’s mum “Ahh!!!” she’d try to gain control but Petrie’s mum managed to catch her before crashing into Petrie’s mum. “Huh?” Evelyn looked at the wing claws around her then look up at Petrie’s mum “Sorry miss”
Petrie’s mum laughed, “It ok dear. I guess you’d having trouble keeping control of your movement in the air. I think I can help you with that”
“Yeah and I will keep trying to I get it right.” Evelyn scrolls a little
Malte rolls his eyes “What the matter is your imagination not helping you out?”
“At least I try to use it to help myself out, unlike you” Evelyn gets out of Petrie’s mum claws and land on the ground near Malte poking him with her claw
“Here we go again” Wayne saw them starting to argue and just sighed

Cera stood by Littlefoot watching them both yell at each other “And they call themselves best friends?”
“I guess each group of friends have their lows and highs” Littlefoot shrugged a little.
Cera then said “Any bright ideas?”

Petrie’s mum stood between them “Come on kids stop this right now.” Both paused and look at the Flyer now between them. “Now end this pointless argument and apologize”
“Alright Petrie’s mum” Evelyn replied and she moved out of the way for them. “Sorry Malte”
“Yeah I’m sorry too. But you do need to try and learn to fly at least, your out of control flying well… crashed more times then I can count” Malte said he was sorry too and brought up a good point
“I guess your right about the flying, I just don’t want to give up, it should be so simple but yet I keep losing control and landing on the ground or into someone or something” Evelyn sighed
“Mama will help you Evelyn, right?” Petrie put his claw on Evelyn’s shoulder then look to his mum.
“Yes of course Petrie. Before bedtime and in the morning, I will get you Evelyn flying without problems” Petrie’s mum said and tap Evelyn on the beak with a claw finger tip with a smile

Grandpa saw after his talk with Jason that the others just finished up finding somewhere to stay as well “With that settled I am sure these younglings would like to go have fun with our own kids. So go and play” they cheered in delight, Jason, Malte, Chris, Evelyn and Wayne took a look at the others Littlefoot, Petrie, Spike, Ducky and Cera cheering in delight then they joined in

They followed the group away from the falls and all was glad that the plan worked out. But the question that was left and very important one that they can’t even answer was… How do they get back to their own reality and back to normal? Would it be just as simple of a wish or will it be much more difficult then that? A set of questions that ran in their minds with no real answer to them.


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I like the way you let the characters interact Threehorn and I'm anxious to read how the story will continue  :yes


  • The Gang of Five
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thanks, sorry it taken forever but things haven't handed me much time to work on it so I worked on it after getting a fresh set of thoughts over it, I will continue to work on it as I go on with it :) this is still based before Tria came into the picture or Ruby or Chomper since this was started off in late 2005 earily 2006 time before we knew of Tria or the other two being part of the new types staying in the Great Valley.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I am loving this story....and I can't wait to read more! :yes


  • Ducky
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Yay, AWAAS is back. Great new chapter, and well worth the wait. I always get looks from my friends whne I start talking to much, so that worked out brillantly.



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I was never really interested in fanfics. And I actually didn't read one before. :blink: (so far as I can remember)
But this one made me curios.  :D

Still haven't read everything but I post my opinion later.  :)


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Finally Chapter 3 is up. I had to redo this one from the start after my pendrive got fried by a power surge a few weeks back. But now here it is :D



Chapter 3: Over Joy of Fun

The kids ran for a little then slowed to a walk as they lead their new friends Wayne, Malte, Evelyn, Jason and Chris to the place they all will play a game together and Littlefoot known which one be cool to play. “Any bright ideas of what game we play?” Cera asked Littlefoot as they approaching the area to play the game.

Littlefoot smiled turning to face Cera “Yeah I do, Hide and Seek” Cera stops for a moment.
“Not a chance if I am it again…” Cera told him straight in the face.
Chris came up between them “Why don’t I be the one that count?” both look at the Spiketail.
“Fine by me” Cera turn and walk on.
Littlefoot nod and walk behind Cera, Ducky on Spike then spoke to Chris “Wow that very kind Chris oh yes yes yes” Ducky was happy that was resolved in no time at all.
“Not at all a problem” Chris said giving a friendly smile

Malte heard from where he stood and holding to Wayne’s crest “Hide and seek? I think I will sit this one out”
Wayne then spoke as he kept watching where he was walking “Malte I know your not one for games like this but we have to make it believable right? That we kids like them and like playing during the day and stuff like having adventures” Evelyn nods from on top of Jason’s head
“Use your imagination Malte and you should of watched the other shows” Evelyn said without the ones in front hearing her.
Malte was about to yell at her but Jason spoke up “It best to keep a low profile and keep to our story guys so we’ll play along even we don’t like some of these things we doing now”
Malte turn his head to face ahead in the direction Wayne walking “I guess you put it that way I see the logic in that” Malte got ganged up on by three of his friends and couldn’t really win that fight and let it go even he not going to enjoy this.

The group of kids walk on away from the Thundering Falls into the open grass area heading towards a sent of trees and plant growth. Grandpa Longneck and Mr Threehorn watch the large group walk across to that location. “What is the chance of five kids all same kinds to our kids be friends as well?” Mr Threehorn seems to be quite suspicious of the new kids.
Grandpa Longneck sighed at what Mr Threehorn was saying “Mr Threehorn I am sure they became friends from what they told us all, their herd is a mixed one, ours are and we fine by our kids playing together, so their herd must be open as we are. Do you really want to upset their patients when the come to the Great Valley looking for their little ones?” Grandpa turns his head and bends it down looking at Mr Threehorn
Mr Threehorn shook his head “Of course not, that the last thing I would do.” He said back with a strong look at Grandpa Longneck. “But I still find them quite suspicious”
“They are only kids Mr Threehorn, how suspicious can kids be?” Mr Threehorn sighed at those words know Grandpa Longneck was right
“Your right Longneck… kids be kids” Mr Threehorn turn and leaves muttering under his breath.
Grandpa Longneck laughed watching Mr Threehorn muttering as he walk away then turn to the direction of the kids went “Yet something tells me there something about them that just don’t feel right. Maybe it me just seeing another set of kids other then our own friends in a mix” Grandpa laughed softly and head back the Thundering Falls.

Back with the kids they soon walking around some trees and coming to a semi clearing with bushes most around it with a set of downed trees over each other what left of them. “This is the place guys” Littlefoot turn around to Jason, Wayne, Chris, Malte and Evelyn mostly looking at them as he spoke. “We will stay in this forest area only to play hide and seek”
“Yeah if you go outside it your become one of the seekers and same when your found” Cera said after Littlefoot to them.
Malte cross his arms “We do know how hide and seek works”
“Just telling you encase you didn’t Swimmer” Cera said back to Malte
Malte frowns “It Malte”
“Whatever” Malte was about to have a go at her but Wayne coughed and Malte just turn away from Cera and jumped down ignoring her.
“Could we try to get along? We are new here and the hide and seek game could have been slightly different to the way we played it.” Cera smiled liking that she was back up on but then Wayne spoke on. “But…”

“But?” Cera spoke back to Wayne
Wayne then laughed a little “I forgot what I was going to say…” Wayne then turn away thinking about what he was going to say.
“Erm ok…” Cera blinked then turn to Jason and the others “Does Wayne forget what he was going to say?”
Jason twisted his left front foot a little in the dirt “Well not really, the words he might of about to say could of made things worse”
“So he just made out he forgot to not look stupid?” Cera questioned back to Jason
Littlefoot smiled at that “Something we all done. Remember on the island when we was scared and thought our friend was a big mean sharptooth?”
“Yeah yeah you got a point.” Cera turn to Wayne “Hey Wayne stop thinking about it and leave it be, lets just play”
Wayne turn around “Alright” Wayne nods

Evelyn flopped her wings down on Jason’s head from where she was on top “Jason good work you un-tensed the chain of tempers. Now maybe we can play this game and also try and figure what our next steps are”
“I hope we do. I know Wayne really getting uptight about all this even he not showing it” Jason gave his concern.
Malte walked up till he was by Jason’s front feet looking up at Jason “Wayne like us are dealing with it the best we can, lets just get this game done with please”

“Right lets get this game going, I will count to…” Chris thought what number he’d count to.
“20 Treestars is what we usually count to” Littlefoot said to Chris
Chris nods his Spiketail head once “Very well, 20 treestars it is” Chris turn to a tree and close his eyes starting to count. “1 Treestar… 2 Treestar…”

Ducky took Malte’s claw hand “Come on Malte we find a hiding place, oh yes yes yes” Ducky said in a cheerful tone to him ready to have some fun “Come on be cheerful”
Malte was being pulled along “I am being cheerful aren’t I?” Malte gave a smile but not a good one at best to Ducky
“You are not being cheerful. But I can get you to be.” Ducky pulled him along.
Malte went on with her even she still pulling him “Well I am” Malte said back and Ducky said straight after “Your not” then Malte said back “Yes I am”

Evelyn listened to them argue but in a non raised type like she and Malte gets into when talking about Land Before Time or about imagination. “Look like he found someone else to argue with” Evelyn shook her head a little he claws on her sides then start walking to find herself a place to find “Till I get some help from Petrie’s mum I’ll walk”
“Me can help you” Petrie said landing at the same time right in her face.
Evelyn jumped back landing on her back with a “Ahh!” then sits up “Petrie don’t land that close again”
“Me sorry” Petrie took her claw and helped Evelyn up on her feet. “Me only want to help you find good hiding place”
“That kind of you and I will accept it but don’t think I am just a girl that I will let you lead. I do things the way I think will work best” Evelyn said to Petrie with a smirk and one wing up a little one of the claws lifted a little shaking it side to side.
Petrie nods “Me do not mind, lets go” Petrie flap his wings and using his feet pick Evelyn up by her wings and flapped into the sky “me fly and you pick direction”
“That’s a good idea” Evelyn said in a kind tone as she aloud Petrie to help carry her in the sky since she weighed about the same as him so it wasn’t much trouble for Petrie and they leave to find their hiding place.

“Come on Spike lets go find our hiding place” Littlefoot spoke soon seeing some of them leave and Spike nods with a hum they heading off in another direction. “Any ideas for a hiding place?” Littlefoot asked Spike as they disappeared from the others view.

Jason, Cera and Wayne was standing there and hear Chris counting now reaching… “9 Treestars… 10 Treestars” Chris couldn’t help but lick his snout a little feeling a bit hunger from the counting. He did wish that he was a Rex but being a Spiketail he had those cravings for leaves and understanding why Spike loves to eat them a little bit since there wasn’t really any know how what Spike was thinking in Land Before Time.

Jason look to Wayne and Cera after he had took a glance over to Chris “I think we should split up and find our own hiding places that way he won’t find two of us at once” Jason whispers to the two Threehorns
“No sweat. I am way ahead of you Jason” Cera grinned turn and runs in her own direction then stop turning to face Jason “but nice plan though” Cera quickly said then runs off to find her hiding place.
“Well we better be going and Jason hope you find your prefect hiding spot fast” Wayne said with a cheeky smile as he starts to head off in his own direction.
Jason frowns “What is that suppose to mean Wayne?”
“Well I would say but are you forgetting about someone” Wayne said and runs off.
Jason looked a little lost “huh?” Jason then hears Chris counting “16 Treestars… 17 Treestars…” Jason gasped “uh oh… I forgot about Chris counting was nearly up, but I can still find a good place to hide” Jason said to himself as he dashes off quickly as his four legs can take him.

Just has Jason got away from the area Chris finished counting “20 Treestars… ready or not here I come” Chris open his eyes and took a glace around the area. “Better start here and work my way in” Chris whispers to himself and start his search for the others.

Wayne slow to a walk looking for a hiding place then thought as well ëwhat was he doing?’ “This isn’t right is it? Me playing and being a dinosaur… this is all crazy as it seems but Jason does has a point best to fit in so we can discuss the real important things in private without the others getting suspicious” Wayne said very quietly to himself and nod his head a little. “Now was…” he suddenly heard a buzzing noise and turn his head to it and saw a bee.

“Ahh!” Wayne screamed and ran from it but running with such fright he lose his footing and trip over his four feet tumbling around and around until the next thing he knew it he crash into a log head first with a thudding stop. “Ow…” Wayne moaned then pull his head back but he felt his crest spikes get caught in the inside wood of the log “Not good” Wayne tried to get free pulling and pulling even with his front feet press on the log rim he pulled but he wasn’t budging. “Great… first day as a Threehorn and got my head stuck in a tree truck nice going Wayne” he mutters under his breath thinking how to get out of this mess.

At the same time Petrie helped Evelyn into a tree for cover and both stood on a branch looking down to the ground. “Isn’t this a bit too obverse?” Evelyn said to Petrie peering over the edge
“It is?” Petrie looked a bit lost
“Yeah Flyers hiding in the trees would be the first place anyone would look for” Evelyn explained to Petrie
Petrie thought about it putting his claw under his beak then nods “Yeah you right, me should of knew that. Lets go to the ground and hide in the bushes”
Evelyn took another look to the ground “that bush over there would be a nice hiding place” Evelyn points to it and Petrie sees where she pointing at.
“Yeah!” Petrie then flap his wings grabbing Evelyn with his feet and glides down to the bushes both landing next to it and they walk in. “Me never thought this be good hiding place. Thank you Evelyn”
“Not all a problem” Evelyn smiled and sits back “Now we wait” Petrie sits down beside.
“Me was thinking… why you no fly so well when in sky?” Petrie questioned about her crashes after losing control in the air.
“Oh that well… you see… erm…” Evelyn was thinking of an imaginative story to make it believable to Petrie but Chris voice breaks it.

“I hear talking in these bushes, Evelyn, Petrie I can hear you and know your in there, come on out” Chris spoke out “Or do I have to munch my way in?”
Evelyn gets up “Ok ok you got us we coming out” Evelyn walks out of the bushes followed by Petrie.
“Me and you and our big beaks” Petrie moans and then Evelyn laughs and Petrie joins in.
Chris saw the joke in it as well and joins in laughing “I can see why that funny. You both spoke so loud that I found you and then got you to come out” he laughed but both stopped
“If you put it in your way of words it not” Evelyn frowns with both claws on her sides.
Petrie nods with his wings crossed a little “Yeah as she say”
Chris stop laughing then turn to his left “Lets go find the others” and he walks off after those words
“Know it all…” Evelyn mutters then walks on after him with Petrie beside her, he a bit surprised to hear a very clever Spiketail and kept it to his thoughts for now as they searched for the remembering group.

Jason quickly looked around for a hiding place after running for a little and almost leaving the forest “Right this is as far I can go… better find a good place to hide” Jason looked around and saw a few trees with bushes around the base of them. “That be a good hiding place” Jason quickly gets to it and walks into the bushes laying low in it.
But then he heard some rustling and Cera came through “Jason?”
“I guess you found this to be a good place to hide as well? Huh?” Jason laughed a little then moved a bit for Cera to lay low in it.
Cera turn to look at him “Yeah and quiet, what them to find us?” Cera whispers
“Ok I get it” Jason whispers back “demanding isn’t always the answer” Jason said quietly.
Cera frowns “Oh yeah and what do you know about me? Nothing so don’t say anything that you don’t know” Cera said back in a low tone and turn her head away.
Jason sighed “I had to find a place to hide that she was finding…” Jason mutters under his breath
“What was that?” Cera’s voice sounded annoyed
“Nothing…” Jason replied quickly
“Good” With the both lay there silent and Jason now experiencing in first hand what Cera was like and getting feeling what some of the others in the group felt sometimes, all he had was his thoughts and most likely Cera as well thinking about how annoying Jason was from his own thoughts in the silence of the hiding place.

At this time Littlefoot was trying to stop Spike from eating the hiding place “Now I know your hunger Spike but your eating our hiding place” Littlefoot said trying to stop his hunger friend from eating more of the hiding place. “Spike stop before…
“I find you?” Littlefoot turn to see Chris, Evelyn and Petrie
Littlefoot sighed and Spike just carries on eating “Look like we where and Spike still happily eating” Littlefoot then smiled seeing a funny side to it then look to them “So you two was found first?”
Petrie nods “Me and Evelyn talked to loud and he found us” Petrie replied to Littlefoot and Evelyn nods crossing her wings.
“Yes it was our own faults but that the game, get caught” Evelyn showed a bit of a smile “So that us and you two… which makes, Malte, Jason, Cera, Ducky and Wayne to be found”
“Yep that sounds about right” Chris spoke then look around “Which way do you think they’ll be?”
Littlefoot scanned the area “If I was to take a guess I say… this way” Littlefoot points his head towards the outskirts clearing.
“Fine by me” Evelyn responded and they head off in that direction with Spike behind them munching on the last of the leaves he could pick to keep up with the others.

Wayne still was struggling to get his head out of the log then gave one big pull he heard the wood crack and finally it broke he went flying over on his back sliding a little before coming to a resting stop just by two large four clawed feet with pink scales he looking up at a Threehorn looking back down at him.
“Are you alright?” She asked looking down at him still with a sweet smile.
Wayne reply “I think I’ll be” Wayne flipped around onto his four feet looking at the adult female Threehorn still. “I kind of got my head stuck in the log”
She looked over to it then back at him with a small laugh “At least your not now. May I ask how you got your head stuck in the log?”
“Well…I kind of have a fear of bees and usually run away from one without thinking and lost my footing” Wayne told her the truth knowing it wouldn’t harm him the least to tell the truth.
The pink Threehorn just calmly stood there and spoke “We all have our fears youngone. I notice your playing with Cera and her friends. Why don’t you go back and play before your missed”
Wayne forgot about that and replied quickly “Your right, thanks miss!” Wayne turn and runs off to find a hiding place.
She laughs again “He sure looked somewhat like Topys when he was young” she turns and leaves the area. “Come on Tricia”

Littlefoot suddenly saw some movement and turn to the others “I saw something over there” Littlefoot points his head in the direction he saw the movement.
Chris turn to Littlefoot “Alright you go check I think I saw something over here” Crhis replied looking around the large rocks.
Ducky and Malte was hiding behind one of them “Told you it was…” Ducky put her claw hand around Malte’s beak and put her over claw hand close to her beak one finger up next to it ëshh’ Malte was surprised by her swift movement and shutting him up and noticed the shadow just next to the rocks.

“Me saw Wayne” Petrie called out from where he was flying “He running over that way” Petrie was facing the same direction as Littlefoot was.
Evelyn turn to Chris “Come on lets get going, no one hiding by those rocks. Malte isn’t going to hide at a area like that” Evelyn climbed on Chris back
Chris turn and head in that direction “Alright lets go, at least we will be finding Wayne”
Ducky peaks over the corner of the rock and see Spike behind them all heading away and smiled “They did not find us, yes yes yes”
“murm ou met mo” a muttering voice came beside her and Ducky saw she still had her hand over his beak.
“Oh sorry” Ducky lets go
Malte rubbed his beak a little “It’s fine, you’d was sharp enough to do that or I would have blown our hiding spot. So I say Thank you” Malte gave a smile “That was some creative thinking hiding in a simply spot, I would have never thought of this”
Ducky smiled sitting down against the rocks “Maybe Wayne helped us out, I hearded them speak about seeing him running by”
Malte thought about that and frowns a little “That not like Wayne, he usually the best hider in our group, something must of happened to cause him to quickly run and hide before being found. Just our lucky day I guess” Malte sat down beside her and waited for now to be found.

Wayne turn his head a little as he ran and saw the others behind him “Great” Wayne try his hardest to run but like before he trips and tumbles into some bushes with a mighty crash.
“Ow!” Cera’s voice came followed by Jason “What just hit us?”
Littlefoot peaked his head through and saw Wayne, Cera and Jason piled out on each other, he just laughed at what he saw “Guess that one way finding you guys”
“Yeah thanks…” Cera mumbles “Wayne get off us!”
Jason managed to get free and laughed “That one way to get found, a dog pile” Wayne got off and Cera stood up looking at him then smiled and laughed
Wayne laughed as well “Not sure what dog pile means it was funny” Cera wasn’t anger much now then turn to Littlefoot “Who else been found?”
“Petrie, Evelyn and Spike.” Littlefoot spoke turning his head to the others coming up from around some of the large trees. “Guys Wayne, Cera and Jason been found”
Evelyn smiled “Wow it all going out of the woodworks now”
“Woodworks?” Petrie land on Chris next to Evelyn “me never heard of woodworks”
Evelyn put her claw on his shoulder “It means things coming out of wood like trees”
“Oh me get it” Petrie laughed.

Malte and Ducky soon arrived “I knew I heard laughing, see we was the last to be found” Malte said to Ducky as they came up to the others
“Oh yes yes yes, we won!” Ducky was very happy they all now gathered again.
Cera walked out of the bushes with Jason and Wayne “Yeah that right Ducky, you won. Good one” Cera just smiled.
“That’s mean I beat you” Malte points to Evelyn
“Oh yeah!” Evelyn jumps down and both now so close they was only a inch apart “Your just got lucky”
“Not a chance, a simple hiding place won it” Malte said back and both started arguing again.

“Here we go again” Jason just watched them both arguing trying to out do each other at the point of the game.
“You all friends right?” Cera was not even sure since this was another argument between the flyer and swimmer.
Wayne sighs “Yeah we are, but sometimes I wonder” Wayne turn to Chris
“Don’t look at me, I am not going to break them up. I might be bigger then them but when you try to stop them they usually tell me to ëshut up’ at the same time in quite the scariest way” Chris said to them backing up a bit not getting involved.

“Then prove you can swim just like I can’t fly so well. You haven’t been in a body of water forever!” Evelyn pokes him.
Malte frown gets lower “Fine I’ll prove it!” Malte turn to Ducky “I’ll give you a race in that water, from this side to the other” Malte points to a body of water that was in view.
Ducky look to the others “Should I?”
“I don’t see why not, it sounds like fun” Littlefoot didn’t see anything wrong with the idea of a race. “But I’m sure you’ll win”
“Yeah we routing for you Ducky” Cera backed up Ducky.
Petrie nods “Me think you can”
Jason lower his head to Malte “Your sure about this? You’d not even swam in that body” Jason whispers to Malte
“Yeah I’m sure enough to shut her up” Malte points to Evelyn, she having her wings crossed and head turn away then turn to him and stick her tongue out at him.
Jason raise his head “Ok Malte. Just don’t make a fuse out of it if you don’t do so well”
Malte let his arms drop a bit and spoke “I promise”
“Cool a race, Ducky vs Malte. Who do you think will win? Malte or Ducky? I guess Ducky always swam since there was water and Malte is quite good but he out of practice so to speak.” Chris spoke to Spike who listened to him then turn his eyes away from a second then nods with a hum. “You think they will draw?” Spike nods “Alright I take your word on that”

Wayne just choice to sit his hind side down and listen to all this “Somehow this don’t surprise me” Wayne wasn’t speaking to any of them directly and none seem to listen. “Yet that Evelyn and Malte… always trying to prove a point”
Cera came up beside him and sat “Do you speak to yourself like this?”
Wayne turn his head a little “I kind of speak my thoughts to get a rough idea what happening. Nothing wrong with that right?”
“Nah not at all. Come on lets get a good place on the embankment” Cera gets up and give him a little push. Wayne gets up and goes with her to the riverside.

Soon they all gathered by the waterside. Malte and Ducky stepped into the water, Ducky just got ready and Malte paused for a second feeling the water on his scales and being naked in a sense it was strange. “Malte are you ok?” Ducky saw him just standing there in the water where he got in.
Malte blinked and shook his head a little “Yes I’m fine” Ducky nods and Malte moved up to where she was.
“Are you two ready?” Jason spoke out
“Ducky, Malte, me and Jason will give this stone a whack soon it hits the water you start” Littlefoot continued to what Jason started with.
“The way this will work, there and back and who ever gets back first wins” Jason finished and both Swimmers nod.

Ducky got ready to swim and Malte looked at her for a second then ahead “What have I got myself into… racing against a Swimmer when I never swam in this body” Malte felt outclassed at this point. Since this was the first time he step into the water as a Swimmer whispering his worries.

”Now” Both Jason and Littlefoot hit the rock and it lands with a splash, in a second Ducky already jumps under and swims off. Malte on the other hand wasn’t sure what to do he push himself off and swims kicking his legs and routing his arms like he would do as human but it wasn’t working he was getting no where fast.

He could hear the cheering for Ducky and the backing from his friends, Malte heard those supporting cries and he wasn’t sure how Ducky moved then he saw how she did it when he went under and thought he try to do it but was harder then he thought it be. “She going to win” Malte was going to give up.
“Malte come on you idiot use your body, all of it!!!” Evelyn bellowed out at him from the sure line
Cera turn to Evelyn and Petrie almost falling off her “Wow for a flyer she can scream…”
“Me know” Petrie shakes his head a little feeling the affect of being so close to it.

Malte heard what she said then gave it a shot and a shot he got. Suddenly he was back into the race swimming like he never did before, swishing his tail and body left and right battering the water with his feet as well giving him some speed and Ducky just got to river side and heading back when she saw Malte come up by her then she saw him shot up and land on the shore line with a thud when she surfaced.

“Malte are you ok?” Ducky called out.
Malte sat up then turn with a rub at the back of his head “Ow that smarts” Malte then gets back into the water “We still got a race don’t we?”
Ducky smiled “Yes we do, we do” Ducky then moves on to race to the end Malte was behind her and she kept getting in his way then he somehow in a swift movement shift left to right both now racing to the end.

“Whoa look at them go!” Littlefoot stood up and so did the others all cheering for Ducky and Malte neither group caring now who would win.
“Thanks to me” Evelyn grinned
Wayne picks her up with his snout and lift her up a little to get a good view of the water “Surely you did with that voice of conference of yours” Wayne couldn’t help but laugh.
Chris watching them both splashing out and splashing in he couldn’t keep track “Who winning? I can’t keep track of them”
“Me no can tell” Petrie was lost tracking them.
Malte and Ducky leap out of the water and lands on top of Jason’s back forcing him to fall flat on his stomach legs spread out. “Urgh…” Jason was flat out from that landing. “What a landing…” Jason said with some dizziness.

“Did I win?” Malte lift his head swaying a bit and then his head just drops and his out cold.
Ducky slowly sat up shaking her head a little “I enjoyed that lets go again! Malte!” Ducky didn’t hear anything then turn to Malte “Malte?” she shakes him a little and hear him snore a little. “His asleep?”
“After that he would be” Jason slowly slid them off his back as he got up. “Malte is out of practice and doing that much swimming in one go must of tried him out” Jason just said not really thinking of what to say about it.
“Must be” Wayne saw Malte just sleeping there before him.
“Don’t he look cute” Evelyn said with wing claws closed against each other her head tilted a bit speaking out her words.

Everyone just laughed at what Evelyn said she joining in but soon gets cut short “Cera, Wayne it time to come home!” Mr Threehorn’s voice bellowed out.
Cera nudge Wayne “Come on lets go before we get in trouble”
Wayne look to the others they nod and he nod back then leaves with Cera “No need to nudge me with the horn, I would of moved without the help” Wayne said back to her.
“Whatever you say Wayne” Cera replied and they soon was gone the sky as well was getting dark at this point with the sun setting.

“Ducky, Spike, Malte, Chris!” Ducky and Spike’s mum called out
Chris gets Malte on his snout thanks from help from Ducky. “Laters guys” Chris spoke out as they all leave.

Petrie’s mum lands by the remaining group “It time to come home Petrie, Evelyn you can ride on me little one”
“Thank you miss” Evelyn climbs on her back and they soon have left as well leaving on Jason and Littlefoot left.

“Come on Jason I will show you the way” Jason nods and follow Littlefoot to his nest.

The five kids from the human world had their first day and it seem to be fun and full of surprise and now they head to the nests of their fellow kinds which was the very five dinosaurs of the Land Before Time. Settling in is the first thing they have to do to make it look like what they said in their story.


  • The Circle
  • The Gang of Five
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    • Posts: 30087
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A long chapter.  It reminds me of a certain rp thread I"m in at the moment.  Though it does have some differences.  It was fun to read.


  • Ducky
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  • The Gang of Five
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    • Posts: 11027
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This is most likely only be one of the longest chapters to read, still hope you enjoy it.


  • Ducky
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I haven't read all yet, but I'm enjoying it already. =D


  • The Gang of Five
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  • Ducky
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threehorn... i'm asking permission to make a fanfic just like this.(you know other characters enc.) but about your fanfic. just what i'm saying about the one of pokerplayer. its a legend! :D


  • Ducky
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    • Posts: 1463
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threehorn... i'm asking permission to make a fanfic just like this.(you know other characters enc.) but about your fanfic. just what i'm saying about the one of pokerplayer. its a legend! :D

The Great Valley Guardian

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  • Littlefoot
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SOrry for not commenting before is a pain..but this is turning out to be a great story! I await the next chapter with excitment!


  • The Gang of Five
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Here is Chapter four, sorry for the delay, I had this for about 2 weeks and forgot to put it up everytime till now.

So here it is, Chapter four for you guys :D


Chapter 4: Night’s First, Night’s Shocker

Each of the five friends Jason, Wayne, Malte, Chris and Evelyn parted ways with their fellow kinds of dinosaurs to their nest for the night to rest which was going to be another odd new experience for the five that only been dinosaurs for the day and getting use the bodies was coming around but still sleeping in the open felt kind of bewildering for them in a manner of sense to them.

Night starts to show itself with stars shining and the moon glowing brightly in the darken blue sky, Jason walking with Littlefoot to his nest was looking around at the landscape passing by taking in the scenes of this place by his own very eyes even in the form of the dinosaur body he was in. “How much feather is it?”
Littlefoot turn to Jason as he asked the question then Littlefoot replied “Just a little feather ahead.” Littlefoot smiled “You’ll be fine with us, Grandpa and Grandma are really kind”
“I took notice of that at the Thundering Falls when they said I could stay with you and them. It pretty cool” Jason spoke as they came up over a slope and past some trees and bushes with fern like plants mixed with it.
“That right and we’d have a goodnight rest for tomorrows fun and…” Littlefoot thinking about tomorrow and the night sleep they will have when a voice spoke

“Littlefoot then your are, we been looking for you in the places we thought he looking for you should have been” the female voice was something Jason never heard of then heard another
“Yeah like Ruby said, we couldn’t find you or the others anywhere” Jason knew that voice it was impossible.
Littlefoot stopped and Jason too, Littlefoot looked to the sound of the voices “Hey guys, sorry about that we was some newcomers around the Valley and having a bit of fun as well. They all got lost from their herd” Littlefoot said to them
Jason turn and looked at that direction he looked at the pink one with a beak and crest on her head with weird looking feathers sticking out and gather she was Ruby but never even seen this type of dinosaur in the Movies since only Land Before Time 7 just finished showing on TV only weeks ago and was the latest then saw. “Chomper” he blurted out and they look at him.

“Yeah that me. But how did you know my name?” Chomper turn to Littlefoot
“I didn’t tell him your name and sure the others didn’t” Littlefoot then look to Jason “How did you know Chomper’s name?”
Jason would of bit his lip at this point knowing he blurted it right out “Erm you see I kind of heard a story once from some passing herd about a Valley full of leaf eaters and with a kid sharptooth that nice and friendly going by the name Chomper but I thought it was all just a story. And seeing him kind of remembered me of that” Jason quickly said just saying the words without really thinking about it.
Chomper smiled “Cool I’m being told by others that leave the Great Valley” Chomper seem to buy it and so did the others.
“It does seem that many do see you and do not seem to think of you mean Chomper” Ruby said looking down at Chomper then back to Littlefoot. “What is his name Littlefoot?”
“Oh this is Jason, his with four others, Wayne the Threehorn, Evelyn the Flyer, Chris the Spike and Malte the Swimmer, they all friends” Littlefoot told them both.
“Yes that right” Jason nods
“Wow they all the same kinds you and the others are and best friends like you guys, that neat” Chomper walked up to Jason with a smile the sharp teeth showing.
Jason couldn’t help but gulp “Erm what sharp teeth you have” Jason stuttered a little
Littlefoot turn his head at Jason “Hey don’t worry Jason, Chomper only eats the ground crawlers and buzzing stingers”
Jason nods his head a little “That comforting to know”
Ruby smiled “He’ll be fine, it will just take Jason time to get use to you Chomper” Ruby then turn around “We better go and get some sleep Chomper”
“Right Ruby” Chomper goes with Ruby but stops then look back “Nice meeting you Jason, hope to play some cool games with you and your friends”
“Yeah that be cool!” Jason spoke out loud and they wave and head off and then gone.

Littlefoot and Jason carry on and soon come up to the nest “Why did you panic there? With Chomper?”
Jason turn his eyes away then back to Littlefoot “It was just seeing those teeth it kind of freaked me out for some reason”
“Yeah that what affect he has on anyone. But is kind and friendly” Littlefoot told Jason with some kind wording to his voice.
Jason gave a smile “Your right, and I believe you”

“Ah there you two are, we been wondering what taking you so long” Grandpa spoke lowering his head to both of them and continues speaking “It time for bed, go get settled down please. You both need your sleep”
“We will Grandpa” Littlefoot yawned and caused Jason to yawn after him
“Thanks sir” Jason said with a sleeping voice and Jason finds a spot and settles down and without trying he curled up and fell asleep like a spell was point over him but the thoughts of what he saw this night was shocking, amazing and he had to tell the others the morning which he still had no idea when or how they got there or who was Ruby.
Grandma laughs softly “Looks like he was very sleepy” she then gives Littlefoot a little nuzzle “It time for you to get some sleep as well”
“Ok Grandma” Littlefoot yawned again and lays down near Jason and curls up and goes to sleep both grandparents laughing softly to themselves seeing both asleep.

Around this time Ducky with Spike, Chris and Malte arrive at her and Spike’s nest by the river side that when Chris and Malte notice to their right and going up a bit was the hiding place from Land Before Time 2. “Malte do you see that? It must have been some huge tree at one time”
“Yes I do see it and took a guess that it must have been” Malte also thought that seeing the way it looks in the moonlight.
Ducky heard them talking and turn her head towards it as well and smiled “Oh it our secret hiding place, we can see most of the Great Valley from up there. Yes yes yes” Ducky remembered about that place and knew she or the others haven’t been up there in ages, Spike nods when seeing that place with a hum.

“Hello little ones, I see you two got them here safely, well done Ducky, Spike” their mum said with a smile lowering down and nuzzling both of them with loving care. “The others are already asleep it time for you four to do the same”
“Yes miss” Malte replied then look to the sky “What a clear night” he stared at the stars and the moon in the sky shining.
“Yes and a lovely one” Ducky and Spike’s mum look up at the sky “It only once in a while the cloud puffys cover the night sky.”
Chris wondered what she meant but the word cloud means they just call it a bit different to just clouds “Yeah that true it never always a clear night and even most what it to be it never can be that possible. Most nights better then none nights I say” Chris then saw Ducky, Spike, Malte and their mum looking at him. “What?”
Malte shakes his head “Nothing Chris…” Malte turn and goes to lay down to get some rest not wanting to get involved in anymore craziness for the day.
“It nothing young Chris, it just never heard a Spiketail speak so much but what I heard eariar there no surprise.” Ducky and Spike’s mum turn her eyes to Chris as she spoke, “now I think it about time for you all to get some sleep”
“Fair enough” Chris yawns and then settles down without needing to try and goes to sleep almost like he done this a million times before. Ducky and Spike are soon settled down and their mother is as well all soon enough fast asleep for the night.

Evelyn had arrived at Petrie’s nest for a bit of time but she was sitting in the corner of the nest since many of Petrie’s own brothers and sisters was giving her all the tips and explaining to help her fly, the crowding of help was too much for Evelyn since she did things mostly by her own standards and this much help was a bit too much so sitting alone made her feel a bit more independent again.

Petrie came up to her and sat beside her against wall “Why you no what helping tips from brothers and sisters?”
“It kind of hard to explain…” Evelyn began and start thinking of a story that be believable at most to them. “My mum and dad always been independent on doing things their own ways and I kind of learned off them to do things by myself trying to not ask for others help. So the tips from your brothers and sisters are nice but I feel like I want to do this alone” Evelyn explained to Petrie with her made up story.
Petrie gives a frown “But we want to help, can not that hurt not much for that?” Petrie’s words was a bit out of place but Evelyn understood what he was trying to say.
Evelyn stood up and thought about it a wing claw rubbing on the underside of her snort “You’d got a point Petrie. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try asking for help this once” Evelyn lower her wing while taking and thought the idea of asking for help would be ok for this once time only.
“That’s good to know Evelyn, tomorrow I will help you to get control of your flying. And you could even be good as my little Petrie here and my other kids” Petrie’s mum said with a kind set of words then turn to the others already getting settled for the night. “For tonight, it best to get some sleep”
“Yes Mum” Petrie nods sleepy and Evelyn watch him go over to his brother and sisters then sit down wrapping his wings around himself a little and drifting to sleep.
Petrie’s mum turn to Evelyn “That’s the same to you young one” Evelyn looked at her then at the others not sure if she could sleep among them but some reason inside her mind it felt ok so she settled down next to the others and soon drift off to sleep
But before she did, Evelyn thinks about the reason she suddenly felt tired and calm about the fact she a Flyer and settling down among other Flyers seeming to be around her age whatever age that be in dinosaur years and she carried on thinking about this as she sleeps.
Petrie’s mum smiled then turn to the sky “I hope she’d find her family again, I hope they all do” she whispers then look back at the sleeping children with a gentle soft smile happy to see them all sleeping so peacefully.

Wayne walked with Cera back to her nest and this path was unknown to him, he never seen this in any of the total of seven Land Before Time movies and yet the land was feeling real under his feet, there was grass and the smells was real with the cold night air blowing around his scaly body which his mind accepted as normal and a strange experience all at the same time. He also wondered if they was going to be stuck here in the Valley or even the Land Before Time world for that matter for the rest of their lives, how would his parents or even his friends parents react to them being gone beyond the seven days they said they was going camping for.

Cera noticed Wayne's eyes trailing to the view of the Great Valley and the lack of words for all this time “Is something bothering you?” Cera asked Wayne breaking him out of thought and looking right at her where she'd stopped, he came to a stop.
“I was wondering if our parents going to be very worried about us being gone from them for so long, we have no idea where they are or where we are.” Wayne said to Cera then look back to what he could see of the Great Valley. “While we safe here. They could even been still looking for us outside these walls.”
Cera came up beside him “Hey don't worry, they adults and I am sure they are doing great and fine, you'll see, they will come and find you and your friends and I hope Chris's be the first”
Wayne turn his head to Cera “Why's that?” Wayne questioned with a slight frown
Cera sighed then walks on to the nest with Wayne in tow “Don't get me wrong, your friends and thats that. But Chris, he talks way too much.” Wayne laughed a little knowing Cera had a point about Chris talking a lot.
“Well maybe the fact is, you've had Spike and from what I heard off Ducky, he don't speak at all. And that maybe why your not use to having a Spiketail like Chris speaking a lot” Wayne came back with a augmenting statement.
Cera opens her mouth about to say something about it “Tha... then continues “You got a good point Wayne.” Cera seem content with that and soon sees her nest. “Here we are, my home” Cera stats and Wayne notice Mr Threehorn there then see another Threehorn and child there, he saw the pink Threehorn before and remembered.

“Who's that with your dad?” Wayne asked Cera
Cera just came out with a normal tone voice “Oh that Tria and the little Threehorn is my little sister Trish” Cera told Wayne
“Your sister? So Tria is like your new mum?” Wayne had to be sure he heard this correctly.
“Yep that better much sums it up” Cera replied which Wayne was very confused over this, he watched all seven Land Before Times more then once. He knew there was no little sister or a new mother, leaving him in a blank getting the idea there more to the Great Valley then him or the others thought now trending blindly into this world all knowledge they knew of the Land Before Time characters was down the drain.

“I saw Tria early today. But never knew she'd was your mum” Wayne let Cera known he'd already met Tria briefly before as they came up to the two adult Threehorns and the little pink Threehorn.
“Still I rather just call her Tria” Cera answered then spoke up “Hey daddy, Tria, we home”
Mr Threehorn turn his head to them “Good to see you've got our young guest here safely. Good work Cera” Mr Threehorn prised Cera, she nods with a prideful smile. He turn to Wayne “Wayne is it?” Wayne nods. “Till your family found you will stay with us, me and Tria agreed that you will sleep as part of our herd.”
“Yes, Topys and I with help from Cera will make your stay as welcomed as we can make it till your own mum and dad are found” Tria said softly to Wayne. Trish came up to Wayne and says some sounds to him with her tail wagging “Aw look at that, Trish already likes you”
Wayne look down at the little hatchling “Erm... thank you.” Wayne look up at the two adults and made him think about his mum and dad. “I wished mum and dad would be in a calm atmosphere like this one…” Wayne said with a deep sigh.
“What the matter sweety?” Tria asked seeing the sadden look on Wayne’s face
Wayne still with his eyes facing the ground a little he tells them “My mum and dad argue a lot…” Wayne remembering the last one they had about him going camping with his friends, it took over two hours of arguing to just to agree that he’d could go.
“Really? They argue so much that you have to put up with it day and night?” Cera saw him just nod. “That bad, isn’t it dad?”
Mr Threehorn could see him a little depressed “I am very sure they are going to find you together Wayne. I know I would and forget about arguing with anyone else and work with them to find my kids” Mr Threehorn gave a example to the young Threehorn.
Wayne gave it some thought and Tria continues on “Topys is correct, now don’t let it bother you anymore, it time to rest. Cera say for you” Tria goes with what Mr Threehorn said and then tells them both to get some rest.
“Alright Tria” Cera replied as the two adults also settle down for the night with Trish then Cera lays down by them. “Come on Wayne, best to sleep over here.”
Wayne was uneasy about it but slowly came up beside her and lays down as well he felt warmer but having his human mind part of the dinosaur one he was part not ok and part ok with it. “Goodnight” Wayne said quietly to Cera as he lower his head to the ground and slowly drift to sleep.
Cera nods as he goes to sleep then whispers “Goodnight Wayne” Cera look to the Great Wall. “I can’t believe how crazy this sounds but I think I just say it. It great to have someone my age that not a girl Threehorn and almost like a brother too. There I go, I said it… I better not say it again or I might regret it.” Cera said and mutters the last words before drifting to sleep.

Cera opened her eyes to the sun shining “Great I over slept” Cera mutters and gets up and walk to her dad talking with Wayne and watch him hit his head against a rock causing it to crack. “Morning Dad, are you teaching him to hit rocks? I thought you told me that it his own family thing?”
Mr Threehorn laughed “Of course, why do you think I am teaching him? His your brother Cera”
“Yeah sis, come on you promised we see your friends today” Wayne seem to speak in a complete different tone to what Cera had heard and seen him before and this scared the hell out of her.
“What!?” Cera gasped then in a sudden flash she opened her eyes lifting her head up and looking around with nervous look on her face then see Wayne sleeping next to her and then look to her father and Tria with little Trish “What a crazy sleep story. Not going to say stupid things like that again” Cera said to herself and regretted saying those words before going to sleep since she woke from the crazy thoughts of hers she did say in the first place.

Night light from the moon shines over the valley as everyone rests and being the first true night for the group of friends in a dinosaur body they slept in the herds of the very group, Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Spike and Ducky. A dream but for real was beyond what they thought possible but they had to deal with it and the next few days of trying to figure out their strange problem was going to top of their issues but for tonight they all rested for the new day to come.


  • The Circle
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A long post, but it was well written and nice to read something that is pure land before time.  Funny dream that Cera had.

The Chronicler

  • Bionicle fan of GoF
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Good work. Interesting to see that they are unfamiliar with the new characters like Ruby.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls