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What do you think of LBT War Fics?

Serris · 16 · 2192


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These are what I mean by LBT war fics:

War of the Worlds


War of the Worlds is the original LBT war fic.

And if anyone is wondering, yes, Twilight Valley IS a war fic.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Chomper
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the topic of war is used quite often, i guess, because it is an easier way to do a plot.
i do like an epic war between good and evil, but in lbt, it kind of ruins the infantile magic. i will read the fanfics and see, if i am wrong.

remnants starts like a sequel of a there one?


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It is somewhat canon-defying, but it also makes things more interesting.


  • Petrie
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I've read a few LBT war fics, and I just can't see it.
I mean, it seems wrong.. dead wrong, because war is more like something we have in our time, and LBT is defiantly not a suitable universe to put a war between sharpteeth and leafeaters.
Though, if you do but something exstra into the plot, like in "the brotherhood of the seed", it becomes different.

But I haven't enjoyed LBT war fics, where it comes to a "sharpteeth vs. leafeater" scenario.

Note: I haven't read "War of the worlds" nor "remnants"


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Quote from: Shinji-Lee,Oct 5 2008 on  01:32 PM
remnants starts like a sequel of a there one?
Remnants is indeed the sequel to War of the Worlds.

I thought an LBT war fic would be bad. But since I read War of the Worlds, it radically changed my opinion.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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To the few (one actually) who read my story "Old Threehorns" it may come across as kind of hypocritical that I voted for the concept of war in LBT as "defilement" (though on the other hand I reckon me saying anything to the contrary would have been a case for the what would x member never say thread). In "Old Threehorns" I got about as close as I think one could come to something like war in LBT. I'm to this day not really sure if it was the right thing, but I took great care in the story to point out not just how the fighting there comes to pass but also how unnatural it seems to most characters. Most of the stories involving LBT and war I have read so far seem to make do without explanation and go for violence just for the sake of violence and sometimes the authors' apparent love for it. There have been suggestions (seriously meant) for human war planes showing up in the Great Valley, about the gang being time warped to Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941 respectively Hiroshima on August 6th 1945. The absolute climax of tastelessness was a members suggestion to mix the land before time and Auschwitz concentration camp in a story! An idea which I think is much worse than merely a defilement of LBT only! :bang
Violence is not off limits in LBT and I think even more than a fight between two individuals is possible. There must be great care though not to make the dinosaurs (lacking most of the stuff humans usually fight about to the point of death) act like humans. With this care being usually not taken (and I'm not certain if I did a sufficient job about this myself) I cannot but speak out against that mix of two hardly fitting things.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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My next two could be considered war fics but the gang will not repeat will not be involved.


  • Jedi Knight
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I think war is a great plot motivator for any fic, LBT ones included, as long as it is not abused or taken too far(past PG-13).

The Chronicler

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I think that war in fanfics are okay, so long as there's an understandable purpose for why there is a war at all. There should be a clear explanation for why the war started, not "let's just go to war and kill each other".

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"canon defilement." That is an awesome phrase. I'm so remembering that.

I like LBT war fics! They're a totally new twist on LBT, and strategy fiction is just intresting to read in general. So long as the 5 main characters get a lot of action, I'm not that big on fics that focus on other characters.


  • Ruby
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I like these LBT war fanfics. I'm in the process of reading Twilight Valley and it is really good, Serris. :)


  • Ducky
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I'm of the opinon that if handled properly almost any idea can make for a good fanfic. (Keep in mind that I said almost.)

If the reason for the war makes sense, then I see no problem with it.


  • General of the Great Valley
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I freely admit that it is canon defilement but it also adds an unusual angle to LBT that has never been seen.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I think it should only be done in a finale.   I think perhaps a war on liberty vs. tyranny rather than Sharptooth vs. prey is something the fans have long been anticipating.  

I actually have one myself.  It would be a war between a Bothtooth (or Halftooth if you prefer)  and the Great Valley would be perfect.  

Personally, I had it where the Leaf Eaters committed a nasty atrocity, and the Great Valley was originally inhabited by Sharpteeth.  As we all know, the Mysterious Beyond isn't that hot to be in (unless you're in the Mountains that Burn.  Then it's REALLY hot.   :lol  :lol  :lol  )

So they invade it.  Naturally, they try and kill the Sharpteeth and bad things happen and loads die and both sides are pretty   :anger  :anger  :anger  :anger .

The Old One, was one of those inhabitants (yeah, one of the tight parts of this story is that I intend Grandma and Grandpa Longneck and Topps to still be around in the finale, so I needed to make it so that, at least in LBT universe, dinos could live for over 100 years at least as part of their average lifespan.  The Old One is 115 when she dies (and no, her death wasn't of age but by being killed, albiet accidentally, by one of the Prehistoric Pals.)  

Anyway, this one would involve a start out of a war between longnecks and T-rexs and would end up with the two sides (Great Valley and Valley of Sharpteeth) having to work together to fight Red Claw (Sharptooth tyrant), Sierra (Leaf Eater tyrant), Ozzy (Egg Stealer tyrant), and Gallim (the Bothtooth tyrant and also the main villain).  

The interesting part of this thing is that it would be a two part finale (like Deathly Hallows and Mockingjay, among others.)  and would involve a love story too, between Littlefoot and Ali as well as other characters falling in love.  

Also, Ruby would be in this movie and she too would fall in love.

Chomper, of course, you know I love him, would be in this too.  He'd fall in love with a resident of the Valley of Sharpteeth and some would wonder where his loyalties lie.  In fact, after the Old One in her prejudice tries to kill Chomper's girlfriend Andromeda and Chomper is forced to attack the Old One and she gets cut open and he, smelling leaf eater blood, goes nuts and nearly eats her.  He then has to flee for it and he also confesses to Littlefoot that he had eaten leaf eater meat before and that he had hunted the Gang of Five in film V before recognizing them.  Littlefoot's and Chomper's friendships go really dark after that, though they are restored.  

All in all, this would be a totally awesome movie if I could ever get it into script and to the producers.

Note, Litltefoot isn't involved in the Great Valley conquest war as it happened 90 years beore it was born.  However, in the Great Valley War,  110 years after the conqeust war, Litltlefoot, on his 25th Star Day when he comes of age, will be fighting the main villian in mortal combat in a final showdown in the Mountains that Burn.

Another interesting thing is that the villain won't be an "I'm the Villain" villain that we see all the time in Land Before Time , but will be a Prince Hans type that most don't even know is evil until near the end.  

Also, another key part of the plot is that the villain will have something to do with Mama Longneck's death, and, in the final battle, tries to knock off Littltefoot's true love, Ali.

One may have wondered if this was going to be a war between Sharpteeth (specifically T-Rex) and Leaf Eaters (specifically Longneck) with Littlefoot and Chomper forced to fight against each other or end up blocking the fight like Kiara and Kovu did from Lion King II.  However, the main baddies are omnivores, though all types are in heroes and villains.

Bad Sharpteeth:  Red Claw, Screen, Fast Biter Leader, Thud(formerly), Chomper (very briefly), Andromeda (for a little while), Andromeda's father (for a while), Andromeda's mother (for a while), Andromeda's suitors who got mad when Andromeda chose Chomper over them.  

Bad Egg Stealers: Ozzy, Strut (formerly)

Bad Leaf Eaters:  Rinkus, Sierra, maybe Rhett

Bad Omnivores: Gallim (main antagonist), Odul, Ela, Finley, Liz, the Domeheads

Good Sharpteeth: Chomper, Androemda, Thud, Andromeda's parents, Chomper's parents,  others who helped them fight Red Claw

Good Egg Stealers: Strut

Good Leaf Eaters: Well, most of them, minus Rinkus and Sierra, and, who knows, maybe Rhett.  

Good Omnivores: Ruby and her boyfriend Ralph, also, Ptero (formerly called Arnold), a Sharptooth/Flattooth hybrid


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I may have joined this thread a little late, but I feel like contributing seeing as it's not something I've been doing recently... :(

Anyway, like pretty much any genre of fic, how good LBT war fics are depend on how they're handled. Storylines that take time to build up to the war and the conflict behind it will almost at all times be more likely to be good than something that rushes into it.

In my own fanfiction, Venatione Venatus, this is what I attempt to build up. The true outbreak of war doesn't hit until the climax (which I still need to write  :confused ) and I'm still trying to work my head around the conflicts present.

Also, I concur with LittlefootAndAliTogether that the premise of liberty vs tyranny is more engaging and appealing than leaf eaters vs sharpteeth. Again, this is what I try to convey in my fanfic (not shameless advertising at all!  :lol ) where there are in fact three opposing factions - our protagonists consist an alliance of leaf eaters and sharpteeth (though not without tensions) united against an army of radical leaf-eater supremacists and a force of embittered sharpteeth who wish to change the world order.

However, leaf eaters vs sharpteeth could work as a concept, provided it was portrayed as a grey vs grey morality, and one of the driving conflicts of the story was how both sides felt what they were fighting may not necessarily be evil.


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Actually, I [Shhhhhhh] made it appear from my prologue that a T-Rex vs. Longneck war was coming but instead fooled everyone in the end where in fact Chomper, instead of fulfilling a prophecy where he's supposed to decimate the Longnecks, instead creatively reinterprets it to mean that he's supposed to defeat the evil Bothtooth mastermind who's sneakily taken over the Great Valley by duping them and doing a lot of misdirecting and scapegoating.   This Bothtooth guy is so evil.  He and his minions also are the only ones that Littlefoot ever thought they were good when they weren't.  

It's a real shocker for Littlefoot when he finds out that by some divine chance of extreme Providence, he finds the first true Leaf Eater friend Sharptooth (Chomper) and that the real "Sharptooth" that Littlefoot SHOULD be afraid of is the one he's not looking for or expecting to be the enemy.  

Another great irony is that, despite Sharpteeth being dumped on, or, in the case of some misguided children, thought to be fictitious, it's Chomper that is willing to basically tell the villain, when Chomper finds some evidence that the villain, who has posed as a Leaf Eater, is actually an omnivore, and he's gonna likely tell the Great Valley info that could save lots of Leaf Eater lives, particularly Longnecks, though, admittedly, the villain has found the one dino that ever got away from him, Littlefoot.  

It is kinda humorous that the bad guy's plans work SO well that he ends up getting Littlefoot banished from the Great Valley (not something he quite wanted) and also Chomper on the run (he'd hoped the Great Valley would kill their own would-be savior.)  

After a little incident where Chomper was stuck in this moral dillemma between losing his true love or fighting the Old One, he kinda acts on instinct, leaps at her, actually cuts her, and, after going kinda nuts after getting blood on his clasws, comes very close to biting into her.

Littlefoot is the only one that knows that Chomper didn't mean to hurt her, but he is freaked that he almost started eating her.  Thus, he helped Chomper get away, though learned some disturbing info from Chomper that caused Littlefoot to shout hateful things at Chomper.  Littlefoot would later break his friendship with Chomper.

Chomper is framed for all the crimes, as, everyone thinks he was only posing as a "friendly Sharptooth" to attack everyone.  The villain, hoping to cause a stir, mentions Littlefoot's role in Chomper's escape.  

What the villain was aiming for was to get the leaders to all blame each other and make him their leader.  First though, Topps, as you mighta guessed, accuses Littlefoot of being an accessory to murder.  Even Tria and the his friends parents turn on him.

Luckily, his friends, minus maybe Rhett, who I might make go evil at some point, all side with Litltefoot and even Pterano does (Pterano knows from personal experience what can happen when you choose the wrong friends).  However, in the end, Grandpa Longneck grudgingly gives Littlefoot the same punishment that they originally gave Pterano: a boot for life.

Anyway, after Littlefoot goes, the villain gets them to play the blame game and eventually they gave up their more democratic government and turn it into a dictatorship with him as the leader (like happened with the Republic in Star Wars).  

I am still developing the story, but it will finally, in the part 2, tell the past of Dil and Ichy, who it's going to turn out, were once "Friendly Sharpteeth" too and give them a chance at redemption.

Poor Ruby also gets caught in the middle of this Bothtooth Empire.  She has wanted to be important, and, before realizing the villain was the villain, had been getting kind of closer and closer to him.

She has the hard choice of joining the New World Order, where she can finally be in charge and be important, or she can risk being a totally outcast and possibly executed for being a traitor to Bothteeth everywhere (at least in the villian's eyes) if the Leaf Eaters lose.  

Loads of characters get in moral choices, particularly Littlefoot, Chomper, Ruby, Pterano, Strut, and, even, in the end, Thud.  

What gets so dark in part 2 is that the villain is spreading segregation right in the Great Valley itself and, because he does it subtly and has many allies, including, possibly a treacherous Rhett, who wants Ali and would want Littlefoot dead, and they don't notice it.  This goes ominous when the Gang of Five, or who is left and hasn't been banished or ran out, starts fighting each other and things almost get to the point of that oasis in the first film, where they are starving due to hoarding different foods by different kinds.  

(This has the advantage of making them weaker.)